Sales & Use Tax Revenue Report October 2008 City of Boulder
Sales & Use Tax Revenue Report
October, 2008
Issued December 16, 2008
This report provides information and analysis related to sales and use tax collections for fiscal year 2008.
Results are for actual sales activity through the month of October. The corresponding taxes are received
by the city in the subsequent month. Any questions should be directed to Bob Eichem, Finance Director
at (303) 441-1819.
For 200$, the city's sales/use tax rate returned to 3.41 % from 3.56%. Percentage changes i.n this report
are calculated in two ways. The first illustrates the actual change in revenue (which included a voter
approved one-year increase in rate from 3.41 % to 3.56% to fund the Fire Training Center in 2007). The
second and more important calculation is adjusted to illustrate the change in underlying sales activity
which is the change upon which the 2008 city budget was predicated at the new lower, 3.41 % sales/use
tax rate. This adjusted amount is shown in the colunm titled "Change in Comparable Collections." The
following tables compare year-to-date 2008 collections to the comparable period in 2007.
Table 1 lists the categories of sales and use tax collected by the City of Boulder. It illustrates the percent
change in the various areas for 2008 over the same time period in 2007.
Sales Tax _ _ _ (2.41 - _1.88`%___ 82.60`%
Business/C,onsumer Use Taxi 13.75% 18.75% 10.42%
Construction Use'i'ax (14.93%) (11.19%) 5.12%
'vlotor Vehicle Use Tax (15.87%) _(12.17%) 2.35%
Refunds _ (26.61 %1 _ (23.39%~)_ (0.09%~
Total Sales & Use Tax (2.09'%,) 2.21% 100.00%
Retail Sales Tax -Even with continuing problems on the both the national and local levels, City of
Boulder year-to-date (YTD) retail sales tax col}ections through Octpber remain positive. But, retail sales
tax collected for the month of October was negative by 2.23% compared to the same period in the
previous year. Although year-to-date numbers remain positive, during periods of significant changes in
the economy, it is important to track trends.
Total Retail Sales Tax for the month of October declined by 2.23% from the same period in the previous
year. Subsets of retain sales tax show that:
• Although still positive, Apparel Store sales slowed significantly during October, increasing by
only 0.27% with a YTD increase of 1 U.81
• Even though the category is very discretionary, retail sales tax growth from Eating Places
continued to slow in October. Recent performance is shown in the following table:
• General Retail store results also slowed but continued to be slightly positive for the month of
October. Recent performance is shown in the following table:
• Retail sales tax on the sale of public utilities (primarily natural gas and electricity) is up by
17.71 An article in the Denver Post on December 13, 2008, indicated that 1?xcel asked state
regulators to approve a 13 percent decrease in residential and small-business monthly electric
bills from January through March compared with bills the last quarter of 2UU8. 'I~e decline is due
to declining prices of natural gas and coal used to f
uel power plants.
• While the Computer Related Business retail category is down by 16.20%, it is actually slightly
up when use tax is combined with the retail numbers.
We will continue to closely track trends in all areas.
Business/Consumer Use Tax -Although this category tends to he volatile in nature and the short-term
results do not necessarily reflect trends, it is encouraging to note continuing strong revenue from certain
Construction Use 'Tax -October year-to-date Construction Use Tax revenue is down by 11.19% from
the same period in 2007. This category is very volatile and these results are not necessarily a predictor for
the future. After adjusting out several large mixed use, residential condominium, and CU projects that
could be considered "one-time" in nature; this tax category is down by 12.48%.
Total Sales and Use Tax -Without adjusting for one-time revenue, the "Change in Comparable
Collections" column in Table 1 shows a total increase in Sales and Use Tax revenue of 2.21 After
adjusting for one-time Construction Use Tax revenue, the total 2008 year-to-date increase in Sales and
Use Tax revenue is 2.35%.
Significant increases /decreases by tax category are summarized in Table 2:
_ % Change in Comparable Collections)
• Food Stores up by 3.83% Ilome Furnishings down by 4.18%
¦ Eating Places up by 6.09% Automotive Trade down by 10.19%
¦ Apparel Stores up by 10.81 % Consumer Electronics down by 13.86%
¦ General Ketail up by 6.14% Computer Related Business down by 12.51%
• Downtown up by 1.51% (combined sales and use tax in this category are
• UHGID up by 1.32% up slightly)
• University of Colorado up by 10.11 % The Meadows down by 3.55%
• Basemar up by 9.12% Boulder Industrial down by 11.56%
¦ Twenty Ninth Street up by 25.97% "All Other Boulder" category is down by 23.08%
¦ Table Mesa up by 3.03% "Metro Denver" category is down by 4.85%
¦ Gunbarrel Industrial up by 42.93%
¦ Gunbarrel Commercial up by 3.03%
¦ Pearl Street Mall up by 4.70%
¦ Public Utilities up by 12.61%
¦ BV1tC (excluding 2901 Street) up by 1.56%
_ Change in Comparable Collections)
• Computer Related Business Use Tax is up by Motor Vehicle Use Tax down by 12.17%
25.49°io (combined sales and use tax in this category Construction Use "Tax dawn by 11.19% (down by
up slightly) 12.48°ro after adjusting to exclude large condo unit
and CU projects that may be considered one-time in
• Accommodations Tax is up by 5.48%.
¦ Adnussions Tax is up by 70.50%
October and yovember have been very bad months for the national economy. 'T'hrough October, the State
of Colorado and the City of Boulder have compared favorably relative to the significant national
economic slowdown. But, although we may continue to do slightly better than other parts of the nation,
we know that Colorado's economy will not be totally insulated from broader national and worldwide
economic issues. It is too early to tell how the business sector and employment in Boulder will hold up
and whether the federal government's capital infusions will have enough impact to free up the capital
markets necessary for Colorado's emerging industries to succeed. Jobs are obviously the basis for the
disposable income that underlies much of our tax base. F.ven if jobs are relatively stable, uncertainty
regarding the future may result in consumers using disposable income to save or reduce debt rather than
for consumption. Given the uncertainty, we will continue to analyze trends in City of Boulder Sales and
Use Tax and modify forecasts as necessary.
'The December 10, 2008 issue of the Cumeru reports excerpts from the 44'h annual economic forecast (led
by Dr. Richard «'obbekiid) released Monday from the University of Colorado, Leeds School of
¦ Next year, thousands of Coloradans will lose their jobs, retail. sales will be sluggish and the state's
housing market will continue to slide.
o Many industries are expected to shed jobs next year, led by 11,200 job losses in the
construction industry across Colorado.
o More job losses are also expected in manufacturing, but Wobbekind said the employment
level appears to be stabilizing.
o Wobbekind said he expects the state will lose 4,000 jobs next year, bringing the Colorado
unemployment rate to 6.5%. The 2009 national forecast is fora 7.5% unemployment
¦ Eveu so, the state's outlook is a little rosier than the country's, according to economist Rich
Wobbekind, and Boulder's outlook is downright sunny by comparison.
o "While not immune from the national and global economic downturn, the local economy
(in Boulder County) has been outperforming the state anal national economy in many
areas," Wobbekind's report said. "The strength and diversity of the county economy will
help soften the impact and hasten the recovery from the current economic crisis."
o Here are some of the county's recent economic indicators:
¦ 4.6% -August unemployment rate, compared with 5.3% for Colorado and 6.1
for the country
¦ 16% decrease- Number of building permits from the first quarter of 2007 to the
first quarter of 2008.
¦ $243 million increase- Deposits held in county banks from mid-year 2007 to
mid-year 2008.
¦ $346 million -Venture capital investment in local companies between mid-year
2007 to mid-year 2008.
On November 25, 2008 reported:
¦ The L.S. economy shrank in the third quarter faster than previously estimated as consumer
spending plunged by the most in almost three decades.
¦ Gross domestic product contracted at a 0.5% annual pace from July through September, the most
since the 2001 recession, according to revised figures from the Commerce Department today in
The world's largest economy has sunk into an even deeper recession this quarter as the credit. crunch, the
worsening housing market, and mountiig job losses cause consumers and businesses to retrench.
On November 20, 2008 Bloamberg.evm reported:
¦ The index of leading U.S. economic indicators fell in October for the third time in four months as
stocks and consumer con!-idence plunged, signaling a deepening recession.
¦ The Conference Baard's gauge dropped 0.8%, more than forecast, after rising 0.1% in
September.... The index points to the direction of the economy over the next three to six months.
The November 19, 2008 issue of the Denver Post report regarding home prices in Colorado included the
• Boulder home-sale prices suffered a 4% decline (in the third quarter of 2008), moving from a
median of $375,800 to $360,900.
¦ Home prices in all three major Colorado markets (Denver, Colorado Springs, and Boulder)
revealed a steadying trend compared with the first and second quarters.
¦ U.S. median home-sale prices dropped from $220,300 to $200,500, a 9% annual decline in the
third quarter.
The city's fiscal year ends December 31. As was stated in the report for September 2008, it is expected
that sales and use tax revenues will fall 2% short of the original projection of 3.8%. Actual sales and use
tax collections will not be known until early February. T'o nullify the timing difference, city staff has
reduced expenditures by an amount equivalent to the projected shortfall.
This report will be updated and will be available on approximately the tenth business day of each month.
Actual {~haugc in
Chan;;c iti ~\ctiial Change Campiu'ahlc
'total Vet SalesiUse'I'ax Receipts by I'as C:ategorr 2011 r 2 I)atlars in Percentage', C1tSllccti:iil.+ °~o o
Sates Tax 58,890,148 57,471,435 -1,418,712 -2.41°.~0 1.88% 82.60%
BusntessUse'1'ax 6,130,279 6,973,158 842,87<) 13.75"/° 18.75% 10A2"/
ConstntetionUse"fax 4,184,186 3,559,398 -624,788 -14.93°io -IL19% 5.12°/"
Motor vehicle 1,94(i,ti36 1.637,742 -3U8,89~i -15.87°io -12.17% 2.35%
Refund, -85.987 -63,102 22,885 -26.6!% -23.39'% -0.09°/"
'total Sales and tlscTax 71,065,262 69,578,632 -1,486,631 -2.O9°/~ 2.21"/„ 1(10.00°~~
OCfOliH;R 4"l'b .\Mual
:\ctual C'hangc in
C:Itauge in :1eUw1 Chnnge Comparable
7btal Vet SaleslUsc'I'ax Receipts h}~ Industrv'I'vpe 2(107 2008 C)oilars in Percentage Collections %o ufTotat
['ood Stores 8,883,552 R,88t1,967 -2,58(1 -0.03% 4.37% 12.'16°,/n
[iatingPlaces 9,140,745 9,1-43,1.90 102,544 i.12'if~ 5.57% 13.25°~,
Apparel Stores 2,]97,797 2,315,509 117,712 5.36% 9.99°/n 3.33"/0
Home Furnishings 2,397,523 2,204,167 -193,356 -8.06% •4A2% 3.17"/0
General Retail 14,258,074 14,717,229 459,156 3.22"/0 7.76% 2 L 15°~0
Transportation/utilities 6,146,299 6,598,813 4.52,514 7.36"/° 12.09% 9.48%
Automotive'frade 5,137,887 4,367,772 -770,115 -14.99% -11.25% 6.28%
Building Material-Ketail 2,707,523 2,620,488 -87,034 -3.21% 1.04%, 3.7?%
Construction Use'fax 4,145,852 3,074,828 (1,071,024) -25.83% -22.5'1% 4.41.%
Construction Sales'I'ax 334,680 308.514 (26,165) -7.82°/" -3.76°/" 0.44%
ConsumerElcctronics 2,083,695 1,750,534 -333,161 •15.99% -]2.29% 2.57.%
Computer Berated Rt>sincss Sector 4,244,633 4,343,604 9$,97! 2.33% 6.83% 6.24%
All Otiter 9,472,990 9,216,020 -256,970 -2.71% 1.57% 13.25%
)refunds -85,987 -63,1(12 22,885 -26.61°/u -23.39% -0.09%
'I'otalSalesaruii'.scTax 71,(165.262 69,578.632 -1,486,631 -2.09% 2.21% 100.00%~
OC"IY)[lER Yfll ;\etnal
:ltual Chaugc in
Cbangc in :actual Chan~c (:omparable
Tula! 1\et SalesllJsc'1'ax Receipts by Geographic Arca 2007 21108 UoOars in Pcrecut~tge Collections °/u of Total
North Broadway 981,874 1.013,744 31,871 1.25% 7.79°/ 1.46`%
Downtown 5,001,328 5,107,920 106,593 2.13%~ 6.62~'~ 7.34°~
Downtown Extension 436,550 415,547 -21,004 X1.81% -0.62% 0.60°l0
LJHGID (the "lull") 968,568 933,210 -35,358 -3.65% 0.59% 1.34%
East Downtown 1,380,741 573,731 -807,0(0 -58.45% -56.62% 0.82%
N. 28th St. Commercial 4,157,398 3')34,069 -223,330 -5.37%~ -1.21% 5.65%
N. Broadway Annex 337,208 420,537 83,329 24.71 % 30.20% 0.60%
University of Colorado 883,439 908,942 25,503 2.89% 7,41% 1.31%
Bascmar 1,182,918 1,378,714 195,797 16.55% 21.68% IJ8%
BVKC-Boulder Valley Kegional Center 14,017,310 13,586,536 -430,773 -3.07% Ll9% 19.53%
29th Street 4,207,147 5,005,408 798,261 18.9T% 24.21'% Zl9%
Tab?e Mesa 1,77!,127 1,760,267 -10,860 -O,C>1°/u 3.76% 2.53%
The Meadows 962,628 889,262 -73,367 -7.62"/0 -3.56% 1.28%
All Ocher Boulder 4,861,544 3,961,636 -899,907 -18.51% -14.93% 5.69%
Boulder County 938>l97 922,639 -15,558 -L66"/o 2.6T% 1.33%
Metro Denver 2,936,750 2,601,944 -334,806 -1 L40% -7.50% 3.74%
Colorado All Other 182,026 142,425 -39,601 -21.76% -18.31% 0.20%
Uut of State 7,428,726 6,861,122 -567,604 -7.64% -3.58% 9.86%
Airport 1.1,598 25,546 13,948 120.27% 129.96% 0.04%
GunbarrelIndustrial 2,650,941 4,007,16(1 1,356,225 51.16% 57.81% 5.76%
Gunbarrel Commercial 826,813 814,735 -12,078 -1.46% 2.87% 1.17%
Pearl Street Malt 2,054,722 2,048,93ti -5,787 -0.28% 4.10'% 2.94%
Bouiderlndustrial 6,511,819 5,440,827 -1,070,992 -16.45% -12.77% 7.82%
Unlicensed Keceipts 439.293 788,665 349,372 79.53"/0 87.43% 1.13%
County Clerk 1,946,636 1,637,742 -308,894 -15.87% -12.17% 2.35%
Public lJtilities 4,073,949 4,460,462 386,5!4 9.49% 14.30% 6.41°/"
Refunds -85,987 -63.102 22,885 -26.(11% -23.39% -0.09%
Total Sales and rJseTax 71,065,262 69,578,(,32 -1,486,631 -209°6 2.21 in 100.00`%
OC"1'OBGR 1'`I'D!:~ctual
"io Chan
lliscellaneous'I'ax Statistics 2007 Re+en
"total Food ScTVicu'hax 405.452 431.199 25.747 6.35°-'L 6.35°4,
Acconuno<iations'1'ax 3,049,.x.03 3.216,448 Iti7.245 5.48'% 5.48%
Admissions'fax 256,970 438,129 181,159 70.50% 70.50%
License Fees 21,375 20,200 -1,175 -S.SU% -5.50%
Trash Tax 977.773 1,294,829 317,056 32.43"/° 32.43%
Tac sales tas rate decreased from 3.56% io 2007 to i,41 in 2CU'*
("hange to :\ctual Change iu
Comparable Change in Cuatparable
Colle.::uons Standard Indusirial Code ~i1u7 '_t Dollar ('ollections
42,245 87,758 45,513 107.74°/" 116.88% food Stores 8,841,308 8,793,209 -48,099 -0.54°r6 3.83%
173,68] ]30,840 -42,841 -24.67% -21.35% h'atingPl:tccs 8.96"1;064 9,]]2,450 145;385 1.62% (i.09%
36,703 21,650 -15,053 -4L01'% -38.42`% Apparel Stores 2,161,094 2,293,859 132,765 6.14'% 10.8]%
17,259 19,545 2,286 13.25% 18.23% HomeFtunishings 2,380,264 2,184,622 -195,642 -8.22% -4.18%
756,501 )90,075 233,574 30.88% 36.63"/o General Rctai] 13,501,572 13,727,154 225,582 L67% 6.14%
L13,326 417,156 203,830 95.55% 104.15% Trenspotiation/Utilities 5,932,973 6,181,656 248,684 4.19% 8.77%
1,991,237 1,660,976 -330,261 -16.59% -12.92% Automotive Trade 3,146,651 2,706,797 -439,854 -13.98% -[0.19%
12,492 i4,U21 1,528 12.23% 17.17% Building lv4aterial-Retail 2.695,030 2,606,468 -88,563 -3.29% 0.97%
4,145,852 3,074,828 -1,071,024 -25.83% -2257°i~ CunstructionUseTxx 0 0 0 na na
U 0 0 na na Construction Sales Tax 334,680 308,5)4 -26,165 -7.82% -3.76%,
66,616 86,142 19.527 29.31% 35.00% ConsttmerElectronics 2,017,079 1,664,391 -352,Ei88 -17.49% -13.86%
2,160,725 2,597,287 436.563 2020% 25.49% ComputerKelatedBusiness 2,083,908 1,746,316 -337,592 -IG.20% -12.51~~
2.644.464 3,[170,020 425556 16.09% 21.20°/n All Ether 6.828,525 Ei.145,999 -682,526 -10.00% -6.04%
12,2(,1.101 12,170,298 -90,8(13 -(1.74'% 3.63°/i, 'ibtal Sales and Use'1'ax 58,890,148 X7,471,435 -1,418,712 -2.41 I.SB%<,
d)C'TOBER Y'fll Acltinl ?%r k (1}sl!i: 1`d li is:a
Acutal (h:t,
('hange m Coutl+arahle '
2~ 200$ Percentage Cullaetientn GeoKra hie Code 2007 _ 2~?t'14
56,474 90.964 34,490 (11.07% (i8.16'7L Vorth Broadway 075,40(1 022,751 -',6t9 -II,28°;;~ =1.10~~6
279,610 516,959 23~i,349 84.89% 93.02",/° Downtown 4,721,71) 4,590,961 -130,757 -2.77% LS1%
8,044 13,666 5,622 69.89% 77.36°/u Downtown Bxtcnsion 428,506 401,881 -26,625 -6.21% -2.09%
17,258 10,000 -7,259 132Afi% -39.51% U11GID{the"hill") 951,310 923,210 -28,100 -2.95% 1.32%
830,885 68,8.53 -762,032 -91.71% -91.35% L'astDowntown 549,856 504,878 114,977 -8.18% -4.14%
[ 14,463 102;35.1 -12,107 -10.58% -6.64% V. 28th St. Commercial 4,042,935 3,831,712 -211,223 -5.22% -1.06%
23,241 75,238 51,997 223.73% 237.97°!. N. Broadway Annex 313,967 345,300 31,333 9.98% 14.82%
31,029 9,924 -21,104 -68.02% -66.61`% UnivcrsityofColorado 852,411 899,018 46,607 5.47% 10.11%
87,232 233,501 146,274 !67.68% 179.46% Baseman 1,09.5,685 1,145,208 49,523 4.52% 9.12%
371,239 310,943 -60,295 -16.24% -12.56% BVRC 13,646,071 13,275,593 -370,478 -2.71% 1.56%
104,691 55,440 -49,251 -47.04% -44.71"/0 29th Street 4,102,456 4,949,968 847,512 20.66% 25.97%
51,265 63,025 11,760 22.94% 28.35% Table Mesa !,719,862 1,697,243 -22,620 -1.32%> 3.03%
14,152 12,963 -l,l<)U -8.41% -4.38% The Meadows 948,476 876,299 -72,177 -7.6J% -3.55%
2,302,295 2,076,061 -226,234 -9.83% -5.86°/" All Other Boulder 2,559,248 1,885,575 -673,673 -26.32% -23.08%
230,567 191,255 -39,313 -17.05% -13.40% Boulder County 707,630 731,385 23,755 3.36% 7.90'%
331,536 227,614 -103,923 -31.35% -28.33°i Metro Denver 2,605,213 2,374,330 -230,883 -R.86% 11.85%
63,887 37,455 -26,432 -41.37% -38.79% Colorado All Otlter 118,139 104,969 -13,169 -11.15% -7.24%
624,617 471,487 -153,129 -24.52% -21.20% Out of State 6,804,109 6,389,634 -414,475 -6.09% -].96%
2,122 11,594 9,472 446.47% 470.51% Airport 9,476 13,952 4,476 na 53.71%
2,103,572 3,257,762 1,154,190 54.87% 61.68% Gunbarrellndustrial 547,369 749,404 202,035 36.91% 42.93%
3,]44 1,883 -1,261 -40.10% -37.47% GuobarrelCommcrcial 823,669 812,852 -10,818 -1.31% 3.03%
29,596 17,964 -11,632 -39.30% -3f>,63% Pearl Street Mall 2,025,126 2,030,972 5,846 0.29% 4.70%
2,291,723 1,865,901 -425,322 -18.58% -15.00% t3oulderlndustrial 4,220,096 3,574,926 -645,170 -15.29% -11.56%
221,574 614,085 392,512 177.15% 189.34% UnliccnscdReccipts 217,719 174,580 -43,139 -19.81% -16.29%
1,946,636 1,637.742 -308,894 -15.R7% -12.17'% County Clerk 0 0 0 na na
120,249 195.659 75,410 62.71% 69.87% Public UtiitieS 3.953.700 4:164.803 311.103 7.87% 12.61"/0
12,261,1111 12,1711.298 -90,803 -0.74%> 3.63% Total Sales andl)se'I'ax 58.8911,148 57.471,435 -1,418,712 -2.41% 1.88%
- ,
i 1.
VENUE DAIEGURY ~ - FEB h1AR APR JUN 1 3 _ r1 : SEP OC7 ! UEC ~ 11 ~~33ah10. \aIOM
TAIL SALES TAX 200' 4.957 52< 4 •759,2.',2 0. t; 3' F 5,63a 4 52~ 2C; r ' i.? 04D 4 403.555 4,840.590 5.98E,5- ° a, ~ 9 76 < 518,650 6 852.307
62 F~i9,849
2002 4,538.744 3.9GS,E54 455x,2021 4,544590 4.662,5-0 5,553,454 4,34! 120 x,725.305 5,570 049 4.156,865 •4.375.5421 6,272.908 57,725,107_ -7.HS`:b
2003 3.872.314; 3.8%4,55:; 5.055,736 4,053 C&8 4.254,129 .,232,316 :,'f>7.6Hfi t,fi63992 5,17'..981 _ 4.288,213 4.246.924 ~ 5.940.175
54,87•. 489 -4.94%
_Ghg 3.26°k>3.475b 2000 4,3S4136• 4,77U.A57 5.3L7A5? 4,339.554 41,51.055, 5.3tg555 4,333.128 4,?49,658 5,542,505 4450,731 •7.5796791 6.602.036
58,229.844: 1.45%
3.A 14b ~ 2005 x,255.041. 4,453.370 5.232,389 4,353.026 4.576,HG4~~. 5.535,15E 4.454.079 5,013.379 5.550.516 4.541,790 •17597L'".)I !1,537,979
54,'705,f80 2.54%
_ 2005 4.7?4.249' 4.645.436 5.537,253 4,659,x58 4.882.331' 5,:29.3631, x,737,773 5,237757 6.755.055 4,950,305 4,36~/,Bx7! 7,89",578. 63,96''446
e_Chg3.4:5>3.5fi% 2007 5,118.353' 5.014,6'.5 6,978,421 4.965,991 $.SOQ7C7 6,712.841 5,565,371 6,393,C28j 6,954.377 5,747,563 5,695,703, 8,411,464
72,998,838: 9.34%
~hg3.56%>3.a7'rb 20D8 5,1974001 +05.105, 6.005,946 .5,33+x47' S48A,45D 6.572.335, 5,508,796 6,258,640 6,620.535 5.3H2.~S 57,477.435] -17.81%
)noe from prior ear hlon7b b.Oib G 28 i 9 37 I )H 4 1 ;b 2.21% 3.3a % 2.20"lo I -0.61 / -2 23 -700 ('r' -1 ~ 0 !5 ,
3nge Irom prior year (YTD) 6.017 h 1 ~ 1 2 1 192 % 2.789'0 2.8695 2 773b~ 2.33 ' 7 89y .7 ~ rc 1 1 5 '
- - _ _ _ I
NSUMER USE TAX 2001 1,+65,937, 999.129 1,77'536 908.629 889.791 'x27.61811 !.011,68) 975.2721 955,683 1.415.759 748.748 to9g555 '3259,454]
- - 1
20:)2 715 4E'2~Sfi 3/ 1 2 800 8 ~ 9 6 45 237 ant In 1 8DH 9° ('171,086 148 4 5 '6 .43 628 926 1 2 5 3 527 516,
2003 798 S7 S 1 . ? 836 z98 ..77.9b'2 _ ~d~.28E 962 8 6~6,; 9 H -,,'64 I u i4 6E9 53 755 1,045 632 1 02 566 9 90° 632y_
e Chg 3.26%>3.41% 2006 980,2.29 665.018 899.453 742.092 i 24 5'< 86Q.,i 4 810.874 922401 94t.99D 728 634 750.971 1.187 776 70.275.625
0341% 2095 827.887 507.036 951.085 1616,51.1 1,'U;i Si?'l L`:11.048 854,723 788,4851 1,094,030 758.937 968487• 1.248.300 17,130.180 8.95%
2005 685.6861 517,107 7277,148; 57?,144 954529 781.352 895.403 776,258 1,05<,595 727.776 1092.224 7.287,757 10,637482 -4.x345
OCng 3.a 19b>3.56"b 2007 763650_ 57x,005 _ 975,178 454726 ;33.135 858.0?2 975.455 G52,501~ 923.567 732,x63 775.317 7.575.906 10.369,
140 -6.83%
-o.- - 200R ?`803a~ 991,472 1 09, 76D, 669,"414 7369D1 1.0E 1,765 732,334 556,3991 699,534 385,583 8.610,900 -13.30%
Inge from prior year (MOnth} 1".5.14!. d~,93'<4~ 'H 1415. -21.35: 4334'0 299156:71_52:; 4.i,H°4 - 4' .3 •11.'1 :C -10C.CC9b-~
loge from prior year (YTD) - ~11 x3354 4177`6 '5'51, 1 .C.:'.:': 14.75'4_ +7.46 q, 10.5514 E:33-:; 'I' _J?'i 1'. 37`n ~ j~
NSTRUCTION USE TAX 27101 _'»96 33'37E 772,591 17'147 198,'24 '87.243 227.009 31'.433 471445 319,083 194,51') 105293 2,941,850
2JG2 214.0'0 5655'5 252.392 442.551 215.384 7.'d1.6D5 __374 157.'45 155,4'3 16?213 167464 384.(b5 4,177,7?3'~ 41.81%
2003 704.449- --^2' 585 138,559 235246 415,7551 675,3D9~ 220.673 259.946 239.337 761.973 292,983 388.157, 3,256.653 -21.94%
e c:~g3.26%>3.41% 2004 210.383 335145 387.487 490,426 2["9.418; 181,732 204,85• 155,409 212,299' 719.283 238,455 243,097 3,048978 -10.50%
~.e :?.41~6~ 2D05 912.585' 7d2.54D 287,865 451.878 <56,073' S'3 797 'B5,CD8 235,308! 282,503 2, 5, "[47 268?041__ 514.975 _ 5,597.E84
- ~ 2006 7972631 331,341 420,749 294094 307,237' 774420, 352,533 261,409 343,149' 559475 41 L`.95H 1,018272 5,302.000
_ •5.28%
e Chg "+47 <>3.565'n 7:107 293.078', 3.17,850 712,076 23 ,(1F:7 627,413 x30,707 1.115,475 ?.59,226 421 376 78 24 3.'.978, 253,590
4,814155 -13.02%
M~hg3.56?'0>3.41% 2008 330,0801, 347.219 148.549 454,797 327.855 24157°1 1:1(:,1!:9 442,652' 347,954 217.585 3,559398 -22.82%
3nge from prior Year (Nonlhl 17 SBC'>~ 4.21% %.55?4 62 62;5 44 92'.4 -.^.35°:5 ' -90 EOiG 78 2~'v, -13.79'5 -20.61'/0~ •100,009.. ~ -t00.C0'o- ~
- I
7n9e from poor year {YTp7 1'7,5805 10.3295 ~m;;; 97705 382552 2L549:~• -122255. -10.10!:: •10,50%•_ _1.+9% •18.530- 77. d7•._ _ _
-C..1 -'4 ~~~57'9,?56 9-91903 57'5»17 5,411.5'6 7,E34.901 5.77[.38? 5127.255 7.315.647 6,526,328. 5.46 905 80'~'S5 76871.'53
- - C+'•2 _ .69.21E 5.03 4x3 41.534,394 ~ > - 7 33 _5,194 991 4 -5 83f 9H",,49 _ 9<,'3: F.3I8,9171 .,"C9 r[ _ 5 11 ..931 7 210.'69
7. 52<395 -9,31°io,
C~3 4 X74 a2C 4 ,514 J 9 6 030,0$3 5 209 277 546F. 7 i 1 F S/J 4+OI (44 99 5.743,'01 1741, 1881 OB ,H1 .i SR 36' ' 350,597 68...31.74
e fhg 3.261>3.41% 2UCx 5.594,748] 5,171,633 5-813,99? 5,x72,712 5 415 L`b5 6 a_9 261 6,3471 553 5 87?,468. 6,597 093 ~ 51SH 547 S 5Gb 0.:9 5
055.595 71 494,446 Q.47%
!rTaj°,o 7085 5,99553 641,340 585 5'd- 6 3F Sig ,4x9441 04520 CS7.'S7 5.9274~9~ 557E 374 6.:)7F21 6696204 6435 c 6.91%
_ - - - _ - ~ 1 r.-_ - -
2065 561$7_98 549a E 7. 35,1481 5x3D,59E 6 54,055 ,685,1x5 5,955,:0°_ g2'S,42x 7,SSA.SGO S738U 5 5,991,0 iU 1D,19704C _ 9.d5H o2?
_ 4.52%
O Chg 341%>3.56% 2007 B,775,081~ 5,935481 6005515 6,747768 5.555,311 600^ 120 7564252 7,3D4.754 6,299.4201 5.756,951 8,788999~10,2x0.982
88,1877;12 5.73_%
rrhg3.56%>3.41% 2008 6,345.5:3. 5,443.800 7,653,654 6,455,x59, 6.553,208 887.753 6,341,889 7,297,691 7,868.4231 6.590.347 p. 0 _69,6411341
- - 2001 •2.991 -%6,930 -20.4741 •27,650 -1,0:5 -447 •3.486 -8.22fi~ -3,279 •5,182 D -5,839 15 9C
s~ Refunds _ 2002 -1,15<~ -230 -13.1361 0 -32351 -13,993 -527 -10.221, •121,2041 •21896 -1,548 -10,065 1 .,[^5, -
s51ZCfUt7d5 2003 -34.330 X92-_ -?,078 -134,798 -417?2' -?E,325 •422 -596 -59,754 •3.7;9 -579 -46,599_`_ 424272
2004 -7,3a3. •L?,:,OS -636 -672 -5963. -157 -1.299 -4543. -244 -27,318 •5,i58j -4,330. E3,C57~
j 2005 246, -6F,C44 _ -809 2,665 -1.547. '080 -3,082' -4,207_ -846 -1,586 0~ -4,757_96 Cs1
- ~ 2C+J5 -40,302 -5272 -22,761 X63 50991 0 C! _ -7,~8~ 806 •5947 -4C5~ -16,773 1~52a5~
7CJ7 _ 0{~_ 3.825'_-_ _ •2,013 29 9.32E +6,5x71 -f4,440~ _-677 D -5_.9413 OI -5,0'!5 9 .001--
55 RefUndS 20x9 •97EI 0 -x6,974 1479 D -2,375 -445 ~-9.4931 a2? 0 63,702
Ijustedtotal >:'01 6.311.918 5,5aD825 81 429 5.68; 550 5.9`0466 7,804,454 5.698,890 6 ~19.C69 7,312,362 6521,'46_ 5,x51,909; 3.073,317, 78713.373_
2DC2 5.4GH,UF71 0 035719 65[ .1541 0777133 53 "52 ',922,840'1 5.384.96 558391r 6755.7%3• 5,03!528 51'0363 7,800,105' 71,327,197_ -8.38%
2003 4740.911 SL`5777 EO[3.0'51 S,o74,47s' 54[4999 a?9<,082~ 5.044,x75 $,x42.505' 8,..57.023 S.OH7.802 S.SE4.959~ 7334298 67,607.502
G ;:hq 3.26Sb>341°o I 2!.°JO 5583.A051 5+61728 8513,35<~ 5,571,840 5x09,'21 5.389,11Di 5.3x7,554 5.822.825 6,696,849 5.271.329 5.502,307! 6062.559
7 <'+:.385 1.01%
47% ~ - - - - 1 2C?JS 5,995.256 5.5x5 902_ 6 4 0.431 ~ 5828.452. 5.134,562 ~ 7,x39, 3E' ~ 5.542,145 6,032,945 6,923,803 5,575,388 6.025.?71
8,65'.»46 0.340 493 6.871
- - 2006 o E775°o'. 5,488,6D5 7 212,368 5 53n 13 ~ 6 178,998 7,F65 1e[. J. 85,?C9 6,26' 4 5 SS3 EJ4 6,232.110 5.550 5241 '.0 8 ,275 79
'8`s E31 4.5^%
0Chg34t9'>3_-5_6% 2CA7 61?S,CB j 5E98,1S0 80 3,602- 61 U 9 E845584 i 9565121 7.64 872 ~r'4: ~ o~CC°Sei 6'5H, a9 '0 3 967 89,05'731
2008 5.344,538 6 443 800 7 816 680 _ 5 4.r= U[0 E 553 206 7 979.3781 > 341444 °.1 F n 550 47 _ 0 69.578,632 -17.54%~
:hange non:^.) ? 26 ~ 14 t5 7 96% e Fi S r' 0 - CO: 1 IS 4^ 4 - 1.Lx 1 76 S -10L U(, -1 7 C r; ~ ~
:heng °'IL11 7.2~s• 10,9;.. 1 '1LJ 1155 5.51°. 1._445 _2.70:. 75'~ i. _