Minutes - Planning - 5/52011
May 5, 2011
1777 Broadway, Council Chambers
A permanent set of these minutes and a tape recording (maintained for a period of seven years)
are retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043). Minutes and streaming audio are also
available on the web at: littp://www.bouldercolorado.gov/
Aaron Brockett
Tim Plass
Danica Powell
Andrew Shoemaker, Chair
Mary Young
Willa Johnson
Bill Holicky
David Gehr, Assistant City Attorney
Susan Richstone, Comprehensive Planning Manager
Charles Ferro, Land Use Review Manager
Jeff Arthur, Engineering Review Manager
Karl Guiler, Senior Planner
Chris Meschuk, Planner I
Michelle Mahan, Transportation Engineer
Debbie Fox, Administrative Specialist III
Chair, A. Shoemaker, declared a quorum at 6:10 p.m. and the following business was
On a motion by T. Plass, seconded by W. Johnson, the Planning Board approved 6-0,
with 1 absent (B. Holickv), the April 7 Planning Board minutes, as amended
On a motion by T. Plass, seconded by D. Powell, the Planning Board approved 4-0, with
2 abstentions (M. Young and A. Brockett) and 1 absent (B. Holicky), the April 13
Planning Board minutes.
On a motion by T. Plass, seconded by M. Young, the Planning Board approved 5-0, with
l abstain (W. Johnson) and l absent (B. Holicky), the April 21 Planning Board minutes,
as amended
1. Alan Katz, 103 Genesee - Spoke of concern of the Hogan-Pancost development due to the
water issue. Provided questions for the Groundwater 101 presenter.
2. James Johnson, 130 Manhattan Drive - Spoke of concerti of the Hogan-Pancost
development due to the water issue. Provided questions for the Groundwater 101 presenter.
3. Ron Craig, 260 Cimarron - Spoke of concern of the Hogan-Pancost development due to the
water issue. Provided questions for the Groundwater 101 presenter.
4. Jeff Mcwhirter, 5435 Illini Way - Spoke of concern of the Hogan-Pancost development due
to the water issue. Provided questions for the Groundwater 101 presenter.
A. Use Review, LUR2011-00016, 4555 13th Street, Unit 2B. Request to locate a 291 square
foot independent dental hygiene office at 4555 13th Street.
B. Floodplain Variance, LUR201 1-00022, 3005 Arapahoe Ave., Conoco Gas Station
C. Floodplain Development Permit, LUR2011-00025, 3005 28th St., Old Flowerama site
D. Use Review, LUR2011-00006, Boulders Bilingual Childcare Ctr.
The board did not call up these items.
A. Groundwater 101
Staff Presentation
Gary D. Witt, P.G., CPG, Sr. Hydrogeologist/Project Manager, Wright Water Engineers,
Inc., provided an overview presentation on Groundwater 101 to the board.
A. Public hearing to consider a Concept Plan entitled Waterview, LUR2010-00058, at 5801-
5847 Arapahoe Avenue to develop an existing 14.87 acre site (composed of two
properties) with 288 attached rental units within three four story buildings at heights up to
55 feet (i.e., over the 40 foot limit in IG and over the 35 foot limit in RH-4). The project
site is located on the north side of Arapahoe Avenue immediately adjacent to South
Boulder Creek.
Applicant/Property Owner: Lookout, LLC
Staff Presentation
K. Guiler presented the item to the board.
Applicant Presentation
Andy Allison presented the item to the board on behalf of the applicant.
Public Hearing
1. Cynthia Anderson, 1193 Old Tale Road- She addressed the fact the potential water
issues are due to shallow wells. She stated they currently have issues with getting permits
to redrill wells, so the development could cause additional problems with wells. She also
expressed concern about the building's high density on a street that has significant
pedestrian and bike traffic, as it will increase the traffic.
2. Lou Kingdom. 1365 Old Tale Road, also spoke to the domestic well situation. He isn't
opposed to the development, but wants assurances that the development won't impact the
water table. He also expressed concern to the increase in traffic and that the architecture
is inconsistent with the area.
3. Elizabeth Williams, 1555 Old Tale Road- She expressed concerns about the traffic that
already exists and will increase due to the development.
4. Bill Williams, 1555 Old Tale Road - He spoke against the development due to the
density and the traffic increase it will cause.
5. Ray Hedburg, 1310 Old Tale Road. - He provided a history of the flooding in the area,
as a long term resident. He is concerned about the potential flood issue coming from a
backlash of water from the new development and concerned that the County isn't aware
of the project.
6. Judy Renfrew, PO Box 17100 - She found the design quality, but in the wrong place.
She is concerned about the massing and visual impact on the surrounding neighborhoods.
She questioned the mmniber of urban amenities for the increase number of families. She is
concerned that a light would likely have to be added to address the increase in traffic.
7. Brad Peterson, 1457 Old Tale Road, pooled time with Toni Perrin, 1436 Old Tale
Road. - Spoke to the fact this project is not compatible with the surrounding area. He
cited specific code Section 9.2.14H, 2.F. 11, of B.R.C., as the building height, mass and
scale being too large, with too much traffic, for the area; the increased traffic; and the
flooding potential.
8. Porsche Young, 1548 Old Tale Road - She spoke to the concern about the flood issue
and the water table.
9. Sally Kingdom, 1325 Old Tale Road - She spoke about the history of flooding and
concern for the increased traffic.
10. Caroline Coggan, 1305 Old Tale Road. - She spoke to the traffic concern due to the
number of kids that live in the area and how the project will increase the traffic. She also
addressed the concern for the diversity in South Boulder Creek and how a project of this
magnitude will affect it.
Board Discussion
BVCP Polices
The board was in consensus that the project lacks compatibility related to the neighboring
residential areas; that it doesn't seem to be the right area for infill. Specifically, the project
doesn't meet the BVCP due to the lack of project compatibility with adjacent land use and the
built environment. Some felt the project doesn't have the necessary amenities to support the
development's residents and that it lacks the necessary walkability to create a community.
Site Design/Open Space Quality
The board cited positive aspects of the project being the pond and the connectivity the bike path
provides. In addition, some felt there are some good geometric shapes to the building. There
were concerns about the super block that presents a dead zone on Arapahoe. There was also
concern that the geographic features, like the open space, should be consistent with rural
character of the surroundings. It was suggested that the pond could be better incorporated and the
open space adjacent to Arapahoe not good due to sound and safety. One board member didn't
like outdoor pool because this climate makes them unusable most of the year.
Building Design/Massing & Height
The board was unanimous in their opposition to the pedestrian budge, the height increase and the
proposed massing. There was concern about the flat roofs, so contours or relief will need to be
added to mitigate the flatness. In addition, most stated a need to simplify the materials and colors
of the facades.
Density/Residential Use
The board felt that a residential designation would work, but it would need to be compatible with
the character and density of the surroundings. This would potentially work with a lower density
or if it included a street side mixed-use that works with the industrial neighborhood while also
being compatible to the neighborhoods.
More technical expertise will be warranted at Site Review.
In the context of groundwater, the environmental will need more review at Site Review to better
understand the impacts to the neighbors.
A. Planning Board comments to the City Manager on proposed changes to the Inclusionary
Housing Ordinance Administrative Regulations.
Andy Proctor and Michelle Allen presented the item to the board.
Board Feedback
W. Johnson expressed concerned that regulation 3.4.5 doesn't provide enough clarity.
She would like to see the regulation deleted, or clarification on why and how it happens.
A. Brockett agreed.
B. AHTF - Andy Proctor gave an update on the Affordable Housing Task Force, to include
the history and the upcoming meetings and milestones of the Task Force.
C. Calendar - May 19th meeting has been cancelled. Move the follow-up meeting to
Wednesday instead of Thursday. Reschedule follow-up meeting to Wednesday the
D. Prep for May 24th - S. Riehstone provided an overview of the May 24 Joint CC/PB
meeting set-up.
E. A. Brockett gave an update on the Greenways Meeting.
The Planning Board adjourned the meeting at 10:12 p.m.
Board Chair