4B - Call Up: 855 Juniper Ave Site Review (LUR2011-00009) MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Board FROM: Karl Guiler, Planner II DATE: March 2, 2011 SUBJECT: CALL UP ITEM: 855 Juniper Avenue; SITE REVIEW # LUR2011- 00009: Request to allow an accessory structure to exceed the 20-foot height limit for accessory structures by roughly three feet pursuant to section 9-2-14(b)(E), "Height Modifications," B.R.C. 1981. The portions of the roof proposed to exceed the height limit are limited to two cupola roof elements with the intent of allow skylight windows and aesthetic interest. Attached is the disposition of approval (Attachment A) to permit an accessory building at 855 Juniper Avenue to have two cupolas roof elements containing windows that extend nearly 3 feet above the 20-foot height limit for accessory structures. The building, which already has a building permit to build at 20-feet, would be located on the back northeast corner of the 21,227 square foot lot (see Attachment E) in North Boulder within the RR-2, Rural Residential zoning district. Presently, the subject site and an adjacent property are being developed by the same owner with a main house, carriage house, and swimming pool, all of which (including the subject accessory building), would comply with the compatible development regulations adopted in 2010. A context map is found below. Ilk - 855 JUIJIPER AV S r a Ilk 4 - Juniper Avenue ~ly 1 1t y. `l'F 1 h SY♦ Agenda Item 4B Page 1 of 18 Site Review is required for any request for a building over the height limit. Site Review Height Modifications under the zoning district principal building height limit (35 feet in this case) are staff level with Planning Board option for call-up. While most Site Review criteria of section 9-2-14(h), B.R.C. 1981 do not pertain to such a request, staff has found the most relevant criteria, principally the "Building Design, Livability, and Relationship to the Existing or Proposed Surrounding Area" criteria can be met for the proposal, because the building would not appear any taller than other accessory buildings in the area (i.e., the building would appear as roughly 20 feet from adjacent grade) and the areas above the maximum height are limited (i.e., roughly 40% of the roof line). Staff's detailed evaluation of the criteria can be found in Attachment B. Further, immediate neighbors of the proposal have indicated their support of the request. However, several other neighbors in the area have expressed their opposition to the request finding the relaxation of regulations unreasonable given the extent of development approved for the lots (see Attachment C) The proposal was approved by Planning and Development Services staff on March 2, 2011 and the decision may be called up before Planning Board on or before March 16, 2011. There is one Planning Board meeting within the 14-day call up period on March 10, 2011. Questions about the project or decision should be directed to Karl Guiler at (303) 441-4236 or guilerk()bouldercolorado.gov at any time during the call-up period. Attachments: A Notice of Disposition dated March 2, 2011 B) Staff responses to Site Review criteria C) Public comment D) Applicant's written statement E) Proposed plans Agenda Item 4B Page 2 of 18 Attachment A CITY OF BOULDER , Planning and Development Services "Av 4 1739 Broadway, Third Floor - P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306-0791 phone 303-441-1880 - fax 303-441-3241 - web boulderplandevelop. net CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF DISPOSITION You are hereby advised that the following action was taken by the Planning Department based on the standards and criteria of the Land Use Regulations as set forth in Chapter 9-2, B,R.C. 1981, as applied to the proposed development. DECISION: Approved with condition PROJECT NAME: 855 JUNIPER AVENUE DESCRIPTION: SITE REVIEW: to allow an accessory structure to exceed the 20-foot height limit for accessory structures by approximately three feet pursuant to section 9-2-14(b)(E), "Height Modifications," B.R.C. 1981. The portions of the roof proposed to exceed the height limit are limited to two cupola roof elements to allow skylight windows and aesthetic interest. LOCATION: 855 JUNIPER AVENUE COOR: N06W07 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 1, Finchwood, City of Boulder, County of Boulder, State of Colorado APPLICANT/OWNER: Christopher Foremand and Laura McCain-Foreman APPLICATION: Site Height Modification Only Review, LUR2011-00009 ZONING: RR-2 CASE MANAGER: Karl Guiler VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT: -NO; the owner has waived the opportunity to create such right under Section 9-2-19, B.R.C. 1981. FOR CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, SEE THE FOLLOWING PAGES OF THIS DISPOSITION. Approved On: I By: D vid Driskell, Director of Community Planning and Sustainability This decision may be appealed to the Planning Board by filing an appeal letter with the Planning Department within two weeks of the decision date. If no such appeal is filed, the decision shall be deemed final fourteen days after the date abovey mentioned. Appeal to'Planning Board expires: -1~ IN ORDER FOR A BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TO BE PROCESSED FOR THIS PROJECT, A SIGNED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL PLANS FOR CITY SIGNATURE MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT WITH DISPOSITION CONDITIONS AS APPROVED SHOWN ON THE FINAL PLANS, IF THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT IS NOT SIGNED WITHIN NINETY (90) DAYS OF THE FINAL DECISION DATE, THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL AUTOMATICALLY EXPIRES. Address: 855 JUNIPER AV Agenda Item 4B Page 3 of 18 Pursuant to Section 9-2-12 of the Land Use Regulations (Boulder Revised Code, 1981), the applicant must begin and substantially complete the approved development within three years from the date of final approval. Failure to "substantially complete" (as defined in Section 9-2-12) the development within three years shall cause this development approval to expire. CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. The Applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that the development shall be in compliance with all approved plans dated February 28, 2011 and on file in the City of Boulder Planning Department. Address: 855 JUNIPER AV Agenda Item 4B Page 4 of 18 ATTACHMENT B SITE REVIEW CRITERIA CHECKLIST i) Criteria for Review: No site review application shall be approved unless the approving agency finds that: (1) Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan: (A) The proposed site plan is consistent with the purposes and policies of the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan. The scope of the request is limited to height and therefore, most BVCP policies are broader and thus, irrelevant to the request. The most relevant section of the BVCP to the request is the Community Design section. There is no evidence that the request would conflict with the Community Design policies and any other policies in the BVCP. (B) The proposed development shall not exceed the maximum density associated with the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan residential land use designation. Additionally, if the density of existing residential development within a three- hundred-foot area surrounding the site is at or exceeds the density permitted in the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan, then the maximum density permitted on the site shall not exceed the lesser of: (i) The density permitted in the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan, or, The addition of a new accessory building on the site will not increase the density on the site. NIA (ii) The maximum number of units that could be placed on the site without waiving or varying any of the requirements of Chapter 9-7, "Bulk and Density Standards," B.R.C. 1981. Only criteria applicable to a height modification have been included below. (F) Building Design, Livability, and Relationship to the Existing or Proposed Surrounding Area: (i) The building height, mass, scale, orientation, and configuration are compatible with the existing character of the area or the character established by an adopted plan for the area; A discussion of the building's proposed height is within criterion (ii) below. The mass and scale of the building would be subservient to the principal building on the lot and one-story. It would appear as any secondary structure would on a rural residential lot. Its orientation would be on a north-south axis, which would match the vast majority of structures in the area. Its position would be in the rear corner of the lot away from the streetscape - an area where accessory structures are permitted and expected. For these reasons, the structure's fundamental size and situation would be compatible with the existing character of the area. (ii) The height of buildings is in general proportion to the height of existing buildings and the proposed or projected heights of approved buildings or approved plans for the immediate area; Agenda Item 4B Page 5 of 18 The proposed height of the accessory building is approximately 23 feet when measured from the lowest point within 25 horizontal feet of the structure. When measuring from adjacent grade, the building height would be equal to or less than 20 feet from most vantage points with roughly 21 feet on the east elevation. The elements of the building that exceed the permitted height of 20 feet are limited to two cupola roof structures that enable clerestory windows to bring light into the building. They are limited to less than half of the roof ridge (roughly 40%), which is at 20 feet in height, and also contribute to the visual interest of the building. Despite the elements not meeting the technical height limit, the ability to exceed the height is preferable and considered appropriate because a more aesthetically pleasing architecture is achieved, the building would not appear any taller than other accessory buildings in the area and the areas above the maximum height are limited. 4 (iii) The orientation of buildings minimizes shadows on and blocking of views from adjacent properties; It has been demonstrated that the accessory building will comply with the Solar Access requirements in Chapter 8 of the Land Use Regulations. No impacts to views or excessive shadowing would occur as a result of the building. (iv) If the character of the area is identifiable, the project is made compatible by the appropriate use of color, materials, landscaping, signs, and lighting; The character of the area is somewhat eclectic considering the number and variety of buildings built during several decades predominantly from the 1950s onward. Despite the variation in styles, the lower density rural residential character of the area has informed the design of many buildings, which tend to have traditional roof forms and rural rustic architectural elements. The proposed building would have a gable roof form and would include reclaimed barn vertical siding, windows with mullions, and a corrugated metal roof, all of which would complement other structures in the area and fit harmoniously within the rural residential context. (v) Buildings present an attractive streetscape, incorporate architectural and site design elements appropriate to a pedestrian scale, and provide for the safety and convenience of pedestrians; Accessory structures are required and anticipated to be set back from the street. Therefore, the building is not expected to present an attractive streetscape or contribute to a pedestrian environment. Nevertheless, the building includes aesthetic treatments and elements often found appropriate and attractive for users and visitors of buildings, such as mass reducing roof forms, fenestration and building materials that contribute to visual interest. For these reasons, the building is found consistent with this criterion. NIA (vi) To the extent practical, the project provides public amenities and planned public facilities; The proposed accessory building is an improvement for private use, which is allowable on the lot. NIA (vii) For residential projects, the project assists the community in producing a variety of housing types, such as multi-family, townhouses, and detached single- family units as well as mixed lot sizes, number of bedrooms, and sizes of units; The proposed accessory building is a permitted improvement to a single-family lot. Agenda Item 4B Page 6 of 18 (viii) For residential projects, noise is minimized between units, between buildings, and from either on-site or off-site external sources through spacing, landscaping, and building materials; The proposed accessory building would comply with setbacks and would not present any impacts above what would normally be expected from any other structure that is permitted at that allowable distance. 4 (ix) A lighting plan is provided which augments security, energy conservation, safety, and aesthetics; Any new lighting that may be associated with the new accessory building would have to comply with the Lighting Ordinance. This would be verified at time of building permit. N/A (x) The project incorporates the natural environment into the design and avoids, minimizes, or mitigates impacts to natural systems; There are no identified natural systems on the property to be impacted. (xi) Cut and fill are minimized on the site, the design of buildings conforms to the natural contours of the land, and the site design minimizes erosion, slope instability, landslide, mudflow or subsidence, and minimizes the potential threat to property caused by geological hazards. The accessory building is proposed on a generally level area of the lot and the only grading necessary is for the proposed basement. (G) Solar Siting and Construction: For the purpose of ensuring the maximum potential for utilization of solar energy in the city, all applicants for residential site reviews shall place streets, lots, open spaces, and buildings so as to maximize the potential for the use of solar energy in accordance with the following solar siting criteria: NIA (i) Placement of Open Space and Streets: Open space areas are located wherever practical to protect buildings from shading by other buildings within the development or from buildings on adjacent properties. Topography and other natural features and constraints may justify deviations from this criterion. Not applicable. No new streets are proposed and the building would not be tall enough to significantly impact solar access of any buildings to the north. (ii) Lot Layout and Building Siting: Lots are oriented and buildings are sited in a way which maximizes the solar potential of each principal building. Lots are designed to facilitate siting a structure which is unshaded by other nearby structures. Wherever practical, buildings are sited close to the north lot line to increase yard space to the south for better owner control of shading. The building would be sited according to RR-2 zoning standards and close to the north lot line consistent with this criterion. 4 (iii) Building Form: The shapes of buildings are designed to maximize utilization of solar energy. Buildings shall meet the solar access protection and solar siting requirements of Chapter 9-8=, "Solar Access," B.R.C. 1981. Agenda Item 4B Page 7 of 18 The building is proposed with a gable roof form with east, west, and south facing forms which would be suitable for solar panel installation. 4 (iv) Landscaping: The shading effects of proposed landscaping on adjacent buildings are minimized. No landscaping, which could create shadow impacts, have been proposed. Agenda Item 4B Page 8 of 18 Nov 23 10 06:45p 405-755-1142 p.1 Attachment C February 1, 2011 City of Boulder Planning and Development Services 1739 Broadway Boulder, CO 80306 RE: Site Review with Height Modification Job Site Address: 855 Juniper Ave Dear Planning and Development Staff, I have reviewed the approved drawings for the Office accessory building at 855 Juniper Ave. I leave also reviewed the proposed drawings, which show the building with two cupolas. I understand that the cupolas are 2'-10" higher than the allowable height of 20"-0". I do not have any objections to the cupolas. Sincerely, !1 im H61mboe 850 Kalmia Ave. Agenda Item 413 Page 9 of 18 i i I E I { I 1"lbrtlstrg° .''?y .~`±.li 3 Cit1 ofl3ouktcr Ilanning wsd Development Scrvix.s 1739 Broadway k Souldcr- CO K0306 RJ : She Revicw wits I leisght Modification E fob Sile Addrois; 955 hiniI?c":r Ave I Dear Planning and DeveloPmernt Staff. I " I I have rc;'i wed tlic appravcd drawiftg,,; for the (?Biee ace~,ssorv Wildi7g it 855 Juniper eO;e, I larva: iIso mvicwcd the prop g&ed drawings, E~ [l' Is show the bvildass~ ~vsth trio Cupolas. I I understwid that the cupolas arz 2'-l0" higher than lbF allowable height of'20"-t} I Flo s not have any objections to tlac cijjw as. r, r r 4t:ls~t :4 I E E f Best Regards, Christopher Foreman 211 W. Wacker Dr. Suite 710 2 Agenda Item 413 Page 10 of 18 I Febmwv X011 (:iL 01'T Boulder plannin- and Dcvelopirent Scr.•icc4 1739 Broadxvgy Boulder. CO 803(16 [ li: Site Review vAth I icight Ntodificail on Job Sitc,Addivss: 85-S Juniper Me [Dear Planning and l)cv-elohment Stj€ f. 1 Nava: rcvic%vc $ ;he approved drawings for the. Office iwcessory buildim, at 8$i Juni per Avr. [ have abo jrN'Ivctcd the propo~cd dr-auings, Nvhich shove the building to°i.h tv,o euro[as_ [ understand that the cialaolas atrc 10" hi [>er than the a[lowable height of 20"-0". [ do not hav anv obis-tions to I.hc cu}xslas. .cintre.[y, < ~n A e=rr ~Jfwj _ :~'~L'IFrG l~VlL. Best Regards, Christopher Foreman 211 W. Wacker Dr. Suite 710 z Agenda Item 4B Page 11 of 18 Guiler, Karl From: Aievineed@aol.com Sent: Monday, February 28, 2011 9:35 PM To: Guiler, Karl Subject: Variance 835 Juniper Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Dear Mr. Guiler, I wish to register my opposition to the requested height variance to the home to be constructed at 835 Juniper. Although 3 feet does not seem like a great difference, it seems to me that it will have a profound effect on the nature and feel of the street and will result in the house looming over surrounding houses. The entire structure will be 8,285 feet. On the same lot, two structures will be built at a newly created address (855 Juniper); one is a "single-family home with a total of 2,640 square feet and the other is described as being "a detached one-storyoffice structure of 784 square feet plus a 100-square foot porch." I am surprised that an office structure was approved for this residential neighborhood. Can you please confirm that is a legal use of the land? Alice Levine 585 Juniper Avenue Boulder, CO 80304 303-447-0799 1 Agenda Item 413 Page 12 of 18 Attachment D SHAVER Annette Shaver A.E.A. Architecture & Site Development February 7, 2011 City of Boulder Planning and Development Services 1739 Broadway Boulder, CO 80306 RE: Site Review with Height Modification Job Site Address: 855 Juniper Ave Dear Planning and Development Staff, I would like to apply for a Site Review, Height Modification for the Accessory Structure at 855 Juniper Avenue. The proposed and approved building is 18' tall at the lowest (southeast) corner of the building and 19'-10 tall from the low point 25 feet away. I would like to apply for a height modification in order to add two cupolas to the roof of the building. The cupolas would raise the height to 21' at the lowest corner and 22'-10 '12" from the low point 25 feet away. I am applying for this variance under the code section 9-2-14 (a), Site Review, Purpose. As stated, the purpose of a Site Review is to allow flexibility and encourage innovation in land use development. I feel that this request is a perfect example of those two issues. The cupolas are a very minor addition to the bulk of the building but add a great deal of interest and design to a very simple building. The addition of these cupolas will allow additional light and ventilation into the space. As discussed with Jim Gery, Meghan Lawson and Brian Holmes this project is not as complicated as most Site Review applications and the only Criteria for Review that are applicable are stated in code section 9-2-14 (h) Section F, Criteria for Review, Building Design, Livability, and Relationship to the Existing or Proposed Surrounding Area (i) The building height, mass, scale, orientation and configuration are compatible with the existing character of the area or the character established by an adopted plan for the area; The height, mass and scale of this building are compatible with the existing character of the area. This building is in a residential area zoned RR-2. The maximum height for a primary residence is 35 feet. The proposed primary residence at 855 Juniper is 30'-1l 3/4 The proposed primary residence at 835 Juniper is 34'-10". The adjacent primary residence at 905 Juniper appears to be about 29 feet tall. 7 believe that the intent of the code is that an accessory structure appears diminutive as it relates to the primary structure. While this 2115 Meadow Avenue Boulder, Colorado 80304 Phone: 303.444.4337 Fax: 303.939.8387 18 SHAVER Annette Shaver A.I.A. Architecture & Site Development accessory structure might feel large in an RI-1 neighborhood,- it will feel quite diminutive in the setting where it is proposed. (ii) The height of the building is in general proportion to the height of existing buildings and the proposed or projected heights of approved buildings or approved plans for the immediate area; As stated above the height of the proposed building is in proportion with the surrounding buildings and their uses. The perceived height of this building will be quite low, the average height of the eave is 9'-3 " and more that half of the ridgeline remains at the 20' height limit. (iii) The orientation of the buildings minimizes shadows on and blocking of views from adjacent properties; The north south orientation of the building and cupolas minimizes the shadows cast onto adjacent properties because the shadows are cast primarily onto the roof of the building. The building will not block any views due to the mature trees in the neighborhood. (iv) If the character of the area is identifiable, the project is made compatible by the appropriate use of color, materials, landscaping, signs and lighting; The proposed building is in keeping with the character of the area. It is a typical blend of residential styles within which the three buildings proposed for 835 and 855 Juniper are designed as a group and are very compatible in character, color, materials landscaping and lighting. Thank you for all of the time spent helping with the preparation of this application. It is my hope that you will find that the proposed project has been thoughtfully designed within the constraints and will be an asset to the neighborhood. I have attached the required information and materials as listed in the Land Use Review Application Form. I Please call with any additional questions or requirements. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Annette Shaver A.I.A. 2115 Meadow Avenue Boulder, Colorado 80304 Phone: 303.444.4337 Fax: 303.939.8387 AgRRftq .ngt 18 PROJECT TEA JTTEAM DRAWING LIST SHAVER ASSOCIATES ANNETTE SHAVER, AIA 2115 Meadow Avenue OWNER , CO 803 ARCHITECTURAL phBoulder 303 .4444,4337 fax 303.939.8387 I 1 i I I ` ( CHRIS & LAURA FOREMAN k FOREMAN A1.1 TITLE SHT / SITE PLAN / SOLAR ANALYSIS { 77'-0" 865 KALMIA AVENUE ENUE A2.1 CRAWL P LN / FLOOR P LN / ROOF P LN LISA EGGER, AIA 80304 2455 Tenth Street l centerline of bldgs/pool BOULDER, CO 80304 49 Boulder, CO 80304 I REPLACE WOR REPAIR 1 76 • OO, I PH 303-444-3049 EXISTING 5' PERIMETER FENCE A3.1 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS ph 303.449.0490 r W 303.449.0489 _ ARCHITECTS STS A4.1 BLDG SECTIONS / W DW & DOOR SCH E D. SOLAR ANALYSIS ~ - -Height from Shadow change in ht Final I h~~~ f o Q~~ j ~co co - A5.1 WALL SECTIONS 1 co t I ~cn ANNETTE SHAVER, AIA /ER, AIA LISA EGGER, AIA Point fin. fir (84.0) length along shadow New height shadow length 1 / - 2115 MEADOW AVENUE AVENUE 2455 10TH STREET from 84.0 I f BOULDER, CO 80304 80304 BOULDER, CO 80304 A 8.08' NA I r-- ~_23 SE18llgc - - - - - - - -r-==-~---- PH 303-444-4337 37 PH 303-449-0490 I B 16.08' 10.82' -2.01+.5' 14.08'/ 16.58' 5.52'/ 12.14' FX 303-939-8387 ,97 FX 303-449-0489 I 5486 ~ C 8.08' NA Aa* D 16.33' 11.48' -2.2' 14.13' 5.74' 1 STRUCTURAL ENG RAL ENGINEER E 19.08' 18.72' -2.2 / +1.1' 16.88'/ 20.18' 12.8'/ 21.64' o ° Akdl~ I I !~I GEBAU, INC. F 16.33' 11.48' +1.2' 17.53' 14.52' i - - i_ _ _ _i - - - - - JOHN ARNDT, P.E. D.E. G 16.33' 11.48' +1.5' 17.83' 15.4' Alp r - - - -1 J I 1121 BROADWAY, STE 201 kY, STE 201 H 16.33' 11.48' +.5' 16.83' 12.8' I T-- T 7 I BOULDER, CO 80302 80302 J 19.08' 18.72' +.5 / +1.8' 19.58'/ 20.88' 20.04'/ 23.4' 1 I, I I I I 1 I I I I 9% PH 303-444-8545 45 ~o ° r 1 LO FX 303-444-3140 o~ I 1 I I MA LEVE/FF 1 40 K 16.33' 11.48' +2.0' 18.33' 16.78' t❑ J 1 1 1 EL.=±5487.75 1 1 1 L 16.33' 11.48' +2.0' 18.33' 16.78' STRUCTURAL I I M 8.08' NA I i( I I I l i j i BUILDER 1-0 I I o A ° 1 - 1 1 1 ~ I 1 a 1 I I I i I I I I I 1 I • SUGARLOAF BUILDING COMF JILDING COMPANY S1.1 FOUNDATION PLAN 6 • 1 1 I RICH JORGENSEN 1 L 1 740 JUNIPER AVENUE >EN MAIN FLOOR FRAMING PLAN U - I l~ VENUE I 1 I° ° - - - ° ° - - - - ° -1- - - ° 1 I I BOULDER, CO 80304 80304 ROOF FRAMING PLAN w ~I l I 11L - - PH 303-444-1782 82 67 S2.1 NOTES/DETAILS - - 5487 - - L FX 303-447-3667 i LOt 't l I i I 835 J N4E R + ~ I 00 Do I I SOILS ENGINEER GINEER Z 5483 I ( 5483 I~ I - - 1aw s~e~ac - ~I❑~~ l 1C SE78ACK c~ ASSOCIATES W W T - w l ti J, k SCOTT, COX & ASSOCIATES i,0 U-) Ln 1 124.5 w KEVIN HINDS W E ET r C:, - 11 I I r I I~❑ I i I I I I I i i I 1 fl J 1 z 1530 55TH STREET - - BOULDER, CO 80303 1 80303 Z) z cr) - 5486 / 3 SHACK - " 6 _ _ PH 303-444-3051 51 co 0 Ili C) 98'-3 3/4" 10'i " 2 FX 303-444-3387 87 > 00 Lrv EL.=+83.5 F_ n~ CC Ap ~A/ ' FUTURE I~ARU APE FLOOD ENGINEER LLI < O gGINEER LIGHTING 1 ELECTRICAL W W U - ❑/51 I r _ - - -}G f Or- (D o~ TURI: T I X54 st W SCOTT, COX & ASSOCIATES ASSOCIATES < - LLI OT 1 - - - ff INFLR - - DON ASH T B 20' 60' - z w Q ` - FUTU E POOL 1530 55TH STREET Q( E EL. w I I 1 = 00 PNIIT BOULDER, CO 80303 EET -j 80303 - - - - - - - - - - r FUTURE ( L-- 1 ,OOU G PH 303-444-3051 w WALL - - - FX 303-444-3387 51 < O 5483 I I I I I U r - - - - - - I I I ~ 5483 ~ - - 11 87 I I I/ w L J I cc 1 r I N LOT !AREA = E ER I. o F 21,227 SF LOW NOINT_ MECHANICAL ENG 25' 1 z I \ 1 EL.+.5480.2' CAL ENGINEER PROJECT DESCRIPTION 00 I a. r 00 - 22'-2 i 4° BLUE VALLEY ENERGY W CID ~q,`~ - f ` I 855 JUNIPER DAVID PETROY =NERGY NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE & ACCESSORY BLDG W/ SQUARE FOOTAGE AS DESCRIBED BELOW.  ".,>I Ott 1 CRUDE: 2006 IN I EHNA I ZONAL HESIDEN I IAL GODE BOULDER CO 80301 30301 & BOULDER REVISED CODE (BRC 1981) 1 r,,,l ♦ I I I PH 303-993-2645 45 ZONE: RR-2 ) LOT SIZE: 21,227 SF U. - -I - - ` P~~ co I ENERGY CONSULT SONS U LTANT MAX. FAR: (21,227 SF x 0.122) + 2,880 = 5,470 SF COO G I MAX. BLDG COVERAGE: (21,227SF x 0.116) + 1,890 = 4,352 SF '-2 L--- I ~n I 1 ll SOLAR FENCE: 12' 28'-0. /4' Q-+ ENERGY LOGIC F- 2496 sf I o L JASON ACOSTA ' C~l~l IT cb~ I FIN FLR FIN FLR-ti PRINCIPAL BLDG. HEIGHT LIMIT: 35' GARAGE" AR E GARAGE I M P.O. BOX N _ DOORS I DOORS I o BERTHOUD, CO 80513 ) 80513 PRINCIPAL BLDG. SETBACKS: t I FL=+.5, 17 I RID EL. j LL-+5484.7-Lo i l (FPE 5511.8 (FPE) <v PH 970-692-0342 42 FRONT = 25' t t t b I w ' ~I I L I 48'- 1/4" b . _ FX 970-532-5074 74 SIDE = 15'110' MIN. ♦ COf~C PAD I I FN IF I TOTAL SIDE = 25' MIN. REAR = 25' MIN. I / I 11 I ~ - I ♦i MET .5 SURVEYOR M )R ACCESSORY BLDG. HEIGHT LIMIT: 20' - X5484 - - _ ~ S~ 5484 AW DINT N W IN 25' FLAGSTAFF SURVEYING, INC PROPOSED ACCESSORY BLDG. HEIGHT: 23' i+ ICL EL 5480.5' iRVEYING, INC. ACCESSORY BLDG. SETBACKS: . - J/ LEE STADELE SETBACK 637 S. BROADWAY, STE C FRONT = 55' Revisions I I ~ 1 l I _ 5483 11'-0" BOULDER, CO 80305 JAY, STE C SIDE - 15'110' MIN. - ♦ I ` NEW w PH 303-499-9737 80305 TOTAL SIDE - 25' MIN. Schematic Pricing 37 REAR = Y OR 3' Set - 9!8110 ACb evN CO TE' - - -482 11 I 1 -41 4~52 4$~ DRNE A( V) IVF ADS Al& / LANDSCAPE DESK Permit Set - 11112110 N p 14 r N 11 N F PE DESIGN SQUARE FOOTAGE Site Review - 27111 Site Review I W W R WATER 'TRE CARRIAGE HOUSE: Corrections - 2/28/11 Lo CMETER w w W ` w -w w w AZURE CANYON LANDSCAPII N LANDSCAPING _ / - JACK GEER MAIN LEVEL -FINISHED 16061 EDGE O ROAD NO EXISTING URB 203 MORNINGSIDE PARK RO) SIDE PARK ROAD I \ & GUTTER BOULDER, CO 80304 80304 GARAGE 1,376 sf A _ PH 303-517-8011 11 UPPER LEVEL 960 Si Drawings N 89 46 E I centerline f bldgslpool -G G- G G G G I G -G G- G TOTAL 2,496 sf SS- SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS- I TITLE SHEET/ COVERED PORCH 144 Si SITE PLAN/ Juni er ~ Av\ enu~e SOLAR ANALYSIS T OFFICE: Scale Date ~yo9% MAIN LEVEL 784 sf 1 200-0" 2128111 CUPOLAS 170 sf TOTAL 954 sf Sheet 1 SOLAR ANALYSIS 2 SITE PI SITE PLAN LOT AREA = 21,227 SF COVERED PORCH 100 Si ■ A1.0 1"=20'-O" A1.0 1 "=20--l Lo 1 20._0,. Agenda Item 413 Page 15 of 18 SHAVER ASSOCIATES ANNETTE SHAVER, AIA 2115 Meadow Avenue Boulder, CO 80304 ph 303.444.4337 fax 303.939.8387 LISA EGGER, AIA 2455 Tenth Street Boulder, CO 80304 ph 303.449.0490 fax 303.449.0489 , 3 aA., L J A4.1 26'-0„ 2 26'-0„ 1 CA - N/W / 20/ /i iii iii /i A CONC. ENCASED F- ELECTHODE, 300 AM CR WL I ELECT. CR WL I PANEL SP GE AC ESSI SP c F; (OFFICE AC ESI CRAWL SPACE 24»x24» L - I- J ACCESS EXPOSED EARTI-I TO BE PANEL COVERED W/ CONTINUOUS MECHANICAL 300 AM j CRAWL SPACE ELECT. VAPOR BARRIER. PROVIDE 6" LAP JOINTS @ WALL, TAPE & CONC. SLAB PANEL i SEAL @a JOINTS & WALL. ° Aa., 6' CLG MAX. (CAR. H) Qo I I DATA NOWN/ w/00000/0" NOTE: MECHANICAL RM SERVES OFFICE j 10, AND CARRIAGE HOUSE. RADIANT FLOOR HEAT & BOILER WATE (OFFICE 0 I MIN ISPLIT COOLING UNIT HEATS% CARR. HOUSE) pct I TYP. a BOTH BUILDINGS. j W / / % o 0/0% MMO B~ - U 21'-0" C4 10 0» 10' 0" 21'-0" I Z El~ 26'-0" W W 26'-0" r) U) : C~ C3) 2) C2) 1 - Z ce) 0 C) > co C/) CRAWL SPACE/MECHANICAL PLAN Uj = <t o A2.1 W of U < zw o Z < L o Q cc) in 2 ~ U 3 aA., F.A.1 26'-0" C2) 26'-0" 1 3 2 4 26'-0" ~L!J 26'-a" w n _  1-4" ERV EXHAUiT ;HAU~ST HB O O 0 K I - A l A~ I - A A - IN SAVE BLK i BOILLR O ' B~ BOILER O U. LXHAUST EXI- T STORAGE EXHAUST I / I x1 20'-1 ° 8'-5" CLG 30„ 30" n CONC. FLR CRAWL 30" 30" CRAWL 20'-1" N N SP CF SP CL ACCISS EQ r 10 EQ ACCESS -I 11 / I N N p r O N I O I OFF CES I 4 0 CHRIS' O r OFFICE I 5 5A 07 W] r 07 O O Q o~ _ - I 85 SF OF CUPOLA (42.5 SF X 2) I ' BATHRM BATHRM ! 185 SF OF CUPOLA (42.5 SF X 2) _ o CONTRIBUTE-S TO F.A.R. 7'x 5' - - - - - - - - - io 15' x 20' CO 9' CLG Tx 5' CONTRIBUTES TO F.A.R. A4.1 SB I - ~ CO CD VAULTED WD CLG I Ln TILE FLR 9'cLG (--------T5xk- TILE FLR I VAULTED WD CLG r1 N_ NC. FLR TERITACK BD WALLS I 2'-8 1/2" 17'-3 1/2" { r 2 I I PLOAS WALNUT FLR 17'-3 1/2" I PL ASTER WALLS GO r'7 I~ Oj 9A O ~ I---------- -I r EO EQ EQ / L ---------I /j - J N ~ ~ N 12 N 13 (MONITOR ABOVE \=J SHOWN DASHED_ o - MONITOR ABOVE O SHOWN DASHED / 10 *FIN. FLR=100'-3" o 5 Revisions (EL, 5484.0) --FIN. FLR=100'-3" I L\ ~ 1'-6~ ~'-6" 10' 0" _ (EL. 5484.0) Schematic Pricing Set - 9/8/10 a g B - - 1212 12:12 O HB PORCH B Permit Set -11/12110 PORCH s N VAU TED WD CI 11'4 9' 0 Site Review - 2/7/11 VAU TED WD CLG J i STO(~E FLR sTOrt L FLR I Correct Revi FIN. FLR=100'-2 n s -2/28/11 FIN. FLR=100'-2 1/4" 6" GUTTER, TYP. UTTER, TYP. 5" DOWNSPOUT, TY OWNSPOUT, TYP. I 5'-4" 5'- 5'-4„ -VIE ;OR 26'-0" 26'-0" 26'-0" 26'-0" 3 ~2) 1 3 2 2 1 Drawings CRAWL PLAN 2 ROOF PLAN 6 PLAN 784 SF FLOOR PLAN A2.1 A2.1 100 SF PORCH ROOF PLAN Scale Date 1/4" = V-0 2/28/11 Sheet A2,1 Agenda Item 413 Page 16 of 18 SHAVER ASSOCIATES ANNETTE SHAVER, AIA 2115 Meadow Avenue Boulder, CO 80304 ph 303.444.4337 fax 303.939.8387 LISA EGGER, AIA 2455 Tenth Street Boulder, CO 80304 ph 303.449.0490 fax 303.449.0489 --M ECH. APPERTUNANCE W/ ELECT. OPERATED AWNING WINDOWS FOR 12 RELEASE OF WARM AIR-~__` N ° WOOD & METAL 20' HEIGHT LIMIT TRUSS sor l 10,00/0 12 CORRU10~ METAL CORRUGATED CORRUGATED METAL ROOF 12 0/0 0/0 METAL ROOF M ~ ~ 9A KOLBE DH OLD 0 LLHHHH11111111 0/0 WORLD WINDOWS i 4 N 4 I Q EXPOSED RAFTER 0 N I TAILS W rn :1E RLt,LAII RECLAIMED BARN g VLRTIC STEPPED SIDING VERTICAL WOOD g SIDING RECLAIMED BARN FDN WALL VERTICAL WOOD SIDING z I I ~ +100'-3" - I _ EL.+5484. "TOT.O.FIN.FLIR TEXAS LIMESTONE W W BASE, TYP. W BUFF RE SANDSTONE BA RECLAIMED +99'-9 3/4" 4'-0" 4'-6" 7'-6" URN PORCH FLR OF BARN BEAMS Z co OR S4S W (TYPICAL) 16'-0" CC COLUMNS 0 > CID EL.+5480.2 LOW POINT W/IN 25' W `t O NORTH ELEVATION 2 WEST ELEVATION W W0 A2.1 A2.1 < zw ~o I z~ < o I <C 2(.) 00 I W "Oe I  i i IHHHHHHHHH j I LE~Ej MEN IM ~Gl 0/0 OKI CORRUGATED CORRUGATED METAL ROOF METAL ROOF BOILER n PLUMBING PLUMBING VENT 5A ~ EXHAUST VENT I KOLBE DH OLD WORLD WINDOWS RECLAIMED BARN zl 0 RECLAIMED BARN VERTICAL WOOD 5 N 4 3 2 VERTICAL WOOD SIDING slDwc Revisions ERV Schematic Pricing Set - 9/8/10 N AKEO t-l- -LL i =1 L I Permit Set - 11 /12/10 Site Review - 2/7/11 EL.+5481.5 Site Review -muumuu LOW POINT OF Corrections - 2/28/11 GRADE & BLDG ALONG PL SIDE SIDE YARD SETBACK s SOUTH ELEVATION A2.1 A2.1 w EAST ELEVATION Drawings EXT. ELEVATIONS Scale Date 1/4" = V-0 2/28/11 Sheet A3,1 Agenda Item 413 Page 17 of 18 WINDOW SCHEDULE SHAVER ASSOCIATES ANNETTE SHAVER, AIA Window Catalogue ROUGH OPNG Exterior Wall Head Height 2115 Meadow Avenue No. No. Width Height Condition Type above fin. fir Remarks Boulder, CO 80304 ph 303.444.4337 fax 303.939.8387 MAIN LEVEL 1 CUSTOM 2'-111/4" 5'-3" wood A T-8" 2 CUSTOM 2'-111/4" 5'-3" wood A 7'-8" LISA EGGER, AIA 3 CUSTOM 2'-111/4" 5'-3" wood A 7'-8" 2455 Tenth Street Boulder, CO 80304 ph 303.449.0490 4 CUSTOM 2'-11114" 5'-3" wood A 7'-8" fax 303.449.0489 5 CUSTOM 5'-101/2" 5'-3" wood B 7'-8" 5A CUSTOM VERIFY VERIFY wood C 9'-7" Fixed transom above window 6 CUSTOM 8'-10" 5'-3" wood D 7'-8" OB 16'-0„ A B 16'-0" 01\-~' 7A NOT USED 10 10 8 CUSTOM 8'-10" 5'-3" wood D 7'-8" 6'-0" MECH.APPERTUNANCE 9 CUSTOM 5'-10112" 5'-3" wood B 7'-8" 12 W/ ELE(,T. OPERATED \ AWNING WINDOWS FOR 9A CUSTOM VERIFY VERIFY wood C 9'-7" Fixed transom above window 8~ RELEASE OF WARM AIR 10 KW26183 8'-5" V-8 112" wood F/ Elect. / F 16'-2 112" 4" mull pocket, cupola windows 11 KW26183 8'-5" V-8 112" wood F/ Elect. / F 16'-2 1/2" 4" mull pocket, cupola windows +116'-5' 20' HEIGHT LIMI T.O.PLATE 2.. / ^ 12 KW26183 8'-5" V-8 112" wood F/ Elect. / F 16'-2 112" 4" mull pocket, cupola windows 13 KW26183 8'-5" V-8 1/2" wood F/ Elect. / F 16'-2 112" 4" mull pocket, cupola windows I / ~ I m I I Notes: 12 12 1. Kolbe and Kolbe Doulbe Hung Old World Windows unless otherwise noted. 2. Provide tempered glass where required by code. 10 ~10 3. See plans for locations of egress windows. N 4. Provide insect screens at all operable type windows. + 109'-2" +108'-8" T.O.BEAM 5. Confirm window schedule from manufacturer to verify all rough opening T.O.PLATE frzz LE~E~l CN I - requirements. 6. Hardware finish to be determined. 1'-6' O o ~ 7. 1" mullions with spacer bar. a ~ N 8. VERIFY typical jamb depth. Ln L U A' FI co i PORCH :1E BATHRM STORAGE co I U Z WINDOW TYPES EL.+5484. +1+100'-2 1/4" T.O.FIN.FLR WQA T.O.PLYWD T.O. FIN.FLR T.O.PLYWD D @PORCH LW W Z© 2'-11 1/4" 5'-10 1/2" ERIFY R.O. 8'-10" 2'-6 1/2" 2'-6 1/2" 2'-6 1/2" CRAWL SPACE R .0. R.O. R.O. R.O. R.O. R.O. 0 CID MECHANICAL,/ LOW PT. CRAWL SPACE WIN 25 L.+5480.2 1 1~1 oo ~ ' Ui W 0 N N N w W r' C? ALIGN ~ Ln WITH SASH EL.+5476. +92'-11" T.O.S LAB < zw BELOW, TYP. Z ~o WDW TYPE A WDW TYPE B WDW TYPE C WDW TYPE D WDW TYPE E WDW TYPE F 1 SECTION LOOKING NORTH 2 SECTION LOOKING WDW TYPE F A4.1 A4.1 LOOKING NORTH < O CUSTOM DH CUSTOM DOUBLE HUNG CUSTOM FIXED CUSTOM DOUBLE HUNG HERITAGE ELECT. HERITAGE FIX HERITAGE FIXED Q oa TRANSOM OPERATING AWNING TRANSOM TRANSOM w n2 C3-)  DOOR SCHEDULE 5'-9" 5,4' 5'-9„ 9'-61, 5-9„ I UL Door ROUGH OPNG No Room Name Door Size R1 OU Height Type Handing Hardware Remarks MAIN LEVEL 1 Laura's Office 3'x 8' 3'-2" 8'-1 1/2" A, Exterior, Walnut LH Deadbolt, Entry Lock 2 Bathroom 3'x 8' 3'-2" 8'-1 112" A, Exterior, Walnut RH Privacy Outswinging, sandblasted glass 3 Storage 2'x 7' 2'-2" 7'-1 112" C, Interior, painted LH Passage ~m M- ILU\ Revisions 4 Storage 2'-6" x 7' 2'-8" T-1 1/2" C, Interior, painted POCKET Pocket 5 Chris' Office 3'x 8' 3'-2" 8'-1 112" A, Exterior, Walnut RH Deadbolt, Entry Lock I I N otes: 1. Custom painted panel doors unless otherwise noted. See elevation types for style. 2. Hardware style and finish to be determined. Hinges and misc. hardware to match. 3. Exterior doors with glazing and true divided lites as shown. 4. Interior Door thickness = t I Schematic Pricing 5. Exterior Door thickness = 2" LAURA'S STOR. BATHRM OFFICE CHRIS' Set - 9/8/10 J~M I I OFFICE Permit Set - 11 /12/10 6. VERIFY typical Jamb depth. I EE EU JEE Site Review - 2/7/11 00, Site Review VOILVARIES-SEE STRUCT. Corrections - 2/28/11 T.D.FDN Q N. WALL +100'-0" DOUR TYPES T.O. PLYWD EXTERIOR DOORS: INTERIOR DOORS CRAWL SPACE I 3'-0" 2'-6" MECHANIC o CRAWL S1 MECHANICAL,' CRAWL SPACE Drawings i BLDG SECTIONS WDW SCHEDULES +9z'-_ 1,~ DOOR SCHEDULES T.O.SLAB CD 1 00 CD Ll Scale Date O o I I M s SECTION LOOKING EAST 1/4" = V-0 2/28/11 A4.1 Sheet DOOR TYPE A DOOR TYPE B A401 Agenda Item 413 Page 18 of 18