2007 Revenues and ExpendituresMEMORANDUM
T0: UNGID Advisory Committee
Molly Win~er - Exewtive Director
FROM: Donna Jobert, Financial Mg.
SUBJECT: 2007 Revenues and ExpendiWres
DATE: February 13, 2008
Shown below is a summary of 2007 revenues and expendiNres. The 2007 budget and 2006
acluals are shown for comparalive purposes. The report is preliminary as City of Boulder books
are not closed as ofthis date.
Revenue is 104.27 % of total budget collected and is up $23,710 when compared with last year.
Revenue is up due to an insurance reimbursement of $10,325 to cover damaged light poles,
an increased in inlerest earned, meterhood rentals and meter revenue in the 131h and Penn lot.
(due to pay station ins~allation)
On sireet meter revenues are under budget to date and are 6.4°/ below last years revenue to date.
Meter revenues for bt meters are on budget to date and are slightly above last years revenue to date.
Permit revenue for the Pleasant lot is comparable to last year.
Expenditures for 2007 equal 101 °/ of budgeted expenses and are $60,970 higher than last year's
expenditures at the same point.
Significant variances include $24k in maintanence salary due to a vacant position in 200fi, $t6k
for development studies and additional expenses to repair street lighis.
$6243 for 2007 Events and Economic Vitaliiy efforts was paid for through the Ciry Managers office.
Cost allocation assessment (amount UHGID pays the City GF for services) is less for 2007.
The 2007 budget pmjected a decrease to the fund balance of $3,205, and actuals provided an
excess to the fund balance of $10,483. ~
University Hiil Commercial District Revenues and Expenditures - 2007
2007 2007 2006
Revenue Approved % of2007 Revenues 2007-2006 2007-2006
Revenues Collected Budget Budget Collected Collected $ Diiference % Uifference
Taxes $27,178 $27,865 97.53°/ $26,296 $882 3.4°/
SireetMeters $163,535 $175,000 93A5% $174,665 ($11,130) -6.4%
14thStraetLol $44,584 $53,307 83.64% $44,320 $264 0.6%
Pennsylvania Lot $63,765 $56,595 112.67°/ $55,962 $7,803 73.9%
Pleasant Lot (permits) $35,203 $33,276 10579 % $32,543 $2,660 82%
PleasantLot(meters) $13,237 $13,990 94.62% $12,053 $1,184 9.8%
Tokens $310 $365 84.93% $203 $107 52.7%
Melerhoods $9,967 $4,OOD 249.18 % $4,410 $5,557 126.0%
Uni Hill 2K $0 $0 #DIV/0! $0 $0 #DIVIO!
Operating Transfers $0 $0 - $0 $0 #DIV/0!
Miscellaneousrevenues $10,575 $0 - $149 $10,426 6997.3%
Interest $35,159 $22,590 9.09% $29,202 $5,957 20.4%
TOTAL '__"_____'_""_'
- .$403,513 __'_"'_"_'
$386,968 - "'_'___-______"'_""
- ~ 1D4~.27% ~ """_""_'_"_'
, ~ '$3Z9,803 _"_"_____'__" _
~$23;710 _____________'_
2007 2007 % of 2007 2006 2007-2006 2007-2006
Ex enditures Ez ense Bud et Bud et Ex ended Activi[ $ DiHerence % ~ifference
Parking5ervicesPersonnel $120,337 $119,073 701.06% $95,772 $24,565 25.6%
Parking Services Non-personnel $101,578 $103,691 97.96 % $64,098 $37,480 58.5 %
DUHMDPersonnel $80,028 $82,894 96.54% $81,636 ($1,fi09) -2.0%
DUHMD Non-personnel $29,990 $27,269 109.90% $25,261 $4,730 18.7%
VaGSickLia6iliryAdjuslment ~ $4,944 $506 977.08% ($3,277) $8,221 -250.9%
EconomicVitality-ParkingSWdies' $16,114 $16,114 100.00% $13,282 $2,832 21.3%
MarketinglEconomicVitaliry^' $738 $0 #DIV/0! $6,264 ($5,526) -882%
Eco-Pass Program $0 $649 0.00% $0 $0 #DIV/0!
PubliclnformationlRHl" ($676) $0 $2,843 ($3,519) -123.8%
CoslAllocation $30,977 $30,977 100.00% $37,250 ($6,273) -16.8%
CapitalReptacemenlReserve $9,000 $9,000 100.00% $9,000 $0 0.0%
TOTAL '_""'_
_ $393,030 _"""""""
$390,193 ""_""__'___"""""_ __
. 100.73% ____"'__"""""
$332,129 _______"__'_____'_
$60,901 __'_______'_'___""
' This amount was appmpria~ed in the 3rd ATB to cover lhe cosl of parking sWdy completed by RRC and Fox Hig9ins
"This amount was spenUreimbursed for the 2007 RHI activities