6A - Information Item: 5920 Longbow Dr (TEC2010-00040) Return to Agenda MEMORANDUM Informational Item To: Planning Board FROM: Chandler Van Schaack, Associate Planner DATE: January 6, 2011 SUBJECT: Informational Item: 5920 Longbow Dr. (TEC2010-00040) TECHNICAL DOCUMENT REVIEW: Final Plat for the elimination of the lot line between Lot 7 and Lot 10A to create one lot at 5920 Longbow Dr. Attached is the disposition of approval (Attachment A) of the staff approval for a Technical Document Review to allow the elimination of the lot line between Lot 7 and Lot10A, Longbow Park Replat `D' (5920 Longbow Dr.) to form one single 664,803 square foot lot as shown in Attachment B. The subject application was initiated as part of the 2010 Covidien Campus expansion project approved by Planning Board on September 16, 2010 (Agenda Item can be viewed here). Currently, there are 3 existing buildings located on Lots 7 and 10A, totaling approximately 211,332 s.f. in building area, as well as a large surface parking lot. The expansion approved through LUR2010- 00006 and LUR2010-00007 includes adding a new 64,862 s.f. building and adjacent 140,000 s.f. parking structure located on what is now Lot 10A within the Covidien PUD. This Lot Line Elimination is required in order to ensure that the newly created Lot 10B will be adjacent to Lot 1, thereby ensuring that the transfer of floor area - - approved as part of the Covidien expansion is Lot line to be within the parameters of eliminated the code (please see figure on right for existing lot locations and Attachment A for * l • ` 40 : approved replat). :L ^t~.L~^7 7 y'd 14JLI,.,.IL1LLYiY I. The subject approval meets all of the requirements of Section 9-12-4, B.R.C. 1981 for a Lot Line Elimination. Please find this transmittal as a courtesy in accordance with Section 9-12-4, B.R.C. 1981. The subject approval is not subject to call-up or appeal. Questions about the project or decision should be directed to Chandler Van Schaack at (303) 441- 3137 or via email at vanschaackc cDbouldercolorado.gov Return to Agenda Attachment A: Staff Disposition of Approval CITY OF BOULDER Planning and Development Services 1739 Brrar;'wa'y. -hied Fluor • P.O. PrJK 701, 3ou.dler, CO 80306-G;(3 phcr'c S93- 41-12.:>:7 - tax 3C-141-33,11 • wee boulderl~a•✓3ea'el~p.eet CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF DISPOSITION 3` ;J li4s{ try ;rtlxi~i['it I."~}f. t-r' fk~.lOyk"';,1 ac{. - Was t7rRen by the Plzrininq L~Er Fmment i:ased on the e:andands a'd cnleria ,i I. -P Land U6r. RE 1uL31.!r`ra or; and la':I 'r f Ic:girl't'3 1, F1 R C.. 1gF1, ac; a.:o!iod zu the propr;rd Cc yrlac'ne-1. DEG15ION: Approved PROJECT NAME, Covrdlen 01 s(;IZo- 1 ION Lot Line F-linnination i_OC:ATION 5920 Longbow Dr. _0OR: N09ED2 I- _GAL DESCRIPTION: LOT T a, LOT t0A LONGBOW PARK REPLAT D PROPERTY ADDRESS: 0091*20 LONGBOW DR BOULDER 20301 APPLICANT: Steven Smith OWNI-R vallcyLpb, Inc„ a Colorado corporation AF?LIC'ATIUV: TEC2010401M0 LUNING: IM CASE MANAGER Chandler Van Sonaack THIS IS NOT A SITE SPECIFIC DEVELOPMEN7 FLAN APPROVAL AND 4b VE5TED PROPERTY RIGHT 15 CREATED BY THIS APPROVAL. Approved On- Date By: id Driskell, irec;or Crmmunky Planning & na I hiw CP. i51f313 M! . Ih{~ Pltirnr c [ir;jrx; by fIIInQ an a:; Kol C.L-Cr wtth J* -wining L:c.3r-.r-enI 41,111.f- Iwo eeeeks of :he de_ision Gale f no suh n_ :rsil is hle.0 Ire. rlr.Csl rail :x• Tern wrl 1w hilultx,rl C'•d'p;. trrl{+' I.'t_ dL,1u maul Appeal to Planniro Board expires. i o! Address . 1350 C. leg. Au.: 2 Return to Agenda Attachment B: Approved Longbow Park Replat [E' a aw i 9 r4: !Y ` ,d 11; S=INE POD ~iis,Sl _ M' ` S ! a1 C. !1 ! 4 A e~ q g rZi O 7 ~c`cS ~.al F~' 135; „ " _,'~,#C, ~ ~ i r•; _ ,~1 x'15 L' y+_ 31 17! 1 r _ W d 1! [D pp L . !1 7 1 m Y l C_. i• g9- r k ' I f 3