Sales & Use Tax Revenue Report September 2008 City of Boulder
Sales & Use Tax Revenue Report
September, 2008
Issued November 12, 2008
This repoz•t provides inforn~ation and analysis related to sales and use tax collections for fiscal year 2UU8.
Results are for achzal sales activity through the month of September, which is received by the city in the
subsequent month. Any questions should be directed to Bob Eichem, Finance Director at (303} 441-
For 2008, the city's sales/use tax rate returned to 3.41% from 3.56%. Percentage changes in this report
are calculated in two ways. The first illustrates the actual change in revenue (•which included a voter
approved one-year increase in rate from 3.41% to 3.56% to find the Fire Training Center in 2007). The
second and more important calculation is adjusted to illustrate the change in underlying sales activity
which is the change upon which the 2008 city budget was predicated at the new lower, 3.41 % sales/use
tax rate. This adjusted amount is shown in the column titled "Change in Comparable Collections." The
following tables compare year-to-date 2008 collections to the comparable period in 2007.
Table 1 lists the categories of sales and use tax collected by the City of Boulder. It illustrates the percent
change in the various areas for 2008 oven- the same time period in 2007.
Sal;;s Tax (2.29%) 2.01. % 82.70°/~
Business/Consumer Use Tax 12.77% ? 7.73% 9.77%
Constz-uction Use T'ax (l 4.27%) (I 0.50%) 5.30%
Motoz- Vehicle Use Tax (14.72%) (1.0.97% 2.33%
Refunds 21.15%) 17.68%) (0.10%)
Total Sales & Use Tax 2.OS%) 2.26°/a 100.0U%
Retail Sales Tax -Even with continuing problems on the national level, City of Boulder retail sale tax
collections through the last report (Auausll were strong. For the month of September comparable
Boulder retail sales tax collected in the month of September experienced a negative growth rate of .61%.
This compares with negative growth oi' 1.20% on the national level. While one month does not make a
trend, we expect continuing economic problems to impact consumer related spending for the balance of
the year,
Retail Sales Tax on the sale of public utilities (primarily natural gas and electricity) is up by 16.25%.
While the Computer Reia±ed Business retail category is down by ?.2.4]%, it is actually flat when use tax
is combined with the retail numbers.
Although slowing slightly, Apparel Store sales continued to be strong during September, increasing by
8.89% with a YTD increase of 12.17%.
April M~:Y June July Au Se~~t 2008 YTD
26.34% 13.58% 14.24% 17.55% 14.96°/, 8.89% 12.17%
Even though the category is very discretionary, retail sales tax from Eating Places continued to grow
slightly in September. Recent performance is shown in the following table:
A rig Ma June Jul Au Set 2008 YTD
5.30% 4.77°/> 3.05% 7.22% 8.92% 1.78% 6.80`%
General Retail store results also slowed but continued to be positive for the month of September. Recent
performance is shown in the following table;
A ri! Ma June .1u] Au Set 2008 YTD
8.43% 11.74% 2.21% 6.73% 10.47°io 2.83% 6.58%
Retail Sales Tax in the "Gunban•ei lndustrial" is up by a very strong 49.14%.
Retail Sales Tax iu the "Boulder lndustrial" area and "All Other Boulder" categories actually improved
slightly during September but are down for the year respectively by 16.53% and 23.90%.
We will continue to closely track trends in all areas.
Business/Consamer Use Tax -Although this category tends to be volatile in nature and the short-term
results do not necessarily reflect trends, it is encouraging to note continuing strong revenue from certain
Construction Use Tax -August year-to-date Construction Use Tax revenue is down by 10.50% from the
same period in 2047. This category is very volatile and these results are not necessarily a predictor for the
future. After adjusting out sevea-al large mixed use, residential condominium, and CU projects that could
be considered "one-tinge" in natua•e; this tax category is down by l 1.67%.
Total Sales and Use Tax -Without adjusting foz- one-time revenue, the "Change in Comparable
Collections" column in Table 1 shows a total increase in Sales and Use Tax revenue of 2.2b%.
Significant increases /decreases by tax category are sununarized in Table 2:
Chan a in Com arable Collections
• Food Stores up by 3.83% I-lome Furnishings down by 2.63%
• Eating Places up by 6,80°0 Automotivc'1'rade down by 9.68%
¦ Apparel Stores up by 12.17% • Consumer Electronics down by 10.25%
• General Retail up by 6.60% Computer Related Business down by 22.41%
¦ Downtown up by 1.48"/0 (combined sales and use tax in this category are
¦ UHGID ttp by 1.84% flat)
• University of Colorado up by 7.78% 1'he Meadows down by 3.65%
¦ Basemar up by 10.18% Boulder Industrial down by 16.53%
• Twenty Ninth Street up by 30.23% "All Olher Boulder" category is down by 23.90%
• Table Mesa up by 2.98% "Metro Denver" category is down by 3.05%
Gunban-el Industrial up by 49.]4%
¦ Gunbarrel Commercial up by 2.57%
• Pearl Street MaII ttp by 5.32% '
• Public Utilities up by 1 1.4 ]
¦ E3VRC (excluding 29`h Street) ua by 2.14%
Chan a in Com arable Collections
• Computer itclated Fusiness Y1se 1'ax is up by Motor Vehicle Use 'l'ax down by 10.97%
36.45% (combined sales and use tax in this category Construction L1se'I'ax down by 10.50% (down by
is flat) 11.67% after adjusting to exclude large condo unit
and CiJ projects that may he considered one-time in
• Accommodations Tax is up by 6.59%.
¦ Admissions Tax is up by 67.74%
October and November have seen a significant downturn in the national economy. Through September
sales and use tax collections, the State oi' Colorado and the City of Boulder have compared favorably
relative to the national slowdo«m. Although ~a~e may continue to do better than other parts of the nation,
we Know that Colorado's economy will not be totally insulated from broader national and worldwide
economic issues. It is too early to tell how the business sector and employment in Boulder will hold up
and whether the federal government's capital infusions will have enough impact to prevent a major
downturn in sales and use tax collections.
Given this uncertainty, we will continue to analyze relevant trends that impact the city of Boulder Sales
and Use Tax collections and modify forecasts as necessary. Original projection for the increase in sales
and use tax for 2008 was 3,8%. At this time actual collections for 2008 have been modified to expect an
increase in the range of 1..8% to 2.8%. To adjust far this reduction in expected revenue, city departments
that are supported by sales and use tax are reducing expendittu•es to match the expected shortfall.
The October 10 - 23, 2008 issue of the Boulder County Business Report lists Boulder County Economic
Indicators as published by Richard Wobbekind. Ur. Wobbekind predicts:
¦ In a national and global environment of uncertainty, the Boulder County Leading Economic
Indicator predicts a slight up tick for fourth quarter 2008 after predicting a decline for third
quarter 2008. Given the performance of other indicators, this rebound is not viewed as a sign of
growth in the upcoming quarter. It is more likely an indication that the local economy, as
measured by employment growth, will remain stable through the end of the year.
¦ The Business Leader's Confidence Index, aforward-looking indicator for the state, also predicts
a small gain for the fourth quarter, signaling sub par growth prospects. Business leaders who
provided input were more optinustic about the outlook for the state and national economies;
however, they showed concerns about the internal factors that drive companies and industries.
¦ An evaluation of employment growth for Boulder County through the f`rrsi eight months of the
year shows that average employment for both the county and the state has expended at a rate of
1.6%. For the same period, national employment posted a gain of 0.2%.
¦ Boulder's current unemployment rate Lies comfortably in the range for the natural rate, 4.5% to
5.0% tmemployment. The natural rate is thought to be the optimal level at which an economy
operates. From an employment perspective, the state and local economies are far outperforming
the national economy.
The Office of State Planning and Budgeting September, 2008 Colorado Economic Forecast predicts the
¦ Colorado's economy continues to show that it is more resilient and perhaps better poised to
rebound from the current national financial turmoil that+ the national economy. By comparison,
Coloradoss experiencing lower unemploytent, greater job grovrth, and lower inflation than the
nation overall, and is supportive of Colorado's focus on booming industries like renewable and
non-renewable energy, biosciences, and technology. While there is still a significant amount of
uncertainty regarding the recent problems of financial giants Bear Stearns, AIG, and Lehmann
Brothers, and the federal bail out of governmental sponsored enterprises Freddie Mac and Fanny
May, the current circumstances appear to have affected Colorado far less than other states...
¦ Although certain parts of the State remain distressed by foreclosures, the current state of the
residential real estate market is substantially stronger in Colorado than the rest of the counhy.
According to the September 'L7, 2008 issue of the Daily Camera:
• Twenty Ninth Street could 1-rave a permanent tenant in a matter of weeks to occupy the vacant
anchor space once slated to be a flagship Vt~ild Oats store, a mall official said Friday
r~~::U'~'.in~ ;r~~ the ~eptcmbcr ~~ii,R. ~,tiui: of the D: ii: ~:~,n;~.,r~
• ...a Bcst Buy (store) is coming soon. A Best Buy store could help shore up sales tax revenue lost
from the shuttering of CompUSA and from years' worth of consumers driving to Broomfield,
Longmont, Northglenn or Westminster to spend their money at the yellow-tagged retailer...
Housing in the City of Boulder appears to he experiencing mixed results. The average price of a home in
Boulder is up by 4.1 % over tl~e past year. Al the same time, according to an August 7, 2008 article in the
Daily Camera:
• A report released Wednesday showed that foreclosures continued to climb in Colorado during the
first half of 2008, but did so at a rate that some observers say could signal that the state's housing
crisis is easing.
• Filings made in Boulder and Broomfield counties had year-over-year increases during the January
through June period of 35% and 48% respectively. Despite the increases in Boulder and
Broomfield counties...the number of foreclosure ftlings and the foreclosure activity they saw was
among the lowest.
• In the city of Boulder, the high demand for real estate combined with the city's growth control
measures create a bit of a buffer when it comes to foreclosures.
This repot•t will be updated and will be available on approximately the tenth business day of each month.
SL•:PTP;AfI3F,R 1`TD:4ctual
Acutal C:h:utgc in
Chnn;;c in Actu::!{lhaugc {_:antparni>Ic
'I'outl Nct Soles/Gse Tax Receipts ti} lax Category 2007 ' 2UOk DuILu s <in Percenhi);e Culleciions J.. of-Total
Sales Tax 53,3(IS,253 52,088,656 -1,219,597 -2.29°i~ ~.0!°/~ 52.70°
Business UseTttx 5,454,560 F,151,183 6x6,624 12.77% 17.71°/~~ 9.77%
Construction Uscl'ax 3,897,662 s,34i,5:3 -556,118 -14.27% (1.5(Y;i: 5.30'%,
~9outrvch;cle I,?23,824 1,470,033 -253,'19' 14.72'/: i(L97% 2.33%
Refiinds -80,024 63,1(17. i 6,'122 -2 i .15 -17.68"/:: -0.10'%
"Iblul -Sales :nut Use'I'ux 64,304.274 62,988,284 -1,315,990 -2 05%. %2G%. I00.00'iL
til~:P'fG1111i1sl: l"fD ~1c(u:ii
I ~i.'tual C'h:ntrc it~
C;h.ut;!c iu Acwal C'han;;c C,untpai•ahlc
"lbtal Nct Sales/lisp Tax Rccc.ipts by lndusir} Tyjic ! 21107 20118 ))o11ar5 ih I'et'ctintarie Cnllcclions n1'I'ntal
Pond Stores 7,~)99,OOS 7.~J95,5!i6 -3,410 -ii.p4%i. 4.35~7:~ G.G9`;'~'laces 8,;50.505 8,300,(98 149,593 I.S~"%:':e ~3.Iti"/°
Apparel Stores 1,951,1.39 2,077,587 :26,348 6.48`% i 1.16`/ 3.30%
Florae Furnishings 2,166,760 2,U13,518 -153,242 -7.07% -2.98% 3.20%
General Retail 12,912,541 13,371,632 459,091 3.56% 8.11% 21.23"/0
Transportation/Utilities 5,604:036 5,952,517 348,481 6.22% 10,89% 9.45"/0
AutomotiveT'rade 4,590,672 3,934,706 -655,966 -14.29% -10.52% 6.25%
Building Material-Retail 2,443,908 2,368,953 -74,955 -3.07% I.'l0% 3.70%
Construction Use Tax 3,869,999 2,856,01.7 (1,013,972) -26.20% -22.95°/n 4.53`%:
Constntction 5alcs Tax 310,908 269,544 (41,364) -13.30% -9.49% 0.43%
Consumer Electronics 1,825,368 1,603,640 -221,728 -12.15% -8.28% 2.55%
Computer Related Business Sector 3,936,471 3,941,129 4,658 0.12°!0 4.57.% G.2C%
All Other 8,622,887 8,366,440 -256,447 -2.97°/• 1.29%. 13.'28%
Refunds -80,024 -63,102 16,922 -2:.15°/~ -IZ(i8°/ -0.10°/;
Total Sales and Lise'fax (4,304,274 62,988.284 -1,315,99(1 2.05% 100.00°
SI~a''!'t?~iBL:R 1'"I'[) actual l
.:victual I Chanl;c in '
rliimge to :~irtu;tl E'h:utj;c CiumparnLle
'T'otal Nct Stilesll;sc Tax Receipts 1>y C;coRraphic Area 2007 2008 Iktllars ut Pci'ccuta;,'c I Collections "/o ni'Total
Nort:t Broadts~ay 85),23! 120,708 Gl,~i76 - IS°ib 11.87°~( 1.46'1(,
Downtown ti,50',525 4,1121,'!0 I I ,746 20,1 ~'o -i'.I_.iu ,..i~t'b
Downtown Extension 393,472 377,?.67 -16,"205 -4.!2°/, 0.10°/ (1.60°
UHCiID (the "hill") 867,475 838,795 -28,680 -3.31% 0.95°/n 1.33°/~
East Downtown :,313,%8$ 529,659 -784,129 -59.68% -57.91% 0.84%
N. 28th St. Commercial 2;722,141 '3,553,795 -1(8,346 -4.52% -0.32% S.C4%
N. Broadway Annex 309,655 380,881 71,226 23.00% 28,41% 0.60%
University ofCoiorado 8!9,954 826,069 6,115 0.75% 5.18% 1.31%
Basemar 1,065,561 1,263,010 197,449 18.53% 23.74"/0 2.01%
BVRC-Boulder Valley Regional Center 12,626,438 12,288,529 -337,910 -2.68% I.GO% 19.51%
29t1t Street 3,701,729 4,542,282 840,553 22.71% 28.10% 7.21%
Table Mesa 1,515?56 1,58`s,546 -11,910 -0.75% 3.62% 2.51%
The Meadows 867,894 798,1.47 -69,647 -8.02°/ -3.98% 1.27%
All Other Boulder 4,466,285 3,466,619 -994,666 -22.38% •18.97% 5.50%,
Boulder County SRQ556 861,672 -18,884 -2.14% 2.16% 1.37%
Metro Dem~er 2,663,201 2,417,106 -246,095 -9.24°/u -5.25% 3.84%
Colorado All Other 172,265 134,80 1 -37,464 -21.75%: -18.31 % 0.21 %
Out of State 6,703,924 6,210,074 -493,851 -7.37% -3.29% 9.86%
nirporl 11,080 17,770 6,690 60.38% 67.44% 0.03%
Gunbarrellndustrial 2,392,622 3,682,638 1,290,016 53.92°/u 60.69% 5.85%
Gunbarrel Commercial 744,503 730,069 -14,433 -1.94% 2.37°/" 1.16'%
Pearl Street Mall 1,842,565 1,846,969 4,404 0.24% 4.65% 2.93%
Boulder Industrial 5,998,334 4,862,491 -1,1'35,843 -18.94% -15.37% 7.72°/:
Unlicensed Receipts 405,904 775,757 369,552 91.12% 99.53% 1.23%
County Clerk 1,723,824 !,47D,033 25:',791 -14.72% -10.97% 2.33°/n
Public Utilities 3,732,918 4,(1.51,331 ? 18,413 8.53%~ 13.30% 6.43%
Refun<!s -80,024 -ti3, I U?. I (1,922 2 t . I S% -17.68'% -0.10"/„
Total Sales and C)se'1'ax 64,304,2'14 62,98E{,284 -1,315,99(1 -2.05"/, 2.26%: 100.00°/,
"1'a~Revcnuc Cho ~,!c iii Chan1!c iu
llisccllancuus Tas Statistics 2111!", 21io5 Y:hau~„c I iuc 'I'otx:ibic tiiilcs
Total I'oodServiccTax ai,l,~l?}> ' ~ __~ii -'.14`i~~ ,.I~~'%,
nccommodationsTax 2,'110,013 2,885,70'! 178,(~9(r 6.59ri. 6.59'%
Admissions T'ax 238,425 399,930 161,505 67.74% 67.74%
license Pees 19,200 18,700 -500 -2.60'% -2.60"/0
Trash Tax 974,101 996,144 22,043 2.26%: 2.26%
'(iu sale; t. x rxe. decieascd from 3.56"/o in 2(107 :c ~ is 2roF.
1'T I~,SiRf11(1T1)1~1ct ::51-.I''I-L':1~1bISk 4''1?1) AcWal,-
%1Claal '(.hall L!i'. In ".001,1 ~~iCgl~~ iL•
i~t;tu;tl Chung Changean (:ontpnrnble C1tanre il. Colnparable
2007 20Uf hl Uollais 1'crcental;c Cnllcctinn:> Standard Industrial C'odc i Pcrccnla};-' C:ollcclivns
`9.146 7S'01 ~t0,15~; 102.31'% 11.21'% PoodSlores 7,9S9,7S9 ~i,916,195 -<3,5G4 0..55'%, 1.R?'%~
1 S-1,261 122.884 3~1,??? -21.86% ' 8.42'% Ea[irg I'iaces 7,991,244 8, t 7?,214 183,970 ?..30`% 6.8(1%
36,271 10,13:1 -16,142' -44,50"/0 -42,05'% Apparel Stores !,914,966 2,057,454 142,438 7,44"/0 12.17"/n
16,609 8,197 -8,413 -50.65% -48.48'% Honte PttntisLing 2,150,150 2,OUS,32i -144,829 -6.74% -2.63%
677,218 878,620 201,4U2 29-74"/0 35.45% General itctail 12,235,323 11,493,012 257,688 2.1 I% 6.60%
188,159 313,277 125,118 66..50"/0 73.82"/0 't;nnsportation/Utili:ics 'x,415,877 5,63),240 223,363 4.12% 8.70`%
1,766,619 1,491,539 -275,080 -15.57"/0 -I 1.86'% Automolivc Tr<Idc 2,R24,0S3 2,443,167 -38QR86 -13.49"/° -268%
11,469 12,780 1,311 11.43"/0 16.x3% Building Material-Retail 2,432,439 2,356,173 -76,265 -3.14% 1.13°~~
3,869,999 2,856,027 -1,013,972 -26,20% -22.95% Corstntctior, Use'1'ax 0 0 0 na na
0 0 0 na na Consuuclion Sales Tax ~ 10,908 269,544 -4 {,364 -13.30"/0 -9.49%
52,919 79,RS7 26,937 50.90% 57.54% Consumer Elech-vncs 1,772,448 1,523,783 -248,665 -14.03% -10.25°/.
1,80:,2;2 %,354,14? 551,931 30.70'io 365°/, CortputerlZelatedFiusincss %,'35,259 1,586,986 -548,273 -25.68% 22.41%
2.457.060 2,745,3'13 280,813 '.G6'n, ]L-.58% AGOtt:cr 6,!63.527 5,6"1.0.5(:7 -.`•43.260 -8.81% -4.80'%
11,076.(145 ]ll,y(i2,73(I -113,315 :.U2°/ ? 33% 'total Sales and Use'I'ax 53,308,253 12,088,65f, -],214,597 -2.29%~ 2.(ii'%"
Actual r'hatt)!e nl 1 t,;ai ~.a::al C:haitge to
ctutil C`h'a:1 j: Ch, u: Comnatabie i.l tI in t: n Comps+.i1!c
3(1(11 p8 in Dollars 1. P.itcentage CoIIcCUVns Geographic Code I}cllrca' l:.,c.~n:alc Ci+lio..,u>ns-
3~,622 89.832 5<l,_'10 15:.1'". IG3_.';4, TyorthBroadway S'-,609 830.875 26~ 0.~•~„~ 2"ro
2601,:78 496,597 216,4!9 9C~,e~7~^„ 9).25%n Downtown 4;"14i,~5(i <,l"14,673 -•:E;ti~3 -::.80"is~ '.4&%
'1,732 11,762 4,030 SZ.I'1% 58.81"/o DowntownExtensior. 385,740 365,505 -2U,23S -5.25% -1.08%
7,200 9,357 -7,842 -45.60% -43.20% lIHG1D (the "hill") 850,275 829,438 -20,838 -2.45% 1.84%
815,964 67,826 -748,138 -91.69% -91.32% tisastDowntown 497,823 461,833 -35,991 -7.23% -3.15%
lUS,155 98,220 -6,936 -6.60% -2.49"/o N. 28th Sl. Commercial 3,615,986 3,455,576 -161,41U -4.46% -0.26'%
22,795 73,225 50,430 221.23% 235.36% N. Broadway Ar•ncx 286,860 307,657 20,797 7.25% 11.97'/"
29,143 9,614 -19,530 -67.01"/0 -65.56% E1riversityofCo:oradc '190,811 816,455 25,644 3.24% 7.78°
84,306 227,407 143,101 169.74"/0 181.61'% T.3asemar 981,256 1,035,604 54,348 5.54% 10.18°/u
349,835 277,995 -71,841 -20.54% -17,04'% E3VRC !2,276,603 12,010,534 -266,069 -2.17"/0 2,140~~
!01,518 51,414 -50,104 -49.35% -47.13'% 29th Strecl 3,GUQ21U 4,490,868 890,658 24.74"/0 30.23%
50,275 59,340 I,U65 18.03% 23.22% TaoleMesa :,545,180 1,524,206 -20,974 -1.36% 2.98`%
13,585 9,775 -3,811 -28.45% -24.89% The Meadows 854,308 788,472 -65,836 -7.71% -3.65%
2,092,573 1,736,358 -356,215 -17.02% -13.3T% All OtherBcnilder 2,373,712 1,730,261 -643,450 -27.11% -23.y0'%
"123,868 180,405 -43,463 -19.41'% -15.87"/o BoulderCatu;ty 656,688 681,266 24,578 3.',4% 8.31'%
7.88,846 212,091 -?6,755 -26.57"/0 -23.34% Mebo DCnvel 2,374,355 2,205,015 -169,340 -7.13"/u -3.05"/0
61,513 36,829 -1.6,fi84 -42.01"/0 -39.46% ColoraduAllOtllci 108,752 97,973 -IU,779 -9.91"/0 -5.95"/0
585,546 413,742 -171,804 -29.34'% -26.23`% Out of
Stz;e G,I 18,378 5,796,332 -322,046 -5.26"/0 -l.lU%
2,122 6,522 4,400 207.39"/0 220.91% Aitporl 8,958 11,248 2,290 na 3LU9'%n
1,`)02,615 2;982,631 I,G80,0t5 56,76% 63.66"/o Guuban-ellndusvial 490,006 700,007 210,000 42.86% 49.14%
2,335 904 -1,431 -(11.30'% -59.59'% GunbatrelCommcrcial 742,168 729;166 -13,002 -275"/0 2.57%
27,627 I6,U56 -11,570 -41.88% -39.32'% Pearl Sn•eet Ma!1 :,8;4,938 1,830,912 15.974 0.88% 5.32'%"
1,957,344 1,531,S3U -325,814 -16.65"/0 -12.98°/ Bouldcrlndusuial 4,040,990 3,230,961 -810,029 -20.05% -16..53/0
205,557 611,354 405,797 197.41% 210.50% Unlicensedkvccints 200,348 164,403 -35,945 -17.94°/ -14.33%
1,723,824 ;,47(1,03'? -253,?91 14.72'% -10.97% County Clerk 0 0 0 na na
i06,9C:S 181,91) 7,445 70.07% 77..55%, I'ublicUtiln.c:; 3,62;,4'_+ ?,1;69,418 243/165 6."11'% !..4;'%
11,076,045 ]0,962,7311 -113,315 1.02'% :;.33'% 3'ntal Sales and l;se'I as 53,3(18,213 SZ,088,GSG -1,1.19,597 -2.29% 2.Oi%
C'han~c in
7nfL SALES TAX 2001 < 95'.52a I <=.89,2 2~ fi 917.377 i < Say ~ 4 . 4 d<1,2C7 6.+90 ~<0 4 465 ~°85 4 ES,. 5_ _c .6 5:3 ~ d 79[" 0761 a S' 8 650. 6
at? 307 i 2 Cr
_ 20:}2 39,79x1 3903904: 4~~92 2~__ a 0•. 482.370 5.653.A54 13F ,120 4725,3 51 5 O.D49 4_,168969 d_5 42! 6272808=_ Sr r<S 1~ri_ -%°'t';
2003 '.872.3'•11' 3-37x,955 5. -51 »033.008; 4,264,729 5.232,376 4.7'007,688 4.663,992 5,'7',961 4,2882 3 4,74».9211 594,..775, 546
463 -4.94'1,
Cr;g 3264>3R1X ZOC4 1 4 394,1351 4,170.4,.7 6..,27,051 i 4,33959<'. 4 551.055 5,340, Sf5 4,333,128 4,7x5.556 1 5.542,805 4,450,737 4,5' 8,629
i 6.602 C3S; 58.2<0.844 , t,GS
2005 ~ 4,255,041! 4.53-J7C 5,232,3691 x,353.025; 4,576.BE4 5.535.'96 »,454.079 5,013.379 5-550,916 4,547.790 4,/69,7001 6,932 ?29 59.708.6.30.
1 2006 4.7.4,249. 4,5x6,436 5,53%,253, 4,855,c58j 4,682.331 5,729,353; 4, 73 27731 5,237,75° 6.'.56,056 5950,305 •1,367,647 ?,691,678 63,949.x46,
_G!:a 34t%>3.56X _ _ 2007 S.t 18,3531 5,014,615 _ 6.9%8,4211 5.732.0491 5.560,701 5,?12,6<1 5,565.377 6,393.026 6_954,377` 5.747.563, 5,595.703]
F3,A'L484 73.164,9061 9.59':°
e Ch(73;56'n>3.<1% 2008 5.197,4001 5.105.'."9 6.OC5.9<51 5.331,1471 5,488,450 6,572,335 5508.796 6.258.640 6,620.535 1 ~ 5288,5561 •25.67%
arse I-ern pACt year (Month) 8.01 % ~ 6.28% -9.37961 8.46%• 4.77% 7.21 % 3.34% 220% -0.61"/0~ -100.00'/o ~ 100.00.70{ -100.00°5
1 .re Irnm D+acr year Ir 01 ( 6.C %`;'oj 6.1590 -0.15% 1.8<X 230% 2.29% 2.43°,0 2.40°°/a 201 % • -7.92 % ~ 16.02°70; -25.67%~'
i I I I 1 ~ ~
NSUIdER USE TAX 2001 1.765.937 699,129, '.771.8361 908.629 889,791 1.427.6161 '.Ot 7.SHJ 975,27'1. 955.6831 14'.5,159 1.18,748; 1,090,556'
2002 716.462, 5'c5,9i 6, 1.293.6 DD 783,956; 497,237 :,037,779 EU5,'~'19 E71088 5A8,456j 767,543' 626.926; 1,153,256' 9,527,516
2003 i %58.1571 St~,559 836.3981 871,962 766.485 95785 556.199 2?3.16a 97a.E59 635; +55 1.Oa 5.6?21 1„^,52,565_ 9.903,6321
7.26'^,>3.41% 2COa 580.229 _ E55.018'. 899,453 742,6921 12<,574 655914 E1U.87x 922.401 941,590; 728,634 750.9771 t 187,776 10,215.625! -1.34°!
- ~ 2005 °2?.E87 50%.036 S51 08_5!- 1,016.fi14: 1,763,552 ~0 :~48 66A,72C _ 788.465 1.094.030{ 758.937 _ 968,4E>71 1 248.31 1
t_ 13D,18~ 6.35°:
_ 2CC6~_5E6,636 5'7.:0' '.277.1481 57?,144 95<,52?(( x9..352 895.403 776,2.58 ',054.6961 727,776 1.C92.22AI 1,287,157; 10,537,4821 •4.43%
975.45a 652.501 923.657 732.453 716,3171 1.575.9:8 10,203.072] -8.13°.
Cho 3A1%>3.S6X 2007 1 753.650 574.006. 375,1 i8 722.6581 733,798 858,072
c U93.55°!>3.47"<. 2008 9'9-03< 991 A72~ 1,109.7601 669,2141 736.901 1.06!.769 ?32.334 596,3b'3 899.934 7.627,217 -21.02%
nrcc `rom Drier Ye+r (r~oa!hl 11.33'/o E0.33% 18.741 -3.32%; 4.53% 25.9?Sb -21.62% -458% 1.72% -100.60'.: -'COAOioI •'00.00%i
1~re: hom Orior yea: (YTD? 11.83% e 1.22 % 3?-75°6. _ 23 a0% 1 19.80°r5 21.68'0 141A°I 71.79:1 10.84 % j 0.58°/ -1.17', 22.02 % 1
_ - _ _ __-1'_' - _ i - I i i 1
`:S iRUCTION USE TAX ZOC? 791<95 331,376 i72,n'9'! 171,u7~ 198,1241 ;87,2A3 ?27.C09~ 311,433 47;,446 3'9,083 19<,570 766.2931 2.941,6501
2002_ 21_4."t0 ;E5.579. 282,3_21 442.5511 2'.5,38< +,107.506 795."474 '97,745 158,4131 167,2731_ 161,4641 _ 364,0c5i 4.17?,773
2003 104F49 721,595 133,5591 2382461 e15,755 575,308 220.4'3 259.94E 239,3376 761,9731 292,993 358.:571 3,256.6531 -21.91%
e:ng3,26°'e>3.47% 2004 I 210,363 335.'48, 387,487 49Q,426i 279616 18',732 204,851 155,409 212.299; 119,2831 259.4591 283.087,
3.048.9761 -70x0%
1 2005 1 912.585 782.540 28'.5651 461,6781 456:073 913.197 196eC8 235,305 282.503; 276.247 268...^;4. S•1.??51 5.597,68x1 8355%
2006 1 197,263 331.3<1 42.149 29<,0541 337,237 ?74420 352,5331 261.409 3d 3.749( 559,975 470.956 1,6'8.2721 5.302.0001 •5-28%
_ -.~SE 1 2C-07 ~ 293.078 347,860. 1'2,016 293.Oo"1~ 621,413 430,207 1,1'9,4251 2_$9.226 _421.3761 286,524 _ 316.9761 25s ,i90~
4,814755r -13.02°r'°
C ;356°53'1 ~ _ 2008 330.080 347.21_9_- %4?549 1454,7971 327,855 <a =49_100?59 442.652 341,954-~ _ _l ~ 3,341.573 -27.5_5%
a,~=_from,xc•year(Ylon!h) 1 1 17.59% 4.2195 597.65% 62.02%1,- -4<.92°rS 4.36": .75035 IE.27°<. •13.79/; ;OO.CO% -700.00% -tOC.COni
~Irem prior year (YTDI 1_ 17.58% tU.32% 57.70;1 87.70%I 3628% 279»% -17.223; C'.C:'; -70.50%1 76.63% -2352'.6' -27.55'0; I
- ~ 1 200: 6.314.957 5,719.756- 8.197,909 5,715.410 5,911,516 7,EC4.901 5,702.351 Zr,295 7.3:5,6411 E,526.328 5,451,9091 8,079.155; 78,8;
1.153 i
2072 5.»59.2'61 5-035A49 6.53»,3?a 5,771,1331 5.394.991 7.936,839 5.365503 t 103.101 6,326,988; S.G85.Sb 5,585,538 7,38C,6~7; 68,034.774
0 °
2003 4.774920 4,514,099 G,C30.US9 5,2092, 5.456.771 6,870 e•p 5,044,6971 1--_ a I -4.85°a
_ C_!•~53.26X>3,d1X 200A 5,584.749 5,1l7.G33~ 5.E 13,99?1 5,572.712 Sp15 .~85 6,389.261 5,s49,8k3: 5,827,45;1 6,697.093; 5,298.647. S.°•09.059
8.06E.8°9~ 71 p94,443i 0.41 %
.~:1 % 2005 5,595,5'3 5,742,946. 6.<71.34C; 5.831.5181 6,136.529 7,4<9,<d1 5.545,20,'c,L'37,752 6.927,4491 5,576,07x 6,025:7' 1 8.595,204,
76.<36.546. 6.9+%
2CC5 5,6?8.?98 5,493,878- 7,235,7<8 5,530.6961 6,194,095 7,685,145 5.981,7 J9 5.175,424 1,55A 00 6,2.35,055 5,691.0301 10.197,046-: 7~,B5S928~
-z,4 •'!0>3.56% _ 2007 6.175,081 _5_936,481_ 6,005,6'5 6,147,768] 5.855.311 6.06'.120 7,660,252 7;3p4,754 8,299.420 6,766,951 6,788.9991 10,24_C,9E2i
88.162,732, S.i3°o
^.3 0 f 3.4; % 2008 6345,513 6.aa3 8 0' 7.863.654 fi <SSA59I 6.593,205 7,6E1 753 6,3A7,E59 S`.'7 _ 7,g66.a23_~ 0 _ 01 0~ 63,057,3861
- 2067 ~ 2;381 •78930-----20,474 -27.860~~ ,,rE - -447 -3.486.8.226 -3.274': -5,182 C -5,8'!9-~ _ -157,790! -
c: F:e6Jnds 2002 -t,t5a •230. -13,136 0~ -3,233 13.993 -527 -70,222 -121.204' -21.696 -1.5484 ~7C.C651 -197.2t5~'
a; F:: F.Inds 2703 -34,330 8.927 -7.078 -134,7egi 4-,772 -76.328 -412 -595 -69.1641 •3,779 -579 -<6,599i ~24272~
200a 1 -1.343 -10,505. -630 -8721 -5,963 •751 -1,299 •a,b43 -244 -21.±'8 -5.758 -4,330 -63.051:
2005 -246 _-65,044. -909 -2.666; x,547 -10.080 •3.062 -x,207 -BA61 -1.586 0 -4.7511 -951]51.
2'06 -50.302 -5,272: -22.761 -3631 -5.OS9 U G -7,568 -805 -5,947 -406 -16.773 -105-25G~
200' 0~ -38.291 I -2,013 -7291 -9,325 •'.4,547 •14,440 •677 0 -5,963 0 -5.0151 -91; 9t 1
SS Refunds 2008 -9781 0! X5974 -1 409; 0 -2.375 -445 -9,493 -1,429 ~ -63,102
fjustedtotal 2001 6.311.576 5.540,626! 8,171F29 5587.550] 5.970.<33 7,AQ49Sa 5,698.895 6,179,089 7.372,3621 6,521,746 5,461-909 E.073.31?I 78.7113731
'[0_03 _ 4J40.55?7 4,Sp5,272~~ 6.521,2_59 _5.777,133 5,397.75_2 7.922,_845 _ 5584,967 5,583,917 6,255,713 5,081,828 5.110,383 7,860,'05_ 71,321,187
~ -9.38%
A - { 1----
6.023.075 5.07» 479 5.424,5991 6,79AA52 _5,044,475 5,742`05 6.257,0231 5,087,802 5,964.959 7,334.299]_67,607,50_2{ -5.2?
eC"G 3264>3.d1q~ - 2004-- 1 5,583 cC6_~-5.167,?28. 6,613,354 5.571,8.701 5.409.121 6589.110 5.347,554 5,822.E25 6.696.849 5.271'29 5.502.301 6A62.569~
71.431.386 1.01%
. ..4 % 2CC5 I 5,59:;2:15 5.'07c,9C2 6??^431 S,E28.b52: 6.'34,6112 7.439 ~61 S.SA2,1a5 5.032,945 5.526,503 5.575389 6.0262711 II,591,445
76,346.493 6.87%
j 200'6 S,S~',896 5.488.605' ?.212 388 5,53::.3331 5.178,998 7.685,145 5.965.109; 6,2E7,666 7,553.b94 6,232,7 :a 5.89..:2<I 10,780.273 79,783.631
c L^.g3p7X>3.SEX I 2007 I 6,175A811 5.898.190. 8.003.802 8.147,039] 6,845.584 7.996.5?2 7,645,612 J,30a, J 8299,420 6,760,988 5,!96,999
10,235,567' 86,091,1x1 S.i6%a
2008 6.3x4,536 6.443.800? 7.816.680• 6.454,0501 6,553206 7.879,378 6,341.444 7,288.798 7.866.995 0 ~ 0~ 62,58B.Y64~ -25.35% '
--1---- . - - -
;1-~r~ae(mon!hl ~ 7.25 - L9E95 5.51%~ -O.CT.•5 3.;:0'.6 13.4'°i6 4.ti% -1.OA%, -100.00`% -700-0096 -106.!0'!5 '
~anca (Y'D7 - 15., ~ fi 1' ~1 ~ S. 25 - 2.~ ' I 26'.5; -7 57": _ - _
Sales Tax Revenues Generated in the UHGID Area by Standard Industrial Classification
2006 (sales tax rate of 3.41%
Jzn~arv 4.180 41,171 7,910 2,689 61,59" - 517 118,058
Feb*ua•~ 4.523 44,C52 4,366 4.219 19,901 - 2,376 79,436
R9arc~ x.839 40,390 8,703 2.527 18,847 - 63;' 75,944
A ri! :J,JBo 46,490 8,981 2,893 17.832 83 515 82,378
fvla 4.992 42.2=4 2,189 3,037 15,640 - 538 68,638
June 4,385 43,266 7,789 2.434 14,194 - 416 72,485
Jul 4,685 37..424 2,844 2,544 13.268 - 403 56,1f;?~
Au ust 5,174 46,480 4,154 3,159 48.380 - 1,915 109,?_63
5e ternber 5,633 54,904 18.079 3.043 64,946 - 811 147,416
October 5,63' 53,620 7,661 2,665 19,2.69 - 625 89,472
fJwernber 1,055 36.443 7.546 1,885 12.889 - 503 60.321
Cec;eTber 5,829 39.595 6,305 1,950 14,623 25 3,870 72,197
2006 TOTAL 56,511 521,081 86,527 33,045 321,380 108 13,125 1,031,776
2007 sales tax rate of 3.56%
,;s:n.a~~d 5.070 38,248 2,529 2,435 71.465 - 500 120.2.47
=ewa 3,444 45.102 5.847 2,691 21,020 - 580 78,684
P~~larch 5,033 49,355 3,615 2.453 13.9C1 - 755 75,112
~ri~ 5,367 51.864 3,464 2,432 15,224 - 664 79.016
fvlav 4.860 55,169 4,977 2,740 22,308 - 549 90,603
June 4,022 38,202 7,721 '1,18 i 18,417 - 521 71,063
Jule 4,":16 40.28L' 3,080 2,666 16,495 - 459 67,097
A~::ust 5,995 49,449 6,184 2,967 53,142. - 819 '18,556
tember 5.335 63,349 12,033 2.765 65,479 - 937 149.898
October 5,C50 64.566 6.323 2,374 22,026 - 695 101,034
:~ov~mbe: 3.947 44,038 5.665 2.531 14,331 - 57': 71.082
~ecem'^er 4,0':3 39,790 10,684 2,687 18,339 10 4,173 79,6?6
2007 TOTAL 56:250 579,412 72,123 30,921 352,147 10 11,224 1,102,088
2006 (sales tax rate of 3.41%
Jr+r~uar` 3.577 39,152 2,763 2,294 64,727 - 612 113,123
f ~brua 4,775 53,885 2,618 1,443 18.935 - 302 81.957
^:'.-r'rCh 4,884 44,974 4,036 1,755 16.330 - 1.x17 72,996
A;~il 5.437 62,048 3,268 2,042 ;7,910 - S76 91,281
':'a 4,634 42:690 5,756 2,25C 18,885 - 608 74,823
June 4,041 36,544 4,608 1,746 19,332 4 478 66,754
Jul 4.675 37,005 2,732 2,116 18,699 - 527 65.755
AJaust 5.613 47.728 7,607 2,532 80,984 - 7'4 145,179
Seuember 5.947 F,7,566 10,273 2,350 30,362 - 1,070 117,568
~;~-~be~ - - - - - - - -
fJcvemcer - - - - - - -
(~CCCr''bCr - - - - - - _ _
2008 TOTAL 43.584 431,592 43,661 18,529 286,165 4 5,903 829,438
Change from 2005-2006 2.09' 6.15% -12.25% 14.38% 11.78 i~ -90.07°/~ -25.65% 5.28%
Change from20U6-2007 -4.66% 6.51% -20.16% -10.37% 4.96% -90.99°% -'8.09~rc 2.3 i%
Change from 2007-2008 0.79% 0.13°'0 -11.71% -L0.58% -3.79% #DIV,'0! 2.04°a -2.45~~0
% Change from previous year month 11.47% 6.66% -14.63% -15.00°~ -53.63% #DIV/0. 14.19% -21.57'0
~'JO i ~S: Percentage change calculations for 2007 have been adjusted to eliminate the impact of the increase in the sales/use tax rate.
The decrease in the sales tax rate for 2008 has not been adjusted info the percent change.
The actual change in comparable collections through Sept 2008 is + 1.84%
Sales and Use Tax Revenues Generated in the UHGID Area by Standard Industrial Classification
2006 (sales tax rate of 3.41%
Januar 4,180 41,175 7.910 2,689 61,593 - 140 517 118.204
February 4,523 44,058 4.366 4.219 19.937 - 560 2.376 80,038
4tarc`, 4,839 40,391 8,703 2.527 18,893 - 196 931 76,480
ap•~i 5,585 46,504 8,981 2,893 17,848 83 411 515 82,819
tila 4,992 42,276 2,189 3.037 15.650 - 73 536 68,753
.line 4.385 43.270 7,789 2.434 14,208 - 57 693 72,838
4,685 32,442 2.844 2,544 13,288 - 307 403 56.513
:',u ust 5,174 50.341 4,154 3.159 48,686 - 128 :,915 i"3.558
Seo,ember 5,633 54,904 18.079 3,043 64.971 - i33 ',122 147.885
Oc'cber 5,631 53,626 7:661 2.665 19,292 - 2,764 625 92.264
':aver:rer 1.055 37.321 7,546 1,885 12,900 - 68 503 61,277
Cecember 5,829 39.604 6.305 1,950 14.633 25 25 4,14 72.525
2006 TOTAL 56,511 525;911 86,527 33,045 321,897 108 4,862 14,291 1,043.152
2007 (sales tax rate of 3.56%
1.:=nuar 5.070 38,253 2,529 2,435 71,486 - 137 500 1X.409
eb;ua,~ 3,444 45,205 5.847 2,69 i 21,230 - 125 580 79,121
I~;~zrch 5.033 49,358 3,615 2,453 13,925 - 1,540 1.014 76,937
:.,~;i; 5,367 56,577 3.464 2,432 15,248 - 223 664 83,974
~;-2 4,860 55,175 4,977 2.740 22,313 - 2.727 549 93,341
.tune 4,022 38,202 7,741 2,181 19,124 - 413 750 72,432
Jul 4,116 40,299 3,080 2.666 16.507 - 828 459 67.956
us! 5,995 49,453 6.184 2,967 53,148 - - 8~9 118.567
cep!gmber 5,335 67,692 12.033 2.765 65,483 - 223 1,206 154,737
Cc!ober 5,050 64,566 6.323 2.374 22,031 53 695 101.093
November 3,947 44,038 5.665 2,531 14,33E 7 571 71,097
lJecembe~ 4,013 39,792 10.684 2,687 18.340 10 '~8'I 4,895 80,703
2007 TOTAL 56,250 588,610 72,142 30,921 353,173 10 6,557 12,704 1,120,367
2008 (sales tax rate of 3.41%
January 3,577 39,152 2,763 2,294 64,734 - 441 612 113,572
=ebruar 4,775 53.887 2.618 1,443 18,938 - 14 302 81,976
trla•ch 4.884 47,980 4,036 1,755 16.345 - 45 1,224 76,268
qpr;; 5,437 62,048 3,268 2,042 17.914 - 3 576 91,288
~,;a. 4,634 42,694 5,756 2,250 18,899 - 1.466 cC8 76,308
:une 4,041 36,563 4,608 1,746 19,344 4 38 669 67,C15
,_i.. 4,675 37,031 2.732 2,116 18,706 65 527 65.853
,,,,._~5! 7,026 47,728 7,607 2,532 8 i,386 - 332 714 147.326
~eptem~er 5,947 68,814 10,273 2,35C 30,369 - 162 1,275 119,190
Cc!ober - - - - - -
ecember - - - - - - - - -
L~ecEmt:°' - - - - - - - -
2008 TOTAL 44,997 435,897 43,661 18,529 286,634 4 2,568 6,505 838,795
Change from 2005-2006 -3.27% 6.47% -12.25°0 14.38°'0 11.77% -90.07% -46.99% -23.84% 4.E4°o
°,o Change from 2006-2007 -4.66% 7.21°,/° -20.14g~° -10.37 io 5.09% -90.99% 29.17°~ -i4.85°0 2.88%
Change from 2007-2008 4.06% -0.98°-° -11.74°~° -20.58% -3.96'/° #DIVIO! -58.68'/° -0.56% -3.31°
°~o Change from previous ear month 11.47% 1.66% -14.63% -15.00% -53.62% #DIVl0! -27.20% 5.68'ib -22.97%
fJ E~: Percentage change calculations for 2007 have been adjusted to eliminate the impact of the increase in the sales/use tax rate.
Tie decrease in the sales iax rate for 2008 has not been adjusted into the percent change.
TFe ac'.ual change in comparable collections through Sepl 20081s +.95%
1~'M1,'['r,r7i.11 I^~'CFS`~~rnc'~,BU:`GE~ D.l'~~L''-'GID di~!,'HGInS~C X! S
tIHGID Yearly Summary City Wido Yoarly Summary
Sales and Use Tax Breakdown by Industry Category UHGID Sales and Use Tax as a Percent of Total City NJide Sales artd Use'iax
Food Ea:ir.g Apparel Horne General Eating Apparel Home General
Sta•es lases Stores Fur~rshi•igs A1erdi AU Other Tefal Food Stores Placas Stores Furnishings Merch Ali Other Total
._=t 200E Sc4.99? ;:a3S 8r'~i 543.66' 518,529 5286.634 - $9,077 S8'~8,i95 Sep' 2006 S 7,995,596 $ 8,3~U,098 5 2.077,587 5 3,87.,'58 Si3.3",537
S 27.626.273 3 52985,28"
5% 52%b 5% 2% 34°Jo 1% 100°0 1 % 5% 2°/ 1 % 29S 0%a '.3%
?"c' 556,250 5588.610 572,742 530,927 $353,173 $19.2.70 51,12c ;?67 2007 $11,205,584 $70,888.135 $ 2,804,311 $ 5.522,090 S78.Ua0,152 $ 39,631
n59 $ 88.097,73:
5% 53% 6% 3% 32% 2% 1000 l% S% 3% 1% 2% 0% 13%
556.511 5525,9Y 586,527 533.045 $321,897 519.261 St,043.i52 2006 $10.392.069 S 9.582.212 $ 2,424,694 3 4,611,056 $15.402,540 5 37,371,060 $ 79.783.63'
5% 50% 8% 3% 31% 2% 100%0 1% 5% 4% 1% 2% 0°,'0 1.3%
$58,421 $093.955 $98,605 528.891 3288,004 $24.024 $995,900 2005 31D,046.723 $ 8.995.Bd6 $ 2,362,366 $ 4,465,788 514.587,419 $ 35.832,350 $ 16,340.492
6% 50"% 10`/0 3% 29% 3% 100% 1% 5% 4% 1% 2% 0% 1.3%
Sa7,a46 5x61,253 587,695 525.958 5301,938 $124.607 51,045.897 2004 $10.148,861 38,637,718 $2,232.147 $3,118,372 514,123,007 532.771,342 $70n31,387
5°•o d4% 8% 2% 29% l2% iDU°.4 U°o 5% 4% t% 2% 0% 15'0
543,678 5417,782 394,036 535.450 3364,049 $46.965 59x1,951 2003 $9,052,658 $7,847,285 52,046.951 $3,922,549 $13.185,423 $31.552.637
5% 44 % 10'/0 4 % 32%4 5% ' 00°io 0`/0 5% 5% 1 % 2a/o 0 % 1 q %
$42.268 5407,606 $89,454 534,104 5313.795 $47,419 5928,646 20^.2 $9,294,397 $8,133.237 52.346,305 54,164,492 $t 3.572.651 533.875.600
5% 44 % 1D% 4% 34% 4 % 10D°u 0% 5% 4% 1 % 2°/ 0% 1 3%
~0^t 541.988 S39a,142 5103,513 $35,111 531 A,763 $2v'.461 5920.478 20;;1 59.312,676 $8.384,190 $2,646,021 $4,537,112 $15.553,807 538.279,526
5% 43°0 11% x% 35% 3% 106%o 0% 5% 4% 1% 2% 0% 12%
~sc~ $34,847 5378,042 599,206 539.066 $366,669 $17,242 5835.066 2000 59.080.970 $8.484.601 53.159.262 $5.915.794 $17.887,211 $36,269.737
4 % 4U°6 11 % a% 34% 2°/, 100% 0 % 4% 3 % t °0 2% 0 % 7 2%
teat 538.414 $345.800 x92.878 $46,325 $345.546 $5,309 5874,272 1999 59,207,721 $7,790,648 $3.359.914 $5.553,219 $17.008,884 533.A93,706
4% 4C% 11% 5% 40% 1% 100% 0% 4% 3% 1% 2% 0% 1.1%
t~a5 333.781 5356.299 5126.670 540,532 5306.197 $12,898 5870.371 1998 $8,932,097 $7.469,094 $3,252,729 $3,570.448 $15,736.140 $30,637,104
4% 40% 15% 5% 35% 1%~ 100°/ 0% 5% 4% 1% 2% 0% 13%
t~9? 537,537 5323,175 5126 465 339,84E $316,999 $9,035 3853,05? 1S?97 $7,739,779 $6,797,237 $2 ?81,018 $3,129,089 515,439,169 528,494,047
4°/ 32 % 15% 5% 37% 1°/a 100°/ 0'! 5% 5°io t% 2% 0% 1.3%
1n5 533.742 3342.802 5145.274 $74,088 5317.743 $15,788 5929:137 1998 5',611,0::5 56,614,551 $2.782.148 52.862.572 $15.111 X50 526.975,579
4`4 3".U ~ 654 8'/° 34 % 2 % 10094 0 % 5",~0 3% 0', 1 5`~t,
_..~~~.U I~.'~^F5 =~.RU.~!_.r'_.,d.HI_J~1p~1.~ri.~IDSICS._£.
UHGID Sales Tax Revenues (NO use tax)
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
January 83,022 96,846 100,032 99,422 98;853 118.058 120,247 113,123
February 65,046 56,994 63,769 64,521 72,140 79,436 78,684 81,957
March 64,537 68,740 69,760 72,985 72,060 75,944 75,112 72,996
April 60,826 68,547 62,055 66,129 74,662 82,378 79,016 91,281
May 61,329 56,306 62,078 65,583 61,131 68,638 90,603 74,823
June 92,013 76,086 69,726 73,693 69,085 72,486 71,063 66,754
July 59,675 63,058 48,079 53,263 65,768 56,168 67,097 65,755
August 88,127 87,167 125,801 124,050 144,466 109,263 118,556 145,179
September 123,121 129,966 104,739 108,698 99,702 147,416 149,898 117,567
October 66,451 73,867 81,351 82,562 93,865 89,472 101,034
November 60,396 58,271 67,097 64,189 65,915 60,321 71,082
December 86,683 71,034 74,835 72,674 62,359 72,197 79,696
Totals 920,684 911,224 906,884 929,322 947,770 980,005 1,031,777 1,102,088 829,437
Tax Rate 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.56 3.41
UHGID Sales Tax Revenues
160,000 - - - - - - - - - -
120,000 ,I 2001
j 2002
100,000 2003
80,000 ~ 2004 .
~ 2005
60,000 ~7~`~- ~ 2006
40,000 +
0 I-- - -
F ~eQ ~o