4 - Call Up: 970 Aurora Ave. - Site Review Amendment (LUR2008-00101) ~INIENVIORANDUM TO: Planning Board FROM: Charles Ferro, Senior Planner DA'L'E: May 27, 2009 SUBJECT: Call Up Item: Site Review Amendment (LUR2008-00101) for a portion ()1'970 Aurora Ave. involving demolition ofan existing 2,528 square foot one-story addition to an existing building that is located on the west side of the property (along Lincoln Pl.) and replacement with a two-story, 33.5 Bull tall, 8,224 square foot building comprised of 4,264 square feet of common area on the ground level and two apartments (totalling 3,960 sf) on the second level. The site is located in the Residential Low One (RI_- I) zone district. The exisitng use of the Academy will remain as a congregate care facility. Barkt;round / Existiny, Conditions: The Academy is an existing 71,959 square foot congregate care facility with 52 dwelling units <tlnl 59 on-site parking spaces. Three of the originally approved congregate care units were never constructed. Additionally, there have been some changes to the distribution of unit types since ilic original approval as indicated below. . I'hc development was approved in 1992 with a maximum of 54 dwelling units (a maximum dwelling unit equivalent of 22.67 units) and a parking reduction that allowed a minimum of'47 on-site parking spaces. :-lid originally approved distribution of density and the arrangement of unit types are as fellows: Unit Type Number of Units Conversion Ratio Dwelling Unit Equivalents Congregate Care 38 3: 1 12.67 Assisted Living 5 5: 1 1 Assisted Living -Temp. Support Units 2 0 0 Single Family Bungalows 9 I 9 TurAl, 54 22.67 Per the land use code, congregate care facilities are allowed a conversion ratio of 3:1 for units with kitchens and 5:1 for assisted living units without kitchens. Two assisted living support units were also approved under the original development with a conversion ratio of 0:0 as the units arc not permanently occupied and are solely reserved for residents of congregate care units that require temporary assisted living care. The existing distribution ol'current (ICllsltV and the arrangcnlcnt of unit t_ypcs arc as ti)llows: Unit Type Number of Units Conversion Ratio Dwelling Unit Equivalents Congregate Care 33 3 : 1 1 1 Assisted Living R 5 : 1 1.00 Assisted Living - Temp. Support Units 2 0 U I Single Family Bungalows TOTAL 52 21.60 As indicated by the table, there arc CUu-rently 52 units on-site vv,ith a dwellin1-' unit cquivalcncv of 21.60 both of which are helloes what kt as originally approved in 1992. Proposal: The applicant has applied for an amendment to the original approval requesting demolition ofan existing 2,528 square foot one-story addition to an existing building that is located on the west side of the property (along Lincoln Pl.). The one-story building will be replaced with a two-story. 33.5 foot tall, 8,224 square foot building comprised 44,264 square feet of common area on the ground level and two congregate care apartments (totalling 3,960 st) on the second level. Refer to Attachment A for the proposed plans. The proposed distribution of density and unit types is as follows: Unit 'I' a Number of Units Conversion Ratio Dwelling Unit Equivalents Congregate Care 35 3 : 1 11.07 Assisted Livino S 5 : 1 1.6 Assisted Living - Temp. Support Units 2 0 (1 Single Family Bungalows 9 1 9 TOTAL 54 22.27 As indicated by the table, the proposal does not exceed the density or the number of units beyond what was originally approved in 1992. Additionally, the number of on-site parking spaces (52) will continue to exceed the amount of on-site parking approved (47) under the original approval in 1992. The building architecture will also improve. The current building presents somewhat of an undetailed, institutional fa(:ade. Based on the grade of the site, only portions of the existing building are visible from the street however, the proposed architecture will appropriately address the street while keeping with the residential character of the existing campus and the surrounding single-family neighborhood. The Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board (LPAB) issued a Landmarks Alteration Certificate for the project in February 2008. LPAB found the proposed building materials compatible with what has been used on the site and that the overall scale and proportion of the proposed building is diminished compared to other buildings on the campus. LPAB also found the proposed building compatible with adjacent residential buildings. Process and Public Comment: Per section 9-2-14, B.R.C. 1981, projects over three acres or 18 dwelling units require Site Review. Additionally, the proposed expansion is larger than 10 percent of the total floor area of' the dcvelopnient. TherclOre, the ori"inal appl-m al Cannot he amended throu-h the administrratiVe Minor Modification process and requires a 1-ull amendment to the Site Review. Upon receipt of the application, staff mailed notice to all property owners within 600 feet of the subject location notifying residents of the Use Review application. Staff also emailed notification of the project to the University Hill Neighborhood Association. Staff received correspondence from one neighbor concerned about parking impacts, however, a recently approved Neighborhood Parking Program and additional signage in the area at the Academy has alleviated the neighbor's concerns. Please refer to the neighborhood correspondence found in Attachment B. Conclusion: Staff finds that the proposed Use Review meets the relevant criteria pursuant to section 9-2-15, "Use Review," B_R.C. 1981. Please refer to Attachment C for the disposition of approval. This proposal was approved by Planning and Development Services staff on May 26, 2009 and the decision may be called up before Planning Board on or betbre June 8, 2009. There is one Planning Board meeting scheduled within the 14-day call up period on June 4, 2009. Questions about the project or decision should be directed to Charles Ferro at 303-441-4012 or ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov. Attachments: At,aciknient A: Applicant's Plans and Building Elevations Attachment B: Neighborhood Correspondence Attachment C: Staff Disposition of Approval, site plan, and elevation drawings 2 Chapel & Academy ATTACHMENT A Vehicle Entry a Aurora Avenue o tj4,0 PROJECT INFORMATION: Owner: /P Academy Equities, LLC f 1 T - 970 Aurora Avenue ~~F•"`~/~+; 9 Boulder, CO 60302 703.938]920 www.beacademyboulderocim s _ ys PLANNING 8 OEu~LGPMENT t - SE Contractor. 1' Wide = Chapel r<Vilr~S Coe Construction Inc. ewaX Conuele % ~tDpv - 2307 East 13th Street Existing Square Footage Summary and Slone`., - -•u~ fiUV tl~ Loveland. CO W537 Wall at 111II I Contact Gregg Meisingef 970663.7636 Building A (Chapel. Academy and N_ Bridge) = 41,670sf Property Line' E 1 USE J dA • r ; 'Includes Area of GaagrJStorage Y111 P~IG Guiding B (Flatirons AddiBOn 8 5. Bridge) = 30,28W - www ox[anshUC6on mm JI Sub-Total A 8 B = 71,959 s1 - NrAiled: ShearsAdkns Architects 1 Academy 1821 Blake Street, Suite to , CO 80202 Conservatory - 3,838 sl - Chapel 3-Story L . r r t fh11 Denverlact - Staff Only 2- ~r 970 Aurora Avenue IL LAND U„ REti` C Burigalows t Story Ir h1E Cm Jonas DiCaprp Access Paint 1 Historic Building Historic Building 303.436.9551 1.8251omslreer _1.900s Bu1ldingA 15coagagawecare wwwheasadknsoxn - to AssWm omn9 ra rv rv rc ra• 2 81910th Street 2,425 sf Loading 25 Total unm E ineer MEP. 3 81518m SI dot - 2,388 st Aria Boulder Engineering Co. 4 80910th Sheet = 2,388 st 2430 Broadway, Suite 301 - - 1`Ouldoor Boulder. CO 80304 6~ 838 Lincoln Place = 2.605 sl r~ Bike -Contact Jerry Novotny Dining pooepwo Pang Main Vehicle 6832 Lincoln Place = 2,587 sl y ✓ 251 ry lRxk & Visitor Entry I SO• 303.444.&038 bikes) t. www.bodderengineenig.oom 7955 Cascade Ave - 2,776 st I(A QOlprad0 G 64,e Rack _ Resident a_ 965 C.-de, A. = 2.776 sf arden & Staff Only , Structural B Cml: 9985 Cascade Ave -3,07554.- Access Point '~0 , 'Auto Court. _ _ 7JVA 9~S rpruce 5ht~lneers Bungalow Total- - =2.928 s1 Area of Building B Boulder. CO 80302 Existin9 Square Foolage Total =9A,709s1 Proposed O Storage- Exercise,, r Lt- Called: Tam Skinner - 6 _ Conservatory n~yp Addition to 1 -Story MSlary Ir 303.444.1951 { - 2-Story % owR[IEA tat[ ~ www.jvaNawm - - 'm J Staff Offices Existing Land Use Summary flat. uons Orly SAY GRASS AREA Landsmpe: - 1~Slpry BBWYr Lindplrt PCS Group, Inc Total Site Area 159,215 sf 3,655 acres,; A Building A conva,e r>aA 0 , _ 1001 16th Street B-180 Building Coverage 49,269 sf p - - - -.m Denver, CO 80265 Drives and Parking 25,483 sf : Building B'@ - ~ j - - - - ~C Contact: Paul SMUkas Total Coverage ` 74,752 sf 707.6314905 n 03 Open Space 84463sf - U Flatirons wwe.pcsgmpta.mm CJ Percent ofSite mOpen Space 53`y d - °s•,,, 3-Story'- - h~ 'I" 1iu +,u•_ , sa ~q sa. ~y calh-Parking Below Note: ' 46 Cengegalr'cw, - - 0 1e`rmiuAb. O - 1. Calculations taken from original PUD documents dated: 8126192 O Designated 2. The above areas are all within the property boundaries. S - Open Space', Tine - - FROrR voRCR it _ - _ 3. Parking coverage not counted if under building mass. J - N F AasA ca 4. Porches, decks, rooftop areas accessible to public or individual Q > O residents are not counted as open space. Q U Ederged Bike Parking Plan t•.~... - Sidewalk Connection-Public Sidewalk Connection Public O . _ l0 Existing Building Unit Breakdown _ _ Q O Building Independent Assisted Single Family Total Bungalow BuggaldwDnveway Q m Vehicle Entry N 03 Flatirons 18 18 `.Bungalow I t Academy 15 1D 25 _ v • '-1 Story " Bungalows - 9 9 825,1Dth L r'11 of Plannl l;g dill ar,!~~ent f - y s ,✓IL~ of ~o~~!u~r - Der Total _ Slreefr 'T Bungalow story 5 O13VelOplil'E1t J@fViCBS c 2DOSShea~na Shears-Adkins Architects haror LT Pa' ~o{ 1 FINAL LAND USE DRAWING aro ~ 33 10 9 52 A 1100 _ _ eRl 111 Id ungalow 2 aC o care R-31 rAp aan o2Es croswaedl l- nisi - rn.wr (2) otr67s a e,1ae 7'27 °iU6is R-mare l7).._DUE - 77nmg DUE-s I,. 8819 t1 A 38 1 35 e RLD SET 0.5sWea umeg %t.5'1 5 100 5 100 d 0.60 6 120 8 1.60 8 IW - r Trash ,e Y d I SUDnan unlit i•al 2 am 1 2 aac 2 ono 2 am 2 000 2 mad a,i Nuryai~w.: Ratio l'.1 9 9.00 9 9 80 9 900 9 900 9 0011 _ 9 900 - Stamp Tt ~I t'S1 H 22.67 51 21.67 52 22.21 52 2181 52 2160. 57 71.601 Bungalow 3 IA"hn]h 76 mn9regele rare arils wxe appwea. ally 05 wove anwM[orsslalctminnFeFlalmrsatldhan l5 on ne 9rnw4 se[and,aM NiN AnwsdlM1e Argemy WiwmgaMMmNe hA ROOT ofiM11::' I`` O• r: ana;.Y uaa e9 - _ Bungalow6 1 -story 2rer m„n mvdir~eariae selaeumwmecrydl7awermamY S. l9sa ey cary Berg al r pw ea mismaor mold,remit was re.n mDemeatea w;m respea mmna 815o101h. 1 noa9 em+gsassWea meg a¢mw[aage9aw -Story d© Legend reawrvrleem tam mareo-r rsoaas ag mngregxa care anaru¢elxs tole aaa deueaswg assswa frv+ig urvUlo7i nova nowovw,-mpememea asaaaerg our addmoaa assisledHmgnnmy av.hg [ayagam ~a 832 Lincoln \M1• Street apadmenl A105 nw me Snwlwr[plgregale rare apanm¢nl{wM1iC~r¢mtirea A1051 argarcw assisted ermg na.A107 ASa[ansequu+xa, ann Nw mnvmlclion mar¢worv75mgregale rare apaAneals,6assistea ( - m Parking Count-Fxistin . , g w4s, and 9 bvrgara sh •AZ YCamwn¢a'r amD,e Shrine '.Place 1 0 .91 ')Summgaenlw Ne mrwr modifia' relarreewni'2l above, knMens wsa removed ham Mw mrgragale care aDarbrwras on befirsl Rex of ne AO4emYBuadllq lAere6ywnverOng lrrose nro apaMrera lnxntwo t - rgagateraraapaunenuw-amslad Bungalow ns. _ 4 F~ Pedestrian Sidewalk-Existing •a rwro aasrnea e:M ores were anprovee as suDWrI In the am aremcoumea lo-rd oxenag 9 U. E naaw - _ - ~~r•• 9mix1 ^[Y 1 •s easaa o, me im sire. the ma.lmam oueawwa oe2271. nawerer, we nave esed 2267 hecaeudwas asmmlrb argral apgceon aea approval easee ae ere ¢ummn a¢a rAe of approver eras. ~ 1-Story 9-]Q h Driveway-Existing 1'Wide - Bungalows' Streei Site Walls-Existing Concrete - 9s ntF vv ggrg, Date _ 427.09 ' and Stone 9Total Imo _ 0 Overhead Object - (E) Parking Summary Standard Compact HC _ Total Wall at\ Phase Ste Reriex Chapel Driveway 3 1 4 Property Line r `o - - - - - © slues Conservatory _ 3 1103085ile Revlmr Subm riot Rece lion-Lon Term 2 1 4 ° f E1 Existing R p g 2 Bun bw Designated-. `o ga 7 Bungalow 8 I ungalow 9 01.2009-Site Revew Response 1 Reception-Short Term 4 4 Property Line Bungalow-Large - - 3 - - - - 1 4 - `Open SPace x 2.SIOry 2-Story 2-Story 04.06.09-Site Review Respmse2 Bungalow-Small 2-_-- - 2 - rice 98 Avenue Existing C d 965 Cascad ' • de gve ud, Avenue Garage-Storage - 6 6 n - zlStlBg CComposite Flatirons-Main 19 - 19 ux _ SI(e Plan Flatirons-Singles 5 5 NpPN Sheet 8olalal0--_ 56 3 59 _ \ I:'. Existing Composite Site Plan This summary is as filed with city per NAPR2001-00122 / to L 1t1 - ~j t 1 r Cascade Avenue f xlstmg Chapel B Academy Aurora Avenue Vehicle Entry PROJECT INFORMATION / - , - - - - - - - _ Owner: Academya 1ie 1 970 Aurora Avenue nle Proposed Square Footage Summary Sub-Total Total Boukler. 80302 _ I 303938.1920 Building A )Chapel Academy and N Bridge) - 41,670 el wwwJheaatldnyhalder.cam Buildup B (Fletrom d S. Bridge) Fsisleg : 30 289.1 I Il a~9tnl~alkx. Planning of Garages and E..,o- =-2,528 at (E)1' Wide - I 11 T~ (EJ Cbapel ~ 7302 East 1387 Street !1 Of !i:~er -Dena`:{,~~' t o. Concrete - I q .Driveway.. Lowe,kPpnt )r !30, Area of New Addition = 9,224 51 O New Building 0 SF (36.560 max NanConlorming) = 35.985 at 'Data not require expansion of Nan-Cmramiig Use and Stone . _ , •.y Y in 25 ~:b6d Gve s r rn en l Services CoContact GfiN ntact, Co M~swMee Wall at DRAWING 910.663: 636 ger Sub- Total A d B = 77,655 st Fpm Area Calaea8mis Per City Definition Sec 316. Property Line ooJ - _-1.1•:~~._.` n~AL L1",~~~D 3 F 1 _T EPORk Conservalay = 3.830 s1 a 4 - - (E)1 Wide Ardul Gonere~e(' ~ShearsAdkinskrAnecS 6prgabws Existing Academy and Sldha' .R 1821 Blake Street, Suite la 1: 82510th street 1,9001a Existing Chapel 3-Story Wall at •~j' H9 `i~ Denver, CO 90202 2:019 tan Street = 2,825 sl 2-Story 970 Aurora Avenue Property Line Conrad. Jonas OCapno Historic Building 303.476'9551 Historic Building 3.8151pn Sir-[ '.=2.388.1 ~l BuildingA 15 capzde care wwwshecsaAYlamm 4.809 10th street ' 2.386 of Existing' 10 Assnled Liw 25 Total Units ENneerMER 5:838 L-lit Place = 2.605 st Loading, Boulder Erillar ding Co B 932 t,rbdn Place = 2,587 at ,.a .1 - ' - - p 2430 Broadway, Suite 301 1 7- t{ _ 0 LJ J J' ( Boulder Co 80301 7: 955 Cascade Avenue =2.776 st (E)Outdoor (E) y9e paws Existing v` cmlact Jerry Nov)" l ` Patio- E-Isng 2Raa,11a,DAa1 30340,6038 8' 965 Cascade Avenue = 2.776 at l I Remplion -Pd rw lV adds , \ J Main Vehicle ~ ,I 0~ wwN Baudneigmeercg.mm deo • 1 • ~f BVisitor Entry 2Siay - Mae 0, -,,t 9: 985 Casoda Avenue = 3,075 sl B,dge nee : V y9' Structural A Civil. 22,920 .1 - I 1 BmOapw total l - AOave NA Cansding Ergineem = 1 m- Exrstmg 1 . Spruce Street New Sglye Foooxp Total =18,48..7 Area of New Addition -nuaravd ' PLANNING & DE'~E~UPTiiEi~i 1319 1319Si co9Bw2 Proposed Building B 2-Story Addition Gong 7ie Fitting Contact Tom Skinner FmrosM SOVae rawge 2Tabuml, - Conservatory 70340.2951 'Lvei1 =42610 2-Story U r www ajeamw Tur 12,24 f 7 Staff Office Proposed Land Use Summary I/ •t _ ti.un.d,NyMayE.b. }ir ,1 O UJL ~l(rilfh[NG PCsGro Landscape Burl Total Site Area 159.215 sf 3.655 acres I - }•a T -3 and ':;4 ding A 100116th Street8480 BuBding Coverage 51,039 s1 1-HC-Space Lou o A - Pote dw L.atbn Contact C 80265 ct. uka: Drives and Parking 25.483 s1- 'Bullding BQ Enclosed to, addeb.el 30531 Pa ad Sho Total Coverage 76,522 s1 © E. p xmy ZZ 70'..531.4905.03 Open Space 82,693 sf /t~ www.prsgroupca mm 1. [Percent of Site in Open Space 529: FxisWg Flatrpns y IQr OE .JEII `/ATE 3Slory Note-. with Parking Below 0 111 CongregeD.ewe - '.Existin ill O 1. The above areas are all within the property boundaries. 0 _ g 18 Tmai Une I O 'p 2. Parking coverage not counted if under building mass. 0 I Desgnaled r, 3. Porches, decks, rooftop areas accessible to public or individual J _ •OpenSpace 'O 43 cu residents are not counted as open space- f Q 0 1 -_1.Z =~l 11 ' ~ m o (E) Sidewalk Conn ectionPublic JE)Sidewalk ConneUoon-PubliI Legend tp -O Proposed Building Unit Breakdown O 7 N _ 2 Building Independent Assisted _ Single Famil Total g } • Parking Count U Q - ExistiBun slow \ I (Ef Eli, pwlnrewa - . ^ DD 9 _y__ _ Vehicle Entry Y '(E) Pedestrian Sidewalk-Existing N p3 Flatirons 18 18 - Bungalow 1 t Academy l 15 _ 10______ _ 25 •,`I _ r•1-Story ..I Driveway-Existing ~ Bungalows 8251(!th Addition 2 2 E bungalow 5 StreAfi (1 o Site Walls-Existing - - a' This, mane .d 6a arc, .m ry , 02009 Shears-Adons Architects Total 35 10 9 54 1-Story ae 900^ designs -oovied Rxn 838 Lincoln - - Overhead Object - ew caw k wed ern enaed to M ea_ eel Place o Q. ~ (E)9ungaloW2 sit waeAdrx tom. we • LJ D"ohirs,VfR..bwcM AswaM rsw.ih r0~an i 1 k - 1-St J Existing wds,anupa me. e Typa of U. _ Ay.wd DUE-. Camwa.d t'0 DUE, A1wa .bd F2) DUP. c.n.9udsd ('2) DUE. a sks 031 Due. Ex.wg cue. Pbpo..d Dues 819 10th . gM,yy„ yyw,th N wma, co.pup-c- i1.1u31 ze - 1297 35 1±87 W 1267 ( 35 nee -33 i a 1100 a 1It 67 002 - .0 f i Street l (E Existing Building Footprint a. •087 n ramp 3 060 6 120 a "r_ ! 1 beorory A.WM1e+q a.Des1 s 100 s 100 m AL Pp.=('4l 2 0.00 2 0th 1 coo 2 tiro z as z ago z .00 Trash 1 ~9 Sta1^D cap 11 9 9.00 9 900 9 900 9 900 9 90D 9 90G 9 900 - - I Proposed Budding Footprint gislows rda 0s1 9+ 22.7 sl 21.2__ _ -52 22.22 s2 2187 52 2160 52 2160 54 - aai I E Bun alow3- - - - Property Line •1 Airo,9n 3a tagn9ew tae wa+wb.oaoya, aeia.«eau~W .a.-1e~eK EUemns aaew~.lsan 0bywa uand..dnw 6oaadm. A..d. wlmq.nd wo on nbsn noo.dma --.Ezisling'., I - O T1-Story Bungalow 6 k wbOkapp.aWmlMbhCw deeaa.muy 6. 199epG.ryeyMa[paed.PYrt/Y mVaAw.m ran.vwanpe~r.N wM ropdbVanwwN lrxeed svvq,as brapegab• as - Setback Line tan apxwm~a l•^d 9peby+~n•A++N mngre9ale ryeaprinmCb H.rd Oeasaseg onM9mg u+eb311.-a.rose.w.nwawwaeda.b.ddapdtl.ddbwasssbd M9~a'1 ny'4^•=Nd•^9w9•1•~• ~ ~ , 1-Sto. er-.A10S.-ae.that eurryegal. rye V-11w9Vd awned A,., adamw.-Isd Mp w+4 At07 A. awaeearre,aner Vgsvepnim 6w. were 35 c...tae-.1-els, 6as.Wed II'""JJhrine 832 Lmeoln I: - xvng uM, eM 9 euogaaws s eAawn.'Aduery C.n.ended'z.emm •35uwmwmloa+mn>mmmrawnr.1.mdmwi'21s0ev.st~nem.«oremowaa~nebwq~egawU~.awmnenuenn.mm~oammeaudemy0uwn6.mereWmn..n.gaw..nAapa~oe.m9omr.,e Place m.aa9al.tae>P--.to wo nwed pry we. (E)Bungalow4•4 lwo.sseub w,y uric ven.ppmreabswndd to err payed ma areamn.edbwdOwenq ur.r9w+1.Ay._'. 1-Story •5eu.dmewuwa.9. mamum we. wadanzt r,w.,e.m. we louta veeaner Vaceseem wean eb aepwawaolm andapPw+mad enhmwromwryped.paovraw.l. - - ( - is --'809lop E 1'Wide Streets', (1 - Exlsbng Bungalows - (Ell ' Wide Concrete l 9single F_M C"W-ps - Concrete Date . 4.2109 andStone pTUlunu' •I and Stone Wall at Wall at Phase: Sae Review' Property Line '•ty u ©t~ Property Line Rq~ NewParkingSummary Standard Compact HC Total c`o . E,STing',, Existing Existing '11.03.0&SBeRevawSWlritml Bb E- ing L) 9 Story 8 Bungalow 2-Story 9 -04.06.03SAe Review Re Response 7 Chapel Driveway 4_ 4 Designated B 2 Slgw 7. Bungalow Conservaatory ory 3 1 4 - •I - u °7 Cmtnxs. Reception-Long Term 1 - t 2 - Open Space m,. 855 965 Caeca 985 Cascade room Avenue Avenue Avenue PfOPOSBd Composite Site Plan Proposed Composlle Reception-Short Term 4 _ 4 J Bungalow Large - 5 5 4converted to5compact - Yslr'•>T Site Plan BungabwSmall 2 2 l L - Sheet Garage-Storage 0 : Demolished for Addition - i - - _ : ~L ? - Flatirons-Main 14 2 1 17 j 2 Spaces removed by Addition ~l - - Flatirons-Singles 5 5 AO Bungaalows 1 per 9 - 9 1 ` l Lotal 42 - - 7 _3 52 47 Required per Planning Board - Approval Nov 5,1992 - - - - - - - Cascade Avenue 67 r r_ _ -771 n PROJECT INFORMATION: r( J r~ 5 Owner Academy Equities LLC 1 - --..mi __J-----1 970 Aurora Avenue Boulder. CO 80302 303938.1920 - iY4 \ ~r~ % www.theacademyboulder.com \T~ - '-J 4 I Contractor Coe Construiction Inc 4 M'{ 2302 East 13th Street - i - otQCO 80537 C _ DWI ontanlad: Gregg Messinger f I / 970 663 . www meanslnwirm rom ~l RN- t~116~ Architect. SheamAdons Architects 1821 Blake SlreeC Suite la Denver. CO 80202 Contact Jonas DiCaprio 303 436.9551 www shearsadkms.com Engineer-MEP - _ Boulder Engineering Co. ` - 2430 Broadway, Suite 301 Boulder. CO 80304 Contact Jerry Novotny kRfA awonoN WNi.G0.4,1 of Planning and 301444.6039 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - y wwx boulderengineenng.com ` 1 C rV .I-i1~'nt Vervices1nr Structural 6 Civil 1Consulting Engineers JVA 1 i! t LPit I D USE G RN '1In! I tl G 13 Spmce 1 s.s• Kr n r ■ 1319 Boulder. CO Street 1 1 Boulder, CO 80301 - _ 9J Contact Tom Skinner 1 _ - - p 1 303.444.1951 :dtl b wow jvajva.com Landscape PCs Guu - J - r qO 1 - I PCS Grou Inc 0011filhp , Street B-180 1001 1 ! I Denver, CO 80265 Contact: Paul ShoWas ~arnaM 'EMrm 1 wororn V 3035314905x03 wutaw 'r y MNESS.REn _ 161 - e 1 O U www.ptsgroupco.can - aMMn - - r1. 111 - ~ \ (//1{ 1 l1 - - ~ / / 14MG110MVFA it c - r- - - - - - - - - - - IL C do =~M OF '0 ~ eMxn PLANNING 1 1 NG & DEVE OF ST) ,y^r1 a Q o f , arsm~, 1 SEA'-octs E v 1 - ' 4v cPAN1NIlYMWNNOtRWAY. aO u::3 g 1 F n. a POOL sa DISTICKMOC" r O LL USE zz r LU r'J I xd I 1 1 1 ~ - t .tea-1 ~ l 1 - / G.2C19 Shears -Adkins Arclwlects 1 ~sM~ LAND UVr'-- reM MomM o~+ w eK ue~ 1 I awns wa mn xoa Max. 1 ~F.er I Level 1 Plan aea m° M Jl~ sc.F 1 o e~ r e w .,f. emev EASINGM"M 1 UFtiI INWRVEAr spmfiorr resmeE 1 p lamp: I Compact 1 Changing from Parking 1 3 Parking Spaces 4 Parking Spaces 1 Parking to Storage-700 s( 1 4 Space 1 Compact 1 Date 427.09 ❑ o p 1 a o ❑ a ❑ Phase Site Review Renslonsllssues. 1 ~ t 11,03.08-Site Review Submittal 01 I - - - - f I r-"~ _ /I,_- _ _ - - 04.06A 09-Site Review Response 2 nse2 l` Contents: ASAP` W TOM Level 1 Plan 11 Standard Spaces ~ I - - - - - - J \ i 2 Compact Spaces % c v J Sheet. - - / , 1 Handicap Space 14 Total Spaces _ Al PROJECT INFORMATION Owner'. Academy Equities, LLC 970 Aurora Avenue ~k; - Boulder, 0080302 301938.1920 D Fx6fwGCWPFI - theacademydo~lde•.mm + ~ 0.ADNG t Contractor Inc :6'/~Cv Y.~~' :'-t- t,'ys.'-.. r. - ❑ 2302 East13th Street Loveland, CO 80531 Contact Gregg Meisingel 970.6617636 www a,enonstruclJon.com { Archhect I 1+ V ! 1 ShearsMkins Architects I - ° r 1821 Blake Street, Suite 1a i,y.p L•/ Denver, 0080102 i".4. Contact Jonas DiCapno 303436.9551 v.J 1✓v~ ~j'"~g+' wwwshearsadldns.Corn I _ e0-r Engineer-MEP'. 1111 , 7 - - ore' wa 1JV• arc asr ea• PLAN,,-41 N:~ 7LL~t`~I'-Boulder Engineering Co 2430 Broadway, Su8e 301 i vl t JtlS k 'L Boulder, CO 90304 SrEV SCAPEWars E-q Contact: Jerry Novotny FOR COLORADO GA9E ImbAmbn I~. 303,444,6038 e[rvxs --------I-*- n wxw bwMerengneenng can I' I II".rr'r~I iVU „ r I I I it L r E Structural 6 Civil: 1 THEuN dimmx 1 JVA Consu9ing Engineers II 1 o aeon 1319 Spruce Street -~A9e 1 Bonder, CO 80302 Ski , Contact: Tom om skinner I oxc Pam = 1 - - 803.444.1951 ts` 11 1 LP JSI E' CR D~lr r~ 1 I I 1 « ~ 7 ~ I. I. ~ L..._ _ vrww va.can 1 \ - \ landscape. PCs Group, km 11 1 b t ip r - ~1- 1 100116th Street 8.180 Oenwe , CO 80265 1 1 - Contact: Paul Shoukas 1 3035314905x03 1 OF4Ny d 1 www prsgroupco can < c~ I rv GUEST Gum ^ - w BEDROOM _ BEDROOM - LAINGROOM 1 9 .~ity of Boulder - Department of Planni gf njd o UVWGRODM 1 ' carte;;,rs w nAwnAaw J, 1 DeVeloplnent S@rVIC@S J °3 p e~rA, g 'Ail co I F -I- 1 ~ u T.. - l~a~ la FINAL LAND USE DRAM INEAIXID011gN 1 "CUEBf MIN. Q 0 Dow E 0) 2 -7 EMM v _ o a u1aEN 1 WSIFA IMSIFR MnLNEM UIBB1nYB , 1 l O STOMGE ~ m B133A00N MIN POM9E L"., I EL I 1 ~ - ~ r \ -f ,a ENIRV 'ViLm Y W AVAIN I i c 2DO9 Shears-Adkins Architects 'I Level 2 Plan AOOFBElOw '1 SewF.lw':I'0' aesga rmpowwa Nb2b wegn YSlbuwE eek I t - I A+b"ss'I we agrtimonl won 15'4' II'11' 5g.p 1 'All _ $IIWiNre NWltte No bBtruss, '1 dssemmkm w eWi- rtar k _ qua, .vau wa ,naM m,.nln 7 1111 11111 11111 11111 111111 11111 1110 1111 1111 1111~~ ~1111 1111 11111 11i1P 95's el his NrxMS Atl umm aTe d r*9x nervy eoWsagmeexa Stamp l 1 Ex25I11G FUTIMM l Il du ac I 1 ~ ' I J l Date. 41709 I 1 c ~ ease Site , Review - C .oEiv ~ v, as. III, _\7 IX% ~'1.^; J 1 ~1 A11A308-S4 Renew SubmiW ~I I ~ I / , o - / J _ _ _ - 01.20,09-Site Review Response 1 I Li, I V - E A _ XF I 1 _ -04.06.09-SIIe Review Response 2 i Contents I -Ctr F-- 777 LF ( 17.7 Level 2Plan yI LI t - I Street Level Sheet 1. 7777 2 :71 F 'T 7 4 A2 I '0 T In n `i' I I, . ~ Il r f I - n~,ht'~~;ent of Planning and PROJECT INFORMATION. f ^e0 0.0.mer rIk fie„ ~r E{~Uf 1lU O G B O V Awdem7Equiti s,LLC t P I E DRAWING ` 970 Aurora Avenue E~ Sri, E R C I/ V O Bolder. GO803o2 303.930,1920 rii~ / ~ f/•'T' www Weacademybouldecmm F r ` ConLraclor ba Nw : r_ q A ~I_IY ~ Coe Consln;cUan Inc. 5607' X-9' (per k9ESAV111 MtilNG Di DEVILOFII T 2302 East 11th Sheet FEM S Loveland. GO 80537 Q thiti✓i S tact Gregg Meisinger 97 .663 7636 AP~LG c.mtruction.com ED K i~IliVU S ersAdkinsArchitects 18 1 Blake Street. Slae la 0000202 -Yellow Clapboard Z f Cgll ,el, Jonas OlCaprro Ferecs Bridge and 3pg.436 9551 Fxsling Bridge 1 (li _ tt ew Ridge New Ridge- No Mechaoieal- LA, US r~I~~Vr IF {-,r vl1 Skylight Skylight Equipment on ._,F~IceeFMEP'. Exrshng Fiatrrons Building Beyond 4'W x 16' 1 Rool Boulder Engineering Co. 5579.45'-33'-6' (per lowest point) 2430 Broadway, Suite 301 0 Grey Standing Seal n Melal Boulder. r, CO 80304 P Iched ROOF Area ,,.x, Ex sr rtq Nurses 303.444.6048 offices accessed 1 a l,u F I I~R'"~ ~ - www.bouldererglneenrq.mm off Ina br dge _ I - Wn to Pa oleo Wrrod Trellis Existn Brd e Feawre Srmlar to 0lners On hallwa _ I _ Structural & Civil H. JVA cons its gym y ~l The Property swall 1319 pNW~nsggu eere B .AC daily S' F _ I, 1- - _ 4Slone it wh 12-MOlaI RaJ Boulder, GO 803D2 r •I Contact: Tom Skinner 5562.0'- Lincoln Place level - 303.444.1951 I1 I Lincoln Place wwwivara Mm Expansion ill 1 ICJ Window Camb nalons and Ea sr ng I Sing In Match Exsing LandSgp( (E) Auto Court Reception A ea i Lne of Lower Level Below PCS Group, Inc 5553.20'- I 1 FF Grade Level 1001761h Street B-180 J Denver, CO 80765 Contad: Paul Shoukas Grey aarmM Clapboard S ,dog to 303.5314905 x 03 match exlstmq Bridge Material NORTH ELEVATION _ 5546.0'- Lowest point in 25' www pcsgroupcn csrl Red Brick to Match Exuling - SLNf. iA = r V f lahrons B-I, O Glass lnleod N Q > OF Fln$IfttGlnss O Q Q (D srainMGtarA E m U 0 o Na Desiynaiiunis Clear Glass -0 a) C°a -u a o 00 m s Exrshng Chapet Building Beyond C 2009 Shea~4Ad5ns Ar&lteet rt S - ,m x arm ad E Mechedi coal Yellow Painted Clapboard In Grey Painted Clapboard to - Exrshng Mt. St. Genmrto n m' d_ eM stet ne use -Y q Roci Match Exrshng Match Exrshng Academy Bmy.nd n.rsuarr . - agrnnnr ww snewv4ura amai n. W--. New Ridge SkYb hl wuemwmi n apsraAm nay h 9 mate ricun ,rwe, moor tl New Skylights .n Add.bon New Ridge Skylight skaarsemna~ M, New 4' W. 16 I Pyramid 1-xrstmg Rool Above Nurses oar rn6 d mgyrgN are McDy 557945'-33'-6'(per lowest point) Skylights Slahod off Badge Hallway 'Ped Grey Slantlinq Seam Metal Root - Stamp: F _ . OF . E . fit; EO ,ttk . Red Brick to Match Existing FlabronsBncN .,..,r._•- - - Grey Clapboard Atldrb On kLil iO 4l ' l (O W ileF Br dge Clla2ctnr Whood , MachE WMows ndmarks ~ 0 Lincoln Place oeAhle W Harg pe ndows Landmarks Cnan ed to 1 1 15PrvayWall l Exrshng Io Match Ex st ng BrMge . Lrlm Brdge 4Stone ith t2Moral l2al g to t Hallway - . 5562.0'-Lincoln Place Level' - - - - 5561.0'-Lowest Point in 25' - - - _ c J ` Exist rg RP1i oq AutoCourl Date 42709 While ,~,d Light Door Wap Pit. E 1l Ol Ito r Ma lch'ng FMSl ng ExlerroS Doors 5553.20'-Level l-FF LL Phase: Site Review l f- LLLJJJ - 5553.20'-Level 1 FF -11.03.08-Site Review Submittal - 01.20 .20.09-Site Review Response 1 Glass Block Red Bock to Yellow Clapboard White Double 5546.0'-Lowest Point in 25' - 04.06.09-Sile Review Response2 (Not vcsible Irom Street) Match Exrshng Recess lot Egress Hung Windows to _ Contents Flahmns Bock_ Match Existing on c Wn Tom and Bridge North tQ South Typical SOUTH ELEVATION Elevations scuEira - rv - Sheet. A3 Gonartment of Planning and CeveIopment Set ICes PROJECT PROJECT INFORMATION l Owner I rl Arzdemy Egwes, LEG USA DRAWING FINAL LAND 970 Aurora Avenue Ex it ng Mc StgF~ ~ Boulder, CO 60302 Ganudes Academy 303938.1920 Beyond gy7 .ww.IheacademybouMercom Contractor Coe Construction Inc. 2302 East 13th Street Loveland, GO 80537 Contact Gregg Meainger 970.663.7636 Existing Flalir.nS Awldiny - www_eneconswdion.crnn Architect Existing BrygeSuucture Flatroof and Parpet Height ShearsAdkins Architects I Beyond-Grey Standing Seam to March Existing Bridge 1821 Blake Street, Suite la tI Metal Roofing Structure Roof Denver, 0080202 4 Contact Jonas DiCxpno NO MECHANICAL ON ROOF 3034769551 ww.vshearsadlunsam Exlsung itodge Suuaure l Bey.ndIGrey Clapbnard Engineer MEP. Boulder Engineering Co. 2430 Broadway, Suite 301 Boulder, CO 803134 Contact. Jerry Nwolrry 1 303 4446038 White Painted Wood Trellis 1 --1 1- t -r- www6oulderengneenng mm II 4 Similar to Others Around A,.d- New deck o0 ,my Site addition above New AddO,on independent VA $VA Consulting Structural Eltingngneem reception b-,cl Units.. Section J 1319 Spruce Street Boulder. 00 Painted Green Metal - Contact tact ianakr60307mer Rai ling,. March Decks on Flatirons Budding 307.444.1951 _ www jvajva can While Lim Double Hung Ali Wi nd ows and Doors. New Amenity Area, Seaton Lary r Grey Clapboard Siding Level I FF PCS Croup, Inc 1001 161b Street B-180 Area olladdilion to Denver, 0080265 Reception Beyond Contact Paul Shoukc; 303.5314905 x 03 Existing Chapel Building WEST ELEVATION-BELOW STREET LEVEL Glass Legend wxw.Pcsgmup'°a;nt SCALE rP Frosted Glass Stained Glass C O O No Designation is Clear (,lass O O c 4a CD J 5607'- 53'-9' (per lowest point) T Q ~I E Ea C d o v = m 4a Q ti,nny Flaorons Bwld,q - U 0 _ Q p O e c co mg Flafirum - I,k~•. New Frosted Pyramre aeynnd ~ ~ matcexisting - m r: Building Deck gads. _ ^r it- Besting Bridge St-ron, Skylight, Beyond a Beyond-Grey Standing Seam Metal'C'Channel 0 0 Met it Roofing Rooftop Planters 4 7 J -a Recessed yellow dap, c; 2009 Shears-Ackins Architects tre ammex va I dear w - board gable feature " k141F°"'a r1p°n m aanu re -1 Ix, v we «<Y 1 - - ~ with grey standrmg kmvwx m mr rym,,,,y ,y, scam metal roolto Srxv~wrs wuua<mrowe enc. mal,hpachedroots 557945'-33'-6-(per lowest point) EOUN EouAL 12 an existing bridge pa - -ii d 12 skaa _nmxen amnxn wert4'tl4 raema TYPICAL DECK RAILING-METAL W1rilePainted Wood Trehs 5te~ scxre ',I co' S~inila to Others Around Acad emy Site Metal Railing SPrivacywall 5562.0'- Linw ln el[ 00 it 16 1 tomatche sting Flatirons - 4Stone FafedWall r I ` Ll ` Buldhg Deck Rails. with l2-Green Metal Outline of lst Floor 4 C`'^) Fail Above Below Street Level Beyond v 'vq Existing Bridge Red Brick to Match Existing Structure Beyond Q.41 plfp~ Solid Privacy Wall 555 O'1 EF 1y flatirons Building _ Parapet to Roof ~r~~ Dal 42769 Above Additio. White Double Below$tiee1 l evet PLANNING a 40ELOP j~ENT Pha s Review Slane Planter In Front of Gable Flush with Brick. HmgWnd.ws - Revs e- w-~- with Stone Sill - - - A ,y jEt -11.03. eRevlew Submittal 40-51 to Match Ef'. 4 J WEST ELEVATION STREET LEVEL 5546-Lowest po nd in 25' 01.20.09-S eReview Response + Wndows on the SCALE I.V .-1 -04.06.0& a Review Response2 eouH _ _E_oua< A' _ - - - + Flatirons T L U Contents Building i n N.P USE L31'rI G West levations TYPICAL PRIVACY WALL - Lincon Puce SCALE sheet 09 A4 A 1 PROJECT INFORMATION Owner. B Academy Equities, LLC O I O Avenue Boulder. 0080302 303938.1920 www,Neaneemyboutdej.com Contractor. 2302 East 17tlr Street PLANNING & DEVE Lu PiN1 EN( I - - Loveland. 0080537 SV ~J Conrad Gregg Meisinger 1 970.663,1636 r ! 3 I - - wwxcoecasWCeon.m IJvi N u $ I! 4q 1, T`~ Ardvted, NA D SSE t/1YIIVU I ArcheAdkins Architects 1821 Blake Street, Slits la Denver, CO M2 Contact: Jonas C Capno Y s 22 bl { N. Ada tionElevalronfrom lmcolnpix, 303436.9551 - ww.shearsad6ans.earn L D U II REVfEir ~,1~.,'..uER _ G'E { i Engineer-MEP. Boulder Erg+reemg Co. 2430 Broadway. Suite 301 Balder, CO 80304 Contact : Jerry Novoldy 30 3 444 6078 www oal lerenguteenng corn 12 12 Sh clurat & Crud: n JVA Consulting Engineers 1319 SpnKO Street Boulder. CO 80302 Contact Tom Skm 303,444.1951 b wrvxryajvacam L sc. Pnd Croup, Inc 1001 16th street 8.180 Denver. CO 80265 Conrad. Paul Shoukas Ea Gar uqu Storage Nevar CI frown Lr:_ Inca:; 303.5314905x03 www pcs9roupco corn a i~der Department of Planning and 0 C Development Services aQ o t{AE_ LAND USE DRAWING E (D 0 to O 9 9 M _0 ixadlIDY y`~ " a ago C, m i ~ C' 2009 Shears-Adkins Ar,h4ecls _ Ib0 iw9 hNw v9 - Ooeb 'mpaltl lem r e~ _ _ • weArn ww Yva b WE oar pawrw b h eyembl wm $ISbY4W MMe[p Xo old u- NewSetol$Ildm Ern n au'*w v` ii - Doorslhisisihe only 5prnnem ummx.,d Damon of the add,t-, rr ~q^a d ~-qt .e rMeq - .ni6le lrom IOih 51rre1 ` l - - I - - 11 m.dcra,.vra Sumo. i Lj--_- ~--1- ~ - Date 42709 - \ I ~ Phase S.le Renew OPEN • - i bRIVEWAY - Rensionsessxes 1170 L F-JISL, 1103.08-Site Review submiMl - - --i 1 --11 - 0120.09-Slle Review Response1 0406.09-Site Review Response2 Conlents East Elevation & EAST ELEVATION-Auto Court Level Lincoln Place Elevs A5 l0 77 I~~ t ~TY bd _ f - L ~xr ;+rsrha - 1 -~c _ 4 d N' 1710 G102 - 2 3 1' .I cnn 48 EA 52 7d 3 48 49 ` ~ 2N ftll~ e, i mast Gregg mn'ri gnr rV~y ~ '4u5J16'ti 499 a ` ? xulars:j.d ncurl J / s, - sos "all 4 •rn,.raunr+murw4Mb a bEe pYflME Pmpo,,d 3au~ao ens ,/Y neriwiaab ury tlroYm carte _ 3'aJe uv is co3alu Q 8 6 Pct r•: 11a1 ,1 a.r C 5 sneasoJnnsCon, 0 w, 1 -ea, ntn . , f / / r x ~ I C ~ wEreaxe,r G = l tel. r } §nPtY S a3" / I 4 , J 4 i'I nagy u M i nrj fvOV fY t , 1 :ca >F a rwxryz- llii 11 of De n 't nt of Planning and Proposed -eigr,~~~ e +1 rviceS sac.. s - - - _ 9 7 Building FINAL Lsl"6D USE IJi IAWfitlG 1417 °a~ob ilaet mF p ! cu r ti4 r - -rIbe 02 ~ ~ / t i, 6 .nraU TnT Sk inm tiYlnner h i t1 - i ~ t` 1~ 1 00 rt and - See 'Exhibit B i Gvop Inc Ill 1~ r-lf smsxaara Existing Tree Preservation Plan - Exhibit B Trees To Be Preserved North Scale = 1'- 10'-0' - Tree a Name Condition r+a U f roe pnc res °c 1 Douglas Fir Good 15 s kedbud Good i+ w v a Aspen Fab 6 lish -6369 ss' S inPyon Oak ne Good 14 au n9 c-A~~~ 0) Put on Pane Gael 1 t y C TREE PRESERVATION, RELOCATION AND REMOVAL NOTES Sub Total 60 >1 + 1' 1 I 1 Prior to the beginning of construction, install barricade fencing around all existing bees to remain Localed fencing E r- U Trees To Be Removed Q) 0 u at or outside of the drip line or the trees. Barricade fencing shall be 4' height, orange mesh fencing attached lo'T' + T7 Two a N. "I'll ConAdinn is ran (nc res) 4- post:. ,n a z~~ ~ro me - I - 7 Dou,lc,v Poan 20 U < -5 2. Fencing shall be maintained daily. Contractors shelf be responsible forall of theirworkers, subcontractors and 6 nr.l.u Pixrc ,1 O O malarial men under this requirement. Sub Tol.rl 26 fi1;t t 3. Construction within the root zone of trees to remain shall be restricted to agreed-upon limits with regard to p• Trees To Be Relocated 5A 56 6.J excavallon, access, tlkt stockpiling, and backfilL Tree 0 Name Conlon" ria I « e~ pnr ies 4 \ d ~V B 4. Damage to the main trunks of bees is prohibited Damage not previously approved shall result in a fine Golden kmn Tree G aud 6 based on the percentage of the circumference affected 10 Aspen Feu 5 a s - Sub Total 12 5. Limb damage is prohibgerl unless approved prior to construction or as authorized by the City of Boulder. Pruning .,v i-I "I r+, or ,ry 4 -J v c9 - 6 of affected branches shall be done prior to start of construction. Damaged branches shall be pruned within 10 days sr or occurrence utilizing International Society of Arboriculture Standards 6. Concrete truck washout areas shag be in designated areas only Washout runoff shall not lbw into or across root zones of bees [P _Q' 7. Tree protection measures shall be in place prior to construction and inspected by the City of Boulder_ - ~ 11- og ElQ Rw its I~, 6. As a general rule, when transplanting trees the root bag size should be 1 fool for every inch of the trunk caliper, evenly distributed on all sides from the center of the trunk. a~ r pn 17 s \ J!k_ ` 9. The contractor shat ensure that the transplanted tree survives vnCaul signficaM loss of Iree value for 1 year. 4 S G 10. In general, transplanting shall be done between March 1st and April 30th unless deemed unsuitable for early spring transplanting which then should be n e e L-L September 15th and October Som. 0 00 ~ o s f °R}0 ` \ - 11. Root protection shall be employed during construction. and not be cut unless unavoidable. Trenches shelf be hand dug within the drip Im hale rdCls are 2 inches and I to 0 prevent dehydration and exposed roots shall be covered immediately with sol or burlap to keep moist. \ 's 12. Trees shall only be removed Incompliance with this landscape plan, approved by the City as set forth. NI Dees removed shall be in rkedoydh an'x' i~~ , rig J ,I °o \ l and approved by the City prior to removal. I 13, AN bees removed shag include stump grinding to aminimum depth of 12 mrires. PLANNING G DEVELOPIviEN s O15r a Si„m:tl P I\v a ~EP1I~,. 1.1(i9S r csponsc' ~BS~ ~ rG 00 ge aw tl;:er,9 i - - E" L Af USE i)dnWINI, e,- Preservation C i Ssa 5 ° Q q North vs tV - ' Existing Site Plan - Exhibit A ~11, ` r 1 Y1 t ; (7 ~jrr;J E Scoria = 1' 30'-0' - I~ londsco a Le Brio - trees ITT! 7 SYMBOL ABBRIV. O1Y. COMMON NM1ME MIN SPACING WAFER- ~~sl DECID0OL15 TREES f~D SIZE EC10 0 RB I REDBUD E*rsbng SEE PLAN MOD e ;-,J4P I,tG North Fla stone Stepping Stones existing CRT m aterial to be reused whever possible) G RA I GO EDEN LDEN RAIN TREE RE "''-':hem'.a,e•-yo°' 2r'=111 9 I 9 OCATED pREEla AE PLAN MOD lo 6' CAL Landscape 1-PS AS I ASPEN RE- a 2CP8 I:J IOCATFO SEE PLAN M00 LsrutD`''~:. 2-FRG Pot (typ) 4-CM 1{B Popvlvs Sp- 6- CAI 1-AS a;?£ssl SDRO S 1-PSC CONIFEROUS TREES 1-FG _LB - 15-BES Cur CO T - G i ""INC F sf-EB 7AC ( DF I DOUG FIR ..a ~s D CAL I I S" PIAN LOW 'r rI Pseudotsugo menses VARIES --c 11 I r- Lontlscnpe Legend - Shrubs Crosses AnuolS •Na .It,;l.-+.m 1-LB 7 _ ~f SYMBOL ABBRIV QTY- COMMON NAME MIN :PACI~OG WATER o 1-FRG 1-1~~ ( l 1-RB Hnlonkol Nnme 5¢t 2-PSG -T a y-rT+/` e h g-CDECIDUOUS SHRUBS - e Gate DLp~k,'1II 1~ 74sf H CPB 10 CR'.MSON PYGMY HARBERRY K5 SEL PLAN MOD C nS51k ~ t Q 7 f - Berber Ihuob,, Alto No..' Privacy Wall - JJJL 91 Purp„reo 5 OWARF RED TWIG DOGWOOD /5 SEE PLAN MOD 5 arsa =.s cx g DRD C«nus senceoKe1se y 135( BF I PAWNER BUTTES SANG CHERRY O AN LOw Ir t F i~ ) VCI PSC Prunus besse 'CHERRY d5 SEE PI j¢--G ) Exrsling leD rig CJ' Y Ir, r Ind Y.N C } ~o Boulder (type - and see al to 615 J CROW LOW SUMAC b5 SEE PLAN tOw -yPS ram In lL~ Rhos mot'co 'Cro Lo: r lyl e i-CM 1+G. f 1 a~ o°eo° AC 11 ALPINE CURRANT y5 SEE PLAN MOD } CM R,be 3-FG 4s f£8 s olplnum 'Green Mauna' 2-FG _ 3560 F~ f- °0OO° o° PERENNIALS CRWNDCOVERS GRASSES s3 v 1 DF 7 ^ CJerden Boulder (ryp) ~ • E` 3 GLS 16sf-RMC RMC [860 ROCKY MOUNTAIN COLUMBINE pl 15' O.C. MOD 2551-R C 15r.J aquTega coeruieo r 01 F{et rich ~ / ^ 1 sGSDN . 16-BES '/^1 FRG 7 REAMER REED GRASS KARL FOFRStEF pt SEE PLAN MOD c „5 4-PS • 1 1 lJ Cotamogrosrs omndnoceo 'KOs Poersler' j Boulders (ryp) as ,i F,G / 10 RUSTY FOXGLOVE Yt ]5'O C MOD 't7 1,411 'let }CM RE (IOsI) Dg'iolrs lenugneo I-GRT 31 4 Flagstone Ba of Exiabn Bell 5~`'po!'°~o']y HE DO HOS1A yl 24'OC LOW +w-✓~. h~n~nV tlo7st 1 Hoslu hybrids i-PS 75 BLUE FESCUE p 9'0C. LOW sw I -CM CB (29sr) Fostuca So—'Eiioh fl ui, to (ryp) TA SPOTTED DEAD NETTLE pl 12' 0.G IOW ° 'r3~Is - r . . - ~ SDrv (last) Lomium olurh 5s IO BLUE FLAX M1 15- UC. LOW `.088 BE (t3st) lnum tew,sii 1FG° - e~ N?`s°o CI j< o rl0 7 PONS TEMON NI $(E PI AN LOW i o ~ 1 v FRG d ~ `l p' P lomon shiclus -HH 75f-EB } , ~L.°" r J' VtiDa ~I 15 FOUNTAIN GRASS #I 5[E PLAN MOD t' AC " 1U Pennsetum olopecurodes _ 2-CPB 4sf-RMC Pot P) b1i MC }AC -HH 4sF+IH 3s 45f - I~ 1 n!. 0 FES 21 BLACK EYE, SUSAN SCE Pt AN LOW 1 } RudbecXa ling do J~h 7sf-HH 12sf EB r in b LITTLE BLUESTEM pl SEE Pt AN LOW K c lost-RF 1~sFNH t Sch;rochyEum scopor.,... ,I^ \\~t - last-SDN 4-CM }CPB n EM ?B CREEPING MYRTLE M' SEE PLAN OD . lyi, L7Y'y ~ ~s~if'rING seem ,L f~l l ) r E " - Miscelloneous - Landscape Plan yy°~ SL` )G!' t f1 r 11,920sr PINE BARN I A Scale=l'=5'-0" hcY >u e" L~ Mwch (lo, good wolkoblMULCHNlN X - PiANNil~_ DLV 1G A1ERT y «n le 10-1119 mo stun LJ Sntl 16.87051 KENTUCKY BLUE CRASS MIX SHC M00 Consrshng of 657, Kenlucky bluegrass ono 35% Lou rescue ~r.. GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES dgHem 2560s1 Ta Be Delerem,ned By Aendence SEE LAN ✓ Iyt' i c«den . C;J - 1. NI work shall conform to local city and county codes. Contractor shall venty location of all underground utilities, lines and 14. Plants Should be thoroughly watered immediately after planting, allowing water to soak down and fill remainder i r C 'h, structures poor to excavation or Irenchillg. Damage to these utilities shall be repaired by the contractor at no cast to the owner of hole with loose soil. Without further packing, a mound of soil shall be loaned around the edge of each tree pit to cr landscape architect. form a shallow saucer, N11 NW 2. Plant quantities to be based on contractors estimate according to plans, which are subject to approval by landscape 15. After plant installation, all plant material shall be placed with their root collars slightly higher than finish grade. E NOTES. S Z~ O/ architect. (3" higher for trees,) 5 EVERGREEN TREE DECIDUOUS TREE 1. WRAP TRUNK WOH I" TREE IREEs UNDER IRFESX WRAPPER SPECIEICATIONS- - r OPPOSITESIDESAME OPPOSITE SIDE SAME 1 T 4TE 3. Graphic symbols preside over written plant quantities. 16. Per Section 9.9.12(4)(2) BRC 1981 Landscape and Screening Maintenance and Replacement: The property ' C1P CL AM,— 2 SEE svecs FOR PLANTING DF owner shall maintain the landscaping plan as originally approved, and provide for replacement of plant materials that STAKING PLAN VNES AND GROUND COVERS,._ 4. All bee and shrub locations shall be staked by the contractor and approved by the owner, of landscape architect. have died or have otherwise been damaged or removed, and maintenance of all non-live landscaping materials. In 3. DETAIL IS TYPICAL IN INTENT ONE Y this case, live material is to be maintained and replaced by the Contractor which shall be guaranteed for five years TRUNK PLUMB AND 5. Plant substitutions will not be permitted without approval by the owner or landscape architect. from the dale of final inspection. STRAIGHT RUN DOUBLE STRAND 12 GAUGE WIRE THROUGH GROMMETS IN 2- RUN FOR WIRE TO 5. All turf areas to be spray irrigated. All shrub beds to be drip ' railgated. All perennial areas to be irrigated with 12' pop-Up 8-GREEN STEEL POST NYLON STRAP. T 17. All landscape shown on these plans shall be maintained in a neat and adequate manner. Required AND TWIST FOR Lrcnr spray heads unless otherwise noted. This system is an underground automatic irrigation system, maintenance activities shall include, but not be limbed to trimming of hedges, adequate irrigation, replacement of TEE POSTS BIADE ON TREE WITH I TENSION dead, diseased or unsightly landscaping, removal of weeds from planting areas, and appropriate pruning of plant SIDE I / PROTECTIVE CAP 7. Winter protection and watering of trees shall be provided when necessary to maintain the health and survival of plant materials- SECURED TO STAKE material. I E 18. The contractor shall stake out all key areas including but not limited to side walks, steel edging, plant beds, tree MULCHED, 8. Wood mulch to be shredded western red cedar bark mulch. SOD-FREE OECI S R EEN and shrub locations and obtain approval by the landscape architect or developer (making modifications as may be BASE AROUND BASE ` ""ML required at no, additional cost), poor to proceeding With the ConsifuUion. TREES PER 9. All perennial beds and tree rings to be mulched with wood mulch to a depth of 3 inches minimum With no landscape fabric. SPECIFICATIONS 19. Soil backfill mixture for all perennial beds shall be 113 cow manure, 113 imported topsoil, and 113 on-site soil 10. For trees in sod or native grass, allow a 2' diameter bed without sod around root collar. Apply 3' depth of wood mulch over PLANT PIT 2' diameter bed following sod installation. TWO TIMES 20. Sod to be a mix of Bluegrass and tall rescue. LOUR .I I/ I encKFlu THAN BALL ~/r(ff FINISH GRADE WITH C h 11. All shrub and sod areas shall received the following soil amendments per 1000 s.f.: 4 Cubic yards 'supreme organics' 21. The contractor shall verity existing Conditions and base his bid on actual DO-sife conditions and measurements. OIAMETER / BALL 1~1 SOD OR MULCH, a-a Comoost (50% cow manure, 50% wood fines) or approved equal, plus 15lbs. of 20-10-5 commercial fertilizer. Rot-till to a Any discrepancies, errors or omissions on the construction drawings shall be brought to the attention of the project Roos BALL To BE I 1 I I SEE Pull z n R sp I c minimum depth of 6". manager. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for all revisions due to failure to give such notice. 2-ABOVE-L But. < a , Ll s' 2 GRRADEn III 12. Plants shall be installed immediately upon delivery to site If this is not possible, plants shall be heeled in and watered to 22. Contractor shall seed all non-sodded and non-irrigated sodded areas which are disturbed by grading with the I E_ PLANTPIT _ TWO TIMES prevent dehydration. dryland seed mix. -111E_ III III Plan LARGER iclll+ny 13. Planting its shall be excavated to a minimum of twice the width of the rootball. Do not disturb SUI at the bottom of t but THAN TALL . p pit 23. The Contractor or an owners representative will monitor the establishment of seeded areas on a monthly basis DIAMETER. scanty sides to prevent glazing. from April 15th to October 15th for the first three years after installation. Areas of poor germination a growth and ROOT BALL areas of erosion of weed infestation will be corrected by the contractor TO BE 1' r 14. Plants should be thoroughly watered immediately after planting, allowing water to soak down and rill remainder of hole with BACKPBL - UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE ABOVE } ` 7 loose soil. Without further a mound of soil shall be formed around the edge of each tree pit to form a shallow saucer, FINISHED - packing, 24. The contractor shah testae any and all damage due to his COIIS1NCdion operations 10 their original state at his REMOVE ALL FOREIGN MATERIALS FROM TRUNK AND BALE GRADE expense. 1 Typical Planting Detail FOLD BACK TOP HALF OF UNTREATED BURLAP Not To Scale ATTACHMENT B From: Laura Osborn Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2009 1:26 PM To: Ferro, Charles Subject: Re: 970 Aurora Thanks Charles, I really appreciate your updates. Now that we have our parking zone on the East side of 10th Street things have improved. Also, I notice that the Academy has a sign in their driveway by the main entrance asking people to park on their side of the street. This is wonderful. Thanks again, Laura > Hi Laura: > I just wanted to take a moment to update you as to the status of the > Site Review application for the academy. > Staff is currently reviewing what we hope is the final iteration of > the plans. Before we reach a final decision on this, I wanted to make > sure that the facts of the application were clear. > The original Site Review application from 1992 allowed 54 units and > 47 parking spaces. Only 52 units were constructed in 1992. > The applicant proposes to add 2 additional units (for a total of 54 > units). The applicant will also provide a total of 52 parking spaces. > Please feel free to contact me with any questions. > Thanks, > Charles > Charles Ferro, AICP > Senior Planner > City of Boulder - Planning and Development Services Department > 303.441.4012 - Direct > 303.441.3241 - Fax > ferroc(@bouldercolorado.aov<mailto:ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov> > www.bouldercolorado.¢ov<http://www.bouldercolorado.aov> 2 ATTACHMENT C CITY OF BOULDER ap~y, Planning and Development Services 4"4 , . 1739 Broadway, Third Floor P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306-0791 y phone 303-441-1880 • fax 303-441-3241 • web boulderplandevelop. net i~ CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF DISPOSITION You are hereby advised that the following action was taken by the Planning Department based on the standards and criteria of the Land Use Regulations as set forth in Chapter 9-2, B.R.C. 1981, as applied to the proposed development. DECISION: APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS PROJECT NAME: THE ACADEMY SITE REVIEW AMEMDMENT DESCRIPTION: Site Review Amendment for proposed redevelopment of a portion of 970 Aurora Ave. to demolish a 2,528 square foot one-story addition to the existing Building B that is located on the west side of the property to construct a two-story 8,224 square foot building comprised of 4,264 square feet of common area on the ground level and two apartments (not to exceed 3,960 sf) on the second level. The exisitng use of the Academy will remain as a congregate care facility. LOCATION: 970 Aurora Ave. COOR: N01W06 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The Academy Condominiums, Lots 1 through 48, inclusive, Block 27, together with the Vacated Alley, all in University Place Addition, City of Boulder, County of Boulder, State of Colorado OWNER: Regents of the University of Colorado APPLICANT: Academy Equities, LLC APPLICATION: Site Review, LUR2008-00101 ZONING: RL-1 CASE MANAGER: Charles Ferro VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT: NO; the owner has waived the opportunity to create such right under Section 9-2-19, B.R.C. 1981. FOR CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, SEE THE FOLLOWING PAGES OF THIS DISPOSITION. Approved On: ~ 2 ` - 01 Q_ate e By: Rut1h McHeyser, Executive Director of Community Planning This decision may be appealed to the Planning Board by filing an appeal letter with the Planning Department within two weeks of the decision date. If no such appeal is filed, the decision shall be deemed final fourteen days after the date above mentioned. Appeal to Planning Board expires: 6- 9 - oq IN ORDER FOR A BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TO BE PROCESSED FOR THIS PROJECT, A SIGNED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AND SIGNED MYLAR PLANS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT WITH DISPOSITION CONDITIONS AS APPROVED SHOWN ON THE MYLAR PLANS, IF THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT IS NOT SIGNED WITHIN NINETY (90) DAYS Address: 970 Aurora Ave. !Q OF THE FINAL DECISION DATE, THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL AUTOMATICALLY EXPIRES. Pursuant to Section 9-2-12 of the Land Use Regulations (Boulder Revised Code, 1981), the applicant must begin and substantially complete the approved development within three years from the date of final approval [or in compliance with the phasing plan]. Failure to "substantially complete" (as defined in Section 9-2-12, B.R.C. 1981) the development within three years [or in compliance with the phasing plan] shall cause this development approval to expire. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1) The Applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that the development shall be in compliance with all approved plans dated April 27, 2009 on file in the City of Boulder Planning Department, except as may be modified by this approval. 2) The Applicant shall comply with all previous conditions contained in Planned Unit Development P-91-18, Height Review H-91-4, Non Conforming Use Review #NC-91-6, and Minor Modifications AR-98-53 and ADR2001-00122, except as may be modified by this approval. 3) This approval is for the following unit types, quantities, and equivalents: Unit Type Number of Units Conversion Ratio Dwelling Unit Equivalents Congregate Care 35 3: 1 11.67 Assisted Living 8 5 : 1 1.6 Assisted Living - Support Units 2 0 0 Sin le Family Bungalows 9 1 9 TOTAL 54 22.27 4) Prior to a building permit application, the Applicant shall submit a Technical Document Review application for the following items for review, and subject to the approval, of the City Manager: a) Final architectural plans, including material and color samples, to insure compliance with the intent of this approval. The architectural intent shown on the elevation plans dated April 27, 2009 is acceptable. Planning staff will review plans to assure that the architectural intent is performed. b) A final site plan showing the corrections and additions requested by this approval, including dimensioned floor and egress plans to verify building size, location, parking, and floor area. C) Final engineering plans in accordance with City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards for all sewer, water, drainage, flood control, and transportation improvements. d) A detailed landscape plan, including size, quantity and type of plants existing and proposed; type and quality of non-living landscape materials; any site grading proposed; and any irrigation system proposed to insure compliance with this approval and the City's landscape requirements. Removal of trees must receive prior approval of the Planning Department. Removal of any tree in the City right-of-way must also receive prior approval of the City Forester. In addition, the final landscape plan shall depict and quantify areas counted toward required on-site open space. e) A detailed outdoor lighting plan showing location, size, and intensity of illumination units, showing compliance with section 9-9-16, B.R.C. 1981. Address: 970 Aurora Ave.