5C - Site and Use Review - 4760 Table Mesa Dr. (LUR2009-00013 and LUR2009-00014) CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING BOARD AGENDA ITEM MEETING DATE: April 16, 2009 AGENDA TITLE: Public hearing and consideration of Site and Use Review applications, #LUR2009-00013 and #LUR2009-00014, to permit a new outdoor platfonn for student presentations and a 1,400 square foot addition (previously approved and since expired) to an existing private school entitled Bixby School located at 4760 Table Mesa Drive. A licant/Owner: Bixby Associates REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: Ruth McHeyser, Executive Director of Community Planning David Driskell, Deputy Director of Community Planning Karl Guiler, Planner II OBJECTIVE: 1. Hear applicant and staff presentations 2. Hold public hearing 3. Planning Board discussion 4. Planning Board take action to approve, approve with conditions, or deny SUMMARY: Proposal: 1) SITE REVIEW - Minor amendment to a previously approved Site Review application 4LUR2002-00016 (which permitted a partial demolition of the existing school, additions in two phases, and an associated 15% parking reduction) to permit the addition of an outdoor platform for plays in the playground area and to revalidate the since expired approval of Phase 11 for a 1,400 square foot kindergarten room (Phase I was constructed within the required time limits); and 2) USE REVIEW - Request to construct the 1,400 square foot addition for a kindergarten room (previously approved, but expired) to a non- residential use (private school) within a residiental zoning district. This request requires Planning Board approval because it is a non-residential use in a residential zoning district. Project Name: The Bixby School Location: 4760 Table Mesa Drive Size of Tract: 97,625 square feet (2.24 acres) Zoning: RM-1 (Medium Density Residential - 1) Comprehensive Plan: Medium Density Residential AGENDA ITEM # 5L PAGE # 1 KEY ISSUES: 1. Would the proposed addition be consistent with the Site Review criteria and the standards of subsection 9-2-14(1)(2), B.R.C. 1981 related to minor amendments? 2. Would the expanded use of the school and the addition of an outdoor platform for presentations be consistent with the Use Review criteria? BACKGROUND: Existing Site / Site Context The 2.24 acre site contains Bixby School - a private school that has been in operation at the site since 1978. The school is located within the South Creek Planned Unit Development (PUD) to the southeast of the Tantra Drive and Table Mesa Drive intersection. South Creek was developed in the late 1970s and contains a mix of commercial and residential uses. A parking lot immediately north of the school provides shared parking for all uses within the PUD and access to the school. Figures 1 through 3 illustrate the neighborhood context, the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP) land use designation, and zoning of the site and surrounding area. lei ~ .tf r Z ilk W4 rr 1il. 4760 TABLE ~;IE._ A Dn - Y by s Ak~ Figure 1- Neighborhood context, Bixby School at 4760 Table Mesa AGENDA ITEM # 5G PAGE # 2 c I ZR . S Community Easiness z - 4760 TABLE MESA DR ` Medium Density Residential L. a Pulalic ; , 4 Park, Urban and Other , Figure Z- BVCP land use around Bixby School. I MAU IV C4 1-011 _r z 4760 TABLE MESA DR A f 1 RM-1 - ~OQ ~Ll o o - ®rms-wasta - Figure 3- Zoning around Bixby School. AGENDA ITEM # 5rr-- PAGF. # 3 BVCP land use designation and zoning As shown on Figure 2, the BVCP land use designation for the site is Medium Density Residential. The southwest corner of the site is designated Parks, Urban, and Other. The South Creek PUD requires that the southwest corner of the site be used as open space for residents of the entire PUD and this remains in effect. Zoning on the school property matches the BVCP land use with RM-1, Medium Density Residential. Project History The school and associated pre-school and daycare were originally approved by the South Creek PUD in 1977, which limited enrollment of the school to 200 students. The other approved portions of the development were 68 townhouses, 20 apartments, and 48,000 square feet of commercial uses (not all of which has been constructed). Although enrollment of the school has not increased above 200, several additions have been made to the school since it was originally built. Enrollment today is 160 students. For a more detailed synopsis of these approvals, refer to the July 11, 2002 staff memorandum to Planning Board on page 37 of the applicant's submittal booklet in Attachment B. The 2002 approval included demolition of part of the existing school, additions in two phases, and a 15% parking reduction. Phase I entailed the demolition of 2,867 square feet of the school and construction of a 3,160 square foot addition, as well as the elimination of one of the two approved residential units from the site. Phase lI entailed a 1,400 square foot addition for a relocated Kindergarten room. The building size was proposed to increase from 15,740 square feet to 17,433 square feet. No enrollment increase was proposed. Based on the analysis provided within the 2002 memo, Planning Board approved the project (see page 32 of Attachment B for the Notice of Disposition). The disposition contained the following condition on phasing: The applicant shall comply with the approved development phasing plan noted on the final site plan submitted on May 6, 2002. The phasing plan shall be in conformance with the requirements of 'section 9-4-8, B.R.C. 1981 [now section 9- 2-12, B.R.C. 1981]. Phase I shall begin on the date of this approval. Phase II shall begin upon the earlier of the three years after the date of this approval or upon the final inspection of Phase I. The applicant commenced and completed Phase 1 within the approved timeframe, but did not begin the Phase II portion. Therefore, approval of Phase II has expired. Because Phase I was completed, the validity of the 15% parking reduction remains. Since 2002, the applicant added additional parking spaces on the site for a total of nine spaces and received approvals from owners within the PUD for the shared parking conditions. Project Description The applicant is requesting reconsideration of the Phase II addition to construct 1,400 square feet for a relocated Kindergarten room on the west side of the building. As before, no increase in student enrollment above 200 students is proposed. The addition is in the exact location as previously approved and would match the existing color and materials of the building. The only difference is the addition of a wrap around porch along the perimeter of the addition. Please refer to the applicant's proposed plans in Attachment C. AGENDA ITEM # 5G PAGE # 4 The applicant is also requesting a new addition of an outdoor platform (facing eastward toward the school) for student performances and activities. This would require some grading to create a tiered audience seating area facing the stage. The excavated foundation from the Kindergarten room would be used under the tiered seating. Existing boulders on the site would be added as landscape features. Page 14 of Attachment B contains a written statement pertaining to the use of the platform. The applicant proposes to use the platform for student performances (which already occur on the school grounds and within the building) like poetry readings, skits, vocal performances, dances, and plays generally during school hours (i.e., 7:15 a.m. to 5:45 p.m., Monday through Friday). No nighttime lighting, amplified sound, or ticket sales are proposed. Because the kindergarten room addition (Phase H) of the 2002 approval has expired and its scope exceeds the standards for minor modifications, a Minor Site Review Amendment pursuant to Subsection 9-2-14(1)(2), B.R.C. 1981 is required. Also, a reconsideration of the previously approved Use Review is required due to the expiration and the fact that platform is considered an expansion of the school use. The Use Review requires Planning Board decision to permit expansion of a non-residential use within a residential zoning district. ANALYSIS: 1. Would the proposed addition be consistent with the Site Review criteria and the standards of subsection 9-2-140)(2), B.R.C. 1981 related to minor amendments? Staff continues to find that the proposed addition of 1,400 square foot kindergarten room would meet the Site Review criteria of subsection 9-2-14(h), B.R.C. 1981 as previously recommended by staff in the July 11, 2002 memo (see pages 47 through 54 of Attachment B) and as previously adopted by the Planning Board. As a Minor Site Review Amendment, the proposal (including the new platform) is required to specifically meet the criteria of subsections 9-2-14(h)(2)(A), "Open Space"; 9-2-14(h)(2)(C), "Landscaping"; and 9-2-14(h)(2)(F), "Building Design, Livability and Relationship to the Existing or Proposed Surround Area", B.R.C. 1981. These are discussed as follows: Open Space- The Site Review criteria for open space require that open space be "accessible and functional" and generally be available for "active and passive uses." Staff finds that there is ample open space on the school site to meet this intent. The criteria also require the "preservation and/or mitigation of adverse impacts to natural features." Minimal impact to natural features would occur on the site. The applicant is proposing to relocate several small trees that would be impacted by the location of the new 1,400 square foot addition. Even with the proposed additions, the site would have over 80% open space while only 10% is required. Further, the southwest open space would remain as required by the South Creek PUD. i Landscaping- Through the Site Review criteria, landscaping is expected to be "in excess of landscaping requirements" and ` provide for an attractive site plan." hl this case, the site contains extensive grounds with a variety of plants and trees that the staff and students maintain. The area of greatest site disturbance would be the proposed platform area and this area is proposed to be planted and designed with integrated boulders for an attractive site plan. A condition of approval is proposed to require an irrigation plan for this area at time of Technical Document review. AGENDA ITEM # 5C PAGE # 5 Building Design- The "Building Design" criteria require that "the building height, mass, scale, orientation, and configuration are compatible with the existing character of the area " and ensure that "the project is made compatible by the appropriate use of color, materials, landscaping, signs and lighting. " Staff finds that the addition complies with the applicable criteria because of the following reasons: • The 1,400 square foot addition is designed at the same scale and design as the existing building. • The height of the roof ridge for the 1,400 square foot addition is exactly the same as the current building height of 33 feet. • Given the vegetation on and around the site, visibility of the additions from neighboring properties would be minimal. • The additions would be 100 to 200 feet from the nearest neighboring residential structures and would be compatible with the existing character of the area. • The platform will be composed of materials that would be visually consistent with the school and surrounding properties and would generally have a low profile at 15 feet in height. In conclusion, staff finds that the proposal would be consistent with subsection 9-2-14(1)(2)(D), B.R.C. 1981, which requires that "The minor amendment is found to be substantially consistent with the intent of the original approval, including the conditions of approval, the intended design character and site arrangement of the development, and specific limitations on additions or total size of the building which were required to keep the building in general proportion to others in the surrounding area or minimize visual impacts." 2. Would the expanded use of the school and the addition of an outdoor platform for presentations be consistent with the Use Review criteria? Staff concurs with the previous analysis that the design and operating characteristics of the expanded school would be consistent with the Use Review criteria of subsection 9-2-15(e), B.R.C. 1981 as listed on pages 55 through 58 of Attachment B. This application meets the Use Review criteria for compatibility which requires that any applicable use has a location, size, design and operating characteristics [that] will be reasonably compatible with and have minimal negative impact on the use of nearby properties..." (Section 9-2-15(e)(3), B.R.C. 1981). Staff also finds that "the use will not change the predominant character of the surrounding area" as required by Section 9-2-15(e)(5), B.R.C. 1981. In summary and as specific to the proposed Phase II addition, staff finds that: • The 1,400 square foot kindergarten room addition on the west side of the school would be one-story and largely within an existing interior patio play area surrounded by playground and will have a minimal negative impact on the site and surrounding properties. • The additions would be 100 to 200 feet from the nearest neighboring residential structures, would largely not be visible for most of the year with the abundance of foliage on and around the site, and would be compatible with the existing character of the area. • The school will continue to function under the permitted number of 200 students and the use of the site would not intensify. Floor area would be added for the benefit of existing ' AGENDA ITEM # 5C PAGE # 6 students and staff. Further, parking would be accommodated by the additional spaces provided following the previous approval and the factors that validated the previously approved parking reduction of 15% would not change. Staff also finds the addition of the outdoor platform consistent with the Use Review criteria as follows: • The use of the platform is not expected to have a negative impact on surrounding properties based on the applicant's written statement dated December 1, 2008 (see page 14 of Attachment B), which notes that use of the platform will be generally limited to times when students are at the school (i.e., 7:15 a.m. to 5:45 p.m., Monday through Friday). Further, use of the platform would be accessory to the school with no large scale operations that would entail nighttime lighting, amplified sound, or ticket sales. Also, the stage is oriented toward the school to minimize noise impacts. PUBLIC COMMENT AND PROCESS: Required public notice was given in the form of written notification mailed to all property . owners within 600 feet of the property and a sign posted on the property for at least 10 days prior to the public hearing. All notice requirements of section 9-4-3, B.R.C. 1981 have been met. Staff received one phone call from a neighbor who was concerned about construction noise. Otherwise, no written comments have been received. STAFF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Planning Board approve Minor Site Review Amendment #LUR2009- 00013 and Use Review #LUR2009-00014, incorporating this staff memorandum, the attached Site Review and Use Review Criteria Checklist found within the staff memorandum dated July 11, 2002 as findings of fact, subject to the recommended Conditions of Approval below: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL The following are conditions of approval for the Site Review: 1. The applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that the development shall be in compliance with all approved plans dated March 3, 2009 on file in the City of Boulder Planning Department, except as may be modified by this approval. 2. The applicant shall comply with all previous conditions contained in #P-77-54, #SR- 77-30, and the Development Agreement recorded at Reception No. 2333786 on September 20, 2002 in the records of the Boulder County Clerk and Recorder, except as may be modified by this approval. 3. Prior to application for a building permit, the applicant shall submit a Technical Document Review application for the following items, and subject to the review and approval of the Planning Director and the Director of Public Works: a. Final site and architectural plans, including materials and colors to ensure compliance with the intent of this approval. AGENDA ITEM # 5r, PAGE 9 7 b. A final landscape and irrigation plan, including size, quantity, and type of plants existing and proposed; type and quality of non-living landscaping materials; any site grading proposed; and any irrigation system proposed, to insure compliance with this approval and the City's landscaping requirements. Removal of trees must receive prior approval of the Planning Department. Removal of any tree in City right-of-way must also receive prior approval of the City Forester. c. A lighting plan showing the location, size, and intensity of illumination units, showing compliance with Section 9-9-16, B.R.G. 1981. The following are conditions of approval for the Use Review: I . The applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that the development shall be in compliance with all approved plans dated March 3, 2009, the written statement dated January 19, 2009, and the letter dated December 1, 2008 entitled, "Description of Use of Playground Platform Proposed for Bixby School" on file in the City of Boulder Planning Department, except as maybe modified by this approval. 2. The applicant shall comply with all previous conditions contained in #P-77-54, #SR- 77-30, and the Development Agreement recorded at Reception No. 2333786 on September 20, 2002 in the records of the Boulder County Clerk and Recorder, except as may be modified by this approval. 3. The applicant shall not expand or modify the approved use, except pursuant to Subsection 9-4-9(g), B.R.C. 1981. 4. Approval continues to be limited to a private school use for a maximum enrollment of 200 students. Approved By: Ruth McHeyser, cutive Director of Community Plarming Planning Department ATTACHMENTS: A: Vicinity Map B: Applicant's written statement and submittal booklet containing previous applicant and city documentation dated March 3, 2009. C: Applicant's proposed plans for Phase II addition and perfonnance platform dated March 3, 2009. AGENDA ITEM # 5L PAGE # 8 ATTACHMENT A City of Boulder Vicinity Map RM iiiii.27,, i RH-5 _ 10 Table Mesa Dr - p i= Subject Area cu 1 4760 Table Mesa Dr ~ c Subject f 3 Legend city Lirrfits Location: 4760 Table Mesa Dr Project Name: Bixby School City of -►''M Review Type: Site & Use Review Boulder NORTH The information depicted on this map Is provided Review Number: LUR2009-00013 & 14 ae graphin representation only. The City Boulder provides no o warranty, expressed or implied,, as to 1 inch = 300 feet the accuracy and/or completeness of the information Applicant: Bixby Associates contained hereon AGENDA ITEM # 5 C. PACE # 9 ATTACBMENT B I. Date: March 3, 2009 t Project: Bixby School Kindergarten Room Addition k 4760 Table Mesa Drive Regarding: Response to Staff Continents from February 20, 2009 Written Statement RAILTON-WEVOY Site Review Minor Amendment A H C H I T C C T S Use Review Re=approval of LUR 2002-00016 To: City of Boulder Planning and Development Review From: Phil McEvoy Railton McEvoy Architects 5377 Manhattan Circle, Suite 101 Boulder, CO 80303 Copy to: Bixby and Associates Discussion: ' Below are our written responses to the comments from Panning Staff dated February 20, 2009 in the same order as the Land Use Review Comments. ' Review Findings In regards to Site Review Criteria Section 9-2-14(h)(2)(C), we have added a detailed Landscape ` Plan for the raised Platform and the affected area surrounding this improvement to the northwest corner of the open space on the Bixby School site. We are proposing to build elevated seating tiers in front of the platform for audience seating which will incorporate the excavation materials ' from the Kindergarten Room foundation. Seating will incorporate flat sandstone seating installed above treated wood timbers. Existing ground cover of pea gravel will be recycled into the new landscape design to minimize hauling of new materials to the site. The pea gravel is left over from a former temporary classroom use at the same site during the previous Preschool addition in 2002 - 2003. A portion of the elevated seating will include a planter with low water usage plants, existing large boulders that have been stored on site and additional trees for summer shade. - The proposed Platform will incorporate a concrete slab placed directly on the existing ground surface in the northwest corner of the site. Several wood framed walls that vary in height from 6 to 8 feet will be constructed on the platform to provide a backdrop for the Platform and for informal concealed dressing areas for the performers- These walls will be finished in Cedar siding similar to the 6 foot tall Cedar fences that surround the Platform. Above the Platform, and PP.OJECI CONCEPTS - KMENCES Pf.STORP,100 • CORPORATE DI%N 6317 A!nnhauan Chcie. Buhr. 10? Qao10C. C01013do 9030S (,,03)443.4353 - I'AX cs3 5535 Written Response to Staff Comments March 3, 2009 Page 2 suspended from steel cables, will be a fabric shade device that can be extended over the Platform in the summer heat and retracted when not in use. Exterior walls will be treated with a clear z sealer or semi-transparent stain to leave the wood exposed to view and to blend in with the Cedar fences that surround the Platform. The Platform shade structure will not exceed 20 feet in height and is currently designed at only 15 feet in height at the tallest point. Building Design - will The 1,400 sq. ft. Kindergarten Room addition will be constructed with wood framing and be finished in siding and exterior colors, blue-gray trim and tan colored walls, to match the existing f Bixby School building. The porch was added to the design since the 2002 approval. We find l that the year round use of the building provides an opportunity for a porch to protect the interior from the heat build up in the exterior concrete patios. Accessible roof cover also provides some protection for students that are outdoors during a sudden summer storm. The west facing porch will reduce summer cooling loads in the Kindergarten Room by protecting west facing windows from the summer sun. Drainage F We have added more detailed information to the drawings to show that the raised seating is indeed built elevated on an earthen berm that will recycle the excavation materials from the Kindergarten Room foundation. Spot elevations and a cross section through the raised seating tiers have been more clearly noted to explain the seating elevations for the sandstone seating stones and the treated timber retaining walls below the seating. Fees Comment acknowledged. Land Use 1. Bixby does not intend to increase enrollment from the original approved 200 student limit. Since there is no expansion of the student body or staff anticipated with these improvements, no additional vehicular trips are projected. 2. Comment acknowledged. a Landscaping t' 1. A detailed Landscape Plan of the affected area has been added to our presentation materials to meet the requirements of Section 9-9-12(d). We have calculated is x Written Response to Staff Comments March 3, 2009 Page 3 approximately 7,500 sq. R. of the site will be affected by the addition of the Platform. As a result of this affected area, the appropriate number of new plants have been incorporated into the low water usage planter that frames the elevated seating along the east side. We are also recycling the existing pea gravel ground cover used in this section of the school site. We are proposing that several large boulders that are stored on site be incorporated into the new low water usage planter. 2. A detailed site plan to explain the grading of the Platform has been added to the drawings along with a cross section to illustrate the tiered seating levels in juxtaposition to the Platform and the bermed planter. The school has requested the Platform be oriented y towards the east as shown on the site plan. This allows the back of the performance area, or the solid wall backdrop, to back up to the most adjacent neighbors and naturally provides a wind break by placing the solid elements of the design into the prevailing l westerly winds. With the easterly orientation, the Platform opens towards the school and is more inviting to the access path from the school and feels more integrated into the Bixby site. During the summer, the use of the Platform will be scheduled around the warmest part of the day so that shading of the seating area is not needed. Shade trees are a part of the landscape design and are intended to eventually provide partial summer shade of the seating area. Exterior materials of the Platform are described above under - the first section- Legal Documents 1. A Title Commitment Letter on the title company letterhead is attached. 2. A proof of authority to sign legal documents has been attached. Neighborhood Comments We understand that there were no neighborhood comments received by the Planning Staff. Bixby School also has not received any comments from adjacent neighbors. 6sa(Q Plan Documents b.i 1. The note regarding "Open to use by South Creek residents" has been added to the Site Plan. 2. A note specifying a maximum height of 20 feet at the Platform has been added to the Site Plan. 3_ The drawing scale has been corrected on the Elevation Drawings. i:: y Written Response to Staff Comments March 3, 2009 Page 4 4. Sheet A-1 has been revised without the note "Plan is conceptual only and is not final i design" 5. A note has been added to the Site Plan to indicate those portions of the building which were previously constructed. 6. The north arrow orientation on sheet A-1 has been corrected. Zoning Comment acknowledged. ' Informational Comments .r These items have been read and are acknowledged as being further items to consider and conditions to be met as this project moves forward. i o- r t0 F~ CITY OF BOULDER Planning and Development Services 1739 Broadway, Third Floor P.O_ Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306-0791 phone 303-441-1880 • fax 303-441-3241 • web boulderplandevelop. net CITY OF BOULDER LAND USE REVIEW RESULTS AND COMMENTS DATE OF COMMENTS: February 20, 2009 CASE MANAGER: Karl Guiler PROJECT NAME: Bixby School LOCATION: 4760 TABLE MESA DRIVE COORDINATES: S03W02 REVIEW TYPE: Minor Site Review Amendment & Use Review REVIEW NUMBERS: LUR2009-00013 & LUR2009-00014 APPLICANT: Bixby Associates DESCRIPTION: 1) SITE REVIEW - Minor amendment to a previously approved Site Review application #LUR2002-00016 (which permitted additions to the existing private school in two phases and an associated 15% parking reduction) to permit the addition of an outdoor platform for plays in the school's playground area and to revalidate the since expired approval of Phase II: a 1,400 square foot addition to the school for a kindergarten room (Phase I was constructed within the required time limits). And; 2) USE REVIEW - Request to construct additions (previously approved, but expired) to a non-residential use (private school) within a residiental zoning district. This request requires Planning Board approval. I REQUESTED MODIFICATIONS FROM THE LAND USE REGULATIONS: • Section 9-7-1- Request to permit an accessory structure 27 feet from a front property line where 55 feet is required. 1. REVIEW FINDINGS Overall, staff continues to find that the proposed addition (in this case, the Phase II portion of 1,400 square feet) would meet the Site Review criteria of Section 9-2-14(h), B.R.C. 1981. Further, staff finds that the proposed use of the proposed platform and the general aspects of the school addition would be consistent with the Use Review criteria of Section 9-2- 15(e), B.R.C. 1981. A condition will be proposed to ensure that the use of the platform is operated consistent with the written statement dated Dec. 1, 2008. However, staff has not concluded that the proposed platform is entirely consistent with Landscape and Building Design criteria of the Site Review criteria of Sections 9-2-14(h)(2)(C) and (h)(2)(F), B.R.C. 1981. As a Site Review minor amendment, it must be found that the project is consistent with those particular sections per Section 9-2-14(I)(2)(c), B.R.C. 1981 _ Therefore, please refer to the "Landscaping" section below, where additional information regarding plantings around the platform (and addition) and general colors and materials of the platform are requested. These materials may be submitted as corrections, which may be submitted at any time to the Case Manager. Once ` received, staff will assess the materials and prepare conclusions in the staff memorandum to Planning Board. Planning Board review is required, because all Use Reviews, as non-residential uses within residential zoning districts, require board decision. As staff is already scheduling for April and May Planning Board meetings, it is advisable to bring in materials as soon as practical. II. CITY REQUIREMENTS j Building Design Karl Guiler, Case Manager, 303-441-4236 z_ As with the previous review, staff finds that the proposed architecture of the 1,400 square foot addition would be compatible with the existing structure and other structures in the area. It appears that the wrap-around porch is a change Address: 4760 TABLE MESA DR Page 1 from the previously approved plan. Please clarify whether this is the case. Drainage, Erik Saunders 303 441-4493 It is unclear if the proposed seating area is to be set into a berm, or to consist of two raised planting bed structures of differing heights, to accommodate the tiered seating design. As part of the requested corrections, please clarify how the seating area is to be designed to achieve the desired elevation difference. If the recycled fill is to be used to create a berm which will be benched to provide the seating area then a grading plan shall be provided to show the proposed grading for the platform stage and seating areas and the altered drainage patterns. Fees Please note that 2009 development review fees include a $131 hourly rate for reviewer services following the initial city response (these written comments). Please see the P&DS Questions and Answers brochure for more information about the hourly billing system. ' Land Use Karl Guiler, Case Mana9er, 303-441-4236 1. The school has approval for a total enrollment not to exceed 200 students as part of the planned unit development of South Creek PUD per Special Review (#SR-89-15) and (#P-89-32). Any change of use or ownership changes with the school property will not be allowed to exceed the existing approved use and conditions (such as student enrollment and traffic trips) unless approved by the city. 2. Staff finds that the proposal to construct a platform consistent with the written statement dated December 1, 2008 would be consistent with the Use Review criteria of Section 9-2-15(e), B.R.C. 1981. Further, staff does not see any aspects of the 1,400 square foot Kindergarten addition that would conflict with that section. Landscaping Elizabeth Lokocz 303.441.3138 1. Submit a detailed landscape plan for the impacted areas of the PUD including the classroom addition and performance platform. See Section 9-9-12(d) BRC 1981 for a description of what should be included on the plan. Include a chart as described in this section comparing the required and provided landscape. This is necessary to conclude that the proposed platform is consistent with the Site Review criteria of Section 9 2-14(h)(2)(C), B.R.C. 1981. 2. Significant additional detail is needed for the proposed performance area- Provide a preliminary grading plan; show how the raised seating areas will transition to the surrounding grades. Although the area is described as being primarily for day use, outdoor performance areas often function better if oriented north south avoiding the direct sun of the early morning and late afternoon. A reorientation should be considered as part of the corrections documents, while also being mindful of mitigating noise impacts on residential neighbors. Shading of the seating area is also likely to be needed for a majority of the year and should be incorporated into the early design development. Provide additional information on colors, materials, etc. for staff assessment with the Site Review criteria of Section 9-2-14(h)(2)(F), B.R.C. 1981. Legal Documents Julia Chase, City Attorney's Office, Ph. (303) 441-3020 Prior to signing the Development Agreement, if approved, the Applicant shall provide the following: 1. An updated title commitment or letter update to the title policy current within 30 days (Note that the title commitment should appear on letterhead from the title company. The e-mailed format of what was provided is not acceptable.) 2. Proof of authorization on behalf of Bixby & Associates. (Note: If the President of the Corporation is signing, then provide corporate minutes confirming the name of this officer. If another officer will be signing, then a corporate resolution confirming the name of this officer and his/her authority is required.) Neighborhood Comments Karl Guiler, Case Manager, 303-441-4236 As of the date of these comments, staff has not received any public comments. Plan Documents Karl Guiler, Case Manager, 303-441-4236 The following corrections and additional notes shall be added to the plans prior to Planning Board review: 1. Indicate on the main site plan that the southwestern corner of the site is an "area open to the use of South Creek PUD residents." 2. Add the maximum height of the proposed platform. Please note the height may not exceed 20 feet. ' Address: 4760 TABLE MESA DR Page 2 [ 3. Correct the scales of both elevations on Sheet A2, as both appear to be incorrect. E , 4. Remove the note on Sheet Al, which states "Plan is conceptual only and is not final design." 5. Indicate with a note those Phase I portions of the building that have already been constructed. 6. Revise the north arrow on Sheet Al to direct north. Zoning Karl Guiler, Case Manager, 303441-4236 The following form and bulk modification has been identified: Section 9-7-1- Request to permit an accessory structure 27 feet from a front property line where 55 feet is required. Staff does not finds that this request would be incompatible with the neighborhood or inconsistent with the Site Review criteria of Section 9-2-14(h), B.R.C. 1981. 111. INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS Area Characteristics and Zoning History Karl Guiler, Case Manager, 303-441-4236 The project site is located in the South Creek development, approved as a Planned Unit Development (PUD) in 1977. This PUD specifies building coverage, parking, open space, and setback requirements unique to this project. The 1977 approval allowed a private school with a maximum enrollment of 200 students. Also, included in the approval were two dwelling units that were constructed as second floor apartments used by the school administration. In 1989, the Bixby School received approval for a Special Review (#SR-89-15) and (#P-89-32) for a 3,139 square foot addition to the existing building in two phases for a total of 15,879 square feet, and a parking reduction. The first phase of the expansion was completed in 1990 and the remainder was completed in 1994. A Site Review Amendment and Use Review (LUR2002-00016 & LUR2002-00017) was requested by the applicant in 2002 to permit an expansion of the existing school building above the limits allowed by a Minor Modification to an approved Site Review. The Applicant's proposal was to reconfigure some existing space and add floor area in two phases, as follows: • Phase I (remodel existing building) involved demolishing the 1,936 s.f. preschool and the 1,152 s.f. second floor a apartment (above the preschool) and replacing on the north side of the building a 3,160 s.f. first floor addition. • Phase II involved expanding the kindergarten room to the west center of the building by adding an additional 1,400 I square feet of space to the first floor. • Student enrollment was not to exceed the approved limit of 200 students and no increase is proposed in the number of staff members required to teach and administer the school. The applicant also requested a 15% parking reduction as part of the application. This request was approved by Planning Board on July 11, 2002. The applicant has since constructed Phase I, but never commenced Phase II, which has since expired. Therefore, in order to construct Phase 11, as previously approved, a new minor amendment and Use Review to permit the alterations to the school is required. Engineering, Erik Saunders 303 441-4493 1. At time of building permit application, separate Fence/Retaining Wall Permits will be required for all proposed retaining walls and fences on the property. 2. No portion of any structure, including footings and eaves, may encroach into any public right-of-way or easement. 5 Land Use Karl Guiler, Case Manager, 303-441-4236 The Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP) land use designation for the site is "Medium Density Residential." The southwest corner of the site is designated `Parks, Urban, and Other." Review Process Karl Guiler, Case Manager, 303441-4236 The previous review (#LUR2002-00016) was approved by Planning Board in July 2002, but since the applicant did not begin construction of the Phase 11 portion of the project, the approval of that phase expired in 2005. A new application is required to permit the proposed construction of 1,400 square feet- The original application and this Site Review application are required due to the size of the site (over 2 acres)- Address: 4760 TABLE MESA DR Page 3 i 9 Use review is required because a private school and preschool (large day care center) in the RM-1 zoning district is only permitted by a Use Review. The expiration of the Phase II portion effectively invalidated the Use Review for that portion- Therefore, a new Use Review is required. The criteria for Site Review are found in Section 9-2-14(h), B.R.C. 1981 and the criteria for Use Review are found in Section 9-2-15(e), B.R.C. 1981. Utilities, Erik Saunders 303 441-4493 1. If the proposed project includes work within the public right-of-way or public easements. A right-of-way permit is required prior to initiating this construction. 2. The applicant is advised that at the time of building permit application the following requirements will apply: a. The applicant will be required to provide accurate existing and proposed plumbing fixture count forms to determine if the existing meters and services are adequate for the proposed use. b. Water and wastewater Plant Investment Fees and service line sizing will be evaluated. c_ If the existing water and/or wastewater services are required to be abandoned and upsized, all new service taps to existing mains shall be made by city crews at the developer's expense. The water service must be excavated and turned off at the corporation stop, per city standards. The sewer service must be excavated and capped at the property line, per city standards. 3. All water meters are to be placed in city R.O.W. or a public utility easement, but meters are not to be placed in driveways, sidewalks or behind fences. ' Zoning Karl Guiler, Case Manager, 303-441-4236 The project site is zoned, RM-1, Medium Density Residential - 1. Medium density residential areas are those that are f primarily used for attached residential development, where each unit generally has direct access to ground level, and where complementary uses may be permitted under certain conditions. A private elementary school is permitted by Use Review in the RM-1 zoning district. A preschool or'large day care center' is also permitted by Use Review in the RM-1 district. i IV. NEXT STEPS I 1 _ Submit corrected plans to the Case Manager that include landscape information, colors and materials of the platform, and also addressing those comments in the 'Plan Documents' section. $ 2. Once received, staff will review and if found to be adequate for Planning Board review, staff will schedule the application for a public hearing. V. CITY CODE CRITERIA CHECKLIST To be prepared as part of the staff memorandum to the Planning Board. t A. Conditions On Case To be prepared as part of the staff memorandum to the Planning Board. i { I I Address: 4760 TABLE MESA DR Page 4 fi io February 1, 2009 To: Neighbors of Bixby School We have applied to the City of Boulder for permission to add a 1400 square foot room to the west side of our existing building (which was previously approved when we reconfigured our current building in 2003), and to build a playground platform on an unused portion of open playground west of our building. Because some of you may have questions about the use of the outdoor platform, 1 am including the description of use as proposed to the city: Description of Use of Playground Platform Proposed for Bixby School We plan to use the proposed platform as an outdoor location for performances by students for other students teachers and on some occasions, families. Examples of the types of performances we may have there are poetry reading or recitations, skits, and vocal music performances, dances, and plays. These performances will generally be presented during the hours the school is in operation (between 7:15 a.m. and 5:45 p.m. Monday through Friday). Several times a year we have adult speakers come to present information to a group of children. They may use the platform if weather permits and the presentation would be enhanced by an outside presentation space. Currently, all the above activities are done either inside the building, or in another part of the yard. We do not plan to have new activities which we've not done in the past, nor to include groups of people who have not been invited to activities before, nor to increase the number of performances we have; we are trying to make the building and grounds more versatile and responsive to our curricular needs. We specifically do not plan to have nighttime lighting, amplified sound, or ticket sales. We will not have permanently installed speakers or lighting. if any of you have questions, i will be happy to respond. You can contact me at the school phone (303)494-7508, by email office@bixbyschool.org, or by mail (or in person) at the school at 4760 Table Mesa Drive. If you would like to see the area of playground where the platform will be placed, 1 will be happy to show you that location. Patricia Baker Executive Director Bixby School ~c a Date: January 19, 2009 Project: Bixby School Kindergarten Room Addition 4760 Table Mesa Drive Regarding: Written Statement Site Review Minor Amendment S A l ET O N eM cfYOY Use Review A R G H I T E C T S Re-approval of LUR 2002-00016 To: City of Boulder Planning and Development Review x From: Phil McEvoy Railton McEvoy Architects 5377 Manhattan Circle, Suite 101 Boulder, CO 80303 : Copy to: Bixby and Associates Discussion: Project History Bixby School is a private pre-school and elementary school requesting re-approval of a Use Review that was granted by the Planning Board in 2002 through Review Number LUR 2002- 00016. This Review granted an expansion and replacement of an existing Pre-School, addition of a Kindergarten Room of 1,400 sq. ft. and conversion of one residential unit to building area dedicated to school uses or storage. The Kindergarten Room was planned as a future phase and approval was granted for three years from the final inspection of phase one, completed in January 2003. Since the three year time period has expired, re-approval of the Kindergarten Room is required. Through the Pre-Application process through the City Planning office, we were allowed to re-submit all of the 2002 Use Review Documents, which are attached below the `r Written Statement and included with the Drawings. 1 Location i z . Bixby School is located in the South Creek PUD and is southeast of the Tantra and Table Mesa intersection. Several commercial buildings are located at this mixed use site including 1 restaurants, a gas station, a few retail shops and a variety of offices. The Tantra Village E townhomes are located on the adjacent west and south sides of the school property with an affordable multifamily housing project named Bridgewalk to the east. Process 5 PROJECT CONCEPTS RESCENCES RESTORATION - CORPOMTE DESIGN 5377 Manhattan Circle, Suite 101 - Roulder, Colorado 80303 (303) 443 4353 FAX 443-5535 tt Bixby School Written Statement January 19, 2009 Page 2 A Use Review is required since a private school and preschool in a RM-1 zoning district is permitted only by Use Review. A Site Review Amendment is required since the school wants to expand the building by an amount that exceeds the limits allowed by the Minor Modification Process to an approved Site Review. Project Description t Bixby School is requesting re-approval of the 2002 Use Review that included the 1,400 sq. ft. Kindergarten Room which was included with that approval. The Kindergarten Room will provide more indoor classroom and program space for the existing class size. The School Master Plan in 2002 included the eventual expansion into a larger, separate Kindergarten Room with the internal conversion of space to a expanded Library for all students use. Approved square footage in 2002 was 16,033 sq. ft. and with the additional 1,400 sq. ft. the total building will be 17,433 sq. ft. Concurrently, the applicant is requesting review and approval of a 1,080 sq. ft. Platform for the production of student plays and performances which are performed for the Bixby student body. The Platform will be added in the northwest corner of the site in an open play field, not currently a developed playground at the school. This expansion into an underdeveloped portion of the site will allow for expanded student programs and will better utilize the overall site. It will be constructed similar to existing wooden playground structures with a concrete floor slab, wooden L walls for a stage-like back drop and an operable fabric roof structure for summer shade at an overall height of 12 feet. The Platform will include two landscaped tiers of seating which will incorporate the excavation material from the Kindergarten Room foundation, thus reducing excavation that needs to be hauled from the site. This area of the site has several large boulders that have been exposed and stored from previous excavations on the school site. These boulders will be incorporated into the raised tier seating. Use Review Comments Bixby School is a private pre-school and elementary school and is open Monday through Friday : from 7:15AM to 5:45PM and provides after school day care as well as elementary and pre-school education to approximately 165 to 175 children, however, the approved limit is 200 students. The number of staff totals approximately 29 with 25 working full time. With the expansion of the Kindergarten Room of 1,400 sq. ft. there will be no additional students or staff required. The school's intent is to provide better facilities for the existing student body by expanding the kindergarten space, reorganizing internal space for an improved library and having an outdoor platform for the presentation of student performed plays. s 1: Bixby School Written Statement January 19, 2009 Page 3 In 2002 a 15% parking reduction was granted for the addition of the Pre-School and the 1,400 sq. ft. "future" Kindergarten Room. The original Written Statement and Findings of Staff for the Presentation to Planning Board from the 2002, Application are included below and the transportation issues were addressed at that time. There is no planned expansion of the student s body or the number of staff members with this proposal so therefore, the original transportation analysis would still apply. We have discussed this re-approval with Transportation Staff and they agreed that no Transportation Study would be necessary if the school population remained the same. Current traffic estimates for student drop offs are 101 trips in the morning drop off hours and a similar number for the afternoon pick up which extends from 3:OOPM to 6:OOPM. Criteria For Use Review: (e) Criteria for Review (1) Consistency with Zoning: The school was originally approved by PUD in 1978 and this expansion continues this use as previously approved by Use Review for the same expansion in 2002. (2) Rationale: Does not apply since the school use is consistent with the approved use. (3) Compatibility: Bixby School was originally approved as a neighborhood, private school providing full day, pre-school education and after school care and elementary education and this expansion furthers the facilities available to the same size student body. No expansion of the student body is planned as a result t of the addition of a Kindergarten Room. A proposed Platform for student use is located next to commercial neighbors of the site and has little impact on adjacent I residential neighbors. The location of the school building relative to the platform provides a physical screen and separation to most multi-family neighbors. (4) Infrastructure: The Kindergarten Addition and the Platform require no additional City utility extensions or service expansion. A Civil Engineering study is attached to this submittal which concludes the storm water generated by the platform has been accounted for in the scope of pervious surfaces and has been accounted for in the drainage system of the site. No expansion of the student body is planned as a result of the addition of a Kindergarten Room, therefore , there is not any increase in traffic estimated for the addition of the Platform which is intended to v be used by the current student body, teachers and staff and invited guests. (5) Character of Area: Expansion of the building and the addition of a Platform in the play ground are designed to be completely compatible with exiting building and playground structures and will compliment the existing architecture. (9) Conversion of Dwelling Units to Non-Residential Uses: This criteria does not apply. t ~3 1 7r cR-.. .~k ~ 1~1.,"ciLi J,~~}7`d•'~~ L ,p - ~,5_ 5 ~ v ~ ~~s .+`yir trig y _ y..v 1~.y'.v{ i j?._Y4 az c„{t r t'r _ - {~'llx . `fir ~i...r,.t... s'' 1 - .7 _ Bixby ASchool December 1, 2008 City of Boulder Planning Department Description of Use of Playground Platform Proposed for Bixby School We plan to use the proposed platform as an outdoor Location for performances by students for other students, teachers, and on some occasions, families. Examples of the types of performances we may have there are poetry reading or recitations, skits, and vocal music performances, dances, and plays. These performances will generally be presented during the hours the school is in operation (between 7:15 a.m. and 5:45 p.m. Monday through Friday). Several times a year we have adult speakers come to present information to a group of children. They may use the platform if weather permits and the presentation would be enhanced by an outside presentation space. Currently, all the above activities are done either inside the building, or in another part of the yard. We do not plan to have new activities which we've not done in the past, nor to include group's of people who have not been invited to activities before, nor to increase the number of performances we have; we are trying to make the building and grounds more versatile and responsive to our curricular needs. We specifically do not plan to have nighttime lighting, amplified sound, or ticket sales. We will not have permanently installed speakers or lighting. j Patricia Baker Executive Director Bixby School 4760 Table Mesa Drive Boulder, Colorado 80305 303.494.7508 vwvw,bixbyschool.org r Updated Aug 2006 PROJECT FACT SHEET For Land Use Review Applications Accurate and complete information about a project is integral to a timely and thorough city review. Please type or print complete answers to the items listed under the boxes that relate to your project. While some of this information may be included on the project site plans or discussed in the written statement, please also enter it here. If you choose to recreate this ' document, please only include the items that relate to your project. An electronic version of this document is available on the Web at www.boulderiDlandevelop.net ALL PROJECTS Key Information Subject property address/location: I t3Y ~JG ~2(v0 ~`81 Wt my E Owner name and address: C7 (5(BY A1419 ~t2 1(.{D ) 90 5 4-7 1600 1"W Legal Description (or attach): Gar 2 ~-o 14TO GFZE'51c- VI ~ Age of existing structures: -30 Y5 I Size of site in square feet and acres. Gross- 1.24 AY-&-5 Net (after public dedications): Current Zoning Designation.- fw_ For rezoning and annexation applications, Proposed Zoning Designation: ~ Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: Previous Approvals (specify project name, review type): S11"G U trF M/ 19-R) 1_1I R. 2Z. - OX /0 Solar Access Area Designation (circle one): Area I Area II Area III f Does the project include the demolition of any structures? Yes No If yes, what year was the structure built? Please list any requested variations to the land use regulations (specific variance information is requested I later in the project fact sheet): ~"ZEGZR ~ t~.!✓ PS`p f' t1~cc. d 1 % F~A'~1~ t 1uC~ 9,6M CT766 C -k~ U CAN l-U EZ 201512 - DDDI[o 2_ ANte c Please indicate with a checkmark if your property is affected by any of the following: Wetland area t Airport Intluence Lone Historic landmark designation/district 3 Boulder Valley Regional Center (BVRC) 100 Year Flood Zone North Boulder Subcommunity Plan CAGID parking district UHGID parking district Other local improvement district Land Use Please describe the proposed use(s) of the property, including activities conducted on site, number of seats, number of guest rooms, number of residents, number of employees, hours of operation and any other unique operating characteristics- Also, please specify which land use category(ies) in the Schedule of Permitted. Land Uses (Section 9-6-1) that most closely describes the proposed use: R) U Pr 7T& P+ S G 800L All 0 t?-~Yl i16-A)122~4 SG Fez VrJ ► T2 ~ O'i" E 2ND 0kr,7 f4 106 [AM IL -rDTWV 5MU101 A A 0F 7 33 SQ er W N-Eu 14-0y AFT" t rJ IO ~A-~e. eopytt 15 l b X10 . lx ~y hh;' S pmop_ Avp u-oy~ pDg- A IM fox I W1(44q OF ItV `z3W V)6`)UT~ . t . Hym k~> op oPpp1~rLoxj - iy AM 545 rM MoNaAy 1 IVIZ-ou&LA Y71t 10 A ~s Utilities Are existing buildings hooked-up to city water? Yeses No Are existing buildings hooked-up to city sewer? Yes./ No Are there city water mains adjacent the property? Yes No Are there city sewer mains adjacent the property? Yes No Please name any utility districts that currently serve the property: f.ti. .i Parking SHjo&w P"fuA)G Got' VvIrH GieeSa G9410-- wlr?t 273 Total # off-street standard size (dimensions: 9'x 19' ) SPA-6~ parking small car (dimensions: 7'9" x 15') spaces existing accessible (dimensions: 12'x19'+3' ) bicycle (type: ) other (dimensions: ) TOTAL Total # off-street standard size (dimensions: 9'x 19' ) parking small car (dimensions: 7'9" x 15') spaces proposed accessible (dimensions:12'x19'+3' ) bicycle (type: ) other (dimensions: TOTAL Specify % of parking reduction requested spaces where are required Specify % of parking deferral requested % spaces where are required G2o55 G2b~f. ffAS 9-V5 SPA-C,65 Wil-&-g-G U SC 6y 946 *r wOG~~ ~ 321 ~Pr cs . RFV1,rcizow = 48 SPA-c~ = ~~°J6 op 2&-iQUIRrZ Setbacks j Certain streets are categorized in the city code as Major Streets and have more restrictive setback requirements. Does your property abut a Major Street? es No What is the setback requirement? u~Q Are any setback variations requested? Yes No Please specify request: feet for the yard setback, where feet is required feet for the yard setback, where. feet is required feet for the yard setback, where . feet is required feet for the yard setback, where. feet is required Are you requesting any other variations to the Land Use Regulations? Yes No If so, please list the specific variation(s) requested: ~.t lC l Pro'ec#s with residential dwelling units (existing or proposed) Existing Proposed Total # of lots l j Size of lots 1 { Total # of buildings 1 I Size of each building 0 33 1 14 33 Total # of dwelling units I Total # of kitchens t Total floor area 11W -or 1120 SF Number of stories 2 10 2- Maximum building height' ?i jF Pr- ~ 4- W At) V 5'P J F I t OY ~W MVUYOe pU tz4 h& r2A01 OqSTV~NGTC,6A) Existing Proposed Floor Area/unit Specify the number of units with each bedroom ELU* ELU* ELU' configuration. I 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 2 BR 2 BR 2 BR 3 BR 3 BR 3 BR 4 BR 4 BR -4 BR other other other " efficiency living unit Project density: Existing Proposed Gross units/acre Net units/acre Lot area/unit Total useable open space Useable open space/unit Floor area ratio Is open space reduction requested'? (If yes, specify " Open space reduction requests may only be made for properties in the RH-1 or RH-2 zoning district. :a OK"r OF= I d3 3 'W t:-~Xt57z N& `OTT-rte t;5yt1 Ln NG A-"A. 19 Projects with non-residential uses (existing or proposedEll Existing Proposed Total # of lots 1 1 Total # buildings I Size of each building gao33 5P sF Total floor area 1G0 033 SF 1-7 33 5(✓ Floor area ratio O • ( lk 4 O. 17q Total building coverage go 57 q 51` 1/0 ~ 51~ Number of stories I _Z T2 Maximum building height :31p Fr 35 rr Ratio of non-residential floor Nests: Sr_NcoL S PAMerwA* LO7 Wtt H G12O~'S ~IGf'+~7C area to number of parking spaces 27S Stf74~2.N'b PAti2 /c 1A) ' SF r C63 A VA~ I LA DI-5 Ratio of non-residential floor area to residential floor area What type of building code occupancy classification is required? ~DlfCr4TL6JJ *15W(;, > bff1" Wks Yet Ft E» By A- aN(:Y o vu P_ r t►G Zoo 2 CwST7 aCTWA), Projects with a mix of non-residential and residential uses In addition to the information above, please describe the proposed project, and any project characteristics or requested variations of the mixed-use project. l is i zo USE REVIEW WRITTEN STATEMENT Submit with your application. For your convenience, this form is also available as an electronic form on the Planning and Development Services web site at www.boulderplandevelop.net - You may type in your responses in the electronic form, and then print it to attach to your written statement. KEY INFORMATION Please provide the following information. Please type or print complete, detailed responses. Please also select use categories from the Boulder Revised Code Land Use Charts (Section 9-6.1(d)). EXISTING PROPOSED Use of existing building and land: Proposed use of buildings and land: w&k Hours of operation: Hours of operation: 5"q~~ PM F r~J Number of employees: Number of employees: (Please indicate full and pan time) (Please indicate full and part time) AAA1 G~l ve-, [ , oVer a We imaged number of trips to site per day: Estimated number of trips to site per day: (Please indicate mode of transportation used (Please indicate mode of transportation used to reach the site.) to reach the site.) ~~t Q~~r)n,ah~le I o 1 _ JD y lrl 75 ~ tv n t p, Sorr+e c~,s~ ~ s ~ way ~1 ~ Uses on adjacent / surrounding properties: Narrative In the space provided below ~Or in an attached lette please type or print a narrative describing the proposal in specific detail. Only one written narrative is necessary per development project. 4 ~s z2 CRITERIA In the space provided below, please indicate how the proposal wilt meet the Use Review criteria. f 1. Consistency with Zoninq and Von-conformity. The use is consistent with the purpose of the zoning district as set forth in Section 9-5-2, "Zoning Districts Established°, B.R-C. 1981, except in the case of a non-conforming use, ~~~?E_ (5 AC-(-~PT~SLS ~ L{~ t2~ V (~'~u__P►?-4.~~~ f S~.ff~c- f3 ~ t~.o ~ A u OFFXA- M At., Cam' Tuts t/0 XJ Rationale. The use either.-FW_ (A) Provides a direct service or convenience to or reduces adverse impacts to the surrounding uses or neighborhood-, Az- tEMNATWE t t/AT ti, 5C U OL Volt r!~- PrF1~ ~b('oGL bhy G~tYL+r l~4C~sfC~ ! N ~ L(SGffY~ N E`l G ~or~ I CONVEh1 ie-OT IV f;u5? OATS 1N N e f 6d- 6zV T (B) Provides a compatible transition between higher intensity and lower intensity uses; 12 20 V 11J 6- Z:> A— Tx jw s t r 1 o t') s PA-C'E P90Yµ 66 M Ha ggqA-t_ UstS ' rt"D ` NDE2.TlrE A'N ip E'b1 c.~ITI ' ~~►'Yt~11 G''/ ~tkM MA (+QV 511UC~ T -H (C) Is necessary to foster a specific city policy, as expressed in the BVCP, including without limitation, historic preservation, moderate income housing, residential and non-residential 1 mixed uses in appropriate location, and group living arrangements for special populations; OR If' I (D) Is an existing legal non-conforming use or a change thereto that is permitted under subsection (e) of this section. S 1 23 3. Compatibility. The location, size, design, and operating characteristics of the proposed development or change to an existing development are such that the use will be reasonably compatible with and have minimal negative impact on the use of the nearby properties-, K (N DFYZ.GA12•TE;N ? , M W I U, M ATG N EI t~NA3 6 BRA 1(.ID IN 6- _ ~I-I`FYY~ C- W_kh5l) to PL'Ti: AVY)r yZo*)k3 l~J► l.(. N~fi a 4 Infrastructure. As compared to development permitted under Section 9-6-1, "Permitted Uses of Land", B.R.C. 1981, in the zone, or as compared to the existing level of impact of a nonconforming use, the proposed development will not significantly or adversely affect the infrastructure of the surrounding area, F including without limitation, water, wastewater, and storm draining utilities and streets. JZEuSEZ2 LFX. (-2-1 Q(2 IATJ (A TV 6,ON Re'IEWs. ~c bOG 1 N (,VG~ L"Ir tt,t ~_I 'YJ'PrAJ►~ ON Oily 15&gI/I C&7--> 5. Character of Area. The use will not change the predominant character of the surrounding area. ~v ~ 1 ~ Y~DY211J ~ yV1 l.~t,-7 I ~ ►1~111, ~,~(E t4 ~bi2.~ 1 6 Conversion of Dwelling Units to Non-Residential Uses. Conversion of Dwelling Units to Non- Residential Uses.- There shall be a presumption against approving the conversion of dwelling units in the residential zoning districts set forth in Subsection 9-6-1(d), B.R.C. 1981, to non-residential uses that are allowed pursuant to a use review, or through the change of one non-conforming use to another non- conforming use. The presumption against such a conversion may be overcome by a finding that the use to be approved serves another compelling social, human services, governmental, or recreational need in the community including, without limitation, a use for a day care center, park, religious assembly, social service use, benevolent organization use, art or craft studio space, museum, or an educational use. N ~ /-~C F- W - C~plQ a'~ 2~5+ N V - - r •j ~ 79 07 x `-~..ti• ,45,E ' . 1 rEr- ti Al A - _ r- x Y 1 7AAq SL6P~ ~ p S ~ ~ ~ e677MC _ TRAFFIC ISLAND 1 - 355.0• (JUNIPERS) p, LBI GATES i 36.00' 34.7- EXISTING . ( a EXIST'G SPACES CHAINLIiNK OU DERS EXIST'G 4' a~ 21 "sir: qp Q ! WOOD PLAY' FENCE =o - 'o ~fj J _ PLANT R AREA STRUCTURE I f EXISTING1 - q EXISTING WOOD PLAY ' - STRUCTUR EErvcE _ ~ 1 ' JJJ 11 AT T a G! OVERALL STRUCTURE- cj CANNOT EXCEED - II 20 FEET IN HEIGHT r N ! I 6.00, • ' M sdauc + I CUNC. a. CONCRETE SLAB J ! I _i. G8.00' SIDEWA_et 6500' ON GRADE - -I. u 6'-8' WALLS WITH z EXISTING - WOOD CLADDING WOODS PLAY (SEE DETAIL PLAN) STRUCTURE I l BIKE RACK RELOCATED IREE ! r r wr J o EXISTING BLDG RANDOM SIZED 2" THICK SANDSTONE SEATING WITH MAX 1" GAPS BTWN I c _ J~ r STONES APPROX 18" DEEP UP 70 36 WDE, DRY STACK ABOVE 2 LAYERS I ^ f f L` Of 6X6 TREATED WO „n M TIMBERS. f DEMO TREEI I (RELOCATED COVERED PORCH (TREES DEMO IRGL- - - ! r f EXISTING y~;! f WOOD( PLAY 4 I,y. NEW ADDITION ! STRUCTURE f_; 1,900 SO. FT, NEW CO~C WALK- fj EX. CONC. WALK~ i1 EXISTING $UiLDING f EX_ CATALPA„ MOVE tOYERED PORtH~ ~ THESE ARE THE TWO TREES THAT EX. LOCUST, AIOVE~ !f 1 WERE PLANTED IN 2003 TO REPLACE TREES THE S IN THI PHASE AND WILL BE RELOCATED. BIXBY SCHOOL- PLATFORM "m SITE PLAN 4760 TABLE MESA DRIVE SCALE: 1"=30'-0" 3-11-09 BOULDER, COLORADO --F (,VFP.,_L c:TRU`TLIF F CAI I',:-IT E<CEED FEET IN -EIGHT - RETRACTIBLE FABRIC AVJNING SHOWN IN TAN (TAFJ, GPEEN OR GREY' 6'-S WALLS WITH CEDAR EX- i•EUi+k I L`l!.'UD P: ?5 IFFNCTP16 FENCE CLADDING T Y T r STANDARD GREY CONCRETE ii-l ,~'I ~IjJ 'I Illli r iljRl SFATIN(7 ARFA--SEF IANDSCA.PE PLAN PLANTER--SEE 1I 4 0 ,,n. J - y X11 LANDSCAPE PLAN 00 r_~---~ ~ EXISTING BO ERs 4- OVERALL S I RUC I URI CANINO I EXCEED 20 FEET IN HEIGHT EX. CEDAR FENCE - STANDARD GREY CONCRETE - SEATING AREA SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN RETRACTABLE FABRIC CANOPY f TAN, GREEN OR GREY) r- CABLE FOR FABRIC CANOPY 6 8' WALLS WITH I .w NATURAL STAINFD CEDAR EXISTING BOULDERS FENCE CLADDING PLANTER--SEE - I LANDSCAPE PLAN - e iliplllllli' II1 1 ~ II If - 'uii ~ ~IJ' ~~lrl - WOOD POS 1 BIXBY PLATFORM MATERIALS SCALE: N.T.S. 3-11-09