Sales & Use Tax Revenue Report April 2008 City of Boulder Sales & Use Tax Revenue Report April, 2008 Issued June 10. 2008 This report provides information and analysis related to sales and use tax collections for fiscal year 2008. Results are for actual sales activity through the month of April; the tax on which is received by the city in the subsequent month. Any questions should be directed to Bob Eichem at (303) 441-1819 or Ed Kaiser (303) 44I-3921. For 2008, tlie city's sales/use tax rate returned to 3.41% from 3S6%. Percentage changes in this report are calculated in two ways. The first illustrates the actual change in revenue (which included a voter approved one-year increase in rate from 3.41'% to 3.56% to fund the Fire Trauiing Center in 2007). The second and more important calculation is adjusted to illustrate the change in underlying sales activity which is the change upon which the 2008 city budget was predicated at the new lower, 3.41% sales/use tax rate. This adjusted amount is shown in the column titled "Change in Comparable Collections." The following tables compare year-to-date 2008 collections to the comparable period in 2007. REVENUE COMPARISONS TO COMPARABLE PERIOD IN PRIOR YEAR Table 1 lists the categories of sales and use tax collected by the City of Boulder. It illustrates the percent change in the various areas for 2008 over the same time period in 2007. TABLE 1 APRIL YTD COMPARISONS - 2UU8 VERSUS 2007 Increase/(Decrease) ACTUAL CHANCE CHANGE, IN CO)v7PARABLE % OF TAX CATEGORY IN REVENUE COLLECTIONS TOTAL Sales Tax (2.45%) 1.84% 79.97%~ Business/Consumer Use T'aY 26.75°/~ 32.32% 10.73% Construction Use Tax 79.79% 87.70% 6.95% Motor Vchiclc Use Tax (8.1.1'%) (4.07%) 2.53'% Refunds 20.30% 25.59% (0.18%) 't'otal Sales & Use Tax 3.18%~ 7.72% 100.0U% Retail Sales Taa -Even with continuing concern related to constuner related spending in a slowing economy, retail sales for the first four months of the year remained fairly strong, with the exception of the discretionary categories of Automotive Trade, Home Furnishings, and Consumer Electronics. Although the Computer Related Business retail category is down, it is actually positive when use tax is combined with the retail numbers. Reported Food Store sales improved considerably in April, reducing the concern we evidenced in April when YTD sales were do~~n by 5.74%. April YTD Food Store retail sales are now up by 2.10%. Apparel Stores and General Retail sales actually unproved during April, raising their YTD percent uicreases. Eating Places continues at an impressive YTD increase of 9.07%, even though this area is discretionary in nature, it only slowed slightly in Apnl to a still impressive 5.30%. Business/Consumer Use Taa -Although this category tends to be volatile in nature and the short-term results do not necessarily reflect trends, it is encouraging to note continuing relatively large payments from several lazge employers. Construction Use Tai -April year-to-date Construction Use Tax revenue is up by 87.70% from the same period in 20t?7. This category is very volatile and these results are not necessarily a predictor for the future. Even after adjusting out severat large residential condominium and CU projects that could be considered "one-time'' in nature, this tax category increased by 34.64% from relatively low activity in 2007. Tota] Sales and Use "Taa -Without adjusting for one-time revenue, the "Change in Comparable Collections" column in Table 1 shows a total increase in Sales and Use Tax revenue of 7.72%. After adjusting for one-time Construction Use Tax. revenue, the total 2008 year-to-date increase in Sales and Use Tax revenue is 5.61 Significant increases /decreases by tax category are summarized in Table 2: TABLE 2 YTD RETAIL SALES TAX Chan a in Com arable Collections STRENGTHS: wl-;AKNI~;sst~:s: • Food Stores up by 2.1U% Automotive Trade down by 10.33% ¦ Eating Places up by 9.07% Consumer Electronics down by 14.64%~ ¦ Apparel Stores up by 9.99% Computer Related Business down by 26.22% ¦ Home Furnishings up by 2.45% (combined sales and use tax in this category up ¦ General Retail up by 6.90% by 18.51%) ¦ Downtown up by 3.25% BVRC (excluding 29'~ Street) down by 0.28% • tTHCiII) up by 6.26% The Meadows down by 2.55% ¦ University of Colorado up by 10.20°/u Boulder Industrial down by 14.94% ¦ "J'wenty Ninth Street up by 34.$1% ¦ Table Mesa up by 7.31% • Gunbarrel Industrial up by 3898% • Gunbarrel Commercial up by 3.83% ¦ Pearl Street Mall up by 6.82% ¦ Public Utilities up by 6.25% YTD USE TAX Chan a in Com arable Collections STRENGTHS: WHAKN};SSH;S ¦ Computer Related Business Use Tax is up by Motor Vehicle i;se 1'ax down by 4.07% 67.62% (combined sales and use tax in this category up by 18.51 ¦ Construction Use Tax up by 87.70% (up by 34.64% after adjusting to exclude large condo unit and CU projects that may be considered one-time in nature) OTHER TAXES • Accommodations Tax is up by 7.72%. • Admissions 'l'ax is up by 59.30% PROJECTIONS FOR THE FUTURE' Though small, contuiuing GDP growth on both the national and state levels, raises questions about whether the country acid/or the State are in a recession or not. Given the uncertainty, we will continue to analyze trends in City of Boulder Sales and Use Tax and modify forecasts if necessary. According to the June 6, 2008 Boulder Camera: ¦ State economic growth downshifted to 2% last year from 3% in the previous year... ¦ Colorado looked similar to the nation as a whole. The US posted economic growth of 2% last year compared with 3.1°,4> in 2002... ¦ By other measures such as job growth acid unemployment, Colorado has stayed ahead of the US. On this subject, excerpts from Richard Wobbekind's article ui the April I 1 - 24 edition of the Boulder County Business Report follow: ¦ ...the Boulder Valley economy has been vibrant in the past year. The county unemployment Icvel remains well below the state rate, and the county has one of the lowest per capita foreclosure rates in the state. ¦ ...the Boulder Leading Economic Indicator projects that the Boulder Valley economy will contuiue to edge fon,.-ard in second quarter 2008. It moved upward from 11 I.8 in third quarter 2007 to 114.2 in fourth quarter 2007. This suggests that the local economy will experience continued growth during the upcoming quarter at a time that the nation is expericncuig stagnant growth or recession. ¦ Given the precarious state of the current economy, it is encouraging to read headlines...that Conoco Phillips will open a renewable-energy research and training facility in Louisville, Renewable Energy Systems Americas plans to relocate from Austin to Broomfield, and Covidien (previously Valley Labs/Tyco) is planning a major expansion at its Gunbarrcl location. ¦ Solid retail sales are likely to continue given the wide variety of shopping alternatives in the Boulder Valley. ¦ Until the housing market becomes more settled, consumers express greater confidence in the economy, the credit crunch subsides, and the Fcd demonstrated it can keep inflation in check, the only thing for certain is that greater than normal volatility will continue, particularly in the f"uiancial and real estate markets. ¦ Overall, the expansion of the Boulder Valley economy will continue to hinge on what happens nationally and abroad. The Boulder Retail Real Estate Update in the May 5 issue of the Boulder County Business Report includes the following: ¦ The retail category of commercial real estate....vaca<icy rates dipped below 6% in the fourth quarter of last year. That is, in practical terms, full occupancy. The May 9 issue of the Boulder County Business Report states: ¦ Office vacancy rates in the Boulder Valley fell to 11.6% during the first quarter of 2008, signaling that the local market may be ready for some new construction. A 10% vacancy rate typically is seen as a healthy market that could warrant new buildings. • The first quarter Boulder commercial vacancy rates were as follows: Office 12.2%, Flex 5.4%, and lndustrial 8.4%. Also included in the May 9 issue of the Boulder County Business Report is a reference to new residents in Boulder (which brings new disposable income into the city): ¦ The first residents of The Peloton, a new 385-unit mixed-use development in Boulder started moving in during early May... • About 60% of the first 190 units in buildings C and D have been sold... Building C with 76 units is complete and residents are moving in. Building D with l 14 units is expected to be complete in July. Given that the Boulder Valley economy is ultimately tied in many ways to the national economy, the following April 27 information from I financial Week must be considered when estimating retail performance: • Consumer confidence (On a national level) plunged unexpectedly to its lowest in 16 years in May as rising gasoline costs and falling home prices made Americans nervous about the future.., ¦ The index has dropped by almost half since last July, when housing market troubles triggered the most severe credit crisis in at least a decade. • At the same time, inflation expectations rose to an all-time high 7.7%, well above April's 6.8%. The 2008, Quarter 2 Business Leaders Confidence Index is more optimistic regarding the Colorado economy: ¦ Only 1 U% of the panelists express optimism about the national economy during the second quarter, while about 1 T% expected no change. Almost 73% foresee a declining national economy in the short terns. ¦ Panelists are more optimistic regarding the Colorado economy. Almost 19% anticipate the state econom}j will perform better in the second quarter, while nearly 33% think the economy will remain unchanged. About 48% of respondents believe the state economy will perform worse in the near term. • Although we are in the midst of a slowdown, the Colorado economy has an unemployment rate of 4.4%, below both the natural rate of unemployment (4.S to S.0%) and the U.S. rate of 4.8%. In addition, Colorado has continued to add jobs during January and February, albeit at a slower pace. ¦ Boulder County has benefited from the recovery in the advanced technology sectors. The May 13 issue of the Colorado Economic Chronicle published by the Legislative Council Stall' of the Colorado General Assembly states: ¦ Although there are signs of slowing in Colorado's economy, it continues to outpace the nation. ¦ Although the state's economy will continue to slow in 2008, it appears better positioned to weather the negative factors weighing on the economy than the narion as a whole due to Colorado's increasingly diverse economy, booming energy industry, educated workforce, and relatively high per capita income. ¦ Because consmncr spending represents about 7U% of economic activity, there is the potential for a slowdo~~n in the state's economy to be worsened and prolonged due to the negative effect of higher food and energy prices, lowex home values, and tighter credit conditions. Consumer spending in Colorado has been remarkably resilient considering these negative factors, likely due to the state's continued job and personal income growth. ¦ However, there are signs that consumers have begun to be overpowered by tlne negative factors and a sluggish job market. The persistence of the negative factors weighing on consumers, coupled with a weakening of personal income in 2008 given an expected slowdown in hiring, will cause consumer spending and sales tax revenue to be sluggish in 20(18 and into 2009. However, it is important to note that sales tax revenue should experience a temporary boost this summer as households receive dneir economic stimulus pa}~nnents from the federal government. This report will be updated and will be available on approximately the tenth business day of each month. iJSE>K SALES COMPARISON OF YEAR-TO-DATE. AC1'1JAL RF,VENCJE FOR'I'f1E YEAR 200A'1'O COA41'ARABLE PERIOD W 2007 The sales tas rate decreased fiom 3.56%~ in 20(17 to 3.41%in 2008 1:SE'1'AX Bl' C:1'1'Is(:ORl' ti;11,1';S'1'AX R\' ('AT1':(>ORY' APILIl;1"1"L)letuat -,tl'It11;1'1'I),1cf;: „ E'hancc in { ! C ,i::t, in tn~a;rtbld 30(77 ~ S ~ i::r, f~ti~ntngc- ( SlandardIndu-vttialCode - 20t)3 ~rit~<.;c l'c~ll~~tion~ 22,056 25,681 3,625 16i1A'ti. 21.56°~~ hood Storrs 3.587,215 3,508,248 -78,967 -2.20% 2.10% 63,573 ?3,147 9,574 15.06°-o 20.12°iu Eating Places 3,252,146 3,397,724 145,57k 4.48% 9.07%t ] 1,971 11,163 -4,808 -30.1 l% -27.03°io Apparel Stores 756,359 796,871 40,512 5.36`% 9.99% 8,434 3,429 -5,005 -59.34% -57.55°.'0 1lomcFurnishiugs 829,4[7 813,917 -!5,501 -1.87% 2.45% 315,733 380,472 64,739 20.50% 25.81% Cctteral Retail 4.885,699 5,002,573 116,874 2.39% 6.90% 80,651 93,633 12,982 16.]0% 21.20°/~ '1'rattsportation/i;tilitics 2,627,94] 2,649,699 21,758 0.83% 5.26% 756,444 695,472 -60,973 -8.06% -4.02°ro Automotive Trade 1,199,169 1,029,962 -169,207 -14.11% -10.33% 5,267 5,638 371 7.04% 11.75%. L3uilding b4aterial-Retail 877,171 881,775 4,b05 0.52°'0 4.95% 1,194,439 1,363 359 168,920 14.74% 19.16% Construciion Llse Taz 0 0 0 na na 0 U 0 na na Construction Sales Tatx 124,391 100,643 -23,748 -19.09% -15.53% 21,81.8 33,450 II,E>32 53.31% 60.06°u CottsumerF.lectronics 823,386 673,248 -!50,137 -18.23% -14.64% 7ti1,201 1,125,861 424,660 60.56% Ei7.62°,u Computer Related Iittsincss 769,901 544,102 -225,799 -29.33% -26.22% 895,920 LG57,220 761300 84.97°/i~ 93.11°u AllOliter 2,456,644 2,241,139 -209,505 -k.SS% -4.53% 4,1181,507 5,468,524 1.387.1117 33.98°'6 39.88°-i~ `I'ota] tislcw and Use'1'az 22,183,437 21,63) x71 -543,ai6 -2.45'% 1.84% L!SE'I:la 131' CA'1'EGOla' SALT;S'I'~1,X 131' CA'I'EGOIa' ((I: 1' I'llsc(ti;tl .:iii ~ ac ua' ec* ~ .io:,rtu. ~ Clvut'_•c :.i~ie 20( ~ ~ ,t32a'~r ~ ,'~_~tir~~i Gcu~raphicCt~c 2r)(17 2UO8 _ _ "Sti~its 21,788 27,865 6,077 27.89°~b 33.52°'o Forth Bmaziway 340,529 350,121 9,593 2.82"rb 7.34%. !06,084 244,262 138,178 130.25iS~ 14(1.38°i& Downtown l,Ei?4,523 1,654,528 -19,995 -1.19°.0 3.15% 1,369 3,799 2,431 177.5T% 189.784io lknvntowtt f;xtettsiott 154,537 153,583 -954 -0.62°o 3.75% 7,384 3,746 -3,638 -49.27% -47.04% UHG[D (tfte "hill") 353,058 359,357 6,299 1.78% 6.26% 42,71.5 29,555 -13,160 -3881% -27.77% Fast Iktwntown 211,107 192,926 -18,180 -8.61% -4.59% 19,059 25,337 6,278 32.94% 38.79°ii, K. 28th St. Contntereial 1,541,518 1,464,38Ei -77,132 -5.00% -0.82% 16,606 40,238 23,631 142.30% 152.96°it. N. Broadway Atntcx I OCi,355 114,188 7,833 7.37% 12.09% 14,722 6,245 -8,477 -57.58% -55.71°'o University of Colorado 311,339 328,862 17,322 5.56% 10.20`% 4,759 219,674 214,915 4515.57% 4718.60°.~0 13asemar 410,265 418;557 8,292 2.02% 6.51% 180,859 130,293 -50,566 -27.96% -24.79% 13VRC 5,313,556 5,075,313 -238,243 -4.48% -0.28°'0 63,592 30,387 -33,205 -52.22% -50.11% 29th Strcct 1,412.018 1,823,381 411,363 29.13% 34.81% 36,141 38,440 2,298 6.36% 11.04°% Table Mesa 666,680 685,282 18.,E,U2 2.79% 7.31°.n 8,647 4,3E,5 -4,281 -49.51°~b -47.29% 'Ihe Meadows 372.787 347,982 -24,805 -6.65% -2.55% 919,700 7G 1,373 -158,327 -17.22% -13.57% All (hherBoulder 907;259 648,525 -258,734 -28.52% -25.37% 85,915 130,290 44,375 51.65% 58.32°~u Rouldcr County 244,781 231,261 -13,520 -5.52"'/r. -1.37% 138,177 83,568 -54,608 -39.52% -36.86% Metro Ikatvcr 952;616 931,571 -21,045 -2.21% 2.09% 3;965 21,363 17,398 438.80% 462.50% Colorado All Other 36,545 26,813 -9,732 -26.63% -23.40°./0 152,656 123,024 -29,632 -]9.41% -15.8?'ro OtriofState 2,446.194 2,336,036 -11Q158 -4.50% -0.30% 2,122 44 -2,077 na -97.82°~4t Airport 1,338 3,269 1,931 na 155.12% 752,150 1,441,131 688,981 91.60% 1(10.03"4. Gttnbanel Btdustrial ]94;446 258,859 64,413 33.13% 38.98% 937 568 -368 -39.33°rb -36.66% UunbaaelComntnrcial 320,253 318,510 -1,743 -0.54% 3.83% 8,708 3,564 -5,145 -59.08% -57.28% Pearl Street Mall 658.156 673,448 15,292 2.32% 6.82% 824,454 777,782 -4E>,E>72 -5.66% -1.51°io I3oulderIndustrial 1,650,274 1,344,577 -305,697 -18.52% -14.94% -116,401 573,788 690,189 -592.94% -614.62°~~ Unlicensed Receipts k6,092 49,374 -36,718 -42.65% -40.13% 744,563 684,153 -6Q410 -8.11°r6 -4.07% County Clerk 0 0 0 !iDIVi0+ na 40,837 63,Ei70 22,833 55.91°% 62.77%~ Puhlic Utilities 1,817,023 Lk49.194 32,181 1.77%~ 6.25% 4,08],5(17 5,468,524 1,387,017 33.98% 39.88°/r. Total Sales and Use'I'a~ 22,183,437 2L639,901 -543,5.36 -2.45°ii~ 1.k4`% ,~YItIL I"fU Ac1u:il Acuud Chmtgc in Change in Actual Charrgc Conyrarrblc Total'Vet Sales/LSe Tax Receipts b} 'I'xs Cateaon 200? 20118 Dnllars in Percentage Collcclions % of"!'oral Sales'I~ax 22,183,4.17 ?I,(i~4,9ill -54.3,536 -245"'6 1.R4`Y 79.97% llusincss Usc"t'ax 1.,290,979 Z,9U:i.72G G]'1,797 2G.75~~ 32.~~"0 10.73°.'0 Construction lJse'1'ax 1,046,015 1,880,645 834,629 79.799.0 87.70% Ei.95^/0 Motor vehicle 744,563 684,153 -60,410 -8.11°~~ -4.07% 2.53% Refunds -41,033 -49.360 -83'L8 20.309'0 25.59',' -0.18% Total Sales and i,-se 'Tax 26.223,912 27.059,0(,5 835.153 3.18"~~ 7.72°~, 100.00°,'~, Al'lili. Y'llll Aciunl Actual Clrvrgc in C'hungc in ;lctual Chatrgc C'ontpar•altle Total let Sales/iae Tax Receipts by Indusb~ T~'pe tl(17 Uollms in 1'et•certtage Collectionx °io of"('oral Food Shires 3,609.271 ;.533.9','.9 -'75_:4'? -2(19^,;. '.32°/ 13.OG';6 F.rting Places 3,315,719 1,470,871 155, 153 4.68"~~ 9.289~t, 12.83'16 Apparel Stores 772,330 808,033 35,704 4.6'2'% 9.23% 2.99% HomcFumishings R37,R51 817,346 -20,505 -2.45% ].84% 3.02% GenernlRetail 5,?.01,431 5,383,045 181,613 3.49% 8.04% 19.89% Transportation/Utilities 2,708,892 2,743,332 34,740 1.28% 5.74% 10.14% Automotivc'I'rade 1.,955,61? 1,725,434 -230,179 -11.77% -7.89% 6.38% Building Material-Retail 882.438 887;413 4,975 0.56% 4.99% 3.28% Construction Use Tax 1,194,439 1.,363,359 168,920 14,14% 19.16% 5.04% Construction Sales Tax 124,391 100,643 (2.3,748) -19.09% -15.53% 0.37% Consumcr6lectronios 845,204 706,698 -138,505 -16.39% -12.71% 2.61% ComputerRelatcdBusinessSector 1,471,102 1,669,963 198,86] 13.52°i6 18.51% 6.17°i6 All Other .1,346,564 3,898,359 551,795 16.49% 21.6196 14.41 Refunds -4I,033 -49,360 -5,328 20.3(1°i6 25.59°16 -O.1R% '1'Mal Sales and l lsc Tax 26,223,912 27,059,0(,5 835,1 Si 3.1 894. 7.72°:6 100.00° APRII: 1"1'D actual Actual i'hun;;c iu ('hsurgc in Actual C'hauge Cuntpa:•ablc '!'Mal Net Stiles/ilse Tax Receipts b.' Geographic :1rea 2007 21108 1)ollurs in 1'crcenrnQc (:ollections °io of7~otal 1~orihBroadway 302,31 % 377,987 15,670 :1..~2`+„ R.'rl°,,~ 1.40°~ Downtown 1,780,G06 1,898,789 118,183 6.64°i6 11.33 r6 7.02'%: Downtown ISxtension ISS,906 157,382 1,476 0.95^/0 5.39% 0.58: UHGID (the "hill") 360.442 363,103 2,661 0.74% 5.17°io 1..34% East Downtown 253,821 222,481 -31,340 -12.35% -8.49% 0.82% N. 28th St Commeroial 1,560,577 !,489,723 -70,854 -4.54% -0.34% S.SI% N. Broadway Annex 122,961 154;425 31,465 25.59% 3].11% 0.57% UnivcrsityofColorado 32b,261 335,107 8,846 2.71% 7.23% 1.24% Bascmar 415,024 638,231 223,207 53.78% 60.55% 2.36% BVRC-Boulder Valley Regional Cenh-r 5,494,415 8,208,607 -288,809 -5.26% -L09% ].9.24% 29th Street 1,475,610 1,8S3,7fiR 378,158 25.63% 31.15% 6.85% Table Mesa 702,822 723,722 20,900 2.97% 7.50% 2.67% The Meadows 381,434 352,347 -29,087 -7.63°/u -3.56^/0 1.30% All OtherBouldcr 1,826,959 1,409,898 -417,061 -22.83% -19.43% 5.21% BouldcrCounty 330,696 361,55] 30,855 9.33% 14.14% 1.34°io McUoDenver 1,090,792 1,015,139 -75,653 -6.94°.6 -2.84% 3.75% Colontdo All Other 40,510 48,176 7,667 18.93% 24.16% 0.18% Out of State 2,598,850 2,459,060 -139,790 -5.38% -1.22% 9A9% Airport 3,459 3,313 -146 -4.22% -QUI°/v 0.01% Gunbarrellndustrial 946,596 l,6<)9,990 753,394 79.59% 87.49% 6.28% Gunbarn:lCommcn:ial 321,190 319,078 -2,112 -0.6fi°/^ 3.71% 1.18% Pearl Street Mall 666,865 677,012 10,147 1.52% 5.99% 7..50% Boulder Industrial 2,474,729 2,122,359 -352,370 -14.24% -10.47% 7.84% Unlicensed Keccipts -30,3(19 62'1,162 653,471 -2156.01.% -2246.47% 2.30°i6 County Cterk 744,563 684,153 -G0,410 -8.11% -4.07% 2.53% i°ublic Utilities 1,857,850 1,912,863 55,013 296% 7.49% 7.07% Rcfurtds -41,033 -49.360 -8.328 20.30°~6 25.59"6 -O.1R"~ Total Sales and Use Tas 2fi,223,912 27,059,065 835,151 3.1816 7.72°v 100.00^.6 1"ax Rc~'cnuc C'hungc °ro (.'hank 1n Mixcellaneous "I'ax Statistics 00; 1 20~' Change liecenue 'Taxable Sales "I'oLal Food Scrvicc'1'ax 145.460 160.424 14,961 1(1,79^i~ 10 'S>"~~ Accommodations I'ax 532,751 897,033 64,283 7.72`5° 7.72°.~ Admissions Tax 104,506 160,110 59,604 59.3096 59.30% License Fees 8,875 8,725 -150 -1.(19% -1.69% Trash Tax 302,475 633,674 331,199 109.50% 109.50% 'I'ii by\4n 6; CaC~r.,rv' TOTAL CITY SALES AND USE TAX COLLECTIONS ' I I ~ Chnngr in REVENUE CATEGORY YEAR JAN FE8 MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG 3EP OC7 NOV DEC TOTAL Tarahle S•Jk. RETAtL SALES TA% ?~0+. 495Z524~ 4pe9.2 6.217,377 4,635.634 4,824201 E.190,040 4.4636651 4,840,590' S.998.5'.3~ 4,797.076 4.518,650 6822.307 62.665.819 _ _ _ 2002 4536.744 -t----- --r--- _ _ 3.9C395c1 4.9:8.-1;;71 4,::44,590; 4882.370 5,563.4;4 4381,120 x,725.305; 5572049; 4.168.999 4.375,542 6,77780b 7.?251;, -789°;, 2003 ii?1,314'__3,874955_ 5.0_55.136 4 .93,0681 4.264.729 ~--132,:'.16 4,157,666 4,663.992'--_5.171.96' ; 4 268,213 4.216 ~''<4r 5_40.175 54.077 En,9 -4.94% Re:eChg3.26%v3.41% 2004 <.394_738; 4,770A57 53270511 4.339.5941 4.461,055 5,340,555 4,333'?8 t,149,oSE~ 5,5120651` 4,45031 4516,6791 6,E02.036 30.229.8x4 1.45% Re~c 34715 2005 1255,0171 4,453.370 5.232,389 4.353.026; 4.576.864 5.535.199 4?94079 5.013375' 5.55(:.9'.6; 4,3x1,790 4.?E9,700 ___5,932,929 59./00.690 ___2.54_% - ------1---- 2006 4.7342x9' 4,645,436 5.537,253 4,659.454; 4.B6e 331 6,125.363 a,/a7 II;7 5,23?.?57; 0'.156.056; 1,960.305 4.391,84? 7,99'.678 __63,949,446 7.10°.6 R a:c <:hy 3. 1%>366% 2007 5,1'b,353' 3014,615 6.918421 5.132.049; 3.300.701 6, !'2 s41 5.565571 5,393028; 6,9'.x4.377; 5,7<7,963 5.695,103 ~„a 73.164,906 9.59% - ---.------1-- Ra;e Chg3 56%>3 41% 2008 5_197 4_~_ 5 105,109 b _5,946 _ 5.331.447y-----_-_- _ ! ---27,839.907 _•69_1__2_% - - _a _ Chang+.fam pr or yrar (tdoMh) F01 ,51 628% •93%% 646 k, •10000% -100.000.2 •1fXiA0°,5 !0000% 1.:0 Or)h. _•100 UC%~ -10000;1 •tOC ::L`i Chance f oT pr Cr yeonYTDI 5 07 6.15% -0 15 h 1.84 k, •18 39 % -34 32% 43.41% 51 26°h 57 62%. -61 15% -G5 11%I -E9 12% I - ---1 CONSUMER USE TA% 2001 t,165,937~ 899.129 7,771.836 900.62° "89,791 '427.618 1.011,687 9752%21 955,683! 1,415.1691 719749 209(7,556 1'+25945; 2002 776.462+ 565,976 1,293,800 763,95 Sy7,2j7 '091,779 808,599 fi%1.^,(!8T__W6.455~ ?67,543 fi?5926'.'53296 __9_62)5'5 _ -2735°/a 2003 ?98.1571 517.559 836,398 B7T.96~: 786.286 962,785 656.799 819,1641 914,8E9 635.455 t Cn5,6321 052566 9,903.632 2 8?% Rate Ci1g 3.26%>341% 2004W 980.2291 665.078__899.453__742.692! 7<""4,614 866,974 810.874 922.4011 941.990 72d.E3d 750.971 '.18'1,7?6 10.215.625 •1.39% -f----- - Rate1.41% 2005 A77.A87; 507.036 951,085 7,0'6,614 f_ 1.103.592 1,001.048 864,720 788,465 7,094,030 758,937 _566467 219.300 11,130.780 9.95_% 2006 686.686; 517.101 1.277,146 ----571,140: 664.529 ?81,362 __895_403 776,258 1_054_696 72?.776 1,092.2?rt '.287,157 __10.637.482 -4,43% Rate Chg 3.<1%>3.56% 20x7 763,650: 574.006 975.1 7B 722.658 733.'96 858.072 575.456 652.501 923.667 ,'32['3 776,317 1.57 y06 10203.072 -813% - RattChg3.56%>3.4t% 2008 818.034 _997472 1,109.160 669.214 ~ _ _ 3587.879 -6329% Chang r«n,^.~t:r yaar (PRa1M) 1783°h, 8033% 19740h -332".x' -10003% -10000% '0000% -f00.00k •10000°h. •tJ000/ 10000% •10000% Change lrom plot year (YTD) 178396) ~ 4122% 11.75% 23.400k' -0 1311 •19.04% -3314^/° -40.11/0~ •47.82%; -5265ti 5658% -6379°.£ _ .r.__ _ 1 _ _ 1 , CONSTRUC71ON USE TAX 2001 191,496' 331,376 172.6911 171147; 196.124 187.243 227.009 311,433: 471,4461 319.083 794,510 166,293 2947.850 --7----- 2002 214,010 565.519 282,3921 _ 442,5871_275,394 1,181,606 195,374 197,745; 158,413; 167,213 '67,464 384,065 4.1?1,113 41.81% - - ~ --~q' ----------a 2003 _ _ 104.4<9 721.585 8 5591 238 246 _ 4.5.7.,11 675.308 220.413 259,9461___ 139.337 ~ 1.,1.9.3 29< ~..3 386 .57 3.256,0"53 -21.94 k Ra!e C!tg326%>341% 2001 210,383 336,748 387x671 49042b 229,x16 187.732 204,851 155.409 212.299; 119,283 1;',.)451 293067 3.048.978 1050% - a'----- - o a • - Rate3.x7% 2005 _ 912.585 782_540 __287,8651 461878:_ 455073 973.797 766,008 235.308; 26_.503: 27,,.147 789,74 1.4.9r5 5.597:'084 83.S~r16 2006 197,2631 331,341 420.1 491 294.0941 337,237 774_420 352.533 261.4091 343.7491 559975 410.958, tA'8.272 __5,302.000 _ __528% _%ate Cng34t%>3_56'6 20(17 _ _ 25°.0?8j 34?^860 '.12.U'~6~ 293.0611 621013 430.207 1.179025 _259,226 421.3761 286.524 376,9775253590 x,874,755 ~ -13_02% Ra7r,Chg]5G%>3.41 k--- 2008 330,080y--- 341.216 ------!48.5<91-----454,75/1------~---- t - ~ -1.800.645--_592.'% ----^------r--'- ----t----'- r--°-- CRanOetracpnoryear(Mmtn) 1 1/5945; 421% S3!.G5%1 G"202%; '0000%a -100.00% -100.00% -100.00%: -iCC ~0% •100.00%~ '.0000% -10000°/a Char.yefroTprioryearnTD)_--_~ '.758%! 1032°/ 9770°k B7?0%1 17]5% •6.40% 3897/ •43.520k: •4963%~ ..3.09°:a~ -SG 55%j -5922% e 1-- 1 I I TOTAL FOR MONTH & CHANGE FROM PREVIOUS YEAR (MONTH d YTD) _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ I 2001 6,314.957; 5.719.75658,791.503 5.715.4101 5,91 t,5'G 7.804,901 5.702.381 6.127,295 7375,647 ~ 6511.:18 5,46' 9091 b.079.756 78,87+ 153 - 2002 5469.2.6; 5 3,449 E,534.3°.4 5 r71.133; 5,394991 7.936,839 5,385,493 5,594,139 8,376917 5,'03 723 5111.931 7.810.169 71 ~"<4.396 ~9.3t% 2!X)3 4 774 910) a st 4 Q99 6,030 051 _ 5 209 2> ~ SA65 7% 1 6 8/C 410 3,04x,897 5 713 10'~ 6.326 188 5 085.59' 5,585.558~7.38C.89' 68 03' 774 -4 8A Rate Chg 3.25%>3.41% 2004 5,.584.74fl I P 1 6}} 6,6'3,991 5 572,712 t- 5 415 055 6 }g9 261 5,348 853 5.827,466 6,697,0937 5.298,64? 5,508.0.,91 0.066.099 71,494,448 0.4'7% Rate 3.41°.2 2005 5.995.513 5 742 946 6 47.340 5 831,5181 6,136,529 7x49,447 S 3x5.207 6.037,152 6,927,4491 5,576.974 6,02C>,271 8 656.204 76.436,545 6 910h _ _ 2006 _ __5.618.1981 5.493.4781 7.2_35.1x9 __5,530.6961 _ 6.184,09.6 7.565.145 5,985709 6275,424 7,554.5001 6.238.056_ __5_,991,0_30 __10,19);;16 _ /9.888.928 4.52% Rase Chg 3.41%>3.56% 27X77 6.775.081 5.536461_ 8.005.6151 6147.?68~ 6,855.3'1 -8.001J20 7,E50252 --7.304%541 8,299.420~_6.76E.55' 6.788.999 10 ~a~,9B2 88.182.732 S.Ts% 0 _ _ Rateohg3.56%>3,a1X 2008 6.3x5.513--1-6.443,800 7,863.654] 6,455.459; 0 0 Ol 0 0 0 27_,108A25 ^•67.91% - ---1-------------- - - - - - 2fX1t -2,981; -78.930 -20.47a -7%,860;_-1.075 -44? _ -348_6 •8,226' -3.279; _5,182 0 939 __•157,780 ^ 0~ - :-css itcfunds 2002 -1,1541 -230 '3136 01 •3.239 •13.993 -527 -10_222 -121.2(14` -2•.956 •7,548 1,,055 -197.215 :,eSS R: funds 2003 ~34.330~-8.627 ~7.0?8 -?34,7981_ -47772 •?6.328 -422 •596 -69,164] -37?9 -5:9 -46,599 -424.72 _ 2004 -1.3431 -10.505 -63~ -8?2. -5.963 •157 1.299 •4,6431 •244:-~ 27,319 -3'.758 -4.?3_0 -63.061 2005 -246~i- -64.044 -9091 -2,566; •1,647 -10.080 -3.062 •4,2071 -046; •1588 0 •x,757 -96.051 2001 -40,3021 •5,272 -22.7611 -363 -5.095 0 0 •7_5681 ~b06~ •5,9x7 -406 ~ -16.773 •105.296 - ~ 2007 0~ - ~ •38,291 •2.Ot3~ 729 9.328 -14,547 -14,440 -6771 0; -5.563 0 =5,055 -91,001 ----a--- - - - - ~ess R7alun85 21108 •s7e~ 0 46.9741 1,409 I_ _ _ _ _ 49,360 Adjusted total 2001 }}II 631?.8781 5,640,826 8,171,429! 5.687,5501 5.910,439 7,904_454 5,698.895 _ 5.1 t9,0E9 7,312,3621 6,527,146 -5.461,909 _ 8.073_317 __78.713,373 - -T - 2002--_I__5.468.pE 1?1? 5835.219 6521159. 5.7^i.+3131_5,391,752 7922,846) 381.96? 5.583.917_ 6,5713 f~ 5.081,828 __5,110383 __7.800,105. 71.327.181 -936% > 1 7 507<.4791 __5,424.9991 6,794.082 5.044,475 5.742.505;~ 8,081802 _5.564.959 )334293 5780%.502i~ -521% _ 72093 _ ___4.,40,5917 4,5_052__.2 __6.023._315] _ _ _ Rate Chg32o°h>341% _2004 5583,<06; 5,16"29 6,6'3354 5,571.840? 5.409.121 5,389,110 53x7534 5,822,925' 6,696.849; 5,271,329 5,502.301] 8,062,569 7f 411,_386 1.0146 - --r--- - - - - a-- - --_-z- __r v - - - - - Rate345% 2005 5.9,266: 5,E76902 5,828,852: 6,134,062~.43,..36t 5.542145 6,0„2.946 6...<6.6031 601 x._96 6.026,271h 0.691.446 __76.340493 5.87% - ---111111 - tx __'<CU6 5.577.8961 6.606 7 2. 88 ~530333f 6,179.998 7635,145 3,369709 62 7.855 7 53 6947 6,212110 5,'+501 ~ 10100,2!3 79 !83631 437% Rate Chg3-41%>3 56% 2v°' 5 175.081 6 1901 8 003 602 6.147,039, 6.845 984 7,966.571 ?.545 8+2 7 30a.OTi 1 8.<95 4207 6 6~ 088 6?83 9 : _ 1.0 2.35.967 _88,091 731 v_ 5._76oh - 2008 6344 '3f,_ 64x3800 7,0'6690 6C<a 050'_ 011 _0 0 U' 0 0 _ 0 0_27059.065_ •5753% ,6 Change (month) --I I ?/E 1 ~n.~~ 1.96ok! 961%1 -100.00'41 --•10000% -7000 k 100.00%{ -'OU k -70000% •70000%~-10000°6 . l i - I > ~ne~„e (Y'J` 25%' 7) . n,<, ! 15'.5. .7255 -14 595; -31.19° 42 C„ k~ 09.56%. -56..;7.F •00 2500 •63 72%I 67 93% UHGID Yearly Summary City Wido Yearly Summary Sales and Uso lax Breakdown by Industry Category UHGID Sales and Use Tax as a PercoM of Total City ode Salos and Use Tax Food Eating Apparel Homo Genorol Eating Apparel Home Goneral Stores Places Stores Furnishings Merch All Other Total Food Stores Places Stores Furnishings Merch All Other Total Apri12008 $18,673 $203,066 $12,684 57,534 $117,930 53,216 $363,103 Apri12008 $ 3,533,929 $ 3,470,871 $ 808,033 $ 1,524,044 $ 5,383.045 $ 12,339,143 $ 27,059,065 5% 56 % 3°k 2% 32 % 1 % 100% 1 % 6% 2% 0% 2% 0% 1.3 2007 556,250 5588,610 $72,142 $3g92i $353,173 $19,270 $1,'.20,367 2007 511,205,584 $10,888.135 $ 2,804,311 $ 5,522.090 518,040,152 $ 39,637.459 $ 88,091,731 5°k 53% 6°k 3% 32% 2% 100% 1% 5% 3% 1 % 2 % 0% ^ 3 2006 356,511 $525,911 556,527 $33,045 $321,897 $19.261 $1.043.152 2006 $10,392,069 $ 9,582,212 $ 2,424,694 $ 4,611,056 $15,402.540 $ 37,377,060 $ 79.783.631 5% SO % 8% 3 % 31 % 2% 100 % 1% 5% 4% 1 % 2`/0 0% 1.3% 2005 558,421 $493,955 598,605 526,891 5288.004 $29,024 $996.900 2005 $10,046,723 $ 8,995.846 $ 2,362.366 $ 4,465,788 $14,587.419 $ 35.882,350 $ 76.340,492 6% 50% 10% 3°h 29% 3 % 100% 1 °k 5°k 4°k 1 % 2°h 0% 1.3% 2004 $47,446 $461.253 587,695 $25,958 $301.938 3124,607 $1,048.897 2004 $10,148,861 $£5,637,718 $2.232,147 53,718,312 514,123,007 $32.171,342 $70,43',387 5% 44% 8% 2°k 29% 12°k 100% 0% 5°k 4% 1% 2% 0% 1.5% ZC03 543,618 $417,782 $94,036 535.450 $304.099 346.965 $941.951 2003 $9,052,658 57,847,285 $2,046,951 53,922.549 $13,185,423 $31,552,637 587.607.503 5% 44% 10% 4% 32% 5% 100% 0°k 5°k 5°k 1% 2% 0°k 1.4% 2002 $42,268 $407,606 $89.454 $34,104 $313.795 547.419 $928.646 2002 $9,294,397 58,133,237 $2,346,305 $4,164,992 $13,572.651 $33.815,600 $71,327,182 5% 44% 10% 4% 34% 4% 100% 0% 5% 4% 1% 2% 0% l.3% 2001 $41,988 $394,142 5103,513 $35,111 5318,763 526,961 3920,478 2001 59,312.676 58,384,190 $2,646,021 34,537,112 $15,553,807 $38,279,526 378,713,332 5% 43% 17 % 4% 35 % 3 % 100% 0 % 5°i6 4% 1% 2% 0% 1.2°,6 2000 $34,841 $378,042 $99,206 $39,066 $366:669 517,242 5935.066 2000 $9,080,910 $8.484,601 $3,159,262 55,915,794 517,887,211 $36.269,%37 $80,797,515 4% 4G% 17% 4% 391 2% 10030 0% 4°h 3°i6 1°/a 2% 0% 7.2% 1999 $38 414 $345,800 $92,878 546,325 3345,546 55,309 5874,272 1999 $9,207,721 $7,790,648 53,359,914 $5,553.219 517,008.884 333.893.70fi $76,814.092 4% 4C% 11°k 5% 40% 1°k 100°.fo 0% 4°h 3% 7°k 2°k 0% 1.1 7998 $33.761 3350,299 3726,670 $40,532 $306,191 512,898 5870,371 1998 $8,932.097 $7,469,094 33,252,729 53,570,448 515,736,140 $30,637,704 $69,597.612 4% 40% 15% 5% 35% 1% 100"/0 0°/a 5% 4°h 1% 2°k 0% 1.3% 1997 $37.537 5323,175 5126,465 $39,846 5376,999 $9,035 5853.057 1997 $7,739.779 $6,797,237 $2,787,018 33,729,089 515.439,169 328,494,047 564.380.339 4% 38 % 15% 5% 37 % f % 100% 0% 5 % 5% 1-% 2% ^v% 1.3% 1996 $33,742 5342,802 $145,274 574,08A 5317,743 315,788 5929.437 199Fi $7,611,055 $6,614,56' 52,782,149 $2,862,572 $15,111,950 $26,975,579 $61,957,866 4°/ 37% 16% 8% 34% 2% 100% q% 5% 5% 3% 2% C% 1.S°k S:\CMD1DUiiMDPS\Crnc\6UDGET DJ\UHGID Aj\UHGIDSIC Sates Tax Revenues Generated in the UNGID Area by Standard Industrial Classification Food Eating Apparel Home Gon. GRAND Stores Places Stores Furnish. Merchandise Transport. All Others TOTAL 2006 sales tax rate of 3.41% Janua 4,180 41,171 7.910 2,689 61.591 - 517 118,058 Februa 4.523 44,052 4,366 4.219 19,901 - 2.376 79.436 March 4,839 40.390 8,703 2.527 18,847 - 637 75,944 A ril 5,585 46,490 8.981 2,893 17,832 83 515 82,378 Ma 4,992 42.244 2.189 3.037 15.640 - 536 68,638 June 4,385 43,266 7.789 2.434 14,194 - 416 72.485 Jul 4,685 32.424 2.844 2,544 13,268 - 403 56,168 Au ust 5,174 46,480 4,154 3.159 48,380 - 1,915 109.263 Se tember 5,633 54.904 18.079 3.043 64.946 - 811 147,416 October 5.631 53,620 7,661 2,665 19,269 - 625 89,472 November 1,055 36.443 7.546 1,885 12.889 - 503 60,321 December 5,829 39,595 6,305 1.950 14,623 25 3,870 72,197 2006 TOTAL 56,511 521.081 86,527 33,045 321,380 108 13,125 1,031,776 2007 sales tax rate of 3.56% Janua 5,070 38,248 2.529 2,435 71,465 - 500 120,247 Februa 3,444 45,102 5.847 2.691 21,020 - 580 78,684 March 5.033 49.355 3,615 2,453 13,901 - 755 75,112 A ril 5.367 51.864 3.464 2,432 15.224 - 664 79.016 Ma 4,860 55.169 4.977 2.740 22.308 - 549 90,603 June 4,022 38,202 7,721 2,181 18,417 - 521 71,063 July 4.116 40.280 3,080 2,666 16.495 - 459 67,097 Au ust 5,995 49,449 6.184 2.967 53,142 - 819 118.556 Se tember 5,335 63.349 12.033 2.765 65.479 - 937 149,898 October 5,050 64,566 6.323 2.374 22,026 - 695 101,034 November 3,947 44,038 5.665 2,531 14.331 - 571 71,082 December 4,013 39.790 10.684 2.687 18,339 10 4,173 79,696 2007 TOTAL 56,250 579,412 72,123 30,921 352,147 10 11,224 1,102.088 20D8 sales tax rate of 3.41% Janua 3,577 39.152 2,763 2.294 64,727 - 612 113,123 Februa 4,775 53.885 2,618 1.443 18.935 - 302 81,957 March 4,884 44.974 4.036 1,755 16,330 - 1.017 72.996 A ril 5,437 62,048 3,268 2,042 17.910 - 576 91,281 June - - - - _ _ _ _ Jul - - _ _ _ _ _ _ Au ust - - - - _ _ _ _ Se tember - - _ _ _ _ _ _ October - - _ _ _ _ _ _ November - - _ _ _ _ _ _ December - - - - _ _ _ _ 2008 TOTAL 18,673 200.059 12,684 7,534 117,902 - 2,506 359,357 Change from 2005-2006 2.09% 6.15% -12.25% 14.38% 11.78°/ -90.07% -25.65% 5.28% %Changefrom2006-2007 -4.66% 6.51% -20.16% -10.37% 4.96% -90.99% -18.09% 2.31% Change from 2007-2008 -1.27% 8.39% -17.93% -24.75% -3.05% #DIV/0! 0.27% 1.78% Change from previous year month 1.31 % 19,64% -5.68% -16.03% 17.64% #DIV/0! -13.28% 15.52% S:\CMO\DUHMDPSIdmciBUDGET OJIUHGID dj\UHGIDSIC NOTES: Percentage change calculations for 2007 have been adjusted to eliminate the impact of the increase in the sales/use tax rate. Sales and Use Tax Revenues Generated in the UHGID Area by Standard Industrial Classification Food Eating Apparel Home Gen. GRAND Stores Places Stores Furnish. Merchandise Trans Construction All Others TOTAL 2006 sales tax rate of 3.41% Janus 4.180 41,175 7,910 2,689 61,593 - 140 517 118,204 Februa 4,523 44,058 4,366 4,219 19,937 - 560 2,376 80,038 March 4,839 40.391 8,703 2.527 18,893 - 196 931 76.480 A 'i 5,585 46,504 8.981 2.893 17,848 83 411 515 82,819 Ma 4,992 42,276 2,189 3,037 15,650 - 73 536 68,753 June 4,385 43,270 7,789 2,434 14,208 - 57 693 72.838 Jul 4,685 32,442 2.844 2,544 13.288 - 307 403 56.513 Au .;st 5,174 50.341 4.154 3.159 48,686 - 128 1.915 113.558 Se tember 5,633 54.904 18.079 3,043 64,971 - 133 1.122 147,885 Oc;ooer 5,631 53,626 7.661 2,665 19.292 - 2,764 625 92,264 November 1,055 37.321 7.546 1,885 12.900 - 68 503 61.277 December 5,829 39,604 6,305 1,950 14,633 25 25 4,154 72.525 2006 TOTAL 56,511 525,911 86.527 33,045 321,897 108 4,862 14,291 1,043.152 2007 sales tax rate of 3.56% Janus 5,070 38,253 2,529 2,435 71,486 - 137 500 120.409 F-ebn;a 3.444 45.205 5,847 2.691 21.230 - 125 580 79.121 March 5,033 49.358 3,615 2,453 13.925 - 1,540 1,014 76.937 Aphl 5.367 56,577 3.464 2,432 15.248 - 223 664 83.974 Ma 4,860 55,175 4.977 2,740 22,313 - 2.727 549 93.341 June 4,022 38.202 7,741 2.181 19,124 - 413 750 72.432 Jul 4,116 40,299 3,080 2.666 16.507 - 828 459 67,956 Au ust 5,995 49,453 6.184 2,967 53.148 - - $19 118.567 Se :ember 5,335 67.692 12,033 2.765 65,483 - 223 1.206 154,737 October 5.050 64.566 6,323 2.374 22.031 - 53 695 101,093 November 3,947 44,038 5.665 2.531 14.338 - 7 571 71.097 December 4,013 39.792 10.684 2,687 18,340 10 281 4,895 80,703 2007 TOTAL 56,250 588,610 72,142 30,921 353,173 10 6,557 12,704 1,120,367 2008 sales tax rate of 3.41 Januar 3,577 39,152 2,763 2.294 64,734 - 441 612 113.572 Februar 4,775 53,887 2.618 1.443 18,938 - 14 302 81,976 March 4.884 47.980 4,036 1,755 16,345 - 45 1,224 76,268 A ril 5.437 62.048 3,268 2,042 17,914 - 3 576 91.288 Ma - - - - - - - - - June - - - - - - - _ _ Jul - - - - - - _ _ _ Au ust - - - - - - _ _ _ Se tember - - - - _ _ _ _ _ October - - - - _ _ _ _ _ November - - - - - - - - - December - - - - - - - - - 2008 TOTAt_ 18,673 203,066 12.684 7.534 117,930 - 503 2,712 363,103 Change from 2005-2006 -3.27% 6.47% -12.25% 14.38% 11.77%. -90.07% -46.99% -23.84% 4.64% % Change from 2006-2007 -4.66% 7.21% -20.14% -10.37% 5.09% -90.99% 29.17% -14.85% 2.88% Change from 2007-2008 -1.27% 7.22% -17.93% -24.75% -3.25% #DIV/0! -75.13% -1.63% 0.74% Change from previous year month 1.31% 9.67% -5.68% -16.03% 17.48%~ #DIV/0: -98.47% -13.28% 8.71% NOTES: Percentage change calculations for 2007 have been adjusted to eliminate the impact of the increase in the sales/use tax rate. S:\CMO\DUHMDPS\dmc'il3UDGET DJ\UHGID dj1UHG1DSIC UHGID Sales Tax Revenues (NO use tax) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 200$ January 83,022 96,846 100.032 99,422 98,853 118,058 120,247 113,123 February 65,046 56,994 63,769 64,521 72,140 79,436 78,684 81,957 March 64,537 68,740 69,760 72,985 72,060 75,944 75,112 72,996 April 60,826 68,547 62,055 66,129 74,662 82,378 79,016 91,281 May 61,329 56,306 62,478 65,583 61,131 68,638 90,603 June 92,013 76,086 69,726 73,693 69,085 72,486 71,063 July 59,675 63,058 48,079 53,263 65,768 56,168 67,097 August 88,127 87,167 125,801 124,050 144,466 109,263 118,556 September 123,121 129,966 104,739 108,698 99,702 147,416 149,898 October ~ 66,451 73,867 81,351 82,562 93,865 89,472 101,034 November 60,396 58,271 67,097 64,189 65.915 60,321 71,082 December 86,683 71,034 74,835 72,674 62,359 72,197 79,696 Totals 920,684 911,224 906,884 929,322 947,770 980,005 1,031,777 1,102,088 359,357 Tax Rate 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.56 3.41 UHGID Sales Tax Revenues i, 160,000 140,000 120,000 2001 ~ 2002 100,000 2003 80,000 \ ~ 2004 2005 60,000 -x-2006 + 2007 40,000 2008 20,000 0 ~ - - - ~J~~ ~`J~~ ~~~~r PQ~\ ,J~e J~~~~ a~o~e` e~~~c e~~~~ F~ P p ~o~ Oro S:\CMO\DUHMDPS1dmc\BUDGET DJIUHGID dj\UHGIDSIC