Sales & Use Tax Revenue Report December (Total Year) 2007City of Boulder
Sales & Use Tax Revenue Report
December (Total Year) 2007
Issued Februarv 19, 2008
This report provides infonnation and analysis related to sales and use tax collections for fiscal year 2007.
Results are for actual sales activity through the month of December, the tax on which is received by the
city in the subsequent month. All percentage changes have been adjusted to exclude the voter approved
one-year increase in rate firom 3.41% to 3.56% to fund the Fire Training Center. Any questions should be
directed to Laura Fisher, Revenue Officer at (303) 441-4017.
The following tables compare yeu-to-date 2007 cullections to the comparable period in 3006.
Table 1 lists the categories of sales and use tax collected by the Ciry of Boulder. It illustrates the percent
change in the various areas for 2007 over the same time period in 2006.
Retail Sales Tax - From an ongoing economic perspective, the row entitled Retail Sales Tax (in Table 1)
is the primary indicator of how the retail economy in the city is perfoiming this year compared to last
year. Retail Sales Tax comprises the vast majority (over 83°/a) of the city's sales and use tax revenue.
Year-to-date collections in this category are up by 9.59%. A significant portion of the increase is from
new stores located in the Twenty Ninth Street shopping area that opened during mid to late 2006. The
new Home Depot at Twenty Ninth Street opened in January, 2006 and thus was included in the 2006
Business/Consumer Use Tax - Business/Consumer Use TaC fluctuates significantly froin montl~ to
month depending on the leve] of equipment purchases and leases in that month and on revenue collected
from audits of businesses. Where revenue is categorized can depend upon whether it is collected by the
seller (retail zales tax) or self-assessed by the buyer (business use ta~c). The Business Use Tax category is
down 1317% year-to-date.
Motor Vehicle Use Tax - This category is somewhat confusing because tax on the purchase of vehicies
falls into the retail sales tax category if collected by the auto dealership and the motor vehide use tax
catego~y if collected by the County Clerk's office. 2007 year-to-date County Clerk collections arc up by
14.78% and the more inclusive category of Automotive Trade (retail and use tax) is up by 7.91 %. These
results are positive but it is im}~ortant ro nofe that tbey follow scveral prior ycars of negative pei-Cormanec
in tl~ese areas.
Timc Pcriod Motor Vchicle Usc Tas Auto Tradc (Retail &. Usc Tax)
2007 7btal Year 14.78'% 7.91'%a
2006 Total Year (6.62% (1.79`%)
2005 7ota1 Year (3.88'%) (3.68`%~
2004 Total Year (2.17°/o) (2.07%)
Construction Use Tax - Decembcr ycar-to-datc Construction Use Tax revenuc is down by 13.02`%, from
thc same period in 2006 Bccause construction activity was verq brizk over thc past two ycars, futurc
I~orecas[s excluded what was considered to bc onc-timc revenuc frotn ceitain large projects from the on-
ooing "base." Approximately $1.] million in such one-time revenue was excluded ftom the "base" whcn
iorecasting 2007 Constructio~ Usc Tax Revcnue Large projects have also been built in 2007 and these
too have been "adjusted" from the "base" as reflected in Table 1. Table 1 lists actual collections but also
provides information that eliminates the skew of one-time dollars received by the city in 2006 for the
redevelopment of the Twenty Ninth Street area and other major construction projects. In an attempt to
continue defining an on-going "base," information in this table also excludes revenue from certain large
2007 CU renovation and other projects.
Total Sales and Use'I'ax -Without adjusting for one-time revenue, the Actual Coltccted cohtmn in Table
1 shows a total increase in Sales and Use Tax revenue of 5.76%. After adjusting for 2006 and 2007 one-
time revenue, the total 2007 year-to-date increase in Sales and Use Tax revenue is 6.04%.
Exclude Large Projects
TAX CATEGORY Const Use Tax from 2006 &
Actual Collected 2007
Retail Sales Tax 9.59% 9.59%
Business Use Tax 3.17% -13.17%
Motor Vehicle Use Tax 14.78% 14.78%
Constmction Use Tax -13.02% -12.87%
Refunds -17.22% -17.22%
Total Y'CD Sales/Use Tax 5.76% 6.04°/~
Significant increases /decreases by tax category are sununarized in Table 2:
Food Stores up by 3.97% East Downtown (due partially to a store
Eating Places up by 8.58% relocation) down by 22,91%
Apparel Stores up by 10.96% Pearl Street Mall down by 1.06%
Home Furnishings up by 5.72% Public Utilities down by 3.47%
• General Retail up by 12.61%
Automotive Trade up by 4.80%
Building Material -Retail up by 4.89%
Consumer Electronics up by 29.86%
Computer Related Business up by 67.78% (combined
sales and use tax in this category up by 5.34%)
Downtown up by 2.09%
UHGID up by 2.31%
University of Colorado up by 13.05%
Twenty Ninth Street up by 140.33% (due to new stores
opening in the area)
Table Mesa up by 7.94%
The Meadows up by 5.65%
Gunbarrel Industrial up by 8.18%
Gunbanel Commercial u 6 7.22%
Motor Vehicle Use Tax up by 14,78% (more Computer Related Business Use Tax is down by
inclusive combined retail sales and use tax 27,12% (combined sales and use tax in this category
categories up by 7.9] up by 534%)
Construction Use Tax down by 13.02% (actually
down by 12.87% after factoring out Twenty Ninth
Street and other large 2006 projects, and certain
lar e 2007 rojects)
• Accommodations Tax is up by 12.48%.
• Admissions Tax is up by 6.00%
The majority of projections for the economy continue to be less positive than previous forecasts.
• Prediction regarding the national economy from the February 11, 2008 issue of Financial Weelr:
o While the risk of a recession is now even, growth will accelerate to a 2.5% annual rate in
the fmal three months of the year from 0.6% last quarter, according to the median
forecast of 62 economists polled by Bloomberg News from Jan. 30 to Feb. 7.
• Economic forecast from February 1 -14 issue of the Boulder County Business Report
o Economist Richard Wobbelcind characterized the national economy as a roller coaster
ride and pointed to a number of elements that, depending how they shake otit, will
determine the economy's short-term status...listing the key factors as the credit crunch,
direction of the government's monetary policy, geopolitical turmoil, oil prices, stock
volatility, a decline in wealth, and inflation.
o He made clear that the surrounding area (Boulder Valley) is faring better than the rest of
the nation and Colorado in a number of categories including high-paying wages and
unemployment. Unemployment rates continue to be in the 4% range compared with 5%
statewide. "Our state population is growing at a rate of about 2%, and people are moving
her for jobs, not just the beautiful surroundings."
o On the downside he pointed to a local housing and construction market that has been flat
for the past four months.
• Real estate forecast from February 1 -14 issue of the Boulder Coui~ry Business Report:
o Lawrence Yun, the National Association of Realtor's chief economist is optimistic about
Colorado's housing market compared to the rest of the nation. Yun said while the nation
on average has seen a 2°/~ drop, Colorado and the fiont range have seen fairly stable
prices. Without the big run up in prices there will be no big drop, he said- I-Ic predicted
that the economy might show slower growth in 2008, but there would not be a recession.
• Economic forecast from December 21 - 27 issue of the Bozdder County Business Report:
• Retail Sales -Owners and managers remain cautious but hopeful in their outlook about retail
sales in the fiirst quarter of 2008. Wobbelcind predicts the second half of the year will be
stroneer than the first half with slow retail sales in the first quarter.
Richard Wobbekind in the 2008 Colorado Business Economic Outlook predicts:
o The number ofjobs in Boulder County is expected to grow in 2008, after the area posted
a 3% employment gain in 2007. The area will continue to see growth next year in the
key industry areas of aerospace, bioscience, infonnatiou technology, natural and organic
products, outdoor gear and recreation, renewable energy and touristn.
o Despite moderately strong growth in tihe intermediate quarters, real GDP growth for the
year (2007) will be well below potential in the 2% to 2.2% range. Slightly more
optimistic growth is expected next year, in the 2°/, to 2.4'% range, as the housing slump
and credit crunch begin to ease. In other words, it will take time for our economic woes
to resolve themselves, although we do not believe a recession will occur during the
o Overall, the outlook is for continued economic growth in Boulder County. Similar to last
year, the expansion of the area's economy will be driven by growth in the professional
business services sector, the category that includes many of Boulder County's
entrepreneurial technology-based startup and research companies.
• Tucker Hart Adams is much less optimistic about job gains predicting that heavy job losses in
construction will lead to a recession.
• A December 10, 2007 Associated Press release on the Channel 9 website predicts:
o Colorado's economy will plod along next year with a 1.9% increase in jobs, largely in the
service industries -although the troubled housing and credit markets could throw obstacles in
its path.
• Both the Colorado Office of State Planning and Budgeting (in the December 20, 2007 report) and
the Legislative Council Staff to the Colorado General Assembly (in the November 7, 2007 report)
predict modest, resilient growth in Colorado, despite the uncertainty about the national economy.
Both cite the national economy as the major risk factor. An excerpt from the Legislative
Council's Colorado Economic Chronicle appears to summarize the predictions of both
organizations: "In summary, the state's economy is expected to continue to grow, although at a
slightly slower pace than in 2006. Employment in Colorado's major job sectors continues to
advance and wage and salary growth remains solid. This should fuel firrther gains in consumer
spending and business investment in the state."
This report will be updated and will be available on apptoxirnately the tenth business day of each tnonth.
::DECEMBER 1'TD-Aetnal
Total Net Sales/Use Taz Receipts Lv 7as Category 2006- 2007 "%:Change of Totat
Sales Tnz 63,947,652 Ti,164,906 9.59% 83.06 i°
Business Usc lax 8,718,7^_7 7,903,917 -1 }.17"~;, 8.979..
Construction Use Tax 5,30?,000 4,514,755 -13.02"... 5.477;
Motor vehicle - 1,918,755 ?,299,154 14.78% 2.61
Refwtds -105,296 -91,001 -17.22% -0.10%
Total Sales and Use Tmz 79,781,837 86,091,731 5.76% 100.00
Total Net Sales/Use Taz Receipts by Industrh Type 200d~. 2007 P/o!Chap e bf ToGat
Food Stores 10,392,069 11,205,584 3.28% 12.72%
Eating Places 9,580,417 10,888,135 8.86% 12.36%
Apparel Stores 2,424,694 2,804,311 10.78% 3.18%
Home Furnishings 2,748,334 3,040,482 5.97% 3.45'%,
General Retail 15,402,540 18,040,152 12.19% 20.48°i5
Transpor[a[ion/Utilities 7,187,868 7,404,236 -1.33% 8.41°/a
Automotive Trade 5,478,456 6,171,946 7.91 % 7.01
Building Ma[eria]-Retail 2,979,594 3,237,916 4.09% 3.68%
Construction Use Tax 4,533,235 4,834,880 2.16% 5.49'%n
Construction Sales Tax 292,331 416,846 36.59°/ 0.47%
Consumer Electronics 1,862,722 2,481,608 27.61% 2.82%
Computer Related Business Sector 4,945,912 5,438,998 5.34°/ 6.17%
All Other 12,058,960 12,217,638 -2.95% 13.87%
Refunds -105,296 -91,001 -17.22% -0.10%
Total Sales and Use Tax 79,781,837 88,091,731 5.76"/ I OO.DO%
DEC~kkBER YTII ~'Actaal
Total Net Sales/Use Tax Receipts by Geographic Area 2006~i 2007 'OT.oGhanRe °~o bf Togo[ '
Nor[h Broadway 1,024,677 1,277,259 19.40% 1.45"/n
Downtown 6,357,920 6,131,431 -7.63% 6.96"
Downtown Extension 477,154 526,582 5.7]% 0.60°
UHG[D (the "hill") 1,043,152 1,120,367 2.88°/ 1.27%
East Downtown 886,789 1,563,399 68.87% 1.77°/"
N. 28th St Commercial 5,229,147 5,172,027 -5.26% 5.87%
N. Broadway Annex 340,600 411,910 15.84°/ 0.47°
University of Colorado 858,513 983,6D4 9.74% L12%
Basemar 1,281,217 1,450,546 8.45°/ 1.65°
BVRC-Boulder Valley Regional Center 17,215,980 17,442,318 -2.95% 19.80%n
29th Street 2,248,679 5,381,303 129.23 % 6.11"
Table Mesa 1,997,585 2,288,744 9.75'% 2.60°
The Meadows 1,137,697 1,221,406 2.839u 1.39%
All Other Boulder 4,825,034 5,808,119 15.30% 6.59%
Boulder County 989,849 1,165,935 12.83°/ 1.32°
Metro Denver 3,249,943 3,743,856 10.34% 4.25%
Colorado All Other 137,191 245,807 71.62% 0.28%
Out of State 7,193,277 9,638,445 25.35% 10.94'7
Airport 7,586 15,345 93.75'% 0.02'%
Gunbarrel Industrial 4,036,991 3 451,023 -18.12% 3.92'%
Gwrbarrel Conunerclal 254,97fi 1,070,259 7.35 io 1.21`7
Pearl Street Mall 2,423,436 2,513,499 -0.65'% 285'x6
13ouldei Industrial 8,084,982 7,850,060 -7.00'7 8.91"/,
Unlleensed Receipts 1,097,979 545,861 -52.38'7 0 fi2'7
County Clerk 1,918,755 299,154 14.78'%, '_1i1i6
Public Utilities 4,868,022 4,864,473 -4.28'%, S.S2'%.
Refunds -105 ~9fi -91,001 -17.22'% -0.10'%~
Total Sales and Usc Tax 79,781,837 88,091,731 5 76'Y 100.00':;,
- -UEGENI:BEI2 YTD ACtaaa- -
MisccllaneausTazStatistics 2006- - 2007 -:°/:Cliangc":
Total Irood Servmc Tax 442.576 481,902 8.89'%.
Aocommodanons Tax }.064,738 3?47,335 12 48 %
Adtnisnons Tax 406,030 430,397 6.00'46
mash ia>. ..937.719 '.(112,5(14 -47.75h„
ilGO1G~'1&1GR YT)b XCtual: D1aCC~1BCR YTl7 Aettial'
120(16 2DQ7.:' %Clia~gc:! Standard industrialCodc 2086;' 2t1lS7 %nfChatzgc:j
117,835 53,854 -56.22% Food Stores 10,274,234 11,151,730 3.97%
154,630 203,240 25,90% Eating Places 9,425,788 10,684,895 8.58%
63,290 68,938 4,33% Apparel Stores 2,361,404 2,735,373 10.96"/~
12,432 20,915 61.14% Home Furnishings 2,735,902 3,019,567 5.72%
845,216 925,398 4.87% General Retail 14,557,324 17,114,755 12.61%
484,996 273,411 -46.00% Trunsportation/Utilities 6,702,872 7,130,824 1.90"/0
1,983,931 2,348,665 13.40% Automotive Trade 3,494,524 3,823,281 4.80"/0
36,510 ]5,184 -60.16% Building Material-Retail 2,943,083 3,222,732 4.89%
4,533,235 4,834,880 2.16% Construction Use Tax 0 0 na
0 0 na Construction Sales Tax 292,331 416,846 36.59%
86,797 73,970 -18.37% Consumer Electronics 1,775,925 2,407,639 29.86%
3,254,329 2,475,938 -27.12% Computer Related Business 1,691,583 2,963,060 67.78%
4,366,279 3,723,434 -18.32% All Other 7,692,681 8,494,204 5.77%
15,939,481 15,017,826 -9.75% Total Sales and Usc Taz 63,947,652 73,164,906 9.59%
::1}TCE14~@'ER YTD i$ctyell L}Ti.GE14IBER Y;CD Actgal
2C1I36 2pb7 °!o Chtil?gq ; Geographic Code 2pfzB!; 2;Q07 9b'.Gtt~nge
963,629 1,130,953 12.42
61,048 146,306 129.56% North Bt'oadwa}+ °
1,004,481 425,535 -59.42% Downtown 5,353,439 5,705,896 2.09%
7,589 13,850 74.82% Downtown Extettsion 469,565 512,732 4.59%
11,376 18,280 53.92% UHGID (the "hill") 1,031,777 1,102,088 2.31%
65,141 902,119 1226.53% East Downtown 821,648 661,279 -22.91"/0
246,214 124,661 -51.50% N. 28th St. Commercial 4,982,933 5,047,366 -2.97%
24,247 34,660 36.92% N. Broadway Annex 316,353 377,250 14.23°/~
59,110 40,120 -34.99% University of Colorado 799,404 943,484 13A5%
39,190 125,535 206.83"/o Basemar 1,242,028 1,325,011 2.19%
503,062 436,054 -16.97% BVRC 16,712,918 17,006,264 -2.53%
159,582 139,641 -16.18% 29th Sheet 2,089,097 5,241,661 140.33%
18,733 58,757 200.44"/" Table Mesa 1,978,853 2,229,988 7.94%
45,775 17,051 -64.32% The Meadows 1,091,923 1,204,355 5.65%
2,515,014 2,775,331 5.70% All Other Boulder 2,310,020 3,032,788 25.76%
180,080 282,169 50.09% Boulder County 809,769 883,766 4.54%
278,869 461,429 58.49% Metro Denver 2,971,074 3,282,427 5.82"/0
14,608 104,198 583.25% Colorado All Other 122,584 141,609 10.65"/0
514,262 756,396 40.89°/" Out of State 6,679,016 8,882,049 27.38°/,
1,273 3,001 125.79% Airport 6,313 12,344 0.00%
3,380,117 2,709,145 -23.23'% Gunbarrellndustrial 656,874 741,878 8.18°/~
2,769 4,421 53.19% Gmibarrel Commercial 952,207 1,065,830 7.22°/~
27,349 38,414 34.54% Pearl Street Mall 2,396,087 2,475,ORS -I.OG'%
3,992,495 2,679,403 -35.72'% I3oulderlndusfrial 4,092,487 5,17Q656 21.02'%.
682,391 275,906 -6L27"/o Unlicensed Receipts 415,589 269,955 -37.78"/~
1,918,755 2,299,154 14.78% County Clerk 0 0 na
185,954 146,280 -24.65% Public Utilities 4,682,068 4,718,193 -3.4T%.
15,939,481 15,017,826 -9.75% Total Sales and Use Tax 63,947,652 73,164,9116 9.59%
Tax by Mo & Category
R11C~d1.In 2000 , 450553 5.11fi 1351 6,066890 0]2E23O 604],9581_6373594 4:942506 5153,2@ 6656_21]. 5225099 4858/521 80801/61 66696,]101
~ F", 2001 i 495 521-.4,4892521 6,24]3711 4fi35.63d~ 4824,201_6190,040 6,463 fiB5 4,Bd9sso 5888,513 4)92_0)6 4518650/ 6,6223011 62669,8491
2002 j 6530)4 ~ 3,9039545~ 4958202{1r 45dd,59~ 4,fi82,37O 5,663.454 4,381.120 6,]25.305_ 5,5]0.069 4168,969 43155421 6.2]28081 _ 5?]2.. 5,1p~j
2003 I 38 2314 -q.8104,95~ 5,92]0561 4,339_5941 6.661055 5,360,555 4,333,120 4,949.658 5.562,805 4,450]31 45186291__6,6020J6 58,229,06671 -145%
_CI9J 3 `J 419° 2004_-I_ 43 136
5.23238- 6353,0261 4,5]6,864 5.535.196 4,494,W9 5,013_3)9 5,550,916 6,541790 _4]69]00 6,932929 59.)08.680 2.54%
] 13.-I L: 2005 I 6255041- 4p9370 _
2006 i_ 4 3G 2691_4646436_ 5,53>253 4659458 4882,331 6,129,363 4,)3),]]3 5,23),]5] 6,156,056 4,950,305 438]8471 ],8916181 fi],949,d46 1.10%
R I UgJ I 356 200) 51183531 5,016 615 6,918421 5132,069 5500]01 6712.841 5,565,3)1 6,393,026 6,956,37] 5.]4),96) 5695]03
84114541 93,164,906 9.59%
q I n: P Y (M1l 111__ _ _ 3. 6 1_ 3.40Y _ 19.68% 5.50°b ].92% 4.90% 12.52% 16.91% 0.21% 1122%__ 2634% 210r%1_-
C.+gelmnpmvearp30) 356' 368/1 94% 854%~i 842% 7.]1% 8.36% 9.46% 9.30% 9AB% 10.64°b 959%
C s te: Use Tax 2000 i 69 1a2 ]84.50) 900,545E 809,)221 ]13.92> 1,054,603 707.906 946.2]] 1,295,039 69],305 90093] 16202151 11,098_1241
1 ].69y 2001 116593](-_899,129 1,771 836__ 9OB,fi29~ 884,191 1,62]618 1,01166] B)5.2I2 955,683 1415,169 748 ]4B 1,090 55fi~1_- 13,259.456
1 2002 ]Ifi 4621 5659161 1.2938001 ]83.95fi~ 49).237 1091779 _ B0B 999 6]1,088 648455 76754) _ 628926 1153296 9627,5161 -2].39°
2003 79015- SP 5591 - 836 ]9B 8]7.962 )86286 ~ 962,)85 658799 019,166 914869 635455 1045632 1,0525661 9903,632 2.87%
1 _
' me elg0 5°>3 ~I°; taw 980221 665018( 099 0531 742.6921 ]24614_ 0669]4 BID 874 922.40) _ 941,990 ]28634 ]50,9)1 1,181 461 10215.625
°a e3,pp; 2005 1 82881 5[]036 __951085 1016,6161 1103,592 1001.048 efi4,>20 ]08,4651 1094030 ]5893)_96846) 12483w 11130180 8.95%
' 2006 6066B61~ - 517101{ 1,Z]71a6~ 5]].144 966,529 ]81,362 895403 ]]6.250 1054696 ]27]]6 1092224 128715]1 1O 637 dO2~ -0.43°/
L -
CFmlge GOr p:'mr year Manllq 652% 5]4,0061 9 51 8 722.656 )33.196 556,0]2 9]5,656 652,5w 923.66] ]32.963 116.31] 1.5]5.906 1C,2O3,O>21
Ga a CI g ~ 1 3 6'/ ]U07 ]63 650
( _ 1 633%1 -2686%__ 1994%1 -2].19% 5.19% 435% -19.48% -16_11% _-3.60% 3).18% 1727% _
Clnl9rloP }ar(1iDl__ i 6.52/1 _6.44Y~_-ID.]0~ -0.92% 40.26% -0]5% S.BSY° -7.48% -8.69)__0.24%, -11.62% -B.1J%_
I I 1 1 I I I I I
me 2t F,tot USe Tax 2000 2J 2121 -4)6528 1604691 364.250 355,225 160,920 388110 253,960 229,0]0 259,312 1]39011 249661 3298.6621
2001 191 096 3313761 __12,691 171,14)1 198,124_ 18],243 227009 311 J33 471446 319083 194510 I6fi 293 2941.8501 _1002%
56551 262]92 462, 07j 215,384 11816[6 1953]6 191745 158,413_ 16]213 167464 384065 41)L_
2002 1 21 010_ ~ _ - 119283_ 238459 _283 O8~ 3p6B ]73L 41.01%
20[3 100 449 1215051 1385591 238,2461 015756 __6]5308 220413 259.966 239,3371 161913 292983 38015] _ 3256,6531 _ 21.94"5
\ac J4~19: 2005 1 1 85---~~)02,540 -281 bfii~d26 229,416 161732 204,851 155,609- 212,299 ,978 4050%
':6`311°6 2004 210393 336148 _35)48) 49088 95fi,O>3 913,19] 186.408 235,308 282.5031 2>fi. _
- - - - 1 _ L_ 247 208,104 514915 554].684 8359%
2006 1 19)263 331,3411 420761 296,044 33),23) 1]d 42O 352,533 261.409 343]49 5599]5 610958 iC162>2 5302,0001 -5.28°
i .0193 1 356 2007 230]6 3]B60j _112016 293,061 621413 430,207 1119,425 259,228 421,3]6 266524 3]6918 253590 4814757-13.02%
I 9 1 : Fl Y (MC1111) 1- )231. 0S6A _-„]450% -0.55%I >650% -06.79% 20416% -5.01% 1)02% 5099Y _ 1213% >6.15%~
~(,I.. age fro:P 1a (1TD),_ 4231 ~~-1616W _-2La3% -19.42% 1.04% -14.69% 13.81% 12.15% 12.70%~ 3.49%- 1.9~ 1302% I
~a Rale]2 _ ??239051 ,5,900,202 59111101_]569,116 _6N6521 6353A23 6380,325 6181]15 593290 9,]50132 _Bt 093,5151 000%
° 2000 5300901 637)1]0 _ _
2001 6310 9A 571975) 8,191903 5]15.410 5911,516 )604,901 5)02361 6127,295 7.315,641 6526325 5461909 5.0791561 ]0071,15) -2>6%
Z?03 - 4 ]99 920! d 035 099 _ 6:030 093 5 209,=A 5 [66_9 1 6 8]0,410 5 044 89] 5743 10 6.32fi,9B~ 5 085 SB5 - - 5 585 538 7,300 8°91 66
0L_)]4~ 4 80
41e C1g3 6 ~ L_ 853 5,827468 669],093 529866 SS0B 05. 8_4666991 11494,649{ 941%
`l 119 2004 558<7 B 517 633 6,6139911 55]2,]12 5415.085 6)89.261 5368 _
R3'e1-11 2005 5995 1J1 5]42961 6,471]601 5,831,518 6,136,529 ].449.441 5,54520] 6,03]152 6,927,9491 5516,9)4 6@fi 2]1 8,69620. >64J6,5451
2006 5610198. 5493070 ],2)51681 5,530.6184,096 7.685,145 5985,]09 6,2]5426 ]554,500 6238056 5,091030 10:19]046 ]9,888,928 4.52°0
_ -1- -
. [193 1 356 _ 200] 6175081_ 5936 4011 _Bp9$fi1~51 614],]61 6855.3111 8,001,1201 7.660252 ],304754 8.299,420 6)66 95 t~ 6]8899-9 10,240,982
88.182,]321 42930.01%
( S ~J\ 20[0 ] 3666 _ =1<6311 21 d312~ _ 0 1776] -02201 - 492 3.B-2dyl 59>P 177 661, 7038 295,999
20w ~-'I 2 el' 18930 -204151 _ 2],860' 1,015 -4_47 _ 3486 --8226 _ 3.2]91 5162I~~ 01- _ 5 38
9 _ _ /5],]
0 _
( h':I. 2002.__1_ t 154' 2301 _ -13,1J~__- 0 3,239 13,99 6P -10222 121,2041 21896 _ 1508 _ -100651 19),215 -
_1 tiRefu- d5 _ 2003 34330 88271 _ ]O7B{ -134798 -017]2 ]6,328 -022 596 -69,160. 3]]9~ _ 5> =6599 624,272
200 _ L 1 3 3 505. 6361 -e>2 -5.963 151 _ 1,299 -4 643 _244 2T 3181 5 ]5~ d 3J0 -63,061 ~
2ws I 26'', 66046 9w~ -2,666 166] 10080___3082 --420] -84OE 15861-._ - 01,_____4 Al -960511
2006 1 4C ]02 421--_ 22761 __-363{ 5,099 0 01 -_7568 -BOfi 5941 A0fi1 _16)73 1052961
2007 0~ 38291 2013 -]291 9,326 1454] 144401 6)7 O{` 59631__ 0 5015 ~91 Ow
Adusted Total two I 53011 m', _ ~ _
1 S6dC 8261 01]94291 5,6895501 5910_439_ 7804656 5698895 6159069 9312,3621 6521,166 -5)55509 9,743094 00 ]97541 00096
Adjusted total - 2004 i 5460964, 1 56619091 80]33111 701133] 258%
L - T
ql_ 5 35219,__ 652125y 5771_133 5391_752 7922046 538496] 5,58391] 6255]131 5081828, 51103831 7,800,1051 ]132]181 -938°G
2[03 ~ 414,, e5052]2' 6.0230151 5014 079 5424.999 6]94082 _50664]5 5,7425051 6257,023 5081 BO21 55849 1,334290 67,60]5021 -5.21%
i Chg3'F'/>3.41°~b 200: 5503 <0bl 516 128' 6.613 ]541 5.571040 5409.121 6,3B9,11~ 5,34],554 5,5228251E 6696.8491 52]1329j, 5502301 0,0525691
]1p313861~ LOi%
a rJ31Y. _ 2005_ 595266___ Sfi76 w2 6,"-70431E 5820.0521 6134,802 ],439,)61 5542145 6,032_6926,6031 55]53881 fiO262]i~ 8,691446 76340
4931 6.81%
2006 59]86'. SC08 fi0fi ?212300 5530,333 690,9981 ).685.145 _59857w 6,26]856 ],553,6941 6232110: 50906241 10,1802 ]9,]83 631 651%
air Ch9J-I°'r3SBC6 2007 ~ 6115081: _ 5898190, _ _ 00O360Y_ 6,16]03 - 6845,9841 1986,5]2 ]645,812 ],304,07)1 B_,299,42?+r 6]609881- 6]88,999_ 10,23596]}
80,091]31' _5]6°/
I_-_ 1 _ __-046%L_2235% 1162 b] S_24%I 392%! _ 10.39/1
r13ou6'1 _ ~ 3.fi9Y:
be a~ge;'lO1 604°i°~ 4509°I 5.29%I 5.50% 5.63Y. 4.39% 6.05% lA5%I 7.16% 684%'i ].16,1-_--- 6~~--~---~~~-~
Sales Tax Revenues Generated in the UHGID Area by Standard Industrial Classification
Food Eating - Apparel Home Gen. GRAND
Stores Places Stores Furnish. Merchandise Transport. All Others TOTAL
Janua 3,864 35,046 4,753 2,297 51,848 21 1,024 98,853
Februa 4,414 40,415 10,362 1,764 15,061 - 124 72,140
March 4,488 39,054 8,680 2,150 13,203 1,019 3,465 72,060
A ril 5,597 45,223 7,002 1,950 10,320 48 4,521 74,662
Ma 4,825 33,911 6,296 1,901 13,696 - 503 61,131
June 4,137 39,749 6,319 2,111 14,474 - 2,294 69,085
Jul 4,476 34,798 3,953 1,815 19,715 - 1,011 65,768
Au ust 5,220 50,377 8,408 2,917 76,001 - 1,543 144,466
Se tember 5,120 49,113 13,361 3,000 27,814 - 1,293 99,702
October 5,078 51,093 14,551 2,928 19,608 - 607 93,865
November 4,817 41,473 6,222 2,864 ~ 10,067 - 471 65,915
December 3,314 30,641 8,697 3,194 15,717 - 797 62,361
2005 TOTAL 55,352 490,892" 96,605 26,691 287,524 1,088 17,653 980,005
2006 (sales tax rate of 3.41%
Janua 4,180 41,171 7,910 2,689 61,591 517 118,058
Februa 4,523 44,052 4,366 4,219 19,901 - 2,376 79,436
March 4,839 40,390 8,703 2,527 18,847 - 637 75,944
A ril 5,585 46,490 8,981 2,893 17,832 83 515 82,378
Ma ~ 4,992 42,244 2,189 3,037 15,640 - 536 68,638
June 4,385 43,266 7,789 2,434 14,194 - 416 72,485
Jul 4,685 32,424 2,844 2,544 13,268 - 403 56,168
Au ust 5,174 46,480 4,154 3,159 48,380 - 1,915 109,263
Se tember 5,633 54,904 18,079 3,043 64,946 - 811 147,476
October 5,631 53,620 7,661 2,665 19,269 - 625 89,472
November - 1,055 36,443 7,546 7,685 12,889 - 503 60,321
December 5,829 39,595 6,305 1,950 14,623 25 3,870 72,197
2006 TOTAL 56,511 - 521,081' ~ 86,527 33,045 321,380 108 73,125 1,031,776
2007 sales tax rata of 3.56 %
Janua 5,070 38,248 2,529 2,435 71,465 - 500 120,247
Februa 3,444 45,102 5,847 2,691 21,020 - 580 78,684
March 5,033 49,355 3,615 2,453 13,901 - 755 75,112
A ril -5,367 51,864 3,464 2,432 15,224 - 664 79,016
Ma 4,860 55,169 4,977 2,740 22.308 549 90,603
June 4,022 38,202 7,721 2,181 18,417 - 521 71,063
Jul 4,116 40,280 3,080 2,666 16,495 - 459 67,097
Au ust 5,995 49,449 6,784 2,967 53,142 - 819 118,556
Se tember 5,335 63,349 12,033 2,765 65,479 - 937 149,898
October 5,050 64,566 6,323 2,374 22,026 - 695 101,034
November 3,947 44,038 5,665 2,531 14,331 - 571 71,082
December 4,013 39,790 10,684 2,687 18,339 10 4,173 79,696
2007 TOTAL 56,250 579,412 72,123 30,927 352,147 10 11,224 1,102,088
%Change from 2004-2005 16.67% 8.46% 12.44% 17.30°/ -4.30% -82.57% -35.58% 3.40%
Change from 2005-2006 2.09% 6.15% -12.25% 14.38% t 1.78% -90.07% -25.65% 5.28°
Change from 2006-2007 -4.66 % 6.57 % -20.16°/ -10.37°/ 4.96 % -90.99% -18.09% 2.31
Change from previous year month -34.05°/ -3.74% 62.30% 32.00% 20.73% -6121 % 3.28°/ 5.73°
NOTES: Percentage change calculations for 2007 have been adjusted to eliminate the impact of the increase in the salesluse tax rate.
Sales and Use Tax Revenues Generated in the UNGID Area by Standard Industrial Classification
Food Eating App9rel Home Gen. GRAND
Stores Places Stores Furnish. Merchandise Transport. Construction All Others TOTAL
Janua 3,864 35,076 4,753 2,297 51,848 21 1,023 1,024 99,905
Februa 4,414 40,520 10,362 1,764 15,254 - 1,321 124 73,760
March 4,488 39,363 8,680 2,150 13,217 1,019 61 3,752 72,730
April 5,597 45,782 7,002 1,950 10,410 48 2,879 4,521 78,130
Ma 4,825 33,984 6,296 1,901 13,697 - 165 503 61,370
June 7,206 40,261 fi,319 2,111 14,475 - 157 2,566 73,095
Jul 4,476 34,832 3,953 1,815 19,715 - 8 1,011 65,811
Au ust 5,220 51,481 8,408 2,917 76,066 - 2,147 1,543 147,782
September 5,120 49,442 13,361 3,000 27,874 - 958 1,581 101,336
October 5,078 51,094 14,551 2,928 79,641 - 513 607 94,412
November 4,817 41,473 6,222 2,864 10,082 - - 471 65,930
December 3,314 30,647 8,697 3,194 15,726 - - 1,062 62,641
2005 TOTAL 58,421 493,955 98,605 28,891 268,004 1,068 9,172 18,764 996,900
2006 sales tax rate of 3.41
Janua 4,180 41,175 7,910 2,689 61,593 - 140 517 118,204
Februa 4,523 44,058 4,366 4,219 19,937 - 560 2,376 80,038
March 4,839 4D,391 8,703 2,527 18,893 - 196 931 76,480
April 5,585 46,504 8,981 2,893 17,848 83 411 ~ 515 82,819
Ma 4,992 42,276 2,189 3,037 15,650 - 73 536 68,753
June 4,385 43,270 7,789 2,434 14,208 - 57 693 72,838
Jul 4,685 32,442 2,844 2,544 13,288 - 307 403 56,513
Au ust 5,174 50,341 4,154 3,159 48,686 - 128 1,915 113,558
September 5,633 54,904 78,079 3,043 64,971 - 133 1,122 147,885
October 5,631 53,626 7,661 2,665 19,292 - 2,764 625 92,264
November 1,055 37,321 7,546 1,865 12,900 68 503 61,277
December 5,829 39,604 fi,305 1,950 74,633 25 25 4,154 72,525
2006 TOTAL 56,511 525,911 86,527 33,045 321,897 108 4,862 14,291 1,043,152
2007 sales tax rate of 3.56
Janua 5,070 38,253 2,529 2,435 71,486 - 137 500 120,409
Februa 3,444 45,205 5,847 2,691 21,230 - 125 580 79,121
Marche 5,033 49,358 3,615 2,453 13,925 - 1,540 7,014 76,937
April 5,367 56,577 3,464 2,432 15,248 - 223 664 83,974
Ma 4,860 55,175 4,977 2,740 22,313 - 2,727 549 93,341
June 4,022 38,202 7,741 2,181 19,124 - 413 750 72,432
Jul 4,116 40,299 3,080 2,666 16,507 - 828 459 67,956
Au ust 5,995 49,453 6,184 2,967 53,148 - - 819 118,567
September 5,335 67,692 12,033 2,765 65,483 - 223 1,206 154,737
October 5,0517 64,566 6,323 2,374 22,031 - 53 695 101,093
November 3,947 44,038 5,665 2,531 14,338 - 7 571 71,097
December 4,013 39,792 10,684 2,687 18,340 70 281 4,895 80,703
2007 TOTAL 56,250 588,610 72,142 30,921 353,173 10 6,557 12,704 1,120,367
%Change from 2004-2005 23.13°/ 7.09% 12.44% 11.30% -4.61% -82.57% -89.28% -42.75% -4.96%
%Change from 2005-2006 -3.27% 6.47% -12.25% 14.38% 11.77% -90.07% -46.99% -23.84% 4.64%
%Change from 2006-2007 -4.66% 7.21% -20.14% -10.37% 5.09% -90.99% 29.17% -14.85% 2.88%
%Change from previous year month -34.05% -3.76% 62.30% 32.00% 20.05% -61.21% 977.75% 12.89% 6.59%
NOTES. Percentage change calculations for 2007 have been adjusted to eliminate the impact of the increase in the sales/use tax rate.
UHGID Retail Sales Tax Comparison by Standard Industrial Classification
Sales Tax ONLY
Sales Tax Food Eating Apparel Home Gen. GRAND from prior
Year Rate Stores Places Stores - Furnish. Merchandise All Others TOTAL year
1995 2.86% $40,972 $348,027 $100,979 $122,507 $294,154 $15,424 $922,063
1996 3.11% $33,737 $341,096 $145,399 $74,188 $317,697 $15,069 $927,187 -7.53%
1997 3.11% $37,557 $320,993 $126,540 $39,846 $316,938 $6,167 $848,079 -8.53%
1998 3.26% $33,806 $348,974 $126,695 $40,557 $306,134 $6,258 $862,424 -2.99% -6.35% 3 year avg 96-98
1999 3.26% $34,065 $344,848 $92,878 $46,325 $345,214 $1,311 $864,642 0.26% -3.75% 3 year avg 97-99
2000 3.26% $34,841 $376,947 $99,206 $39,066 $366,065 $4,559 $920,684 6.48% 1.25% 3 year avg 98-00
2001 326% $41,985 $392,466 $103,513 $35,111 $318,518 $19,632 $911,225 -1.03% 1.90% 3 year avg 99-01
2002 3.26% $42,223 $402,894 $89,454 $34,104 $313,566 $24,644 $906,885 -0.48% 1.66% 3 year avg 00-02
2003 326% $43,601 $413,020 $94,036 $35,450 $303,775 $39,439 $929,322 2.47% 0.32% 3 year avg 01-03
2004 3.41 % $47,442 $452,585 $87,695 $25,958 $300,441 $33,650 $947,770 -2.50% -0.17% 3 year avg 02-04
2005 3.41 % $55,352 $490,892 $98,605 $28,891 $287,524 $18,741 $980,005 3.40% 1.12% 3 year avg 03-05
2006 3.41% $56,511 $521,081 $86,527 $33,045 $321,380 $13,233 $1,031,776 5.28% 2.06% 3 year avg 04-06
2007 3.56% $56,250 $579,412 $72,123 $30,921 $352,147 $11,234 $1,102,088 2.31% 3.67% 3 year avg 05-07
UHGID Yearly Summary Cily Wida Yearly Summary
Sales and Use Tax Breaktlown by Industry Category UHGID Sales and Use Tax as a Percent of Tolal City Witle Sales and Use Tax
Food Eating Apparel Home General Eating Apparel Home General
Stores Places Stores Furnishings Merch All Other To[al Food Stores Places Sores Furnishings March All Other Total
200] 556,250 5588,610 $]2,142 $30,921 $353,1]3 $19,D0 $1,120,3fi7 200] $11,205-.584 $70,888,135 $ 2,804,311 $ 5.522,090 $18,040,152 $39,631,459
$ 88091,]31
5% 53% 6% 3% 32% 2% 100% 1% 5% 3% 1% 2% 0% 1.3%
2006 556$11 $525.911 $efi.52] $33.065 $321,09] $19.261 $1,043.152 2006 $10,392,069 $ 9,582.212 $ 2.424,fi94 $ 4,611056 $15,402.540 $37.3]1,060
$ ]9,]03 fi31
5°4 50% 8% 3% 37% 2% 100% 1% 5% 4% 1% 2% 0% 13%
2005 558,621 5493,955 598,605 $28,891 $288004 $29,026 $996,900 2005 $10,046.723 $ 8,995,84fi $ 2,362,366 $ 4,465,788 $14,587419 $35.882.350
$ 76,340,492
6'.6 50'/0 10% 3 % 29°e 3% 100% 1% 5 % d°/ 1% 2% 0% 13%
2006 547446 8461,253 88],695 $25,958 $301,930 $124,607 $1,048.897 2004 $10.148,8fi1 $8,637,]18 $2,232,14] $3,118,312 $14,123,00] $32.1]1,342
596 64% 8% 2% 29% 12% 100% 0% 5% 4% 1% 2% 0% 15%
2003 543,619 5417,782 594,03fi $35,450 $304,099 $46,9fi5 $941,951 2003 $9,052,658 $7,847,285 $2.046,951 $3,922,549 $13,165,623 $31,552,637
5°b dd°b 10% 4% 32% 5% 100% 0% 5% 5% 1% 2% 0% td%
2002 542.268 $40]606 $89 d5a $34,104 $313,]95 $41419 $928,fi46 2002 $9,294,397 $8,133.237 $2.346.305 $4,164992 $13.5]2.651 $33,815600
5°/ 44% 10% 4% 34% 4% 100% 0% 5% 4% 1% 2% D% 13%
2001 541,988 8396.142 $103.513 $35,111 $318,]fi3 $26,981 $920,478 2001 $9,312,6]6 $8,384,190 $2,646,021 $4,53],112 $15,55380] $38.279,526
5% 43% 11% 4% 36% 3% 100% 0% 5% 4% 1% 2% 0% 12"/
2000 $36,861 $378.042 $99.206 $39,068 $366.669 $17,242 $935.066 2000 $9.080,910 $8,484,601 $3.159.262 $5,915,]94 $17,88],211 $36,269.73]
$80,]91 515
4% a0°6 11 % 4% 39% 2% 100% 0% 4% 3°/ 1% 2% 0% 12%
1999 538.614 $345.800 $928]8 546.325 $345,546 $5309 $874,272 1999 $9,207,721 $7,790,846 $3.359,914 $5,553,219 $17.008,884 $33.893]06
d°/ 40% 11% 6% 40% 1% 100% 0% 9% 3% 1% 2% 0% L1%
1998 533]81 3350,299 5126,fi]0 $40,532 8306,191 $12,898 $870,371 1998 $8,932,097 $7,469,094 $3,252,729 $3,570,446 $15,736,140 $30.63],104
d°~ 60% 15% 5°0 35% 1% 100% 0% 5% 4% 1% 2% 0°/ t3"6.
1997 $31.53] $323,1]5 $126465 $39.846 $31fi,999 $9,035 $853,057 1997 $7139,7]9 $fi1W,23] $2]81,018 $3,129089 $15,439,1fi9 $2849404]
4°/ 38°6 15% 5"/ 37% 1% 100% 0% 5% 5% 1% 2% 0% 1.3%.
1996 533.742 5362802 5145.2]6 $]6,088 $31]143 $15,788 $928A37 1996 $7,611,055 $6,614.561 $2.]82,149 $2,862,5]2 $15,111,950 $26.975,5]9
4°/ 3]% 1fi% 8% 34% 2% 100% 0% 5% 5% 3% 2% 0% 15%
UHGID Sales Tax Revenues (NO use tax)
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
January 83,022 96,846 100,032 99,422 98,853 118,058 120,247
February 65,046 56,994 63,769 64,521 72,140 79,436 78,684
March 64,537 68,740 69,760 72,985 72,060 75,944 75,112
April 60,826 68,547 62,055 66,129 74,662 82,378 79,016
May 61,329 56,306 62,078 65,583 61,131 68,638 90,603
June 92,013 76,086 69,726 73,693 69,085 72,486 71,063
July 59,675 63,058 48,079 53,263 65,768 56,168 67,097
August 88,127 87,167 125,801 124,050 144,466 109,263 118,556
September 123,121 129,966 104,739 108,698 99,702 147,416 149,898
October 66,451 73,867 81,351 82,562 93,865 89,472 101,034
November 60,396 58,271 67,097 64,189 65,915 60,321 71,082
December 86,683 71,034 74,835 72,674 62,359 72,197 79,696
Totals 920,684 911,224 906,884 929,322 947,770 980,005 1,031,777 1,102,088
Tax Rate 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.56
UHGID Sales Tax Revenues
160,000 ~ -
i 140,000
120,000 - 2001
100,000 2002
~I 80,000 ~ ~ 2004
~I ~ 2005
~I 60,000 - 2006 ICI
40,000 ~ + 2007
20,000 II
0 ,
~ O