Jan-March 2008 Revenues and Expenditures MEMORANDUM TO: UHGID Advisory Committee Molly Winter -Executive Director FROM: Donna Jobert, Financial Manager SUBJECT: Jan-March 2008 Revenues and Expenditures DATE: 5/7/2008 Shown below is a summary of Jan-Mar 2008 revenues and expenditures. The 2008 budget and 2007 actuals are shown for comparative purposes. Revenues are 18.5 % of total budget collected and are up $8,832 when compared with last year. Meter revenues for street and lot meters are under budget to date but are above last years revenue to date. This is due to budgeting a full year for the rate increase, but it not beginning until late February. Permit revenue for the Pleasant Lot is down compared to last year due to a payment collected in April. One quarter does not necessarily show trends, but we will be watching revenue closely and adjust accordingly. Expenditures for 2008 equal 21 % of budgeted expenses, if the capital cost of the paystations is not included. Significant variances include expenditures for lighting, and the data and finance costs associated with the paystations. Cost allocation (amount UHGID pays the City GF for services) increased over 2007. We monitored revenue/expense variances closely to match revenue trends in the District. UHGID Revenues and Expenditures -Jan-Mar 2008 Jan-Mar 2008 2008 Jan-Mar 2007 Revenue Approved % Revenues 2007-2008 2007-2008 Revenues Collected Budget Collected Collected $ Difference % Difference Taxes $4,644 $28,644 16.2% $5,371 ($727) -13.5% Street Meters $43,318 $258,000 16.8% $40,525 $2,793 6.9% 14th Street Lot $9,607 $84,177 1 t.4% $12,559 ($2,952) -23.5% Pennsylvania Lot $21,353 $86,071 24.8% $13,707 $7,646 55.8% Pleasant Lot (permits) $9,181 $34,928 26.3% $10,286 ($1,105) -10.7% Pleasant Lot (meters) $2,846 $21,269 13.4% $3,579 ($733) -20.5% Tokens $76 $365 20.8% $108 ($32) -29.6% Meterhoods $1,610 $4,000 40.3% $1,620 ($10) -0.6% Insurance reimbursement $3,895 $0 - $0 $3,895 #DIV/0! Miscellaneous revenues $240 $0 - $0 $240 #DIV/0! Interest $5,337 $34,081 15.7% $5,520 ($183) -3.3% TOTAL ~ $102-1D7-"~" $861$"~G` 1$~~5"/c :.-'$»274 .:'--$8'8Q2 <'9:5% Jan-Mar 2008 2008 % Jan-Mar 2007 2007-2008 2007-2008 Expenditures Expense Budget Expended Activity $Difference %Difference Parking Svcs Personnel $31,417 $127,772 24.6% $28,586 $2,831 9.9% Parking Svcs Non-personnel $22,276 $115,598 19.3% $10,632 $11,643 109.5%. Pay Station Capital $270,689 $300,000 90.2% $0 $270,689 #DIV/0! DUHMD Personnel $19,163 $93,706 20.5% $18,732 $431 2.3% DUHMD Non-personnel $6,312 $30,016 21.0% $7,036 ($724) -70.3% Economic Vitality-Mktg/Parking Studies $0 $0 #DIV/0! $10,213 ($10,213) -100.0% Eco-Pass Prog. $0 $662 0.0% $0 $0 #DIV/0! Misc $0 $0 #DIV/0! ($654) $654 -100.0° Cost Allocation/Benefit fund $8,055 $32,218 25.0% $7,744 $311 4.0% Capital Replacement Reserve $0 $9,000 0.0% $0 $0 #DIV/0! TOTAL ~:~•$:i-7g11°'`c-_'7t1$F~9X7tz-^~ `"~.:b°Ig ~`~'r$$2i290 '~'$R75~621 '=334.9% II i.. a