Minutes - University Hill Commercial Area Management Commission - May 21, 2008 CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS :MEETING MINUTES FO1Z'VI NAMF, OF BOARD/C017MISSION: UNNERSITY HIL1, COh1MF.RCIAL AREA MANAGEMENT COMMI:4SION NAML='/TELEPHONE Oh PF,RSUN PREPARING SUMMARY: Ruth Weiss 303-413-7318 NAMES OF MEMBERS, S'1'Ah'l~, A_'VD INVITED GUESTS PRESENT BOAKU MEMBERS: DAHL, GRIF'li'1'I'N, MILLER, MITCHF,I,L, SIIKtJM STAFF: WINTER, CUN~IINGIIAM, LANDRITA, R'EISS GI-ES'h(S): CUKTIS , STOYVA '1'1'PI? OI+ MEETING: MINUTES RP;CLJLAR ;y1EETING: May 21 2008 AGENDA ITEM l -:Roll Call: Meeting called to order at 9:05 a.m. AGENDA ITEM 2 -Approval of April 16, 2008 Meeting Minutes. (SEE AC"PION ITEM 13I:LOW) AGENDA I'I'E:M 3 -Public Participation: None AGENDA ITE1~I 4 -Police Update: Winter updated that Wegscheider was unable to attend since two ofticers are on medical leave. A CU -city staff meetittg was held regarding the end of the school ye~u- with feedback that it went smoothly, without many problems. Shrum eonuncnted on the Ftarvey 1?pstein episode of this week. Shrum continued that his van was parked on his property, the security company improperly booted it, enforced outside of their contract, would not remove it and they are paid per boot. Winter recommended that the )?psteins call the police regarding unauthorized use of property by booting. AGENDA I'1'I+.M 5 - UIirIA Update: Griffith attended, meeting began with a history of their accomplishments wer the years, i.e., the; couch ordinance, snow removal policies and fee far clearing sidewalks were discussed, concern with city spaces being cleared fast enough. Griffith looking far the branding subculture of the hill via feedback. Mitchell voiced that foot traffic during snow could benefit from a biode~~radable traction product such as nutshells on the ice far the evening freeze. Graffiti on the narth side of Boulder has increased. Mitchell commented that if you deny a graffiti artist. display of their artwork by speedy removal, the artist's frustration would discourage further displays. Winter agreed that fast removal was a gaod solution. Winter commented that the parking crew removes snow on the Hill after lots and hourth of July will have aplain-clathes fireworks unit patrolling. Stoyva arrived, voiced appreciation to thane Cotmnissioners for their attendance at UTTNA and agreed the fireworks were a concern for older residences. Miller remarked that the zero -five year old age group are disturbed by the fireworks with Stoyva agreeing and mentioning that pets have problems too. Winter mentioned previaus '`walkabouts" in the community by city staff; going door m door, with a handout of rules to introduce new residences to the conununity. An awareness campaign discussed that welcames incoming sttulerrts and sets expectations to address excessive trash and the student's responsibility. Stoyva voiced that a letter is distribul:ed and Winter mentioned that Jen Korbelik could assist. AG1k:N UA ITEM 6 -Hill Alliance Update: Shrum attended, mentioned that the Fox manager revealed a bartender was attacked by a former patron after wark and are looking for a restraining order on the individual. Slirutn continued that the police had down played the event. Cutmingham voiced that Wegscheider was present at the event and that Wegscheider would be contacting the manager directly. Shrum continued the I till F'est was discussed; Cid Leeker will be participating as a co-chair with Meghan Putnam. Shrum is pursuing CU athletics involvement with businesses on tlne Hill. Dahi read a letter from a Hill resident, Sarah Morris, l 144 Lincoln Place, regarding tlni hill student trash and the lack of responsibility of CU students. Winter offered to forward this letter to Jen. Korbelik. Mitchell commented on another residence with excessive trash and his proactive efforts to get it cleaned up via the property 1 management of the property in question. Dahl suggested an awareness campaign. AGENDA ITEM 7 -Parking Services Update: Winter commented the flowerpots have arrived, the area by the underpass will be maintained by Parking Services, a meeting with the Parks to discuss the landscaping of the area for minimal maintenance forthcoming, looking for a plan for tree replacement, cigarette butts issue at the Fox was being handled well and staff continues to clean it up, and the Parking Manager position has been posted, and sidewalks were power washed prior to graduation. Griffith questioned the fund raising meters and Winter replied that a meeting with Karen Rahn was set for later this week to address the issue. Winter voiced that Human Services Department. was best suited to oversee such funds and would prefer to move in this du-ection due to the numerous technical issues involved. Winter continued that the donations are not huge. AGENDA ITEM 8 -Matters from the Commissioners: Mitche}l met with city attorney on the cardboard recycluig issue, has Pete Turner committed financially to the project and needs to get a person to run the equipment, and space for the equipment. AGENDA ITEM 9 -Matters from the Director: I,andrith gave an update on the CU Homecoming Committee scheduled for the October 4 weekend, a paid director position authorized, meetings will be held every two weeks, and the pep rally will take place on the Hill. Cid Lceker accepted to continue his internship throughout the summer, and he will co-chair Hill Fest. Miller questioned the internship and Lane responded that he will pvst it again, supply of candidates is there, and the intent was for three semesters of internship. Lane continued that he struggled with having enough meaningtul assignments to keep an intern interested and busy. Miller conunented that it might. be an interesting outcome to inquire of interns of their perception of how to bring more business to the I sill. Winter suggested. caution and perhaps the `greening of the hill' with the city and the Hi11 Alliance as a part of the job description. Griftith has been investigating events, contacting other event promoters to use the hill to run their events or brought into the Hill environment. Mitchell question prizes for floats. Winter replied that CU funds are used along with funds from the city. Winter mentioned that there are no grand prizewinners but prizes are distributed to many for various categories such as student groups, fraternities, sororities, and all groups have generous prizes. City Council passed the NPP proposals and hopes to install by end of school year. Bob Mouse died a couple weeks ago by accidental drowning. CU plans a local memorial service. Winter commented on the maintenance and marketing support by Parking Services, and mentioned that the credit card fees are much higher than anticipated. Stoyva advised that June g is the Boulder klistory event.. Meeting adjourned at ]0:25 am. MO"TIONS: Miller made a motion to approve the April ]G, 2008 meeting minutes, Mitchell seconded. Approved unanimously. FUTiTRF, >VIF.E'TINGS: June 18, 2008 Regular Meeting Council Chambers 9:00 a.m. APPROVED BY: UNIVERSITY HILL C'UMi : ZCI ~ AREA M 'l' COMMI S1C)N I Attest: / Ruth Weiss, Secretary David Miller, Chair , j G . e