5C - Recommendation to City Council - ordinance allowing Temporary Street Furniture (a.k.a. Cafe Seating) CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING BOARD AGENDA ITEM MEETING DATE: March 10, 2011 AGENDA TITLE: Public hearing and recommendation to City Council of an ordinance that proposes amendments to Title 8, "Parks, Open Space, Streets, and Public Ways" B.R.C. 1981 allowing Temporary Street Furniture (a.k.a. Cafe Seating) to be placed in the public right of way subject to conditions and setting forth related details. REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: Community Planning and Sustainability: David Driskell, Executive Director Molly Winter, Executive Director, Downtown and University Hill Management Division/Parking Services, (DUHMD/PS) Ellen Cunningham, Business Assistance and Special Events Manager, DUHMD/PS Sandra Llanes, Assistant City Attorney III OBJECTIVE: 1. Hear Staff presentation 2. Planning Board discussion 3. Recommendations on changes to the code SUMMARY: Caf6 style seating involves business owners providing temporary street furniture on public sidewalks directly adjacent to their business. Cafe style seating does not require patio railings. Currently, the city does not permit cafe style seating on public sidewalks. Staff is proposing changes to the code that would permit this type of encroachment into the public right of way without a patio lease within certain areas and under certain conditions. These changes are set forth as amendments to chapter 8-6, "Public Right of Way and Easement Encroachments," B.R.C. 1981: amending section 8-6-8, "Exempt Encroachments" by adding a new subsection (f) regarding temporary street furniture and amending section 8-6-4 "Removal of Public Nuisances" by the addition of a new subsection (d) related to enforcement of non-compliant use of temporary street furniture. (Attachment A) Liquor licensed establishments do not qualify for a cafe seating exemption because the law requires permanent patio railings for establishments with patio seating. Since the proposed amendments involve a change to the city's use of public right of way space, staff has referred the proposed changes to the board for a recommendation to City Council. Staff has also identified the following key issues to help guide the Planning Board's discussion: 1. Are the areas identified on the attached maps appropriate for cafe seating? 2. Are the criteria complete for caf6 seating? 3. Is there sufficient pedestrian access between the cafe seating area and the street? Agenda Item 5C Page 1 of 13 BACKGROUND: Cafe seating areas at coffee shops and restaurants on the Hill and downtown Boulder have become popular over the past few years. Currently the city does not allow cafe seating in the public right of way. Staff recommends provisions to allow for cafe seating in the University Hill commercial area and downtown Boulder as it creates a welcoming ambiance to patrons of these establishments and creates activity and vitality in the pedestrian districts. The Pearl Street Mall is not included within the proposed areas because it has its own set of regulations for patio seating. Two major concerns at present are that some of these businesses are providing cafe seating without providing liability protection for the City of Boulder. Also, there are no regulations as to how each business can set up cafe seating while ensuring a clear walkway, as well as allowing for pedestrian safety and access to bike racks and parking pay stations. ANALYSIS: Section 8-6-3, "Public Right-of-Way and Public Easement Encroachments Prohibited" B.R.C. 1981, generally prohibits any encroachment within the public right of way without obtaining permission from the city unless exempt pursuant to the provisions of section 8-6-8, "Exempt Encroachments," B.R.C. 1981. The proposed ordinance would add temporary street furniture to the list of exempt encroachments. Exempt encroachments do not require a revocable right of way permit or lease but must meet the criteria outlined in section 8-6-8, B.R.C. 1981 noted below. There are 13 establishments in the downtown commercial district that are utilizing the right of way to place tables and chairs for their patrons. Staff supports the use of cafe seating for establishments without liquor licenses with the understanding that each business will sign an affidavit of understanding that he/she will abide by the criteria that is set forth, including proof of liability insurance. No permit or license will be required. No railing is required. There will be no cost to the business other than providing the city with a certificate of liability insurance naming the city as an additional insured. Staff from Risk Management, Transportation, City Attorney's Office, Downtown and University Hill Management Division, and Development Review and Planning have met several times over the past two years to establish the following criteria for cafe seating. Temporary Street Furniture may be placed in the public right of way on a sidewalk in the area immediately adjacent to the property by the owner or tenant of property if the following standards are met: (Attachment B) • Property is located within the University Hill General Improvement District or the Downtown Boulder Business Improvement District and excluding the Pearl Street Mall. • The furniture shall consist solely of tables or chairs intended for outdoor use. Furniture shall be constructed of metal or similarly stable and durable materials that are subject to approval by the city manager. Any other encroachments, including without limitation umbrellas and railings are not allowed. • The placement or use of the furniture cannot impair or impede the utility of the right-of-way or easement for its designated purpose. • Establishment must provide the city with a certificate of general comprehensive liability insurance naming the City of Boulder as an additional insured. Agenda Item 5C Page 2 of 13 • The furniture is available for use by the general public. Temporary street furniture for the exclusive use of patrons, offering table service of food or beverages or associated with an establishment licensed to serve alcoholic beverages is prohibited. • The furniture must be temporary in nature and removed easily without tools or equipment; • The furniture must be removed and securely stored on private property between the hours of 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. or outside of business hours, whichever is more restrictive; • No amplified music provided to the right of way area. • The placement or use of the furniture does not reduce the unobstructed width of the adjacent sidewalk to less than six feet. The unobstructed width may be reduced to five feet for a maximum distance of five feet in areas adjacent to fixed public infrastructure including, but not limited to, utility poles, parking payment facilities, and fire hydrants (Attachment C). • The sidewalk area adjacent to the furniture is accessible and usable to persons of all levels of mobility and the sidewalk area can be used in a manner that is consistent with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act. • Additional configurations of cafe seating may be considered and would need the approval of city staff. Enforcement Temporary street furniture may be removed by the city without notice for non-compliance. In addition, businesses may be subject to penalties or fines under Section 5-2-4, "General Penalties," B.R.C. 1981. DUHMD/PS staff will monitor cafe seating establishments for compliance. PUBLIC COMMENT AND PROCESS: The 13 establishments that currently qualify for cafe seating have been notified by letter of the proposed ordinance changes. Staff held an open house for these businesses and one representative from Spruce Confections attended. She believed that the requirements for cafe seating were fair and reasonable. The Downtown Management Commission on Monday, February 7, 2010, voted 4-1 (abstained) to recommend to City Council to amend Chapter 8-6 to allow for cafe seating. Downtown Boulder, Inc. on Wednesday, February 9, 2011, passed a motion to recommend to City Council to amend chapter 8-6 to allow cafe seating. The Business Improvement District board on Thursday, February 10, 2011, passed a motion to recommend to City Council to amend chapter 8-6 to allow cafe seating. The University Hill Commercial Area Management Commission met on Wednesday, February 16 and passed a motion to recommend to City Council to amend chapter 8-6 to allow cafe seating. STAFF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends amending Chapter 8-6 to allow cafe seating in the areas named under the conditions listed in this memo. Agenda Item 5C Page 3 of 13 Aroved B Di Driskell, Ex u 1 irector Department of Community Planning and Sustainability ATTACHMENTS: A. Ordinance & Appendix 8-A, 8-B B. Cafe Seating Brochure C. Cafe Seating Schematic Agenda Item 5C Page 4 of 13 Attachment A 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 8-6, "PUBLIC RIGHT 3 OF WAY AND EASEMENT," B.R.C. 1981 TO PERMIT TEMPORARY STREET FURNITURE TO BE PLACED IN THE 4 PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS AND SETTING FORTH RELATED DETAILS. 5 6 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOULDER, 7 COLORADO: 8 Section 1. Section 8-6-4, B.R.C. 1981 is amended to read: 9 10 8-6-4 Removal of Public Nuisances 11 (a) Encroachments Are Public Nuisances: An encroachment placed upon or maintained within the public right-of-way or a public easement contrary to the terms of this chapter 12 constitutes a public nuisance that may be removed or enjoined and abated by suit or other 13 action by the city or any resident of the city. (b) Order To Remove Encroachments: Whenever any encroachment exists or is located 14 contrary to the provisions of this chapter or when the city manager revokes a permit or 15 lease granted pursuant to this chapter, the manager will notify the person who made, located, caused, allowed or permitted the encroachment, or who owns or controls the 16 premises or property adjacent to or for which such encroachment exists and order the person to remove the encroachment within such time that the city manager determines is 17 reasonable under the circumstances. Notice under this subsection is sufficient if it is 18 mailed first class to the address of the last known owner of property on the records of the Boulder County Assessor, or if given by personal service, or, in the case of a condition 19 sufficiently dangerous to constitute an emergency, given orally in person or by telephone to the owner or the owner's authorized representative. The manager is additionally 20 authorized to use the provisions of this section to correct violations on private property 21 adjacent to the public right-of-way of section 9-9-7, "Sight Triangles," B.R.C. 1981, and of section 9-9-15, "Fences And Walls," B.R.C. 1981, where such structures or hedges are 22 within eighteen inches of a roadway, sidewalk, or path, and such conditions shall be deemed encroachments. 23 (c) Ci Manager May Remove Encroachments: If the person notified under subsection (b) 24 of this section fails to comply with the order to remove the encroachment, the city manager may cause the encroachment or obstruction to be removed and may charge the 25 cost thereof plus up to fifteen percent of such cost for administration to the person so 26 notified. If any person fails or refuses to pay when due any charge imposed under this section, the city manager may, in addition to taking other collection remedies, certify due 27 any unpaid charges, including interest, to the Boulder County Treasurer to be levied against the person's property for collection by the County in the same manner as 28 delinquent general taxes upon such property are collected, under the procedures K:\DMPS\o-Cafe Seating-252-0002.doc Agenda Item 5C Page 5 of 13 I prescribed by section 2-2-12, "City Manager May Certify Taxes, Charges, And Assessments To County Treasurer For Collection," B.R.C. 1981. This civil remedy is in 2 addition to any criminal action which the city may bring or pursue for a violation of this 3 chapter. 4 (d) Unattached Encroachments. In addition to the authoritXto remove encroachments in section (c) above the city manager is authorized to remove or order removed at an__ time, 5 without notice, any encroachment or other item that is not permanently attached to a building, the public- right of way, or Public_easements-if the encroachment or other item: 6 (1) Violates any provision of the Boulder Revised Code; O 2 Creates anynuisance or public safety_haz ard 8 (3) Needs to be removed to prevent any nuisance or public safety hazard 9 (4) Presents an inconvenience to the users of the public right of way: or 10 (5) The area is necessary to accommodate any other public right of wayTurpose. 11 (de) Compliance With Order Required: No person shall place an encroachment in a public 12 right-of-way or public easement in a manner contrary to the terms of this chapter, or fail to comply with an order to remove such an encroachment. 13 (ef) Hearing: Any person notified of an order under subsection (b) of this section may request 14 a hearing pursuant to chapter 1-3, "Quasi-Judicial Hearings," B.R.C. 1981. If a timely request for a hearing is made, the manager may stay the order pending the hearing, or 15 may opt to require the person to remove the obstruction, in which case the hearing officer may, if the initial order is found not to have been in compliance with the code, order the 16 city to pay the reasonable cost of removal and, in a proper case, the reasonable cost to 17 restore a structure or replace a plant. 18 Section 2. Section 8-6-8, B.R.C. 1981 is amended to read: 19 8-6-8 Exempt Encroachments. 20 The following items are conditionally permitted to encroach on public rights-of-way or public easements without obtaining a revocable right-of-way permit or a lease, and unless indicated 21 otherwise in section 8-64, "Removal of Public Nuisancesa ' B.R.C._1981 subject to an order to 22 remove, without cause, by the city manager after ten days' notice for -encroachments that are attached to buildings or the public right of way or public easements: 23 24 Temporary Street Furniture: Street furniture may be placed in the public right of way on 25 a_sidewalk _in the area immed ately_adiacent to the ropertyby the owner or tenant of property if the following standards are met: 26 (l) Theproper_ty-is located within the University Hill General_Im rovement District 27 as shown in Appendix 8-A of this_04PIeT or the Downtown Boulder Business 28 Improvement District, excluding the Pearl Street Mall as shown in Appendix 8-B of this chapter. K:\DMPS\o-Cafe Seating-252-0002.doc Agenda Item 5C Page 6 of 13 1 O The furniture shall consist solely of tables or chairs intended for outdoor use. 2 Furniture shall be constructed of metal or similarly stable and durable materials 3 that are subject to_ap ro_v_al b the e _ mana eg r. Any other encroachments, including without limitation umbrellas and railings are not exempt encroachments 4 under this section. 5 (3) The placement or use of the furniture does not impair or impede the utility of the 6 right-of-way or easement for its designated purpose. 7 (4) The right of way area is covered by a general comprehensive liability insurance policy that is on file with the city manager naming the City of Boulder as 8 additional insured in accordance with section 4-1-8, "Insurance Required," B.R.C.. 9 1981. 10 j5~The furniture is available for use by-the=general- public. Tempora_ sir furniture for the exclusive use of patrons, offering table service of food or 11 beverages or associated with an establishment licensed to serve alcoholic 12 beverages is prohibited under this section. 13 6) The furniture is temporary in nature and removed easily without tools or equipment. 14 15 7) The furniture is removed and securely stored on private property between the hours of 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. or outside of business hours, whichever is more 16 restrictive. 17 (8) There is no amplified music provided to the right ofway-arm 18 (9) The placement or use of the furniture does not reduce the unobstructed width of 19 the adjacent sidewalk to less than _six_feet. The unobstructed width May be reduced to five _feet _for a maximum distance of five_feet_in areas adjacent to fixed 20 public infrastructure including, but not limited to utili oles parkin a went 21 facilities. and fire hydrants. ' 22 10) The sidewalk area adjacent to the furniture is accessible and usable to persons of all levels of mobility and the sidewalk area can be used in a_manner that is 23 consistent with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act. 24 Section 3. Chapter 8-6 is amended by the adoption of Appendix 8-A, a map showing boundaries 25 26 of the University Hill General Improvement District, and Appendix 8-13, a map showing the boundaries 27 of the Downtown Boulder Business Improvement District that excludes the Pearl Street Mall, as 28 attached to this ordinance. K:\DMPS\o-Cafe Seating-252-0002.doc Agenda Item 5C Page 7 of 13 I Section 4. This ordinance is necessary to protect the public health, safety, and welfare of the 2 3 residents of the city and covers matters of local concern. 4 Section 5. The City Council deems it appropriate that this ordinance be published by title only 5 and orders that copies of this ordinance be made available in the office of the city clerk for public 6 inspection and acquisition. 7 8 9 INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED BY TITLE 10 ONLY this day of 12011. 11 12 Mayor 13 Attest: 14 15 City Clerk on behalf of the 16 Director of Finance and Record 17 18 READ ON SECOND READING, PASSED, ADOPTED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED BY 19 TITLE ONLY this day of , 2011. 20 21 Mayor 22 Attest: 23 24 City Clerk on behalf of the 25 Director of Finance and Record 26 27 28 K:\DMPS\o-Cafe Seating-252-0002.doc Agenda Item 5C Page 8 of 13 APPENDIX 8-A The information depicted on this map is provided as graphical representation only. While source documents were developed 1 inch equals 200 feet with National Map Accuracy Standards, The City of Boulder provides no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy and/or completeness of the information contained hereon. 0 50 100 200 Feet Map produced by Information Resources Office lpp Planning & Development Services . City of Boulder City of "'yyr✓V www.boulderplandevelop.net Boulder - J - University Ave Legend Properties not in ® University Hill General Improvement District (UHGID) Boundaries I Pleasant St Pennsylvania Ave 0 0 11 .L College Ave U) ~I U) N M ~ University Hill Commercial Area APPENDIX 8-B -it 18tlis5t M th' sv 16fh'~Sk •%•i ~ t n El 6+# j LI 15thSt T F 'irtr % t key - y - ~ r7:1 ~I j.V -ham 1 - o*-B~ adwa~ c c 1 th:'.St ~ a 1 t1 St e _t~ IF 9th St s - _j Agenda Item 5C Page 10 of 13 Attachment B CAFE SEATING Caf6 seating at coffee shops and restaurants on the Hill and downtown have become more and more popular over the past few years. With that in mind, the city of Boulder now allows these establishments to provide temporary street furniture without a permit under the following conditions I: • Property is located within the University Hill General Improvement District or the Downtown Boulder Business Improvement District and excluding the Pearl Street Mall; • The furniture shall consist solely of tables or chairs intended for outdoor use. Furniture shall be constructed of metal or similarly stable and durable materials that are subject to approval by the city manager. Any other encroachments, including without limitation umbrellas and railings are not allowed; • The placement or use of the furniture can not impair or impede the utility of the right-of-way or easement for its designated purpose; • Establishment must provide the city with a certificate of general comprehensive liability insurance naming the City of Boulder as an additional insured; • The furniture is available for use by the general public. Temporary street furniture for the exclusive use of patrons, offering table service of food or beverages or associated with an establishment licensed to serve alcoholic beverages is prohibited; • The furniture must be temporary in nature and removed easily without tools or equipment; • The furniture must be removed and securely stored on private property between the hours of 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. or outside of business hours, whichever is more restrictive; • No amplified music provided to the right of way area; • The placement or use of the furniture does not reduce the unobstructed width of the adjacent sidewalk to less than six feet. The unobstructed width may be reduced to five feet for a maximum distance of five feet in areas adjacent to fixed public infrastructure including, but not limited to, utility poles, parking payment facilities, and fire hydrants (see attached diagram); • The sidewalk area adjacent to the furniture is accessible and usable to persons of all levels of mobility and the sidewalk area can be used in a manner that is consistent with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act. • Additional configurations of caf6 seating may be considered and would need the approval of city staff. • There is no charge for establishments ' "Exempt Encroachments" Boulder Revised Code 8-6-8. Agenda Item 5C Page 11 of 13 If you are interested in cafe seating, please contact Ellen Cunningham, Downtown and University Hill Management Division, at 303-413-7315. v Agenda Item 5C Page 12 of 13 i ~ gS ~g1~ u cQ cri S-Poo Af, I Nce 0 0 I i ~ I