Minutes - University Hill Commercial Area Management Commission - July 16, 2008 CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO BOARllS ANU COMMISSIONS 1Vlla;b;'I'ING MINLJ"I'I~;S I~'ORM NAMI; OF BOARD/COMMISSION: UNIVF,RSITY IIILI. COMMERCIAL AREA MANAGEMENT COMiYllSS10_V NAME/'fELEPIiONF. OF PERSON PREPARING SUMMARY: Ruth Weiss 303-413-7318 NAMES OF MF.MBI?RS, STAFF, A_ND INVITED GUESTS PRESENT BOARD MEMBERS: DAIII., GRIFFITH, MILL ER, MITCHELL, SNRUM STAFF: WINTER, JOBF,RT, CUNNINGHAM, LANDRITH, VVEISS GUF,ST(S): GINA BA'T`A TYPE OF MEETINCt: MINUTES RLGL'LAR MELTING: July 16, 2()08 AGENDA 1TEM 1-Roll Call: Meeting called to order at 9:05 a.Tn. AGENDA ITEM 2 -Approval of the May 21, 2008 Meeting Minutes. (SEE ACTION ITEM BELOW) AGENDA ITEM 3 -Public Participation: none AGENDA ITEM 4 -Police Update: Due to staffing issues, Wegsheider unable to attend. AGENDA ITEM S - UHNA Update: Stoyva to provide update at next UI-iCAMC meeting. AGENDA [TEM 6 -Hill Alliance Update: Sluum attended last Wednesday's meeting and commented vn a `Big Wheel" fundraiser that may take place as a promotion for the Hill. Poll needed with area businesses for approval of event_ IIill Fest discussed, to be held 9/6/08 and scaled down to one lot. UHCAMC fund will be providing some financial support for the event. Homecoming has spurred interest ul the Pep Rally. Plan to have the parade start on the bill and end at the field. 1'ep rally at the Fox after the parade brought good participation on the Hill last year. "Go for Gold" is the theme derived from the number of CU athletes going tv the Olympics. Last years event had a lot of community participation and as a CU event, more CU student participation desired. Housing and dinning services at CU will do table tents at the food service locations to promote Hill events and Hill businesses. Julie Pointer, expressed interest in working with the hill businesses and hill alliance to incorporate them in cu orientation. Homecoming game is against Texas. Landrith has arranged for a jail crew of 10 to clean up Hill area at no charge, Hill businesses requested to provide lunch for the crew. Jail crew does not work on weekends. Shrum: Hill walk thru with Winter and Landrith to list specific items for August 9°i clean-up for a better presentation to the incoming students and freshman. Shrum has Iined up food and beverage for 100 people and is looking for cleaning supplies donation. Discussion regarding timing for jail crew clean-up with Landrith offering to change the jail crew date, agreed community clean up best before Homecoming. Dahl suggested a campaign to get across some ownership and consciousness of the cleanliness on the Hill to incoming residents. Griffith suggested a coupon to draw students to participate. Shrum voiced disappointment in the local resources/ community response to the clean up, looking for 100 people. Next Monday a flyer to be personally distributed to the hill businesses regarding the date of the clean up event. Specific ideas for the day requested by Shrum. Dahl arranging for block captains. General litter, pulling weeds in tree grates and weeding at the under pass, City of Boulder to provide trash bags, volunteers bring their own gloves and tools, and expanding to the residential area for trash pick up would be beneficial. Shrum addressed integrating icons of buffaloes around the Bill and lettering on trashcans. Cumiingham requested Shrum's ideas pass it by the COB sign design staff. AGENDA ITEM 7 -Parking Services Update: Winter mentioned that thanks to Landrith on 8/21 a jail 1 crew would be doing a thorough clean up on the 1lill before the start of school and the DNC;. hriday will have interviews for the Parking Manager position with three fabulous candidates. Decision made shortly. I-larrison assessment on all three candidates revealed that they were all compatible in their scores. Griffith questioned increased graffiti on the Hill, Winter responded that graffiti comes in waves and the best way to deal with it was immediate removal. Individual property owners are responsible for the removal. Shrum commented that he has seen individual property owners being very diligent to handle it. Cunningham commented that a letter from the Hill Alliance to the University Hill Market and Deli that the awning was legal but ugly. CNN filming on the I-3i11 with an officer present. AGENDA ITEM 8 -Greening of the Hill Update: Certification process objectives and qualifications for the Greening, updated checklist should be available per Shrum. Cheba Hut is on board with the Greening as a model. Sluum questioned the intern situation. Lane mentioned that Cid Leeker will not be returning to the intern position and will report the position with semesters goal, items available, project oriented job description. Dahl: suggested someone who can do face time with businesses in the district. Griffith updating owners anal managers, property owners, contact inforn-?ation. Landrith attended RIII last week, . large contingency from the Goose (previously the Pit), and encouraged by the new staff. Shn?m mentioned that a number of businesses are changing on the Hill. AGENDA ITEM 9 -Matters from the Commissioners: Mitchell: disposition of Mamcitas was charges were dropped; an assault case with two employees, one year in jail for aggressor, gas station did mow weeds when pressure applied to owner, University Hill Neighbor Association has its first meeting on 9/I I with Plaiuiuig staff, McHeyser and Zucker, to attend and discuss increased density in the FIill area, cardboard recycling slowly getting commitments. Griffith speaking to people who run small events and festivals do bring their venues to the Hill. Bata, Restorative Justice, working on statistics and preparing a presentation for the next UHCAMC meeting, looking for volunteers and commented that their funding came from fine revenue in past years; however, doing such a good job that violations were down from 468 to 325 and looking for fiinding from outside sources to continue program. AGENDA ITEM ] 0 -Matters from the llirector: Budget update by Jobert: no listing on line for Budget Committee members, me# with CMO and no questions asked, ready to bring it to the UHCAMC Board. Credit card fees questioned by Miller and Jobert projected 40% but were actually 70%, fees projected at 5% but running 11 reduction of fees under investigation by Finance. iVleeting adjourned at 10:45 am. MOTIONS: Miller motioned for approval of the May 21, 2008 minutes. Dahl seconded the motion, unanimously approved. FUTURE MEE`I'Il\GS: August 20, 2008 Regular Meeting Council Chambers 9:00 a.m. APPROVED BY: tTNIVERSITY HILL COMMF,KCIAL AREA MANAGEMEN'(' COMMIS Attest: Ruth Weiss, Secretary David Miller, hau- l