2 - Draft Minutes - Planning Board - February 5, 2009 CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING BOARD ACTION .MINUTES February 5, 2009 1777 Broadway, Council Chambers A permanent set of these MinLites and a tape recording (maintained for a period of seven years) are retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043)_ Minutes and streaming audio are also available on the web at: http"//www.houidercolorado. ov/ PLANNING; BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT KC Becker Elise Jones Willa Johnson, Chair Bill Holicky Adrian Sopher PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT Phil Shull Andrew Shoemaker STAFF PRESENT: Jeff Arthur, Engineering Review Manager David Gehr, Assistant City Attorney Katie Knapp, Civil Engineer 11 Robert Ray, Land Use Review Manager Uhr(s 1~~1c s~huk, Planner 1 Susan Honse, Administrative Specialist Elaine McLaughlin, Senior Planner I. CALL TO ORDER Chair, W. Johnson, declared a quorum at 6:06 p.m. and the following business was conducted. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On a motion by A. Sopher, seconded by K. Becker, the Planning Board approved ( 3- 0, A. Shoemaker, P. Shull, and E. Jones absent W. Johnson abstained) the Oct.] 6, 2008, Plamung Board minutes as amended. On a motion by A. Sopher, seconded by K. Becker. the Planning Board approved (4-0, A. Shoemaker, P. Shull, anti I?. Jones absent) the Nov. 6, 2008, Planning Board minutes as amended.. 3. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION None. 4. DISCUSSION OF DISPOSITIONS, PLANNING BOARD CALL-UPS None. 5. ACTION ITEMS A. Public hearing and consideration Public hearing and consideration of a floodplain development permit to construct a fence within the flood conveyance zone of Bluebell Canyon Creek at 1235 Mariposa Ave.(case number LUR2008-00103), as set forth in Section 9-3-4, "Regulations Governing the Conveyance Zone" and Section 9-3-6, "Fooodplain Development Permits," Boulder Revised Code (B.R.C.) 1981. Case Manager: Katie Knapp Applicant/Owner: Beth Pommer/ Richard Geesaman Staff Presentation K. Knapp presented the item to the board. Appellant Joseph N. de Raismes, Atty. Reg. No. 2812, Caplan and Earnest LI.C, 1800 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80302 Applicant David J. Love, P.E., 800 Jefferson Ave Ste I3, Louisville, 80027 spoke on behalf of Beth Pommer. Beth Pommer, 750 Lincoln Place, Boulder 80302 Public Hearing Tom Winter, 501 13"' St, Boulder, 80302 Board Discussion A. Sopher asked if the two foot height, as the increase in the flood level for a 100 year event corresponds to the width of that hatched area. K. Knapp clarified that it was not a two foot increase in the flood height. She said the depth of the water and the location of the fence are roughly about two feet. L. Jones stated that an earlier comment was made that this is a precedent setting decision and asked for staff's perspective on the comment if this was an unusual or rare decision. K. Knapp stated this is standard decision on this type of project in order to obtain approval for a floodplain development pen-nit. The applicant is asked to present findings from a professional engineer, who renders a decision about the impacts in the floodplain. If the decision is in favor, staff will review the data presented and may or may not draw the same conclusion of compliance. E. Jones asked if staff has made similar decisions on similar requests. K. Knapp replied, yes. W. Johnson asked if there is an issue with a moving a fence so the property owners do not have access to their property. D. Gehr stated that it is not a criterion that is addressed in the floodplain regulations and further stated that property owners at times will use a fence to delineate property lines. In this particular case the owners are requesting to delineate a property line. K. Knapp said the applicants have met the requirements set forth in the code and further stated that not enough evidence has been presented by the appellant to refute staff's decision. A. Sopher questioned the interpretation of B.R.C. 1981, Chapter 9-16. K. Knapp explained the fence does not increase the flood hazard and therefore, is not an "obstruction." A. Sopher questioned whether or not the fence with debris was considered an "obstruction". However, he could support the motion on the basis of the fence not increasing a flood hazard. He further- stated that the floodplain regulations were developed to protect property and property owners. He said if there was sufficient evidence presented indicating this was in fact an obstruction he would have voted in support of the appellant. I le stated the applicant has mct the burden of proof. Motion K. Becker moved and A. Sopher second the motion (o approve that Plannine Board ~D?J rave the floodI Iil_dcVelo pnient permit attached to the memorandum as Attachment C and adopt the memorandum as the findings of fact, (5-0 A. Shoemaker and P. Shull absent. W. Johnson recused herself from this portion of the meeting due to a conflict based on her participation on the Board of Historic Boulder, A. Sopher agreed to Chair this portion of the meeting. B. Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on an ordinance amending Title 9, "Land Use Code," B.R.C. 1981 to permit the City Manager to modify the rear yard setback for a principal building from 25 feet to eight feet along the alley of a property proposed for a subdivision into two lots at 800 Arapahoe, if the house commonly called the "Hannah Barker House" is designated as an individual land mark, and setting forth related details within. Case Manager: Elaine McLaughlin Applicant/.Property Owner: West Arapahoe. LLC and Chris C. Maurer Staff Presentation E. McLaughlin presented the item to the board. Public Hearing None. Disclosure to Board and Public F,. Jones disclosed to the board and the public that although her residence is located at 716 Marine St., Boulder, which is within 600 ft. of the property that is being discussed, that she would be objective in her deliberation. W. Johnson was recused from this item. Motion B. Holieky moved that the Planning Board recommend that City Council approve the special ordinance. K. Becker seconded the motion. A. Sopher offered a friendly amendment to the motion referring to Lot 2B of the staff memo item 513, Page 18, Section 2, which shall read "The City Council authorized the city manger to permit the modification to the rear yard setback requirement for Lot 213 for principal buildings to be decreased from 25 feet to eight feet. B. Holicky and K. Becker accepted the friendly amendment. Final (lluliun On a motion by R. Ilolicky, seconded by K. Recker, the Planning) Board reconlmendcd (4-0. A. Shoemaker and I'. Shull a)sent, W..lnhnst►n rccusc(l) that City ('ouncil approve the special ordinance: amending Title 1). '.Land Usc Code.- I3.R.C. 199 1 te► permit the City Manager to modify the rear yard setback Im- it principal building from 25 legit to .sight Ice:t along the alley of a ortlxrtyproposed for a subdivision into two lots at 800 Arapahoe, if tile house conlnumly called the'Tiannah Barker I louse" is designated as an individual landmark with- the tollowing condition ofappitov~ . modify Attachment 1 on Pale 18, Section 2 of the staff mcnlorandtn i item 5B to refer to Lot 2B to read ""IThe City Council authorized tile ccitv manger to tieI-mit the modification to the rear yard setback NgUirenlent for Lot 213 for principal buildings to I)c decreased from 25 feet to ei )ht lba 6. MATTERS FROM T11E PLANNING BOARD, PLANNING DIRECTOR, AND CITY ATTORNEY R. Ray gave the board an update on the status of his position and said he will be working for Housing and Human Services for the next six months. 7. DEBRIEF/AGENDA CHECK None. 8. ADJOURNMENT The Planning Board adjourned the meeting at 8:24 p.m. APPROVED BY Board Chair DATE 4