2 - Draft Minutes - University Hill Commercial Area Management Commission - November 19, 2008 1 CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS MEETING MINUTES FO1tM NAME OF BOARD/COMMISSION: UNIVERSI'T'Y DILL COMMERCIAL AREA MANAGI':MF,NT COIVLMISSION NAME/TELEPHONE OF PERSON PREPARING SUMMARY: Ruth Weiss 303-413-7318 NAMF,S OF MEMBERS, STAFF, AND I.NVITED GUESTS PKESENT BOARD MEMBERS: DAHL, GRIFFITH (absent), MII.LER (absent), MITCHELL, SHRUM STAFF: WINTk:R, J013ERT, CUNNINCIIAIVI, LANDRITH, WEISS GUESTS}: EVA HUEBER, PETE GISH TYPE OF MEETING: MINUTES REGULAR MEETING: November 19 2008 AGF,NDA ITEM I -Roll Call: Meeting called to order at 9:05 a.m. AGENDA ITEM 2 -Approval of the October 15, 2008 Meeting Minutes. (SEE ACTION ITEM BELOW) AGENDA I'T'EM 3 -Public Participation: Eva Hueber, Director of Neighborhood and City Relations for the Student Government Executive Staff at CU, attended the meeting to see what was going on and to provide information to the Tri Executives. Iiueber currently working on a project to provide a 24-hour study center on the Hill as a positive attraction to the Hill particularly with the Library currently under construction and greater enrolhnent figures. AGENllA I TEM 4 -Police Update: Winter commented that they are still struggling with staff. Winter not aware of any issues on the Hill. AGEl\'DA ITEM 5 - UHNA Update: Stoyva not able to attend. Shrum mentioned that. a meeting might be scheduled for December. AGENDA 1'TEM 6 -Bill Update: Shrum commented on a productive meeting last week. A Zero Waste Program is a key initiative on the Hill. Winter remarked that the Hill restaurants and retailers are creating standards that have businesses in agreement to "Green the Hill" and highlighting their efforts to city leaders and press. AGENDA ITEM 7 -Parking Services Update: Winter introduced Pete Gish, Gish comunented that the last 3 to 4 months with more students there is more trash. Gish continued that the recycle program does need to be uniform with retailers, clothing stores in particular with their boxes, not as compliant as the restaurants as far as being "green". Shrum offered for increased pick up of the trash. Gish commented that power washing of the Ilill needed and a new contractor being sought. Shrum questioned the banners for the holidays and Gish. replied it should begin next week. City staff will put up banners and lights are contracted out. Shrum questioned the deicer killing the trees and if a new product was being investigated. Gish replied that there is a 50/50 split with who wants salt put dawn and not to be put down. Kurt Matthews is researching alternative products for this winter. Shrum also offered that if the product is so corrosive, discretion be used to its placement. Dahl offered that the sidewalks are full of cracks and questioned what could be done. Winter remarked that the City has a sidewalk repair program and suggested Dahl advice Matthews of those areas of concern. AGENDA ITEM 8 - CU/City Liaison Update: Winter participated in interviews for the City Manager's CU Student Advisory Committee and requested to attend their next meeting in early December. The committee has asked that staff attend to discuss the Hill and Downtown. 1 AGENDA ITEM 9 -Matters from the Commissioners: Mitchell mentioned that he has shelved the cardboard recycluig program due to lack of interest and participation. Winter offered that a discussion with the Greening of the hill could be useful. Shrum commented on the need for initial financial resources to install a central cardboard recycling location but funds are tight particularly in these economic times. Mitchell offered that the initial cost is approxinately $20,000 bul with the potential of redevelopment, greater review and consideration was warranted. Dahl mentioned the difficulty for change on the Hill. Mitchell commented that a citizen's initiative could push forward for commercial change. Shrum was looking for clarity by those who use the Hill to give feedback as to what they see and what they want, the need for a clear consensus. Winter mentioned the strategic planning effort and that an outreach to stakeholders and discussed doing surveys of busnesses and. employees as well as an interceptor survey whereby one speaks to those who are actually there. Shrum questioned Hueber regarding assisting the survey collection. Winter will provide stakeholder lists with the overall goal currently to determine which type of surveying would be most beneficial to reach the desired audience. Dahl commented that it would be a good start to form a community of businesses. Winter offered that open houses could work to bring all together. Winter offered that stakeholders could be included in the retreat to identify issues for discussion at that time, with such topics as historic preservation, and late night alcohol issues. AGENDA ITEM 10 -Matters from the llirector: Jobert commented that sales tax thru September was up, waiting for October sales numbers and mentioned that Uctobcr had higher parking revenues. Jobert offered that downtown was showing downward numbers. Winter discussed retreat dates, meetng to begii in the morning, go thru lunch; university neighborhood hill business typically comes to the lunch, done at the Academy in the past, with City Manager attending lunch. February 6°i is under consideration for date of retreat. Typically, the retreat is in lieu of a UHCAMC meeting for January 21. Jane Jenkins, Fraizk Bruno, Eva Hueber, with Mike Clear or Leah Winski perhaps attending. Shrum questioned the number of attendees. Purpose of retreat is to focus on the board's priorities and the coming year, Winter would like a SWOT analysis to kick off the meeting, the meeting is open to the public, and the luncheon geared to promote one on one conversations. Organizational points of view were the focus. Winter looking for 2 UHCAMC member to act as a communication source back to the Hill, Shrum and Dahl volunteered. Winter will send helpful information for this subcommittee and look to March for a dialogue meeting with a facilitator. Meeting adjourned at 10:20 am. MOTIONS: Dahl motioned for approval of the October 15, 2008 minutes. .~%titchell seconded the Motion; unanimously approved. FUTURE MEETINGS: December 17, 2008 Regular Meeting Council Chambers 9:00 a.m. APPROVED BY: UNIVERSITY HILL COMMERCIAL AREA MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Attest: • Ruth Weiss, Secretary WilliarrC'S'hnun, Vice Chair 2