Minutes - University Hill Commercial Area Management Commission - December 17, 2008 CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO
TYPE OF 11~LL'ETING: MINL°I'ES REGL'1,AR MEF.,TING: December 17, 2008
AGF,NDA ITEM l -Roll Call: Meeting called to order at 9:U2 a.m.
AG1f;NDA I'T'EM 2 -Approval of the November 19, 2008 Meeting Minutes. (S)?)? ACTION ITEM BLLUW)
ACF,NDA ITEM 3 -Public Participation: None
AGENDA ITEM 4 -Police Update: Officer Stephen Coon introduced himself as the new officer on the Hill.
Assaults on the I-sill considered acduaintanec assaults and police profile on the Hill was increased. Miller commented
that coverage and increased incidc;nts have brought fear to older residents and asked about early morning; 2 - 5 am,
increased coverage. Coon commented that more education regarding safety to the residents would be helpful. Miller
mentioned that presence makes a difference. Griffith voiced that the media needed better information. Tony Benton
mentioned video cameras could be useful with Winter responding that cameras indicate someone is watching them
and funds are not available for this purpose. Griffith suggested talking with the victims to find how it happened in
order to do preventative measures. Mitchell mentioned that King Soopers and Safeway have brought in a number of
foreign students who are staying in his facilities to stock shelves during the holidays. Mitchell continued that he has
experienced an increase in trespassing on his properties but sees no relationship between the foreigners and the
trespassing. M itchell continued that the foreign students were concerned and had brought it to his attention. Mitchell
thought the state of the economy had more to do with the irespassiug as businesses locally were cutting staff with the
business slow down.
AGENDA I'T'EM 5 - UHT~'A Update: Stoyva revealed February 26 is the next imeetuig of the UHNA with Steve
Walsh presenting. A newsletter will be out in February. Comprehensive Kedevelvpment Ylan has excited many
neighbors mentioned Stoyva and that it was the Hill's time for redevelopment to strengthen the core of the
community. Stoyva lovku~g to create a plan for residents to leave lights an during the evening such as a Night of
Lights program on Friday and Saturday nights as a community safety effort. Miller commented that it sounded good.
Mitchell mentioned that years ago lights were installed on alleys gild has made a big difference where they are
currently placed with the cost divided among the residents of those alleys. Stoyva commented there was not a budget
for its installation. Shrum agreed with the premise but that the recent events were not just weekend generated.
Griffith suggested starting with Saturday night and have students distribute flyers throughout the community. Stoyva
will use the UHCAMC Board as supporting this action. Winter commented that Environmental Affairs could be
helpful with the bulb situation.
AGENDA ITEM 6 - IIiII Update: Shrum commented there was no meeting but hoping for a meeting at either
month end yr early January.
AGENDA ITEM 7 -Hill Development Update:
- \ew Hill Company Presentation of FIill Context Study by Steven Walsh: Steve Walsh ittroduced
himself as a representative for the HCCS, Hill Commercial Context Study, as options and guidance for
actions that would stimulate redevelopment on the Hill. Walsh continued that the private sector funded
this study with UHGID funding the parking aspect. University Hill Action Group was formed many
years ago to begin the redevelopment. Walsh revealed the consultants selected, creating a vision and not
a plan, and the groups that comprised development of the design. Anchors of parking were discussed,
street enhancement, neighborhood transit to CU, plaza concept presented, roof top uses of conceptual
buildings, preservation of the historic fabric, opening up alleys f'or civic uses, additional high density
residential, expansion of the underpass, broaden commercial base, new public spaces, and expanded
- Report on Build Out Analysis of Uni HiII Commercial Area by Charles 7..ucker, City Plamiing
Department: `Zucker began that the Hill has not changed, something needs to happen and how to proceed
with a handle on the `what' before the `how'. `These ideas to be presented to the Planning Board
tomorrow night. The 2004 Ross Rcpori defined the properties ou the Mill are profitable but expense of
renovation not attractive to owners. Zucker continued with presenting goals and objectives that included
use mix, historic preservation, area character, larger site, centralized parking, urban public space,
neighbors and feasibility of build out. Build out under existing zoning would double. Zucker presented
three options: Option 1-expand BYIS to include UHGID; Option 2 - HCCS to locate density and parking
along 13"'/south of College, and Option 3 -Broadway Micro-zone to locate density and parking along
Broadway. Parking scenarios and open space discussed.
Discussion: Miller made a statement that the Board had three days to review and not asked to comment, there was
plenty of developable capacity on the Hill and parts of the HCCS statement need not be discussed now, there was a
problem statement to be presented to the planning board and city council and no comment was asked ofUHCAMC;
methods that kill redevelopment and parking issues were not presented for comment from UHCAMC. and Miller
understood that the board represented stakeholders, found it challenging and would like to be engaged differently.
Winter commented that this was a starting point, an outline of what could be done under existing development and
zoning. An analysis of historic preservation was unknown by Miller. Miller voiced that the communiryneeded to be
heard. Shrum voiced that this was a defined starting point, agreed with M filler's comments, zoning was ambiguous,
and what the space use would become. Griffith questioned the historic aspect. Zucker clarified that the neighborhood
residents had provided input. Slu-ttm commented. that several buildings which maybe deemed historical arc; outdated,
not environmentally sustainable and needed review, parking was a key to the downtrend in business in the district,
consolidation and improvement of parking was warranted. Zucker replied that a strategy was required, perhaps
kicking off development with a parking parcel build out. Winter was inpressed with the increases of F'AR, with the
Hill having a higher FAR than Downtown,l-iCCS was one vision, Zucker has another vision and this was a starting
pourt. Shrum continued that a lack of Hill partnerships communicating, how does the vision get enacted. Winter
remarked on the financial incentives to offset some of the costs of underground parking and the air rights oI' the
parking parcels. Walsh voiced that the developers that worked on dtis concept had their o~m financing, density drives
an active street of commerce and this allows a merchant a greater quality of urban space to attract people with
functioning memory anchors. An incentive climate warranted by developers to balance the risk. Zucker commented
on underwriters, historic districts allows tax credits and grants for incentive. Griffith voiced the need for a night life
zone on the Hill. Mitchell commented nn the difficulty of getting jaded business and property owners to change. As
a property owner who helped paid for the HCCS study, he was in agreement and was concerned with the need for a
strategy to inplement it. Winter commented on the reservoir of concepts with a need to sort and analyze, getting
property owners to understand the commitment needed. Miller questioned FAR numbers and the "regional center"
concept from the Comprehensive Plan. Winter suggested the use of the word `hybrid" from regional as a more
accurate view. Miller asked the next steps from Walsh with a response to work with staff first, report by city in the
works; the study was a gift to the city and community so the process would not start over again, looking forward to
engaging in a debate; historic preservation on the Hill was not like Downtown and has complex problems;
floor area ratios were corrected but New Hill did not focus on those numbers but producing a great area with
height variety acid open spaces.
AGENDA ITEM 8 - Uni Hill Clean Up Presentation by Lindsay Hale: Hale introduced herself and reviewed
a handout regarding Buff Restoration Corps and its goals. 1-lale commented that there were eight cleanups this
month and eight anticipated for next month. There are 52 students participating, each are assigned an area.
Elate commented t}tat they wexe goilig to speak with residents to dispose the bags with their trash, in
partnership with businesses for disposal to eliminate going back alid forth to a central trash receptacle rather
than continuuig clean up. The students find pride in the positive comments from residents, S}uum offered his
assistance with the trash on the Hill. Mitchell offered the trash container behind the Hostel for their needs.
Winter clarified the board's message of involvement in the planning process with issues such as nightlife
needing to be included.
AGENDA ITEM 9 -Parking Services Update: none
AGENDA ITEM 10 - CU/City Liaison Update: none
AGENDA ITEM I1 -Matters from the Commissioners: Miller would like to send a message to council
and planning that there was a lot oI' community antagonism since they have not been involved or asked for
AGENDA ITEM 1 Z -Matters from the Director: Reminder of the UHCAMC meeting dates and retreat 2/6
Sam-lpm needed to rescheduled. Showcase the work on the hill for council was February 12`x, talking about
zero waste efforts with a dinner on the Hill to hear what was going on.
Meeting adjourned at 11:34 am.
MOTIONS: Miller motioned for approval of the November 19, 2008 minutes. Shrum seconded the
Motion; unanimously approved.
January 2l, 2UU8 Regular Meeting Council Chambers
9:00 a.m.
Ruth Weiss, Secretary David Miller, C pair