Sales & Use Tax Revenue Report June 2008 City of Boulder Sales & Use Tax Revenue Report June, 2008 Issued Ari~ust 12, 20UH This report provides inforn~ation and analysis related to sales and use tax collections fbr fiscal year 2008. Results are for actual sales activity through the month of June, the tax on which is received by the city in the subsequent month. Any questions should be directed to Bob Eichem, Finance Director at (303) 441- 1819. For 2008, the city's sales/use tax rate returned to 3.41% from 3.56%. Percentage changes in this report are calculated in two ways. The first illustrates the actual change in revenue (which included a voter approved one-year increase in rate from 3.41 % to 3.56% to fund the fire Training Center in 2007). The second and more important calculation is adjusted to illustrate the change in underlying sales activity which is the change upon which the 2008 city budget was predicated at the new lower, 3.41% sales/use tax rate. This adjusted amount is shown in the column titled "Change in Comparable Collections." The following tables compare year-to-date 2008 collections to the comparable period in 2007. Under either method the city continues to meet projections. REVENUE COMPARISONS TO COMPARABLE PERIOD IN PRIOR YEAR Table 1 lists the categories of sales anti use tax collected by the City of Boulder. It illusU•ates the percent change in the various areas for 2008 over the same time period in 2007. TABLE 1 JUNE Y'fU COMPARISONS - 2008 VERSUS 2007 Increase/(llecrease ACTUAL CIIANGE CHANGE iN COMPARABLE % OF TAX CATEGORY 1N REVENUE COLLECTIONS '1'O'1'AL Retail Sales Tax 2.02%) 2.29'% 81.22% BusinesslConsumer Use Tax 26.18% 31.73% 10.63% Construction Usc Tax 16.81% 21.94% 5.91% Motor Vehicle Use Tax 13. l6%) (9.34%) 2.37% Refunds 20.29%1 16.79% 0.12% Total Sales &Usc Tax 1.06% 5.51 % 100.00% Adjusted Results -When analyzing sales and use tax results, we occasionally make adjustments for ~ arious reasons. 7~he first is to compare year-to-date revenue to that budgeted so that spending adjustments can be made an a timely basis if necessary. The second is to identify trends that could impact 1 uture revenue that supports a wide variety of city services. While performing the internal analysis of the individual remittances we found that the following two categories need additional explanation: • food Stores, which in actual dollars were down during the month of Junc due to timing differences of certain payments. Although actual results were down by 22.30% during the month of June, at3er adjustment to make timing comparable for the two years, this category was up by 2.63%. • Construction Usc 'fax which was up by over 21 % in June is mainly due to a level of construction activity that is considered to be one-time in nature. An explanation of this aberration is included below in the section on Construction Usc Tax. Table 2 adjusts I~,r the hvo aforcn+cntioncd aberrations and Tresents what we consider to be a more accurate picture of revenue and trends in the current economy: TABLE 2 CHANGE. IN CUMNARABLF. % OE'l'OTAL TAX C'AT'EGORY CO[,I,F,CTIONS Retail Sales "Tax Z.94% 82.71% Business/Consumer Use 'l'ax 31.73`% 10.75% Construction Use Tax 0.22% 4.26% Motor Vehicle Use "fax 9.34% 2.40% Refunds 16.79% 0.13%) Total Sales & Use 'l'ax 4.97% 100.00% Retail Sales Tax -liven witt+ continuing concern related to consumer related spending in a slowing economy, retail sales for the first four months of the year remained fairly strong, with the exception of the discretionary categories of Automotive Trade and Consumer Electronics. Retail Sales Tax on the sale of public utilities (primarily natural gas and electricity) is up by 8.53%. While the Computer Itelatcd Business retail category is down, it is actually positive when use tax is combined with the retail numbers. Apparel Store salts continued to be strong during June, increasing by 14.24% and raising their YTU percent increase to 1 1.50`%. Although still positive, retail sales tax from Eating Places slowed again in June (froth a 5.30% increase in the month of April to a 4.77% increase in the month of May to a 3.05% increase during the month of June) they continue al an impressive YTD increase of 7.35%. Although also still positive, C;encral Retail stores results also slowed during the month of June (from an 8.43% increase in April to an 1 1.74% increase in May to a 2.21% increase in June). ~4'e will closely track trends in discretionary spending areas but have not yet seen significant recessionary impact. Business/Consumer Use Tax -Although this category tends to be volatile in nature and the short-term results do not necessarily reflect trends, it is encouraging to note continuing relatively strong revenue from many employers. Construction Use Tax -June year-to-date Construction Use Tax revenue is up by 21.94% from the same period in 2007. This category is very volatile and these results are not necessarily a predictor for the future. After adjusting out several large mixed use, residential condominium, and C1J projects that could be considered "one-time" in nature; this tax category increased by only 0.22°/,. 'I'ota! Sales and llse'1'ax -Without adjusting for one-time revenue, the "Change in Comparable Collections" column in 'Table I shows a total increase in Sales and Use `l'ax revenue of -5.1 1%. After adjusting for one-tirnc ConsU•uction lJse 'fax revenue and the timing of certain food Store revenue, the total 2008 year-to-date increase in Sales and Use "1'ax revenue is 4.97%. Si~niticant increases !decreases by tax category are summarized in Table 3: TABLE 3 YTD RETAIL SALES TAX Chan a in Com arable Collections S`1RENGTI iS: WLAKNF.SSF,S: • Food Stores down by 5.7 I % (actually up by 2.63% Automotive 'Trade down by 10.79% when adjusted for the timing of certain payments) Consumer llectronics down by 5.16% ¦ Eating Places up by 7.35% • Computer Related Business down by 3.1 1% • Apparel Stores up by 1 1.50% (combined sales and use tax in this category up) ¦ Home Furnishings up by 1.94% Boulder Industrial down by 1 1.20% ¦ General Retaii up by 6.65% • Downtown up by 1.50% • U1tGID up by 1.60% • University of Colorado up by 2.46% • Twenty Ninth Street up by 33.60% • Table Mesa up by 4.31% • Gtrnban~el Industrial up by 73.53% ¦ Gunbarrel Commercial up by 3.36% • Pearl Street Mal] up by 6.81% ¦ Public Utilities up by 8.53% ¦ 13VRC (excluding 29'h Street} up by 1.38% YTD USE TAX Chan a in Com arable Collections STRI:NGTI IS: W'I~.~KNLSSLS • Computer Related Business Use "1'ax is up by Motor Vehicle Use Tax down by 9.34% 81.08°/~ (combined sales and use tax in this category up by 35.24`%) ¦ Construction Use Tax up by 21,94'% (up by only 0.22% after adjusting to exclude urge condo unit and CU projects that may be considered one-time in nature) OTHER TAXES • Accommodations Tax is up by 8.9 I ¦ Adrnissions Tax is up by 56.42% PROJECTIONS FOR THE FUTURE' Though small, continuing GDP growth on both the national and state levels, raises questions about whether the country and/or the State are technically in a recession or not. Given the uncertainty, we will continue to analyze trends in City of Boulder Sales and Use Tax and modify forecasts if necessary. The Boulder County Leading Economic Indicators published in the July 18 - 31 Boulder County Busrness Report reflect the following: • Boulder County's economy is projected to take a breather during the third quarter. The forward looking indicator dropped slightly, from 114.2 to 113.8. This suggests growth will be relatively flat during the months ahead. At a local level, the most effective way to measure the strength of the economy is to look at employment growth. Tlu-ough the first five months of 2008, the Boulder Metropolitan Statistical Area, or MSA, employment grew at a rate of 1.7% compared with 1.9% for the state. ¦ 1'he Colorado economy is expanding at a solid but decreasing rate, whereas Boulder's growth appears to be more stable. • The Boulder economy's link to the global economy provides reason for optimism as many parts of the world, including some of our trading partners, are experiencing solid economic growth. ¦ During the past 12 months, consumer confidence at the national level, as measured by the Conference Board's indicator, plunged from 11 1.9 to 50.4. The magnitude and length of the downswing can be attributed to legitimate concern about the economy magnified by the media's saturation of the country's economic woes. The Rocky Mountain region's version of this indicator is the best measure of consumer confidence for Colorado, although it charts consumers' thoughts about the region as a whole. While the area has seen a more inconsistent pattern than the nation, ii has shown a downward trend. Consumers in the Rocky Mountain area, however, are more upbeat about the regional economy than the national economy. • On the state level, the best indicator of business confidence is the Colorado Business Leaders' Confidence Index. The overall index reading fbr the third quarter of 2008 registered 43.6 - up from 41.7, Panelists were most optimistic about sales prospects, which was the only component to have a mark above the neutral point of 50. Housing in the City of Boulder appears to be experiencing mixed results. The average price of a home in Boulder is up by 4.1 % over the past year. At the same; time, according to an August 7, 2008 article in the Daily Camera: ¦ A report released Wednesday showed that foreclosures continued to climb in Colorado during the first half of 2008, but did so at a rate that some observers say could signal that the state's housing crisis is easing. • Filings made in Boulder and Broomfield counties had year-over-year increases during the January through June period of 35% and 48% respectively. Despite the increases in Boulder and Broomfield counties...the number of foreclosure filings and the foreclosure activity they saw was among the lowest. ¦ In the city of Boulder, the high demand for real estate combined with the city's growth control measures create a bit of a buffer when it comes to foreclosures. Although the Boulder economy continues to be better than that on the State and National levels, it is certainly impacted by both. f;xceipts from the June 20, 2008 revenue forecast by the Colorado Oftice of State Planning and Budgeting are therefore informative: ¦ Colorado's economy continues to outperform the national economy in most major benchmarks such as income growth, employment growth, the unemployment rate, and inflation. In per capita teizns, Colorado has the 10' largest economy of the 50 states. • Although not immune to national and global economic problems, current macroeconomic circumstances have impacted Colorado far less than other states, for several reasons. Some positive and negative factors follow: o Global supply and demand dynamics conspired to push wholesale and retain energy prices ever higher, with oil prices projected by the investment bank Goldman Sachs to roach ~ 150 per barrel during the summer of 2008. While the short-run impact to Colorado consumers is negative, the impact to the energy production sector, both conventional and renewable, has been far more positive. o The oil price has also made renewable energy producers more economically competitive. The cluster of major research universities and federal laboratories on the Front Range has become a magnet for private-sector ventures in renewable energy. It appears this sector will lead the way for economic growth in Colorado for the foreseeable fuhtre. Although Colorado will fare better than the rest of'the country, it cannot be totally insulated from broader economic issues. Ongoing corrections in local real estate markets outside Colorado will indirectly impact Colorado, as fewer people will be able to afford to travel or buy second homes in Colorado. o Further weakness in the banking sector could cause businesses and consumers in Colorado to find it more difficult to borrow money, which would definitely have a negative; impact on the Colorado economy. On the more.local level of Downtown Boulder, development continues to be strong. The following projects (that will generate additional disposable and taxable spending) are documented in the June 20 - July 3 issue of the Boulder County Business Report: • 1 SOS Pearl St. - 22 residential units and 14,000 square feet of commercial space. • 1095 Canyon - 78,000 square foot, four-story mixed use building (20,000 square feet commercial space and 2.5 residential units). ¦ 1655 Walnut St. - 60,000 square foot residential building with 34 units. ¦ 1707 Walnut St. -Residential project with 1 S - 17 units at the site of the former 7-Eleven. • 1301-1357 Walnut St. - 55,600 square foot mixed-use building. • 915 Pearl St. - 21,524 square foot mixed-use project called The Eldridge Building. This report will he updated and will be available on approximately the tenth business day of each month. ,IU~G \"Fll Actual Actual ('hangs in (:'hanl;c in Actual Chnn~c Comp~rablc Total 1\et Sales;lJse'1'ax Receipts by Tax (:au•gory 20117 20(18 Dollars in !'ercentage Coilections °!o of"total Salcs'I'ax 34,396,980 13,701i,ti86 -n96,294 -2.112~~, 2.29% 81.22% 13usincSS Usc Tax 3,494,723 4,409,535 91 i,812 26.18",'0 31.73 % 10.63% Construction Usc 'I ax "2,097,636 2,450,149 352,513 16.81% 21.94 % 5.91'io Motorvchicle 1,132,037 983,015 -149.022 -13.16% -9.34% 2.37° Refunds -64 906 -51 73S 13 171 -20 29°~, -1 G 79'io -0 12 % Total Sales and Use Tax 41,056,469 41,491,649 435,18(1 1.06% 5.51% ]00.00°G. JUNEY°I'll Actual Actual Change in Change in Actu:~l Changt Cumparahle 'total Net Sales/Use Tax Receipts b} Industn '1'vpc 2007 2008 Dollars in Percentage Cullectlnns 44, ol'Total FocdStores 5,361,.252 5,065,593 -30Q660 -5.60°/• -1A5°/~ I2._I"S Eating Places 5,239,137 5,368.602 129.464 2.47% 698'/ 12.94% Apparel Stores 126L23? 1,329,892 68,660 5.4/•% IO.OR% 3.21% Hontc Furnishings 1.306.287 1,269,349 -36,937 -2.83% 1.45% 3.06% General Retail 8,195,260 8,46S,9G8 270,707 3.30% 7.85% 20.40% TransportationiUtilities 3,86N,741 4,008,484 138,744 3.59% 8.14% 9.66% AutomotivcTradc 3,029,414 2,606,904 -422,510 -13.95% -IU.16"/0 6.28% Building Material-Retail 1,525,071 1,514,867 -10;203 -U.fi7% 3.70% 3.65% Construction Usc "I'ax 1,996,17.7 1,958,329 (37,799) -I,R9% 2.42% 4.72% ' Construction Sales Tax 204,670 172,194 (32,47(,) -15.87% -12.17% 0.42"/0 Consumer Electronics 1,151,787 1,063,651 -88,135 -7,65% -3.59% 2.56% Con:putcr Related Business Sector 2,2.28.972 2,887,372 658.400 29.54% 35.24% 6.96% AIIOLtcr 5,7.7,,25 5,832,175 84,753 I.4T% 5.94% 14.06% Refunds -(;4,906 -51,735 13,1"71 -20.29% -16.79% -0.12% Total Sales and Use Tax 41,056,469 41,491,649 435,180 1.06% 5.51% 100.00% .)l!Nli 1'-1'll Actual :1ctu:tl Change in Chmtge in ,\ctual Change Comparable Tutat Net Sales/Usc T'az Receipts b) Geographic :\rca 2007 2008 Dollars in Percentage Collccliuns °.'o of 't'otal North Broadway j74,9G1 589,395 14,434 2.51': 7.0290 1.42% Downtown 2,889,450 3,072,721 183,271 6.34"'.~o I L(i2"~~ "1.41'/° Downtown Extension 256,037 230,044 -25,993 -10.15'%, -6.20% O.SS% UNG1D (the "hill") 526,214 506,426 -19,788 -3.76% 0.47% 1.22% Last Downtown 377,529 344,2.15 -33,293 -8.82% -4.81"/0 0.83% N. 28th St. Commercial 2,429,417 2,204,558 -224,859 -9.26% -5.26% 5.31% N. Broadway Annex 205,287 248,433 43,146 21.02% 26.34% 0.60% University of Colorado 400,889 384,546 -16,343 -q.08% 0.14% 0.93% Basemar 646,971 883.996 237,025 36-64% 42.65% 2.13% BVRC-Boulder Valley Regional Center 8,296.'•96 8,004,593 -291,903 -3.52% 0.73% 19.29"/0 29th Street 2.323.668 2,896,694 573,026 24.66% 30.14% 6.98% 'Fable Mesa 1,072,106 1,070,567 -1,539 -0.14% 4.25"/0 2.58% Ttte Meadows 590,059 481,3)8 -108,741 -18.43% -14.84% 1.16% AI. Other Boulder 3,126,370 2,215,452 -910,919 -29.14% -26.02"/0 5.34% Ilouldcr County 567,61 I 592,873 25,261 4.45% 9.05% 1.43"/0 Mcuo l)cnver 1,736,345 1.617,748 -I 18,597 -6.83% -2.73% 3.90"/0 Colorado All Other 76,424 83,406 6,982 9.14% 13.94% 0.20"/0 Out of Slate 4,151,558 4,075,098 -76,460 -1.84% 2.48°/" 9.82% Airport 6,282 6,41'7 135 2.15% 6.fi5% 0.02"/0 Gunbarrel Industrial 1,347,029 2,729,418 1,382,389 102.63% 1 ] 1.54% 6.58% Gwtbancl Commercial 493,470 487,735 -5,735 -1.16"/0 3.19% 1.18% Pearl Sh-ecl Mall 1,127.,421 1,142,928 20,508 1.83% 6.31% 2.75% Boulder Industrial "3,924,873 3,255,910 -668,962 -17.04% -13.40% 7.85"/0 Unlicensed Receipts 252,338 695,435 443,097 115.(10% 187.72'% 1.68% CountyClcrk 1,132,037 983,015 -149,022 -13.16% -9.34% 2.37% Public tJtibtics 2,595,533 2,;'40,421 144,889 5.58°/ 10.23% 6.60"/0 Rt:funds 64,90E -5],735 13,171 -2029°/ -16.79`% -0.12° 7'utal Sales anti l,'se'1'ax 41,056,469 41,491,649 43>,1811 1.06% 5.514~~. 100.00°~ l'nx Revenue Change in Changr in Miscellaneuus'rax Statistics 2007 2008 Change Revenue "Cazable Snles Total Food Scrvicc 'fax 230,891 250.373 19x180 8 4A% 8 •i4%o Accorn:nodahons Tax I ?33,0 1 S I ,669,633 13(:,6 15 8 91 8.91 Admissions -Fax f 75,419 274,394 98,976 56.42% S6 ~2% License Fccs 12,625 13,350 725 5.74% 5.74% Trash Tax 634,371 668,152 33,780 5.32% 5.32% usr. sn1 t•. COMPARISON OF YEAR-TO-DA"fli AC'1'11A1. RRVF:NUE FOR'1't1E YEAR 2008 TO COMPARAI)l.E PERIOD IN 2007 The sates lax rate decreased from l 56"/° in 2(K)7 l0 3 41`% ur 2(108 LSI:'I'AX BY ('A'I'E,CORY SALES TAX BY CA'TEGURF JUNEYTD Adtu:d II'`~ Change in Actual Change in Actual ('hangs Cuntparitble Change: m Ccnnpurahic 2(107 21108 in Dollars Coltcctiun: Standard Industrial Code Percentage Cullcelions 28,510 32,724 4-~? I ~1 14.'78°/r f'i ~ Food Stores 5,33.1,'142 ~,u +',y1 ~`1 SU4.~'4 ~ I 108,296 92,762 -15,533 -14.34°/ -ID.tiR"<, hating Places 5,13(1,842 5,27>,839 144,9v7 2.:534.0 7.35° 31,663 16,652 IS,UII -47.4;% -45 IUi~ ApparelStutcs 1,229,569 1,313,240 83,671 6.R1)"/o 11.50% 12,536 6,126 -6,409 -51.13% -48.98% home Furnishings 1,293,751 1,263,223 -30,528 -2.36% 1.94% 460,712 564,953 104,240 22.63% 28.02°~ General Retail 7,734,548 7,901,015 166,467 2.15% 6.65% 130,169 164,211 34,042 26.15% 31.70`% Transportation~Utilitics 3,'39,572 3,844,274 104,702 2.80% 7.32% 1,148,076 999,228 -148,849 -12.97% -9.;4°i Automotive Trade 1.88;,337 1,607,676 •273,661 -14.55% -10.79% 8,359 8,259 -IUI -1.20% ? I4":, Building Material-Retain >16,711 1,506,609 -10,103 -0.67% 3.70% 1,996,127 1,958,329 -37,799 -189% _'.-t2°:. ('onstructionUseTax 0 0 0 na na 0 0 0 na na Construction Sales Tax 04,670 172,194 -32,476 -15.87% -12.17% 33.836 48.024 14.187 41 93%0 4R 17% Consumer Electronics 1,117,950 1,015,628 -102,323 -9.15% -5.16% 1,015,268 1,7611,'14 14~,bRn 7345"/ RI UR°~„ Computer RelatedBusines, :.213.704 1,126;t19 -R7,2R6 -7.19°,% -3.11% I,750.~43 2.1`10.4'8 4i!1,t~35 2511°~ 311.(>I"'., All Other t.99G.5R2 3.641.701 -354.881 -8.88"/ -4.87°/" 6,724,395 7,842,698 I,l 18,.303 I6 tr3°/ 21 ?G"~„ 1 oral Sales and Use Tat 34,396,980 33,700,686 -696,294 -2.02% 2 29% USF. -TAX BY CATI?GORY SAI.I;S'I'AX BY CATEGORY JUNF' 1'7'D Actual .IIINF: ]'TD Actui+l Actual Change m i~. Aclual Ch:uti~e in r\clual Ch;mgt Chnngc iu Comp:+rd+le C'hangc in CnmparaEde 2007 in Dollars PerecnUlgr (:oltections Geo~r.+phic Code 21)07 2008 Percentage C'otlections 32,154 52,163 20,0119 62.23~fi 69,i7"~t, ~orthAroadway 542,8(1'1 };-1,232 -5,575 -1.03% 3.33% 167,770 426,5 i 7 258,747 : 54 23 rL I ~S 41'%.. Downtowr. 2,721,68(1 2,646,205 -'/5,47(, -2.77 % 1.50"/0 4,570 8,868 4,497 107_.90`% III.R3'% I)owntownfixtensian 251,000 221,1'17 -30,490 -12.12`% -8.25% 11,490 5,491 -5,999 S2.2I °/p -SO.1 I % UHG1D (the "hill") 514,724 500,935 -13,789 -2.68'% L60% 49.283 43,990 -5,293 -10.74"/0 -6.81% Fast Downtown 328,245 300,245 -28,000 -8.53'% -4.51% 35,099 39,795 4,696 13.38% 18.3T% N. 28th St. Commercial 7.,394,319 2,164,764 -229,555 -9.59'% -S.GI% 18,527 59,653 41,126 221.97% 236.14'%, N. Broadway Annex 136,760 188,781 2,021 L08% 5.53"/0 16,077 6,898 !),179 -57.10% -55.21°o UnivcrsityofColorado 384,812 377,648 -7,163 -1.86% 2.46% 11,040 224,597 213,557 1934.45% 2023.94'% Basemar 635,932 659,400 23,468 3.69% 8.25% 255,538 196.151 -59,387 -23.24% -19.86'% BVRC 8,040,958 7,808,442 -232,517 -2.89% 1.38% 87,616 35,271 -52,345 -59.74% -57.97% 29th Street 2,236,052 2,861,423 625,371 27.97% 33.60% 46,430 45,721 -709 -1.53% 2.80% Table Mesa 1,025,676 ),024,846 -830 -O.OR% 4.31% ;1,435 6,03! -5,404 -47.26% -44.94% The Meadows 578,624 475,287 -103,337 -17.86% -14.25% 1,553,500 1,117,987 -435,513 -28.03% -24.87°;, AlI0lherBoulder i,5"'2,870 1,097,465 -075,405 -30.23% -27.16% 135,484 157,345 21,8111 16.14% 2124°-o Boulder County 432,127 435,528 3,400 0.79% 5.22% 194,761 141,238 -53,523 -27.48°/ -24 29"':. n1etro Dem-er ~ ~a 1.584 1,476,510 -65,074 -4.22% -0.01% 8,400 28,849 20,449 243.46°/ 2Sh >v°.~ Colorado All Other nR,025 54,557 -13,467 -19.80% -16.27% 221,878 187,370 -34,507 -15.55% -II R7°o l)utofState 3.929,680 3,887,728 -41,953 -1.07% 3.28% 2.122 44 -2,077 97.91°i •97.82"-° Airport 4,160 fi,373 2,213 na 59.92% :,046,935 2,230,604 1,183,669 113.06% 122.43°~4~ Gunharrellndustral ±~i0,094 498,814 198,720 66.22% 73.53% 1,561 734 -827 -53.00% -50.93%;. Gunbarrel Commercia: 411,909 487,002 -4,907 -1.00% 3.36% 16,375 11,291 -5,083 -J1.04% -28.01% Pearl Street Mal' 1.106,046 1,131,637 25,591 2.31% 6.81% 1,429,387 1,133,301 -296,086 -2U 71% -17.23% Boulder Industrial 2;195,485 2,122,609 -371.,876 -14.94% -11.20% 168,189 587,903 419,714 249.55% 264.92% Ur.licensedReceipts 54,149 107,533 23,384 27.79'% 33.41"/0 1,132,037 983,015 -149,022 -13.16°/ -9.34"/ County Clerk U 0 U na na 66,939 I I I,R73 44,934 G7. i 3% 74A8% Public Utilities 2 528,594 2,628,548 99,954 395'% 8.53% 6,724,395 7,842,698 I,l 18,3113 IG 61°;, 21.76'%., 7btal Sales and Use Tax 34,396,980 33,700,686 -696,294 -2.02% 2.29% f.:a by M1~to & Calcgury 70TAL CITY SALES AND USE TAX COLlECT10NS Chan>;c in REVENUE CATEGORY YEAR JAN fEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUl AUG SEA OCT NOV OEC TOTAL TaxablC S31c RETAIL SALES TAX 200' r. 957 521 1 :89.252 6_247,377 r. G35.631 ~ E '4 ?0t 6,' 9C 040, x,463.885 A4f,59C 5.95E S 3 . r c2.L76 4 5' iSCr ~ E,E22,3C? (i? F>69 949 r 3903954 <058.202 4541 590, .:662.37^ 5,6E3 dS 4,38'~t 0 1_05 S.S70 049 41ct'63 ..3'0,542 6272806_ 57725'07 489% _ _ - 2(: l? , a _ 3'< •i S'+ 5 055, t36~ 4093 [68 ~ < 264 J29 5 t?2.356 d !67 696 a F63.592 5 t 7+ 981 4288.273' 4.246.92a~ 5940 175 St 87' 489 94°„, Rave Chg 3.26°/°>3 41% ?.804 a 391 tJG 4 ; 7c.467 • 5.327,G51 4 339.594 4 481 055 ..`>,340 555 4,333,:28 a 749 658 5.542 BC5 4.e50 731 ~ b'. L b. ~ i , ^ t 45°•, ,Rao04t°6 2005 c255 Cat a4533r0 5232.389 4,3531.26 576.664 5,53'_.'.96 4191.079 5013379 ~ 5.708.680 ?54 b. _ S'Sa,s'E 1541 790 ~ 4,769700 6°a<929 .5 ~ ~:a ( 2006 < 7342<9 r 6 5 43E 5,53!.253 4 C •9 -68' 1,662 33^ 6 7293fi3 ~ 4 737.773 5 237]57 E ' S5 056 e,950 305' d 387.847 7 891.6•E 63.949 446 7 tOr6 R NCh.y3c1/>356`~b <"007 5116353 50+4676 69'8.421 5'32.014, -JG 70' 6712.61' S.565.31r 6.393 G28 6954377 5141.463{ 5,645,703 E.4n .l Ea 73164506 4 59'5 R.a•e Cng'0 56'v d 171• 2008 5 47 40: 5 W t 9 6 005,946 ~ 5.331 147 .88 450 6 572.305 ~ '03.700.686 -S : 91"h Charge l*mn prior year (A'a:.••) r,.•°`: -937%. 846lr 4t'°. .10000% •+lXt CO': _ •10000% •'fq,OC% Charge 1•om prior yea' (YTC; _ r -0 75%: t 84!{. 2 3::'ir, 7..°. i t 96%- -2a tC'n _ _ -G5 bT9's .S1 9' `b~ - CONSUMER USF TAX ~r~-, a}c _ ~-,1,r'.6 908.629 889.to• 1427-6'8' 'r`~'t 6t? ;:7. 2', 3Sbt=3 '.C5+69~ 749,746 1,c.9055b 's.2Si1,<54 _ -.J^ ~.-~?r '36',;u 763956. 497237 tUY 779] Ene 9.g 67'x_ e<8 as..~ 767.513• .628926 1:53.296 9.6275'6 ':,51r_ _ 2C:-? . . - 7 x53 I 67?.962. 7b6 286 962185 ~ 656 7'%9 ; ' 6<~ 574 569 635 455_ ' 045.632 1,052 566 9 903 632_ 2 87 R a e Chg 3 26%>3 41%0 2004 4 229 665.018 899 a53r 142.597 721 614 956.477r E-O,E! r . 922 101 94 t 550• 728.634 ; 50 9 71 ~ I - - t'.: _ 5 6<5 -7 39^:; Ra n34! _ 2005 927 987 507,036' 95'. GOSy 1,;'66'4 •,tG3.S92 t Gp1 Cab bra 72" 786465 Coa 030 758.537 968167 ' 248 3L'0 t' '30 t8II E S.Sg• 2GG5 686,686 5.7,;0' 1277,1161 577'44 961,579 7873&2 E95,xG3 776258 :OSL 656 72777&, 7.'92224. '.297.'57 '-0637652 :13?F -t 'a:o Chg 3 a' h 356`; 2007 763 650 571,00& • 975 1781 122 P66 731 t 96 E58.072; 975.456 652.50: 923 667 73e'463 • - ~ 7' 6 3' 7 ; r x,908 ; 6 203 D72~ •8 t 39',: RIIeCng3.56%>3,a1% 2008 9'~F C3c 99+.472 i, ~.U9,160i ~ 73b.9o1 1067769' - 5 97.54c -4487. :f. 6a_ < C',a ge Ycm pror year ('dc^.;F ~ E ;a.,,,' _ 1874%1 -332;6 e93s~. 299tk '~]~:rt .-nr ran - ~C~~]OV: -tCQ C::°r. -'OC.0~56. .tOC G07. _S_rart_p.o year (v7 Jy - - - _ t 75=~ 234.^.~ I re B':5 116P. - ] ! -~Yi 7.'ro ---X4.825: --I - _ CONSTRUCTrON USE TAX---_ --=96 -~i 3' 172.691; 171147{ 196.'24 797,240' 77LO::E3 3`t?? a; E "„A,?, 19-,5'0~ 'lifi,?53 2941 850 ~ - 282.39..5871 215.364 t91,G06 a' ~ S54'3~ 3~ 167 au4 So•. uu5 4 i 773, 1" At'iB y G 8 I - - - ~ - - ~iae ('h 3.26%_3.41% e00a ['0.383- 330 548, 387,4671^ 490.426 4L9~,~~ 681.732] 2^v4.85t .1~ -39337 'r•.; 3i 291 .=63 ABP :i,~_u F.53r _ 2'9196 9 - 1 _ -3. ~ 5a09 21?.794 •'9.2631 238159 _ 283.067 30a8978r 1050% n a o 041°r° "x.005 9'2 5b5 78c X401 287,865 A67.P.7A' 466 073 3 " 7 86,406 2'x5,308 282.503 276 247 ; 288 104 5.<,97b ~ 5 592684 ~ E3 ~9'<. - 2006 +97 263 33 ~ 34 t Sc ~ 179 294 09~ 037 237 r _ / . d, r 157.533- 26! 409 343.744 ~ 559.9751 410 5 i 1 : 6 272 5 Gr. S a8 0 r Crp 3 a1 3 56% 2007 293 078. 347.860' ? ~ 6 293.06 01 n ] ^7 .19,425 259.226 ?r 376. 286 524 . 50o a b i 7 , ~ i3 0['i° R .eChga.56% 34.4_ 2008 330080 3a7< 9~ 7d85c9 454.79+' .i1 24 c<-9 ~ ?4- tep -e587=1, -r :I:' ..976`.? be t[°: -e4 Q2`, - :IJ;' •rlii-. .r. - ~ 97 i0"h: 382E=r: _ 04 , iG 4v ->437°,. 469':6 _ , TOTAL FOR MONTH 8 CHANGE FROM PREVIOUS vEAR (.MONTH & VTDJ ' 6314157 57 5,756 E' ~ { _ 5.4:0: _ - a-, 'J `,it _ ,9".516 7, ,049:.1 _ ofio_ 3 ~ -.111, 5.:6'.509, bD'Ja'F.61 7815<4.396' - CC2 5,155216_ 503044_9- -ES31 Jiff 5771/331 5351991 7 ~,e.a: _ _ _ _ _ -9.31':4 2003 x77<5<t 4s 4,C99~-~--5.030.093 5.209.2771 5.4&6711 c, 870 41, =A44.8T -7.i _ 5.085581 S.SES.c38- 7.3b.",E97' fi6.J:;-+r4~ <88% Rase Chg 3.26%>341% _ 2001 5;9x.74E 5'71633 E6'3 °3' 5.5727^.7 - _ •-s;; - - _ ._S,OF.S; 6.38_9.2_67 5.348.853 ~ri27,..r.. 6697.0 3 S.x3E 647 50&,059 806b,Abi• 71 a[.•: 4481 4>% RatC 3-41% _2005 _ , - _ r'----- _ _ _ _ _ 59958'3 5.241946' 6,471,340 5,83'.5'.8 5'36.5291 7,a69,4a~_ 5545,207 &.037,152 6.927,449; 5.576974, 6.025271 8.696.201 7&,136,515 6919; _ r _2006 56tb 156 5.493,878; 7.235,148 5.5!0.696 6.`84,096 7.bE5 '.a 5.465.79 6275124, 755a,5CG 6.238.06 U3C C'.9 U 5 79.P F_-9?A~ 1524: Ra e Cng 3.4? %>3.56% 2007 8 - . 5 5 6 as 8,005.6 5 - 6,147,768 6.855 311 ~ 8.001,120+ 7,6E0,252 ~ 7.304,754' 8-299 <i<; ~ 6.766 951 I 6,788.999: 10 24(1.981 ~ 9E 1 E 752 5.73 Ra cv.hg3 S6%>3 At % 2008 6.34 6 443 6 9: 7,863 654 6455459 6,553.'206 7.88'_753' 0' C: 0' 0 _ C 0 4' , < 084 ~ •SU 82 _ 200' laa V--- 78.430;. ~ ,n 474 •27.860 076 -447, 3 49E a 225r -3 27u , 1821 " LcssRcfl:rds 2002 '.554 2'+..: '3,Bb; 0 3239 13,993 -527 -70.224 •121204 -21.895 •t SaB -nu -17 c'S~ [.ess Refunds 2003 s4 330 •8.827 -7,078 34.791 <1.772 6 326 -422 1 5961 -69 1511 -3 779 ,79 w6 599 -024 272 _ - - y - - 2004 -s-_ U50~ t,3F 872 5.963 .1511 .1,299_ _ -064~ -24a~ -27,318 __5,758... -43i~ F OE~-___ 2005 -246 66044 -909 2.666 .617' 10,0801 -3.062 -0,2071 -846 1.586 0~ -07,17 5E 05'• 2006 a?~: 0,272; -22,761 •363 _5.0991 _ ~ 0 - Ot -75681 BOb -5.34! 106 6773 - 05296 - - - 200? --__36.297 , 20'3 •729 -9-3261 14,547 -f4_A40: •677' 0~-5,9_63 0 --505:-- -91,001 LLSS Refunds 2008 9~ 0~ -46974 -1404 0~ -2.375 ~ _ ~ •51.735 _ _ _ Adjusted total 2GO e ~E 564082E 417 473 5,687,550 5910.439 186,454 5,69&.895 6,119.069 7,372362 6n27,146 S.4fii.<yJ9^ 8G%337 78713,373 - _ 2_002 5466,Oo2 5.035219 6 52 ,258 t~ 5,771,133 5,391.752 _7 422.E46+_5,384 967 ~ 5 583 9t7~ 6 255 713 5,091.828 5.1'0 383 _ 7 HGQ'U5; 71.327,'87 -9 38 2003 _ < 40 S 1 4, SOa 777 ~ 6.G23,015_I 5 074 a J9 5 424 999 6.794,052 r S.C44 475. 5,742 5051 6 257 023~87,BC2 5.584 959 t 7 334298 67.607.5^v2 -5.21 3a aCrg 926!>34 i% 2004 ~ 5',831 t 5-ET6,6'3.354~ 5-571,A4C ,e, .2' 6.394."0 5.3af.So4 5,827.&1' 6.E96.849 5271.329 5.502301 9^.52569 7',431,386_ _ 'L"'% <are 3.x1% ~ _ ~ "<OUO 5.595.16.: bF 6 rU7; 6,470,43: _5.828.8521 6,134.882 7439,361 5.542.145 "0032.946 6.926-6031 5575.358 6_026.22: 969'116; 76.340 c93 687°i° _ 2006 S.5J7895~ 5.188.606 7.212,3881 5.530_333{ 6178956 7.685.145 5.985,709' 02678561 7553694r 6,232.'10 5.890,624, '0.190.273. 79.7&3.631 151'1° 1---_ F. .cn ,3.r°~ 56"s <7eJ 6175.08: 5.848.'90 8.003.6021 0.'17.035 F>ea598a 7.986,572, 7.645,612 73 cU77~ 8,299420r 6,7&0.9991 6.788.4491 10,235,967' E5.09~ /31~ 576% - - _ . ~ ~ 1 { 01 2008 i, cc 36 hc43 L ~ 7816 F60 F4`4 oSG 6 5326 78r9_3J8 0 U __C: 0 0~ 1',49. G19~ 5C 03?o - _ 5L Char SC i~ i ~ 7 r°:L 1 r ~ .96;6 1.6 07, ~ 00! t0C 00/ •10000300.0(1 ~ 00 C •100 COh •10 00 ~ - 's (prrgHr il,; 26':6 0„8.6 7 777`,6 6 551',. -1'.U6'L' {72.66:6 -3264.,, .i9 U5 i=j e436 -50.63,- - Sales and Use Tax Revenues Generated in the UHGID Area by Standard Industrial Classification Food Eating Apparel Home Gen. GRAND Stores Places Stores Furnish. Merchandise Trans Construction All Others TOTAL 2006 sales tax rate of 3.41% Janua 4.180 41.175 7.910 2,689 61,593 - 140 517 118.204 Februa 4,523 44,058 4.366 4,219 19,937 - 560 2.376 80,038 N,arcr 4,839 4C.391 8,703 2.527 18.893 - 196 931 76,480 Aprti 5.585 46.504 8.981 2,893 17.848 83 4" ~ 515 82.819 Ma 4,992 42.276 2.189 3.037 15.650 - 73 536 68,753 June 4,385 43.270 7.789 2.434 14.208 - 57 693 72,838 J,.~I 4,685 32,442 2.844 2.544 13,288 3C7 403 56.513 Au ust 5,174 50.341 4,154 3.159 48,686 - 128 1.915 113.558 Sep;emoer 5,633 54.90a 18.079 3,043 64,971 - 133 1.;22 147,885 October 5,631 53.626 7,661 2.665 19.292 - 2.764 625 92.264 November 1.055 37,321 7,5x6 1.885 12.900 - 68 503 61.277 Dece^ce~ 5.829 39.604 6,305 1,950 14.633 25 25 4,154 72,525 2006 TOTAL 56,511 525.911 86,527 33,045 321.897 108 4,862 14.291 1.043.152 2007 sales tax rate of 3.56°k Jar,~a 5.070 38.253 2.529 2.435 71.486 - 137 500 1X.409 Februa 3.444 x5,205 5.847 2.691 21,230 - 125 580 79.121 h4arch 5.C33 49.358 3.615 2.453 13.925 - 1.5x0 1.014 76.937 A ri. 5.367 56.577 3,464 2,432 15,248 - 223 664 83.974 Ma 4.860 55.175 4.977 2,740 22,313 - 2,727 549 93.341 June 4.022 38.202 7,741 2,181 19,124 - 413 750 /2,432 Jul 4.116 40.?_99 3,080 2.666 16.507 - 828 459 67,956 Au ust 5,995 49.453 6,184 2,967 53.148 - - 819 118,567 September 5.335 67.692 12,033 2.765 65.483 - 223 1,206 154.737 October 5.050 64.566 6.323 2.374 22.G31 - 53 695 101,093 November 3,947 44.038 5,665 2,531 14.338 - 7 571 71,097 December 4,013 39.792 10,684 2,687 18.340 10 281 4,895 80.703 2007 TOTAL 56,250 588,610 72,142 30,921 353,173 10 6,557 12,704 1,120.367 2008 sales tax rate of 3.41 Janua 3.577 39.152 2.763 2.294 64,734 - 441 612 113.572 Februa. 4,775 53.887 2.618 1.443 18,938 - 14 302 81,976 Mare 4.884 47,980 4,036 1.755 16.345 - 45 1.224 76.268 Apnl 5,437 62.048 3.268 2.042 17.914 - 3 576 91.288 Ma 4,634 42,694 5,756 2.250 18.899 - 1,466 608 76,308 June 4,041 36.563 4,608 1.746 19,344 4 38 669 67,015 Jul - - - - - _ _ _ Au us; - - - - - - - _ _ Se tember - - - - - _ _ _ _ Octcber - - - _ _ _ _ ~ _ November - - - - - _ _ December - - - - - - - - - 2008 TOTAL 27,349 282,324 23,048 11,530 156,173 4 2.008 3,990 506,426 Change from 2005-2006 -3.27% 6.47% -12.25% 14.38% 11.77°/ -90.07% -46.99% -23.84% 4.64% Change from 2006-2007 -4.66% 7.21% -20.14% -10.37% 5.09% -90.99% 29.17% -14.85% 2.88% Change from 2007-2008 -1.61% -0.16% -18.19% -22.78% -4.38% JfDIV/0! -61.12% -1.65% -3.76% Change from previous year month 0.49% -4.29% -40.47% -19.92% 1.15% #DIV/0! -90.71% -10.77% -7,48% NOTES: Percentage change calculations for 2007 have been adjusted to eliminate the impact of the increase in the sales/use tax rate. S \CMO\Dl1HMDPS1dmc1BUDGET DJ\UHGID d\UHGIDSIC-XLS Sales Tax Revenues Generated in the UHGID Area by Standard Industrial Classification Food Eating Apparel Home Gen. GRAND Stores Places Stores Furnish. Merchandise Transport. All Others TOTAL 2006 sales tax rate of 3.41% Janua 4.180 41.171 7.910 2.689 61.591 - 517 1'8.058 ~ebrua 4.523 44.C52 4.366 4.219 19.901 - 2.376 79.436 March 4,839 4C.390 8.703 2.527 18,847 - 637 75.94a A ail 5.585 46.490 8.981 2.893 17.832 83 515 82.378 Ma 4,992 c2.244 2.189 3.C37 15.640 - 536 68.638 June 4.385 43.266 7,789 2.434 14,194 - 416 72.485 Ju: 4.685 32.=24 2.844 2,544 13,268 - 403 56.168 Au ust 5 "74 46.~8C 4.154 3,159 48.380 1,9'5 '09.263 September 5.633 54.90a 18:C79 3.043 64,946 - 8 i 1 '~7,416 October 5.631 53.620 7,661 2.665 -;9.269 - 625 89,472 November ?,C55 36.443 7.546 1,885 12.889 - 5C3 60.321 December 5.829 39,595 6.3C5 1.950 14.623 25 3.870 72,197 2006 TOTAL 56,511 521,081 86.527 33.045 321,380 108 13.125 1.031.776 2007 sales tax rate of 3.5696 Jana 5.070 38.248 2,529 2.435 7'.465 SCO 120.247 Februa 3,444 45,102 5.847 2,691 21,020 - 580 78.684 h9arch 5.033 49.355 3.615 2,453 13.901 - 755 75,1 i2 Aorii 5.367 51,86 3,464 2,432 15.224 664 79,016 Mav 4,860 55.169 4,977 2.740 22,308 - 549 90.603 Jur.e 4,022 38.202 7,721 2,181 18,417 - 521 71.063 Jul 4.116 40,280 3:080 2,666 16.495 - 459 67,097 Au ust 5,995 49:449 6.184 2.967 53.142 - 819 118.556 September 5,335 63,349 12,033 2,765 65.479 - 937 149,898 October 5,05C 64.566 6.323 2,37a 22,026 - 695 101,034 November 3,947 44,038 5.665 2,531 14.331 - 571 71,082 December 4,013 39,790 10.684 2,687 18.339 1U 4,173 79.696 2007 TOTAL 56,250 579.412 72,123 30,921 352,147 10 11,224 1,102,088 2008 sales tax rate of 3.4196 Janua 3.577 39.152 2,763 2,294 64.727 - 612 113.123 Februa 4.775 53,885 2.618 1.443 18,935 - 302 81.957 March 4,884 44,974 4.036 1.755 16.330 1.017 72,996 Aril 5.x37 62,048 3.268 2.042 17.910 - 576 91,281 Ma 4,63a 42.690 5.756 2.250 18,885 - 608 74.823 June 4.041 36.544 4.608 1,746 19.332 4 478 66.754 Jul - - _ _ _ _ _ _ August - - - - - - _ Se tember - - - - _ _ _ _ October - - - - - - - - November - - - - - - _ _ December - - - - - - - - 2008 TOTAL 27,349 279,292 23.048 11,530 156,119 4 3,592 500,935 Change from 2005-2006 2.09% 6.15% -12.25°/s 14.38% 11.78% -90.07% -25.65% 5.28% Change from 2006-2007 -4.66% 6.51 % -20.16% -10.37% 4.96% -90.99% -18.09% 2.31 Change from 2007-2008 -1.61% 0.49% -18.13% -22.78% -3.83% #DIV/0! 0.64% -2.68% Change from previous year month 0.49% -4.34% -40.32% -19.92% 4.97% #DIV/0! -8.20% -6.06% S:~CMO,DUNMDPS\dmc\BUDGET DJIUHGID dj\UHGIDSIC.XLS NOTES: Percentage change calculations for 2007 have been adjusted to eliminate the impact of the increase in the sales/use tax rate. UHGID Yearly Summary City Wide Yearly Summary Sales and Use Tax Breakdown by Industry Category UHGtD Sales and Use Tax as a Porcent of Total City Wide Sales and Use Tax Food Eating Apparel Home Goneral Eating Apparol Homa Goneral Stores Places Stores Furnishings Merch All Other Total Food Stores Places Stores Furnishings Merch All Other Total „one 2008 S27.349 5282,324 523,048 $'.1530 515E,173 S6.002 5506,426 ,h.rc 2(:Ob $ 5.065.593 5 5.368,602 5 1,329.892 $ 2,333.000 5 8.465,968 $ 18,928.594 5 41 G9',f<9 5 % 56/0 5% 2% 31'/--_ t% 100% t % 5% 2% C% 2°/ 0% ' 2 % 2007 556.256 5588.610 572,142 $30.921 5353.173 $19,270 51,120 367 2,,^,C7 $11,205.584 $70,888,135 $ 2,804,311 $ 5,522.090 518.040.152 $ 39.637,459 5 88.09',731 5% 53% 6% 3 % 32% 2% t QO°! t% 5% 3% 1 % 2 % 0% ' 3 2006 556.577 5525.91 i 586,527 533.045 5321,897 $tQ267 51,043.'52 2C.^.6 $10,392.069 S 9,582.212 $ ?.424,694 5 4,611,056 $15,402540 537,371,060 5 79.786,631 5% 50% 8% 3% 31% 2°k 700% 1 % 5°k 4% l% 2% 0% 3°%c 2005 $58,421 5493.955 $98,605 S28.891 5288,004 529.024 5996.900 2005 $76.046.723 S 8,995.846 5 2,362,366 $ 4,465,788 514,587.419 5 35.882,350 $ 76.340 .92 6% 50% 10% 3% 29°h 3% '00'i;~. 7% 5% G% 1% 2°/a 0% 7 35~ 2004 547,446 5661,253 $87,695 $25,958 $301,938 $124,607 57,048.897 20C~ $10.148,8E1 $8,637,718 52.232,147 53.118,372 514,123,007 532.171,342 $70.43'..387 5% 44% 8% 2% 29% 12 % ' OC%+ 0% 5% 4% 1 % 2 % 0°/ 1 5 io 2003 543,678 $417.782 594.036 $35,450 5304,099 546.965 591,95' 20:3 59.052.658 $7,847,285 52.046,957 $3,922,549 $13,185,423 531,552,637 S67.E07 503 5% GGc'/> 10% 4% 32°~ 5% tOC% 0% 5% 5% 1% 2% 0% t ay 2002 542.268 5x07,606 $89 454 534,104 5313,795 541,419 5928.646 2002 $9.294.397 58,133,237 $2,346,305 $4.164,992 $13.572,65'• $33,815.600 571.327.182 5°/ 44% 10°k a°/ 34% 4% 100% 0% .5% 4% 1°k 2% 0% 13% 2001 $x1,988 5394,142 5103,513 S35,11? 5318.763 526.961 5920.x78 200' $9.312,fi7E 58.384,190 $2,646.021 $4.537,1?2 $15,553,807 538,279.526 578713,332 5 % G3 % 11% G°h 35% 3% 100% 0% 5% 4% 1% 2% 0% 1 2°!+ 2000 53x,841 5378.042 599.206 539,066 $366,669 517.242 5935.066 200; $9.080,910 58,484,601 $3,759.262 $5.915,794 $17.887,211 536.269,737 $80.19/,575 4% 40% 11% 4% 39% 2°k 100% 0% a% 3°k 1% Z°/ 0% ' 2% 1999 53b 414 53a5.8D0 592,878 546,325 $345,546 55.309 587n.272 7999 59.207,721 57.790,648 53,359.914 $5,553,219 S77A08.884 533,893,706 57E,8'~ 092 4% CO% 11% 5% 4C% 1% 700 % 0% 4% 3% 1% 2°.k 0% 1998 $33.781 5350,299 $126.670 5x0,532 $306.191 512,898 5870 371 1998 58,932.097 $7.469,094 53,252,729 53,570.448 515,736.1x0 $30,637,104 569.597.E 12 4°k aC% 15°k 5% 35% 1% 100% C% 5% 4% 1% 2% 0°./0 3% '997 $37,537 5323,175 5126,465 539,846 $316.999 59.035 5853.057 1997 57,739.779 $6.797,237 52,781,018 53.129.089 S15,439.169 $28.494,047 $64.380.339 4%-. 38% 75% 5% 37% 1% 100% 0 % 5% 5% ? % 2% 0% ' 3% ;996 533 742 $3~2,80i 5145,274 $7x,088 5317,74"s 515.788 5929.437 '596 57,6'1 055 56,614,561 $2,782,149 52,862 572 515,1'1 950 S2E 975,579 561,957.866 4i= 3740 16% 8% 34% 2% 100% C 5% 5% 3% 2`i~ C°6 i.5% S.ICMO\DUHMDPSIdmc\BUDG-` DJIUHGID a'~,UHGIDSIC.XLS UHGID Sales Tax Revenues (NO use tax) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 January 83,022 96,846 100,032 99,422 98,853 118,058 120,247 113,123 February 65,046 56,994 63,769 64,521 72,140 79,436 78,684 81,957 March 64,537 68,740 69,760 72,985 72,060 75,944 75,112 72,996 April 60,826 68,547 62,055 66,129 74,662 82,378 79,016 91,281 May 61,329 56,306 62,078 65,583 61,131 68,638 90,603 74,823 June 92,013 76,086 69,726 73,693 69,085 72,486 71,063 66,754 July 59,675 63,058 48,079 53,263 65,768 56,168 67,097 August 88,127 87,167 125,801 124,050 144,466 109,263 118,556 September 123,121 129,966 104,739 108,698 99,702 147,416 149,898 October 66,451 73,867 81,351 82,562 93,865 89,472 101,034 November 60,396 58,271 67,097 64,189 65,915 60,321 71,082 December 86,683 71,034 74,835 72,674 62,359 72,197 79,696 Totals 920,684 911,224 906,884 929,322 947,770 980,005 1,031,777 1,102,088 500,935 Tax Rate 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.56 3.41 UHGID Sales Tax Revenues 160,000 - - - - - - - 140,000 120,000 ~ ~ 2001 -+F-- 2002 100,000 i ~ 2003 2004 80,000 . ~ ~ ~ 2005 60,000 ~ _ - y _ ~ 2006 2007 40,000 2008 20,000 0 - , ~ - - ,~~J~c~~`Jac\ ~~~~r PQ~\ ~a~ ,J~~ ~J~~PJ~JS'~ e~,~eoG`o,~e,e~~ecGe~~ec F ~~Q ~o S:\CMO\DUHMDPS\dmc\BUDGET DJ\UHGID dj1UHGIDSIC.XLS