00 - UHGID - Cover Sheet - January 25, 2008UNIVERSITY HILL GENERAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Friday, January 25, 2008 8:30 a.m. Retreat The Academy, 970 Aurora Ave, Conservatory AGENDA 8:30 a.m. Review of DUHMD/PS 2008 Areas of Focus • CAGID Capital Plan Implementation • Pazking Technology • Conference Center • Hill Redevelopment • Strategic Plan • EcoPass Funding Strategies 9:00 a.m. Discussion of UHGID Priorifies in 2008 10:30 a.m. Frank Bruno 11:00 a.m. Recap UHGID Priorities 11:30 - 1 pm. Lunch with Jane Stoyva, UHNA; Paul Tabolt, CU Administration; Leah Winski, Hill Alliance; Jen Korbelik, CU/City Liaison Attachments: Revised Ordinance 12/20/07 October 2007 Sales and Use Tax Revenue Report Police Statistics December 2006/2007 iTHGID 2007 Priorities • UHGID Ordinance • Hill Redevelopment • Parking Technology and Education • Maintenance Fund Mission Statement We serve the downtown, Universiry Hill and affected commmuties by providuig quality program, parking rnforcement, main[enance and al[emative modes services through the highwt level of cusiomer service, efficient management and effective problem solving.