Minutes - Planning Board - 8/4/2011 CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING BOARD ACTION MINUTES August 4, 2011 1777 Broadway, Council Chambers A permanent set of these minutes and a tape recording (maintained for a period of seven years) are retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043). Minutes and streaming audio are also available on the web at: http://www.boul(lercolorado.gov/ PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Aaron Brockett Bill f Iolicky Willa Johnson Tirn Plass Andrew Shoemaker, Chair Mary Young PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Danica Powell STAFF PRESENT: David Driskell, Executive Director of Community Planning and Sustainability David Gchr, Assistant City Attorney Susan Richstonc, Comprehensive Planning Division Manager Charles Ferro, Land Use Review Manager Sans Assefa, Senior Urban Designer Louise Grauer, Senior Planner Jessica Vaughn, Planner I Bob Iiarberg, Utilities Planning and Project Management Coordinator Christie Coleman, Engineering Project Manager Katie Knapp, Civil Engineer 11 Debbie Fox, Administrative Specialist III 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair, A. Shoemaker, declared a quorum at 6.05 p.m. and the following business was conducted. 2. APPROVAL OF MINIJTIES Oil a nlolion by 1I. Youn+'. seconded by A. Shoemaker. the Planning Board ahprovcd 5- 0 (13. Ilalickv rccusc(i. 1). Powell absent) thc.luly 7 Planning Board 117inHICS, as amended. On a motion by T. Plass, sccond(:(I by B. l lolickv, the 1'1:111111118 Board approved 5-0 (A. Brockett ahstmiicd. D. Powell ahtienl) the July 21 Planning Board mill11tcs, IIS arrlciRIIccl. 3. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 4. DISCUSSION OF DISPOSI'T'IONS, PLANNING BOARD CALL-UPS A. Site Review for Height Modification Correction, LUR20 1 1-00027, 809 Pine Street B. Floodplain Development Permit, LUR2010-00035, 3005 Arapahoe Ave. Tlie board did not call up these items. 5. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS A. Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on the folio-tving proposed code changes downtown: 1. Add a 1.0 floor area addition for non-residential uses in conjunction with a housing linkage fee in the DT-5 zone district. 2. Add a 65-foot building setback from the centerline of the ('anyon Boulevard right- of-way in zone districts P and DT-5, from %i, to 16(1, Streets. Staff Presentation L. Grauer and S. Assefa presented the item to the hoard. Public liearing 1. Sean Maher, 3565 Catalpa, Boulder Executive Director of Downtown Boulder, Inc. and Downtown Boulder. s Business Improvement District (BID). Spoke in support of the staff recommendation due to the high demand ofoffice space in a vibrant setting like downtown Boulder. 2. Chris Cornelius, 2331 Broadway, Boulder -Downtown Management Commission Board Member. Spoke in support of the staff recommendation. 3. Susan Graf, 2440 Pearl President and CHI of the Boulder Chamber. Spoke in support of"workforce housing and Class A office space and supports the staff recommendation. 4. Charles Hunker, 7318 Clubhouse Rd. - Retail business owner downtown and DBI Board Member, spoke in support of the staff recommendation. 5. Rich Majors, 2120 13th Street - Owner of 1580 Canyon site. Spoke to the impact of the 65' setback will have on his property and asked for a change in the rear yard setback due to the 20% loss in FAR. 6. Adrian Sopher, 3008 Folsom Street - Architect and consultant to Liquor Mart. Spoke in regards to the connections plan that could be extremely impactful due to the future connections. Board Discussion M. Young expressed concern about the environmental impact that frill build out will have, as it will generate an additional 2.000 car trips totally 41500 metric tons of C02 per year, per the EPA wcbsile. A. Shoemaker and T. Plass will support the staff recommendation. A. Shoemaker responded to M. Young's comment that downtown Boulder was designed to decrease car trips versus the suburbs due to the high level of alternate mode use. Ilc felt this conversion will add to the Boulder brand, create additional community and help Boulder transform from a bedroom community into a vibrant community hub. T. Plass liked the approach to create an overall vision downtown, as opposed to changing for one parcel. Ile expressed concerns that the linkage fee needs to be set at an appropriate level, but supports the change to allow office space in DT-5 for the same maximum FAR as residential uses. W. Johnson was concerned for the loss of affordable development funds, but also feels that the city should be flexible to the market conditions. She likes the idea of a sunset provision, as she would like to see more of a mix with residential. B. Holicky expressed concerns about creating a downtown without residential and doesn't agree that planning should be contingent on market conditions. Ile would rather the City took a longer term view and doesn't agree that Boulder is a bedroom community since 56,000 people commute into Boulder. He felt that the city needs to create more housing, not more jobs. He would favor the 0.5 floor area addition for office use, since he feels that if development provides all office use at the higher FAR, it could be a detriment to the core. A. Broekett agreed with B. Holicky. He i'elt this change makes the code flexible to the market, helps create a niore vibrant core in downtown and he would not want. to take it away the flexibility clue to the pendulum swing that could happen again between residential and commercial. On Zi mUtiUn by A. Shoemaker, seconded by A. Brockett. the Planning Board recommended approval (6-0. 1). Powell ahstnt) for 1110 Plannin"~ Board to suphorl the t)rotmscd code chan 101- (It y Council considcr~iti~~n rind action with respect to code changes DT-5 FAIL bonus for commercial. M. Young would like a sunset provision to review code change and make adjustments, as needed. A. Shoemaker would not support it as a friendly amendment. W. Johnson proposed a sunset at 2015. A. Shoemaker rejected it. M. Young proposed a resolution to revisit the change in code at the end of three years to review how well the commercial uses and linkage fee are working and seeing if it needs any adjustments. W. Johnson felt that three years wasn't enough time and, in turn, suggested five years. A. Shoemaker seconded it and requested staff report back with all the data so that the city council could reconsider. Staff noted that every program that every single FAR project would come to planning board. 011 a motion by N1. Youny, seconded by A. Shoemaker. the Planning Board recommended approval ofa resolution to revisit the DT-5 change in five years to review how twell it is working. (4-2) D. Powell absent, B. Holicky and A. Brockett opposed). On a nwtion by T. l'lass. ,cc()ndVd by B. llolickv. tlat Planning Board rcaâ–ºmnarndcd approval 0-0. 1). Po)~ell absent to support codify a 05-1ool setback from Ilse centerline r4canvoll blvd right of wad from 0"' to 16"' streets for properties in the public (p) or ITT-5 zones. B. Floodplain 101 Presentation and Public Hearin; and Recommendation to City Council of an Ordinance Amending Chapter 9-3 "Overlay Districts", Section 9-16-1 "Definitions." B.R.C. 981 to Amend Floodplain Regulations in Order to Protect Critical Facilities and Mobile Populations in the 500- and 100-year Floodplains. Staff Presentation K. Knapp gave a presentation to the board on Floodplain 101. C. Coleman presented the item to the board. Public Hearing I . Susan Graf, 2440 Pearl Street spoke to a concern that there hasn't been a good public comment on the process and asked for more time to allow more businesses to review and give input. 2. John Tayer, 4310 Ludlow Street- asked for the PB to postpone any action on this until there is more time to review and comment since they did not get the ordinance until 3:00 p.m. today. Board Discussion The board discussed with the Deputy City Attorney, staff and public about the process the recommended code changes took and the best way to move forward to help meet everyone-s heeds. )il a motion 1)t W. Johnson. uk:011decl I)v "1\1. Youn7. the Vlannin-.; Hoard apprmvd (()-l7, 1). PoNlell ahscnt) tlic propwcd code chanucs ten- City Council c:onsicleration and action, as shown in Attachment A_ with oily necessary wordsmithing. as reconlnlcncled by all parties. 7. MATTERS FROM T111E PLANNING BOARD, PLANNING DIRECTOR, AND CITY ATTORNEY A. S. Riclistone discussed the agenda for the Joint Planning Board/Landmarks Board meeting on August 1 S. L3. D. Driskell gave an update of the Energy Futures project. C. Date for the Joint PB/BDAB tour- 31-' Thursday in September 22, 4:30 p.m. 8. DEBRIEF/AGENDA CHECK 9. ADJOURNMENT The Planning Board adjourilcd the meeting at 9:21 p.m. APPROVED 13Y teal"d ~~hali" ~ DAFE