5A - Recommendation to City Council - ordinance amending sections 11-1-15 and 11-2-10 "Out-of-City Water Service" and "Out-of-City Sewer Service" Return to Agenda CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING BOARD AGENDA ITEM MEETING DATE: January 6, 2011 AGENDA TITLE: Public hearing and recommendation to City Council of an ordinance that proposes amendments to Title 11, "Utilities and Airport" B.R.C. 1981 related to section 11-1-15, "Out-of-City Water Service," B.R.C. 1981 and section 11-2-10, "Out-of-City Sewer Service," B.R.C. 1981. REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: David Driskell, Executive Director of Community Planning and Sustainability Charles Ferro, Land Use Review Manager Karl Guiler, Planner II OBJECTIVES: 1. Hear Staff presentation 2. Planning Board discussion 3. Recommend changes to the code to City Council SUMMARY Staff is proposing a change to Title 11, "Utilities and Airport" of the Boulder Revised Code, which relates to the city's issuance of out-of-city utility permits. The change is being proposed at the request of City Council on Oct. 19, 2010 as part of a discussion related to several proposed out-of- city utility permits. The change does not relate specifically to the Land Use Code. However, staff has elected to advance the item to Planning Board prior to proceeding to City Council as the matter is related to planning, development and more specifically, annexation policies. More detail on this proposal is found in the 'Background' section below. BACKGROUND Per sections 11-1-15 "Out-of-City Water Service," B.R.C. 1981 and 11-2-10, "Out-of-City Sewer Services." B.R.C. 1981, the City Manager (delegated to staff) is authorized to permit Boulder County residents to connect to city water and or sewer when annexation to the city is not possible (due to a lack of contiguity with the city's boundary) if specific criteria within the code sections referenced above are met (applicable criteria are summarized in this section and full text is found in the `Discussion' section below). Out-of-city utility permits are granted primarily to avoid instances where septic system failure and/ or well water contamination on unannexed lots may pose a public health threat. The Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP) has a number of policies related to outside city connections and environmental protection, such as: • BVCP Policy 1.26, City Service Provision/Location of Urban Facilities. Item 5A Cover Page Agenda Item 5A Page 1 of 11 Return to Agenda • BVCP Policy 3.11 Out-of-City Utility Service. • BVCP Policy 4.20 Preservation of Floodplains. • BVCP Policy 4.26 Protection of Water Quality. • BVCP Policy 4.32 Groundwater. The BVCP may be referenced at the following web link: http://www.bouldercolorado.gov/files/PDS/BVCP/bvcp. pdf In summary, approvals of Out-of-city utility permits require compliance with the following key criteria: 1. Property must be in BVCP Planning Area II 2. No main extensions over 100 feet are permitted. 3. Proposal would not constitute "New Urban Development" as defined in the BVCP (meaning that the connection would not enable additional density or development inconsistent with the BVCP) 4. Property is below the "Blue Line." 5. Applicant must sign an agreement to annex into the city when 1/6 contiguity with the city's boundary occurs. (1/6 contiguity of the perimeter of the lot boundary is a state eligibility requirement for any annexation). The last criterion effectively requires that, at the city's request, an applicant must apply to annex if their property abuts a city annexed property by 1/6th or greater of the subject parcel's perimeter. Further, this criterion precludes approval of an out-of-city utility permit if the property already has 1/61h contiguity meaning that if a property is eligible for annexation, it should annex into the city rather than applying for an out-of-city utility permit. Currently there are approximately 1800 out-of-city utility permits (see Attachment B) that have been granted periodically since the 1960s. The recent approvals of four permits along Cherryvale Road in Boulder County raised concern of the City Council in light of the recently annexed Gapter Road enclave located immediately west of Cherryvale Road. Per sections 11-1-15 "Out-of-City Water Service," B.R.C. 1981 and 11-2-10, "Out-of-City Sewer Services" B.R.C. 1981, the City Council has the ability to call up any permit approvals within 30 days of staff decision for review at a public hearing. Staff approved the four out-of-city utility permits on August 31, 2010 and the permits were called-up and reviewed by council on October 19, 2010. A comprehensive analysis and background information on current annexation policies and out-of-city utility permits are found within the memorandum to City Council at the following weblink: http://www.bouldercolorado.gov/files/Clerk/Agendas/2010/10_ 19_2010/5B.pdf City Council's primary concern was the financial inequity between what property owners who wish to annex must pay versus those pursuing out-of-city utility permits. At the end of the October 19th hearing, City Council agreed that the existing criteria could be met for the four properties and Item 5A Cover Page Agenda Item 5A Page 2 of 11 Return to Agenda approved the permits. However, City Council requested a future study session to discuss the broader aspects of city annexation policies and out-of-city utility permits. The Council also directed staff to draft amendments to the code to include additional restrictions on such permits as an interim step before it discusses future changes to city policy related to annexation and the provision of out-of-city utilities. The council mentioned that such additional restrictions may include official determinations that septic system failure were imminent and/or water contamination existed on a site involved in a permit request. Staff is proposing an additional criterion for each applicable code section to address City Council's directive. Prior to proceeding to City Council, staff seeks Planning Board input on the proposed change as well as a motion to City Council. DISCUSSION As the City annexes more of the land in Area II of the Comprehensive plan, the distance between properties that are eligible to annex and the properties that are eligible to receive out-of-city utilities continues to grow smaller. As a result, the distinction between who has to annex to the City versus those eligible to remain in the county and receive out-of-city utility services is growing narrower. The council recognized an example of this when comparing the recent Gapter Road area annexation with four out-of-city utility requests along Cherryvale Road. While both were in the same general neighborhood, the Cherryvale Road properties were not required to annex because they were not immediately eligible to annex because the properties did not have a 1/6 contiguity to the boundaries of the City. The Gapter Area annexation was required, in part because most if not all of the properties were not within 100 feet from a main. In other words, to serve the properties major pieces of infrastructure needed to be built. On the other hand, the Cherryvale properties directly abutted utility mains. To address City Council's request, identical criteria are proposed to be added to both section 11-1- 15 related to water service and 11-2-10 related to sewer service that would require a determination of whether or not it is practically or economically feasible to annex the property into the city. The proposed language is below: Out-of-City Water Service Sections 11-1-15 "Out-of-City Water Service,"B.R.C. 1981 (a) Any person outside of the city limits desiring to make a connection or repair to or disconnect from the water utility or to use water therefrom shall apply to the city manager for a revocable out- of-city water permit, which may be issued after approval of the city manager if the manager finds that the application meets the following conditions: (1) The property is located within Area 11 of the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan, unless the facility to be served is a publicly owned facility that because of its nature is most appropriately located outside Area 11 and because of the general public interest should be served by water service, Item 5A Cover Page Agenda Item 5A Page 3 of 11 Return to Agenda (2) There is no main extension involved for such service beyond one hundred feet or in violation of the main extension limit, whichever is less; (3) The city planning department has determined that the proposal does not constitute new urban development and is consistent with the comprehensive plan, (4) The city has referred the application to the Boulder County Planning Department under the referral provisions of the comprehensive plan; (5) The service is to be extended to a structure, which contains a legal use, that existed on the effective date of this chapter or to a platted single-family lot existing on the effective date of this chapter; (6) The property is located below the "Blue Line;"ana!t (7) The property owner agrees in an agreement running with the land to annex to the city as soon as the property is eligible for annexation, and (8) It is not practically or economically feasible to annex the property into the city. In determining whether it is practically or economically feasible to annex the property, the approving , authority will consider the following (a) If annexation is to occur by way of a flap pole or the annexation of a series of parcels of land, the distance of the property from existing city limits, (b) Whether an annexation will result in logical boundaries between the city, unincorporated Boulder County, and other district service providers: (c) The effect of an annexation on the efficient delivery of services to the area by different governmental and quasi-governmental entities; and (d) The public health factors, including without limitation the likelihood of imminent septic failure; adverse impacts to the quasi of surface water or ground water, or other threats to the public health, safe and welfare. Out-of-City Sewer Service 11-2-10 Out-of-City Sewer Service. (a) Any person outside of the city limits desiring to make a connection to the wastewater utility shall apply to the city manager for a revocable out-of-city wastewater permit, which may be issued after approval of the city manager if the manager finds that the application meets the following conditions: Item 5A Cover Page Agenda Item 5A Page 4 of 11 Return to Agenda (1) The property is located within Area 11 of the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan, unless the facility to be served is a publicly owned facility that because of its nature is most appropriately located outside Area 11 and because of the general public interest should be served by water service, (2) There is no main extension involved for such service beyond one hundred feet or in violation of the main extension limit, whichever is less; (3) The city planning department has determined that the proposal does not constitute new urban development and is consistent with the comprehensive plan, (4) The city has referred the application to the Boulder County Planning Department under the referral provisions of the comprehensive plan; (5) The service is to be extended to a structure, which contains a legal use, that existed on the effective date of this chapter or to a platted single-family lot existing on the effective date of this chapter; (6) The property is located below the 'Blue Line;"&Rd (7) The property owner agrees in an agreement running with the land to annex to the city as soon as the property is eligible for annexation._and (8) It is not practically or economically feasible to annex the property into the city. In determining whether it is practically or economically feasible to annex the property, the approving authority will consider the following factors: (a) If annexation is to occur by way of a flag pole or the annexation of a series of parcels of land, the distance of the property from existing city limits, (b) Whether an annexation will result in logical boundaries between the city, unincorporated Boulder County, and other district service providers,- (c) The effect of an annexation on the efficient delivery of services to the area by different governmental and quasi-governmental entities: and (d) The public health factors, including without limitation the likelihood of imminent septic failure; adverse impacts to the quality of surface water or ground water; or other threats to the public health, safety and welfare. The proposed criteria would give the reviewing authority (city staff and/or the City Council in this case), the ability to determine whether to allow an out-of-city utility permit based on the distance of the site from the city limits and the logic of whether or not the site is well-integrated into areas that receive city services. On the other hand, there are county services to consider as well, such as transportation maintenance, law enforcement and fire protection. This standard is intended to Item 5A Cover Page Agenda Item 5A Page 5 of 11 Return to Agenda provide the approving authority with clear factors to weigh when making decisions about whether to have a property remain in the county with out-of-city water and sewer services or to require annexation. Staff expects the greatest emphasis will be on whether there is evidence that the connection would be in the interest in the public health as noted in criterion (8)(D) above to avoid the environmental harm that could occur from failing septic systems or water contamination. This determination would likely require analysis by a certified engineer, the conclusions of which would be submitted to the city as part of the process. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that Planning Board recommend approval of the proposed changes to sections 11-1-15 "Out-of-City Water Service," B.R.C. 1981 and 11-2-10, "Out-of-City Sewer Services." B.R.C. 1981 to the City Council. Approved B D d Driskell, Ex I hector Department of Community Planning and Sustainability ATTACHMENTS A. Draft Ordinance B. Citywide map showing county properties connected to city water and/or sewer. Item 5A Cover Page Agenda Item 5A Page 6 of 11 Return to Agenda Attachment A 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING ADDITIONAL 3 STANDARDS FOR OUT-OF-CITY UTILITY PERMITS BY AMENDING TITLE 11, "UTILITIES AND AIRPORT," B.R.C. 4 1981 RELATED TO SECTION 11-1-15, "OUT-OF-CITY WATER SERVICE," AND SECTION 11-2-10, "OUT-OF-CITY 5 SEWER SERVICE," B.R.C. 1981, AND SETTING FORTH 6 RELATED DETAILS. 7 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOULDER, 8 COLORADO: 9 Section 1. Section 11-1-15, B.R.C. 1981 is amended to read: 10 11-1-15 Out-of-City Water Service. 11 12 (a) Any person outside of the city limits desiring to make a connection or repair to or disconnect from the water utility or to use water therefrom shall apply to the city manager 13 for a revocable out-of-city water permit, which may be issued after approval of the city manager if the manager finds that the application meets the following conditions: 14 (1) The property is located within Area II of the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan, 15 unless the facility to be served is a publicly owned facility that because of its nature is most appropriately located outside Area II and because of the general 16 public interest should be served by water service; 17 (2) There is no main extension involved for such service beyond one hundred feet or in violation of the main extension limit, whichever is less;? 18 (3) The city planning department has determined that the proposal does not constitute 19 new urban development and is consistent with the comprehensive plan; 20 (4) The city has referred the application to the Boulder County Planning Department under the referral provisions of the comprehensive plan; 21 (5) The service is to be extended to a structure, which contains a legal use, that existed on 22 the effective date of this chapter or to a platted single-family lot existing on the effective date of this chapter; 23 (6) The property is located below the "Blue Line;" a-ad 24 (7) The property owner agrees in an agreement running with the land to annex to the city 25 as soon as the property is eligible for annexation...; and 26 (8) It is not practically_or economicallyfeasible to annex the-property into the city. In determiningwhether it is~racticall. or economically feasible to annex the 27 property, the approving authority will consider the following factors: 28 (A) If annexation is to occur by way of a flag pole or the annexation of a series of parcels of land, the distance of the property from existin2 city limits; K:IPWWA\o- Additional Standards for Out of city Water and Sewer Title 11-aloe Agend, Item 5A over Page Agenda Item 5A Page 7 of 11 Return to Agenda 1 Whether an annexation will result in logical boundaries between the city. unincorporated Boulder County, and other district service providers, 2 The effect of an annexation on the efficient delivery of services to the area 3 by different governmental and quasi-governmental entities; and 4 D) The public health factors, including without limitation the likelihood of imminent septic failure; adverse impacts to the duality of surface water or 5 ground water; or other threats to the public health safety and welfare. 6 7 Section 2. Section 11-2-10, B.R.C. 1981 is amended to read: 8 11-2-10 Out-of-City Sewer Service 9 (a) Any person outside of the city limits desiring to make a connection to the wastewater 10 utility shall apply to the city manager for a revocable out-of-city wastewater permit, which may be issued after approval of the city manager if the manager finds that the 11 application meets the following conditions: 12 (1) The property is located within Area II of the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan, unless the facility to be served is a publicly owned facility that because of its 13 nature is most appropriately located outside Area II and because of the general public interest should be served by wastewater service; 14 (2) There is no main extension involved for such service beyond one hundred feet; 15 (3) The city planning department has determined that this proposal does not 16 constitute new urban development and is consistent with the comprehensive plan; 17 (4) The city has referred the application to the Boulder County Planning Department under the referral provisions of the comprehensive plan; 18 (5) The service is to be extended to a structure, which contains a legal use, that 19 existed on the effective date of this chapter or to a platted single-family lot existing on the effective date of this chapter; 20 (6) The property is located below the "Blue Line;" end 21 (7) The property owner agrees in an agreement running with the land to annex to the 22 city as soon as the property is eligible for annexation.-;and 8) It is not practically or economically feasible to annex the property into the city. In 23 determining whether it is practically or economically feasible to annex the 24 property. the approving authoritywill consider the following factors: ~AIf annexation is to occur by way of a flagpole or the annexation of a series 25 of parcels of land, the distance of the roe from existing city limits; 26 Whether an annexation will result in logical boundaries between the city unincorporated Boulder County, and other district service providers, 27 The effect of an annexation on the efficient delivery of services to the area 28 ~ different governmental and d_uasi-governmental entities; and K:\PWWA\o- Additional Standards for Out of City Water and Sewer Title 11-.doc Agend, Item 5A over Page Agenda Item 5A Page 8 of 11 Return to Agenda 1 The public health factors, including without limitation the likelihood of imminent septic failure: adverse impacts to the quality of surface water or 2 ground water: or other threats to the public health safety and welfare. 3 4 Section 3. This ordinance is necessary to protect the public health, safety, and welfare of 5 the residents of the city, and covers matters of local concern. 6 Section 4. The City Council deems it appropriate that this ordinance be published by title 7 only and orders that copies of this ordinance be made available in the office of the city clerk for 8 9 public inspection and acquisition. 10 INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED BY 11 TITLE ONLY this day of , 2011. 12 13 Mayor 14 Attest: 15 16 17 City Clerk on behalf of the 18 Director of Finance and Record 19 20 READ ON SECOND READING, PASSED, ADOPTED, AND ORDERED 21 22 PUBLISHED BY TITLE ONLY this day of , 2011. 23 24 Mayor 25 Attest: 26 27 City Clerk on behalf of the 28 Director of Finance and Record K:IPWWA\o- Additional Standards for Out of city Water and Sewer Title 11-aloe Agend, Item 5A over Page Agenda Item 5A Page 9 of 11 Return to Agenda 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 K:\PWWA\o- Additional Standards for Out of City Water and Sewer Title 11-.doc Agend, Item 5A Cover Page Agenda Item 5A Page 10 of 11 Return to A enda City of Boulder Outside City Utility Customers onarc Reseriroir o Reservoir - zi Mineral Re: r Boulder Reservoir ° - ~ I ovt-Ad- I- O I O µ sixmile Reservoir IL, A.~ a I [(J 1 16 .arm iuth Ave- i I ! may{ I' " I- I of I _ ~ Violet Ave. ~ ur 'iJ I_I ^ry~ tea.' JaY Rd-. ~n Jay Rd. . Wontle and - r•-°^ i.: I _u L - ~p r _ f ~ r I - - ~ I i Kama Ave. _ Independence Rd. a -,rl 2 I _ L do Lake r N Iris Ave n -U L / L^_. o F7 11 I I ~ r 13 - I 7r7. Valmont Rd. Valmont Rd'-' a Valmont Reservoir ~l r _ a~St' peat rn ~~L s \~I^II Reservoir ~ i 1' li I P.111crest Reservoir L y/ I 1 i Canyon Blvd: P l - ~ I ion - - w ia ahoe Rd. Ara Rd. w Ave.•. E ~ apat) i I a I~ 11, .ern ~ `n ~ D vemit ve. ^ ` h Mersn - h'' 1 1 i ~i~. 1 : _ -~1 - a~, - I I _ ,--I BaseOrl Rd I Baseline Rd. I l Bas line Rd. I Baseline I o Reservoir y Item 5A Cover Page /1~ I- 1 7-, t v Table Mesa Dr _ - South BOUltler Rd. - 01. F _ - -~~1 - - Boulder lCany6n' Inset Map I I w 74- iA 1'00 - I ` J / I r~, - i _ _ _ NC y v J ~f ~ I ~ Imo- ! r ^ ~ ~t.e„~. a. Le - r.: X75 I_f•-,._.. 14 c irr g~ J 4.1 Outside City Water and SewerI City Limits 0 0.5 1 2 Miles Outside City Backup Water Only 4 Lefthand Water District Outside City Sewer Only (Boundary not shown) DRAFT -city limits current J as of map print date Outside City Water Only ai `4to~ Map printed Sept 15, 2010 0. ~v Hoover Hills Water District '"nnp 11 nf 11