2 - Planning Board - Draft Minutes - 4/21/2011 CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING BOARD ACTION MINUTES April 21, 2011 1777 Broadway, Council Chambers A permanent set of these minutes and a tape recording (maintained for a period of seven years) are retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043). Minutes and streaming audio are also available on the web at: http:/hv«Tw.bouldercolorado.gov/ PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Aaron Brockett Bill Holicky Tim Plass Danica Powell Andrew Shoemaker, Vice-Chair Mary Young PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Willa Johnson, Chair STAFF PRESENT: David Gehr, Assistant City Attorney Susan Richstone, Comprehensive Planning Manager Charles Ferro, Land Use Review Manager Elaine McLaughlin, Senior Planner Joanna Domagalska, Administrative Specialist II Juliet Bonnell, Administrative Specialist Il 1. CALL TO ORDER Vice-Chair, A. Shoemaker, declared a quorum at 6:04 p.m. and the following business was conducted. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 4. DISCUSSION OF DISPOSITIONS, PLANNING BOARD CALL-UPS A. Floodplain Development Permit, LUR2011-00012, Bicycle Racks in Flood Conveyance Zone - Revised B. Staff Level Site Review, LUR2011-00004, Approval of a 19 unit, multi-family residential apartment building at 910 28th Street C. Amendment To An Approved Site Plan, LUR2011-00015, Amend the approval for the Cobblestone Court PUD to allow lots 19 and 20 to be sold separately without removing the existing structure on Lot 20 at1391 55th St. D. Call Up Item: 1558 Cress Court, Site Review, LUR2011-00007: Approval of Site Review application for a covered porch addition and the resulting height modification of six inches on an existing residence, due to a change in the low point used for calculation of building height on the property. The board did not call up these items. 13 1 5. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS A. Revised Concept Plan Review for a Transit Oriented Development within Boulder Junction. The concept plan includes a below grade bus rapid transit facility, a five level parking structure wrapped by permanently affordable residential units, a 101-room hotel, and repurposing the historic depot. Applicant / Owner: Scott Pedersen/Regional Transportation District (RTD) and City of Boulder Staff Presentation E.McLaughlin presented the item to the board. E. McLaughlin, City of Boulder, R. Rutsch, City of Boulder, S. Pedersen, RTD, and Phil Saroy, RTD answered the board's clarifying questions. Public Hearing 1. Jan Morzel, 2075 Upland, Boulder, expressed concern about the underground bus design (cave) and that it would not facilitate "rapid" transit or a good bus/train connection. 2. Elizabeth Allen, spoke in opposition of the underground bus design and expressed concern about lack of community opportunity for involvement/input in the design. She had issues with the residences being located close to the railroad and the fact that the hotel would block resident's views. She felt that the underground bus design was not particularly safe. Board Discussion Underground Bus Design The board had no objection to the underground bus design, but there were varying levels of enthusiasm for it. The board agreed that effort needs to be made to ensure that the space is pleasant, transparent, safe, light, functional and attractive with public art and trees/plants. Public space The board felt that the design of the public space was very good, but suggested continuing to improve it even more. Specifically the board recommended minimizing vehicular space and maximizing pedestrian focus and space. The board understands and supports the current need to accommodate vehicular traffic, but suggests designing the space with an eye toward making it more pedestrian-friendly. A. Brockett shared his thoughts on making future resident experiences positive and the affordable housing issue. Bridge The board wants a bridge as soon as possible. Refinements to Site Plan Near the Depot The board wants to honor the historic depot. The board felt that the grade should match the building and the building should not stand out incongruously, it should blend nicely with its surroundings. The context of the train tracks and the grade should be considered in the site plan. The board suggested designing the plaza in a way that it can relate to the depot to make the depot a centerpiece. The board also noted that parking on the east side should be reduced slightly. 14 2 DDAB review The board is comfortable with the DDAB review. The board commented on simplicity, materials, engaging the pedestrian and the "filigree concept. Pedestrian circulation- the focus should be more on micro-pedestrian issues. On a motion by T. Plass, seconded by B. Holicky, (6-0, W. Johnson absent) the Planning Board approved the motion to refer the issues of RTD Site be heard by DDAB on the guidelines set foreword under TVAP. Arts Master Plan The board liked the idea of incorporating public art into this space. 7. MATTERS FROM THE PLANNING BOARD, PLANNING DIRECTOR, AND CITY ATTORNEY A. Diagonal Plaza - D. Driskell provided the board with an update on Diagonal Plaza. ULI presented three options: 1. pursue redevelopment 2. take an incremental approach 3. see what the market does and pursue redevelopment later. ULI recommended taking an incremental approach. Recommendations were taken to the Urban Renewal Board. Several developers have expressed interest in the site. Staff is recommending to City Council that we move forward with the blight study. B. CU Master Plan - S. Richstone provided the board with an update on the CU Master Plan. Sustainability is being focused on as is intensifying development on the east campus. CU is working closely with transportation on connecting areas of the campus. The plan is also pursuing more housing on campus. S. Richstone emphasized the need to work collaboratively on implementation over the next several years. City and CU staff will meet in the next couple weeks to talk about timing. This project will impact the city's work plan over the next few years. A. Shoemaker felt that faculty housing was not adequately addressed in the plan. From a jobs/housing standpoint this is a big issue that needs to be addressed. Skateboarding as a mode of transportation- skateboarding is not allowed on a city street, but can be used on sidewalks in residential (not commercial) areas. He encouraged supporting skateboarding more as an alternative mode of transportation on campus. Planning Board discussed the PB Retreat Agenda 8. DEBRIEF/AGENDA CHECK 9. ADJOURNMENT The Planning Board adjourned the meeting at 8:33 p.m. APPROVED BY Board Chair DATE 15 3