Minutes - Planning Board - 7/16/2009 CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING BOARD ACTION MINUTES July 16, 2009 1777 Broadway, Council Chambers A permanent set of these minutes and a tape recording (maintained for a period of seven years) arc retained in Central Records (teleplione: 303-441-3043). Minutes and streaming audio are also available on the web at: littp://www.bouldercolorado.gov/ PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: KC Becker 13111 Holicky Elise Jones Willa Johnson Andrew Shoemaker Mary Young PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Adrian Sophcr STAFF PRESENT: Michelle Allen, Housing Planner Jeff Arthur, Engineering Review Manager Joe Castro, Facilities and Fleet Manager Bill Cowcrn, Transportation Operations Engineer David Gchr, Assistant City Attorney Alice Guthrie, Parks and Planning Superintendent Heidi Joyce, Supervisor-Administrative Operations Barbara Long, Administrative Specialist II Ruth McHeyser, Acting Planning Director Chris Meschuk, Planner I Noreen Walsh, Senior Transportation Planner 1. CALL, TO ORDER Chair, W. Jolinson, declared a quorum at 5:05 p.m. and the following business was conducted. The board agreed to change the order of the agenda and moved Action Item C. before itenZs A. and B. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On a motion ) 1 ..Zones, seconded by A. Slhoemaker the Planning-, Board approved (6- 0, A. Sopher absent) the July 9. 2009 Planning Board minutes as amrndcd. 3. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION No one ftom the public addressed the board. I i 4. DISCUSSION Oh' DISPOSITIONS, PLANNING BOARD CALL-UPS Call-up items: 1132-1 190 35`x' Street, LUR2009-00041 I~loodplain Development Pemlit I.UIZ2009-00046 2870 28"' Strect, 'Technical Document Review The board did not call up these items. 5. ACTION ITEMS C. Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on an ordinance amending the Boul(ler Revised Code, 1981 and the Design and Construction Standards related to work area traffic control and standards for transportation improvements. Staff Presentation .1. Arthur presented the item to the board. Public Hearin(; No one from the public addressed the board. Motion On a motion K. Becker, seconded by E..Iones. the Plannin(~ Board recommended (6-0. A. Sopher absent that City Council amend the Boulder 1Zcvised Code and Design atid-Construction Standards related to work area traffic control and standards for transportation mu)i,ovcmcnts as pr~ividcd inAl(a.ic1 icnts A and B of the stafl'memorandum dated July 16. 2000. A. Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to the City Council concerning the 2010-2015 Capital Improvements Program (CIP). Staff Presentation C. Meschuk presented the item to the board. Public Hearing No one from the public addressed the board. Motion On a motion by K. Becker-. seconded by E. Jones. the Plannin~_, Board recommended approval {6-0. A. Sopher absent) of the 2010-2015 Capital Improvements Prop-ram. the list of CII' prOjccts to undcr_!► a ('orni)iurii1V and 1 Ilyil'onn101tal Asscssnicrit Vrocess as presented_iil \ttachmcnt F, and the design review processes recomrnctrded by staff in Attachment G. as recon1mendedb the staff memorandum elated July 16, 2009. B. Public hearing and Planning Board feedback concerning potential amendments to Title 9, B.R.C. 1981, Inclusionary Zoning including; changing the name "Inclusionary Zoning" to "Inclusionary Housing"; mitigation of cash-in-lieu increases on smaller projects; modifications to criteria allowing alternative methods of compliance to inclusionary requirements; pricing sheet changes; and minor code updates for consistency with current practices. Staff Presentation M. Allen presented the item to the board. Public Hearing Elizabeth Borden, 3663 Roundtree Court, Boulder, said if the city increases the cash-in-lieu amounts for Inclusionary zoning and at a later stage decides to include congregate care and assisted living, the costs would be prohibitive for the operation of any new senior care facility. Board Discussion l) The proposed program name change from "Inclusionary Zoning" to "Inclusionary Housing" The board took a straw poll and supported (6-0, A. Sopher absent) changing the name of "Inclusionary Zoning" to "Inclusionary Housing". 2) Mitigation of cash-in-lieu increases for smaller projects (7% annual increase for projects with 1 to 4 units and using standard rounding to determine the on-site requirement.) `I'he board took a straw poll and supported (6-0, A. Sopher absent) both proposals to mitigate cash-in-lieu increases for smaller projects- The board also directed staff to consider how phasing may be used to provide a loophole for larger developments over four units. 3) Unit type The board generally supported the goal of providing incentives for single-fancily housing units. The board noted that the types of units desired today (i.e., single family units) may not be the desired unit types in the future. 4) Modifications for alternative methods of compliance for the on-site requirement (150% to 200% times the standard cash-in-lieu amount.) The board discussed the pros and cons of the cash in lieu and on-site requirclncrtt options. The board discussed the social benefits of having on-site affordable units. r The board took a straw poll (6-0, A. Sopher absent) and stated that: • the value of the cash-in-lieu available creates flexibility and more money. • there is value in social integration. • they were very interested in allowing for off site options for required affordable housing that will address some of the shortfalls in the program, such as serving very low-income households, while keeping some social integration especially in larger projects, and leaving it up to staff and council to figure out how to make it work. 5) Pricing sheet changes The board questioned and discussed the rationale of incentivizing garages. The board took a straw poll and supported (6-0, A. Sopher absent) the pricing sheet changes. 6) Code "clean-up" items The board took a straw poll and supported (6-0, A. Sopher absent) the code "clean-up" items and suggested making the Floor Area definitions consistent. Additional Comments The board took a straw poll and supportcc.l (6-0, A. Sopher absent) that: • the project continue through Phase 111. • stal'fdevclop strategies to meet the housing goal to serve very low income households. 6. MATTERS FROM THE PLANNING BOARD, PLANNING DIRECTOR, AND CI'T'Y ATTORNEY R. IVIcHeyser reviewed the Planning Board calendar. W. Johnson agreed to attend the August 4 City Council meeting and represent the points of view of the board and answer questions on the Compatible Development project. 7. DEBRIEF/AGENDA CIIECK 8. ADJOURNMENT The Planning Board adjourned the meeting at 8:21 p.m. AN)IZc VI'D BY Board Chair DATt: I 4