Information Item: Memo to City Council - deed of vacation for the east 1/2 of N. 47th St right-of-way between Valmont Rd and Sterling Dr CITY OF BOULDER CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM MEE'T'ING DATE: August 4, 2009 AGENDA 'T'I'T'LE: Introduction, first reading and consideration of a motion to order published by title only an ordinance authorizing the City Manager to execute a deed of vacation to vacate an unused portion of the east one-half of N. 47"' Street right-of-way between Valmont Road and a point 250 feet north of'Steriing Drive_ Applicant: City of Boulder, Public Works- Transportation PRESENTER/S: Jane S. 13rautigam, City Manager Paul J. Fetherston, Deputy City Manager Tracy Winfree, Director of Public Works for Transportation Michael Gardner-Swcetiey, Transportation Planning and Operations Coordinator Doug Newcomb, Open Space and Mountain Parks Property Agent Noreen Walsh, Senior Transportation Planner EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In 2003, Transportation staff reviewed its property holdings to determine if there were any miscellaneous properties no longer needed for transportation uses or improvements. One of two properties identified was the east one-half of 47"' Street between Valmont Road and a point about 250 feet north of Sterling Drive. This parcel is adjacent to an unneeded road right-of-way. This request is to vacate the unneeded right-of-way_ The assembled parcel of the unneeded parcel and the vacated right-of-way would be sold through a competitive sale process to a private entity for a private development opportunity. Proceeds from the sale of the property would go to the Transportation Fund to be used for Transportation projects and operations. The parcel of land subject to vacation is an elongated vacant parcel adjacent to Foothills Parkway across from Gebhardt BMW (formerly Saturn), Please see Attachment A to view the right-of-way to be vacated and the context map in Attachment B. Its north- south alignment was dedicated to the city of Boulder in 1983 by the Valmont- Foothills Park subdivision plat. The right-of-way parcel, known as Oudot A, was reserved in the 1983 plat as hiture highway right-of-way in anticipation of the construction of foothills 1'ACE, I Parkway. Outlot A is immediately adjacent to the entire east side of the property requested to be vacated. Outlot A was purchased by the city in 1985 for $428,500. The assembled property is anticipated to be sold by the city and is already zoned Industrial Service 2 (IS-2)_ S'FAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the introduction, first reading and consideration of a motion to order published by title only an ordinance authorizing the City Manager to execute a deed of vacation to vacate portions of the cast one-half of the 47'x' Street right- of-way as described in Attachment C. Suggested Motion Language: - - - - Staff requests council consideration of this matter and action in the form of the following motion: Motion to introduce and order published by title only an ordinance authorizing the City Manager to execute a deed of vacation to vacate a certain unused portion of the east one- lialf of-N_ 47 Street between Valmont Road and a point 250 feet north of Sterling Drive. COMMUNITY SUSTAINABILITY ASSESSMENTS AND IMPACTS: • Economic: The vacation of this parcel of land will allow it to be attached to an adjacent outlot and sold for private development. The zoning is Industrial Service 2 (IS-2), which could support the development of a range of repair and service uses, small-scale manufacturing uses, and/or automobile sales and service- These could provide additional jobs and sales and use tax revenue for the city of Boulder. • Environmental: This action is not expected to have specific environmental impacts or benefits at this time. Because it is not known who will purchase the property, environmental impacts are unknown. • Social: The community could benefit from the future use of this property, which could be a repair or service shop and/(")r small-scale manufacturing business. OTHER IMPACTS: • Fiscal: No fiscal impact is expected from this action. Proceeds from the sale of the assembled property will benefit the Transportation Fund and be used for Transportation division projects and operations. • Staff time: The time to vacate this property and process the sale of the property fits within existing wort: flans and resources. PAGE 2 BOARD AND COMMISSION FEEDBACK: A version of this City Council memo was sent to the Planning Board on July 28, 2009, in conformance with Section 79 of the Boulder City Charter. Any comments from the Planning Board would be included with this memoranda n to the City Council. As of July 28, 2009, no comments have been received. PUBLIC FEEDBACK: A sign has been posted notifying; the public of this proposal. As of July 22, 2009, no public comments have been received. BACKGROUND: Transportation staff reviewed its property holdings to determine if there were any miscellaneous properties no longer needed for transportation uses or improvements. Two properties were identified. The first property was at the southeast corner of Baseline Road and 55"' Street. It was developed by the city of Boulder as an affordable housing piOJCCL The other property is near 47"' and Valmont and is the subject of this request. Staff will be requesting a motion to authorize the City Manager to dispose. of the vacated portion of 47"' Street and Outlot A, Valmont-PoothitIs Park Sub, Replat A at the 2"d reading which is scheduled for August 18, 2009 ANALYSIS: The text below in italics is reprinted from the Planning [department's Vacation Application. 1. I! ,,ti pvc-Slem"d 1irol erl,+c me 1r1.~ M- r'ly/!!.~ {~l ti ii iac'rc n~ l ntcrilt :x rirrrrc d or dedlcc.rled /cur a t•cllici pm/,c,.t•e. ,9f1plreulu.+ se cl,nik to va(Vte .card por-llnll u/ properNes beelr the bill-den to show ghat Me change is not contr•nrv to the public I r7l Brest. 'I'lic vacation Of the n"ht-nf-way ncar 47"' and Valmont is not contrary to the public interest that it was on finally intended 1iot because the original rt>adway purpose has been fully satisfied by the construction of47"' Street in adjacent dedicated right-of- .;,ty by Replat A, Valmont-f=oothills Park subdivision. The road is built and is a short distance cast of* the on-inal north-south alignment IoM 47"' Street and meets Valmont Road at a four-way signalized intersection (See Attacluuent B). Ill a'vrlcre.+- emd depul-fniellls lriivtlrg a collcervuble interest in the c•asentem of ris,,lu-oJ-wQV nm.ct indicate that no need exists, either at the pi-esent or- conceivable m the frrtrn-e, trl reurin the propcrnr tis till eclsetnent ur !•igh!-ol-ii oY, either-_16t- its clrts~lrrallrru-Im.+r ol• /nl• .+nrrrc• lrrrlrlicpnrJrc,.~r• PACE All agencies with a conceivable interest in the original acquisition have been contacted Staff's investigation indicates that city of Boulder departments do not have further interest in the parcel to be vacated. CDOT does not plan to widen Foothills Parkway through this area or expand its intersection with Valmont Road in its 10-year plan. Outside utility agencies were contacted and have indicated interests in the parcel requested to be vacated. Existing utilities will be accommodated by the reservation of specific- utility easements. The utility easements to be reserved can be seen in Attachment B_ 3 The applrcult tu10st den-rnlsu•atc, consistent ivah the B(ndcler Nalhn- C uurprchcusirc Philp (.110 the c ftr's /.0141 l !.NL. k~;:;~rlcrth~tt.~, cithc r a) that lailtu-c to 1 th'Oh, ctm c•xistin" lig -of-11m, or cn.ecnrr•t1 ol? the propery• 11ntthl cause sitbstamttal hard.vhip to the use ref the prupertt• c•rutsistemt tviih the Boidcler Val/eY C •onywehenstre fVau or the city'v l,e mcl I1ve Regulations, ar- b) that the vacation of the easement or right-of--way wonid actually provide greater public benefit than retaining the property in its present statt.ts. The vacation and eventual use of the identified portion of 47`x' Street right-of-way requested to be vacated is consistent with the BVCP and city Land Use Regulations. Its vacation would provide greater public benefit than retaining the property in its present unused status because no future use for it as a roadway is anticipated. Its vacation and attachment to Outlot A would make Outlot A into a larger, more useable parcel of industrial zoned land and increase its value. Coiuicil may approve, amend or deny the proposed ordinance (see Attachment B) Approved By: Jane S. Brautigam, ('ity Manager ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A - Map of right-of-way to be vacated Attachment B - Map of assembled parcel to be sold Attachment C - Ordinance including Legal Description VAGF 4 ATTACHMENT A A LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND EXHIBIT MAP OF A STRIP OF LAND AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF FOOTHILLS PARKWAY AND VALMONT ROAD, CITY OF BOULDER, COUNTY OF BOULDER, STATE OF COLORADO. V A L M O N T R O A D N89'52'25"E 34.00' NORTH TIN[ OF OUR.OT A fl ~ BQA..DE72 LAND LUNSULTANiS, INC. O 4 O Q NO'S NW CORNER OUTLOT A. VALMONT - FOOTIMLS ly,g PARK (PLANFILE P-14, O F-2, #40) cn = y Y SCALE: 1" = 100' o / y O N Z iq x s` 3 Q~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION N c) D ro o A STRIP OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION / 28, TOWNSHIP 1 NORTH, RANGE 70 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., CITY v ~t OF BOULDER, COUNTY OF BOULDER, STATE OF COLORADO, SAID STRIP OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF THE ORIGINAL 47TH STREET 7C 3 RIGHT-OF-WAY AS DEFINED ON THE PLAT OF VALMONT-FOOTHILLS PARK (PLANFILE P-14, F-2, #40 OF THE BOULDER COUNTY CLERK z AND RECORDER), SAID STRIP OF LAND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY D DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF OUTLOT A, VALMONT- FOOTHILLS PARK; L: 66.05' THENCE S 0002'20" W ALONG WEST LINE OF SAID OUTLOT A, R: 274.00' 297.82 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF THE A 13'48'41" 47111 STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY, AS INDICATED ON THE PLAT OF CH: S31'06'1 5"W REPLAT A VALMONT-FOOTHILLS PARK (PLANFILE P-51, F-1, #4 OF 65.89' THE BOULDER COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER); THENCE 66.05 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT AND ALONG SAID NORTHWESTERLY LINE TO A POINT ON THE WEST NOTE: LINE OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 28, SAID CURVE ALSO REFER TO REPLAT A, HAVING A RADIUS OF 274.00 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF VALMONT-FOOTHILLS PARK 13'48'41", AND A CHORD THAT BEARS S 31'06'15" W, 65.89 FEET; (PLANFILE P-51, F-1, #4) THENCE N 0'02'20" E ALONG SAID WEST LINE, 354.16 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID OUTLOT A, EXTENDED WESTERLY; THENCE N 89'52'25" E ALONG SAID NORTH LINE EXTENDED WESTERLY, 34.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED STRIP OF LAND CONTAINS 10996 SQUARE FEET (0.2524 ACRES), MORE OR LESS. IM MAP WAS PREPARED BY NOTE: BOUI:UFIt d_ ANTS,INC, THIS MAP DOES NOT REPRESENT A BOUNDARY SURREY OR TITLE SEARCH PERFORMED BY BOULDER LAND CONSULTANTS, INC. THERE MAY EXIST EASEMENTS AND/OR (C) 2008 BOULDER LAND OTHER ENCUMBRANCES AFFECTING 5690 VALMONT RD. BWLDER, CO 8=1 PROJECT #633COB06 THE OT s SHOWN HOMY HEREON. PROPERTY THAT ARE (303) 443-3616 "63306LDB.DWG" CONSULTANTS, INC. N ALL RIGHTS RESERVED DATE: 12/22/2008 S 1~ >c 1 * x e * tyl [ 01, y ~ Z • s 1 a R . ~r f. OutlotA Subdivision lvp 50 r 1 t f nr ~ ~ e 1 i~ 1 ~ • ~ •rI ~ ~A . :fir r~•. y 1 •I IV • I ~ ~ f^ f - r - J. .'F u, _ ATTACHMENT C ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A DEED OF VACATION TO VACATE A PORTION OF A RIGHT-OF-WAY LOCATED ADJACENT TO 2948 47" STREET, AND SETTING FORTII RELATED DETAILS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOULDER FINDS AND RECITES THAT: A. The owner of the property located at 2948 47th Street has requested that the city vacate a portion of right-of-way described generally as a portion of the eastern half of 47th Street south of Valmont Road, located adjacent to 2948 47"' Street; and B. The City Council is of the opinion that the requested vacation is in the public interest and that said right-of-way is not necessary for the public use, except for the reservation of a utility easement of the entirety of the area to be vacated. HE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO: Section 1. The City Council vacates and authorizes the city manager to execute a deed of i vacation to vacate a portion of the right of way located adjacent to 2948 47th Street, and to reserve a utility easement over the entirety of the area to be vacated, as more particularly described in Exhibit A. Section 2. This ordinance is necessary to protect the public health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the city, and covers matters of local concern. Section 3. The City Council deems it appropriate that this ordinance be published by title only and orders that copies of this ordinance be made available in the office of the city clerk for public inspection and acquisition. S:\PW\ParkCentral\Tran\NOREEN\Subdivision of city yards propertyCrriangle ParcehAttachment C-11)OC 7 INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED BY TITLE ONLY this 4th day of August, 2009. Mayor Attest: City Clerk on behalf of the Director of Finance and Record READ ON SECOND READING, PASSED, ADOPTED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED BY TITLE ONLY this day of , 2009. Mayor Attest: City Clerk on behalf of the Director of Finance and Record S:\P W\ParkCcntml\Tran\NORFFN\Subdivislon of city yards property\Triangle ParcelWttachment C-LDOC DEED OF VACATION The City of Boulder, Colorado, does hereby vacate and release to the present owners of the abutting land, in the manner prescribed by Section 43-2-302, C.R.S., a portion of right-of-way as dedicated to the City of Boulder on the plat entitled "Valmont- Foothills Park" and recorded in the records of the Boulder County Clerk and Recorder at Film 1270, Reception No. 576010, P-14, F-2, H40 on the 16'x' day of September, 1983, located adjacent to 2948 47`r' Street and as more particularly described as follows: SEE EXI IIB11' A ATTACIIED Reserving unto the City an easement for the installation, construction, repair, maintenance and reconstr action of utilities and appurtenances thereto, together- with all rights and privileges as are necessary or incidental to the reasonable and proper use of such easement in and to, over, under and across the real property described on Exhibit A attached. The above vacation and release shall extend only to the portion specifically vacated. The within vacation is not be construed as vacating any easements or cross- easements lying within the description of the vacated right-to-way. Executed this day of' 2009, by the City Manager after h,-i% received authorization from the City Council of the City of Boulder, Colorado pursuant to Ordinance No. _ _adopted by the City Council of the City of Boulder Colorado on 2009 CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO By: T Jane S_ Brautigam City Mana<;cr ATTEST. City Clerk on behalf of the Director of Finance and Record Approved as to form: City Attorney EXHIBIT Exhibit A: Le-al description. of the vacated area