4C - Call Up: 1701 Redwood Ave Land Use Review (LUR2010-00066) MEMORANDUM To: Planning Board FROM: Chandler Van Schaack, Associate Planner DATE: March 10, 2011 SUBJECT: Call Up Item: 1701 Redwood Avenue LAND USE REVIEW: Minor subdivision review to allow for the replat of three existing lots and a vacated portion of right-of-way into two new lots through the transfer of 15,111 square feet to Lot 3 of the Impossible Subdivision from Lot 2 of the Moore's Subdivision and the adjacent vacated 30' of Riverside Ave. This approval is subject to call-up on or before March 14, 2011. Attached is the disposition of the conditional approval (see Attachment A) for a review of a minor subdivision to allow for the transfer of 15,111 square feet to Lot 3 (4150 171h St.) of the Impossible Subdivision from Lot 2 (1701 redwood Ave.) of the Moore's Subdivision. This replat will result in the creation of two new lots: Lot 3A (4150 17th St.) in the Impossible Subdivision (22,622 square feet) and Lot 10A (1701 redwood Ave.) in the Moore's Subdivision (28,519 square feet). Pursuant to section 9-12-5 (a), B.R.C. 1981, a Minor Subdivision is required in order to replat the property (see Attachment B for Approved Final Plat). Background: The owner of 1701 Redwood Ave. wishes to sell a 15,111 s.f. portion of the property to the adjacent property owners at 4150 17th St. The owners of 4150 17th St. would like the portion of the property remain undeveloped and therefore have agreed to purchase it. 4150 171h St. is zoned Residential Low One (RL-1) and 1701 Redwood Ave. is zoned Residential Estate (RE). 17 - - - Existing J Proposed L- Sumac Av Suma~Av s r_7 Ci) 1:3 El -(n 17,L JA) IT S K RL-1 J ° tin 1 RL-1; et r- RE RE m 1791 Redw od Ave. ,..f roi kom..od ner+oA, .rt it I- ~I - ~ ,~g P Redwood Av Redwood Av i= u C r c~ n n , I 71 7 _ r I 7 it Conclusion: Staff finds that this application meets the Minor Subdivision criteria set forth in section 9-12-5(e), B.R.C., 1981 and that both properties will exceed the minimum lot size required for their respective zone district designations. Agenda Item 4C Page 1 of 4 This proposal was approved by Planning and Development Services staff on February 28, 2011, and the decision may be called up before Planning Board on or before March 14, 2011. There is one Planning Board meeting within the 14-day call up period on March 10, 2011. Questions about the project or decision should be directed to Chandler Van Schaack at (303) 441-3137 or vanschaackc(a.bouldercolorado.gov. Attachments: Attachment A: Disposition of Approval Attachment B: Approved Final Plat for Impossible Subdivision Replat A' 2 Agenda Item 4C Page 2 of 4 Attachment A: Disposition of Approval ,d~ CITY BOULDER Planning ng and Development Services 11319madwa, TI -I Fk;or • P O Box 791, Boulder, Co .3n8.0I1 ' awie J03.441-1880 • tax 303-441-3241 • Web b0u'Ak plannnvalep "I CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF DISPOSITION You are hereby advised @ml tho follov inq anion Was taken Lythe Plarnmg Uepartmcnt based on tim standards and cdforia of the l-and Use Requlonons as set forth+n Cllafter 9-12-5, B-R.C, 1981, as applleel to the proposed davelopment DECISION: Approved PROJCCI NAME: Impoi is Subdivision Riplal A DESCRIPTION. Mirror Subdivision LOCATION 1701 Redwood Av. COOR: R011i LEGAL OESCRIFTION'. Lot 3, Block t, ImposslWel Subdivision and Let 2, Bock 13, Moore's Subdivision togemar with the south 'h of vacated Riverside Avenue adjoining Lot 2, Block 13, Moae's Skrbrl rvtsion APPL CANT. Rob Justis OWNEFR William C.R. Jon", Kathryn Master and Noah Lieb APFLICATION~ LVR2010.00065 ZONING: RE CASE MANAGER. Charder yam Schaedk THIS IS NOT A SITE SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN APPROVAL AND NO VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT 15 CREATED BY THIS APPROVAL Approved On Dale r By: D Drekell, EX olive Director of Community Plannllsy & SuYlalnabillly This decision maybe appealed to the Planning Board byfiling an appeal letter with the Planning Department Within tutu weeks of the decision date. If no wd,, appaal a filed. the decision shalt be doomed final fourteen days after the dale above menbened Appeal w Planning Board expires: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Noic. Address: 1701 Redwood Av. 3 Agenda Item 4C Page 3 of 4 0 v m m m a U wd d 4 1 FINAL PLAT "m. . N rit-TRc IMPOSSIBLE SUBDIVISION REPLAT A Q ! R'; 44-lE S;_ ylifle a Tl r% H= F 4k'1 i7 -1,1r_ 1 k,. .E,'1' 'i'"•Y e i . ~ ~ y~• ''f+'E 4G°cE le-`e'4icn'- n _y~ kl °L.. µ1k l'cS7 . li. _ - ~ - u•~~r,+ ~ ~ - . ~ .1l ~ Su .Lill '[S' .,..V] .~.s,.. . ~ _ R Z .7 ,-mow ILI O r C - C...9.4 0~~{~. 1~ "iF. 215 T~ RGH • r'Ti DRAPIr _ ~ r NPVwY LL p c.r n..r xa.ut+. , ~IF`N,--2 Q F Y ~srre.l Y4{i~+'~i hli~r~~e`O.'t~ ~ III X~ T .ICI I lllGf