4 - Call Up: 2325 19th St. - Non-conforming Use Review (LUR2008-00111) MEMORANDUM Call-Up Item To: Planning Board FROM: Jessica Vaughn, Planner 1 DATE: May 20, 2009 SUBJECT: Call Up Item: 2325 191h Street NONCONFROMINC USE REVIEW (Application #LUR2008-00111): Request to modify the existing nonconforming duplex to include a garage and two additional off-street parking spaces and to reconfigure the staircase that serves as the primary egress to the second-story unit. This approval is subject to call-up on or before June 3, 2009. A±tactled is the disposition of approval for the Nonconforming Use Review to allow modifications to the existing nonconforming duplex located at 2325 19`h Street, including a garage and two additional off-street parking spaces and reconfiguration of the staircase serving as primary egress to the second-story unit. Existing Conditions: 2325 19` Street is located within the Whittier Neighborhood, between Mapleton Avenue and Bluff Street, within the Residential Low-1 (RL-1) zone district, which is defined as: Single-family detached residential dwelling units at low to very low residential densities (Sect: )n 9-5-2(c)(1)(A)) (see Attachment B, Vicinity Map). There are two existing residences located at 2325 19`h Street making it a duplex. Research has found that a duplex has been permitted at this address since the late 1960's. 2325 19`h Street is nonconforming as to use. Additionally, the RL-1 zone district, for an attached dwelling unit, requires a minimum of two off-street parking spaces for a three bedroom dwelling unit. Since there are two, three bedroom units located at 2325 19`h Street, a total of four parking spaces are required. Currently, the site provides one off-street parking space. 2325 19`h Street is nonconforming as to parking. All of the properties within the immediate vicinity, including those adjacent, are zoned Residential Low-1 and are single-family residences with the exception of the property directly across the street to the cast, which is a duplex. Proposal: The applicant is proposing to: (1) Convert a 423 square foot portion of the existing 1,264 square foot basement into a garage, which would accommodate one off-street parking space and which will be accessed by the existing alley; (2) Add two additional off-street parking spaces on either side of the proposed driveway which will also be accessed from the existing alley; and (3) Reconfigure the stairway on the north side of the property that serves as primary egress to the second-story unit (see Attachment C, Applicant's Proposed Plans and Attachment D, Applicant's ifrittcti Statentcitt for more information). The overall proposal decreases the level of nonconformity on the site as it pertains to square footage and parking. The square footage of the existing residence is 3,976 square feet. The reconfiguration of the staircase decreases the total floor area by 29 square feet, resulting in a total floor area of 3,947 square feet. The reconfiguration of the staircase will also improve the general appearance of the existing residence as the existing staircase is dilapidated and unsafe. The conversion of a portion of the existing basement to a garage along with the addition of two standard parking spaces will decrease the existing nonconformity as to parking. Currently, the site only has one off-street parking space. After the proposed basement conversion, the site will have three off-street parking spaces. Public Comment and Process: Upon receipt of the application, staff mailed notice to all property owners within 600 feet of the subject location notifying residents of the application. Public comment response, received from the property owner adjacent to the north, dated April 7, 2009, stated that the proposed modifications to the existing residence at 2325 19th Street would not only improve their view of the house, but also improve the neighborhood. Additional public comment was received via email December 1, 2008, which conveyed pleasure with the investment that the property owner is making in order to improve the appearance of the existing structure. Conclusion: Staff finds that the proposed Nonconforming Use Review meets the relevant criteria pursuant to 9-2-15(e), "Criteria for Review," and 9-2-15(f), "Additional Criteria for Modifications to Nonconforming Uses," B.R.C. 1981 (see Attachment E, Use Review Criteria for Review and Additional Criteria for Modifications to Nonconforming Uses). This proposal was approved by Planning and Development Services staff on May 20, 2009 and the decision may be called up before Planning Board on or before June 3, 2009. There is one Planning Board meeting within the 14-day call up period, May 21, 2009. Questions about the project or decision should be directed to Jessica Vaughn at (303) 441-4161 or vaughniRwbouldercolorado.i4ov. Attachments: Attachment A: Staff Disposition of'Approval with Conditions Attachment B: Vicinity Map Attachment C: Applicant's Proposed Plans Attachment D: Applicant's Written Statement Attachment E: Use Review Criteria for Review and Additional Criteria for Modifications to Nonconforming Uses 3 A'1°I'ACII N1EN'1' A A9 CITY OF BOULDER Planning and Development Services 1739 Broadway, Third Floor - P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306-0791 phone 303-441-1880 - fax 303-441-3241 - web boulderplandevelop.net CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF DISPOSITION You are hereby advised that the following action was taken by the Planning Department based on the standards and criteria of the Land Use Regulations as set forth in Chapter 9-2, B.R.C. 1981, as applied to the propcsed development. DECISION: APPROVED with conditions PROJECT NAME: Jalbert Residence DESCRIPTION: NONCONFORMING USE REVIEW to: (1) Convert a 423 square foot portion of the existing 1,264 square foot basement into a garage, which would accommodate one off-street parking space; (2) Add two additional off- street parking spaces on either side of the proposed driveway; and (3) Reconfigure the stairway on the north side of the property that serves as primary egress to the second-story unit. LOCATION 2325 19TH STREET COOK: N04W05 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: S'/z of Lots 1 and 2, Block 179, East Boulder, County of Boulder, State of Colorado APPLICANT: Susan Jalbert OWNER: SUSAN JALBERT APPLICATION!: Nonconforming Use Review, LUR2008-00111 ZONING: RL-1 (Residential Low-1) CASE MANAGER: Jessica Vaughn VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT: NO; the owner has waived the opportunity to create such right under Section 9-2-19, B.R.C. 1981. FOR CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, SEE THE FOLLOWING PAGES OF THIS DISPOSITION. Approved On: '31 Date By: Ruth McHeyser, Exec' ive Director of Community Planning T~is decision may be appealed to the Planning Board by filing an appeal letter with the Planning Department within twc weeks of the decision date. If no such appeal is filed, the decision shall be deemed final fourteen days after the date above mentioned. Appeal to Planning Board expires: June 3, 2009 IN ORDER FOR A BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TO BE PROCESSED FOR THIS PROJECT, A SIGNED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT, IF THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT IS NOT SIGNED WITHIN NINETY (90) DAYS OF THE FINAL DECISION DATE, THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL AUTOMATICALLY EXPIRES. Address: 2325 19TH STREET Pursuant to Section 9-2-12 of the. Land Use Regulations (Boulder Revised Code, 1981), the applicant must begin and substantially complete the approved development within three years from the date of final approval- Failure to "substantially complete" (as defined in Section 9-2-12) the development within three years shall cause this development approval to expire. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The Applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that the development shall be in compliance with all approved plans dated April 9, 2009 and the applicant's written statement dated May 15, 2009 on file in the City of Boulder Planning Department. 2. The Applicant shall not expand or modify the approved use, except pursuant to subsection 9-2-15(h), B.R.C. 1981. Address: 2325 19TH STREET ATTACHMEN U B City of Boulder Vicinity Map -RM-Z ------F -J J Alpine Av - - - I l !1 RMX-1 1 - t o \ 1 \ 1 r, 11 1 v 1 r 1 ~ Subject Area -RL-1' 2325 19th Sr Sete- A. N, St 1 l 1 1 NOV ~-A 1 } t1 pane _ 1 _ RH-2 ~Subject R MX- (A 01 1 1,,,n i u - , ~T4- Location: 2325 19th St Project Name: 2325 19th St City of " nr\ Review Type: Use Review Boulder# NORTH The information depicted on this map is provided Review Number: LUR2008-00111 as 9roe representation The City Boulder provides no warranty. expressed or implied, as to 1 inch = 250 feet the accuracy and/or completeness of the information Applicant: Susan Jalbert contained hereon. ATTACHMENT C JALBERT REMODEL n, H~MOI Feu 2325 19TH STREET PROPOSED GARAGE @ LOWER LEVEL g~ J REVISED STAIR AND NEW GABLE @ UPPER LEVEL ENTRY - «~LNm: V Q,v 171 sr • U (LOW_RZTe FAD) 25 6F • 6.7 V : I gl~% c &r-..cK oINAe~S. ~e s~- i To iIIc I Q lar - eRA ] 1 _ -IQQIII - 4~,♦, FRLIFZAx LL/Z! lt a95 £lTBACK \ OF ~63A.0!~ ..1~ ~-xE kovez .I II { i I 424 ~I. I.:.._~... 44 u1~. jli • - I ~NFINISNZD '~-1•~a - l I Ex~ST 6MO! 5E -%:SnNp I EASEMENT RETA~NIN6 g ELEVATION EXISTING 41 \ SOUTH ELEVATION • EXISTING ^ex6 T ,BADE 5 ,a K LI A l ' \ p t / 3/32" D 47 LAM a ~ !X5T 6Rh:! a wW, ruu-_.- ~sTEFSTO 1 Tl~l&1D I \ P I may'. T y T x ReHOVeo y 13 3 _ CD 0 !a S a oReAN W p Hai'11 m~~ o Be ne+ov2oN° W NF 10 NORTH ELEVATION • PROPOSED 01 0 t ) SITE PLAN EXISTING / 4 AFI -u 7 \ Wl REVISED STAIR & NEW GABLE @ UPPER LEVEL ENTRY SOUTH ELEVATION PROPOSED At ! 1 -20 -c Yrr - - Wl GARAGE @ LOWER LEVEL I ~ Al go w SHEET INDEX N 0 g n ft OOVCR SFEET vv EXIST N F0PO5EO - A. 5:'E FLANS 1 ELEVATIONS • SE 'O7A'- Y L00. PLAN A] 106 6 STAIRLA LOWZR :EVEL F0 6 FRoFo°vG7 SAMA_ JO N . LI (OONGRETE P^ ) FLANS . E%TER'.OR STAIR < NEW ^5 O EF • L3 SABLE . JRPJt LEVEL C!:'RY q f/ . LS SELTION 6 PROP0 6ARA&E A4 Ip F . L4 R'I'Td EN?11'f MO 11.bINS T07AL YJ 50MI ELEVATIONS V. . Lo.& TOTAL LA-CRd3 sr L L J A¢ NORTw ELEVATONS -_..-AS B ts611 Av MREO rsw t!W r.-. n f 6ABE A6 „ n ~ )FG LrVE~ evR- EA5T L YIEST ELEVA-ONS " IN . Ei "s SQUARE FOOT CALCULATIONS N A Av 8wa"^I j+ FROFRLx LNe rb FRaFaSm RaoF a55 1 of ! P50 ` W ! < 0 6ORM K LINE- = ~ri\ 9R4~! EXI5TIN6 BA5EMENT 12645E \ 1 OC9 WA'ER I II N° 1 o rnSCMARAW I - 11, E%5T a _ EX15TIN6 MAIN LEVER. 1220 5F ' 1 -L ON STAIRS \ F~olcm 5E I Cx15T Cx15T 60.POE L 1!x 571146 L'FFER LEVEL 10605F ~ t O N~ to =6C5 --1 I n5e S t ,T u 1. Ex15nN0 - I . NOJSE EI `_I • NO~Z aAi'Oa J 1 TII RE7A'NINS TIC' 'zTyR. L%I STINB STUDIO - 7R5 Sr L1 v LL5 ANO RAMS - TOTAL FLOOR AREA IEXI5TIN6) 7pE9 5F m ] ¢ a 0 p I EX16T. 6R 1! RE5I _T WTw 5 O ° ® LL N m i p (q i 0 I Z 4a65 15 0' I J *Ex TN6~. r 630 I~ F~ T I 47 bA ToF LOT A[U '7000 5F OR .161 A0RE5 r vE • _ -0 E5 _ _ } m I ~ pE _ ♦ I " ja p 1 etOn I 151 I t I { eX15T sRAcE ° •g i o y - ~~G• i . wa.SE 11 1-Z 11 -1 If 1. i,' y n N o~ `-I~ pdSlfi aT D LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~t aeT i~ u3 oI a µI-- :.I -.--J-- e0F ~4J21..1 S~ SAT i 3 9D SLLT!12OF _05 ,2, BIOCK °a EOwoe pA57pf DOl Z J05 No 07-,:2! h. 2amRTAner aRADC oa ~i-- r o< rRDr - AW: $S WL31"ST WLW. QFWA.M ~p E%151 TREE) 6RAE y 5TATE 7 GO.M'AO n j ink ~ 3 ~ IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT FwFOSEDDRIwA+ A,a 6ARASC VICINITY MAP At - - •.oeR cvE 6RAVELEE9FARK"~ PROJECT DATA - i 2 s.oF! TO AL-Er -qy - -4 5% 9-orm ~A 1 j' N. ~ 5 CODE, 20o61RC ZONING w -I SITE PLAN • PROPOSED OA 7 JALBERT REMODEL 2325 19TH STREET PROPOSED GARAGE Ca LOWER LEVEL a2 I!2" waw - 42 112' 1416w coNC Levi ~ coNC Levee I / l EXIST 4x5 FLOOR JOISTS - - 12' OC ABOVE NOTE E4Re/6 FOR ATfAL•Ike llk^ y ! BOAR TO G l WCOV raA~I N6 SwALL BE m w oR E>75r. j Twe s AND s•ALL FENCTVI'! ~ r sr+wcrvRAL EX~S. iN6 j THE WOOV NOT LE55 MAN % r1b m,nJ \ cONC SLAB Neal V TK. 5065 so=lo SASE /ENT ..i - - covR 000M -2 In' C e , cw+c. No-v ~ROFOKO SIA,F f v:SCwARee ror EKIS• REM YARV ~ ~ E%57 5-11ULTUTA.~/ y~/ - I i •LOM! BEO Re 2/A „ LONC !L/'.B J v PROVIDE ~D M'K' / O 6rF ~J. RO r - 51VE: 6AR46E O WR YV F+AII~2-LR riA ! L 5 I C.11! 11.1146 m JACK 7MA•• O~BUTOR ° j.. o N I_ A NEW GAR tea DK'CK eo srs _ reA suM. Flr BAY O; w r - i @w~ c - roNr wraL T' -2 V2* cu., cac. a 0 -1 12-L' PER 5T1tN:TURI,L, I EXIST. 2X6 EXTERIOR 104 44' ,+i 1-' 2'•S' ExlSf, TOE TOI OF LVL FLV5w WALL BE REMOVE7 W N TO W TO- OF E%16T. FLOOR ,p16Tg ~dUp[ A465. ~ EY15T TOF 41 1' ' ~6KAOE 9'-0" ; B-11113' , - 1 i WLo C%wST, :Y TK 1. DIRT 11S1LL - / M N W CANC. FHD. WALL DE _ _ + W `Ml ' W EXIST POW RE REMOVED . J A 1.1 rw.LABaVe uucvveR N ABANOOND j rO MO'OG4L ex15T RITA',NNb WALL pIUYIWAY ! 1\// TO REMAIN I:-.-... _ 0 -~I % ACOW, REr Rc AIN1 5 t-.________ W 1NALL Aw STEMS -0 BE REMOVED ry Ii lx ST RE'AININ6 - rJ TO REMAIN 1I - NEW O17,VEWAr; "'-ATIO I 2 ` - - - - - - - - - - - no eR u~ - - - - PROVER- INe - - -ALT 4 ALLEY ALLEr ALLEY ALLEr ALLEY LOWER LEVEL- PROPOSED LOWER LEVEL- PROPOSED 3 z h GARAGE @ LOWER LEVEL LOWER LEVEL- EXISTING ELECTRICAL LAYOUT PLAN A2 0 A2 _ 0 ~bs ~F A2 I/z- = ice NO 0'-ill A2 S Ns P[w:m :]O~Mwmau 6rva ldape:P GhYn AW16 ]A3 Wa15]t once JALBERT REMODEL - 2325 19TH STREET REVISED EXTERIOR STAIR & NEW GABLE @ UPPER LEVEL ENTRY U U - HALL HALL ~.IVIN6 ROOM BEDROOM LIVING ROOM BEDROOM -=1 j BATH - \ _ '_EDGER • NouSE - J BATH PEA SIM47URAL LINE OF [XISTIN6 _ BEDROOM "OOP oVERkAN& BEDROOM L3 ~ I Ld ~ I __-----RdE DEAI~I~ - L9 m 1 PER STRJLT_ _ I 1 - _=====1 - P _ O_' BLE ROOF LINE Of EXISTING 108 SF = S'A RGASE -T- 5P O L t~ , ' ! f - • _ L __.L E%ISTING LONL. 13f SF =STAIRCASE TOTAL 5F PER 5TRJ.'. JRAL NEW eA PAD LO- LEVE IIIL ' ROOF OCXIST NG l - - L B D:A COLUMNS D • -ANDIN6 0 1 ~ANDIN65 W TO MATLM [%iSTING m • VL~ r - _ 20 SF = LI (GONLRE'E PAD) 21 SP . LI (CONCRETE FAD) FRONT PO 0. 5 SF 1-2 Ex15TIN6 STAIR LZ ♦ - 5 SF = L3 O 12255 1 LANDINGS 1LD ILP ENTRY AND LANDING TOTAL 5F) 7 p 5F = k6 NFP[R [NTR~ A LANDING TOTAL 5t'i O W 7015E REMOV© TT 5 _ COMBIAW LAND)N55 TOTAL 5P LI b<5F = LOMB'NED TOTAL LAI'mIN65 5F W O l_ N S DIAM. Z NB'.eL Fosr F Q W GAP, 11'P ~~U pAj3 EXISTING STAIR @ UPPER LEVEL PROPOSED STAIR @ UPPER LEVEL M 1/4"_1 0" W W N Lo w o m I. OFFICE BEDROOM BEDROOM CLOSET 0 ~ I I .8 JI :XISTiNB CANT LANDING ABOVE: LOOK ABO♦. CAX'T. FLOOR ,gISrS PE45TAULi. ` AX4 POST, r PER STRKT - IQ s WI IX WRAP. TOP BEAM PER STRULT N 1 BOTTOM 4xA POST, F ' LOWER LEVEL L._--____i / PER STmJCT_ W/IX MRA R TOP I ♦ _ ~ . r_____--.i /BOTTOM N ,rEU r ~mn : ri uFs 11 IZ" DIAM_ CA15pN, 0♦ 0 o_ w. N -'P BR STWICTURA. U t' wi it m> NEWEL 3 a _ - - ♦ ♦ ,mvrx a POST TTP ♦ - m LONCR-.- FAD _ - 0 LANDING oti erwxsa,ows..xa 1/4' 4'-0" Z' Z" T~ 3 7' u 21-1 J09 NO 01-121 ~o LoN PAD PROPOSED STAIR ,@ MAIN LEVEL_ A3 ; va° 1-0 ~ A 3 :III 9 - - - iwyw Cosies e00]! )7)6M X11/ nb +D'E --.,ENT CAR -mi SOH ACT GAR FROF'.l S1tl14IN - ON D5 X II SHEET (AT7ACtl= FOR G J~ O -LA-P . - IT ,J5eDV-R A • E%'r GLEARENG! • GRAD! BREAK IS P 5-S IN-MLS ♦YJ - CXISTING S*M'0 BlYOI.D ~ 1 1 I \ - " - - _ TOF 0 GoRNER -...._.~~...,e- - -...v. m ^ 1111 X9 LVL TOFIN. FLOOR 0 I ST. _ 0 CORNER or MOUEe i TO+OF LVL F_J$H w/ TOF OF ex.5' ~ 0 E%16T, _ - _ - - FLDOR :O14T5 • lFXIL 6~TIN60IG3 4 ' MAI a I( ❑ {ILA®0 ALL. _ SX .OFO!%16T 1' _ of ~r i u AMMON i ~ uN! OF X. IxIST r~ it 61- BID ' - - . ANN. FLOOR • T' 6RAa I - - • GO AT! 1GiL - ~I I T_-- - 5~~ _ - LRAM n 7 - t. T o De NG n ° exIS TIO IU I 1 - 7 j *wGTdRA.. SAB X ' ap 4' 0 9 0 16 Sr 'N - EE~IAa E% SIOFE O% SCOFF 1'.. O 0 eXGnNGSeROICFDOOR ` 6RA0! \ EX S 6 SRADe ^l ANDOw TO BE RIMOvID EX'S' GRAOC _ - - :I 0 ` a 50 _X:5- FLOom • Ai•Y =r %O-M. FROFOSCO 511+ NEW TRENGM ORA % _X-ST GRADE TO EXIST. \ D;5GMAMi -0lNT 0 DRAIN TO SLw 0 W 0 s.AL<.w. ♦ . - - EX;S* REAR+ARO N LONG. SLAD EX 1511146 CON- - FLOWM Dm RE. 21A. - - 0 M INS TALL / FRAVIO! Y•" M'X' ~ a AGAINST MOJ5E I 2 \ SOUTH ELEVATION • EXISTING - - GYF 50 TO GARASE SIDE Ai STCF50 - - rv..N-cur A4-C' A tours i(n TO Be REMOVE Z, EXISTING ADDITION ORIGINAL Mors! ®,ULT IN ~020 SECTION PROPOSED F 0 1 GARAGE @ LOWER LEVEL 0 A4 IJa ` c l'-0.. - -u WILO a mN !N 0 a exlsi. 9 EXIST ou I_, I I u III or - 1 ~ FX15T nO.SE - _ r a TOFIN FLOOR 0 EXIST. _ - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _TOra_ROOI! ~ rJtIST + I T! 1 • TO FLAB - _ '----TO FUsT'' . • a EXIST ..:rte.-- - - - ° - - - ?N - - - - - R eti exlsr p AGRAN OF[X!ST RESDEN-S. TO J cIFORI of /SA SMONl~ A' F To I % I 0 THE FOR?ION OF F w4:i.5 ^IA? AD DI IO EXIST Hi; :1 1,000 - - 1 'IS ✓ ~ ^ 1 1 r K ARe . 09 uORTF AEO /E 5RAOe AtE QXISll IS'. r wocnwb.. v. rcw nnw _ _ - - - h u • , , H, _ TOrIN FLOORI 6 --1- ma - dic - i ~.P• T.0 llllmIF • M2. I J~~( I 1~ 1 _ T9.;zRTM-1 I _ l - ~ . 70N n.- r ur0 n _ _ - -Ji - n - EXIST. GRADE ~N - _ GRALS I ~ ' - ° • - - - , - • rouse u, ~exsT GRA.x - ° -E.15' GRADE 0 -OVjE 4-2: it NO 01-121 _%5 GRADG TO. FX157 ._?.o. EXIST. e SOUTH ELEVATION • PROPOSED C R ~S wRA~ DOOR ! g W/ PROPOSED GARAGE @ LOWER LEVEL ; A - n EXIST TO NIAT-M A4 wI Dows A4 ABC e LexlsnNb ca-RE Te - RETAIHIN6 WALLS //1 ORIGINAL HOUSE (BUILT aN x.970) EXISTING ADDITION `au 9arro - ,:wo,memeu ' - ubyere. Cablco . BOOM 33-= o l _ - EXIST -I- -I- Y - - _ TO, PLAT[.- II dj X. • G%16T. ~ ' i - ~ STLOID 551 I~~. F. I I I I.. { I - i J OP HOUSE S"O PE C E -CRL9l AA AT q i ~ f Cr I ~ ~ _ ~ II 1 '~t~ ~K~ ! ! - PORTION 0[ rW4L5 TE AT i j, CSA IJI R ARE 7 OR MORE ABOVE 6RADE . RODR / C%IS?. T OrmIN-P. o EXIST TO PM T O_PLATG PLATE e E%15T. - - _ ~1 • EXIST I Ell 1~1 I 4 I j T'-I 4x A - itnl pIII I~~ - O ik Ills-j! I TO PIN. FLOOR EX115T TL.FIN. P.0.^R I EX15T. - z. t R W f - - S A5 STAIR E%15T ERADC Q GRADE AND 1-O 4ND LAYOINB • MOUSE nE rm n w00 0 aQ TD Gx16T _ y_.. _ LSGL-SL'd5__-.-------------------------------- TO EXIST, ~l 'If C NORTH ELEVATION - EXISTING w I 0 ORIGINAL MOUSE MUILT IN,970J x5T~%5 ADDITI ON W N 5 im M W TO -NATO" [%IST. ED OVER ROOF 5MGATNI145 O ovm~ PER IR RA.TGRS, \ PER STRJCT B' DIAM COLUMNS Y9/ - \ t 9A5[ TO MATCH Ex15?INS COLS / - - ~TA,j},.AR._ --TA R----- ---._.-.-.-.-_-----.-s PAINTED TO MATCH - - s EXIST, 41. ~ x. % RIM B0. o hall I ~ z~ SIDES: PAtNRED TO ~ ] ! ' i I MATCH HOJSE TRIM r l f' - + 3 - - _ _ _ _ A u. TO PLATE FLOOR EXIST - 1-1 t T0, . PL - - 7O.FIN. BOOR 5 EX15T. ` - - - -1 - - - - - - - - D PLATE X E%15T_-- EX15T. Ell I I srPro9 O. `or I I ~ ~ I m? PR i X - I - 1- I , ~Iro9 _rya ICI l~~ I Q IX ~ r ` _ TA.FIR BOOR . G%I5T TDFIN. FLooR. EXP3T r- . elc - - . _ _ . _ - _ • - ~ _ co%aeere •AD J s.a Pos+s - n v f - E%157 SRADG "ER 57RUC'URAL EN&NR N'7X RIM 80 m -EXIST. BIUDE JOB NO O-'21 • Mouse 5.. GUAM. venEL w Ix raw m TOP t Base AKAP: PAINTED TO o _ & HO.15E . MATCH MOUSE 0 PO5T / CAP,!vP. TRIM R ¢ n U ~i 0 ' TO EXIST F TO EXIST - ~--GONG SCAB - NORTH ELEVATION' PROPOSED A45 2 W/ GABLE ROOF & REVISED STAIR TO UPPER LEVEL ENTRY AS Il i xal wov.v ivWvev.cwem OR161NA,L FDJaE (WILT IN 1P7O) 10?6e'JfiCd meEiY -t_- - - .eXIST - - o qu II 8 °%15T I, ' ~ STJD10 I I 9a I - ~Ta.PINP R. EXIST. _ D ImrlH chi RE517ENy@ EXI9TIN6 PENCE `4 POlIMETER or Ol !W5E 9ROWIN6 p f TNB PORTION OF W 1_5 MAT ARE O' OR MORE ABOVE 6RA:0E R1o I 'I III - EXIST RETAINING WALL _ _ _ _ _ r T O,PIN PLOOR i EXIST. _77 T O SP5X1ET.BTQNMfW W • EXIST AODITIO X5TIN6 CONCRETE O 0W03 EXIST 15A - . NOOSE ALLE` F K B%~STIN6 A CATION \ PROPOSED CONCRETE T IL RIVE; MEATEO O F EXISTING REAR ELEVATION -WEST a 0) V W/ REVISED STAIR @ UPPER LEVEL ENTRY W in MNM / - TO MATCH EXIST J OVER WDERLAYMENT Fd OVER ROOP OVER E R rta-TER5 PER , / ~ STUG' M(~ I_L • EXIST. S EXIST. E' DnM. cowMNS Pv MAIC,4 . ! BASE TO HA?C4 ! EXSTIN~ COLS PRON" _ h - PAINTED TO HATCH • 0 QY ~ III OW v r TDPIN. PLOORO EXIST. . _ _T.OPIR PLWRI EICIST , v TO, F11-A ~ • bf19T. - - I y - EXIS71NS PENCE +iglo9 I = m FN TO.I-IN_ FLOOR • PXI5T..-- - - {11 ~Ii G -.j 7 _ r~ TOPIN. PLOOIEO EXIST BD PLa---- -,.i--'- ~ EXIST 6RAVE r uw.rseewsimum wse ALLeY r - :oe no. o,-isI -7. 6. - - TO. EXIST. EXISTING EAST ELEVATION - FRONT A6 2 W/ STAIR & GABLE ROOF @ UPPER LEVEL ENTRY - 1 A'TTACHMENT D Land Use Review Proposed Garage at Lower Level & Revised Stair and new Gable at Upper Level Entry 232519 th St. Boulder, Co 80302 May 15, 2009 We are seeking permission from the Planning & Development Services Department & Planning Board to convert the west side of the existing lower level (garden level basement) into a garage, as well as reconfigure the stair located on the north side accessing the upper level unit. The house is a 2-story residence built in 1920 and is a non-conforming duplex, zoned as RL-1. The surrounding and adjacent properties are in zone district LR. The upper level unit is a rental while the main level is owner occupied. Currently, the home has a building permit for it's interior remodel, which will not change its use. This non-conforming Duplex offers 1 existing off street parking space with alley access- Due to the nature of this home being a non-conforming duplex we have exhausted all means to provide the required (4) off street spaces. After careful planning we have come up with a layout that will provide a total of (3) off street parking spaces, which includes the proposed garage space located at the lower level. The existing space to be converted in to a garage had been a garage at one point before and we are asking to uncover the abandoned drive and refinish it as required. The existing exterior stair accessing for the upper level unit is constructed poorly and needs to be replaced. The owner would like to reconfigure this stair being that it needs to be taken down and re-built. The existing stair configuration sits directly in front of the owner's bedroom window offering little privacy. Not only will the stair be replaced but we would also like to add a small gable over the upper level entry to shield this entrance from the rain & snow. The proposed garage, revised/ reconfigured stair and new gable roof at the upper level entry will satisfy all city and code requirements. Here are a few reasons why we hope these proposals pass your review process: a. Adjacent homeowners have expressed their interest to see these improvements made. These upgrades will improve the overall aesthetics of the home and streetscape. b. Allows off street parking for both the homeowners on the main level as well as the tenant(s) on the upper level. c. The Homeowners on the north side and adjacent to the revised stair have put together a letter stating their approval in seeing the stair be replaced and reconfigured. Lot and residence information: a_ Total Lot size = 7,000 sf. Or .161 acres b. Total floor area of exiting house = 3,839 sf c. Side yard setback requirement = 5'-0" Please review attached Plans and Elevations of the proposed Garage and Revised Exterior Stair w. new Entry gable to help with you r decision. Thank you for your consideration. /3 ATTACHMENT E USE REVIEW CRITERIA N/A (1) Consistency with Zoning and Non-Conformity: The use is consistent with the purpose of the zoning district as set forth in Section 9-2-1, "Zoning Districts Established," B.R.C. 1981. except in the case of a non-conforming use; The existing residence at 2325 19'h Street is a non-conforming duplex with one off-street parking space. Y (2) Rationale The use either: N/A (A) Provides direct service or convenience to or reduces adverse impacts to the surrounding uses or neighborhood; N/A (B) Provides a compatible transition between higher intensity and lower intensity uses; N/A (C) Is necessary to foster a specific city policy, as expressed in the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan, including, without limitation, historic preservation, moderate income housing, residential and non-residential mixed uses in appropriate locations, and group living arrangements for special populations; or Y (D) Is an existing legal non-conforming use or a change thereto that is permitted under subsection (f) of this section; The existing residence at 2325 19th Street is a non-conforming duplex with one off-street parking space. The proposed changes to the existing residence include converting a portion of the basement into a garage and reconfiguring the existing staircase on the north side of the property that serves as the primary egress to the upstairs unit. " 3) Compatibility: The location, size, design, and operating characteristics of the proposed development or change to an existing development are such that the use will be reasonably compatible with and have minimal negative impact on the use of nearby properties or for residential uses in industrial zoning districts, the proposed development reasonably mitigates the potential negative impacts from nearby properties; The architectural features of the existing residence will not be altered with this approval, it will omain Victorian in style. The conversion of a portion of the basement to a garage will utilize the alley as access, which is consistent with the neighboring residences. Two additional off-street parking spaces will also be provided on-site utilizing alley access. Since the proposal creates three off-street parking spaces, where one was previously provided, the level of non-conformity on the site decreases with regard to parking. Additionally, the existing exterior staircase (north elevation) that serves as primary access to the second-story unit will be reconfigured and rebuilt for safety. Although the reconfiguration and replacement of the existing stair case, will move the stair access closer to the neighboring property to the north, Sarah Krakoff (owner 2345 19'h), the neighbor has expressed approval towards this approval stating that any improvements are greatly appreciated and will improve the appearance of the slightly dilapidated residence. N/A (4) Infrastructure: As compared to development permitted under Section 9-3.1-1, "Schedule of Permitted Uses of Land," B.R.C. 1981, in the zone, or as compared to the existing level of A/ impact of a non-conforming use, the proposed development will not significantly adversely affect the infrastructure of the surrounding area, including, without limitation, water, wastewater, and storm drainage utilities and streets; Y (5) Character of Area: The use will not change the predominant character of the surrounding area; and The existirg residence at 2325 19`' Street will remain Victorian in architectural style. The proposed changes to the site, new staircase and garage, will allow the existing site to be more consistent with the surrounding character of the area, as the surrounding neighbors utilize the alley for access. Additionally, the demand for on-street parking will also be decreased with the two additional parking spaces being provided on-site, bringing the total of on-site parking to three spaces. NIA (6) Conversion of Dwelling Units to Non-Residential Uses: There shall be a presumption against approving the conversion of dwelling units in the residential zoning districts set forth in Subsection 9-3.1-1(a), B.R.C. 1981, to non-residential uses that are allowed pursuant to a use review, or through the change of one non-conforming use to another non-conforming use. The presumption against such a conversion may be overcome by a finding that the use to be approved serves another compelling social, human services, governmental, or recreational need in the community including, without limitation, a use for a day care center, park, religious assemhly. social service use, benevolent organization use, art or craft studio space, museum, or an educational use. Additional Criteria for Modifications to Nonconforming Uses J) Additional Criteria for Modifications to Nonconforming Uses: No application for a change to a nonconforming use shall be granted unless all of the following criteria are met in addition to the criteria set forth above: (1) Reasonable Measures Required: The applicant has undertaken all reasonable measures to reduce or alleviate the effects of the nonconformity upon the surrounding area, including, without limitation, objectionable conditions, glare, adverse visual impacts, noise pollution, air emissions, vehicular traffic, storage of equipment, materials, and refuse, and on-street parking, so that the change will not adversely affect the surrounding area. 2325 19"' Street will remain a non-conformity in terms of use and parking, however the level of non-conformity is reduced with this application. The proposed changes to the site include providing two additional on-site parking spaces, where only one currently exists; and reconfiguring and reconstructing the existing staircase that serves as the primary access to the second-story unit for safety and a decrease in square footage. The site is required by code to have 4 parking spaces, pursuant Section 9-9-6, Parking Standards, 2 off-street parking spaces are required for each 3-bedroom unit; which yields a total of 4 required spaces. Three off-street parking spaces are being provided with this proposal, which decreases the level of non-conformity with regard to parking. Additionally, all on-site parking will utilize the alley for access, which is consistent with the surrounding neighbors. The existing stair case that serves as access to the second-story unit is 106 SF. The proposed stair case is 90 SF, which is a decrease in floor area by 16 SF. The total square footage for the entirety of the residence, including the basement in its entirety due to the percentage of the perimeter walls of the basement that are exposed 2' or more, and the studio is 3,945 SF. After the proposed changes, the total square footage is 3,929 square feet, a decrease in square footage is also a decrease in nbri-conformity. The updated stair case will provide an improved access to the second-story unit in terms of safety and geoeral appearance due to the deterioration of the existing stair case. Although the proposed stair case will be closer to the north property line, the adjacent neighbor, Sarah Krakoff (owner 2345 V9 h), has expressed approval and excitement for the proposed improvements to 2325 19`h Street stating that the improvements will not only enhance the appearance of 2325 19"' Street from her home, but also the appearance of the residence within the neighborhood. (2) Reduction in Nonconformity/Improvement of Appearance: The proposed change or expansion will either reduce the degree of nonconformity of the use or improve the physical appearance of the structure or the site without increasing the degree of nonconformity. See discussion above. (3) Compliance With This Title/Exceptions: The proposed change in use complies with all of the requirements of this title: Not applicable. (A) Except for a change of a nonconforming use to another nonconforming use; and (B) Unless a variance to the setback requirements has been granted pursuant to section 9-2-3, "Variances and Interpretations," B.R.C. 1981, or the setback has been varied through the application of the requirements of section 9-2-14, "Site Review," B.R.C. 1981. (4) Cannot Reasonably Be Made Conforming: The existing building or lot cannot ,easonably be utilized or made to conform to the requirements of chapter 9-6, "Use tandards," 9-7, "Form and Bulk Standards," 9-8, "Intensity Standards," or 9-9, "Development Standards," B.R.C. 1981. The proposed changes to the existing non-conforming residence are reducing the level of non-conformity in terms of parking and a reduction in square footage. See discussion above for more details. (5) No Increase in Floor Area Over Ten Percent: The change or expansion will not result in a cumulative increase in floor area of more than ten percent of the existing floor area. The floor area of the existing residence is being decreased by 16 SF. See discussion above for more details. (6) Approving Authority May Grant Zoning Variances: The approving authority may grant the variances permitted by subsection 9-2-3(d), B.R.C. 1981, upon finding that the criteria set forth in subsection 9-2-3(h), B.R.C. 1981, have been met. Not applicable; no zoning variances are being requested with this application 16