4 - Call Up: 1135 11th St. - Non-conforming Use Review (LUR2009-00025) MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Board FROM: Karl Guiler, Planner 11 DATE: May 27, 2009 SUBJECT: CALL LJP ITEM: 1135 111h Street; NONCONFORMING USE REVIEW # LUR2009-00025: Proposal to convert a previous legal non- conforming use, a fraternity, to an apartment building of eight dwelling units (and no more than 28 bedrooms). Based on the occupancy equivalencies of Section 9-8-6(i), B.R.U. 1981, the three existing dwelling units and 21 rooming units may be converted to eight dwelling units, as four rooming units constitute one dwelling unit per that section. Attached is the disposition of approval (Attachment B) to permit the conversion of an existing nonconforming fraternity house of three dwelling units and 21 rooming units to an eight unit apartment building. The building is located on a 6,250 square foot lot in the University Hill neighborhood within the RI-1-5, High Density Residential, zoning district (see Attachment A). Because the student housing use existed prior to the current code regulation it is considered a legal nonconforming use (i.e., "grand fathered"), which is permitted to continue, so long as the use is not discontinued for more than one year. In addition to density, the use is nonconforming as to parking and the building is nonstandard as to setbacks and height. Below are several zoning statistics for the site: 1135 1 Vh Street Existing # of dwelling units 3 units Existing # of rooming units 21 rooms Existing # of arkin spaces 6 non-standard spaces Max. # units per current code 3 units Max. occupancy per previous ins sections 31 occupants Parking required based on occupants of fraternity use 20 spaces The use was discontinued this year and the applicants are requesting approval of a Nonconforming Use ileview application pursuant to section 9-8-6(i), B.R.C. 1981, which permits conversions of nonconforming rooming units to dwelling units at a ratio of 4 to 1. This code section is as follows: (i) Conversion of Rooming Units to Dwelling Units: Rooming units in RM and RH zoning districts that were legally established under prior zoning ordinances and have continued a legal nonconforming use may be cornverted to dwelling units at a ratio of four rooming units to one dwelling unit. Therefore, the applicant is requesting approval to permit a total of eight dwelling units for 1 135 11 `h Street pursuant to the section above. As a Use Review application, the request can be approved if the criteria for Use Review (section 9-2- 15(e) and (f), B.R.C. 1981) are met (see Attachment C for the criteria and staff responses). In summary, the request can be approved if: 1. The use would be compatible with the surrounding area; 2. The change of use will not change the predominant character of the area, 3. The applicant has undertaken all reasonable measures to reduce or alleviate the effects of the nonconformity; !1 4. I he proposed change or expansion will either reduce the degree of nonconformity of the use or improve the physical appearance of the structure or the site without increasing, the degree of nonconformity, and 5. The property cannot reasonably he made conforming. t he intent of the code is to allo\ti t1cXibility in retaining needed housing around the university, as long, as impacts are not increased above the previous use, efforts are made to alleviate the negative impacts of nonconformities, and that the buildings and sites are improved in appearance. The code recognizes that changes to legal nonconforming uses potentially could reduce needed housing stock, impact historic structures, and create hardships for property owners. Staff has found that the application would meet the criteria of'section 9-2-15(c) and (f). B.R.C. Full responses are found in Attachment C and key criteria (corresponded to those summarized above) arc responded to below: I. ctmipatibility: The site at I i Z~ I V" Strcct was foruicrly a Gaternity IIOLISe_ Fralcmities arc typically a very intense use with respect to noise pollution, adverse visual impacts and parkins. Because of the heightened social aspects of a fraternity, there are often many visitors in the house and the activities are much more boisterous in general than residential housing (rental apartments). This greatly impacts the neighborhood. The owner wishes to revert the building to residential housing (rental apartments) which is the predominant use of the surrounding properties. This project will have a positive impact on the nearby neighbors because it will be removing the fraternity use. 2. Character of the area: The character of the area is a mixture of student rentals and single family homes. The immediate block of 1 135 11 (I O'b and I 1 h Streets) has a dominant student rental presence with all of the structures on the block being duplexes, apartment buildings, or fraternities/sorori ties. The character of the area (and the zoning) changes south of College Avenue to single family and has a more man i cured/wel I -maintained appearance. The area is also served by a separate parking district. Because the proposed change from a fraternity to an apartment house would have equal occupancy limits, the use would not be an intensification of use and would not be a significant change from the present condition described above. The number of bedrooms within the structure would be reduced from 31 rooms to 28 rooms to avoid an increase in the parking demand on the site above the previous legal nonconforming use. Based on these factors, the proposed change in use would not alter the predominant character of the surrounding area. Reasonable measures: The applicant will be implementing a number of reasonable measures to reduce or alleviate the effects of the nonconformity upon the sun-oun(ling, area, such as: • elimination of the Fraternity use: • reduction of bedrooms such that the parking demand and occupancy for the site would not increase above previous use, • removal of commercial exhaust fans for communal kitchen; • avoidance of illegal front yard parking by adding the new landscaped entry plaza; • improvement of general appearance of site with additional trees, landscaping, and gathering areas; • improvement of the building by adding new windows, ornamentation, and removing unsightly exterior exit stairs; • addition of bicycle parking in excess of that required, and • implementation of a Management Plan to address potential impacts. 9 4. Improvement to appearance: With the addition of landscaping and trees to the site and exterior improvements to the structure, the physical appearance of the structure and the site would be significantly improved above the current appearance, which is neglected and dilapidated. Such improvements to the use will not increase the level of nonconformity. To the extent that the site does not meet landscaping, open space, or parking requirements, the addition of landscaping, gathering spaces, and surfaced parking will make the use of the site more conforming to the extent practical. 5. Cannot reasonably be made conforming: The building and site could be modified to conform to the band Use Code, but would require substantial demolition of non-standard portions of the building (footprint and shell) for parking, open space, height limits, and setbacks to conform - additional impacts to an already degraded turn of the century structure. Further, legal bedrooms in the building would have to be eliminated such that no more than three units could exist, where code can permit up to eight pursuant to section 9-8-6(1), B.R.C. 1981. The conversion to a conforming duplex or triplex to meet density and parking standards would likely result in overly large units in an area where such units may not be as appropriate in a student oriented area. Also, the loss of units would be an unreasonable demand where an applicant is requesting improvements to the appearance of the site. Student rental units would also be significantly decreased in an area where such units are appropriate in proximity to the university. Therefore, such changes are deemed unreasonable. The applicant has presented the proposal to the University Hill Neighborhood Association (UHNA) and has drafted a Management Plan (see Attachment B) that would mitigate any potential impacts from the proposed use. UHNA has indicated their support of the proposed alternations (see Attachment D). The proposal was approved by Planning and Development Services staff on May 27, 2009 and the decision may be called up before Planning Board on or before June 10, 2009. There is one Planning Board meeting within the 14-day call up period on June 4, 2009. Questions about the project or decision should be directed to Karl Guiler at (303) 441-4236 or gLiilerk(i),bouldcrcolora(lo.gov. Attachments: A) Vicinity map. B) Notice of Disposition dated May 27, 2009 and attached Management Plan. C) Staff responses to Use Review criteria. D) UNHA correspondence related to proposal. E) Proposed plans. ATTACHMENT A City of Boulder Vicinity Map ~K University Av BT-2 RL-1 P Pleasant St ; y J Subject Area 1135 11th St RMX-1 / RH -5 Pennsylvania A BMS P a ~ c vi cn cn cn ri) Ii 0 Q>. ~ O r N M J t College Av z_3 a RL-1 f - Subject Euclid Av Location: 1135 11th St j O/F Project Name: 1135 11th St City of 4nReview Type: Use Review BoWder NORTH The information depicted on this map is provided Review Number: LUR2009-00025 as graphical representation only. The City of Boulder provides no warranty, expressed or Impplied, as to Applicant: 113511th Street, LLC 1 inch = 250 feet the accuracy andfor completeness ofthe information contained hereon. i af. ATTACHMENTS CITY OF BOULDER Planning and Development Services + w 1739 Broadway, Third Floor • P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306-0791 phone 303-441-1880 • fax 303-441-3241 • web boulderplandevelop. net CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF DISPOSITION You are hereby advised that the following action was taken by the Planning Department based on the standards and criteria of the Land Use Regulations as set forth in Chapter 9-2, B.R.C. 1981, as applied to the proposed development. DECISION: APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS PROJECT NAME: 1135 11TH STREET DESCRIPTION: NONCONFORMING USE REVIEW: Proposal to convert a previous legal non-conforming use, a fraternity, to an apartment building of eight dwelling units (and no more than 28 bedrooms). Based on the occupancy equivalencies of Section 9-8-6(i), B.R.C. 1981, the three existing dwelling units and 21 rooming units may be converted to eight dwelling units, as four rooming units constitute one dwelling unit per that section. LOCATION: 1135 11TH STREET COOR: N02W06 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 28 and 29, Block 3, UNIVERSITY TERRACE, County of Boulder, State of Colorado APPLICANT/OWNER: 113511 th Street, LLC APPLICATION: Use Review, LUR2009-00025 ZONING: RH-5 (High Density Residential) CASE MANAGER: Karl Guiler VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT: NO; the owner has waived the opportunity to create such right under Section 9-2-19, B.R.C. 1981. FOR CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, SEE THE FOLLOWING PAGES OF THIS DISPOSITION. Approved On: l~2 ` Date r, By: Ruth c e tary to the Planning Board This decision may be appealed to the Planning Board by filing an appeal letter with the Planning Department within two weeks of the decision date. If no such appeal is filed, the decision shall be deemed final fourteen days after the date above mentioned. Appeali to Planning Board expires: (o_ 1 l0_ 091 IN ORDER FOR A BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TO BE PROCESSED FOR THIS PROJECT, A SIGNED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AND SIGNED MYLAR PLANS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT WITH DISPOSITION CONDITIONS AS APPROVED SHOWN ON THE Address: 1135 11TH ST ;i MYLAR PLANS, IF THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT IS NOT SIGNED WITHIN NINETY (90) DAYS OF THE FINAL DECISION DATE, THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL AUTOMATICALLY EXPIRES. Pursuant to Section 9-2-12 of the Land Use Regulations (Boulder Revised Code, 1981), the applicant must begin and substantially complete the approved development within three years from the date of final approval. Failure to "substantially complete" (as defined in Section 9-2-12) the development within three years shall cause this development approval to expire CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL The Applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that the development shall be in compliance with all ap:-~nved plans dated May 21, 2009 , the Applicant's written statements dated March 16, 2009 and April 20, 2009, and the Management Plan dated May 21, 2009 attached as Exhibit A and on file in the City of Boulder Planning Department. 2. The Applicant shall not expand or modify the approved use, except pursuant to Subsection 9-2-15(h), B.:-'\,C 1981. Address: 1135 11TH ST EXHIBIT A Management Plan for 1135 11 th Street and 1004 14th Street Properties May 21, 2009 The owners have developed the following Management Plan delineating principles to effectively lease and managed the two properties at 1135 11th Street and 1004 14th Street. Seek quality tenants by rigorous resident screening a. Marketing efforts will focus on leasing to international students, graduate students and visiting professors b. ;f student renter, parents must co-sign on the lease c. Parents notified of problematic tenant behavior d. Tenants required to sign attached lease addendum to Boulder Model Lease to clarify appropriate tenant behavior and tenant responsibilities Encourage alternate modes of transportation a. Provide abundant bicycle parking on-site b. Advertise Boulder Car Share on property website promoting alternatives to bringing their cars to the University Hill area. 3. Provide high quality and durable renovation a. The quality of construction/finish materials have been selected to make apartments more attractive to a larger population beyond student population. b. Provide screened trash enclosures c. Improve landscaping on property 4. Provide Resident Manager in each property with responsibility to: a. Assure property is free of trash b. Remove snow from sidewalks in timely manner c. Remove any graffiti on property d. Act as point of contact for owner's regarding maintenance issues e. Monitor and act on any behavior problems 3. Owner neighborhood involvement a. Owners have joined the UHNA Traffic Committee to participate in efforts to improve Hill traffic problems. b. Owners working with Ron Mitchell to discuss improved management techniques. Lease Addendum - 1135 11th Street & 1004 14th Street Occupancy is conditional upon tenants agreeing to additional terms intended to prevent noise, nuisance, animal, and trash violations. 1) TENANTS AGREE THIS IS A NON- SMOKING UNIT. 2) NO PETS SHALL BE ALLOWED AT ANY TIME ON THE PREMISES. RESIDENTS SHALL OWE AN ADDITIONAL 50% OF ONE RESIDENT'S RENT FOR ANY MONTH IN 'NHIC!-I AN UNAUTHORIZED ANIMAL IS PRESENT FOR ANY PORTION OF SAID MONTH ON RENTAL PREMISES. 3; IN THE EVENT OF A SUB-LEASE, A FLAT FEE OF $200 PER PERSON WILL BE ASSESSED TO COVER COSTS INCURRED BY OWNER/ AGENT. 4) ANY CARPETS MUST BE PROFESSIONALLY CLEANED UPON VACANCY. HESIDENTS ACCEPT COSTS FOR CARPET CLEANING. 5) RESIDENTS AGREE TO PAY OWNER/AGENT $30/ MAN HOUR FOR CLEANING OF RENTAL PREMISES UPON VACANCY TO BRING PREMISES TO SIMILAR CONDITION AS WHEN RESIDENTS INITIATED OCCUPANCY EXCLUDING NORMAL WEAR AND TEAR. 6) RESIDENTS AGREE TO PAY ANY TRASH OR NOISE CITATIONS. OWNER WILL PAY WEED CITATIONS ISSUED BY CITY OF BOULDER. 7) OWNER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PEST CONTROL FOR THE FIRST MONTH OF THE LEASE TERM. TENANTS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PEST CONTROL THEREAFTER. nWNER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR STOVE AND FRIDGE REPAIR. 9) OWNER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR WASHER AND DRYER REPAIRS FOR THE FIRST MONTH OF THE LEASE TERM. TENANTS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR WASHER AND DRYER REPAIRS THEREAFTER. 10) TENANTS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LIGHT BULBS, WINDOW DRESSINGS, BROKEN WINDOWS AND WINDOW SCREENS. 11) RESIDENTS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ADDITIONAL TRASH REMOVAL CHARGES. (I.E. FURNITURE OR MATTRESS DISPOSAL CHARGES.) 12) CLOGGED DRAINS: OWNER SHALL PAY FOR CLEARING OF DRAINS DUE TO NATURAL CAUSES SUCH AS TREE ROOTS OR BROKEN DRAIN PIPES. TENANTS SHALL PAY FOR CLEARING OF DRAINS DUE TO MAN MADE OBJECTS SUCH AS FOOD, HAIR, TOILET PAPER, FEMININE PRODUCTS, ETC... 13) THIS LEASE IS BINDING UPON THE CLEARANCE OF FUNDS FOR THE FULL DEPJSIT. i ATTACHMENT C USE REVIEW CRITERIA (e) Criteria for Review: No use review application will be approved unless the approving agency finds all of the following: X (1) Consistency With Zoning and Nonconformity: The use is consistent with the purpose of the zoning district as set forth in section 9-5-2, "Zoning Districts," B.R.C. 1981, except in the case of a nonconforming use; The existing use (now a dormant fraternity) is a legal nonconforming use, since the use as a fraternity and previously a student rooming house, predated the current zoning that took effect in the early 1970s under Ordinance No. 3750. Section 37-103 of that ordinance indicates that "the ordinance is not intended to abrogate or annul any building permit, certificate of occupancy, variance or other lawful permit issued and in full force and effect on the effective date of this ordinance." Zoning records indicate an approved use of 3 dwelling units, 21122 rooming units, and no more than 31 occupants. X (2) Rationale: The use either: (A) Provides direct service or convenience to or reduces adverse impacts to the surrounding uses or neighborhood; (B) Provides a compatible transition between higher intensity and lower intensity uses; (C) Is necessary to foster a specific city policy, as expressed in the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan, including, without limitation, historic preservation, moderate income housing, residential and nonresidential mixed uses in appropriate locations, and group living arrangements for special populations; or (D) Is an existing legal nonconforming use or a change thereto that is permitted under subsection (f) of this section; The use is a legal nonconforming use that is permitted to be changed according to subsection (f) of this section and by Section 9-8-6(i), B.R.C. 1981. X (3) Compatibility: The location, size, design, and operating characteristics of the proposed development or change to an existing development are such that the use will be reasonably compatible with and have minimal negative impact on the use of nearby properties or for residential uses in industrial zoning districts, the proposed development reasonably mitigates the potential negative impacts from nearby properties; Staff agrees with the applicant's response which is as follows: 1135 11th Street was formerly a fraternity house. Fraternities are typically a very intense use with respect to noise pollution, adverse visual impacts and parking (see news articles related to the previous frat use). Because of the heightened social aspects of a fraternity, there are often many visitors in the house and the activities are much more boisterous than in general residential housing (rental apartments). This greatly impacts the neighborhood. The owner wishes to revert the building to general residential housing (rental apartments) which is the CI predominant use of the surrounding properties. This project will have a positive impact on the nearby neighbors because it will be removing the fraternity use from the property. X (4) Infrastructure: As compared to development permitted under section 9-6-1, "Schedule of Permitted Land Uses," B.R.C. 1981, in the zone, or as compared to the existing level of impact of a nonconforming use, the proposed development will not significantly adversely affect the infrastructure of the surrounding area, including, without limitation, water, wastewater, and storm drainage utilities and streets; The requested change in use will not increase the intensity on the use such that impacts to the infrastructure of the surrounding area would be affected. X (5) Character of Area: The use will not change the predominant character of the surrounding area; and The character of the area is a mixture of student rentals and single family homes. The immediate block of 1135 111h (10"' and 11`h Streets) has a dominant student rental presence with all of the structures on the block being duplexes, apartment buildings, or fraternities/sororities. The character of the area (and the zoning) changes south of College Avenue to single family and has a more manicured/maintained appearance. The area is also served by a separate parking district. Because the proposed change from a fraternity to an apartment house would have equal occupancy limits, the use would not be an intensification of use and would not be a significant change from the present condition described above. The number of bedrooms within the structure would be reduced from 31 rooms to 28 rooms in order to avoid an increase in the parking demand on the site above the previous legal nonconforming use. Based on these factors, the proposed change in use would not alter the predominant character of the surrounding area. X (6) Conversion of Dwelling Units to Nonresidential Uses: There shall be a presumption against approving the conversion of dwelling units in the residential zoning districts to nonresidential uses that are allowed pursuant to a use review, or through the change of one nonconforming use to another nonconforming use. The presumption against such a conversion may be overcome by a finding that the use to be approved serves another compelling social, human services, governmental, or recreational need in the community including, without limitation, a use for a daycare center, park, religious assembly, social service use, benevolent organization use, art or craft studio space, museum, or an educational use. Not applicable. Request involves a change from one residential use to another residential use. (f) Additional Criteria for Modifications to Nonconforming Uses: No application for a change to a nonconforming use shall be granted unless all of the following criteria are met in addition to the criteria set forth above: X (1) Reasonable Measures Required: The applicant has undertaken all reasonable measures to reduce or alleviate the effects of the nonconformity upon the surrounding area, including, without limitation, objectionable conditions, glare, adverse visual impacts, noise pollution, air emissions, vehicular traffic, storage of equipment, materials, and refuse, and on-street parking, so that the change will not adversely affect the surrounding area. The applicant will-be implementing a number of reasonable measures to reduce or alleviate the effects of the nonconformity upon the surrounding area, such as: • Elimination of the fraternity use, which had a number of objectionable impacts (e.g., trash, unkempt appearance, and noise from whole-house parties). • Reduction of bedrooms such that the parking demand and occupancy for the site would not increase above previous use. • Removal of commercial exhaust fans for communal kitchen. • Avoidance of Illegal front yard parking by adding the new landscaped entry plaza. • Improvement of general appearance of site with additional trees, landscaping, and gathering areas. • Improvement of the building by adding new windows, ornamentation, and removing unsightly exterior exit stairs. • Addition of bicycle parking in excess of that required. • Implementation of a Management Plan to address potential impacts. Although the applicant is not required to bring the nonconforming parking up to code, existing spaces would be improved and bike parking would be added to the site to encourage alternatives to automobiles at the site. Further, it should be noted that the site is well served by bus (i.e., Hop) and is easy walking distance to 13th Street and Broadway. Such circumstances can reduce the need for students and tenants having cars at the location. X (2) Reduction in Nonconformity/Improvement of Appearance: The proposed change or expansion will either reduce the degree of nonconformity of the use or improve the physical appearance of the structure or the site without increasing the degree of nonconformity. With the addition of landscaping and trees to the site and exterior improvements to the structure (including the replacement of windows and removal of exterior stairs), the physical appearance of the structure and the site would be significantly improved above the current appearance, which is neglected and dilapidated. Such improvements to the use will not increase the level of nonconformity. To that extent that the site does not meet landscaping, open space, or parking requirements, the addition of landscaping, gathering spaces, and surfaced parking will make the use of the site more conforming to the extent practical. X (3) Compliance With This Title/Exceptions: The proposed change in use complies with all of the requirements of this title: (A) Except for a change of a nonconforming use to another nonconforming use; and The proposal is a change of a nonconforming use (i.e., fraternity) to another nonconforming use (i.e., residential apartment structure non-conforming as to density). (B) Unless a variance to the setback requirements has been granted pursuant to section 9-2-3, "Variances and Interpretations," B.R.C. 1981, or the setback has been varied through the application of the requirements of section 9-2-14, "Site Review," B.R.C. 1981. Not applicable. X (4) Cannot Reasonably Be Made Conforming: The existing building or lot cannot reasonably be utilized or made to conform to the requirements of chapter 9-6, "Use Standards," 9-7, "Form and Bulk Standards," 9-8, "Intensity Standards," or 9-9, "Development Standards," B.R.C. 1981. The building and site could be modified to conform to the Land Use Code, but would require substantial demolition of non-standard portions of the building (footprint and shell) in order for parking, open space, height limits, and setbacks to conform - additional impacts to an already degraded turn of the century structure. Further, legal bedrooms in the building would have to be eliminated such that no more than three units could exist, where code can permit up to eight pursuant to this section. The conversion to a conforming duplex or triplex to meet density and parking standards would likely result in overly large units in an area where such units may not be as appropriate in a student oriented area. Also, the loss of units would be an unreasonable demand where an applicant is requesting improvements to the appearance of the site. Student rental units would also be significantly decreased in an area where such units are appropriate in proximity to the university. Therefore, such changes are deemed unreasonable. X (5) No Increase in Floor Area Over Ten Percent: The change or expansion will not result in a cumulative increase in floor area of more than ten percent of the existing floor area. No additional floor area is proposed. With the removal of exterior staircases, floor area will actually decrease by roughly 80 square feet. X (6) Approving Authority May Grant Zoning Variances: The approving authority may grant the variances permitted by subsection 9-2-3(d), B.R.C. 1981, upon finding that the criteria set forth in subsection 9-2-3(h), B.R.C. 1981, have been met. The applicant has designed the project to avoid any variances. r- A'I'TACHMEN"I' U Guiler, Karl From: Jane Stoyva Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 7:55 PM To: Guiler, Karl Subject: Kirkland Projects at 1135 11 th St. and 1004 14th St. Dear Karl, Thank you for oberving the UHNA Executive Committee Meeting regarding support for the Kirkland Projects at 1135 11th St. and 1004 14th St. This meeting also included two members from the UHNA Urban Design Committee and other UHNA members. This meeting focused on a Good Neighbor Mangerment Plan for these two properties. Subsequently the Kirklands forwarded UHNA their Managment Plan incorporating UHNA's suggestions and we found this entirely satisfactory and in keeping with the neighborhoods desired standards of living. We greatly appreciated the cooperation of the Kirklands and of their architecht Stephen Sparne. Our meeting was productive and lively and set the ground work for our future relationship. We look forward to the improvements they will bring to the Hill. Cordially, Jane Bliss Stoyva Coordinat-r for UHNA 4C ~ I ATTACHII/LENT E -SIT on- on ormzn se I I , A- 15~ I `;8~~+°39''u'V ' 2~' I OVH IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ~ ~ I 28.0 N - ~ ~ 0 49.3a ~ ~ 1 o er I _ 1;1, Ise Y, A .0 D ~ ~ 1 ~ W h IpakA'Fom fTl U frl I ~ GRAVEL N ~ ~ ~ Owner Vicinit Ma n ~ r;, PARKING ~ N ~ y r _ ~ ~ ~ I ~ < CO I 113snmsseet.uc _ O 1107 t2b SaeeL #350 D I n Bauer co eom wfftd6t ~.-~j~ do Amhitect 303J42d/22 I ~ U' ~ G L.' 1 cmma: srepnens~ I I I I O - I 11L.WJ I m ~U ~ ~ 23.3 ~ ' ~ i ~ - I I ~ ~ I V I I I I~ _ ~ tA~»n~,w << I ~ ~ Le al Descri tion --1-- ~ ~ I ~ g p ~ ~ ~135,1r~ gT ~ w CONCRETE DRIVE I ~ r1 ~ ~Yz 54.0' 3 Tf ~ I _ _ Ji Ede 20 and 29,Bbd 3, UNfJERSftt TERRACE. CamrydBoWx, ~ j - I Staled COloredo. (partied by Sle.M TNle) I I ~ N - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ ,I I I O ~8~ ~I 12`~ ~ I Pro'ect Descri tion ) { 1 P I ~ o i I I - - Pmlwa uaews roncadandrA habndtyu~latuded mmap base I i~a Lepely mnwrt edaL riommibnninp ueem Bdweling units Pa BRCAaB(I)wM 3lompslb msx. 5 I,, ~1 Oefinlnp etiedar5wrdvbedu,aswcbm aeio renmhi aximagetl t 0 - V I ~ hAemr apxes to Ee gutted end reoveled gar new Flmr Plan 1 ~ ~ U Repam al vadows wmew amrgy el8dad xYldma C I - Medardoal, PknD6ag, Ebcdwl, Eye Spitlber at0 Flm Alsflne eyelerrc b meetcurred 2 q ~ tl61 9 'I / ~ Zonin Data Sheet Index Existin Site Plan -I.L.C. g z ~ _,o,-o. ZONE RF+d USE MODULE: RB A1.0 Carer Shed wPmjed Inbrmedon INTENSITY: 19 Proposed Stb Dardopenwd Plat fORAI MODULE: C Exbdtg Sib %enl l.L.C. SOLAR ACC. ZONE: II (2S sohrNrce) _ M)38'+wiahdmaed IOT AREA: 6,250 SF A2.0 Proposed Flea%erc - mnc. pause b and ban _ (N) pbnalg elorp nartlt ddewsk Nalh Enayto P^r'ide wH2}5gel. ehNbs+t Ad. RC-0UiiED E)OSTING TO REMNN ABO Plopoead Ekwatlare (N 47 h. Ialoa et--_..- Paarea0k weMk9 II {N120'IenpNd3'-~ / pmulMmvaapetannbbbfW FRONT SETBACK: 25 71.5 EsIeWg Elwe0are ) yneb ~ surface I tllan. pipe mElo I mrxege (exrep ndigMb sine SETBACKS: 1d 4.S (salh), 5.5lrnroij PmOsdY ~-Redaceb osmdMed Elec. Ilnebawve M) I provide edd'dmd etiel. dnclwre) P~nA (P~ mdete 6penel; Overhead lbskroNlo ba ~ 5ylq REAR SEIBACR: 25 25.5 remanrq yee) mouMetl per ACEL MigMdcbaence (E)Wybarr wdhb-~ -:--.IN)pbrwrp oed wf3} BUILDING HEIGHT: 35'tnednsnrl 37-8' I reGwlemenb (xcEL requkes mkr,rum lr ~"p[H~ ~ ~ 1le~i I m sL~ I ~ 5 ~snrocc, I Ad. ~ ~ ~a~,.,~ shave gmde85yan wtrltlowf) I (N)wlaed cone slaps ~ ~ I ptouMCawra I NO.OF STORIES: 3mexlnxm 4, induct' hesenenl I Preserve IEI mtidb- _ A 8 haldreAguardrdl et qed et e0 wiWow ~ / -Inverted Weds pa T ,ww~g Ti ~2.11entltleby2.53,1 _ (E1CuN--~~ perenrielebGA EASTRIG PROPOSED ~"°^-0AS°~a~~ I sihadenFJmhr ~ : ~ Denw(E)EIAe~ 1 EmN(dela«3o•ew. I ag ) r~aca,n mrerepe ww ALey tree I P~ I I m I PARKMG SPACES: B 8 m ""a""~^~ e 8 y 8~ ~ I A~F-. ~ w ~ ~I spaces - 8 hike ~ -{NI $1118A maANnp NO.OF BEDROOk15: 31 1B ( tl~pe) 1` ~ PROPERTY LINE 125' I - StmetTreetran o.~w~-*.~•~~«+ - - -I - - - L . / CRyappwed list ~ ~ ~°-lv.~ ti ,rr~,,.. - _ FLOORAxEA (cm DEFlNnroN): ~+:~w r i 11,:~ / -i{ j ~ -I~I~Mcwer balwa BASEMENT 2,787 SF 2,78756 ~s ~~mwa I Demowvadern•artl _ \ ~ ` ~ - I I Ae 1ST FLR. 2RBO SF 4b00 SF ~~eM.n.e.r~s.,. r. easksnmoel (E) - h._. ~ ; _ evagreen, mrpd- n.~.wma,.a..o.+. I s~ea.rEbs ~ la . ~ 1 'S I 1 / ~ Noe (a~a~~r f d.anena (e~neda-stays ~ l9'slee I _ _ ~)D.H' 1._ l tl L I Nedalaim den~iahee •wni0i•- - ~ _ _ I 0 9e )b achieve ) I eereare.m.+e+,nw.rn...>, 1 Replace lElgavelm_,_ ( - Sebed ~ w- - - ` Renovate (E)ENT11Y - - - - ~ , ~ l` - ~ ~ drrasge n5ym. 2ND FLR. 2,7185E 2,716 SF ~a°°c `n."'.~;°wa",°-„ep4p-„s,r„ whephell PadnA ~ § faraoxn b7 I w " 3RD FIR 2.582 SF 2502 SF ~w,y,e (E) Sewer rv 11-0' ` ` 4 5 ~ (EI WYAr tits I I, TOTAL FLOOR AREA 10,915 SF 10,885 SF W ~ ~ ~ armnwe.•e-,~r~e.«.re.mw veify--~ v' - udle,re: Floor Plan 8meta, I I ~E)ENTRY I ,L bPeoe EJOSTING PROPOSED m~ °w"°v"je°"'~°~ I lEl Perklna wllNlAtPIUN.-~ ) ~ ~ f ~ W. ~ ~I, ` I I6 apaies pMZadng 2mNJ _ for uml, Z m. Floc - - --INI Smap mebdrq _ e WaIImW (E, Buidyq 113511th Street i~ sign fa INI Elec. Meters-- hdydnlbralan W I'c Fan N F plm '>141 SOeet Tme ban Ys~ N Lds 28 erd Block 3, UdvemiN Terms e ' 9'!n' F- m - City-eppmred lift L DmvMg Issue Dale 'Pdveb Apand . ~ uncFatged , I Panting' - w I Exbl'ng Mdll~FamlN Stnc0fe ~ IH E SMrt0 u: W - N roundarrahelox+ " Tables Use RwNyw. 3.1349 8 ~ (Kf BpAeNeb~ ~s ~ l3 StoMS+0eeemenl) m rv Porch ~ ~ 4S ~ (El tree.5 I. ~ urrrMsw w.emeY 1-1041 I wuMaw wdls. °P ) ~s eveyreen, <sryd- UId~G1PEMN5(AYARY CHART EXfST/M BEgt00MS trdsorw 6Wtlsw uotl, a-20-0g - - . I NPa (a nlghyuantey +r LMy. snw. Mo3. PwwMA 5-tUB 8 W 25'E"H to lE)Smadum ~ Y TT~'M-(E)Nacre ~ FASTING - - I ? _,---_-:__T _ i I IEIMach lZ^I~ ~ af1 gel.)beddw.e t'~ TOTAL tAi9~ 82W 6F 1125'X300 P Lye RevbwP esw 5-21-09 J -t__._ _ _ AUAWED ROP05ED _ b5 . IE)O.H. h ~ I ~ BUILDNG COVEPAGE 3020 5F ~IEriST) ~ OCCUPANTS BEDROOMS IRJR FLOOR - ~ \.,_~,;~-(E)Gee yna verify I - 'jN06apeNs ~ - ~ TOTAL PAPo(MG l0T6~(MCL. ORNESB DRNFWAYS) 7183 SF IEASL) _ - 4 1 BpernaN a. ~ - - - - 9 i~-~1F)Ges I~8 7'.1.- I I - _.~-fNI DMn8~g 0ed wfl5} ~ ~ - 3 2 Bseemenl 5 Three (N)AIL - - - - _ ~ rT ehNhe+lgel. TOTALAREA NOT COVERED BY 0.BUAONG qI PAPo(NG L01 1738 SF IEAST) c~ p Candenmre - 10 Side Sethadc W ~ ;LL n~Mt^" - \ mrxMcova or mn b 1 3 Fiml . a _ E)Ca'IC A Pa I - 3 4 fimt ~ I r to 4 N, I d ~ ~ w . - Driveway, ~ to y1 Oovamge R~LiR® PROVIDL~ - 4 5 Secald I _ I ~ ~ ~ _ - (N)PauWoa+a TOTALt PARI(ING STALLS (FOUR TER. O.U.BfOUR 38R D.U.) 20 (EASE) 3 7 ThiM E - _ _ - 6Naw E ees: 5 . I s ~ locatlan on lNl ~ ~ - 1-'- I - 1 arpet~ IeMab) 1 8 Thlb N ~'-0'' I ~ ~ -~-PROPERTY LINE 128 a mrALerrERroRPanKwcLaTwmscnPEDAr~A o p eaPhel Pad, f l I IEI Fenw 8 - I ~ - i A NPs ( ~R ~Y T07A1 31 28 ~ lance basest m ~ ~ rebining watl 'I ~ i ~ - dlpet)to edAeve _ I danpsbrxim .L, ~ 7'~' I, :2 g ~ b ~n Dpnp 0' laplry d" ~ i (E) v'~dem-_- - (N)1 ' '-0" ~ full [avempe in 5 yis. TOTAL AJfER10R PAPo(ING LOT WASCAPED AREA A6 0 0 . ' I gabs bring slay l a a I ' / 1 I~~ ~~nA _ ~ PERCENTAGE DF 1UTAL PPfMING LOTAREA J ~ J IE)vAndawwekam-_ (Eldrvewwr Ioakbg E I (N)/7 h. fencem remNn,Pmvida ddvaxay - wl(1}Sgel. w ~ p~~BP~ IDTALt OF TREESM WIERKNt PARKING LOTUNOSA➢EO o. poDaN ins b M) Planing bed w113} ~ ~ (2 epalgel I shnda v 1 gd ~ (E) Saver Maple I AREA 0 0 VEIACYF PAR1OIY' screen ped®Ig ems egmae greb al ell ~ 5 Ad. chubs + 1 gel. ~ ~ ArouMcmwra wylMw walla, NP~ / gmuntlcmaor - pxaidelsmNl ~ TOTAL PEPoAIETERPARKNG LOTLANOSCAPEOAREA /2'bnce, 11°(arc~' MEwI PARKING PARKING Sob a j pmenniels td Nll mwmge I ~ ~ 6~-sts'aadl f"on'slade'd1 N GoriUe hair md[h amuM - arx~elexcepl not TOTAIt OF Al1EY TREES 1 1 IEfaSTJ Front 2 2 LL (E)wktdaw weir eti^A tlphlbexbL Sbs:Nxel I Rea 6 B souN ride d bd $ ~ ~ TOTAL tOF STREETTFEE9 I 21N1.11E1' TOTAL _ 0 Iryp CfIANGEI LANDSCAPE PLAN 81RRIGATION PLAN Q B3LL ~ SUBMITTED VRTH BUILDBIG Toes-2 M). PERMIT APPLICATION TOTALOWJDRY OF PIANTMAIERWL ON SfIE PtAH StOAS- ~ Site Develo ment Plan (IREE6ANOSHItUBS1 Tme•1 i9AnLe-5 2R),ad 17 M) t ,~=,o,A. - - I - E ~ A T 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1731 IS~h Succc W I I Bouldee, Cnl~rz E_ _ ~ I Vare 7n1.~ i F.r: wUl Web: I I I I I - - I rrnin, ryy. L - -------1-- - ~ Roof Plan - NO CHANGE 5 Re: eNe OaabpnwY - IE) EBMOr welh n va' = 1'a' / Rn for eBe keNet ~ IMNYi. b7. f ` I - . - - - - - T N = ~r_' p ~ oe - aw M1 EdMMq adn epwb ~ f ~ r 4 ~ < l,/ J IMIIBn I]T. ~ e• ~ l - _ "~i _ - ---r1 i 0 I. i I I Bedroom 1 I i _ Bedroom 1 ~ F~ G IBSKrss _ ~ Unfl4 ~ ~ Bedroom 4 ~ _ ~ - ~ 0 1 n•sss, --A:. - ' s M - ~ eses _ IEI~ ~ U . , erwtts' Ldving Bedroom2 _--IEIEWMwebn ---i ~ ~ Nrw deCpMvre ti a rtnWn Ma ~ 2 rr+'~rv E i • ~ n'a•rg r Great Room ep , r-'~ ~ Unit B ~0p9 ~ ' ' ' - ' i i ' Und 3 hneu ' n 0 Bedroom 2 L,r Unit 7 - Bedroom 3 ' - Living - - xro i , e-0111'-0' 1I'6'p7~' N'-9V'.y. ~ Bedroom 2 Bedroom i y 1 s „u ` - - - ~ IEI IOw Uape roolM ' - esrrr-e eai9d x~, ~ - ~ ~ . _ - w I r. I r y- _a - _ ~ _ , Bedroom t Bedroan 2 Bedrdan 3 Bedroom 3 c Bedroom3 Bedroom4 Ewetpr~akepeu E>SigrBCepo r--------------°-------r------------ rzaes emas ~ ~ nnm,nry~ nisnA,ye ,eases es~r7s +rs,a~v Ira,Ims I ~ 1 r 1 L,I I-_ 1 I ~ ` J - - 1 - 1 - - ~ xmn wnamorexrmx ~ IEl lnn tlope rool - _ _ Third Floor Plan -PROPOSED First Floor Plan -PROPOSED w°°~ p° a z 118'=1'-0' 1!8' = 1'{Y wawp .a ~m e-"i.~.ww-v:r r. d~.r.-rnw+~ao mwa..~~ ~w-- .-aoTm..a+wsne.~rr wr. p..w.nap.nwr rvwsce prn.+owwww,. --iNlwhtlow ~ ew~.w.+r.eadd m~--sr-o.a.rcr r - - --iEJExMorwaUn - _ - 4~ N°" ..'V'V.;.'-~.r,..:.~ w-.a. , renrfn ryp. - - - - J - .i - ~ UnR 5 ~ ~ ~ - I . ~ ~ i ~ ~ o,arA,q Bew Dare _ Bedroom4 ~ Und I- I Unit fi h Unit 2 - - eaiea u.~w ~raae - U-Mw RrAnlw 42M1Qa L. I ! ' ' (N)wMOw~ ~ ~ ~ IYI - - IEI EExnr Mrbeaai t•b,ape 9aaMrba. Madaa r Great Room ~ Livirg ,,,,r, ~I' i _ Great Room ~y i ~ r _ t .dN io remain, r,~ ~ ~ ~ Bey xsaklzsr i Ira>,rss i rr~,,rrs am er-0B ~ .I ~T _ _ I ICI ~ 25aktra'~ _ i - ur wNw ramw sa -Srtae - Dnrm r~ _ - - nw YtO r Loy rea ~ a' Bed m 3 Bedroan 4 Bedroom 1 8edroan 2 Bedroom 3 / ~ r- esxlra• esneu emus n•a,Irar r• r.,~`~ N r4 - ~ Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Bedroom 3 ~ Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Bedroom 3 Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 wmlrs saosnaa Izses ~ ~ :aria's s~rss rses eases roses 9unnwunter o+er IEI Lox ebae maf ' ~ Sui q - ter., - ~•zu N Second FI or PI n - P P D Basement Floor Plan -PROPOSED o a RO OSE , 3 r~'=r,s Ire.=ra i i~ ~ - N.a ewuleled vnyl WqN - - _ New demratlve pabb wBIN added nee _ aephen eMrlyle rod6g window bedroom - EdYMpaephNlahnpb moMq ! - j ~ bberpNndwm eema. NEW EXISTING ~ _ - _ - Geirbd horlxaoWwood i. _ -'~P~~~ - - ,dnp wmdeMlgb mwn _ ; " ELEVATIONS _ ELEVATIONS - ~ ' - - - - _ - IrisuNNd NnylaNpN NupwWoxe _ ~ ~ ~~~Frhdnp hbJWdvinyl ainpN burp wtdoxa to ~ ha nPlaad wNh new. - - ( _ _-_MWIeNIr wVlmeNl -~'EdYq mad ebibW nip _ _ ~ moved ~ ~~FIalR pull ladaptlmbadd abpeM I - Fna porch s-..il_ - i _ ~ bN bCpy. See vwMMn _ _ . ` r Eueap ~ F-dbM Porch b ramah I~I1 _ _ hil I deF l,Saq - - - BdttededorMW ANrhb ~ - -'-Nov decorea+e reify 9o IJ all 5'u t a 1; _ - ~ --EeRM abnn bseebbe Wrb. e.,..<,.. ~ I ~ T 7 ~ a~rl~ p°MM while _ ~ ~ Nov decarMlve ekHMm amend Durh New cukxea uak eleq r' ~ EXISTING EAST ELEVATION 2 NEW EAST ELEVATION eM newel n••+a ie ro o- - - - Nov aaeell bt - - _ _ - _ _ _ _ - mecYwlcN m1b. - T - - - W _ - _ - _ W t I _ _ - _ . - - - T O ~ - S' - - _ _ ~L-~ - ~ - _ _ _ - - - - _ - - -I' _ _ _ - - w - - - ~,~I 0 ~ _ ~ -1~= 1~ :I r-.'r_.I. .~:'.I E»eNp ndrA eeNnor neNh ~j ai ~rl~r ' I I i~- :=i.r is ~-r~, ti T _ r""'~ v ' _ TIL_ 1 i -~C ~ ddtl135krwedwn _ _-lf ~-'-F ~q alone NUldmnb z ~ _ - _ ~i ~ .Nov demrefee leiy ~ ~ -r. ~ _ ' INw nee _ _ _ 1... - ~ Naw decaetlve ekn ban - ~-_-Edeip peiiNd CA1Ub enud DOrch 9 EXISTING SOUTH ELEVATION NEW SOUTH ELEVATION rR•ro A Kra _ _ _ New inxYteu vYryd YryN - _ - - 'i - Auq wlrrltlvn _ NewpNNn wd downpouNb _ ~ rnaW edetlny xorca w,.an~nw.ro. - ,'f E'diNPaelNd horRalW ~w..an~~`~ w - - - wood edelpb muY a,.w.,+w ~.w..aw~ - - - -new _ _ _ _ _ _ e.a+an...~s.n aww~w.rwawawu a.w. _ ova.. - ~ - woodbbnbmwn o.enm e..m>e.~.nv..=.+...r _ .=y Edstlrq mw`~Ba xMwol[wtYU~aw~.1M1F - - New YauNW YnM i{1pB burly M.ewMN .ew awVSwwu.anww rem. _ r - F _ ~ bbdWl~mYglly sewer.. ~.Wybww.a..~ -1~ nM neW y - l~ ~ I •pi ~I ~,L ~°.a.~oeM nrna.r : I I. - EcbOrq minNd GANJb 's.~.~~aa+e-~~ IBInNn +~n,ec ,_l..l. ...IC _i. 1 ~il.- Il ir'i:1 7, mro , e..r.... _i "~7 S L'rt,-r r u--T - - ! Ed1YlY [wulalld ~hyl rnwwarb w.~.wr.rcm 'I:r ~.,I~.T_It.. ,==-~-4i-•~ _ ~A+iY wMtldn NOe ...c r.+r• _ ~ rww _ _ ~ r - _ ml0eed. hdi wl CMll and rb ___-tloabba renbWd peirabnebA edNorl4 a w EXISTING WEST ELEVATION 8 NEW WEST ELEVATION awre 5 Iw•ro UrRwM aawy 4 Ir•ra u. aw.. ae.e~o+ a2yae 1.~. sr,lex wd. 426UB vac sera, Noo. wwenw 51-08 ~ Thaea wedowa wove _ 0. k ~ _ _ _ NYaAed h here mon _ _ . ~ " EdalYp knuYled Nnyl ur wnwvwma sl 521-08 d wwldox no In tlw WYl7 eYgle huq wlndunebbe _ _ _ Iwm.lrotownal _ _ nmorea g - - - 3 - / 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ - TcW widow enetl ~ _ _ _ - _ eWeaonN - row r - - dpwrwpaeeb .__r_ - ~ _ ~ _ g - ~ ':.,7~^ Edeilp pdiMdhoAmnW - _ ` - _ _ _ I wood ebep lemur _ y _ ~ ~ _ - - boob nngn _ woad ~ _ _ _ ~ ~ - -Tlia rbdaw -_...b - - - ~ i n - _ - _ _ _ _ _ g - _ . - - meCl~enx:eVawwb - ~ , _ _ _ _ _ _ .~a._.:% -y Euiayny DWnled LNUb Seel 9 ,r _1 -r,` a ' i- ~ 1,~ IE new r m i - 1~: ! _ t i N _ _ l' 1 - ~ I: G ~ ~ ~ ~r~-~ , ~I '~L~r_Tr~ ~9 . 't 1 r!~- r. l.: ~ 4 t~r`,~l ~ 1:~ _ I." II I f_I ~I~. z. ~ 0 _ - f 10'mu. - - ■ x above Wade 7 EXISTING NORTH ELEVATION 9 NEW NORTH ELEVATION -Stl. rove br 'These whdoww wma - Theea wadoww wen added rK•ra rm•rn ry e ve mae `New entry wl albred amc. mae ales p®ikirp abrp wlndae one n be FMq atepe and meal nllag. In Ne Muiny man. (M well, ie ede plan room Inln rbpubea) requlrMl ~ -