Minutes - UHGID - February 20, 2008CTl'Y OF BOULDER, COLORADO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS MEETING MINUTES FORM NAME OF BOARD/COMMISSION: UNIVERSITY HILL GENERAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NAME/TELEPHONE OF PERSON PREPARING SUMMARY: Ruth Weiss--303-413-7318 NAMES OF MEMBERS, STAFF, AND INVITED GUESTS PRESENT BOARD MEMBERS: MITCHELL, SHRiTM, MILLER (DAHL absent) STAFF: MAYHEW, JOBERT, CUNNINGHAM, TRUJII.LO, LANDRITH, ANTON, WEISS GUEST(S): STOYVA, LEEKER TYPE OF MEETING: MINUTES REGiJLAR MEETING: February 2Q 2008 AGENDA ITEM 1- Roll Call: Meeting called to order at 9:05 a.m. AGENDA ITEM 2- January 25, 2008 Retreat Minutes review and approval of the December 19, 2007 MeeHng Minutes. (SEE ACTION ITEM BELOW) AGENDA ITEM 3- Pubtic ParHcipation: None AGENDA ITEM 4- Police Update: Trujillo commented on the police call stats slight increase in noise disturbance on the Hill. Definitions of criminal uespass and trespass were requested. Sl~rum inquired about the Pit incident. AGENDA ITEM 5- UHNA Update: Stoyva commented on the Ordinance that passed last night at Council and that LJI-IGID Boazd will be come more important as development in the Hill increases. Stoyva remazked that the neighborhood boazd needs a coordinator for a function, "Picnic°. AGENDA ITEM 6- Hill Alliance Update: Slimm commented on the first Hill Alliance meeting with the new Pan-Hellenic boazd instatement. Cunningham is without permit for Rail Jazn (3/14) and will contact necessary parties. AGENDA ITEM 7- Introduction of Cid Leeker, CU Intern: Landrith inuoduced Cid Leeker, CU LEEDS business student selected for UHGID intemship. Leeker is working on a database of all the businesses on the Hill to send out inquues on what each efforts on Zero Waste they aze undertaking. Shrum asked what he would like to accomplish and responded that he plans to promote the Zero Waste Initiative to businesses on the Hill and getting to Imow the businesses. Mitchell questioned cazd boazd recycling. Landrith said they would be sending out a questionnaue to businesses to get their position on recycling and [hen increase their awareness and qualify its posi[ive mazketing potential. Miller queried the durauon of this project. Landrith commented that a Hill website presence would be a good way to spread the word. Miller asked about fresh ideas to increase foot visits to the Hill and how it gets picked up for more positive exposure of the Hill as there is no joint coordinator for Hill businesses. Landrith revealed a website, Hungrybuffs.com which ties into the CUmeal plans, perhaps going on with a specific designation, and it tie it inro the Green Initiative thus bringing them to the Hill. Mitchell commented that cazd board recycling boxes could be placed in alleys and Stoyva suggested it could be brought up at the next meeting. AGENDA ITEM S- Parking Services Update: Mayhew stated that next Monday would begin Pay Station install, concrete work is wrrently being completed, will coordinate with Cunningham for media splash. Miller commented that metered spots were vacant and that people seem to prefer to pay with credit cazds. Miller questioned the lighting situation on the Hill and responded that ligh[ing is difficult as it is a wind tunnel there. Miller commented on bike parking pazking in middle of street and queried using circle racks. Mayhew answered that pedestrian walkways were narrow and not appropriate, so bike s[ands were placed on comets due to theu size. Shrum commented that more bike parking was necessary as bikes aze chained everywhere. Mitchell suggested a sidewalk unprovement district. AGENDA ITEM 9- Matters from the Commissiouers: Mitchell mentioned that a Hill Context Study was presented to [he City staff, done by the New Hill Company, 1314 COEU and the Green Core PaRners. Shrum remarked on tbe flyers available for Zero Waste lnitiative and has meetings set to discuss recycling dumpsters with Westem and Eco. Shrum continued that the motivation behind it was the Boulder Valley Sustainability plan and such a plan would help to bring the community togethec Shrum mentioned that the Pan- Hellenic council was positive to the program and with 13 houses and 1600 people; it was a good connection with the students and the community. Mitchell commented that Excel Energy needed to be called to find out the cosi of energy to the compactors for card boazd. AGENDA ITEM 10 -Matters from the Director: Jobert handed out a flyer to the commissioners that will be used when the new stations are installed to duect attention to the change in hours and costs. Jobert continued that revenue was up on the Hill. Jobert commented on the summary of revenue from the Hill for 2007 and hoped this year would be similaz in maintaining budget. Cunningham voiced concern that if the application was not received shortly, rates would be going up. Miller commented that the Ordinance change passed and all Councilmen seemed to have redevelopment on the Hill on their mind. Miller also mentioned that specific description of the boazd members needed is narrowing the field of applicants. Meeting adjourned at 9:58 a.m. MOTIONS: Miller made a motion to approve the December 19, 2007 meeting minutes. Shrum seconded. Approved unanimously. (Dahl absent). FUTURE MEETINGS: March 19, 2008 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 9:00 a.m. APPROVED BY: UNIVERSITY HILL GENERAL IMP VEMENT Attest: ~ W~,t'JW Ruth Weiss, Secretary David Miller, Chair 2