2 - Draft Minutes - Planning Board - October 15, 2009 CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING BOARD ACTION MINUTES October 15, 2009 1777 Broadway, Council Chambers A pcnnanent set of these minutes and a tape recording (maintained for a period of seven years) are retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043). Minutes and streaming audio are also available on the wcb at: littp://www.boiilclercolorado.gov / PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: KC Becker Bill 1-Iolicky Elise Jones Andrew Shoemaker Adrian Sopher, Chair Mary Young PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Willa Johnson STAFF PRESENT: David Driskell, Executive Director of Community Planning and Sustainability David Gehr, Assistant City Attorney Julie Johnston, Senior I'lanner Katie Knapp, Civil Engineer 11 Paula Weber, Administrative Specialist III 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair, A. Sopher, declared a quorum at 6:09 p.m. and the following business was conducted. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On a motion by E?..Iones. seconded by M. Young, the Planning Board approved (4-0, B. lolicky recused, W. Johnson absent) the Septcmber 17, 2001 Planning Board minutes as amended. On a motion by E. Jones, seconded by B. llolicky, the Nanning) Board approved (3-0, A. Shoemaker and M. Young recused.W..lohnson absent) the October 1. 2000 Manning Board minutes as amended. 3. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION No one from the public addressed the board. 4. DISCUSSION OF DISPOSITIONS, PLANNING BOARD CALL-UPS Call-up items: Standard Wetland Pen-nit, LUR2009-00060 This item was not called up by the board. 2206 Pearl Street Use Review, #LUR 2009-00036 - This item was not called up by the board. 1 5. ACTION ITEMS A. Discussion of the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan 2010 Major Update. Staff Presentation J. Johnston presented the item to the board. Public Ilearing No one from the public addressed the board. Board Discussion The majority of the board agreed that the focus of the Comp Plan 2010 Update should be related to the Sustainable Streets and Centers project and issues of environmental sustainability. Major Themes: E. Jones- Focus on key priorities to frame update -Sustainable Streets Initiative -Climate Action Plan M. Young- Environmental Sustainability -Streets and Centers-method to get to that goal -Indicators should measure how well we are doing on that A. Shoemaker- Sustainable Streets and Centers should be the key focus. Doesn't like Sustainability indicators. Impacts of redevelopment are outside of Comp Plan K. Becker- Sustainability indicators are resource intensive and might not be worth those resources. The following might need refinement in the Comp Plan: -What is community benefit? -What is compatibility? -Growing Up Boulder should be in plan. B. Holicky- Sustainable Streets and Centers project. IIe does not want it to be the most sustainable streets possible but the "best city street" possible. Broader understanding of what growth does - look at whole community costs/benefits. Drop indicators - use LEAD as a metric Environmental sustainability- very important look at development of city wide sustainability design principals. We focus on not getting worse instead of getting better - need to change focus to "How do we get better." Good time to dream. A. Sopher- Environmental - needs to be more focused. Sustainable Indicators - consider using others indicators - use as an assessment tool - not a Comp Plan issue. 2 Streets important project cun*ent policies are lacking. `]'his is a clear focus. E. Jones- Missing in previous trends report: agriculture, climate and environmental issues. Boulder trying but not succeeding. Need something in Plan that is a feedback mechanism - reality check. A. Sopher- Locally grown food- overlap w/county - want dialogue with county- CU has done some studies. K.C.- Social Sustainability - should be broader- welcoming and inclusiveness in the City of Boulder E. Jones- Keep track of less intense items that need to be addressed Service Area Expansion: E. Jones- Lean towards not embarking on study for unmet needs- no hung on changing service area. A. Shoemaker- Agrees with Elise - not a lot of economic pressure to change Should look at TVAP for redevelopment. Possibly an unmet need of educational facilities - only. B. Holicky- agrees A. Sopher- should allow for applicant submittals - but don't need to go fishing Community Engagement Process for the update- A. Slhoemaker- Volunteered for the sub-committee A. Sopher- Need public process to determine areas of focus E. Jones- Public process should include discussion of the positives of Boulder K. Becker- Visionary process- use outside groups to help and get feedback from outside boards B. Holicky- Very readily understand when input is being asked of the public. Need specific and well defined opportunities for input. M. Young- Would like to get Van Jones to speak to energize the community A. Sopher- Process fir doing corridors B. Holicky- Conclusion of Comp Plan - do a work plan evaluation - specifically for zoning to implement Comp Plan changes and priorities. 6. MATTERS FROM THE PLANNING BOARD, PLANNING DIRECTOR, AND CITY ATTORNEY information items: A. Sustainable Streets and Centers Summary of Joint Planning Board and City Council September 22, 2009 Study Session. B. Information Item - Fourmile Canyon and Wonderland Creek Major Drainageway flood mitigation plan update. M. Young asked about the Planning Board receiving community trends report. .T. Johnston said staff is working on a trends report. K. Becker asked about the RFI-2 discussion schedule. A. Sopher asked about the housing department. D. Driskell spoke about the housing department changes saying there are five vacancies in the housing department. 7. DEBRIEPAGENDA CHECK 8. ADJOURNMENT The Planning Board adjourned the meeting at 8:02 p.m. APPROVED BY Board Chair DATE 4