Minutes - University Hill Commercial Area Management Commission - April 16, 2008 CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS MEETING MINUTES FORM NAME OF BOARD/COMMISSION: UNIVERSITY HILL COMMERCIAL AREA MANAGEMENT COMMISSION NAME/TELEPHONE OF PERSON PREPARING SUMMARY: Ruth Weiss 303-413-7318 NAMES OF MEMBERS, STAFF, AND INVITED GUESTS PRESENT BOARD MEMBERS: DAHL, GRIFFITH, MILLER, MITCHELL, SHRUM STAFF: WINTER, JOBERT, CUNNINGHAM, LANDRITH, LEEKER, WEISS GUEST(Sl• CURTIS TYPE OF MEETING• MINUTES REGULAR MEETING: Aaril 16.2008 AGENDA ITEM 1 -Roll Call: Meeting called to order at 9:05 a.m. AGENDA ITEM 2 -Election of Officers: Shrum nominated Miller as chair, Miller accepted and Dahl seconded. Miller was unanimously approved. Shrum nominated by Miller for Vice Chair, Shrum accepted, Dahl seconded. Unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM 3 -Approval of the March 19, 2008 Meeting Minutes. (SEE ACTION ITEM BELOW) AGENDA ITEM 4 -Public Participation: None AGENDA ITEM 5 -Police Update: Winter updated that W egscheider could not attend and two officers are on injury leave. AGENDA ITEM 6 - UHNA Update: Miller mentioned that Stoyva was not able to attend. Miller gave an update on the Restorative Justice program that brings people back into the community when they have done something wrong. Shrum mentioned it was good that CU stepped up and funded the program. Winter mentioned that there would not be a UHNA picnic this yeaz but there will be an event at the Boulder Museum on June 8 and all are invited to attend. AGENDA ITEM 7 -Hill Alliance Update: Griffith attended the Hill Alliance meeting; cazdboazd recycling discussed with costs not as anticipated and rethinking to occur, discussion continued regazding a coupon book with an "earth' theme, businesses to coordinate with the end of school year events, and more regulaz meetings in the future. Landrith disclosed talk about creating a flyer with a theme of earth wise incorporated in events with a portion of the profits going to nonprofits and hoped that Hill businesses would join in with incentives for foot traffic. Shrum commented that businesses were looking for a give and take with non-profits and have the events two to three times a yeaz with a cazd distributed to track who is coming to the events and where they aze coming from. Landrith revealed a discussion to have an "earth" month to solicit a larger participation with incentives and focus on a `green' cause. Dahl commented that earth week is sufficient and that a month would not work as efficiently, momentum wanes. Hill Fest proposed date is September 6, after the CU game. Miller mentioned that there is an attempt by the athletic depaztment to have the Spring game have 50,000 attendees. CU cancelled Friday's concert with County Crows due to a NCAA violation. AGENDA ITEM 8 -University Hi112K Race, 5/15, and Events Update: Cunningham mentioned that Mike Clear is pulling a permit for May 2 and 3rd sidewalk sale, Uni Hi112K has moved to May 15 . Cunningham continued that this event has been going on for 11 yeazs and the city no longer ccordinates the event. Dahl commented on the excessive cigazette butts after Raves and that businesses aze not taking 1 care of their mess. Miller questioned who's responsibility is the clean up of public space. Winter responded that this is an ongoing issue and an attempt to help by the businesses whose clientele create the waste. Griffith commented that approaching the business with the issue rather than citing a violation would work better. Winter offered to meet with shop owners to make them awaze of this situation. AGENDA ITEM 9 -Parking Services Update: Winter commented that a sidewalk power washing on will occur on May 5°i, position held by Doug Mayhew has been revamped and looking to heaz back from HR to post the job opening, pay stations aze working with no complaints on the Hill. Dahl commented that her manager has noticed lines at the pay stations. Jobert asked which pay station, the one at 14'" Street Lot was the response. Shrum mentioned that he is awaze customers in the stores do not pay and they are saying it is too much of a hassle. Winter offered that some people just do not pay and had not paid in the past either. Mitchell asked what the disposition of the old meters would be. Winter replied that some will be for purchase and Human Services is looking to use some as a fund raising and social awazeness vehicle. Mitchell mentioned that Nederland is looking for meters. Griffith suggested that perhaps businesses could put some meters for Hill Alliance funding of projects but it could be an issue in the community of which programs to fund which is why Human Services in handling the distribution of the funds. Winter commented that the details to be ironed out. Griffith thought that a lottery system could be advantageous. Winter preferred Kazen Rahn, Human Services, do disbursements, as she is best qualified and awaze of the community's needs. Winter continued that the collection and sepazation of money to track the funding could be enormous. Griffith suggested brochures of the nonprofit be placed on the meter to identify where the funds will be allocated. Miller asked about the flowers and Winter replied that the flowers come in May 15. NPP still in process, with two TAB meetings to handle the back log of NPP proposals, 6 petitions on the Hill with 3 being in azeas with no single family homes and the recommendation was not to included them in the NPP and could negatively impact the rest of the NPP's. A high density NPP could warrant further investigation. Miller suggested discouraging student NPP azeas and asked if is there an issue with student pazking, Winter remazked that high density is the issue and people are looking for free pazking, NPP is to provide pazking for residents, and commuters. Spillover is tricky, are people willing to go extra blocks, aze neighbors willing to have the program, Shrum commented on a 30% decrease of business on the Hill due to the pazking program since commuters aze parking further away from the business. The NPP fmal public heazing will go to Council on May 20. Mitchell voiced that alleys aze crammed with delivery trucks, believed that angled pazking on 14s' would benefit the Hill and could use 14'" for a loading zone due to its width. Winter responded that 14th it is not in the NPP and is only residential, street width for potential angled parking needed further investigation and she would look into it. AGENDA ITEM 10 -Matters from the Commissioners: Mitchell updated the cazdboazd compactor situation and hoped to take two trashcans and replace with a cardboazd baling machine. Shrum commented that he was trying to get grants to help financially, unless there is greater participation, free labor and free insurance liability, it does not seem cazdboazd recycling is a money maker but a financial burden. Mitchell remazked that people aze paying to have the cazdboazd hauled out and perhaps that money could offset, also trying to get a cooperative spirit of the businesses on the hill and would prefer not to kill the idea just yet, hoping to put a centralized trash area on the Hill. Shrum commented that there are creative ways to increase revenue to float a project. Miller supported collaboration on the Hill. AGENDA ITEM 11-Matters from the Director: Jobert commented that budget season is about to start and will request that studies be permanently added to the budget. Shrum requested he be added as the budget representative for UHCAMC, with a negative response. Greening of the Hill: Shrum mentioned the elections, additional communication building between businesses and residents, sustainability with the 2 burden. Mitchell remarked that people are paying to have the cardboard hauled out and perhaps that money could offset, also trying to get a cooperative spirit of the businesses on the hill and would prefer not to kill the idea just yet, hoping to put a centralized trash area on the Hill. Shrum commented that there aze creative ways to increase revenue to float a project. Miller supported collaboration on the Hill. AGENDA ITEM 11-Matters from the Director: Jobert commented that budget season is about to start and studies are permanently added to the budget. Shrum questioned the budget representative for the Hill, with a negative response. Greening of the Hill: Shrum mentioned the elections, additional communication building between businesses and residents, sustainability with the impact of the students, good support from CU, Megan Putnam looking to have student form for student diffusion, to be called "Sustained", students as consumers being highlighted, getting the University involved, hoping for greater participation in the fall. Mitchell commented that Resolution Justice was so successful due to the broad community participation, case load had dropped significantly. Winter beginning to get emails about the CU Homecoming committee, looking to hire a student to coordinate it. Miller questioned the CU conference center and Winter replied that CU hired RRC to do an internal assessment of meeting needs and the City of Boulder has put a hold until the feasibly study is concluded. Meeting adjourned at 10:35am. MOTIONS: Miller made a motion to approve the March 19, 2008 meeting minutes Shrum seconded. Approved unanimously. FUTURE MEETINGS: May 21, 2008 Regular Meeting Council Chambers 9:00 a.m. APPROVED BY: UNIVERSITY HILL COMMERCIAL AREA MANAGEMENT COMMISS Attest: Ruth Weiss, Secretary David Miller, Chair 3