Minutes - Planning Board - 10/20/2011 CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING BOARD ACTION MINUTES October 20, 2011 1777 Broadway, Council Chambers A permanent set of these minutes and a tape recording (maintained for a period of seven years) are retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043). Minutes and streaming audio are also available on the web at: httl2://www.bouldereolorado.gov/ PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Aaron Brockett Bill Holicky Willa Williford (formerly Johnson) Tim Plass Danica Powell Andrew Shoemaker, Chair Mary Young STAFF PRESENT: David Driskell, Executive Director of Community Planning & Sustainability Clay Douglas, Assistant City Attorney Susan Richstone, Comprehensive Planning Manager Charles Ferro, Land Use Review Manager Elaine McLaughlin, Senior Planner Bev Johnson, Planner II Jessica Vaughn, Planner I Heidi Schumm, Civil Engineer I Debbie Fox, Administrative Specialist III TRACK 1 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair, A. Shoemaker, declared a quorum at 6:05 p.m. and the following business was conducted. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 4. DISCUSSION OF DISPOSITIONS, PLANNING BOARD CALL-UPS A. Subdivision of the property located at 1685 38th Street, TEC2011-00004. 1685 38th Street The board did not call this item up. 5. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS A. Site Review and Preliminary Plat for RTD bus rapid transit station, 78 permanently affordable housing units, 390 space parking structure, a 140 room hotel and renovation and repurposing of historic depot building, along with associated.plaza space and public arts display. I Applicant / Owner: Scott Pedersen/Regional Transportation District (RTD) and City of Boulder W. Williford was recused from item 5A. Staff Presentation E. McLaughlin presented the item to the board. Applicant Presentation Scott Pederson, owner of the Pederson Development Company, presented the item to the board. Public Hearing No one from the public spoke to the board. Board Discussion Building Architecture Overall, the board was pleased with the changes made since concept plan. The board had mixed reaction to the curtain wall as it currently exists, with issues cited with the environmental and durability concerns of the current proposed materials. The board is comfortable with staff dealing with the changes at a later step in the process. There was some concern with the ground level architectural design, but in general there was an acceptance of how it is currently proposed. Landscaping Some board members felt the plaza needs a better definition of place and more integration of public art to provide shade for seating and drawn the public to the area. On a motion by M. Young, seconded by D. Powell, the Planning Board approved 6-0, (W. Williford recused) Site and Use Review application LUR20 1 1-00046 and Preliminary Plat application LUR20 1 1-0004 5 based on the findings provided within the memorandum dated October 20, 2011 and with the following conditions of approval and adding a recommendation that the Applicant shall add increased detail at the pedestrian level on the architectural plans and to integrate greater landscape and shade opportunities in the plaza to the extent practical: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Conditions of Site Review Approval: 1. The Applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that the development shall be in compliance with all approved plans dated Oct. 10, 2011 on file in the City of Boulder Planning Department, except to the extent that the development may be modified by the conditions of approval. 2. Prior to a building permit application, the Applicant shall submit a Technical Document Review application for the following items, subject to the review and approval of the City Manager: 2 a. Final architectural plans, including materials and colors, to insure compliance with the intent of this approval and compatibility with the surrounding area. The architectural intent and quality shown on the elevation plans dated Oct. 10, 2011 is acceptable. Planning staff will review plans to assure that the architectural intent and quality is implemented throughout the process. b. A final site plan which includes detailed floor plans and section drawings. C. A final utility plan meeting the City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards. d. A final storm water/drainage report and plan meeting the City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards, which include information regarding the groundwater conditions (geotechnical report, soil borings, etc.) on the Property, discharge points for perimeter drainage systems and methods that will be used to protect the existing wetland areas. C. Final transportation plans meeting the City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards and CDOT Access Code Standards, for all transportation improvements. These plans must include, but are not limited to: Junction Place plan and profile drawings, Junction Place cross-sectional drawings, signage and striping plans in conformance with Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) standards, transportation detail drawings, geotechnical soils report, and pavement analysis. In addition to all other requirements, the Applicant shall provide final drawings that depict: i. A multi-way boulevard style access plan as provided by the city, that provides for a shared pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular access system along the Pearl Parkway frontage; or ii. An access plan that includes on-street parking that is consistent with the street section requirements for Pearl Parkway that are described in the Transit Village Area Plan. f. A detailed landscape plan, including size, quantity, and type of plants existing and proposed; type and quality of non-living landscaping materials; any public art (to address safety and circulation); any site grading proposed; and any irrigation system proposed, to insure compliance with this approval and the City's landscaping requirements. Removal of trees must receive prior approval of the Planning Department. Removal of any tree in City right of way must also receive prior approval of the City Forester. g. A detailed outdoor lighting plan showing location, size, and intensity of illumination units, indicating compliance with section 9-9-16, B.R.C.1981. h. A detailed shadow analysis to insure compliance with the City's solar access requirements of section 9-9-17, B.R.C. 3 i. A sign program to insure compliance with the intent of this approval and the requirements of section 9-9-21, B.R.C. 1981. 3. Prior to Building Permit application the proposed outdoor seating area, as shown on the approved plans, that projects into the Lot 1 shall be approved as a right-of-way lease pursuant to section 8-6-6, B.R.C. 1981. 4. Prior to a building permit application, the Applicant shall submit a Technical Document Review application for a Final Plat, subject to the review and approval of the City Manager and execute a subdivision agreement meeting the requirements of chapter 9-12, "Subdivision," B.R.C. 1981 and which provides for the following: a. The construction of all public improvements necessary to serve the development. b. The Applicant shall dedicate to the City all of the necessary right of way, including without limitation the right of way for Pearl Parkway and Junction Place and all easements needed to the property with all transportation and utility services necessary to serve the development c. The Applicant shall construct the following public improvements, at no cost to the City and may receive reimbursement, for part or all of the cost of such improvements shown on the approved preliminary engineering plans dated Oct. 10, 2011. Any reimbursement arrangement shall be done in compliance with Chapter 9-12, "Subdivision," as part of a final plat and subdivision agreement approval. i. The off-site improvements shall include Junction Place (including water, storm sewer, sanitary sewer and dry utilities) from Pearl Parkway to the north side of the depot/parking structure access roadway for the full east half of roadway to the ROW limits, and the west half to the back of curb as shown on the project plans. This cross section north of the bus ramp is currently being refined. The roadway construction shall be concrete to the north side of the RTD bus access ramp; ii. The Applicant shall pay the full cost of the multi-use path connection at the northeast corner of the Property; iii. The Applicant shall pay its pro rata share of the costs of the bridge that crosses over Goose Creek (which includes additional supporting path connections) near the northern edge of the Property. The Applicant's pro rata share estimated at the time of this approval is two percent; iv. The Applicant shall pay its pro-rata share for street lights and signalization at the Pearl Parkway - Junction Place intersection. The 4 Applicant's pro rata share estimated at the time of this approval is twenty-five percent; and v. The Applicant will be responsible for providing the City with the value of the public improvements, including construction and design, associated with the standard cross-section which the Applicant would have been required to build in the Transit Village Area Plan for Pearl Parkway, also including accommodation for parking that supports the development. The City will be responsible for any incremental cost associated with upgrading the public improvements to a multi-way boulevard style access plan. The Applicant will also be responsible for the ROW/easement dedication for these improvements. Conditions of Use Review Approval for a Restaurant with Outdoor Seating within the Depot Building: 1. The Applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that the development shall be in compliance with all approved plans dated Oct. 10, 2011 on file in the City of Boulder Planning Department, except to the extent that the development may be modified by the conditions of this approval. Further, the Applicant shall ensure that the approved use is operated in compliance with the following restrictions: a. Size of the approved interior use shall be limited to 3,000 square feet. b. Size of the approved exterior use shall be limited to 1,800 square feet. c. The approved interior use shall be closed from 2:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m., seven days per week. d. The approved patio use shall be closed from 12:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. seven days per week. e. Trash and bottles shall not be removed to outside trash containers between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. 2. The Applicant shall not expand or modify the approved use, except pursuant to subsection 9-2-15(h), B.R.C. 1981. Conditions of Use Review Approval for a Restaurant or Tavern with Outdoor Seating within the Hotel: 1. The Applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that the development shall be in compliance with all approved plans dated Oct. 10, 2011 on file in the City of Boulder Planning Department, except to the extent that the development may be modified by the conditions of this approval. Further, the Applicant shall ensure that the approved use is operated in compliance with the following restrictions: 5 a. Size of the approved interior use shall be limited to 3,000 square feet. b. Size of the approved exterior use shall be limited to 1,800 square feet. c. The approved interior use shall be closed from 2:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m., seven days per week. d. The approved patio use shall be closed from 12:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. seven days per week. e. Trash and bottles shall not be removed to outside trash containers between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. 2. The Applicant shall not expand or modify the approved use, except pursuant to subsection 9-2-15(h), B.R.C. 1981. B. Public hearing and recommendation to City Council on proposed amendments to Title 9, "Land Use Code", B.R.C. 1981, regarding use standards and for breweries, brewpubs, distilleries and wineries. A. Shoemaker and D. Powell recused themselves from 5B item due to the appearance of impropriety since their children attend Boulder Country Day. B. Holicky also recused due to the fact he his client will be immediately affected by the outcome of item 5B. W. Williford joined the meeting. Staff Presentation B. Johnson presented the item to the board. Public Hearing 1. Clif Harold, 2440 Pearl Street. Executive Director of the Boulder Economic Council. He spoke in support the staff recommendation and noted that the code change is common sense and necessary for businesses that are vital to Boulder's economy - natural food and tourism. 2. Mike Sheilds, 4820 Nautilus Ct, pooled time with Eric Shannon, 700 Yellow Pine, and Tony Eam Law, 4724 Bella Vista Drive - Head of School for Boulder Country Day (BCD). He outlined the school's history and mission and implored the board to consider a 500 ft. setback for these types of businesses operating near schools to keep the children safe. 3. Buddy Ketchner, 1801 13`x' Street, pooled time with Stephen Katke, 5637 Rim Rock Court and Cindi Hart, 4464 Hogan Ct - On the board of BCD. He asked the board to close loophole of 500 ft. of selling liquor from schools for the safety of the children. 4. Joe Brooker, 9470 Owl Lane, pooled time with Ilena Sica, 1001 North Street, and Eugenie Holbrook, 912 Juniper Ave - Chairman of the BCD board. He also asked to close loophole of 500 ft. of selling liquor from schools to give buffer. He cited the Thunderbird issue as a possibility for another loophole during Site Review, if this isn't added in the code. He also asked for the 500 ft. measurement be made from the 6 school's property boundary and that it should include tap rooms and bars. He asked to sit down with staff to help craft proper language. 5. Peter Weber, Coburn, 6318 Jay Road - Architect for the Avery Brewery project. He supports the ordinance and spoke to the fact there aren't a lot of places to eat in Gunbarrel. He also supports staff recommendation for having items like this dealt with at the site review level. He also noted the 500 ft. is specific to the restaurant, not taprooms. 6. Steve Breezley, 370 Rendezvous - Director of Operations for Avery Brewery. He spoke on Adam Avery's behalf and asked for the code change because food helps control liquor consumption in a responsible manner. Avery supports staff recommendation. 7. Matt Cutter, 1501 Lee Hill #20 - Founder of Upslope Brewing. He explained how they use food bucks to help provide food for their patrons and that this code change will help reduce liability, so he supports the staff recommendation. 8. Jeff Brown, 4168 Amber Place - President of Boulder Beer. He agrees with the need for the opportunity and option to provide food for patrons. He spoke of the concern for the land use code changes that could change his neighborhood from Industrial to Mixed Use with the new development at Pearl and 30`n 9. Patrick Perrin, 660 Arapahoe - Council for Avery Brewery. He supports staff recommendation for code change, does not support the 500 ft. restriction. The restriction would prohibit the food from being 500 ft., not the tap room or brewing elements. He noted that the 500 ft. rule applies for a city issued license and discretionary whether to apply, eliminate or reduce the rule. 10. Katherine Wittenberg, 1790 Baseline Road -Parent of student at BCD. She reemphasized that the children are across the street from a brewery and restaurant and implored the board to keep the 500 ft. rule. Board Discussion The board addressed the following questions, as posed by staff: 1) Does the board support the proposed definitions for breweries, brewpubs, distilleries, tap rooms, tasting rooms and wineries? The board agreed unanimously. 2) Does the board support the proposed change to the use table? The board agreed unanimously. 3) Does the board support the proposed use standards for restaurants, breweries, wineries and distilleries? W. Williford asked for item 3.5A to be amended with "1000 sq. or greater" per the potential discrepancy in the proposed definitions and proposed ordinance. The City Attorney responded that staff will review and amend that discrepancy, if needed. T. Plass would like staff to consider whether there should be a maximum size, with additional requirements, as larger restaurants will have larger impacts. A. Brockett agreed 7 and suggested a graded percentage as the square footages got larger. W. Williford would support that suggestion. 4) 4. Does the board support an additional use standard to require a 500 ft. restaurant set back from schools? A. Brockett understands where the parents of Boulder Country Day are coming from, but the intersection of state liquor law and local authority does not lend itself well to the 500 ft. restaurant setback in this circumstance. He noted that the potential source of problem is the tap room location, which we have no control over, and it doesn't make sense to place greater restrictions on food service than on alcohol service. T. Plass agreed. He also noted that since the rule is in regards to restaurants with food and not to the liquor in the tasting room, it this does not seem to be appropriate to limit the loop hole that was cited during the public hearing. W. Williford agreed with what has been said thus far and is disinclined to put restrictions on restaurants. She encouraged BCD to continue to work with Avery through the other regulatory avenues. She will support the staff recommendation. M. Young also agreed with what has been stated and will support the city's desire to support responsible drinking, therefore will support the staff recommendation. T. Plass noted that the potential abuses would likely happen when school is not in session. He did have concerns about the broader implications in regards to the concentration of these facilities in a given area, as well with the size limitations. He questioned what the public transit will be for facilities in industrial areas, recommended getting the police involved for the issues regarding large restaurants/large taprooms and suggested that staff go the to Beverage License Authority to get their input on the larger implications. He does agree that serving food with liquor is good and also agreed with speaker from Boulder Economic Council. A. Brockett noted that the compatibility issue with Avery Brewery Concept Plan and BCD will be closely reviewed when it come through in December. On a motion by W. Williford, seconded by A. Brockett, the Planning Board approved 4-0, (B. Holicky, D. Powell and A. Shoemaker recused) to recommend to City Council the approval of the proposed amendments to Title 9, "Land Use Code", B.R.C. 1981, regarding definitions and use standards for breweries, brewpubs, distilleries and wineries, per the staff memorandum. T. Plass asked if the board agreed that the staff be directed to review the implications he outlined under board discussion. 7. MATTERS FROM THE PLANNING BOARD, PLANNING DIRECTOR, AND CITY ATTORNEY 8. DEBRIEF/AGENDA CHECK 9. ADJOURNMENT The Planning Board adjourned the meeting at 8:32 p.m. APPROVED BY Board Chair 11-3-I( DATE 9