Minutes - Planning Board - 5/7/2009 CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING BOARD ACTION MINUTES May 7, 2009 1777 Broadway, Council Chambers A permanent set of these minutes and a tape recording (maintained for a period of seven years) are retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043). Minutes and streaming audio are also available on the web at: http://www.bouldereolorado.gov/ PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: KC Becker Elise Jones Willa Johnson Adrian Sopher Mary Young PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Andrew Shoemaker Bill Holicky STAFF PRESENT: David Driskell, Deputy Director of Community Planning Charles Ferro, Senior Planner David Gehr, Assistant City Attorney Elizabeth Lokocz, Landscape Architect Paula Weber, Administrative Specialist III 1. CALL TO ORDER TRACK 20 Chair, A. Sopher , declared a quorum at 6:03 p.m. and the following business was conducted. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On a motion by E. Jones, seconded by A. Sot?her, the Planning Board approved (3-2, M. Youna. and W. Johnson recuscd, A. Shoemaker, B. 1lolicky absent) the February 5, 2009 Planning Board minutes as amended. On a motion by E. ,tunes, seconded by W. Johnson, the Planning Board approved (5-0, A. Shoetnake.r, B. Ilolicky Absent) the April 2, 2009 Planning Board minutes as emended. On a motion by W. Johnson, seconded by 1C. Becker, the Planning Board approved (5-0, A. Shoemaker, B. Ilolicky absent) the April 16, 2009 Planning Board minutes as amended. 3. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION No one from the public addressed the board. 1 4. DISCUSSION OF DISPOSITIONS, PLANNING BOARD CALL-UPS Call-up items: 4830 Nautilus Court North, Boulder Country Day School was not called up. 5. ACTION ITEMS A. Public hearing and consideration of Use Review #LUR2009-00021 to allow construction of a new 630 square foot pump station facility located at 3715 Iris Ave. The property is zoned Residential High Density Four (RH-4). Applicant: Randy Earley Owner: City of Boulder Staff Presentation Charles Ferro presented the item to the board. Public Hearing No one from the public addressed the board. Motion On a notion by E. Jones, seconded by W. Johnson, [lie Planning Board reconunended (5-0, A. Shoemaker and B. Holicky absent) approval of Use Review #LUR2009-00021 incoiporating this staff memorandum as findings of fact and subject to the following recommended conditions of approval. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Prior to a building permit application, the Applicant shall submit revised plans for review of the following items, subject to the review and approval of Planning and Development Services Division: a. Final architectural plans, including materials and colors, to insure compliance with the intent of this approval and the architectural intent shown on the elevation plans dated April 2009, including detailed site plans, floor plans and section drawings to verify floor area and compliance with Subsection 9-7-7(b), B.R.C. 1981 regarding building heights and Chapter 9-16, "Definitions," B.R.C. 1981 regarding building heights. b. Final landscape plans to include additional screening to the south side of the building from Iris Ave. B. Discussion of Tree Protection and Preservation Objectives and Potential Code Changes (Title 9). Based on comments and input from the Board, staff will develop potential code language changes to achieve the agreed upon objectives. Staff Presentation E. Lokocz presented the item to the board. 2 Public Hearing Margery Gordman, 1043 Pine Street, spoke in support of tree protection. Peter Richards, 470 University Avenue, spoke in support of tree protection. Board Discussion The board discussion was two hours. Board Direction Objectives per Memo: 1. Balance development potential with public interest and private development goals. 2. Provide protection for trees on properties adjacent to development projects. 3. Prohibit removal of especially large and mature trees without appropriate analysis. Support additional protection for significant trees, public and/or private, as defined through size and species criteria. 4. Provide additional incentive for the preservation of existing trees on development sites. 5. Ensure that qualified professionals perform tree assessment, construction management and root or canopy removal. Revised Objectives per Planning Board Direction: 1. Recognize the social, economic and environmental sustainability benefits associated with trees and the need to balance those benefits with development potential and goals. 2. Provide protection for significant trees, as defined by location, size, condition and overall desirability, on public and private properties adjacent to development projects and mitigate harm to existing significant trees. 3. Promote protection of all trees and prohibit removal of significant trees without appropriate analysis. 4. Incorporated into #3 and deleted. 5. Ensure that qualified professionals perform tree assessment, construction management and root or canopy removal. b. Mitigation: Under what circumstance is mitigation required? Is mitigation part of promoting protection? Is mitigation required when you kill an adjacent tree and remove a tree from your own property? Should mitigation include transfer of development rights from one area of a lot to another or between lots? Mitigation must balance the loss of the tree and the loss of property use. To state mitigation as an objective might be: Require tree and site appropriate mitigation for the loss of all trees on public and private property due to removal as a result of development. 7_ Review/refine protection vs. preservation: Can one term be used interchangeably or are they distinct terms? Staff proposes to continue using both terms, but protection is a broader term if only one term is preferred. 8. Street tree planting patterns: The multi-modal corridor study will include some analysis on existing planting requirements and may be able to incorporate recommended changes in planting guidelines. Additional staff review and discussion is needed to identify the constraints and opportunities of the study. 3 D. Gehr spoke to the board about his research on ditches. There were two points that come up for ditch companies. They arc held to a negligent standard for liability and are liable for the damage caused to the properties that their ditches flow through. A lot of their maintenance is to avoid the possibility of flooding. The second point is that the ditch companies have a responsibility to return the as much water to the creek as they can to avoid wasting water. 6. MATTERS FROM THE PLANNING BOARD, PLANNING DIRECTOR, AND CITY ATTORNEY D. Driskell spoke to the board about the Affordable Housing update being moved to the May 21 meeting. He also spoke to the board about the Landmarks Board retreat discussion, indicating that there arc three topics that the Landmarks Board would like to discuss with Planning Board. Those topics are density in historic districts; process related to the Camera building redevelopment; and issues related to annexations. A. Sopher asked staff to work out a joint meeting with Landmarks Board. He also asked staff to prepare any pre-meeting documents or materials for Planning Board. D. Driskell let the board know that there is a request from a group of young people who will be presenting to City Council on Tuesday, May 12. The Planning Board is invited to attend. E. Jones said that the memo sent out about process was good but Planning Board might want to have the Planning Board minutes reflect the nature of the discussion and the length of discussion when requested in advance from the Planning Board Secretary. W. Johnson notified the board that she will be absent on May 21. D. Gehr said A. Shoemaker has recused himself from the May 21 Planning Board meeting due to a conflict of interest. 7. DEBRIEF/AGENDA CHECK 8. ADJOURNMENT The Planning Board adjourned the meeting at 8:57 p.m. APPROVED BY Board Chair. ' DATE 4