4 - Call Up: Table Mesa and Lehigh Intersection Floodplain Development Permit (LUR2009-00024) MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Board FROM: Katie Knapp, Civil Engineer, Floodplain and Wetlands Penmitting DATE: April 3, 2009 SUBJECT: Call Up Item: Table Mesa and Lehigh Intersection Floodplain Development Pen-nit (LUR2009-00024) This decision may be called up before Planning Board on or before April 16, 2009 A Floodplain Development Permit was approved by Planning and Development staff on April 2, 2009. The project involves intersection improvements at Table Mesa and Lehigh Drive. The proposed project includes the construction of a raised pedestrian crosswalk, reconfiguration of the medians, installation of drainage structures and grading. The proposed work will be within the flood conveyance zone of Bear Canyon Creek. The applicant has demonstrated that the project will not adversely impact the floodplain or cause a rise in the floodwater elevation during the 100-year flood event. A copy of the floodplain development permit and the application materials are attached. This floodplain development permit was approved by Planning and Development Services staff on April 2, 2009, and the decision may be called up before Planning Board on or before April 16, 2009. There is one Planning Board meeting within the required 14-day call-up period on April 16, 2009. Questions regarding this floodplain development permit should be directed to Katie Knapp in Plazuiing and Development Services at 303-441-3273 or knappk a bouldercolorado.gov. Attachments: A. Floodplain Development Permit B. Application Materials Attachment A CITY OF BOULDER A .rf Planning and Development Services -ell "j 1739 Broadway, Third Floor • P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306-0791 phone 303-441-1880 • fax 303-441-3241 • web boulderplandevelop net Land Use Review Floodplain Development Permit Date Issued: April 2, 2009 Expiration Date: April 2, 2012 (Pursuant to Subsection 9-3-6(e), B.R.C, 1981) Permit Number: LUR2009-00024 Contact Information PEGGY SILCOX PO BOX 791 BOULDER, CO 80306 x 3857 Project Information Location: 0 LEHIGH ST Legal Description: OUTLOT B BLK 4 TABLE MESA 4 PR OPERTY ADDRESS: 000000 LEHIGH ST BOULDER Description of Work: Floodplain Development permit for the intersection of Table Mesa Dr & Lehigh St. modification of propsed pedestrian crossing & median modification. Type of Floodplain Permit: Floodplain Review W/ Analysis Creek Name: Bear Canyon Flood Protection Elevation: Conditions of Approval The proposed project/activity is approved on the basis that it satisfies applicable requirements of Chapter 9-3-3, "Floodplain Regulations," Boulder Revised Code 1981. Other floodplain requirements as set forth in Chapter 9-3-3 which are not specifically outlined in the conditions of approval below remain applicable to this project/activity. Improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the plans submitted as part of the floodplain development permit application. The applicant shall confirm in writing that all improvements have been completed in conformance with this Floodplain Development Permit. The applicant shall obtain a site inspection and approval from the City of Boulder Floodplain and Wetlands Coordinator upon completion of the project. inspections To schedule an inspection, call 303-441-3280 and refer to your permit number (LUR2009-00024). Final Floodplain Inspection Attachment B FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION - PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN CROSSING AND MEDIAN IMPROVMENTS AT LEHIGH AND TABLE MESA Prepared For: CITY OF BOULDER TRANSPORTATION DIVISION P.O Box 791 Boulder, Colorado 80306 Prepared By: BELT COLLINS WEST (dba LOVE & ASSOCIATES, INC.) 800 Jefferson Street, Suite B Louisville, CO 80027 • MARCH 17, 2009 3 March 17, 2009 Katie Knapp Development Review Coordinator City of Boulder P.O. Box 791 Boulder, Colorado 80306 RE: 0906A - FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR PEDESTRIAN Crossing and Median Improvements at Lehigh and Table Mesa Dear Katie: The City of Boulder Transportation Division is submitting this Floodplain Development Permit Application to widen the pedestrian refuge island on the southeast corner of the intersection of Table Mesa Drive and Lehigh Street, to relocate the pedestrian sidewalk through the island, and construct a 6-in raised pedestrian walk across the eastbound Lehigh turn lane. The project will also include construction of a pedestrian refuge island between the northbound and southbound lanes of Lehigh just south of Table Mesa. The project area is located within the Bear Canyon Creek floodplain, floodway, and high hazard zone. Figure 1 shows the location of the project. The floodplain impacts of the planned intersection improvements were hydraulically analyzed to ensure no adverse impact to flood conditions. The basis for the hydraulic analysis was the regulatory study approved by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for Bear Canyon Creek and developed by Love & Associates, Inc. in 2003. While this intersection is located in the floodway and high hazard zone, adverse impacts to flood conditions are avoided by depressing the majority of the interior area of the median to increase conveyance capacity and lowering the turn lane roadway elevation. A grated inlet will be placed in the interior of the median to drain into the existing box culvert beneath Lehigh. Two new CDOT Type R inlets will capture roadway drainage and outlet via a storm sewer into the existing box culvert. The construction plans showing the proposed improvements are included in the Appendix. The following report includes a description of the hydraulic analysis, discussion of the floodplain criteria items required for the Floodplain Development Pennit, and the Floodplain Development Permit Application. r Wed, 11 Mar 2009 - 11:59am F:\PROJECTS - CURRENT\2009-PROJECTS\0906A\DRAWINGS\VICIN(TYmop.dwg 0 ' W C, ~~<< z BAYLOR DR sa PROj8p'T CP 87E C-11. ITHACA DR STEPHENS R _ CORNELL CR Fjr; LBY DR ` D D ~o ;f DARLEY AV M Q LAGRANGE CR C3 YARROW CT o t 'tiIL,~ I KENYON CR LL i WOODSTOCK LEGEND -ell a PL 100-YR FLOODPLAIN ip - - - - 500-YR FLOODPLAIN SCRUB 04410 FLOODWAY N OAK GRT~ EMER HHz PLANNING CIVIL E7,CINcERING Figure 1 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE tNVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING VICINITY MAP Belt Collins West (formerly Lave & Associates, Inc.) B00 Jefferson Avenue. Suite B O SOD COQ FDP - BEAR CREEK LEHIGH & TABLE MESA Louisville, Colorado 80027-1873 `J CITY OF BOULDER t: 303-673-9795 f:303-873-9796 nlove@bellcolllnswestcom NORTH SCALE IN FEET TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT 3/17/09 BELTCOLLINS Ms. Katie Knapp March 17, 2009 Page 3 HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS The regulatory study completed by Love & Associates, Inc. in support of the Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) granted on October 10, 2003 was used as the basis of this study. The regulatory hydraulic analysis was completed using HEC-2. The vertical datum of the regulatory study is NGVD 29. The regulatory 100-yr flow through the subject reach is 1600 efs. A segment of the regulatory model, US 100YR.dat, from the top of a drop structure downstream of the Lehigh Street culvert (XS 515.2) to the top of the drop structure upstream of the Lehigh Street culvert (XS 517.4) was converted from HEC-2 to HEC- RAS version 4.0.0 to create a Duplicate Effective Model. The datum of the Duplicate Effective Model was shifted from NGVD 29 to NAVD 88 using a Corpscon conversion factor of 3.34-ft. The conversion equation is shown below. NGVD 29 + 3.34-ft = NAVD 88 The culvert at Lehigh is overtopped during the 100-year flood event. Bear Canyon Creek flows mostly at critical depth through the subject reach. The Effective and Duplicate Effective water surface elevations (WSEL) are shown in Table 1. Table 1. Effective and Duplicate Effective WSEL Cross Effective 100-yr Duplicate Effective 100-yr Section WSEL (ft)* WSEL (ft)* 515.2 5527.15 5527.15 515.3 5529.47 5529.44 515.4 5530.04 5530.04 515.8 5531.87 5531.84 516 5533.66 5533.70 517 5539.76 5539.51 517.3 553995 5539.99 517.4 5541.45 5541.43 * Note: Elevations given in NAVD 88 vertical datum. A Corrected Effective Model was developed which incorporates updated survey data at the upstream and downstream sections of the culvert at Lehigh. The updated survey consists of spot elevations obtained by Boulder Land Consultants in January 2009 as well as the City's 1-ft contour interval mapping flown in 2003 by Merrick & Company. The existing culvert at Lehigh Street, a double 4-ft H by 8-ft W concrete box, was modeled with 50% blockage which is consistent with the Effective Model. The culvert inverts and the high chord of the roadway were adjusted per the updated survey data. The Corrected Ms. Katie Knapp March 11, 2009 Page 4 Effective Model represents the existing conditions along Bear Canyon Creek in the vicinity of the project area. The Duplicate Effective and Corrected Effective WSEL are shown in Table 2. The project is located between the Lehigh culverts upstream and downstream cross sections. In order to assess the impact of proposed changes at the Lehigh/Table Mesa intersection above the Lehigh culvert, an existing and proposed model was created for the overflow reach through the intersection. Table 2. Duplicate Effective and Corrected Effective WSEL Cross Duplicate Effective Corrected Effective Corrected Effective - Section 100- r WSEL (ft) 100-yr WSEL (ft) Duplicate Effective (ft) 515.2 5527.15 5527.15 0.00 515.3 5529.44 5529.44 0.00 515.4 5530.04 5530.04 0.00 515.8 5531.84 5531.84 0.00 516 5533.70 5533.91 0.21 517 5539.51 5539.68 0.17 517.3 5539.99 5539.99 0.00 517.4 5541.43 5541.43 0.00 The existing culvert 100-yr capacity is 350 efs (taken from the Corrected Effective Model). The flow through the intersection is equal to the total flow (1600 efs) minus the culvert flow, or 1250 efs. Five cross sections spanning the intersection were field surveyed and added to the Existing Overflow Model. The overflow reach cross sections are shown in Figure 2. The Existing Overflow Model includes the reach from the downstream face of the Lehigh culvert (XS 516) to the contraction section just upstream of Lehigh (XS 517.3). Cross section 517 at the upstream face of Lehigh was modeled from the high chord of the roadway (without the main channel) and the culvert flow was subtracted at this cross section and through the intersection reach (for a Qove,tl,,w = 1250 efs). A Manning's `n' of 0.05 was assumed for the median area which will be vegetated with grasses and shrubs. For the asphalt street, the Manning's `n' is 0.016 and for other grassed areas it is 0.03, which is consistent with the Effective Model. The Corrected Effective WSEL at cross section 516 was used as the starting water surface elevation. The Existing Overflow Model ties to the Corrected Effective Model at cross section 516 on the downstream end and cross section 517.3 on the upstream end. 7 - ~Ljj 'LOW RE)N I >S, SECTIONS 71 f x j ' , 1 t r-- l Y 0 i O S ERSEC ]ON OU f j._ 2Z a f ~ r r Ms. Katie Knapp March 17, 2009 Page 6 The Corrected Effective and Overflow WSEL are shown in Table 3. A Proposed Overflow Model was developed which reflects the proposed improvements to the intersection at Lehigh and Table Mesa. Conveyance capacity is maintained by matching the top of the raised crossing to* the existing grade and by depressing the median interior for additional conveyance. Because the top of the raised crossing matches existing grades, the turn lane roadway is lowered east and west of the crossing. The highest elevation of the upstream nose of the median is 5535.74-ft. This was used as a control elevation in the model at cross section 516.6 as it is the highest median elevation. Similarly, the highest elevation of the downstream nose of the median, 5534.05-ft, was used as a hydraulic control for the effective flow area of the depressed portion of the median. Ineffective flow was assumed below this elevation. This ineffective flow area was not included in the flow area of hydraulic cross section 516.2. Two 1.5-ft diameter bollards will be placed west of the pedestrian crossing on the north and south ends of the crossing. The bollards were modeled as blocked obstructions. Table 3. Corrected Effective and Existing Overflow Reach WSEL Cross Corrected Effective Existing Overflow Existing Overflow - Section 100-yr WSEL (ft) 100-yr WSEL (ft) Corrected Effective (ft) 516 5533.91 5533.91 0.00 516.2 N/A 5536.33 N/A 516.4 N/A 5537.33 N/A 516.5 N/A 5537.50 N/A 516.6 N/A 5537.80 N/A 516.8 N/A 5538.60 N/A 517 5539.68 5539.62 -0.06 517.3 5539.99 5539.99 0.00 Table 4 compares the Existing Overflow and Proposed Overflow water surface elevations. The Proposed Overflow water surface elevations tie to the Existing Overflow water surface elevations at cross section 516 downstream and cross section 517.3 upstream. The hydraulic models described herein are included in the Appendix. q Ms. Katie Knapp March 17, 2009 Page 7 Table 4. Existing Overflow and Proposed Overflow WSEL Cross Existing Overflow Proposed Overflow Prop Overflow - Ex Section 100- r WSEL (ft) 100- r WSEL (ft) Overflow WSEL (ft) 516 5533.91 5533.91 0.00 516.2 5536.37 5536.20 -0.17 516.4 5537.33 5537.25 -0.08 516.5 5537.58 5537.49 -0.09 516.6 5537.89 5537.66 -0.23 516.8 5538.54 5538.50 -0.04 517 5539.62 5539.62 0.00 517.3 5539.99 5539.99 0.00 DESIGN The new pedestrian crosswalk through the Lehigh turn lane will be raised approximately 6-in. The top of the raised crossing roughly matches the existing roadway grade. The roadway is lowered by up to 0.5-ft just west of the raised crossing and up to 0.4-ft east of the raised crossing. This design prevents the raised crossing from obstructing the existing flow path. The median interior will be depressed and will drain to a grate inlet with an invert elevation of 5533.75 which will outlet into the existing Lehigh box culvert. The median is depressed by up to 2-ft. The median depression provides additional conveyance capacity and prevents an adverse impact on flood conditions. A pedestrian island will be constructed on Lehigh just south of Table Mesa and will connect the west and east sides of the roadway. A 6-in curb and gutter will surround the pedestrian refuge and the gutter will roughly match existing grades (see the plan sheets in the Appendix). The pedestrian island is located on the outer edge of the effective flow area and will not adversely impact water surface elevations due to the additional conveyance capacity provided by depressing the median and lowering the roadway. The existing storm sewer inlet located on the south side of the Lehigh turn lane and the 12-in storm sewer extending from the inlet into the Lehigh box culvert will be removed. A new CDOT Type R (with a 5-ft inlet length) inlet will be placed along the south side of the Lehigh turn lane just west of the raised pedestrian crossing. The drainage area tributary to this inlet is 0.83 acres. The upstream limits of the drainage area are located at the intersection of Darley and Lehigh. The Urban Drainage and Flood Control District's (UDFCD) UD-Inlet Version 2.14c was used to size the inlet. The inlet was sized for the 5-yr peak flow of 1.45 cfs. The inlet sizing calculations are included in the Appendix. I l) Ms. Katie Knapp March 17, 2009 Page S A 12-in reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) will extend from the turn lane inlet to a second inlet to be located on the west curb of the median. The second inlet along the west curb of the median is required to drain a localized low area along this curb created by lowering the roadway. A CDOT Type R inlet will also be used here. An 18-in RCP will connect this inlet to the existing Lehigh box culvert. A profile of the inlet configuration is included in the plans located in the Appendix. DISCUSSION OF FLOODPLAIN CRITERIA ITEMS Section 9-3-6(c) of the Boulder Revised Code requires a discussion of several floodplain criteria items for a Floodplain Development Permit. These items are discussed below. The Floodplain Development Permit Application form can be found in the Appendix. 1. The effects of the efficiency or The capacity of the conveyance and high capacity of the conveyance zone and hazard zones is increased by this project. high hazard zone. Earthwork associated with this project results in a net cut due to creation of the depressed median area and lowering of the turn lane roadway surface. 2. The effects upon lands upstream, This project will not impact lands upstream downstream, and in the immediate and downstream of the project site. The vicinity. median and roadway areas within the project site will be re-graded. Flood elevations on the residence at 1010 Lehigh located adjacent to and south of the project site will be slightly lowered (see Table 4). All improvements are located within public right-of-way. This project will not disturb the property at 1010 Lehigh. 3. The effects upon the 100-year flood The hydraulic analysis shows the 100-year profile. flood profile will remain the same or be lowered as a result of this project. See Table 4 and the description of the hydraulic analysis. 4. The effects upon any tributaries to the The existing inlet on the south side of the main stream, drainage ditches, and Lehigh turn lane and the 12-in RCP from any other drainage facilities or this inlet to the existing box culvert will be systems. removed. A new CDOT Type R inlet will be installed on the south side of the turn lane just west of the pedestrian crossing. Under existing conditions, flows on the north side of the turn lane, north of the 11 Ms. Katie Knapp March 17, 2009 Page 9 existing crown, do not drain to the existing inlet. This project will result in elimination of the existing crown and the turn lane will be graded to drain entirely to the south curb. As a result of the new roadway design, the new inlet will be more effective at capturing roadside drainage and reduce carry-over flow bypassing the inlet. The second inlet along the west curb of the median will improve drainage along the northbound lane of Lehigh. Under existing conditions, there are two low spots along this curb and no inlets so water will pool. The proposed inlet will eliminate standing water along this curb. No tributaries or drainage ditches are im acted by the project. 5. Whether additional public No. expenditures for flood protection or prevention will be required. 6. Whether the proposed use is for No. human occupancy. 7. The potential danger to persons There is a slight decrease in flood risk in downstream and in the immediate immediate project vicinity within the vicinity. public right-of-way and at 1010 Lehigh due to reduction in flood elevations. The raised crossing and pedestrian island will increase pedestrian safety, particularly for the high volume of school children who use this crossing. 8. Whether any proposed changes in a Thee are no proposed changes to the watercourse will have an adverse watercourse. The project area is not within environmental effect on the the City's new wetland boundary and it is watercourse, including without not within the main channel of the stream. limitation, streambanks, and streamside trees and vegetation. 9. Whether the proposed water supply No change. and sanitation system and other utility systems can prevent disease, contamination, and unsanitary or hazardous conditions during a flood. A Ms. Katie Knapp March 17, 2009 Page 10 10. Whether the proposed facilities will There is no change in the susceptibility of be susceptible to flood damage and the crossing to flooding. The Lehigh the effects of periodic flooding. culvert will be overtopped and the crossing will be inundated during the base flood under existing and proposed conditions. 11. The relationship of the proposed This project fulfills a key goal of the development to the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan in that it will increase Comprehensive Plan and any pedestrian safety at the turn lane crossing. applicable floodplain management The turn lane will be narrowed to reduce programs. vehicular speeds. Additionally, the pedestrian island on Lehigh will create a safe refuge for pedestrians crossing when crossing Lehi h. 12. Whether safe access is available to No change. Emergency vehicles may the property in times of flood for access the site from either Lehigh or Table ordinary and emergency vehicles. Mesa. 13. Whether the applicant will provide No. flood warning systems to notify floodplain occupants of impending floods. 14. Whether the cumulative effect of the The project results in no change or a proposed development with other decrease in flood elevations when existing and anticipated uses will considering both existing and anticipated increase flood levels. uses. 15. Whether the expected heights, This project does not adversely affect velocities, duration, rate of rise, and heights, velocities, durations, rate of rise, sediment transport of the floodwaters and sediment transport of floodwaters at expected at the site will adversely the site or in the vicinity of the project. affect the development or The average velocity of the 100-year flood surrounding property. through the intersection is 7 ft/s for both existing and proposed conditions. l3 Ms. Katie Knapp March 17, 2009 Page 11 We thank you for the opportunity to submit this Floodplain Development Permit Application and we look forward to your issuance of a flood permit for the proposed intersection modifications. Please contact us if you have any comments or questions. Sincerely, BELT COLLINS WEST (formerly Love & Associates, Inc.) f U-~ ~ ivdM6 Prepared By: Brianna L. Wallace, E.I. '~)"j I AC Reviewed By: David/. Love, P.E. Appendices ly