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Sales & Use Tax Revenue Report - February 2008
City of Boulder Sales & Use Tax Revenue Keport February 2008 Issued April 11, 2008 This report provides information and analysis related to sales and use tax collections for fiscal year 2008. Any questions should be directed to Bob Eichem, Finance Director, at (303) 441- 1819. The report for February is presented only at a very high level since two months of activity is not sufficient to indicate a significant trend that would be meaningful for analytical purposes. A more detailed analysis will be included in the March report which should be available the second . week of May and will include information related to the first quarter of the year. The following table compares the various sales and use tax. categories for February 2008 to February 2007. REVENUE C4IVIPARISONS In the table below: • The actual change in revenue column total of 5.92% represents the actual change in collections from 2007 to 2008 t:or both sales and use tax during the month of February. • The change in comparable collections column total of 10.58% represents the 2008 sales and use tax revenue increase over the comparable period in 2007 when the collections are adjusted for the .15 percent fire training center sales tax that expired at the end of 2007. This is the percent of increase staff will monitor when comparing collections to projections during the year. • 'T-he percent of total column represents how much each type of tax contributes to the total collection of sales and use tax. I~ EBRUARY COMPARISONS - 2008 VERSUS 2007 ACTUAL CIIANGE in CHANGE in COniPAItABLE % of TALC CATEGORY REVENUE COLLECTIONS TOTAL Sales Tax 1.67°/, 6.15% 80.56`% Business lise Tax 48.52% 55.06% 1 1.30`% Construction Lsc 1'ax 5.67% 10.32% 5.30% 'vlotor vehicle -.03`%> 4.37% 2.85% Refunds -97.45% -97.33% -0.0 f Total Sales and Use Tax 5.92% 10.58% 100.00% Within the attached schedules: • The large increase in trash tax revenues for February 2008 is due to the receipt of the payment a few days later than in 2007, resulting in the revenues being reported in different months. PEBRIL\Rl' S"I-D Actual Actu:O Ch;tngc in Chrtngc in •\curai Chau,c C'umparalrle 7btal Ncl Sales.`Use'fax Receipts by'I'ax C'ntegor) :(1117 20(18 Dollars in 1'erccntaKe Y'ailcctions % of'fotai Safes 'fax I1i,132,7riS 1(1,303509 lii9,541 1 6?`~~ (i I~"'%h 8U>G"b Businoss Usc Tax 9?2,60`; 1,444,55E 471,954 ~'18.52'So 55 OG°/, 1 130°~ Construction Use Tax 640,938 677,299 36,361 5.61"/0 10.32% 5.30'% ~io:orvchiclc 365,052 364,947 -104 -0.03% 4.37% 2.85% Refunds -38,291 -9?S 37,313 -97.45% -97.33% -U.O1% Total Sales and Gsc "I'ax 12,073,271 12,788,335 715,064 5.9294, 10.580/ 100 00°/ BliliR'lIA`Rl" Y'PD Actual :\ctuai _ Chsngi~ in Change in :Sctual C:h3n„c Cmnparuble Total Net Sales(L'se 1'ax Receipts by Indush•y Type 2(1117 20(18 Dollars in 1'ercenYage' Collections of'fwal PocdStores 1,698,135 I,G44;8Y0 -53,:5''1 -3.15°;:~ LII"~ 12.86"°,4, EatingPlaccs 1,490,105 1,674,394 184,289 12.37'% 17.3!'io 13.0`^i'% Apparel Stores 347,838 339,588 -8,251 -2.37% 1.92% 2.6(i`% Home Furnishings 395,387 389,946 -5,441 -1.38% 2.96% 3.05% General Retail 2,506,280 2,652,735 146,455 5.84% 10.50% 20.74% Transportation/Utilities 1,414,048 1,433,836 19,788 1.40% 5.86% 11.21% Automotive Trade 932,369 851,357 -81,012 -8.69% -4.67% 6.66% Building Material-Retail 390,859 399,127 8,268 2.t2% 6.61% 3.12% Construction Usc -fax 625,388 632,216 6,828 L09% 5.54% 4.94'% Construction Safes 'fax 54,445 39,502 (14,943) -27.45% -24.25% 0.31% Consumer Electronics 438,876 388,073 -S0,8U3 -11.58% -7.69% 3.03% Computer Related Fiusiness Sector 405,196 986,659 581,463 ]43.5(1'% 1>4.21%° 7J2% All Uther 1,412,436 1,356,999 -55,437 -392°0 0.30°/~ 1461%~ Refunds -38,291 X178 37,313 -97.45°/~ -97.33'% -0.01'% Total Sales and Use'I'ax 12,073,271 12,788,335 715,064 ~ 92°: IOSS% 100.00'% FEI3RUAR1' 1'l D Actual Actual Change in t:hxngc in Actual Change (.'umpurable l'otal \et SslesilJsc l ax Receipts by Geogt•aphic :\rea 2007 2DUR llullurs in I'crcentage C:uileMiuns "lo of Total Vor:h Broadway 173.167 15tr,?~ii~ -1 3,371 -7.?2"'° -3.G6?~ 1.35°,%~ Downtown "i78,278 913,545 135,267 17.38'% 22.54% 7.14° Downtowr: fixtcnsion 73,905 67,359 -6,546 -8.86% -4.85% 0.53 UHCID (the "hill") 199,530 195,547 -3,983 -2.00% 2.31% 1.53% East Downtown 124,654 117,016 -7,638 -6.13% -2.00% 0.92% N. 28th St. Commercial 618,888 721,856 102,968 16.64% 21.77% 5.64% N. Broadway Annex 48,406 83,612 35,206 72.73% 80.33% 0.65% UnivcrsityofColorado 245,609 247,201 1,592 0.65% 5.08% 1.93% Basemar 182,097 191,655 9,558 5.25% 9.88% LSO% BVRC-Qoulder Valley Regional Center 2,783,863 2,502,931 -280,932 -10.09% -6.14% 19.57% 29th Street 685,447 903,322 217,875 31.79% 37,58% 7.06% 'fable Mesa 379,078 349,239 -29,839 -7.87% -3.82% 2.73% The Mcadvws 328,869 172,645 43,776 33.97% 39.86% 1.35% All Other Boulder 786,227 587,539 -19R,FiR7 -25.27% -21.98% 4.59% Boulder Counp' 1 12,001 172,529 60,528 54.04% 60.82% 1.35% Metro Denver 404,535 422,004 17,469 4.32% 8.91% 3.30% Colorado All Other 15,421 7,495 -7,926 -51.40% -49.26% 0.06% Out of State 1,103,355 1,118,360 15,005 1.36% S.R2% 8.75% Airport 496 686 190 38.22% 44.30% 0.01% Gunbartcllndustrial 346;316 1,011,119 664,803 191.96% 204.81% 7.91% Gunbarrcl Commercial 171,849 158,449 -13,350 -7.77% -3.71% 1.24% Pearl Strcct Mall 291,398 296,714 5,316 L82% 6.30% 2.32% Boulder Industrial 1,030,788 919,610 -1 ] 1,178 -1479% -6.86% 7.19% Unliccrscd Receipts 50,943 72,934 21,991 43.17% 49.47% 0.57'% County C'lcrk 365,052 364,947 -104 -0.03'% 4.37% 2.85% Public Utilities !,011,393 1,031,154 19,76] 1.95°/ 6.44% 8.06% Refunds -38,291 -978 37;313 -97.45% -97.33% -0.01° 1'uhtl Sales and tise Tax 12,073,271 12,788.335 715,064 5.92"'~~ 10.58"-0 10400"• Ft•:BKUARI' Y'I'L):\ctual 1•ax Kcvenue (;hunge in Change in Misccllancous'Lax Statistics 2007 2008 Change 12evenuc '1-axnbie Sales Total Pond Service Tax GG,23C; 78,118 11,883 17.9-0°„ IZ94"~~~ Acco:nn:odntioas Tax 363,053 406,72~~ ~3,87F, 12.09°/~ 12.09°;~ Admissions fax 44,796 86,511 41,715 93.12% 73.12% License Fccs 4,400 4,475 75 1.70% 1.70% Trash Tax 25,401 301,885 276,484 1088.48% 1088.48% USI? SALES COhIPARISON OF YEAR=1'O-DATE AC7'UA1. REVENUE FOR THG YEAR 2008 TO COhIPARABI,F. PERIOD IN 2007 The sales tax tale decreased from 3.56°/ in 2007 fo :4,41 % in 2008 1!SL "I";1X BY CATEGORY SALES TAX BY CA"CEGORY HEBRliiARY' Y'FU',lctual i~ L:BRL:Alt1 1''l b Actual (~L•aagc in ' ' r\ctu~il' Actual C3tang~ in Ch nPc i Contparaile Cliani~c in (='Irahgc in C~srtipat'ahlc oll;+rs 1 C:i,!iectiiuts Standard Industrial Codc llulhtrs ?ll UJ,IGK 2,39(1 31.08% 4(i.84io (~oodSiores 1,690,623 1,634,773 -55,851 -3.30%u 0.95°io 11,543 28,45? 13,914 95.68% 10429°/ hating Places 1,475,SG3 1,645,937 170,375 .:.55% 16.45% 5,155 :,364 -3,791 -73.54% -72.37'% Apparel Stores 342,0,83 338,224 -4,459 -1.30% 3.04% 3,613 893 -2,720 -75.28% -74.20°/ Ilomc Furnishings 391,774 389,053 -2,721 -0.69% 3.67% 148,517 187,623 39,105 26.33% 31.89% General Retail '2„357,762 2,465,112 107,350 4.55% 9.15% 43,484 42,518 -966 -2.22% 2.08%, Transporlation/Utilities 1,370,564 1,391,318 20,754 1.51% 5.98% 371,379 370,013 -1,367 -0.37% 4.01% Automotive Trade 5(,0,990 481,344 -79,645 -14.20%, -10.42° 2,177 3,221 1,044 4796% 54.47`% Building Material-Retail 388,682 395,905 7,224 L86% 6.34% 625,388 632,216 6,828 1.09% 5.54% Construction Use Tax 0 0 0 na na 0 0 U na na Construction Sales Tax 54,445 39,502 -!4,943 -27.45% -24.25% 6,488 ! 1,195 4,708 72.56% 80.15% Consumer Electronics 432,389 376,878 -55,51 t -12.84% -9.00% 2'!9,088 746,712 467,624 167.55% 1 79.32% Computer Related Business i 26,108 2 39,947 I 13,839 90.27 % 98.64'% 47LOSU 452,484 -18,56'1 -3.94% 0.28% AllOthcr 94L386 904.516 -36,870 -3,92% 0.31% 1,978,594 2,486,804 508,210 25.69% 3:21'% 'I'ota! Sales and Usc Tax 10,132,968 10,302,509 169,541 1.67% b.1.S% USE "I"AX 13Y CATEGORI' SALES TAX BY CATEGORY 'hEBRI;ARY Y'11?'AcfiraE :3ctuul A~lual Change Change in CI!:m!:' lit Cnutl?ara 20 ; 1 ate n~ :rc Gcokraphic Codc PcrccntalEc IS.3(i(, 8,961 -9,4(,5 .>L53";. -49.40% Northliroadway 134,801 150,894 -3,9111 -2.52°/ 1.7G°4, 47,026 14,G95 94,70 201.32% 214.57°/, Dotvntuwn 731,252 771,849 40,597 S.SS°.!. 10.19% 1,171 3,115 1,944 166.04% 177.75% Downtown Extension 72,734 64,244 -8,490 -1 L67% -7.79% 600 468 -132 -22.02% -18.59% UHGID ((hc "htil") 198,930 195,080 -3,851 -1.94%> 2.38% 21,829 19,488 -2,341 -10.73% -6.80'% East Downtown ! 02,825 97,528 -5,297 -5.15% -0.98% 6,634 7,Ofi0 426 6.42% t 1.10% N. 28th St. Commercial 612,254 714,796 102,542 16.75% 21.88`% 336 35,344 35,008 10412.84% 10875.29°/ N. Broadway Annex 48,070 48,268 198 0.41% 4.83% 7,412 1,384 -6,029 -81.33% -80.51% University of Colorado 235,196 245,817 7,621 3.20% 7.74% 1,765 1,009 -756 -42.84% -40.32°/, Basemar 180,332 190,646 10,314 5.72% 10.37% 92,115 95,300 3,186 3.46% 8.01% BVRC 7.,691,748 2,407,631 -284,117 -10.56% -6.62'% 11,494 25,124 13,629 118.58% 128.19% 29thStrcct 613,953 878,198 204,246 30.31% 36.04'% 33,621 830 -32,792 07.53% -97.42% 'Fable Mcsa 345,456 348,409 2,953 0.85% 529% 1,882 1,172 -709 -37.(>8% -34.94% "i'he Meadows 126,987 171,472 44,485 35.03% 40.97% 473,862 325,391 -148,471 -3L33% -28.31°% AilOlherBoukier 312,364 262,148 -50,216 -Ifi.08% -12.38% 35,888 83,21 l 47,323 131.86% 142.06% Boulder County 76, 113 89,31 R 13,205 17.35% 22.51 48,165 32,498 -15,667 -32.53% -29.56% Metro Dcnvcr 356,370 389,506 33,136 9.30% 14.11"/0 739 492 -246 -33.35% -30.42% Colorado A11 Other 14,682 7,003 -7,679 -52.30% -50.21% 93,979 33,820 -60,159 -64.01% -62.43% Out ofS[atc 1,009,375 1,084,539 75,164 7.45% 12,17° 258 U -258 na -100.00% Airport Z38 686 448 na 200.80% 272;143 919,831 647,688 238.00% 252.86% Gunbarrellodustrial 74,174 91,288 17,114 23.07% 28.49% Z68 166 -102 -38.02% -35.30'% Gunbarrel Comrncrcial ! 71;581 758,333 -13,248 -7.72% -3.66% 4,243 1,925 -2,318 -54.63% -52.63% Pearl Street Mall 287,155 294,788 7,634 2.66% 7.17% 395,90! 301,766 -94,135 -23.78% -20.42% Boulder Industrial 634,887 617,844 -17,043 -2.68% L60°/, 23,192 49,800 26,607 114.72% 124.17% Unlicensed Receipt, 1.7,750 23,134 -4,617 -16.64% -12.97% 365,052 364,947 -104 -0.03% 4.37% County Clerk 0 0 0 l:DIV'0! na 20,GSZ 37.,066 l 1,413 55.26°/ 62.09% Public Utilities 990,740 999,089 8,349 0.84°/ 5.28% 1,978,594 2,486,804 508,210 25.C>9% 31.21% 'lbtal Sales and Usc Tax 10.132,968 10,302,509 169,541 1.67% b.1S% l a-: r.v Tv4o & Catc~~on TOTAL CITY SALES AND USE TAX COLLECTIONS 1 fhangein REVENUE CATEGORY YEAR JAN FE$ MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OGT NOV DEC TOTA1 Taxa6k SaT RETAIL SALES TAX 200' I 4 57 5'14 a 485 252 6 2 h73771 4.63E F.3 P 4 2C ,1 ~O,Uh F1,Cp 1 4 u ,5 0, S.88tl`S'3 4 73< 076 5"8.650 6,81 .307 ~ 52 669 849 _,co _ _<..~< I 5.744 3.9D3954t 4.958-202( 4,544,59^ Et,2:f/J (E i4 1 a 8'.1<G1 4.72_5 5.570,049 4768.969 4_''5 ~~.2 627<dOB' 57725,1„1 -789% 2Cb3 3E7c 3',41 3,A/49551 S.CSS,'36-r} -4413 F6g 4sE4,729 5232301 '676HE 4CL•3,992~5.777,981. 4,288,2?3 4,246924 9!x0 7S~ $4.07'489 -4.94°h Ra P Cng 3 26%>3 41% 2qt 4 35¢ 136' 4 170,467 5,327 057 ~ 433¢ 594 < a67.U5SI 40 555 6,333.1<B 4 %49,8551 5 542,8£5 4 45D,73' It 4,$'8.6c1 f1 6 0_6. 56.229.8¢4 • 45$ Ra•e 341°, 2x5 4255.04• _4453370 5232,3E9. 4,353 v26 7.S/S.dC>4 35.'95 4,4940791 5073,310 ,55.^,,9;6 4547.7901 x,7637 5,_932.929 5_9.708,680 2.54% 2Gfi6 4 734 249 _ 4 fi4S.436 535 7 253 ~ 4 659 a5P 4 gg<.33' 6.129.363', ~ 737,773' S 237,7 7 6. "55,656 4 450 3D5 4,387 4471 7 Ps b -B fi3 949 <46 _7 109: Rate Cng 341"/°>3.56°k ( 20D/ I 518303 $14,6'.5 6978,4l' 5.'3204 5..:,0,7071 E.712-0471 5-555.37. 6393.028 6.954,3/7 5,747,983 5,695,703 ~--841.484 13 .64,5D6 9.59'/ R_a:e Chg356%>347% 2008 _ 5,197,400' S.tC5 tU9 I I i - ~ ~ 1 _ _ ' 0.302 5_^9 ~ _•8$ 30`r> Change from ;x;oryear (Month) 10'% 628% -100.00/f -1G~.00'/- '000^~',~ •'0000/I 100 D^ t.^00~ _1 q,00% -t 000U% -;OD,w%~00°; - _ C_hango from prior year {YTDj 687 % 6 15% •36.92% ; ~51 5i%' •6'.75"/,' -6A 73% •73 455:: 76 6014; -79,82% -8t 79% -63 39°rcl •B5 30%I 1 - i - I - I --Y--- CONSUMER USE TAX 2001 I !,':55.9371 899, 1'l91 771,9361 908,623" 889.197 !427,618 1.07'.687' 975272 955.683( 5.415,169 748.748' 1090.555 13.259454 _ 2002 1 16462: _565,976 LJ3, i(iI 183,956- 497,237 7,091,779 AL~.933 151'.098 648.455] 767.543 629.926 7,153,296 96<7,Y6• 2733: 2003_ 798J57~577,559 fill 3v6 877962 78E.2EE 9Ei?,785 656.799 819.'64 5:4,6691, 635,455 '045.6321 `.OS2.5S6 9.9^!6321 287 1---- -1----- RaleChg326%>3.47% 20_04 i 980.229 665,018 899,453 742692 728,6141 866.974 810.874 922.40'.1 ;c'_99Uj 728,634 75097'1 7,787,776 10,2"5.6251 39°~ Rate34' 200.5 i 827.dW 507.036 951.4\45 1816,6'4 ;.'03.5921 7.0O1,Oa8 86x.720 788.4651 t.^94030~ 758,937 968867! '248_300 17,130.780 8955e _ 2000' ~ 656.686! 577,107 1.277.145 577'44 964525) '781,362 _ b9_5_,4_03 776,258 7 54-6981 7277761 t,09<224' ' 2E7157 _tO F.3%48~3Y, HatPC h~347 !>356°io "<007 763 ESC: 574.(.,^6 975,178 722,058 73:1,1961 _858,972 975456 652.50 ~3.6ES7r 732 463; 7163.71 ;,575908 10,2^.3.072 81'+°4 . - , - Raterh 56 4 ',6 2008' Bt8034: 9914721 I ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ 09505, 8 48% 7.8 t C.~ v 4rit, year (tdonlh) ~ _ _ _ a 8033%I =00 .^•O k~ -'OOq% 7.; 00~-_t 0UA0°k -1q.00°k •100.^. --COC (;O q/ -1?J 00'1 D ~Dm_I - C.r ~e •0 ,r or Bear (Y7Dl __j 83_Y_.~ x122%i -1 P. 32"6~ 3777?°' 4g&?i, -59 t7% •6628% •698_,..'x; 73c -76 2~ $,.48'm - l 1 1 1 1 ~I I ~ i CONSTRUCTION USE TAX ~cr - 4961 33'.3761 '11.6911 177,147' !98^241 tS7.243~ 227,OL5 377 x33', 47'x46 3'5,0831 :94,5'0 766,293] 2,S<',650 _ 2C~z ' i 3~ 565.519 282.3921 4<2 SS7~ <"'5.384 8'..6U6~ 195.3/4 197.74 'S8 0 167,Y~3~ 567r6G 354065. 4_11,173 4. d1 ;6 _ 2GU3 _ G4449j `121.5851 13855? 238.246 r5.756~ 6/5,309' 220,x13 25_9.946 2_3_5.337. 16;,9"3 292983 _388 325b,1i53 e~ 94 Kale Cng326%>3.41% 2604 ~ 2.0.383 336,'48 387487-~ <g0,426 229816 781,732 204,851 155.409 _ 212.259 119.283 _234_858 _"<bS.Ov+~ 3(14 E,978 ~,0,>0 ,6 Rato 3.41% ~ 2005 j 9'2.585 762.540 __287,865( 467 H7A; 456.073 973.'97 ?86,a0E 235.3081 282.503 276.247 285.104 :4.975] 5.$97,684 8_3.59% - ~ - ~2006 I '97.263 331.3x1 420749 29¢,094: 337237 774.420 352.533 2614p9~ 343.749 559,975 ¢10.958 1.0-5.272! 5.3;;'1.000 -528'.4 Rate CF.g 3 41 %>3 5690 "<007 293 078 3<7 66p1 112,016 293,:.6 62' 4^3 430,207 ',119.<25 259.226 421,3761 286 528 376.978 253 590 4 174 755 _ _-13 0?'/° RateCtig356/ ^s / 2008 DO60~_34729: t - - ~ , --r - 77.259 6531% C^^ e ~ 0(o year {Uor. h; 17 Pi, 42lj -'UO CO`e1 -O OOi GJ CU ..O°h •1x C0/~ -'0000 -100 CC' OC UO%i •!OC.OOh -'.00. ~ - - - _ error^pr2 year (YfUi 1758k~ l.. x<~- S.C?%1 a2A0i~ 5 5.y~„ c., <9°r° -78 G?/ -796 b'8c 6 431 ia~ -8450 io -8„31,+= - I-~ - 4- I - TOTAL FOR MONTH d CHANGE FROM PREVIOUS YEAR (MONTH 6 YTD) -1 6• - 7 ..^,1 90 _5,70238' ~ 8 11; 5 t T - - ,1' o' a r _ I T. I 6, 7 5, 9.756• 4,197,903 SJ ~ 0 V Ef,.77 6,970.4.0, 5.044.8971 5743,10 ~ 8.325 6.526328^ 546 5 9 8U79 156 785%' _ 2 c 5 a6- 2 6 S 3S 4491 6.534 3941 5.77 _13_3 394 59 7 1.15 B3 1( $ 38.5 4 3 94 ' 6 a 7-~---5.70_3 725 ~ t t 93 ~ 7 810 769 7' 524,356 -5.3730 2003 4774 0 ,5'.4,099 6_030.0931 S.LUJ.211 sh.' _ ,'881 $.085.58 5,585,538 7.380.&971- 68031,7]4 -4.48°6 _Ra7e Chp 3.269W3.41% 2004 5.584)481_5,171,635 6.613.991 5,572,772 5.<1 $_065 5389,251 5.346.8531 5,827868 6.69?^93 5.298.647 5.508,059 8.066,899 ! 7c,494,cs8 U.4 T kau3.41% 2005 5695,573 5,742,946 6.471.340 _ 5&31.518', 6.1J6.S29i 7,440,44 5,545.207; 6.037,7521 69274491 5,57697d~ 6,0"<6,27; 8.0'96.2041 74435,545 1ST:; - --r 200b 5,6;8.198 5,493.8784 7,235.148 5530,696 6,154,094 7,685.'.451 5,9E5.7D5~1 6.275.4241 7,554.5..^.Di 6.238,0561 5,891,0301 1U.19ZC•16 /9.844.928 452'.; -ta:~Cf:~j34'K 3,$6% 2007 ! 6175451 5,9;?E881 8,005.6751 6'47,76E 5,855311 8,YJ7720I 7.660_.2_57 ~1 7,30¢,7.`:4 5.2994201 6.7cE.9571 6,'18899_91 '0,240.96? 8d 782,732 {7 35 Ra7oeng3 $b% 3 4t % 2008 6.345 .513 6,443 800 ~ 0 0 0 _ 0 0', O4 0 3. ' 2 73 313 Ew ue yS -1 2i.D7 2.987 7_8,93_01 20,474 27,E;, 75 -447 3.4861 22_61 3,1_(9 -5.'b2~ 0----SSx9~ .07%80- LcSo kCfc:lds _ _ 2q2 ~4 2301 1_,136 - ~0- 3.2391 -13,993• •5271 ~ •t0 222 •t2' 2~a - ~ - ~ - .2 - - - ( - 1 . _ - r - t.896~ •1.548 -1„Cf,.,; 97.215 Lcs~ k~fuad, 2063 35,330 6.827, 7.078 x4.798; x1.772 76,328 -422 596_ _ ~69.t64 •3,779 •579 46.599, 424272 - - - 200• -1,343 10,505 •6361 -872. 5,963 751 •1.299 4,643 -244 -27,1181 -5,758 4,3301 63061 - - - - ZOGS 246 •66.044 _09, -2.666 647 10.080 -3,062 :4,207 -Aa6 fid 1 0 _ -4 7571 56,057 2406 -40.302 •5,272 •?``c.767 1 ~36.. 5.099 0 0 •7,568 - - _ ~ -5 9471 406 •76.773 05,298 • - - 2001 0 •38,291 •2.0131 -729 -9.3261 -14,547 4.4¢0 -677 0 59631 0 -S.m 51 -91.047 -r - ; - -1---- - - Less Ref,lnCs 2008 -978 0 -978 - - : AdjUStCdtotal 2q7 ~ 5311,9761 5,640,626 8177,4'29' .`,.687,55 ,570439 7a04454~5E9E.895 6779.069 7.312.362 6.527 46' 546 94 8,473377 _78713,373 -1- - --_-'j--- - . 2002 5468.062 __5.035.2191_ 8.52.'.2581 5.771,733 .39' 7521 7922.84ar 5 6¢,967 5.563,917 6.255,7'3 5.08' 819 $,110383 7,800."05 71,327,181 _ _-9.38% 2003 x740,591 ¢,5052721 63230:51 5074879 <s24.999~ 6.794,08< 5.344,415 5.742 YJ$ 62$7.023 S.C91,@02 5,554.9$9 7334.298, 87507-502 •521°,0 Rate Ghg 3.26%>3.47% 2004 __$.583.406 4?67,128 6-6133544- 5.51t,A<. i 5,409,'.21 6,389.110 5.347.5$4 5.822.825 _6.696,849 5,271329• 5.502.301 E,C5255~1 _7743_.3_88 _U_7% Rate 3.41% 2005 5.9952661 $,676.402! 6,474,431 5.528.852: 6,734,882 7,¢39,361 5.542.`45 6.032.'x46, @826,FA3 _5,575.3881 6.026.271 8.50' 4461 76.340,493 687% _ 2006 55776961, 58EE.6Udr 7.2t2,388I 5,530,333 6,;78,998 7.685,145 5.985.709: 6.267,856 7,$53,694 6232-110 5,890,624 '0,180273 9.793.637 451°0 Rate Chg347%>3.56% 2DC/ 6175007 5898190 88%3.602 6147,039 6845984 7,986.572 7.645.81 1374.E 711 fi.199.420 6,760.98$6.788,999 '02359671 88,091./37 5.76'w _ 2008 6'+44.536 6 4a d"4~ _ 0( 0 Ol 0 0 - 0 0 _ O` 0 D( '2,788,335 -8<.84% 9bC^~arK,re (rngnln> ~ i 72x% -ia os _ oo f:ari .1D000- ~oo.c"rot •loo cr,~% •'xeo,cl •tgoo% -tco _DO/ ~GD O~~. -<cG-oro •1oo.c~i - C^3r o (YfDI - I 7.26% 1„ SE 3x .~,..o -cc 09'. -09 E3J 1 67.48°k. 7"< 59°51 76 16 / /3 24 - -8' 11'1° -82,E5`/. 1 S4.6s°r; Sales Tax Revenues Generated in the UHGID Area by Standard Industrial Classification Food Eating Apparel Home Gen. GRAND Stores Places Stores Furnish. Merchandise Transport. All Others TOTAL 2006 sales tax rate of 3.41% Janus 4,180 41.171 7,910 2,689 61,591 - 517 118,058 February 4,523 44.052 4,366 4,2 i 9 19.901 - 2.376 79.436 March 4,839 40.390 8,703 2.527 18,847 - 637 75.944 A ril 5.585 46,490 8.981 2,893 17.832 83 515 82.378 Ma 4.992 42,244 2.189 3,037 15.640 - 536 68.638 June 4,385 43.266 7.789 2.434 14.194 - 416 72.485 Jul 4,685 32,424 2.844 2.544 13,268 - 403 56,168 Au ust 5.174 46.480 4,154 3,159 48.380 - 1,915 109,263 Se tember 5,633 54.904 18,079 3.043 64,946 - 811 147,416 October 5,631 53,620 7.661 2,665 19,269 - Ei25 89.472 November 1.055 36,443 7,546 1.885 12,889 - 503 60,321 December 5.829 39,595 6.305 1.950 14.623 25 3,870 72.197 2006 TOTAL 56,511 521,081 86,527 33,045 321,380 108 13,125 1,031,776 2007 sales tax rate of 3.56°~ Janus 5,070 38,248 2.529 2.435 71,465 - 500 120,247 Februa 3,444 45.102 5.847 2,691 21.020 - 580 78.684 March S,C33 49.355 3,615 2.453 13.901 - 755 75.112 A ril 5,367 51.864 3.464 2,432 15,224 - 664 79,016 Ma 4,860 55,169 4,977 2,740 22.308 - 549 90.603 June 4.022 38.202 7,721 2,181 18,417 - 521 71.063 July 4,116 40,280 3,080 2,666 16.495 - 459 67.097 Au ust 5.995 49,449 6,184 2,967 53.142 - 819 118,556 Se tember 5,335 63.349 12,033 2,765 65.479 - 937 149.898 October 5.050 64.566 6,323 2,374 22.026 - 695 101.034 November 3,947 44,038 5,665 2,531 14.331 - 571 71,082 December 4.013 39,790 10,684 2.687 18.339 10 4,173 79,696 2007 TOTAL 56.250 579.412 72,123 30.921 352,147 10 11,224 1,102,088 2008 sales tax rate of 3.41% Janus 3,577 39,152 2,763 2,294 64.727 - 612 113.123 Februa 4,775 53,885 2.618 1.443 18,935 - 302 81.957 March - - - _ _ _ _ _ A ri! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ June - - - - _ _ _ _ Jul - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Au ust - - - - _ _ _ _ Se tember _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ October _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ November - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ December - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2008 TOTAL 8,352 93,036 5,381 3,737 83,661 - 913 195,080 Change from 2005-2006 2.09°io 6.15% -1225% 14.38% 11.78% -90.07% -25.65% 5.28% Change from 2006-2007 -4.66% 6.51% -20.16% -10.37% 4.96% -90.99% -18.09% 2.31% Change from 2007-2008 -1.90% 11.62% -35.76% -27.10°/ -9.54% #DIV/0! -15.43% -1.94% Change from previous year month 38.64% 19.47% -55.22% -46.37% -9.92% #DIV/0! -48.01% 4.16% S:\CMOIDUHMDPSIdmcIBUDGET DJtUHGID dj1UHGIDSIC NOTES: Percentage change calculations for 2007 have been adjusted to eliminate the impact of the increase in the sales/use tax rate. Sales and Use Tax Revenues Generated in the UHGID Area by Standard Industrial Classification Food Eating Apparel home Gen. GRANO Stores Ptaces Stores Furnish. Merchandise Trans rt. Construction Ail Others TO7AL 2006 sales tax rate of 3.41 Janua 4,180 41,175 7.910 2.689 61,593 - 140 517 118.204 February 4,523 44,058 4,366 4,219 19,937 - 560 2.376 80.038 March 4.839 40,391 8.703 2.527 18.893 - 196 931 76,480 A rid 5.585 46.504 8,981 2.893 17,848 83 411 515 82,819 Ma 4.992 42,276 2.189 3,037 15,650 - 73 536 68,753 June 4,385 43.270 7.789 2,434 14,208 - 57 693 72.838 Jul 4,685 32,442 2,844 2,544 13,288 - 307 403 56,513 Au ust 5.174 50.341 4,154 3,159 48,686 - 128 1,915 113.558 September 5,633 54.904 18.079 3,043 64,971 - 133 1,122 147.885 October 5.631 53.626 7.661 2,665 19,292 - 2.764 625 92,264 Novernbe• 1,055 37,321 7.546 1.885 12,900 - 68 503 61.277 December 5,829 39.604 6,305 1.950 14.633 25 25 4,154 72.525 2006 TOTAL 56.511 525,911 86,527 33,045 321,897 108 4,862 14,291 1.043.152 2007 sales tax rate of 3.56% Janua 5,070 38.253 2.529 2.435 71,486 - i37 500 120.409 Februa 3,444 45.205 5,847 2,691 21.230 - 125 580 79,121 March 5,033 49.358 3.615 2.453 13,925 - 1,540 1,014 76,937 April 5,367 56.577 3,464 2.432 15.248 - 223 664 83.974 Ma 4.860 55,175 4,977 2,740 22.313 - 2,727 549 93.341 June 4,022 38,202 7,741 2.181 19,124 - 413 750 72.432 Jul 4,116 40,299 3,080 2.666 16,507 - 828 459 67,956 Au ust 5.995 49,453 6.184 2.967 53,148 - - 819 118.567 September 5.335 67,692 12.033 2.765 65.483 - 223 1.206 154.737 October 5,050 64,566 6,323 2.374 22,031 - 53 695 101.093 Novernbe• 3,947 44,038 5,665 2.531 14,338 - 7 571 71,097 December 4,013 39,792 10,684 2.687 18,340 10 281 4,$95 80.703 2007 TOTAL 56,250 588,610 72,142 30,921 353,173 10 6.557 12.704 1,120,367 2008 sales tax rate of 3.41% Januar 3,577 39,152 2.763 2,294 64,734 - 441 612 113.572 Februa 4,775 53,887 2,618 1.443 18,938 - i4 302 81,976 March - - - - _ _ _ _ _ April - - - - _ _ _ _ _ Ma - - - - - - - - - June - - - - - - _ _ _ Jul - - - - - - _ _ _ Au ust - - - - - - - - - Se tember - - - - - - _ _ _ October - - - - _ _ _ _ _ November - - - - _ _ _ _ _ December - - - - - - _ _ _ 2008 TOTAL 8,352 93,038 5,381 3,737 83,672 - 455 913 195,548 Change from 2005-2006 -3.27% 6.47% -12.25% 14.38% 11.77% -90.07% -46.99% •23.84% 4.64% Change from 2006-2007 -4.66% 7.21% -20.14% -10.37% 5.09% -90.99% 29.17°/, -14.85% 2.88% Change from 2007-2008 -1.90% 11.48% -35.76% -27.10% -9.75% #DIV/0! 74.12% -15.43% -2.00% %Changefromprevious ear month 38.64% 19.21% -55.22% -46.37% -10.80% #DIV/0! -89.05% -48.01% 3.61% NOTES: Percentage change calculations for 2007 have been adjusted to eliminate the impact of the increase in the sales/use tax rate. S:\CMO\DUHMDPSidmc\BUDGET DJ\UHGID di\UHGIDSIC UHGID Yearly Summary Ctty wdo Yearly Summary Sales and Use Tax Breakdown by Industry Category UHGID Solos and Use Tax as a Percent of Total City wda Sales and Use Tax Food Eating Apparol Home General Eating Apparol Homo Goneral Stores Placos Stores Furnishings Merch All Othor Total Food Stores Placos Stores Furnishings Merch All Other Total Feb 2008 58,352 593,038 $5,381 $3,737 $83.672 $1,368 $195.548 Feb 2008 S 1,644,880 $ 1,674,394 $ 339,588 5 778,019 S 2,652,735 $ 5.698,719 $ 12,788,335 4°k 48% 3% 2% 43°I 1°k 100% 1°/ 6% 2°.6 0% 3% 0°k 15% 2007 $56,250 5588.610 572,142 530,921 $353,173 $19,270 $1,120,367 2007 511,205,584 $10,888,135 $ 2,804,311 S 5,522,090 518,040.152 $ 39.631,459 S 88,091,731 5% 53°h 6% 3°h 32% 2°k 100 % 1 % 5°h 3% i % 2% 0 % 1.3 % 2006 556,511 5525,911 586,527 $33,045 $321.897 519.261 $1,043,152 2006 $10.392,069 $ 9,582,212 5 2,424,694 5 4,611,056 515,402,540 $ 37,371,060 5 79,783,631 5% 50% 8% 3% 31 % 2% 100 % 1 % 5% 4% i % 2% 0% 1.3 % 2005 558,427 5493,955 598,605 $28,891 $288,004 529,024 S996,900 2005 $10,046,723 $ 8.995,846 $ 2,362.366 5 4,465,788 $14,587.419 $ 35,882,350 5 76.340,492 6% 50% 10% 3% 29% 3% 100% 1% 5°k 4°h 1% 2°h 0% 1.3°6 2004 547,446 5461,253 587,695 $25.958 5301,938 $124,6G7 51,048.897 2004 510.148,861 58,637,718 $2,232.147 53,118,312 $14.123,007 532,171,342 $10.431,387 5% 44% 8°k 2% 29% 12% 100% 0% 5% 4% 1% 2% C% 1,5% 2003 $43,618 5417,782 $94,036 $35,450 5304.G99 546,965 5941,951 2003 $9,052.658 $7,847,285 52,046,951 53,922,549 $13.185,423 531,552,637 $67.607.503 5% 44% SO% 4% 32% 5% 100% C% 5% 5% 1°h 2% 0% 1.4% 2002 542.268 5407.606 $89.454 534,104 5313,795 541,419 5928.646 2002 $9,294,397 $8,133,237 52,346,305 $4,164,992 $13.572,651 533,815,600 571 27,182 5% 44% ',0% 4% 34% 4°k 100% C% 5% 4% 1% 2% 0% 13°!0 2001 $41,988 $394,142 5103,513 535.111 $318,763 $26,961 5920.478 2001 $9,312.676 $8,384,190 52,646,C21 $4.537,112 $15,553,807 538,279.526 578,713,332 5% 43% 11% 4°k 35% 3% 10D% 0% 5% 4% 1% 2% 0% 12% 2000 $34,841 5378,042 $99,206 $39,066 5366,669 $17,242 5935.066 2000 59,080.910 $8,484,601 $3,159,262 $5.915,794 $17,887,211 $36,269,737 $80.797,5'5 4% 40% 11 % 4% 39% 2°h l OD°h 0% 4% 3% 1 % 2% 0 % 1 2 % 1999 $38.414 5345,800 592,878 546,325 5345,546 $5,309 $874,272 1999 $9,207,721 57,790,648 $3,359.914 $5,553.219 517,008,884 533,893,706 $76,814,092 4 % 40% 11 °k 5 % 40% 1 % l00% 0°k 4% 3% 1 °k 2% 0°k 1 1 1998 533,781 5350,299 5126,670 $40.532 5306,191 $12,898 5870,371 199A 58,932.C97 57,469,094 $3,252,729 53,570,448 515,736,140 530,637,104 569,597,612 4% 40°/ 15°k 5% 35% 1% 100°!0 0% 5% 4% 1% 2% 0% 1.3°/ 1997 537,537 $323,175 5126,465 $39,846 $316,999 $9,035 5853.057 1997 $7,739,779 $6.797.237 52,781,018 53,129.089 515,439,169 528,494,047 564,380.339 4% 38% 15% 5% 37 % 1% 100°! 0 % 5% 5% 1 °k 2°h 0% 1.3 1996 533,742 $342,A02 $145,274 574,GAA 5317,743 515,788 $929.437 199Fi $7,61:,C55 56,6'4,561 52,782,149 52,862,572 515,111,950 526,975,579 $61,957.866 4'/ 37 % 16 % 8 % 34% 2% 100% 0'/_ 5 % 5% 3% Z% 0% 1.5% 5:\CMOIDUHMDP51dmd8'JDGET DJWHGID dj1UHGIC5IC UHGID Sales Tax Revenues (NO use tax) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 January 83,022 96,846 100,032 99,422 98,853 118,058 120,247 113,123 February 65,046 56,994 63,769 64,521 72,140 79,436 78,684 81,957 March 64,537 68,740 69,760 72,985 72,060 75,944 75,112 April 60,826 68,547 62,055 66,129 74,662 82,378 79,016 May 61,329 56,306 62,078 65,583 61,131 68,638 90,603 June 92,013 76,086 69,726 73,693 69,085 72,486 71,063 July 59,675 63,058 48,079 53,263 65,768 56,168 67,097 August 88,127 87,167 125,801 124,050 144,466 109,263 118,556 September 123,121 129,966 104,739 108,698 99,702 147,416 149,898 October 66,451 73,867 81,351 82,562 93,865 89,472 101,034 November 60,396 58,271 67,097 64,189 65,915 60,321 71,082 December 86,683 71,034 74,835 72,674 62,359 72,197 79,696 Totals 920,684 911,224 906,884 929,322 947,770 980,005 1,031,777 1,102,088 195,080 Tax Rate 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.56 3.41 UHGID Sales Tax Revenues 160,000 - - 140,000 120,000 2001 - 2002 i 100,000 2003 80,000 ~ 2004 2005 60,000 ~ 2006 + 2007 40,000 2008 20,000 - 0 -T - ,~~Jac~ ~`J,~c1 ~~~~r PQ~\ ~aa ~J\~ ~~~5'~ ~~,~~oG~oc~~,e~~eCG~~~~~ P F c~~Q ~o S:1CM0\DUHMDPS\dmc\BUDGET DJ\UHGID dj\UHGIDSIC