2 - Planning Board - Draft Minutes - 4/7/2011
April 7, 2011
1777 Broadway, Council Chambers
A permanent set of these minutes and a tape recording (maintained for a period of seven years)
are retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043). Minutes and streaming audio are also
available on the web at: http:/hv«<«,.bouldercolorado..ov/
Aaron Brockett
Bill Holicky
Willa Johnson, Chair
Tim Plass
Danica Powell
Andrew Shoemaker
Mary Young
David Gehr, Assistant City Attorney
Susan Richstone, Comprehensive Planning Manager
Charles Ferro, Land Use Review Manager
Elaine McLaughlin, Senior Planner
Karl Guiler, Planner a,
Jessica Vaughn, Planner
Debbie Fox, Administrative Specialist III
Chair, W. Johnson, declared a quorum at 6:04 p.m. and the following business was
A. Brockett read the oath of office for the record.
On a motion by T. Plass, seconded by D. Powell, the Planning Board approved 5-0-2 (B.
Holicky and A. Brockett abstained), the February 17 Planning Board minutes.
On a motion by A. Shoemaker, seconded by M. Young, the Planning Board approved
6-0-1 (A. Brockett abstained), the March 10 Planning Board minutes, as amended.
On a motion by T. Plass, seconded by A. Shoemaker, the Planning Board approved 6-0-
1 (A. Brockett abstained), the March 17 Planning Board minutes, as amended.
A. Wetland Permit, LUR2011-00005, Culvert replacement at Dry Creek Ditch and
Valmont Rd.
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B. 855 Juniper Avenue; Site Review, LLTR2011-00009: Request to allow an
accessory structure to exceed the 20-foot height limit for accessory structures by
roughly three feet pursuant to section 9-2-14(b)(E), "Height Modifications," B.R.C.
C. 1701 Redwood Avenue, Land Use Review, LtTR2010-00066, Minor subdivision
review to allow for the replat of three existing lots and a vacated portion of right-of-
way into two new lots through the transfer of 15,111 square feet to Lot 3 of the
Impossible Subdivision from Lot 2 of the Moore's Subdivision and the adjacent
vacated 30' of Riverside Ave.
D. 1558 Cress Court, Site Review, LUR2011-00007: Approval of Site Review
application for a covered porch addition and the resulting height modification of six
inches on an existing residence, due to a change in the low point used for calculation
of building height on the property.
The board did not call up these items.
A. Public hearing and consideration of a request to allow an accessory structure at 855
Juniper Avenue (#LUR2011-00009) to exceed the 20-foot height limit for accessory
structures by roughly three feet pursuant to section 9-2-14(b)(E), "Height
Modifications," B.R.C. 1981. This item was approved by the Department of
Community Development and Sustainabilty on March 1, 2011 and was appealed by a
neighbor on March 14, 2011.
Applicant/Owner: Christopher Foreman and Laura McCain-Foreman
Staff Presentation
K. Guiler presented the item to the board.
Applicant Presentation
L. Eggers responded to questions on behalf of the applicant, but no presentations were made to
the board.
Public Hearing
1. Joan Nagel, 711 Iris Ave, Boulder - spoke in opposition to the project due to the fact this
will set a precedence for the community.
2. John Gerstle, 920 Jasmine Cir. -spoke in opposition since it is an encroachment because
of the house size.
Board Discussion
A. Shoemaker addressed the fact that the change is necessary to allow some diversity since the
city has a height allowance that causes a lot of flat roofs. The concern seems to be precedence
only, yet the immediate neighbors support it, he will be in support of the project, as well.
T. Plass has concerns, as he thinks there are other ways to add interest to the building without
adding height. He is concerned this will set precedence incrementally within the code.
A. Brockett was not concerned since the immediate neighbors are not concerned.
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B. Holicky is split on this issue. He agreed with T. Plass, but also more driven by the fact that
the immediate neighbors are concerned.
M. Young reminded everyone this is an accessory building and the primary structure does have
architectural interest. She is concerned that code is straightforward about what can and can't be
W. Johnson found that the project meets criteria, the immediate neighbor is not concerned, and
while there may be other solutions, it is an elegant solution for the energy savings, and since the
project is not a public realm issue, she can support the change.
D. Powell is also split on this issue. She likes the design,
Lisa Eggers spoke on behalf of the applicant responded that the applicant loves the cupola based
upon a previous design.
On a motion by A. Shoemaker, seconded by W. Johnson, the Planning Board approved (5-2)
the application #LUR2011-00009 based on the findings provided within this memorandum.
M. Young and T. Plass did not support it because it could be met by another form of design.
B. Public hearing to consider Concept Plan, LUR2011-00013, for the proposed residential
redevelopment of 1.4 acres located at 955 Broadway and 1715 Aurora Ave. zoned
Residential High Density Five (RH-5). The proposal includes two, three-story, 35 foot
tall buildings with 38 attached residential units, a fraternity use and a 24% parking
Applicant: Mike Boyers
Property Owner: Colorado Acacia Fraternity House (955 Broadway)
Beta Kappa Association (1715 Aurora)
Staff Presentation
J. Vaughn presented the item to the board.
Applicant Presentation
Mike Boyes, partner in the LLC, presented the item to the board.
Public Hearing
1. Steve Kobe, 738 14th Street - Spoke in support and highlighted the fact that this will be the
nearest site to the new bus stop and underpass and designing in accommodation to the density.
Board Discussion
Fraternity Use
The board is in favor of the project due to the investment into the neighborhood and is confident
that staff will figure out the code to support this project. Two board members commented that
they liked the innovative solution that has been proposed.
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Parking Reduction
There was a general level of comfort with amount of parking reduction. Concern was expressed
about a parking reduction precedence being set, so the board would like to see a study to show
that reducing parking is consistent with other fraternity houses and to see how it relates to other
projects in the zone district.
Building Design: Podium Parking
There was a lot of concern about the exposed podium, as well as concern that the project is
closing off the street and doesn't interact with the rest of the area. One suggestions was to create
more interaction between public and private spaces by possibly have the units on 17th have
entrances or to have a mid-block connection.
Building Design: Quality of Open Space
There was consensus that there needs to be a mid-block connection. This would give the
building a lively space in the courtyards and create that mid-block connection.
Building Design: Streetscape
The board agreed that there needs to be attention paid to the Broadway connection and the level
of pedestrian activity on all four sides of the block. They would like to create more permeability
with the street and the west area, as it would help bring the residents to the street. There was
concern about the icy factor on the north side of the building and questions as to why the
fraternity room was in the back building, as opposed to a store front location. It was also felt the
alley could be used as more of a pedestrian corridor.
The board would like to see the buildings support safety in the street as well as within the
building courtyards.
There is a lot of support by the board members to break up the buildings and make a clear
distinction between the two buildings, so they don't bleed into one another. Some expressed
interest in the front building taking material cues off the CU architecture, although others did
not. Opaque balconies were suggested to give privacy and shelter from the street. And all the
board agreed that there needs to be more attention given to corner of 17th and Broadway.
A. Chautauqua Strategic Plan
S. Richstone introduced the topic.
Josh Taxman, President of Chautauqua Association and Susan Connelly, Executive Director
presented the item to the board.
Board Discussion
T. Plass agrees with staff's recommendation of Option 1 for a master plan to bring together the
pieces into a coherent vision.
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A. Shoemaker stated it important to address the intersection of all the interests, regulations and
comments. He encourages council to streamline the process, as it could be problematic to go in
front of a variety of boards with conflicting needs. He recommended a committee that reflects
the variety of interests.
B. Holicky agrees. He found no concerns with the majority of the projects were presented. He
supports the master plan, but concerned about staff time and therefore making it impossible for
Chautauqua to get the project started. He recommends a hybrid approach that prioritizes that
allows Chautauqua to identify the projects that are more pressing and can be completed within
the regular regulatory process.
M. Young agrees that most aren't controversial, but the new buildings will need to be brought to
the community for comment.
A. Brockett noted that the new building is the interface of all the interests and therefore be the
project that will bring in that brings everyone together. T. Plass agreed. A. Shoemaker added
that the new building will be the item that also brings in the most money and therefore the most
W. Johnson agrees with moving along items like the undergrounding, while also moving the
project along with a Master Plan process for the other, more public items like the new building.
In summary, the board agreed supports a lighter version of the master planning, the process
should be streamlined and the projects should be prioritized to ones that can move forward
without a master plan in place and then have a more narrowly structured master plan that has a
shorter horizon, while including process improvements.
B. CU Master Plan Update
S. Richstone provided a brief update on the project.
A. Greenways Advisory Committee: Greenways Master Plan Update
B. Greenways Advisory Committee: 2012-2017 Greenways Capital Improvement
C. 2011 Retreat Agenda
D. Ex Parte: The board discussed with the Asst. City Attorney about
Add Quasi-Judicial on the agenda.
E. Comp Plan Update - W. Johnson provided an update on the CC meeting.
F. DDAB Joint Meeting - The board and staff discussed the upcoming meeting.
G. Affordable Housing - B. Holicky provided an update on the task force.
The Planning Board adjourned the meeting at 10:26 p.m.
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Board Chair
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