2 - Planning Board - Draft Minutes - 4/13/2011 CITY OF BOULDER PB/DDAB Joint Dinner Session ACTION MINUTES April 13, 2011 1777 Broadway, Muni Lobby A permanent set of these minutes and a tape recording (maintained for a period of seven years) are retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043). Minutes and streaming audio are also available on the web at: http:/hvNN,w.bouldercolorado.gov/ PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Bill Holicky Willa Johnson, Chair Tim Plass Danica Powell Andrew Shoemaker PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Aaron Brockett Mary Young DDAB BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Lisa Egger Fenno Hoffman Jeff Dawson David Biek DDAB BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Paul Anthony Saporito STAFF PRESENT: Charles Ferro, Land Use Review Manager Sam Assefa, Senior Urban Designer Brian Holmes, Zoning Administrator Meghan Lawson, Asst. Zoning Administrator Debbie Fox, Administrative Assistant III 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair, W. Johnson, declared a quorum at 6:00 p.m. and the following business was conducted. 2. INTRODUCTIONS 3. PURPOSE OF THE MEETING S. Assefa introduced the topic to the boards. 4. CURRENT PROCEDURES 9 C. Ferro reviewed the procedures and timing of reviews, PB & DDAB respective roles and responsibilities and provided examples of previously referred projects, such as the 3100 Broadway and Violet Crossing projects. B. Holmes reviewed the current DDAB respective roles and responsibilities. 5. PLANNING BOARD B. Holicky outlined what has worked and hasn't worked with the process between PB and DDAB, whose role is currently what, explained the need for clarity for all parties, which includes the applicant, public, DDAB, PB, city council and staff. He stressed that consensus needs to be reached in regards to comments from DDAB, ideally in a bulleted format. DDAB should delegate a DDAB spokesperson to present to PB to better illustrate the suggested design criteria. 6. JOINT DISCUSSION • PB/DAB roles and responsibilities The board members agreed there is a need for defined criteria for areas outside of the designated design areas. DDAB would like PB's support to create a overarching design guidelines that every project could be reviewed against. (NOTE: DDAB would become known as DAB (Design Advisory Board). It would be the same board, just with an expanded role.) The Sustainable Streets and Centers process was cited as an example as an overarching guideline to use. Staff responded that the public process and work plan would currently prohibit that, but questioned if there is an interim process to meet both boards' needs. It could be as simple as considering the pedestrian experience. The Site Review Criteria could work in the short term, so that the comments are parallel to what the PB uses. It was noted that having an Urban Designer on staff should also help move the process forward. DAB was recommended to start writing down their recommended changes and sending them to PB and/or CC to begin the changes to the guidelines and process they seek. Summary: The boards will have a "joint learning" field trip at least once a year to discuss design issues on built projects and to discuss what has worked and what hasn't. PB will focus primarily on bulk, height, and use issues and would defer to DAB on design issues. 10 Universal design guidelines that apply citywide are desirable to guide DAB's review, but resources don't currently exist to develop it. In the interim, a paragraph statement that refers to the existing Site Review criteria is a general guide could be tested for the next 6- 12 months. • Process and timing of reviews The boards and staff discussed the various options that were possible to involve DAB earlier in the process. Several board members noted that the main difference between PB and DAB is that PB cannot conduct design critics, while DAB can deal with how buildings work. Summary: It was agreed that at Concept Plan, the PB will summarize their points of concern, send them to DAB, DAB will review the same set of designs using 3 reviews processes: PB/Guidelines/own and then DAB will provide written comments and/or verbal comments at the PB Site Review. It was noted that DAB should remember that PB is their client, not the applicant. ■ It will need to be determined whether the applicant further develops the project after concept plan, incorporating PB's feedback, and then to DAB, or develops concept after getting both PB and DAB feedback. In addition, both boards expressed the need to close the loop after PB/DAB feedback to applicant to see how the recommendations are incorporated in the final design after Site Review. • PB/DAB Communication procedures The boards discussed the communication process. Summary: DAB should organize and summarize their ideas by the top topics for the project. It will help create flow with the comments and it will be easier for the applicant to follow. The board chair then summarizes the comments for the record. PB and staff unanimously agreed that DAB should not change minutes off-line due to open meeting laws and the ability to have the applicant respond. This is critical so that the applicant can ask questions about the critiques. DAB should provide specific feedback to applicant and send PB a clear bulleted list of consensus recommendations. DAB could make design recommendations that are contrary to specific design guidelines, if it believes the guidelines would be contrary to a desired result. In instances where it is clear that a design does not meet the guidelines, the DAB should outline why it doesn't meet the particular guideline. 11 Written comments should be forwarded to the PB in advance and a DAB liaison/chair should come to PB Site Review to summarize the DAB's consensus recommendations. In addition, a DAB liaison or any member could also attend PB's concept review as part the general public, and provide comments during public comments. DAB could provide specific feedback to PB on existing codes/guidelines that are contrary to city's design objectives. 9. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned the meeting at 7:53 p.m. APPROVED BY Board Chair DATE 12