4 - Call Up: Floodplain Development Permit (LUR2009-00043) - Pedestrian crossing at Alpine Ave. between Broadway and 13th St. MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Board FROM: Katie Knapp, Civil Engineer, Floodplain and Wetlands Permitting DATE: June 25, 2009 SUBJECT: Call Up Item: Floodplain Development Permit (LUR2009-00043) Pedestrian crossing at Alpine Ave. between Broadway and 13th St. This decision may be called up before Planning Board on or before July 9, 2009 A Floodplain Development Permit was approved by Planning and Development staff on June 18, 2009. The project involves roadway improvements to replace and improve a pedestrian crossing at Alpine Ave. between Broadway and 13th St.. The proposed project includes roadway resurfacing, regarding, narrowing the roadway at the pedestrian crossing, installation of an ADA compliant at-grade pedestrian crossing and replacement of existing drive entrances along Alpine Ave.. The applicant has demonstrated that the project will not adversely impact the floodplain or cause a rise in the floodwater elevation during the 100-year flood event. A copy of the floodplain development permit and the application materials is attached. This floodplain development permit was approved by Planning and Development Services staff on June 22, 2009, and the decision may be called up before Planning Board on or before July 9, 2009. There are no Planning Board meetings within the required 14- day call-up period, so the call-up period has been extended to the next Planning Board meeting date on July 9, 2009. Questions regarding this floodplain development permit should be directed to Katie Knapp in Planning and Development Services at 303-441- 3273 or knappWbouldercolorado. ov. Attachments: A. Floodplain Development Permit B. Application Materials ATTACHMENT A CITY OF BOULDER J:, Planning and Development Services 1739 Broadway, Third Floor - P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306-0791 phone 303-441-1880 - fax 303-441-3241 - web boulderplandevelop.net Land Use Review Floodplain Development Permit Date Issued: June 19, 2009 Expiration Date: June 19, 2012 (Pursuant to Subsection 9-3-6(e), B.R.C. 1981) Permit Number: LUR2009-00043 Contact Information CITY OF BOULDER, PW UTILITIES PO BOX 791 BOULDER, CO 80306 303-441-3242 Annie Noble Project Information Location: ALPINE AV BTW 13TH ST & BROADWAY Legal Description: Description of Work: FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT for a pedestrian crossing of Alpine between Broadway and 13th. Type of Floodplain Permit: Floodplain Review W/O Analysis Creek Name: Goose Flood Protection Elevation: 5,372 Conditions of Approval The proposed project/activity is approved on the basis that it satisfies applicable requirements of Chapter 9-3-3, "Floodplain Regulations," Boulder Revised Code 1981. Other floodplain requirements as set forth in Chapter 9-3-3 which are not specifically outlined in the conditions of approval below remain applicable to this project/activity. The applicant shall obtain a site inspection and approval from the City of Boulder Floodplain and Wetlands Administrator upon completion of the project. Improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the plans submitted as part of the floodplain development permit application. Prior to final inspection, the applicant must submit to Planning and Development Services as-built drawings of the new pedestrian crossing and street improvements prepared by a licensed engineer in accordance with City Standards. The floodplain development permit if not appealed, is final 14 days after notification of issuance. Inspections To schedule an inspection, call 303-441-3280 and refer to your permit number (LUR2009-00043). Final Floodplain Inspection AT'rAC11MENT B • is 5y. a•A .:-June 2, 2009 Katie Knapp Development Review Coordinator City of Boulder P.O. Box 791 Boulder, Colorado 80306 RE: 0912A - FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR ALPINE AVENUE PEDESTRIAN CROSSING IMPROVEMENTS BETWEEN BROADWAY AND 13TH STREET Dear Katie: The City of Boulder Transportation Department is submitting this Floodpiain Development Permit Application for pedestrian crossing improvements on Alpine Avenue between Broadway and 136' Street and adjacent to the Ideal Market and Community Plaza shopping centers. The project is located entirely within the floodway of Goose Creek and the majority of the project area is located within the High Hazard Zone. The project location and flood zones are shown in Figure 1. The project will replace and upgrade an at-grade existing pedestrian crossing spanning Alpine Avenue. The existing asphalt road surface will be replaced with concrete pavement within the limits of the crossing. The roadway width will be narrowed from approximately 39.5-ft wide to 25-ft for a running distance of approximately 61-ft. The portion of narrowed roadway includes shopping center drives on the north and south sides of Alpine as well as the proposed pedestrian crossing. The top of roadway will be lowered by approximately 0.2-ft and the double crown in the existing roadway will be eliminated. This improvement will reduce roadway cross slopes through the project area and allow the new crossing to be ADA compliant. The improved crossing will greatly enhance pedestrian safety and the project will replace the existing, deteriorated asphalt pavement. Four representative cross sections were cut through the project site. These cross sections are shown on the construction plan sheet included in the Appendix. The project will tie into the existing grades at Cross Section 1 on the east and Cross Section 4 on the west. Equivalent conveyance calculations were performed to compare the existing and proposed conveyance capacities at Cross Sections 2 and 3. Cross Section 2 is located 3 Mon, 01 Jun 2009 - 10:47om F.\F'ROJECfS - CURREN!\2009-PROJECT.5\0912A\Orowings\VICINITY.d-g FL N J z to T:E o u) 00 Z T- LL- L- w a ELDER AV o ELDER A } DELLW04D A CHESTNUT PL Ln ~ 0 o z s = t~ ~ M d• r` CD CEDAR AV a- F- J = H GH w I i H Rb BALSAM AV Z NE PR JECT S TE f- ALPINE AV - 1,a _ J f r - 00 FLOODWA N E SV~S~~ 8 100-YEAR PO TLAN PL FLOODPLAI V V ! Q' ~o N4G~ S g r C 0 m g~ r0) t ~ P1N~ S ~ PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING Figure 1 LANDICAPE ENVIRO VICINTY MAP ENVIRONMMENTAL CONSULTING Ball Conlne west (ermeAy Love a Associates. Im.) 0 10' 500' 1000' NO Jeflernea Avenua. Smote B t , Alpine Roadway Improvements 1303--673--9 95 f. ~isi9s City of Boulder Transportation E9 nwveQGeltcdAesweslcom NORTH SCALE IN FEET 6111109 Katie Knapp June 2, 2009 immediately east of the proposed pedestrian crossing. Cross Section 3 is located on the west edge of the adjacent shopping center drives. Base flood elevations (BFEs) at Cross Sections 2 and 3 were determined using interpolation between the bounding regulatory cross sections, Cross Sections 391 and 401. A Manning's n of 0.015 (pavement) was used for the existing and proposed roadway cross sections. Detailed cross sectional survey was completed by City of Boulder Transportation staff on May 18, 2009. Additional topographic mapping for the project area was supplied by Boulder Land Consultants on September 20, 2005 and extended in this area on April 21, 2009. All elevations are in NAVD 88 vertical datum. The proposed cross sections are based on the City's construction drawings. Conveyance calculations and existing and proposed cross sectional profiles are included in the Appendix. Flow area increases slightly at Cross Sections 2 and 3 for proposed conditions. The roadway at Cross Section 2 is not fully submerged under existing conditions. The crown of the roadway is above the BFE which was computed by interpolation between the regulatory 100-yr water surfaces at regulatory Cross Sections 391 and 401. Topographic contours indicate the presence of islands in the 100-yr floodplain in the parking lots at Ideal Market and Community Plaza and along the roadway crown for segments of Alpine, Broadway, and North Street between regulatory Cross Sections 391 and 401. Relatively small islands such as these are typically not delineated in the 100-yr floodplain and they are not delineated in this instance in the Goose Creek floodplain. Because the roadway surface at Cross Section 2 is lowered by the project, Cross Section 2 will become completely submerged under proposed conditions. Consequently, the wetted perimeter and conveyance capacity increase at Cross Section 2 for proposed conditions. Goose Creek is a steep-gradient stream (a defined channel does not exist through the project reach as the flow path is defined through parking lots and across roadways) through the project area with rapidly varying BFEs. At Cross Section 3, the Alpine Avenue roadway is completely submerged for both existing and proposed conditions and the wetted perimeter is approximately the same for both conditions. Conveyance will be increased by the project at Cross Section 3. DISCUSSION OF FLOODPLAIN CRITERIA. ITEMS Section 9-3-6(c) of the Boulder Revised Code requires a discussion of several floodplain criteria items for a Floodplain Development Permit. These items are discussed below. The Floodplain Development Permit Application form can be found in the Appendix. 1. The effects on the efficiency or capacity Conveyance capacity is increased within the of the conveyance zone and high hazard Alpine Avenue roadway within the project zone. area. Katie Knapp June 2, 2009 2. The effects upon lands upstream, Lands upstream and downstream of the project downstream, and in the immediate area will not be impacted. The roadway in the vicinity. project area will be lowered by approximately 0.2-ft. Roadway drainage to downstream areas is maintained, with average gutter flowline slopes of 2.2% (north gutter) and 1.2% (south gutter) from Cross Section 2 to the downstream tie-in at Cross Section 1. 3. The effects upon the 100-year flood The 100-yr flood profile will not be adversely profile. impacted because the conveyance capacity within Alpine Avenue will be maintained and slightly increased. 4. The effects upon any tributaries to the No impact to tributaries or other drainage main stream, drainage ditches, and any facilities. other drainage facilities ors stems. S. Whether additional public expenditures No. for flood protection or prevention will be required. 6. Whether the proposed use is for human No. occupancy. 7. The potential danger to persons No change. downstream and in the immediate vicinity. 8. Whether any proposed changes in a No. The project impacts only an existing watercourse will have an adverse roadway. No streambanks or wetland areas environmental effect on the watercourse, will be impacted. including without limitation, streambanks, and streamside trees and vegetation. 9. Whether the proposed water supply and Not applicable. sanitation system and other utility systems can prevent disease, contamination, and unsanitary or hazardous conditions during a flood. 10. Whether the proposed facilities will be No change. susceptible to flood damage and the effects of periodic flooding. 11. The relationship of the proposed The project is consistent with the principles of development to the Boulder Valley the Comprehensive Flood and Stormwater Comprehensive Plan and any applicable Utility Master Plan. The project fulfills a key floodplain management programs. goal of the Comprehensive Plan by bringing the pedestrian crossing into compliance with ADA standards and improving pedestrian safety. 12. Whether safe access is available to the No change. property in times of flood for ordinary and emergency vehicles. 13. Whether the applicant will provide flood No. warning systems to notify floodplain occupants of impending floods. Katie Knapp June 2, 2009 14. Whether the cumulative effect of the No change in flood elevations resulting from proposed development with other this project. See response to question 3. existing and anticipated uses will increase flood levels. 15. Whether the expected heights, velocities, No adverse impact to flood levels, velocities, duration, rate of rise, and sediment duration, rate of rise, or sediment transport will transport of the floodwaters expected at result from this project. the site will adversely affect the development or surrounding property. We thank you for the opportunity to submit this Floodplain Development Permit Application and look forward to the issuance of a Flood Permit for the proposed Alpine roadway improvements. Please contact us if you have any comments or questions. Sincerely, LOVE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Prepared By: Brianna L. Wallace, E.I. Inc Reviewed By: David I /Love, P.E. 5 16 . 1. 7 CMA9 AVE M r 0 6 _ BAISM Ax I IF, 4 ,o 24 r 5 AIPw1E Alf (D X "ORIN ST 4,5' WALK CROSS-SECTION 4 4' WALK "x / 4' ,4aNs~^ 2' C&G LOOKING WEST 2' C&G 10' GRADE BREAK 10' GRADE BREAK i D 'H~~ ff y ulPl~ / 2 1a TO el-Y., 706 7461 - - - " r------~- I - 79.5 i 70.5 14 70.4 - - 170.4 70.3 7°.5 I Y0 ~ 70.3 v 74.2; - - 70. 70.2 r n °o KEY MAP 7D.1 - L- -74.T 74AI- J170.0 v 2 Q~ 69.4 ' a.ea TC -S-Ti 69.9 o n I Q 69,6 - - - - 69.8 n n 69.7; °B' ° - - 69.7 E CRCSS~ CTION 4 69.61 C-`- - - - - - - 69-6 9.76 74:46 - 69.8 ~0$ ti00 4 N CL - K - - $ £ 1~G g4yt x N o CROSS-SECTION 3 13.5' WALK AND w by 13.5' WALK AND PATTERNED A PATTERNED LOOKING WEST CONCRETE 1 CONCRETE 2' C&G 2' G&G O 11' DRIVE LANE 11' DRIVE LANE CROSS- ECTION,-3 70.6 - - - 70.6 99 65 70 Do 69.7 c ,n f d 74.5, EXISTING RADE - I 70.5 Z y 70.4 703 az I 70.3 74.2,E ° ii°s6i - 1 b7,64 il. •----x _ - - ra.i( -1- a.a--a - 70.7 ' : a m D 701 i- 7a.1 w r Jk' t~ 70.0 1 69.7 -69.7 r N I i°no 69.61 PROPOSEQ - - - - - 69-6 2 _i. GRADE n T vo 1 11 69.5 m pra o0 >❑o ~Q.TI ~~G r~~ Q K CL/- - X ~ m n ' WALK AND 13.5' WALK AND CROSS-SECTION 2 135 PATTERNED PATTERNED LOOKING WEST CONCRETE m o CONCRETE 2' C&G 2' C&G O m Ln 11' DRIVE LANE 11' DRIVE LANE rz) n n >o Amy L-1---1 Fff 69.Bi ;68,8 F t j°-ryv s9,7EXISTING. RADE .-1-- 'I 169,7 ]y 'z 69.6 r--- - - ` - 69 6 'r - 1 c 5: - I J 69, .4 69693.--. 694 A 7 3{1 .18 --e. et - - - -169.3 I n. 7 68.2 69,2 n n 68.9-- era n 1- ed9 - -68.9 Y P70POSED--) 68.8;, - ---GRADE 68.7 - - - 68.7 68.fi:. -I_ - - - - -'T----J68,6 - ~1,-' ~b ii, L-A ~01~G~~ - - % - - - CL m el a N, . j ~1 4,5' WALK CROSS-SECTION 1 4' WALK z! m 2' C&G LOOKING WEST 10 2' C&C n" CROSS- CTION T ' GRADE BREAK 0' GRADE BREAK 68.55 69.06 068-31 mZN $ ao a >N 0' TO CL_ 10. TQ CL - ~o >z 69,4;-._. - - - - li -69.4 ➢m 69.3 r-~ - - - - -69.3 m -lo 59.21 - - 69,2 x o o 69.1 9.oo 6Y. 9.0a 1 69,1 D 690 j~ 169.0 1~ r a's 681 t e9 i I°e°° 68. l 6e.a 66U. 9 6.6 6 7 SUBMITTAL 68.61, I °6a MATCH EXISTING I 1 68.7 June 3, 2009 6.6 I I 69. 0.55 68.5 10 30 68.4 ee+'. 168.4 N 56.3 , m 68.3 0 ~~p e mot? K CL % Q 4 p7U OY 0 20 40 0 Computer File Information Sheet Revisions aF BOU Colorado Deportment As Constructed BROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION (PINE TO IRIS) Project No./Code Cre6m Date: Nay 26, 2W9 IUaN IN of Transportation ALPINE PEDESTRIAN X-ING Last "ricatioa Dale: Iu°s-d sn,r No Rerisims: (BROADWAY TO 13TH) STU M110-045 Fug Path: iJa-21S Re9ised: [ksg Structure ru• pm.~so-aloe ' ne Nome: id Lwaikdwg Numbers Utl Yer. Drig. Scale: Unts: C= Region ; Pic Checked: Nlap DF Vold: Sheet Subset Subset Sheets: 1 of 1 Sheet Number 1 I