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Sales & Use Tax Revenue Report - January 2008
City of Boulder Sales & Use Tax Revenue Report January, 2008 Issued March 17, 2008 This report provides information and analysis related to sales and use tax collections for fiscal year 2008. Any questions should be directed to Bob Eichem, Finance Director, at (303) 441- 1819. The report for January is presented only at a very high level since one month of activity is not sufficient to indicate a significant trend that would be meaningful for analytical purposes. A more detailed analysis will be included in the March report which should be available the second week of May and will include information related to the first quarter of the year. The following table compares the various sales and use tax categories for January 2048 to January 2007. REVENUE COMPARISONS In the table below: • The actual change in revenue column total of 2.74% represents the actual change in collections from 2007 to 2008 for both sales and use tax during the month of January. • The change in comparable collections column total of 7.26% represents the 2008 sales and use tax revenue increase over the comparable period in 2007 when the collections are adjusted for the . l5 percent Gre training center sales tax that. expired at the end of 2007. This is the percent of increase staff will monitor when comparing collections to projections during the year. • The percent oI'totat column represents how much each type of tax contributes to the total collection of sales and use tax. JANUARY COMPARISONS - 2008 VERSUS 2007 ACTUAL CHANGE in CHANGE in COMPARABLE % of TAX CATEGORY REVENUE COLLECTIONS TOTAL Sales 'l'ax l .a4°/r, 6.01 `;4, b 1.92`%, Business Usc "1'ax 9.31% 14.12°/u 9.97% Construction Use "I'ax 12.63% 17.58°/u 5.20`% Motor vehicle .28% 4.69% 2.92% Refunds -100%~ -100% -0.02% Total Sales and Use 'l'ax 2.74% 7.26% I OO.OU% Within the attached schedules: • The large increase in trash tax revenues for January 2008 is due to the receipt of the payment a few days later than in 2007, resulting in the revenues being reported in different months. J:1N1A121' 1"fll .lctual Actual ;~cfual Change in Chan„c In Cham~cdn Couy+arable 'I'ulal Net Sales/lJse'I'ax Receipts by 'fax Category _.2007. 2008 llull:irs Percentage Cnllectinns °.~o ufJ'otal Salcs7'ax 5,118,353 5,19?,400 'o,(?a"~ 154"~o 6.01°./0 81.92% Business Use 'fax 578,666 632,528 53,86' 9.31°/: 14.12% 9.97°/, Construction Usc Tax 293,078 330,080 37,002 12.63'% 17.58% 5.20% Motor vehicle 184,984 185,506 522 0.289% 4.(i9'%, 2.92% Refund, 0 -9?8 -9?8 riDIV/0! iilllV,~0! -0.02% 'total Sales and Use'fa~ 6,175,081 6,34),536 169,)5) '_.74°„ 7.26°-b IO(L(10% JANL•:V21' 1'Tp :lctual Actual lctual Change in Change in Change in Comparable 'fatal Net Sales/Use'I'ax Receipts by Industry T}•pc 2007 2008 Dollars Pcrecut:rge Colli+ctlons % of 7btat Food Stores 693,280 592,470 -100,809 -14.51°/ -10.78% 9.31°% EutingPlaccs 716,183 811,546 95,363 13.32°.~, 18.30% 12.79'/0 Apparel Stvres 177,454 172,903 -4,551 -2.56'% 1.72% 2.73% Home Furnishings 203,962 204,184 222 0,11% 4.51% 3.22% General Retail 1,390,418 1,501,957 111,539 8.02% 12.77% 23.67% Transportation/Utilities 704,134 770,136 fifi,002 9.37% 14.18% 12.14"/0 Automotive Trade 468,374 431,892 -36,482 -7.79% -3.73% 6.81% Building Material-Retail 211,576 222,224 10,648 5.03% 9.65% 3.50% Construction Usc Tax 277,064 294,026 16,9fi2 6.12% 10.79% 4.63% Construction Sales Tax 31,377 23,034 (8,343) -26.59% -23.36% 0.36% Consumer Electronics 223,052 224,948 1,896 0.85% 5.29% 3.55% Computer Related Business Sector 35Q,872 424,292 73,421 20.93% 26,24'% 6.fi9% AllO:hcr 727,335 671,900 -55,435 -7.62°/: -3.56% 10.59% Refunds U -97R -978 i:DiV!0! ~rDIV+'0! -0.02% Total Sales and Use 1'ax 6,!75,081 6,344,536 169,45) 2.74°~ 7.26% 100.00`% JANU:1121' Y'I'U Actual ;lctual Actual ('hangs in Chankc in Change in Comparable lblal Nel Sales/Lke'fax Rcceipls by Geographic Arch 2007 2008. llollars Percentage Collectimts :•u uf'fotal North Broadway 75,2s+'r 72.612 -2,6"r? -i 56% (1. (i9°.: 1.1+7°0 Downtown 359,585 519,559 159,974 44.49% 50.;4 8.19'4 Downtown Extension 35,644 25,728 -9,916 -21.82%, -24.64% 0.41% UHGID (the "hill") 120,409 113,572 -6,837 -5.68% -1.53% 1.79% Last Downtown 71,820 58,74.9 -13,076 -18.21% -14.61% 093% N 28th St. Commercial 252,734 235,3)7 -17,337 -6.86% -2.76% 3.71% N. BrvadwayAnnex 21,704 26,!25 4,421 20.37% 25.66% 0,41% UnivcrsityofColorado 198,719 207,066 8,348 4.20% 8.78% 3.26% Bascmar 94,846 91,590 -3,256 -3.43% 0.82% 1.44% BVRC-Boulder Valley Regional Center 1,363,235 1,220,300 -142,934 -10.48% -6.55% 19.23% 29th Street 350,760 476,591 125,831 35.87% 41.85% 7.51% 'fable Mesa 184,609 181,858 -2,752 -1.49% 2.84% 2.87% The Meadows 35,916 28,783 -7,133 -19.86% -16.33% 0.45% All Other Boulder 365,258 283,097 -82,160 -22.49% -19.08% 4.46% Boulder County 58,969 56,828 -2,141 -3.63% 0.61% 0.90'% Metro Denver 232,298 240,702 8,404 3.62% 8.18% 3.74% Colorado All Other 8,869 4,055 -4,813 -54.27% -52.26% 0.06% Out of State 590,770 601,436 10,666 1.81% 6.28% 9.48% Airport U 313 313 #DIV/0! #DIV/U! 0.00% Gunbarrellndustriai 244,341 405,407 161,066 65.42% 73.22% 6.39% Gunbarrcl Commercial 94,596 77,284 -17,312 -18.30% -14.71"/o L22% Pearl Street Mall 138,293 142,489 4,196 3.03% 7.57% 2.25% Boulder Industrial 558,545 470,942 -87,602 -15-68% -11.98% 7.42% Unlicensed Receipts 35,561 53,765 18,204 51.19"/ 57.84% 0.85% County Clerk 184,984 155,506 522 0.28% 4.69% 2.92% I'uhlic i)tilitics 497,330 565,763 68,434 13.76°/ 13.'16% 8.92% Refunds U -978 -978 rIDIV!0! "DIV/0! -0.02% 't'otal Sales and lase Tax 6,17>,081 6,34),536 169,45) 2.74'ii• ?.26Y4. I OU.00`% JaNLI:~RY 1'T0 Actual actual Actual :hangs. in Ch:mge in Change in Cumpctrablc i~9isccllancous'Tax Statistics 21)07 20118 Dollars Pcrccntnge. Cullcraions TutalPvodService'fax 31,80,{ i?,?36 5,871 1x.43% IS-43'16 AccomrnodationsTax 1''6,881 185,20 ]I,Ci39 6.58% 6.58°~~ Admissions Tax 23,461 42,626 19,165 81.64% 81.69% License Fees 2,050 2,20(1 150 1.32% 7.32% Trash Tax 23,237 301,885 278,647 1199.15% 1199.15% USF. SAI.F.S COMPARISON OF YEAR-TO-DATE AC'1'UAI. REVENUE FOR THE YEAR 2008 TO COMPARAALE PERIOll IN 2007 The sales tax rate decreased from 3.56% in 2007 to 3.41 % in 2008 USE TAX BY CATFGORY SAI,F:S "I'.AX BY CATEGORY J:1NLtAIt]' ~1-, - XUARY t'91) Ac(tirtf' :~cnra! Comparul?Ic Y_'It4nge in ..ra'oc 20' ~ ("u lcctions Standard Industrial Codc Pcrceritage :.ti,~n~ 1,856 4,009 2,153 ]16.034'%'0 125.54°/, FoodStores 691,424 18$,461 -102,963 -14.89% -:I.IS% 8,570 7,408 -1,165 -13.60`;:-, -9.79°i~~ I:atiagPlaccs 707,614 804,142 96,528 ]3.64% 18.64% 1,812 918 -893 -49.3:% -47.08% Apparel Stores 175,642 171,984 -3,658 -2.OS`% 2.22% 1,784 770 -1,014 -56.85% -5495'% Ilornc Furnishings 202,179 203,415 1,236 0.61% 5.04% 60,582 128,539 67,957 112.18% 121.51'% General Retail 1,329,837 ],373,418 43,581 3.28% 7.82% 25,841 19,471 -6,370 -24.65% -21.34'%, "I'ransportation/Utilities 678,293 750,665 72,372 10.67% 15.54% 189,336 188,770 -565 -0.30'% 4.09% Automotive Trade 279,038 243,122 -35,916 -12.87% -9.04% 626 798 172 27.39% 32.99°/~ Building Material-Retail 210,950 221,426 10,477 4.97°/u 4.58% 277,0(14 294,026 16,962 6.12% 10.79% Consttuction Use Tax 0 0 0 na na U U 0 na n Construction Sales Tax 31,377 23,034 -8,343 -26.59% -23.36% 4,574 5,762 1,183 25.83% 31.36% Consumer Electronic, 218,473 219,186 713 0.33% 4.74% 236,330 294,058 57,728 24.43% 2990% Computer Related Business 1 14,542 130,234 15,693 13.70% 18.70% 248,349 243,5&7 -44,762 -18.02% -14.42% All Other 478.986 468,313 -10,673 -2.23% 2.07%~ 1,056,728 1,148,113 91,385 8.65'%. 13.43% 'Cola] Sales and L'se'('ax 5,118,353 5,197.400 79,047 1.54'% 6.01°/, tiSF. TAX BY CA1'LGURY S.ALF:S'l'AX IIY' CA'1'F;GORY 'J~'S4)A12Y ~'Tp'ActuaF ~,h" Aotiral ~!hangc in .~cittrti Chan Chturt.e in i Compara}ilc C'li~nce in ('i,rnpa,,~;e 7Ut ?[1O8 vullars ,e '>ullccliuns Geographic Cude Ilan,. Pcrcctiuge l c~lfection5 t_;Si 3,498 2,343 433.90`% 457.39'% Vorth }3roadway 71,633 hy.l 13 ~ ~ 5 520 -?.40",-i~ -3.32°~~ 13,281 141,771 128,490 967.46'% 1014.42% Downtown 346,303 377,7';8 31,485 9.09°/u 13.89% 4!6 2,511 2,095 504.14% 530.71% UowntownExtension 35,229 23,217 -12,011 -34,09% -31.20% 162 449 286 176.33% ]88.49% UIIGID (the "hill") 120,247 l 13,123 -7,124 -5.92% -1.79% 19,249 11,301 -7,949 -41.29% -38.71% East Downtown 52,570 47,443 -5,127 ' -9.75% -5.78% 3,719 3,914 196 5.26% 9.89% N. 28th St. Cotnmcrcial 249,015 231,483 -17,533 -7.04% -2.95% 132 410 278 211.12°/u 224.81% N. Broadway Annex 21,573 25,715 4,143 19.20% 24.45% 98 1,319 1,221 1247.57% 1306.85% University of Colorado 198,621 205,748 7,127 3.59% 8.14% 863 691 -172 -19.95"/0 -16.43% IIasc,nar 93,983 90,899 -3,083 -3.28% 0.97% 37,094 23,162 -13,932 -37.56% -34.81% 13VRC ],326,141 1,197,138 -129,002 -9.73% -5.76% 4,891 8,267 3,376 69.02`% 76.46% 291h Street 345,869 468,325 122,456 35.41% 41.36'%, 375 367 -7 -1.95% 2.37% Table Mesa 184,235 181,490 -2,745 -1.49% 2.84`% 1,044 168 -875 -83.89% -83.18% The Meadows 34,873 28,615 -6,258 -17.94% -14.33% 210,587 156,286 -54,301 -25.79% -22.52%, All Other Boulder 154,671 (26,812 -27,859 •18.01"/° -14.41% 19,740 2,108 -17,634 -89.33% -88.87% BouiderCounty 39,229 54,723 15,493 39.49% 45.63%, 44,762 26,805 -17,958 -40.12% -37.48'% Metro Denver 187,535 213,897 26,362 14.06% 19.07% 363 481 1 18 3252% 38.35% Colorado All Other 8,506 3,574 -4,931 -57.98% -56.13% 42,644 17,210 -25'433 -59.64% -57.8T%, Out of State 548,127 584,226 36,099 6.59"/0 11.27% 0 U 0 na #DIV/0! Airport 0 313 313 na #D1V/Ol 206,871 364,342 157,471 76.12% 83.87% Gunbarrcllndustrial 37,471 41,066 3,595 9.59% 14.42% 156 13 -143 -91.49% -91.12% Gunbarrcl Commercial 94,440 77,270 -17,169 -18.18% -14,58% 2,168 1,428 -740 -34.12% -31.23% Pearl Street Mall 136,125 141,061 4,936 3.63% 8.18% 231,951 145,630 -86,321 -37.22% -34.45% Boulder Industrial 326,593 325,312 -1,281 -0.39% 3.94% 19,098 37,392 18,294 95.79% 104.40'%, Unlicensed Receipts 1G,4C>3 16,373 •90 -0.55% 3.83% 184,984 185,506 522 0.28% 4.69'%, County Clerk 0 0 0 tfUIV/Ol na l 1,425 i 3,087 1,662 14.55% 19.59'%u Public Uiilifies 485,905 552,676 66,772 13.74% 18.74°/u 1,056,728 1,148,113 91,386 8.65% 13.43% Tufal Sales and Use'I'ax 5,118,353 5,197,400 79,047 1.54°/u 6.0]% 1'4x by Mo & Ca:cgnry TOTAL CITY SALES AND USE TAX COLLECTIONS I I I Change la Con7parablc REVENUE CATEGORY YEAR JAN FE8 MAR APR MAY JUN . JUL A{}G 8EP OCT NUY DEr. TOTAL Collectioan RETAIL SALES TAX 24;1 49 7 5241 4 1',2 I 7,377 x,635 634 4 82+'!.,' S ' 9 : 0x0 4 4 3.665 ( A tY.0,S901 5 P89 5 31 4, 792.0; C I 4.578 650 ~ _6,822.307 62.689.849 2012 4594744 3 90.11 A9---,202 4, 44.590 QfiH73J(~ 66&345 ~ 43"'.'20 e/iS 3U5 5.570 049' 4,;68.9b?1 4,315 42 6,272.508 5l 125107 ~7.69v, 2003 ~ 3.&72 4 _3 dTx 9551 5.055,136 a „y_ O6b 1,1.64,729 _ 232 316 4 616&4 .E63 8521 5.171.96 4.268.213; 4,2x6. 24 S,94U,' 1S 54,871 t89 < 94 % Ra:o Chy 326%.?34:% 2004 _ 4: i94,136~ 4,'7G :67 5,321.G5t e46'..u55n 5340._SSSI 4333,1241 4,7<5.6_56~ S. S12,Ei0S 4450.737- 4-518.629 (>,G;2,036 56.225.844 745% Rate 341°$ 2005 <-255.041; 4,453.370 5.232,389 4,353,026 <Slfi.AC:c x35 '96~ 4494_;;!3. S 13,3 9 Sx50°~6~, 4,54',/901 4,769,700 6.°n2.929T 59.70A,660 254% 2006 c.734 2~ 4 4,645 436 5,537.253 4 f 9 456 < 682.331 ' E .19.363 ~ 4.737 773 ~ 237.757 6. Sb.G56~ a 9:-0,30, 4,387,847 /-49:,6'8 63.949.446 _l 1054 Rate Chg 3 e . % 316 % 2007 5 5.014,6' S 6 918 421 I 5 1 ~ 049 S 500 lOt 6 7 4 8411 5.565,, ±7t ~ 6 393.1Y18 6,954,377' 5.747,863 5 695,703 8.471 4841 73,164,906 9.59% R to Chg35d"/>x 41% 2006 5 974 1~ ~ ~ - - f - -t - - ~ - - - ~ } 5,?97,400 9_2.58% C rge .or1 p. ar yoar jMonth) ~ 60 / •10000% 700.00"!,. 000-~; 00. --~CO CO` 1 000 _-100001, .ICD OD% -'000 10000% 10000"/. ,1 C^arye `-om p i x y ear (YTO) _ , 6 U'.5f 1 -46 45% E. fi`G, ~ /S S4%. d0 4 % 1 -84 23` -6Ei.42 -Sb 29 l A9 82 , 9U P1 • 9' 62% 92 5d`r; 1 CONSUMER USE TAX 2001 1,165.937 8991291 177836 JU :15 9P.9.'9- 1,4276'8 01.687 .37.5?17 415683'. '<15, d91 748, 748 1,0`10.5561 13,259.4541 _ 2002 76462 654761 1 ~3x AC.G) 763955 457.237 1.CS-.//J 804,997 6T Oa6 648455 /6/,543; E28.9261 _'.'.532961 !i.6'11.Sti1l 2735°;4 ___e..,... 7e8.:57~ 5 7,,,,9~ fi3Ei,39A~ 877.962 786,486 cc - 9Ei2.7Ai, &56795 819'64. 16.-4 635,c55 1,045.632 US'L bCEi 9,903,632 2E7°,e Ra,e Chg 326%>347%_-- 2004 8^229 6ES 018- - - 494.4`31 _742.692 7246'4-_. 8C6~974i 9t ~ - _ _ 1 I1_ 0874 922.40 .r „990__728,E3a~ 750.977 •:,'6t 7761 102'5.625 1,it~o Ra,e34?% 2005 A<76811_ 5,:/036 95'.,045; 0'6.614 '.703,59?I 11.'044 864.720 bB aE~l tU51,030~ 758.937 968.467 '24430 11,130,180_ d+% 20.^6 ~ 86660 S1 /,'-01 1,277,'.461 577,744 96x.529' 781.362 _895.403- lJ6.2S8~ 1,054.696•__727,7,61 1-092,224 :.267, 1.7~ 10,637482 _ -4 a3_% RaeC-~y 341°S>356°/, 2a;:J /f.. C>S0• 574.006 975.1781 _772.,658, 733,196 858,G72( 575,4561 6525011 923.667' 732.463 716,377 7,5759081 70,2E3,012 $•3`h ~ - I _ _ _t I r Ra eChg3 56'/>>>,..41 % 2008 PIP 034'. _ I I I - I k!18,OS4 -91 63': Chap o fr m p 1e year (M1!on'h? _ 1 83 / Cle lye trorn pncyear (YfI7J t 9 •10000% -100.00% _-100.00% 70000°~ •;WOG%I_ •100 U0/~ C^CE~} 700 LG/ •70000% •100.00% •100.00% ~7187%ro 1134% -8'54%1 .8c 78/. 4635 dd 10~i -es 20% 9010%I----31.63h1 r _ ° ~ 36.76% Fi3.07% - - - ~ - - It I CONSTRUCTION USE TAX 2011 3:,7 E - 33',376 172,69' 11','41 9j I ~ -•8724311 Z<"7005 d" 411! 47 4a6~ 3 9,083 194,510 166,293~_2,~:.850~ _2002 2 4 0 ~ SS'91 282,392 442.587 2 53P' Ot,C>U~- 795374 797745 158< 31 (7_273 167.464 3b4,065~ _4,17 ,1731 at b'% 2003 0~4<91 11 565, 138.559 238246 4'o./Sb~ 675.308 220431_259,946 239.3x/ 6:,973 252.963; JAS'SJI 3.26653 ~ 21945; Rate Cng326`k>3.41% 2004 2'0,3831_930 '4d 3&7,487 49042fi 11. 416 18:.732 2'4.85' 155409 212299 179.283 230459 243.0&7 _30x99741 10.50° Ratc 341%, _2005 9'2,5951 782540 287 fi55 46167c 456073 9.3.19/ eC b8 23&.308 282.5031 276,247 _ 28A 04 5;<9751 5 ~9/686+ _8359% 2006 972&3, 3.31,34: 420.7x9 _ 29x094 x3/,231 176,42 _352_533 _261409 343.74911 __5_5_9.975 410958 1"162721~-5,302060 -5.28% Ra'.e Cng3G'%-X3.56°~6 2007 ~--~193.G781 347,86(1 ""1.01E '193,06' f21.473 430.207 ,179425 759,226 421,376{ 286,524 378.91A 2.`:3.5901 4.81<,755 -1302k R,-a(.hg"+5fi%>3.47% 2008 3,106 C _ _ _ _ 1 _ 330,000 -92 84°~5 Chango fro•r prorvwr .7o .th) 7 8%' 1 000% t00.L0i51 -100 00%' 00.00%I 10000% •tOC O(?56 -'000(1% •t0000M -?000094 •700 DU'i5 -'OOAG% _ Cla,ycfrurro _r,YIU) ~ -75-.b ~-~462<'ib •S42x9e• •6706'/,. -79.33!1 -4357% -A929'r, -90(5% 16?51 -97.16`., -92 a4°, -9284% _ 1 _ i - TOTAL FOR MONTH 8 CHANGE FROM PREVIOUS YEAR (MONTH 8 YTD) _ _I _1_200' E 49,.I~ S 1 ~ /SG 8 9. 903! 5.715,4tC• 5.9".516 7801 3C' 6,70L :?81 6127._295 73'S.6< ~ E. 516.37.8: 6661909 8.079,156. 78 G'/' 1Shc I 2002 S 16 J. 1 _ 5 03 ~ 'a9 6 534,394 5,711,133 5,394 991 7 ~ x6.434 .xd,,.49x1 5.594,'_'+9 6 316,9 ! 3,72 5,' 11,53' 7,81G 169, 7+,524 39E o ^r 2003 '174920 < 14 59 6,030,0531 5,'109,277, 5.466,T7•~ 1,67x41 SOaa,A57~ 5743.• s 6325'Ab~ 85, b1. 5.585,536 7,38.,.897) 60.03'.774 4.bAy, Ra:a Chg 326%a3.41H° 2004 5,584748 5 71633 6,613,991! 5572.712• 5.475,085^6.389.261-5x48.85 ~ 5.821 xE8 6691 ^ct~xx98.64F 5,508,059 8.066,899 7',49x448 047% Race 3.41% 2005 ~ 5 990,51 5 7<x946 6,477,340! 5.831.578: 6.136.5291 7.a49,4<t I S.S1 2E7 E 03 1,'62 6 927,,«9 5.576.974 6A2d.271 8.F:96.204 76 436 545 _ 6.91% ~ 2006 ~ ~ 5.6 8 98 ~ 5 493.878 _ 7.235.1401 5.53Q.696: 6.t84.096~ 7 6&5.145 5.906 7091 6 275 4"<4 / SS4,SOU 6 2sB,Cf.>6 ~ _5.897 p30 !0 ' 97,^,46 /9 Ab8 9iEi 4 527> Ra:e Chy 34 %>3.SG% 2007 6.'75.087 5.938,487 0,005.615; 6.147.768 6.855.311'; 8.00'.'"<0 766^:,,252 73:u JSa A,299,420 6.766.9511 6_788,999 :U,2<0.982~bb.:82,73 573% - - - h- Ratachg350°w>347% 2008 63455131 0 01 0 0-: 0 U 0 _0 0: 0 O1, 6,345,573 •92.49% _200' ~ - ~-_-2.9811 -78.930 -20.474 27.860! •1.0761 dal -3,486 8,226 3,27_9 -5.'927 0 -5.639, -`57.780 LcssRefunds 2002 1 1,754' •230 '-3,'36! 0~ -3.2391 -73,993 -527 -tQ222 -121,204 21 a0 1,548 ~7C.06_5,_ _ -:91,215 - - - - _ 1 _ .ess e7un s 2003 34.330 _ _ - ~ ~ •8.827 =/,078; -'.3d 198 -47,7721 76.328 -422 -596 -69,164 3.779' -579 S99I -424.272 2006 {II 40.~Zi •10,505 _ -636' -872 -5.9631 •751 •7.299 _ •4.643 _ -244 •27.3181 -5,758 a.3_30~ _ •63.G61 I = •66,044 _ -909 •2,666; fa7~ •10,080 -3.062 _ _ 4`207 -846 -t 5961 0 .4,751 _ -96^057 - - - r I -5.272 -22.767. - - --363' -5,059 0 - - 0 -1,568 -806, -5.947 406 _•16.773 -t05,29G - - - 2007 ~ 0; -38,291 2.013'. 7291 •9,326 -14.547 n4,440 -87) 0 •5,963 0 -5.075 , •9t,^vC7 Less Refunds 2008 -9781 •978 r --T - - Adjustedtotal 2007 6.31 976 ,56,..828 Qt71429 5,687.550 5.910439 7804,454_ 5.698,895 6.119,069 7,312,362 6,521.146 5.461.909 807 3'?~ 7d 113,373 - .7 - - _ - - - - 2002 546_8!%62 50 1.2'9 6.521,258 5,771,733 5.39',752 7.922.848 5.3P,4987 5.5839'7 6255.13 5.08:.828 5,!10,383 /,800,'05 7^.327.181 -530Y, 2003 I 4 740,59' I 4,505.272 6,023,075 5,074,479 S 424,999 6.794,082 S.Ocx 475 5.742.505 6.257.023 5A81,802 5.584 9'19 7,?34,298! 67607,502 5 2' Hate Chg 326%>341% 2004 S sB34C•6'~ 5161 128 6,673.354 5.51t,A40 5409.12' 8.309,110 5.347554 5.822.625 6.696.849 5.271.329 5,502,307 8.0625891 7'.431,386 1 0' Ra:e g at% 2005 1 5.995._2661 5.676_902 6,470431 ~ 5,820.852 6.134.982 _ 7,435.36' 5.542.7<5 6032.945 6.926,603 5 575_388 6,026,277 8.69t,446~ 76.340,x93 6 91 . .1. - ~ _ 2006 S S a^~; 1 '1.488,606 7 272 389 5 530,333. 6, 178,998 1.685 1<S S 965,/09 6 2d /,A 6 75„_,694 6,232.1 t 5.890,624 _10,780.213 %9.783,637 4 5-'/, Ra e G.hg3 47%a>3 56% 2007 1 6 75 6811 5.898.190 8 003 1. 6 141_039_^6.8.75,584 7 eA6 572 7 645,8^2 7,304,G77 8.299420 6./dU.`188j b 188,998 10235.967 88.097,731 5 76 2008 6.3x4 5361 _ ~ 0 0~ OI OI 0 0 0 0 0 6,344,536 -92 <8`ie 54 Change (mcn;h) 7261°~ '0000%~ 7 00/', 0.00% -"00.00%I 1,,., OO k.I- 10000%j 10000% 100 U0 .00.00/. -1CC 00'/4 '0000°ie ~i~~CJtanye fYl JJ f 72., v~• 45'cw° 8J 0-55 /4.1x5; -79.97% -838/'5! ~Ec 40':~ bb '7`i, 11970 -9i~b8`! x'•19'6 9248% Sales Tax Revenues Generated in the UHGID Area by Standard Industrial Classification Food Eating Apparel Home Gen. GRAND Stores Places Stores Furnish. Merchandise Transport. All Others TOTAL 2006 sales tax rate of 3.41% Janua 4,180 41,171 7.910 2.689 61,591 - 517 118,058 Februa 4,523 4a,052 4,366 4,219 19.901 - 2.376 79,436 March 4,839 40,390 8.703 2,527 18.847 - 637 75,944 A ril 5.585 46.490 8.981 2,893 17,832 83 515 82,378 Ma 4,992 42,244 2,189 3,037 15.640 - 536 68.638 June 4,385 43.266 7,789 2,434 14,194 - 416 72,485 Jul 4.685 32,424 2.844 2.544 13.268 - 403 56.168 Au ust 5.174 46.480 4,154 3.159 48.380 - 1.915 109,263 Se tember 5,633 54,904 18,079 3,043 64,946 - 811 147,416 October 5.631 53.620 7.661 2,665 19,269 - 625 89.472 November 1,055 36,443 7,546 1,885 12,889 - 503 60.321 December 5,829 39,595 6.305 1,950 14,623 25 3,870 72.197 2006 TOTAL 56.511 521,081 86,527 33,045 321,380 108 13,125 1,031,776 2007 sales tax rate of 3.56°k Janua 5,070 38,248 2,529 2,435 71,465 - 500 120.247 Februar 3.444 45.102 5.847 2.691 21,020 - 580 78,684 March 5,033 49,355 3.615 2,453 13.901 - 755 75.112 A ril 5,367 51,864 3.464 2,432 15224 - 664 79,016 Ma 4,860 55.169 4.977 2.740 22,308 - 549 90,603 June 4.022 38,202 7,721 2.181 18,417 - 521 71,063 Jul 4,116 40,280 3.080 2,666 16.495 - 459 67,097 August 5,995 49.449 6,184 2.967 53.142 - 819 118,556 Se tember 5,335 63,349 12,033 2,765 65.479 - 937 149,898 October 5.050 64.566 6.323 2,374 22.026 - 695 101,034 November 3,947 44.038 5,665 2,531 14.331 - 571 71,082 December 4.013 39,790 10,684 2.687 18.339 10 4.173 79.696 2007 TOTAL 56,250 579,412 72,123 30,921 352,147 10 11,224 1,102,088 2008 sales tax rate of 3.41°! Janua 3,577 39,152 2,763 2,294 64.727 - 612 113,123 Februa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ March - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Aril _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ June - - _ _ _ _ _ _ Jul _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Au ust _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Se tember - - _ _ _ _ _ _ October _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ November - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ December - - _ _ _ _ _ _ 2008 TOTAL 3.577 39,152 2,763 2,294 64,727 - 612 113.123 Change from 2005-2006 2.09% 6.15% -12.25% 14.38% 11.78% -90.07% -25.65% 5.28 %Changefrom2006-2007 -4.66`/° 6.51% -20.16% -10.37% 4.96% -90.99% -18.09% 2.31% Change from 2007-2008 -29.45% 2.36% 9.23% -5.81 % -9.43% #DIV/0! 22.42% -5.92% Change from previous year montfi -29.45% 2.36% 9.23% -5.81% -9.43% #DIV/0! 22.42% -5.92% S:~CMO~DUHMDPS\dmclt3UDGET OJ\UHGID d~IUHGIDSIC NOTES: Percentage change calculations for 2007 have been adjusted to eliminate the impact of the increase in the salesfuse tax rate. Sales and Use Tax Revenues Generated in the UHGID Area by Standard Industrial Classification Food Eating Apparel Home Gen. GRAND Stores Places Stores Furnish. Merchandise Trans rt. Construction All Others TOTAL 2006 sales tax rate of 3.41 Janua 4,180 41,175 7,910 2,689 61.593 - 140 517 118,204 Februa 4,523 44.058 4,366 4,219 19.937 - 560 2,376 80,038 March 4,839 40.391 8.703 2,527 18,893 - 196 931 76,480 A ri1 5.585 46.504 8.981 2,893 17,848 83 411 515 82,819 Ma 4,992 42,276 2.189 3.037 15.650 - 73 536 68,753 June 4,385 43.270 7,789 2,434 14,208 - 57 693 72,838 Jul 4,685 32,442 7.844 2,544 13,288 - 307 403 56,513 Au ust 5.174 50.341 4.154 3,159 48,686 - 128 7,915 113.558 Se tember 5.633 54,904 18.079 3.043 64.971 - 133 1,122 147,885 October 5.631 53.626 7.661 2,665 19,292 - 2,764 625 92,264 November 1,055 37.321 7,546 1,885 12.900 - 68 503 61.277 December 5,829 39,604 6,305 1.950 14,633 25 25 4.154 72,525 2006 TOTAL 56,511 525,911 86.527 33,045 321,897 108 4,862 14,291 1,043,152 2007 sales tax rate of 3.56% Janua 5.070 38.253 2.529 2.435 71,486 - 137 500 120.409 Februa 3,444 45,205 5,847 2,691 21,230 - 125 580 79,121 March 5,033 49.358 3.615 2,453 13,925 - 1,540 1,014 76.937 Apr;i 5.367 56,577 3,464 2,432 15,248 - 223 664 83,974 Ma 4.860 55.175 4.977 2.740 22.313 - 2,727 549 93.341 June 4.022 38,202 7.741 2,181 19.124 - 413 750 72,432 Jul 4.116 40,299 3,080 2,666 16,507 - 828 459 67,956 August 5,995 49,453 6,184 2.967 53.148 - - 819 118.567 Se tember 5.335 67,692 12,033 2,765 65,483 - 223 1.206 154.737 Octcber 5,050 64,566 6,323 2,374 22.031 - 53 695 101,093 November 3,947 44,038 5,665 2,531 14,338 - 7 571 71,097 December 4,013 39,792 10.684 2.687 18,340 10 281 4,895 80,703 2007 TOTAL 56,250 588,610 72,142 30,921 353,173 10 6,557 12,704 1,120,367 2008 sales tax rate of 3.41% Janua. 3,577 39.152 2.763 2,294 64.734 - 441 612 113.572 Februa - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ March - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Aril _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ma - - - - - - - - - June _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JuI - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Au ust - - - - - _ _ _ _ Sep ember - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ October - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ November - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ December - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2008 TOTAL 3,577 39,152 2,763 2,294 64,734 - 441 612 113,572 Change from 2005-2006 -3.27% 6.47% -12.25% 14.38% 11.77% -90.07% -46.99%~ -23.84% 4.64% Change from 2006-2007 -4.66% 7.21 % -20.14% -10.37% 5.09% -90.99% 29.17% -14.85% 2.88% Change from 2007-2008 -29.45°/ 2.35% 9.23% -5.81% -9.44% #DIV/0! 222.84% 22.42% -5.68% Change from previous year month -29.45`% 2.35% 9.23% -5.81% -9.44% #DIV/0! 222.84%~ 22.42% -5.68% NOTES: Percentage change calculations for 2007 have been adjusted to eliminate the impact of the increase in the sales/use tax rate. 5:1CMOIDUHMDPS1dmc~E3UDGET DJ\UHGID oj1UHGIDSIC UHGID Sales Tax Revenues (NO use tax) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 January 83,022 96,846 100,032 99,422 98,853 118,058 120,247 113,123 February 65,046 56,994 63,769 64,521 72,140 79,436 78,684 March 64,537 68,740 69,760 72,985 72,060 75,944 75,112 April 60,826 68,547 62,055 66,129 74,662 82,378 79,016 May 61,329 56,306 62,078 65,583 61,131 68,638 90,603 June 92,013 76,086 69,726 73,693 69,085 72,486 71,063 July 59,675 63,058 48,079 53,263 65,768 56,168 67,097 August 88,127 87,167 125,801 124,050 144,466 109,263 118,556 September 123,121 129,966 104,739 108,698 99,702 147,416 149,898 October 66,451 73,867 81,351 82,562 93,865 89,472 101,034 November 60,396 58,271 67,097 64,189 65,915 60,321 71,082 December 86,683 71,034 74,835 72,674 62,359 72,197 79,696 Totals 920,684 911,224 906,884 929,322 947,770 980,005 1,031,777 1,102,088 113,123 Tax Rate 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.56 3,41 UHGID Sales Tax Revenues 1 so,oao - - - 140,000 120,000 2001 --+F 2002 I 100,000 2003 ~ ~ 2004 80,000 2005 60,000 - ~ - - 2006 + 2007 40,000 2008 20,000 0 i ~ ~~Q O ~o~ Oro S:\CMO\DUHMDPS1dmc\BUDGET DJIUHGID dj\UHGIDSIC UHGID Yearly Summary City 7Kde Yearly Summary Sales and Use Tax Breakdown by Industry Category UHGID Sates and Use Tax as a Percent of Total City wde Sates and Use Tax Food Eating Apparel Home General Eatin A g pparal Homo General Stores Places Stores Furnishings March All Other Total Food Stores Places Stores Fumishings March All Other Total Jan 20v^8 53.577 $39,152 $2,763 $2,294 $64,734 $1,053 5113,572 Jan 2008 5 592,470 $ 811,546 S 172,903 $ 429,132 S 1,501,957 $ 2,836,526 $ 6.344.534 3% 34% 2% 2% 57% 1°% 700% 1% 5% 2% 1% 4'-% 0% 1.8% 2007 $56,250 $588,610 $72,142 $30,921 5353.173 St9.27U 57,120.367 2007 $11.205,584 $70,888,135 $ 2,804,311 $ 5,522,090 518,040,152 S 39.631,459 $ 88,091,731 5% 53% 6% 3% 32°/ 2°% 100% 1% 5% 3% 1% 2% 0°% 1.3% 2006 $56,511 5525,911 586,527 533.045 $321,897 $19,261 $1,043,152 2006 510,392,069 $ 9,582.212 $ 2,424,694 $ 4,611.056 $15,402,540 5 37,371,060 $ 79,783,631 5% 50% 8% 3% 31% 2°i6 100% 1 % 5% 4% 1 % 2 % 0% 1 3 % 2005 558.421 $493,955 598,605 528.891 $288,C04 529,024 5996.900 2005 510,046,723 $ 8,995,846 5 2,362,366 $ 4,465,788 514,587,419 $ 35,882,350 $ 76,340,492 6% 50% 40% 3°% 29% 3% 100% 1% 5% 4% 1% 2°k+ 0% t3% 2004 547,446 5461,253 S8%,695 525,958 $301.938 5124,607 $1,048.897 2004 510,148,861 58.637,718 $2.232,747 53,118.312 514,123,007 $32,171,342 $70,431.387 5% 44% 8 % 2% 29 % 12 % 100% 0 % 5% 4% 1 % 2°k 0% 1.5 % 2003 $43.618 $417,782 $94,036 535,450 5304,099 $46,965 5941,951 2003 $9.052.658 57,847,285 $2,046,951 53,922.549 $13.185,423 531,552,637 $67,607,503 5% 44 % 10% 4 % 32 % 5 % 100% 0% 5°k 5% t % 2% 0% 1.4% 2002 $42,268 5407,606 $89,454 534,104 5313.795 541,dt9 S928,646 2002 59,294,397 58,133,237 $2,346,305 54,764,992 $13,572,651 533,815,600 $77,327,182 5% 44% 10 % 4% 34% 4% 100°k 0°k 5% 4% 1 % 2% 0% 1.3% 2001 $41,988 5394,142 5103,573 535,141 $318.763 $26,961 $920,478 2001 $9,312,676 58,384,190 $2,646,021 54,537,112 $15.553,807 $38,279,526 578.713.332 5% 43% 41% 4°~ 35% 3% 100% 0% 5% 4% 1 % 2% 0% 1.2°k 2000 534,841 $378,042 $99,206 $39,066 5366,669 $17,242 $935.066 2000 $9,080.910 58,484,601 53,459,262 55,975.794 $17.887,211 S36,269.737 $80,797,515 4% 40% 11% 4°h 39 % 2% 100% 0% 4% 3 % 1% 2% 0% L2 1999 538,414 $345,800 $92,878 546,325 $345,546 55,309 $874,272 7999 59,207,721 57,790,648 53,359,974 55,553,219 $17,008,884 533.893.706 576.814,092 4% 40% 71% 5°h 40% t% 100% 0% 4% 3°k 1°% 2% 0% 1.1% '998 $33.781 $350,299 $126,670 540.532 $306.191 $12,898 $870,371 7998 $8,932.097 $7,469,094 53,252,729 $3,570,448 515,736,140 530,637,104 $69,597.612 4°r6 40% 15% 5°h 35% t°k 400% 0% 5% 4°k t % 2% C% 1.3% 1997 $37,537 $323,175 5126,465 $39.846 $316,999 $9,035 5853.057 1997 $7,73,9,779 $6,797,237 52,781,018 53,129,089 515,439,169 528,494,047 564.380,339 4% 38% t5% 5% 37% 4% 700% 0% 5% 5% 1% 2% 0% 13% 1996 S33.742 $342,802 5145,274 $74,088 $317,743 $45,788 5929.437 1956 57,671,055 $6,614,561 52.782,149 52,862.572 515,411,950 526,975.579 $81,957,866 4% 37% 16% 8% 34% 2% 100% 0'% 5°! 5% 3% 2% 0% 1.5% S:1CM0\DUHMDPS\dmc18UDGET UJ\UHGID dj\UHGIDSiC