Comments - Planning/Landmarks Board Joint Meeting - 8/18/2011
See attached comments from Historic Boulder on 11th & Pearl project via Hugh Moore.
From: hugh moore [ma!Ito:hulusmor(cbgmail.coml
Sent: Monday, August 22, 20112:35 PM
To. Hewat, James
Subject: Hist Bldr Planning / LPAB ,
Lisa Podmajersky asked that I send you a copy of my comments at the planning
board/LPAB hearing last week.
They're attached here.
Hugh Moore
PLANNING BOARD / LPAB Joint Session August 18
I'm chair of the preservation committee of Historic Boulder, and I'm here on behalf of
our board of directors.
Generally the board of directors of Historic Boulder supports the concept and structure as
proposed. However, we would like to make a couple of comments regarding the design.
First, we would suggest that the northeast corner of the proposed building be less abrupt
at the intersection of 11"' and Pearl. The bulk of the new building will inevitably hide
some of the view of the foothills, and we know the trees growing along Pearl already
obscure the view southwest from the mall, and presumably they're going to get a lot
bigger. But if the 4-story box at that corner of the building can be diminished - set back
and/or stepped up gradually from the street, maybe only 2 or 3 stories, or devoted to a
small plaza - we think that somehow opening up that space will open up the entire
intersection and ease the transition from the mall to the large new building.
Second, to pedestrians and passersby along Pearl, Eleventh, and Walnut, the facades of
the building as illustrated will be quite unremarkable - high flat walls with flat
fenestration on corridors of otherwise rather distinctive historic and modern buildings.
We would like to see more imagination, more diversity, even playfulness on those
building faces.
Historic Boulder's interest in preserving and maintaining the city's historic districts
extends also the development of new structures in thern as time goes on. Some day this
proposed building that we are discussing today will itself be a historic structure. All
parties involved have the opportunity to ensure that the people of Boulder will be proud
of the foresight shown in the construction of an interesting, exuberant building that fits
right in with the old and new mixed neighborhood.