4 - Call Up: 75 Bellevue Dr. Final Plat (TEC2009-00010) MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Board FROM: Karl Guiler, Planner II DATE: October 19, 2009 SUBJECT- CALL UP ITEM: 75 Bellevue Drive; FINAL PLAT # TEC2009- 00010: Final Plat for the subdivision of an existing 3.19 acre residentially zoned (RL-1) lot into two lots. One lot is proposed to be 2.468 acres and the other 0.722 acres. Both lots are proposed to have frontage on Bellevue Drive. The smaller lot is proposed to take access directly from Bellevue Drive. The larger lot will take access from an existing access casement. Attached is the disposition of approval (Attachment A) to permit the proposed subdivision entitled Bellevue Hills Subdivision Replat A within the RL-1, Low Density Residential zoning district (see Attachment B). The subject site is located on Bellevue Drive in southwestern Boulder in a steeply sloped residential portion of the city just east of Chautauqua Park (see vicinity map- Attachment B). King's Gulch, a tributary to Boulder Creek, is found on the site and is protected by 40 foot waterway easement. A city water transmission line also traverses the site and is protected by easement and regulations on construction within the easement. An existing residence is on the 75 Bellevue lot and is accessed by an existing access easement established during a previous subdivision. Staff has reviewed the application for compliance with. the Subdivision Regulations of chapter 9-12, "Subdivision," B.R.C. 1981 and finds that the proposal would meet the Standards for Lots and Public Improvements, as set forth in section 9--12-12, B_R.C. 1981. No waiver of lots standards are required. However, the following two code sections should be noted: I. Section 9-I2-12(a)(1)(1), B.R.C. 1981 notes, "Lot shall not be platted on land with 10% or greater slope, unstable land or land within. inadequate drainage unless each platted lot has at least one thousand square feet of building area, with a minimum dintension of 25 feet. The city manager may approiae the platting of such land upon finding that acceptable measures, submitted by a registered engineer qualified in the particularfield, eliminate, or control the problems of instability or inadequate drainage." The applicant has designated a building site and has also produced detailed development plans showing grading, drainage, and access that have been reviewed and approved by city engineers. 2. Section 9-12-120), "Steep Slopes," B.R.C. 1981, states, "The city manager may impose additional requirements over and above those required in subsection (a) of this section on lands containing slopes off fteen percent or greater, if the manager determines such requirements are necessary in order to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants and taxpayers of Boulder from the negative impacts of development of'hillside areas. " In order to meet this requirement, staff has draped a Subdivision Agreement (Attachment C) with the applicant that requires the following: a) Requirement for Hillside Restoration and ltennediation Plan. Section F of the agreement binds the property owner of the proposed Lot 4B to a construction schedule that must be reviewed and approved by the city. Deviation from the schedule would enable the city to use a required financial guarantee to construct the proposed improvements or stabilize the hillside in the event that construction ceases and a hazardous unstable situation is created. b) Removal of Tennis Court l:ncroaclunent. A cun*ent ercroaclunent of a portion of a degraded tennis court encroaches on City Open Space and Mountain Parks land. Section G of the agreement requires removal of the encroachment prior to final inspection for a new dwelling on Lot 413. c) Maintenance of Private Stormwatcr hnprovemcnts. Section I of the agreement requires the property owner of Lot 4B to maintain stornwater improvements in perpetuity. If maintenance is not done, the city can intervene at any time and correct any drainage problems at the expense of the subdivider or owner of Lot 4B. d) Relocation of existing off-site utilities. Presently, there are utility easements that serve the existing dwelling on 75 Bellevue that are upon a neighbor's lot. Section J of the agreement would require the relocation of water and sewer line serving that dwelling to be placed within an casement on the proposed Lot 4B, if such lines need repair or replacement or prior to issuance of any permit for demolition or replacement of the existing dwelling at 75 Bellevue. c) Stems-Slope inspection requirements. Section K of the agreement requires that a licensed Colorado registered professional to provide stamped as-builts in conformance with the city Design and Construction Standards along with a letter stamped by a Colorado registered professional engineer indicating substantial conformance with the approved plans and reports. Staff has attached the approved preliminary plat (Attachment D) and final plat (Attachment E) for the Planning Board's review, which is required pursuant to section 9-12-10(e), B.R.C. 1981. The proposal was approved by Plarming and Development Services staff on October 26, 2009 and the decision may be called up before Planning Board on or before November 9, 2009. There is one Plarming Board meeting within the 14-day call up period on November 5, 2009. Questions about the project or decision should be directed to Karl Guiler at (303) 441-4236 or guilerk a,bouldercolorado.gov. Attachments: A) Notice of Disposition dated Oct. 26, 2009. B) Vicinity map. C) Subdivision Agreement dated Sept. 9, 2009. D) Preliminary Plat. L') Final Plat. C Attachment A 404-5 CITY . OF BOULDER APlanning and Development Services 1739 Broadway, Third Floor e P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306-0791 phone 303-441-1880 - fax 303=441-3241 - web boulderplandevelop.net CITE" OF BOULDER PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF DISPOSITION You are hereby advised that the following action was taken by the Planning Department based on the standards and criteria of the Land Use Regulations as set forth in Chapter 9-12, B.R.C. 1981, as applied to the proposed development. DECISION: - APPROVED PROJECT NAME: BELLEVUE HILLS SUBDIVISION REPLAT A DESCRIPTION: TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS: Final Plat for the subdivision of an existing 136,093 square foot residentially zoned (RL-1) lot into two lots. One lot is proposed to be 104,642 square feet and the other 31,451 square feet. Both lots are proposed to have frontage on Bellevue Drive. The smaller lot is proposed to take access directly from Bellevue Drive. This review follows a review of a Technical Documents application for a temporary access drive on the property for soils testing [see application #TEC2007- 00032] and Preliminary Plat application #LUR2006-00090. LOCATION: 75 BELLEVUE DRIVE COOK: S1W2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 4, BLOCK 1, BELLEVUE HILLS, COUNTY OF BOUDLER, STATE OF COLORADO APPLICANT/OWNER: Delphia Hess APPLICATION: TEC2009-00010 ZONING: RL-1 (Low Density Residential) CASE MANAGER: Karl Guiler THIS IS NOT A SITE SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN APPROVAL AND NO VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT IS CREATED BY THIS APPROVAL. Approved on: 6 Date By: Dav d Driskell, Exec e Director of Community Planning This decision may be appealed to the Planning Board by filing an appeal letter with the Planning Department within two weeks of the decision date. If no such appeal is filed, the decision shall be deemed final fourteen days after the date above mentioned. Appeal to Planning Board expires: (1-9_ M - CONDITIONS CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The subdivision is approved subject to the terms of the Subdivision Agreement Address. uCSM ADDRESS) 13 Attachment B 75 Bellevue (Case #TEC2009-00oiLu) Ac-~,bv { r -~t7 ~'•£L7' :.~t'~ ~ ~l'' ~ rl •.e •~t~"4+.• sr~1!'. '_5`t1 t. ~ ~ • y tt St 'lr+r . [ 1`•~' ~Y,`: a~y.>"'• ti^r a'A , ~_r L _yy.1 Er •>7 ,ti a r .i'. s R: L "t' ~ 4~ , ± ~~I'a'r ~ F J G'• LP I fi'r` • l ~:r~:,t}~,1 ~~a 1 rF ~I a r. _ ,yam-•-,` T{}j,,~. 1 ! J t/ a Y a ~ ~ `gf► ChautaLiqua Park ' YYY • • + 6 y ' elf 1 - - N 4F. X F a~l~ 75 BELLEVUE DR • E r.. r ~ i 'rte -'~°r ` r _ ♦ r, f '-+a L l~b„ ' Ali !t ~•~'J' f i' ~ ~'I~.r~;.' , a•.2 i r r 1~' r " ,~~rl{ t1~~Yf MCI f f ~ fit • • rY~ ~i't T 11 N~' * ' 1 LEGEND Text Stz-' Nunes 0 a~aa;-,, rno:pr;aa Mai, Roads erzl MapLink x; =y 1:3689 City of Boulder GIS S-ct C-t-Ln- ' 77,c inf rn-uon depicted nn [ham may is S-y Polygons proiidcd as grphicx] rcpmscatztion only. Q Owncmhip pz cch Tho CityoEiiouldcrpros•ides nowxm q, Lakca expressed or i.T.pl-d, as to l". aceu:acp City Limits and/nc ceyp:ctenas of [he wiocu~sdnn con: _hici b~ern. A l V ACNAM NT For Administrative Use Only Sub Name: Bellevue Hills Subdivision Replat A Subdivider: Delphia Louise Balster Hess Application `rEC2009-00010 SEWWaSION AGREEMENT A. Parties. This Agreement is made between the City of Boulder, a Colorado municipal corporation (the "City"), and Delphia Louise Balster Hess, a/k/a Delphia Eden Hess, a/k/a Delphia B. Hess, and a/k/a Delphia Louise Hess (the "Subdivider"), for the purposes of insuring that all ordinances and regulations of the City are met for the protection of the public health, welfare, and safety and obtaining the approval of the Bellevue Hills Subdivision Replat A (the "Subdivision"). B. Consideration. The parties agree that good and valuable consideration exists as a basis for this Agreement, including, but not limited to, the City's approval of the subdivision of that parcel of land as more fully described on Exhibit A attached (the 'Property"), and the provision of City services to the Subdivision, which Subdivider agrees is of special benefit to the Subdivision. C. Binding Agreement - Notice to Subsequent Purchasers. This Agreement is binding upon the Subdivider and the Subdivider's heirs, successors, and assigns, both jointly and individually, and it shall be recorded in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder in order to put the prospective purchasers or other interested parties on notice of any of its terms. Additionally, the Subdivider agrees to notify subsequent purchasers of the Subdivision or any portion thereof of the existence of this Agreement and the purchasers' potential obligations hereunder by providing a copy of this Agreement to the Purchaser. D. General Requirements. The Subdivider shall commence, construct, and complete the Subdivision in accordance with: (1) The provisions of approval of the Final Plat. (2) The approved Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan, the Utility Plan, the Subdivision Drainage and Grading Improvements Letter, the Geotechnical Engineering Report, or such other engineering plans subsequently approved and on file with the City (the "Engineering Plans") dated September 10, 2009. (3) All requirements of Chapter 9-12, B.R.C. 1981. (4) The requirements of the "City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards. " (5) City of Boulder Steep Slope Inspection Requirements attached here as Exhibit B. L. Private Improvements. The Subdivider shall provide the following private improvements or utilities in accordance with the approved Subdivision and Engineering Plans, or any amendments or modifications thereto, to be privately owned and maintained by the owner of Lot 4B, Block 1, Bellevue Hills Subdivision Replat A, City of Boulder, County of Boulder, State of Colorado, its heirs, successors and assigns (the "Property Owner of Lot 4B"): (1) Storm Water Improvements. Structures and improvements necessary to convey storm runoff from the subdivision as shown on the approved Engineering Plans on file with the City of Boulder. F. Hillside Restoration and Remediation Plan. Prior to issuance of a building permit for a structure on Lot 4B, the Property Owner of Lot 4B shall provide to the City the following, subject to the review and approval of the City Manager: (1) A construction schedule that sets forth the sequencing of when construction activities will occur and ensures that the building and associated hillside restoration and remediation are completed in conformance with the following: (a) a City-approved hillside restoration and remediation plan that sets forth the plan to restore the hillside in the event that the Property Owner of Lot 4B fails to construct those structures or portions of building that are necessary to stabilize the hillside, and (b) chapter 10-5, "Building Code," B.R.C. 1981. (2) A financial guarantee for hillside restoration and remediation that will be released upon the final approval of all construction requirements associated with the construction of a building on the Property. The Property Owner of Lot 4B shall be responsible for updating the construction schedule on file with the City to reflect any construction schedule changes. The Property Owner of Lot 4B shall complete all of the requirements of the hillside restoration and remediation plan in accordance with the approved construction schedule or upon an order of the City Manager if the City Manager determines that an unsafe condition exists on the Property. If the Property Owner of Lot 4B fails to complete modifications to the hillside in accordance with approved plans or construction schedule, then the City has the right, but not the obligation to, at its sole discretion, utilize the financial guarantee, enter the Property, and implement the hillside restoration and remediation plan or otherwise restore or stabilize the hillside. To the extent that such financial guarantee is not adequate to cover all of the associated costs, the Subdivider agrees to reimburse the City for any costs that it may incur within 30 days of a request by the City_ The Subdivider grants permission to the City and its agents to enter the Property to correct any incomplete or unsafe condition and implement the hillside 4 remediation plan to the extent the City deems necessary. The Property Owner of Lot 413 shall comply with the requirements set forth in the Section 7.13 (B) (1) (a) through 7.13 (B) (1) (e), "Storm Water Quality Best Management Practices," City of Boulder Design & Construction Stcandcardv. G_ Tennis Court Encroachment. (1) Prior to issuance of a building permit for a structure on Lot 4B, the Subdivider shall provide to the City, subject to the review and approval of the City Manager, a financial guarantee for the tennis court encroachment removal that will be released upon the final approval of all construction requirements associated with the construction of a structure on the Property. (2) Prior to final inspection for a structure on Lot 4B, the Applicant is required to remove the portion of the tennis court that is encroaching onto City property subject to review and approval by the City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks Department and pursuant to the terms of the Hess Reclamation Plan attached as Exhibit C. H. Financial Security. The Subdivider shall provide to the City financial security to guarantee the construction or installation of the improvements specified in Paragraph F and the Hillside Remediation Plan specified in Paragraph G and other obligations undertaken by the Subdivider in this Agreement. The guarantee will be in an amount to secure the hill cost, as determined by the City of Boulder Director of Public Works, of constructing or installing the improvements. The guarantee will be either: (a) a deposit of escrow of funds with the City; (b) an escrow with a bank or savings and loan association upon which the City can draw; (c) an irrevocable clean sight draft or letter of commitment upon which the City can draw; (d) a performance bond for the benefit of the City upon which the City can collect; or (e) any other form of guarantee approved by the Director of Public Works, any one of which is in a form satisfactory to the City Attorney. The term of the guarantee shall be for a period of time sufficient to cover the construction or installation of the public improvements. If the construction or installation is not completed and paid for by the Subdivider according to the requirements of this Agreement and Chapter 9-12, B.R.C. 1981, the City may, in its absolute discretion, complete the construction or installation of the public improvements or cause the same to be done and pay outstanding claims and bills incurred in such completion from the escrow fund or guarantee furnished. The Subdivider shall pay any amount above the amount provided in the guarantee required to complete the construction or installation of the improvements. The Public Works Director shall annually review the guarantee to assure that it meets full current costs of constructing the improvements whose installation it secures and, upon notification, the Subdivider shall amend the guarantee to meet such current costs. t The City shall release the guarantee when all the improvements have been constructed or installed and the City has accepted them. I. Maintenance of Private Storm Water Improvements (Property Owner of Lot 4B). The Property Owner of Lot 4B shall provide for the continued and perpetual maintenance of the private storm water improvements. The Subdivider shall affirmatively advise any and all purchasers of the existence of these obligations. The following shall also be ongoing obligationg of the Property Owner of Lot 4B. The Property Owner of Lot 4B shall be subject to the following restrictions: (1) The Subdivider agrees that the City has the right to require the current or future owners of Lot 4B, Block 1, Bellevue Hills Subdivision Replat A, City of Boulder, County of Boulder, State of Colorado, to correct any deficiencies in the maintenance or any damages to the drainage facilities or other improvements not specifically listed within the boundaries of the Subdivision within 30 days of receiving written notice from the City to cure such deficiencies. (2) The City reserves the right to inspect the surface drainage facilities from time to time to assure that the drainage improvements are being properly maintained. To the extent that these improvements are located on private property, the Subdivider grants the City a right of entry to such Property to so inspect and maintain. If the City determines that these areas are not being properly maintained, the City reserves the right, but is not required to, perform the appropriate maintenance and assess the Property Owner of Lot 4B or its heirs, successors and assigns for the cost of the maintenance. In the event that the City determines, in its sole discretion, that there is an threat to the public health, safety, or general welfare, the City may immediately perform such work or maintenance and charge the affected lots for the same. (3) If the Subdivider fails to perform such work within 30 days, after having been provided written notice from the City to cure, the City will perform the work and charge back to the Subdivider and/or the affected Property Owner of Lot 4B, any and all costs of curing same. (4) In the event the Subdivider fails to pay any monies due under this agreement or fails to perform any affirmative obligation hereunder, the Subdivider agrees that the City may collect the monies due in the manner provided for in Section 2-2-12, B.R.C. 1981, asy amended, as if the said monies were due and owing pursuant to a duty adopted ordinance of the City or the City may perform the obligation on behalf of the Subdivider, and collect its costs in the manner herein provided. The Subdivider agrees to waive any rights he or she may have under Section 31-20-105, C.R.S., based on the City's lack of an enabling ordinance authorizing collection of this specific debt. O 7. Relocation of Utilities serving Lot 4A. Prior to application of a building permit for demolition or replacement of the structure on Lot 4A or at the time when the water or sewer service lines serving Lot 4A require repair, replacement or upgrade, whichever occurs earlier, the owner of Lot 4A, at its own expense, shall relocate the water and sewer service lines to the 15-foot wide utility easement along the northwest property line of Lot 4B. K. Steep-Slope Inspection Requirements. Prior to the issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy for any structure requiring within the limits of the subdivision, the Subdivider agrees to have a licensed Colorado registered professional provide stamped as-builts in conformance with Section 1.43(IT) of the City of Boulder Design & Construction Standards, along with a letter stamped by a Colorado registered professional engineer indicating substantial conformance with the original approved plans and reports. L. Conveyance of Drainage. The Subdivider shall convey the Subdivision's drainage in an historic manner and in accordance with the approved Engineering Plans so as not to adversely affect adjacent property. M. Defend and Hold Harmless. The Subdivider shall defend and hold the City harmless from any and all claims or damages that may arise from the Subdivider's actions in connection with the execution of this Subdivision, including but not limited to the construction of any public or private improvements or the failure to construct the same N. Subdivider Warrants Ownership. The undersigned warrants ownership of the Property and agrees to provide an update of the preliminary title report or attorney memorandum of ownership current as of the date of recording the Subdivision Plat. 0. Breach by Subdivider. If the Subdivider breaches this Agreement in any respect, the City may withhold approval of all building permits and other development applications requested for the area within the Subdivision until the breaches have been cured. This remedy is in addition to all other remedies available to the City at law or equity. P. Relationship of this Agreement to Other Agreements. The terms and covenants of this Agreement are in addition to, and do not extinguish unless expressly stated, any other Agreements between the parties. Q. Captions. The captions herein are inserted only as a matter of convenience and for reference, and in no way define, limit or describe the scope of this Agreement or the intent of any provision hereof. 9 R_ Future Interests- If this Agreement is deemed to create an interest in land, this Agreement shall be enforced, if not sooner completed, during the lives of the undersigned plus twenty years and three hundred sixty-four days. This Agreement is effective on the date below indicated upon the affixing of the parties' signatures. CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO B ity Manager/Planning Dir. ATTEST: City Clerk on behalf of the Director of Finance and Record APPROVED AS TO FORT!/!: City Attorney Date SUBDIVIDER: lam/` 3y: - - - Delphia ou se Balster Hess, a/k/a Delphia Eden Hess, a/k/a Delphia Louise Hess, and a/k/a Delphia B. Hess STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF BOULDER ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me a Notary Public this day of 2009, by Delphia Louise Balster Hess, a/k/a Delphia Eden Hess, a elphia Louise Hess, and a/k/a Delphia B. Hess. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission expires- [SEAL] Notary Publi • Luc Aly Cc ~101'''as 3 EXHIBITS Exhibit A Legal Description Exhibit B City of Boulder Steep Slope Inspection Requirements Exhibit C Hess Reclamation Plan ~r EXHIBIT A Parcel 1: Lot 4, Block I, Bellevue Hills, County ofBou]der, State of Colorado Parcel 11: Beginning at the Northwest comer of Lot 3, Block 1, Bellevue Hills; thence South 22° 04'56" West, along the Westerly line of said Lot, 205.81 feet; thence South 5° 49'34" West, along the Westerly line of said Lot, 100 feet; thence Northeasterly on a direct line, to the point of beginning, County of Boulder, State of Colorado 1a EXHIBIT 8 f GOTY OF SCULDER "If;' 6-Dlarn n'nq and Develcpr nant.Secr-v'ices Wx 1739 Broadway, Third Floor ~ P.O. Box 791, Boulder, Colorado 80305-0799 phone 303-44,1--MO - lax 303441-3241 , email building-servlces@cl.boulder.=.us vvww.ci.boulder.co.us/buildingsaMces f EEP-SLOPE MECTION REQUIRE MENTS Special Inspection requirements for residencial construction in steep-slope areas (land containing slopes of 15% or greater slope) Project Address Permit Plumber Pursuant to the City of Boulder's amended land use regulation for hillside development (Title 9, 1961 B.R.C.); the requirements of section 1602 of the 2003 IBC and the special Inspection provisions contained in Chapter 17 of the 2003 IBC; you are hereby notified that, for the construction project identified herein, special inspections shall be provided as stipulated below for: 1. Construction of, and placement of reinforcing steel within all drilled piers/caissons. 2. Construction of, and placement of reinforcing steel within all footings, grade beams and foundation walls. , 3. Construction of all required site earthwork identified in the soilsigeology report including, but not limited to, a) soils compaction b) foundation drainage systems, and c) grading for site drainage 4. Construction of all driveways on site Special inspections shall be performed by the engineer responsible for the structural design, or by an engineer designated by the engineer responsible for the structural design, and shall be conducted in accordance with the following criteria: 1. The special inspector shall observe the work assigned for conformance with the approved design drawings and specifications. 2. The special inspector shall furnish inspection reports to the building official, the engineer of record and the owner. All discrepancies shall be brought to the immediate attention of the contractor for correction, then, if not corrected, to the immediate attention of the building official. 3. The special inspector shall submit a final signed report stating whether the work requiring special inspection was, to the best of the inspector's knowledge, in conformance with the approved plans and specification and standard industry installation practices. /3 EXHIBIT C HESS RECLAMATION PLAN 05/26/09 City of Boulder, OSMP OVERVIEW There are many situations where disturbance occurs on Open Space and Mountain Parks (OSMP) lands. To help preserve soil and reduce the introduction of noxious weeds to the area, it is important that site restoration occurs in a timely manner. The entire length and width of the disturbed area must be seeded, including all additional areas that are impacted by equipment movement and other bare soil areas. Areas that are not successfully reclaimed after the first try will require seeding again. For plantings on OSMP land, seed tags indicating species, variety, origin, purity, and percent germination must be retained and given to the OSMP representative prior to seeding the grass. Substitution of any species for a recommended species must be approved before it is substituted. No wild flowers are to be included in the seeding. It is the responsibility of person doing the work to know and follow all City of Boulder and City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks regulations while working on OSMP property. If you do not know OSMP regulations ask OSMP staff. Only equipment necessary to complete the work should be on the property. The number of vehicles and equipment should be kept to a minimum. PREPARATION 1. Remove all asphalt located on OSMP land. 2. OSMP recommends the removal of an additional six feet of asphalt east of the OSMP boundary. 3. Leave the boundary marker in place. 4. Separate the asphalt from the pile located at the northwest coiner. 5. Add rock back fill in the south west corner and along the south end to protect the steep bank from collapsing. 6. Remove all debris including but not limited to the old tires, fencing and wood pile. 7. Stay off the hillside of the OSMP property except to remove the trash. 8. Scarify soil prior to spreading seed. 9. Do not disturb the existing rock wall. 10. Spread large rip-rap rock to shore up the bank where the tires were located. PREPARATION FOR SEEDING After the asphalt has been removed scarify the soil to a depth of 3 inches to 6 inches deep. Rake the area where the asphalt was removed. Some topsoil may be need to be added to this area to get a good seed bed to grow grass. 5:\OSMP\aniiex\RECLAIM\HESS RECLAIM PLAN 19 S]Ell+,}IDIN RATE AND METHOD Hand broadcast native grass seed over the area where the asphalt was removed. Evenly spread 23.1 pounds of Pure Live Seed (PLS) over this area. After this area has been seeded to native grasses the area should be raked to help cover the seed with soil material Grass seed should be covered with'/ inch to'/ inches of soil material. SEF1fDING DATES Seeding should occur between October 15`I' and April 30°i. (The soil should not be frozen or wet at the time of seeding). Reclamation activities should occur when soil conditions are dry. INVASIVE SPECIES MANAGEMENT Reclaimed areas must be mowed 2 to 4 times each growing season for 3 to 5 years, depending upon existing weed species and appropriate phenological stage of growth to prevent weed seed production. During the recovery of the disturbed area, it will be necessary to prevent the establishment of certain weeds that would threaten the well being of the Open Space land. Species for which there will be no tolerance include; spotted knapweed (Acosta muculos), diffuse knapweed (Acosta diffusa), Russian knapweed (Acroptilon repens), Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense [Brea arvensisj); leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula), jointed goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica) and the various white tops, (Cardaria draba, C. latifolia, and C. chalepensis). With no tolerance, these species must be removed by hand at their first appearance. Other weed species may need special management. All equipment must be washed before goinp, on site and should be washed once it leaves the site. This includes all trucks delivering materials. This is to minimize the spread of weed seed, plant pieces. Other weeds are to be snowed at least twice a year for 5 years to control annual weeds. TIME FRAME Reclamation with native species generally requires 3 to 5 years to achieve demonstrated stand establishment. The area should be irrigated for 5 years. It is expected that early serial species (such as summer and winter annuals) will occupy the area before the desired native perennial stand dominates. Each year the sites should be reviewed to insure reclamation success. S:AOSMP\aiuzex\REC].AIM\HESS RECLAIV'I PLAN CRASS SEED MIX PLS* Common Dame Variety Lbs Western wheatgrass Arriba or Barton 9.4 Thickspike wheatgrass Critana 2.2 Slender wheatgrass Revenue or Pryor 2.2 Green needlegrass Lodorm 2.0 Little bluestem Camper or Cimarron 0.7 Blue grama Lovington or Hachita 0.6 Sideoats grama Butte or Vaughn 2.7 Buffalo Texoka or Native(bur) 3.3_ TOTAL 23.1 lbs. = Pure Live Seed (PLS) Note: When purchasing the seed if a different Variety is suggested, please get an approval from Open Space and Mountain parks before making the change. SEED DEALERS This is not, nor intended to be an all inclusive list of seed dealers in Colorado. This is not an endorsement for any seed dealer. There are other seed dealers in the area where you can purchase grass seed. Should you have a problem with your purchase of any grass seed please contact OSMP. Arkansas Valley Seed Co. 4333 Hwy 66 Longmont, CO 80504 Phone: 1-970-535-4481 Pawnee Buttes Seed, Inc. PO Box 1604 (605 25`h St) Greeley, CO 80632 Phone: 1-970-357-7002 Sharp Bros. Seed Co. 101 East 01 St. Greeley, CO 80631 Phone: 1-970-356-4710 5:USMP1aiuicx\RECLAIMIHESS RECLAIM PLAN yJ P- ELIW.NA:FY PLAT AttachmentD BELLLVUE HILLS SUBDIVISION REPLAT A I -'f A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 4 AND A PORTION OF LOT 3, BLOCK 1, BELLEVUE HILLS, A I SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN THE NW1/4 OF SECTION 6, T1S, R70W OF THE 6TH P.M., T K CITY OF BOULDER, COUNTY OF BOULDER, STATE OF COLORADO 1r .Fti J I ICI T 31 I 4`5 AREA = 3.190 ACRES ; 8fIL£W£ORttr1' -•'Y srwJ.+c1 ~ ~ Orr,. nw!A' i'~',' ,:'1.'r \ a'.:q•r,i / 1 I + r~t.!`,! 337 l 60;00' ~ r.~n:;n„ r , ~N<ckLl~:a 1 `Nt //♦'i;.t•1 ,`':~„_u„o.w,.:.;i \ J / , 1 it II Ei El,il n•l' 1Lti .3'+.o: i_ j ~ ' / JJA N I I f . \ iIl 'cU 1E U Ili v i , ! A f I l 7900' / L \ Yl r - _ IV~ ~r,Nrl v p T < .t I L ! SCALE 1"=30' '.-..n I Y T +F . l i ~I //f1 / .Il ,r c ~ ~ I 1 11L1 JyA!✓ ~ i f5 1 f1~' • J/ J - J I. 6 ~Y .f".\~~ "II OIIOJP INi:RVAL = 213I J,' s :y,: i I 1i '/~r~ ~ rl., ~f•, I{T': ,~I'~ l,J I ~:jti il.- L~SaO &~.,t LECrNo l ( % 'nry'r 1 ,/Y.;5/ RlEF 17E Pot' ELCLTi'_ PULL: L. vl , <1 • i/ ~ ,;~qb~f.•( i i iI ' : I If l~ f 111 1 ErB LKiS f , S ! f~ ~ f I _ it /l ~O ~ t r ~l k Y ~Oy F, ~1 i I4! nll i~! ,f :a wA R PJ f Y I JII ~4` ~ L ~i1 ~ I~i ~ah , j J 1 ~ I ~ rv nlc 1 1 , / 2,C j, i' . J i , I /.I 'c i f ti~,• `.J/ FHi IRE HY 'G CLUwput CND... ...CGRPUGI'rU IE IA CHSELEO IN CUTTER 12.40'F. OF RTE HE CCRNER OF LOT 1, BELLEVJE NSTA. ON ?CP.. RF,INFORCEO C'Ut[C 1J u/ % A N'•.(a J r } I O `I, Pr1OPERTY LVIE CITEXTNDUD Y DT WUIDER OAU!✓. . LOT 48 ( ) s' fl/. .9° DInA,u-,Y E4cicrrRl ' n ..u' DINNER DEaDImuG ~a~r _~iu' n A'. ` ~r ~,(I rv V /J~. ~~1 ~ ,WfA . ¢7z2.tcALS I ~ I ih - } ~ r ~ GDNGREr. .EDCS CF ASPHrLT / PI 9I N f Y 7•~ ^r'~ ( J'/ f / ,r r Q~ i= I ,~r II. CGgFiAUUs 1i,E~ 1! l~ I I _ gl'.I,In cf ( !AA l ~ I JI / {'E4~FRAI NOBS i7 LIfi /1+ )80 1 ~R8T4300EA li " s 1.24 ` I 6Lf f,iQS AcE L'ACEO ON 711E NORTHWEST LINE OF LOT a AS LIUEARINC NO OR If 4 J I / / _ ? ~f F / ro. LLA R U 550 50'2 :6'E 9EAEN THE SOrILad LH iS SHDnN HEREON All FWNO OR SCI - i I OECIDJ!VS RCC Y1/tRW:!( GI7. D' 1141 09'27•''N r 1 ~ ~ 7 PEP RECORDED PL ALAf. I u - r F' -I ~f n 1 i:-r~/ >164' I 1 J J c, su o, e v~. , ..1 1 ! J 2 0REYcL BARREL.4CO.?ELIkD UP0II RILE COY,AITtEAT 140. 110005179 II AMENDMENT No 2 Of MOOTED TITLE COMPANY, DATED MARCII 6. ?=09. AT: Ir J G~ ri / / f~ I f J ~5 f 1 1 ~r j ' I 1 I 8:00 A4 :OR ALL F PoCH fS-OF-bAY, LEGAL DESCRIP g1 AND ' 1 I 4 J % r 1 'y I AIL f,FICU4dR?A.YCE$ OF Or RECORD J ~ IIJ , j- f 1 Jr , , ; J ' % i ~ / , i r / ~ i 1 LEC>.L DC5rPP0rl J / j1 II XI Py. / ~L.J Ls 1r,6 ~',i /r r' J0 1 ALL REF77E4CEi NEREVII '0 BOCY.S PACES, MAPS N10 flErr711ON f I II 1 111 4 1 I ' / /1 % r / f / 1// JJ NUMBERS ARE PUBLIC DOCUMENTS FILED IN lfE RECORDS OF FIDULDEP THE LIT" OF COUNTY, COLORADO. LOT a, BLOC/ I. 13CLLEruE HILLS, A SUBDIVISION IN `OULDFR• COUNTY OF BOULCER• 37010. 1AORADD, ACCORDING ACCORDING iU I I ji~ 1I •%+I~l `3 . j J ~,./1 ,I9' / I ,t: it / ir~. r f% /'C! r a. EASE'f_YTS AND PUBLIC D06UENTS S407,11 OR NOTED HEREON P2P2 rE PLAT iHEF.fOF; III 11 I / Hgl ply - J'.- C, / " EY.,1Nr E0 AS TO LOCATION AND PURPOSE AND WERE NO, EXA1NKD AS TO Yr 1'l - )7~l //r , ; f~! '`?.455' r / A. , I J/r PESERVA I,0Y5 RESTRICTIONS. CONGInG15. OBLIGATIONS. "ERMS. OR AS TO TOGETHER mTH- I J'' •'r TAE RIGHT TO GRANT IHE SAME. _ _ 1 1'`•. "'T~r, . 1Nr•S l I I J / f / fAiO~ / / / ' APO,+IU! G LOT 3, BLOCK 1, Btl! EP.~ H11.5. AS °ECLYMIEO I:1 PLAT / NT'/ Of Bf)LJID[?. STATE I I 1'r✓ :'f S R'XI / f/ , / / , / r t / ~r l f; !'i , 5 BURIED UTILITIES A:10/OR PPE LIN APE sHq-14 PER S1S9LE AND BOOK L AT ?A;E 13, CITY OF BOULDER. COU X\ OF COLOR-',00. M110 MORE YAP.RCVL tPI,Y OE;pNBED AS Fg1075; 111 I 1 2 . ft• tr i rl l / / HJ J % `J, I' APPAP.ENI SURFACE E-ADENCE OR RECO?D OP.AYAIIGS OF .1 CONS7AUC!TD rr / fr S~ UTUI" IH:ES. IF MORE ACCURATE LOCAACNS OF UIICERGROIDN Uil!ITIFi . : + ' I `lT ri! / / J r / % ' ( /!%J % ARE REWIRED. L+E U1UIY WLI_ nAtE 10 BE VTAITED BY FIELD PGT,+OV:IG B-LOANING Ai THE NORTr1SYLST CORNET,' GF SAID l0T 7 1NNCE 2,,rtR - O RSV. ?95 el FEET ALONG no S Ee F S111) LOr / V~ / , r DRExEL, ELL & CO. AND TI-E S,?V NOR OF RECORD SIFAA NAT LIABLE FOR THE LOCATION C, 0' -E FIILUPE TO VOTE THE LOCATION f SCj i9 JA'Y, 100 00 FEE l l i- l P I::T t ~,,uee Nhs~ ca sDila FL o a r A /I ' r.CN-MS6r E UTILITIES. } , I I I~L Il~ / f / .'///F A PORTION OF HIS SIT-IS MAIN A DESIGNATED FCJAA. 100-tEAR R jrr OODPLNN AS DEIERMNED BY THE HIGR HAZARD FLOOD ZONE. L ' r CONVEYANCE gal MAP BY LOVY & ASSOCIATES INC. EFFECTI%1: JA-Ii: 4 K r I , 1 t~1 J A r / I r i / !,J JJLr 1L 1959, `THIS 15 EUBdECT 10 CHANGE. !I 1 M 7. ALL TIES TO RECORD RILE LIVES THOM IHE BUILDING CORNERS OR 0 h'R i 1 •I J / /i l P r - IkiPRO~IIENTS SHCV, 71 I!EREGH ARE PECPENOICULIP, TO I Jii' .Cf` f r;'r' r. / ' ~~~..~~/~'%1 F / % • %r. UNE RTE RECORD I-F.F ! j n' J 1 r; } /A • 7fd3 etr'F' I I '(A ! ~-'.fA ' a• ANY FERSO'1 1r0 KIIOYINC' Y RA IOKS ALTRS OR DEFACES ANY 7U: :LC LAI O SURVEC LO, LliT OR LAND I.!7NJ Till,' G,7 ACCESSOPY, CO!1.115 A CLAiS l9D 7, MISDEMEANOR GURW,`JIT TO STATE STANT 18-1_50' 9. THIS S !FE CO" TAWS A CAI,[VI ATCO AREA q 1.11 ,973 SpJANE FEET OR 3d90 do>E> REFEREACES 79 HOT'S CY TNi IfAH 4FrLP, '0 CktA.flAL NOTES UIIL i'. .'Jr ' J ~ 1 ~ ~ / V • ~r'' ,I/ ~ ~ i ~ / % -~f~ I rT , / l DTT Pen lu0"EO R I r ! i / I ! I l 'J/ / r ' / J r J J •.j F'.~ y ! ~ f/r ~ /r/ J~~ / J r N 7NE LOT S:.O.N IIEREOY ARE i05'ED RL I, UNLESS ORIENIfi iF. N( - r t"t{ V'<T A i,M f I fJr ' / ,w/'~I /r J' /!ti' I. //r' % ` / r~f~ -'~~~r-'r 1 ~.'~f ✓ rl' 12. 14, CPK-TDVR5 SHOYTI HEREON ARE AT Nl INTERVAL OF E FLEI J, IU ='.E ARVrVS n Of I!'-Pig E: 3D'Jln._N IArEN F?OIA ON T LWOG°.APHIIC C SURVEYS DONE ON TH;S iH15 SITE IN N I931 ,r:.1 Nf`4 / I / , 1r~ I'- ~F !t 3` 1' j / ✓~~~~7 f: r :r NOT BEEN UPDA VD. I i / Yl' ! fir= r / li. R THE PP?ELIIAIWW9Y PLAT S.RED Y Q1CON, AND THE SURVEY WHICH II R u lr I / rrJ J % I ~A f / (rT / / r f / i / 1 ! f / ERES I .LAS DPS IURWY RYCR WJ p F. GROOKS, A COLN.i C °:O~SSON-ITS. 9WIRL LAID SURYE:09 FC 0`I BA'.4 YALF LF or DF o REkLL: 9AFP..I I. k r0 ; L-'IININ _DARE 14• -O7•9 SAPRCP05E09NCLE Fhs1IlY RE510E1M(. i / /i / 1m u e c z ^ R~ x-, ' ~f / % 3'599 29 0[3 W 345 00' Y'• ' ' ' ~ Dle~ I LN12c11 C~ -_;c • , N. 4 6 71S d70W n1N .,1. warn - 1. I 851-910 Attachment E FINAL PLAT BELLEVUE HILLS SUBDIVISION REPLAT A DELI'fQTliN vI:C'•`' ALL /:r: ?Y iNE_..'kE;EN i$ -.HAT FIE LIND-SK': C i-l- o? 7R 1 A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 4 AND A PORTION OF LOT 3, BLOCK 1, BELLEWE HILLS, A 'L '=='`Q~ :5FCED ""0 ` ` 1-Y 3E: a'ART :f ;ni N'!,s/,, TV SEC.SOY L. 1;S. 15. R7 R7DYi 0: C:E 67.11 P.I.l CYO; TH P.M., ECULDER. 7.O-rNTY CF SCULDER, STATE CF C%C'ADO, DEELA19ED +S FCI-1-01 5: J ps:J[ ~uG} SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN THE NWi/4 OF SECTION 6, T1S, R70W OF THE 6 Lo. 4, BLOCK 1, YcLLFWE `TILLS, h SJ3,'Eb19GN N ilE Cllr CE pDUL.c~, CITY OF BOULDER, COUNTY OF BOULDER, STATE OF COLORADO ro vT Or DO DER, STATE Or COLORADO, ACCCRDNC 10 FHE PLAT 11ERECF: ~ I LU t AREA = 3.190 ACRES TOVOHER VCTH: T ..-y I L_ 10 _ A POR-RoN OF LOT 3, BLOCK i, DFLLEM E. 4ILLS, AS RECDRDEO IN FIAT DDGi 5 IJ~ 1 rt I I / II ~ •Y - AT PACE 13, CITY ALDE RIBED OF 90U':OER. STATE OF f.OLOPAOO, i, Rr<:.J•'r➢Yw SEIND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FrA-LAWS; d :TIES A:>5 vrwW BELLEIQIE D?1VF~' aU.vwac AT syE r:czrlrr, sr L:atnER G SAID LOT R;ENCE s22'C4'56rr, l Y 1 I / u ,OS SI Tiff <LC11c niE v,=SrRCY LINE 0° SAID LOT 3 *1CYG 505'eo•CSCV rraw t ! L=60.00' 1'N'AE1VL S1uAN'-9 / J I-r:::' ~ sr<a' IL7,04 FEET ALONG SAID 5E5%gLY LINE 0, LOT 3; TIERCE Nlfi':BS9E. ]03.10 1 / A•rr'KTi' o•]s'IS'oC FEET 10 lilC POINT OF DELI\NIY:n J / MW„J,. ar L.3U. U:]' 01.54'fuTE sn HAS CAUSED SAID PRCPEHFY TOIL: LAID Wl, S.IRL[ .0, SVOUTA'IDFO AND PLAITED II!IOUR ATE NAV GIY E fyW'pEILEWF HILLS YJOIXN9!^;{ PFPUT A' A SUDUINSION IN THE O L'LOER, NTY OF ECULDI STATE LK CC:WAOO, AND DY I`IEV \ I }±d~~ trt•ra i Y q Ir 9.-J"rn ND, _I PRESI 11 I'i DOES HEREBY «ANI ID THE 0117 OF ^_'OJLCEQ ?HOSE PORTION'S Or SAID u N VIOIN1 IY MM ,`rc 1, lI -e'naY PEtA', rFJCPE+n GESCiARO AS 'U'HLIFI (As- Ell. As ;NO'ATI 9v ME I' , / l ! ; ! 1 1 1 `II`I e:i('rJ C P{li'rv FLIT. AS FiYliN S ILA : S 15 AUC'0! +iA1h M ci ERAn0•L HM1;'.tN,H[_ xi7AQ A' F_PLAti"CN' •CR ALL 5:RW'-_S. INCLDDWG AR'T , \ / / / „+J ..1'i n; ,An1911 L•.,TV:O 7'" CENLRUIY M FCREGp"D 'TLEPII:r-E A"D Ei ECIRIC UN'Es. ^,A .e t}/ ,je` . •!w , II \ ,.,.•c; roi 4~; ,A 11 t RR'a. ?GV'. OvDERCkTS] CAO_5 H F' Eis WATER 31iF; ES. 5) Q.IAAN ~ 49~ \ t NA\' ~5 i:..:F,r::ll TINES, SIAEET UGNI$, CULKRS, HYJ'AN.NMTS, TRA1'IALE ]'i:;fii AND DRA':: v \~f f / f~ r AAD AI,I, a'„us-NAVCES P-000 IT BE,,nc EYPRC54 r AND ADNL:D Cv- AO•'rYZ BY THE UNDL"S'G'A NET) iNAI AL F%PinSES ANN CCSS IN'•0.:^D CON$iR'd[LNQ A17 / ,L~ Y /'L ,p:, PI,IALUr14 SN{r9/AV A':R 5M1fiU Wpaa; AND ra(i 5. chf~ 11 NR'aCi u!iE;. wd1ER Il\ Y/ / / / ullun CF 11nvz5 AcD uuE S. ,0Arl 9, oEP5 A!JD BOi• SERE n lECimCAI. 1) LAY1r4.1.. 'intCT 1 UC4w`i nNO. LRS , 7 C. CvxBS, C'JTRPS, ; F'' 1 C GI! L L:rgSCAPU; 1x PC1'JTLN1, 9CEheA!RS. UID DTHEA 4'CH UR,N:F5 nr,9 5EF11 SHALL BF G1A3A;:FED r;,+J / / 7AJ ECR 9T Yd :Uk1I1'CYR OR ARRA':CE'!EN1Y !JAG AY NE BU=DNy q iFENEFDgF. trs p+ \ / e AFTL1 ARE M PRG:c] DY NF GF 2JJ:CL. A!IC SUCH SUU9 S1A!L 'ID' BE PUD / ~~h. ? C:- ~ ~''•r~ By THE Gtt or 3C<fc0.D9ADO. N:D rruT If SOCK I--$ 59 [GHSTFluLiED 0.1 Al / : N O+~ 1451e:LE'J 45) A[tii' 73 3Y T' E CITY p- &2q'ER LOLORADo. L'A! L FECG14 :.HL / pr. rf \ y,T A ? 30 20 10 0 30 RO 59i Pd~ERl IN' NM:;ix:J;CE AESPONSiRLIT+ CF I,F G Y OF BCL6IIER, FxCEPi 1 4, / r'~y Ar h`M1,Y, 'k r1n AtoSE I1"MS 911NED ET LnNICPALLY tU:NS;EO DR Piqu111EJ uVJr~s A47/O(t / •Y / / ,ti / rr r r~ ! d r~ w C'rR31 Cd1uvnGAF015, vnna eCUS "Eli t0.vfiraUCTO 97 0*7 I.Li6 SHALL 3 ` eV aF, L' b~\J;,~i• \ ITEM JUM THE Pg0'ER"r &'40 uAw IENANr RES°ON51B'.LDY OF FIT Cm!j; OA Pubuc SCALE: 1"=30' uULITY, AND SHALL NOT BEt9UE BI[ P'ROPEQFY OF rE an OF BOUID7R CO` ORADD. /S7t / f~ / / 4h / \ ~ r ~ FOR THE APPROVAL OF "BELLE'.VC II0.LS SU9DIN9CN REPIAi A" AND THE /Al rtr / a lr / °y I \ DEDICATIONS AND CONCITICNS V14I(H APPLY ieE91ID THIS-DAY OF zoo. 1 r . ~ a a. D-riPM DLPHIh DEN~iE_-,.`. \ LOT CzLPFIA LOUISE IIESZ, ARCH 0 7rz Amrs f ` ./k/l DELPFIA EL HESS \ 1 yjt FgrntAUN1 w,'uvr. / 1 I 'o ` ` R \ it rftA1'[! rob L W / ' / / ~ I °R STATE Of C(k0.RA00 1 \ t' uYNNt`h I \ A': .;SRS t,ktr \~1 2 1..5 A,s 4 ry/~ _ ~ COUNTY or aouv)ER \ \ ]+.WR hn91AM ACK\VIriEOCEO RSE9RE N'' lsn5 Atli / 7 / ' :9 {~S +ti.'GI <D S 7NE FORECOIK6 IN9JRUMENi 1lA` ~.OS.. A r N87143~00E L160.24~ , / re-:Iro-r CE MALI DAY 0 !10N( . 7C0_ BY OEIPHIA LCUISE BALSIER Hf55, a/R/e DELPH;A 1 1, THE BASIS oN ITNT OF BEARINGS Is THE NORTHWEST INF. OF LOr S ,i-. ~'~3 .e •.4 6', I,-.. ~ - BEING TEAR EDEN HE55, a/klP OELPHIh LGU19E HESS, AND a/k/o O',LPNIA B. HESS UMLIEk1ED AS 910WN HEREON, , VA 14111 THE LINE ASSUtifEp TO 13E YA1NF95 MY HAND AND oTMAL SEAL r 1. D.RE- 11-ILIL k CO. RE1111 IFICII TITLE CWHITMENT NO. Uoo US179 AWLNOMENT NO. 2 ISSUEO DY UNITED DTM: COMPANY, MTH AN EF,-CRVE / DATE OF MARCH 6, 1CC9 FOR ALL INFORMATION RECARCRI. THE LEGAL NY CO!!A!ISAON E'VIRES r DESC41PRGr, EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY. i 3. ALL PEFEnENCES TO BOOKS, PAGES, MAPS AND RECEPTION NUMBERS ARr d PUBLIC DOCUMENTS ON FILE 7.111 THE CLERK AND RECOROLR OF BOULDER 1111 41 7-j RcounTY. STATE W_ COLORADO NOURV P 4 N2a• u5llt ICZfi"W 7205x' A PGRODN OF THIS SITE 15 kY A DESIGNATED F.E TON- cAR c~ ! OAoN , AS 4 L1E1ER611NED B BY THE HIGH FLOOD OOD ZONE Y%,EI^y 1. , Tij LOYASSOS. ASSOCIATES. INC, Si ECII~ DATE JULY LpgDV41s ~ JULY 11, 1 19e 9B?, Ils is IS SUBJECT TOO CIIANCr. 1 5. REFERENCES NOTED 'PER RECORDED PLAY AS SHO%N HEREON ARE PER } 112 PLAT OF 9ELLEAAIE HILLS AS RECORDED IN THF, BOULDER CCLMIY GIRECTCR OF PLANNING f RECORDS. r SET NO. 5 REBARS TE TY CO UM CAPS MARKET "O.B, : CO, TIES 27275" f I AT All ExrER10R PROPERTY CORYERS 'UNLESS D1HERwsE NOTED. ACCICR OF PUBLIC np3N5 Alp URLInES f I'- 7. ANY PERSON %HO KNOWNGLY REMOVES, ALXi RS OR DEFACES ANY PVFLIC - LAND 9JRNY MONDMURI UR LAUD 901JNOARY MLNUI.IENT OA ACCESSORY, CGMNIIS A CLASS T"o (7,) I.IISCEIdEANCR PURSUANT TO STATE STATUTE OKSI tTAW¢1h DG`I 3 -SOB C R.; m f_ s T. 'J l.000R UST MT.1 CRS 13 69-I';5' NOTICE: IOM DASED :TIC RUP TIT COO cT - l IN I KS MUST CmIHI ANY LEGAL ACT IOM XJ AN. DFFFC Ny.IC rR'.1. LOT 4A N . DY TILLS SURVEY YUrdIN THREE YEARS A: ER F'R YOU FIRST C@COMER SUCH -FECC. IN NO EWN C) , - ' m CER-rY BE 0N Sups', MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPCn' ANY WE 1141S O A7EA ?aG8 M.?', AN 1 NFRON MAN TEN YEARS FROM HIE TAI}' OF F 111E WN ,RIDN. Oi( MA'F,~OElt'~ ^FARFiCJ [E M PREPARED BY. O DREXEL, DARPEIL a: CO. IN 07HESS %WEigEOi. THE SAID CITY 0.7 BOULDER HAS CAUSED ITS SEAL TO BE Z r 190U .IBHI STN-ET BCUIDER, CO. BOJC1 !IFRCUNTD AFFIXED 9Y 115 CITY MANAGER THIS _ DAY Of , 2L7J. ' / (303) 'A2- U33 /f ? A77.ST IN I.I. LAST Fill) INSPECOCN OF THE SITE YlAS CN MARCH 19. 2W7. v ' ET m 11. TIE Tae-YE AIR fLOw RAZE OF Kw G'S GULCH IS 339,0 CFS A / p G'Y CItiIY. Q'T BEHrtLF OF THE CHI ILL La y. / v) alNU'Yra,<r'anckrr tr8 L AIAIIEN E. SELVEIIS, A DULY REGISTERED PROFESS1014AL LAND nalrYCY / a / u1 THE STATE OF CDIARA00, HEREBY CERTIFY MAT THIS RAT OF BELLCNIE ` IfLLS SUDDI151011, REPIAT Or LOS A, TRULY AND CDRAELIL7 flEFRE6EI11° / `~A'ry TIE RESUI s 0' A SU9YcY MADE UNDER LAY DIRECT RCSPDADFLII-f, FGNSICM r.';T rHELk eJG, siAR Cr CCLOR=DO a Aim ? IS IIAS 1';.FN 'R` ,"REO ICJ AC-.Dn'IA"C__ W-H CD'OP.ACU S, ' / TA FE LACCUIITY OF oOULUfR J WITS COR. SEC. 6, I HENEFIY CERTIFY THAI THIS n51RL'MEN7 Vr-'S F11.FO IN NY OFF IC-- AT TIS, R70W 6TH P.M. J raga ] 4i' !+n;t F/P / O'CLOCK __JA , THIS-- DAY OF_.. 0.o, 90D MIJ o / IS RECORDED III PLAN FILE Z_ yl Sfi9°29'OD"N! 345.00' RECana'H;: EES: 'l v'a F+:ect u: r:=,.i F IAAI!EVr F. SEIOLRS AL'!0^P Asa LF °nI. LOR4?0 UCE':SEO PROH iS510NfEL.ND S'1R1=YOR NO. 21275 DEpul CEPK JD n;CF•POEN 335-'/SA