4 - Call Up: 1037 Kalmia Ave - Site Review and Height Modification (LUR2008-00089) MEMORANDUM To: Planning Board Fttow Jessica Vaughn, Planner I DATE: April 6, 2009 SUBJECT: Call Up Item: 1037 Kalmia Avenue Site Review for a Height Modification: Request for an 866 square foot addition, a portion of which exceeds the maximum permitted height of 28.3 feet for a nonstandard lot in the RR-2 zone district. The height of the proposed addition will not exceed the maxima n permitted height of 35 feet for a standard lot in the RR-2 zone district. This approval is subject to call-up on or before April 20, 2009. Attached is the disposition of approval for the Site Review for a Height Modification request for an 866 square foot addition (including a new 280 square foot garage) to an existing 4,143 square foot residence (see Attachment A, Staff'Disposition). A portion of' the proposed addition, 560 square feet, exceeds the maxiinuin permitted height of 28.6' for this nonstandard lot in the RR-2 zone district, but does not exceed the maximum permitted height of 35' in the RR-2 zone district- Rackl4round: 1037 Kalmia Avenue is comprised of a lot approximately 15,077 square foot (.35 acres) in size with an existing 4,143 square foot residence that is 37.7' in height as verified by a surveyor's certificate. 1037 Kalmia Avenue is within the RR-2, Rural Residential, zone district, which is defined as "single-family detached residential dwelling units at low to very low residential densities" (subsection 9-5-2(c)(1)(A), B.R.C. 1981). 'The RR-2 zone district has a maximum permitted height of 35' and a minimum lot area of 30,000 square feet. 1037 Kalmia Avenue is a nonstandard lot as it does not meet the minimum lot size requirement for the RR-2 zone district (30,000 square feet) at 15,077 square feet. Additionally, 1037 Kahnia Avenue is a nonstandard building because it exceeds the maximum permitted height of the RR-2 zone district (35') at 37.7'. Pursuant to subsection 9-10-3(b)(2), B.R.C. 1981: Such [Nonstandard lots] shall be allowed to have a maximum building height in proportion to lot area. In the event that an existing house exceeds the height limitations of this paragraph, the applicant shall be permitted to complete a site review to increase the height of the building up to the permitted height in section 9-7-1, "Schedule of Form and Bulk Standards," B.R.C. 1981. The maximum perm.itted height for a nonstandard lot within the RR-2 zone district is determined based upon the area of the lot as delineated in Table 10-1, "Maximum Height Formulas," set forth in Section 9-10-3(b)(2), B.R.C. 1981 (see below). 'T'ABLE 10-1 MAXIMUM IIEIGITTFORMULAS i Minimum Lot Size Zoning District ; (Square Feet) Formula j RMX-1 6,000 - Height = (lot size - 3,000) x .003333 + 25 RL-1 I 7,000 Height = (lot size - 3,500) x .002857 + 25 !RE 15,000 Height = (lot size - 7,500) x .001333 + 25 RR-1; RR-2 3D.000 Height = (lot size - 7,500) x .000444 + 25 1037 Kahnia Avenue, a 15,077 square foot lot, is permitted a maximum height of 28.3'. However, since the existing residence exceeds this height, the applicant is permitted to request a site review height modification to increase the height of the proposed addition to the maximum height of 35' pennitted in the zone district. Site Context: The RR-2 zone district is adjacent to 1037 Kalmia Avenue on all sides: north, east, south and west (see Attachment B, Zoning Vicinity Map). Properties adjacent to 1037 Kalmia Avenue include 1041 directly to the north, 1045 across Almond Court to the east, 1014 across Kalmia Avenue to the south and 1035 Kalmia Avenue directly to the west. "These adjacent properties range in size from 13,800 square feet to 41,300 square feet as reported by the Boulder County Assessor. The associated residences range ill size from 3,169 square feet to 5,419 square feet, not including garages, as reported by the Boulder County Assessor. Please refer to the Table 1, Specifications of Existing Residences Adjacent to and Including 1037 Kalmia Avenue, for specifications on the residences immediately adjacent to 1037 Kalmia Avenue. Table 1: Specifications of Existing Residences Adjacent to and Including 1037_Kalrnia Avenue Shared Adjacency Residence Height of Address Lot Size (S1') w/ 1037 Kalmia Size (ST) Existing Information Source _ Residence 1014 Kalmia 13,054 South across Kalmia 3,504 None found N/A 1035 Kalmia _ 41,184 West 3,169 None found _ N/A 1037 Kalmia 15,077 _ N/A v 4,143 37.7' Surveyor's Certificate City of Boulder Building 1041 Kalmia 15,832 North 5,419 32.5' Permit records (PMT2008- 03874) Northeast across 3 Architect's plans of record 1043 Kalmia 16,911 Almond Court ,660 34' dated 2/25/03 1045 Kalmia 14,993 East across 3,460 None found N/A Almond Court 1037 Kalmia Avenue is also part of a five-lot subdivision known as Edwards Subdivision. The houses within the Edwards Subdivision (1037, 1041, 1043, 1045, and 1085 Kalmia Avenue) were all designed by the same developer (Markel Hornes) and architect (Jeremiah Whitncy) in the late 1980's. The same firm has designed the many alterations and expansions to the homes as well. All of the homes within the Edwards Subdivision have been designed with similar programs, massing, detailing and use of materials, presenting a cohesive character with the exception of 1045 Kalmia Avenue, which is the original farm house built in 1950_ Proposal: The existing residence at 1037 Kalmia Avenue is approximately 4,143 square feet, not including the 480 square foot two-car garage, making to existing residence a total of 4,623 square feet. The existing residence is 37.7' tall as verified by a surveyor's certificate. The applicant is proposing an 866 square foot addition, including a new 280 square foot third garage bay, a 280 square foot second floor addition above the garage, and a 306 square foot study (sec Attachment C, Applicant's Proposed Plans). An 80 square foot deck off the north elevation is also proposed, although it does not contribute floor area to the development. Together with the addition, the residence at 1037 Kalmia Avenue will total 5,489 square feet, including the new and existing garages (760 square feet). The proposed addition is comprised of an additional 666 square feet of lot coverage, leaving 11,777 square feet of open space on the lot (22% lot coverage). Only a portion of the proposed 866 square foot addition exceeds the maximum permitted height of 28.3 feet for this nonstandard lot in the RR-2 zone district. The height of the proposed garage and second story living space above the garage addition is 35', which is consistent with the maximum permitted height of the RR-2 zone district and lower than the height of the existing residence, 37.7'. The height of the proposed study addition is 28.3', which is consistent with the maximum permitted height for non-standard lots in the RR-2 zone district. The variations in the roofline will create a `step-down' effect that will limit building shadows to the west and visual impacts of building mass and scale. Conclusion: Staff finds that this application meets the Site Review criteria set forth in Section 9-2-14, B.R.C. 1981 (see Attachment D, Site Review Criteria) in terms of consistency and compatibility with the existing zoning district and surrounding neighborhood. This proposal was approved by Planning and Development Services staff on April 3, 2009, and the decision may be called up before Planning Board on or before April 20, 2009. There is a Planning Board meeting within the 14-day call up period on April 16 2009. Questions about the project or decision should be directed to Jessica Vaughn at (303) 441-4161 or vaughni@bouldercolorado.gov. Attachments: Attachment A: Staff Disposition Attachment B: Zoning Vicinity Map Attachment C: Applicant's Proposed Plans Attachment D: Site Review Criteria 4 ATTACHMENT A CITY OF BOULDER ~~j, Planning and Development Services 1739 Broadway, Third Floor - P_O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306-0791 phone 303-441-1880 • fax 303-441-3241 • web bouiderplandevelop.net IY4 CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF DISPOSITION You are hereby advised that the following action was taken by the Planning Department based on the standards and criteria of the Land Use Regulations as set forth in Chapter 9-2, B.R.C. 1981, as applied to the proposed development. DECISION: Approved PROJECT NAME: 1037 Kalmia Avenue Site Review for Height Modification DESCRIPTION: SITE REVIEW for Height Modification: Request for an 866 square foot addition, a portion of which exceeds the maximum permitted height of 28.3 feet for a nonstandard lot in the RR-2 zone district. The height of the proposed addition will not exceed the maximum permitted height of 35 feet for a standard lot in the RR-2 zone district. LOCATION: 1037 KALMIA AVENUE COOR: N06W07 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 5, EDWARDS SUBDIVISION, City of Boulder, County of Bouider, Colorado APPLICANT: JERIMIAH WHITNEY OWNER: JAE PARK APPLICATION: Site Review for Height Modification, LUR2008-00089 ZONING: RR-2 (Rural Residential-2) CASE MANAGER: Jessica Vaughn VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT: NO; the owner has waived the opportunity to create such right under Section 9-2-19, S.R.C. 1981. FOR CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, SEE THE FOLLOWING PAGES OF THIS DISPOSITION. Approved On: D Dat By: C` 'q'tr Ruth McHeyser, E eculive Director of Community Planning This decision may be appealed to the Planning Board by filing an appeal letter with the Planning Department within two weeks of the decision date. If no such appeal is filed, the decision shall be deemed final fourteen days after the date above mentioned. Appeal to Planning Board expires: April 20, 2009 IN ORDER FOR A BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TO BE PROCESSED FOR THIS PROJECT, A SIGNED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, IF THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT IS NOT SIGNED WITHIN NINETY (90) DAYS OF THE FINAL DECISION DATE, THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL AUTOMATICALLY EXPIRES. Address: 1037 KALMIA AVENUE Pursuant to Section 9-2-12 of the. Land Use Regulations (Boulder Revised Code, 1981), the applicant must begin and substantially complete the approved development within three years from the date of final approval. Failure to "substantially complete" (as defined in Section 9-2-12) the development within three years shall cause this development approval to expire. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The Applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that the development shall be in compliance with all approved plans dated March 4, 2009 on file in the City of Boulder Planning Department. Address: 1037 KALMIA AVENUE ATTACHMENT B City of Boulder Vicinity Map Linden Av - - r-l - - - i Subject Area o - ---L- 1037 Kalmia Ave pp j 01 Kalmia Av to t _ - ~ ! IL I I 1- j TL ' Subject -.JuniperAv _ - - ~f i - s'af~ ! r I I f I ~ ~ I r-j I Location: 1037 Kalmia Ave 'rv~-/• Project Name: 1037 Kalmia Ave City OJ Review Type: Site Height Modification Boulder NORTH The information depicted on this map is provided Review Number: LUR2008-00089 as graphical representationonly.TheCity Boulder pro»tles no no warranty, expressed or implied,, as to 1 inch = 200 feet the accuracy andlor completeness of the information Applicant: Jae Park contained hereon ATTACHMENT C f f t-yD /tea 1 wwr. -Z-(-r--(r) foaatar X jam' f ra. "`~~CYCC :+L•71 f6it.IIT )I.U. ICA+1 _ 4'7.'7 2:ov ri{+4WJ~F ' ~Ys.. to j r %7.57 44 el-915 +2 -t ~ 1 `t~1J VIII? n~7 ~ iI + ~ ~ f• ~ f x`.4'1 .r; 0 Cl -A I I Lil f E _ Pt _ I 4. 1 ~ { i I LI( LEVL L 4- GC1C 4bD ! ivu --AU r }+h y U JS I - J~~I ~ I rho ft~U~F• M+4Td-1(E~) , kiLVI f~' CLO lJ~nv> ~ri3~,T ~.L.I'YiL`( ~ ~ CJJT 7LWr.F FIA.I ~.kd.J_ 5ley dy (C"I I-'/ JIEA. Lam` I,} ~ t y l Cs~Wf uS 211, ~ -J i l l I P Win. I 1 I. I ~ ~ ` ~ I I I~ I '9 1N11rtYadc'JT• l a J 1, ! h-t~~c!~h-ulAlt. - 2S4 -Nt)I.t r/.F..~1-_' 1~-` i .l ~ r` • r Sre T.I I _ ( I I, SIGCsr'L4'rt°~U-1~j • ~ ~ I - 1 ~ J 1 ~f ~i'. I, ' dl GYJLLfftl[:Iq I ! I l I~•' I I i• 1~ f~ I ~I • Ci,r~ilLt o , Y-Ff- 1~'-I ~ I R NN j~ v 4-~ -a I $ - e I F4Cy! 4K4 K61 ~-'••k`fR.~I~i4~~iL'L•4~~ Y341~V14.1L'• { / ; - I I J~llL `~P~ V1bhlGtf~lFfG~ ~a4Si~ P,7 - ,~1 101 ~e ou 3t~11 c Igo .emu 2we57iSi'z u:o.r V'r ``-4'-v IU~iJGh- ltf I.r-`+J~7rtNGlo. I i;, I IlJi~`~ rt FCL.W r44 +a9.~t ~'.jul,.VJtgr}"~ I-orVroC~T Iii.-~a-~~, I' ~s-~l.Y+4Gl/!~iVaT F__j~.~~ oft IPiI.H I I , I f~ 1oL'F b(i~oW r7(AP- -;--r f I Yy~T. I.Jb~.! b~P1~7G KiN 2 rGr jaq G t~ NPOK ~ I (1~ ' Yrfi" 1i51k.~i _ EJ-554 ~SW~. ~ I~yo-6 %aseeu ~(i ~il~lN ~i4a N+ItKSYour-I - > > I -1 I 11~=b~4 4cirnP N7cG - I'/L"mil' O ;.rtefwry a r l l I--- I 1 vi 1} I I 1 "i: ,rare., a II! ; I I :i ~.r,l. i .Gl_~'. Ia I . , r. - t F4T vAk-lei T il76V , 17 Grt. ' I t~L - = y _1 li I~•yi l'-~`1.r~11R ATTACHMENT D CRITERIA FOR REVIEW No site review application shall be approved unless the approving agency finds that: (1) Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan: Y (A) The proposed site plan is consistent with the purposes and policies of the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan. The Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan designates 1037 Kalmia as very low density residential. Since the existing use of the large lot single-family residence is not changing; it remains consistent with the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan. Y (B) The proposed development shall not exceed the maximum density associated with the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan residential land use designation. The Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan delineates the density for the very low residential land use to be 2 or less units per acre. This is an existing non-standard single family residential 15,077 sf lot that has a density of 1 dwelling unit per. 34 acre. Although the existing development exceeds the density requirements of the Comp. Plan, the proposed development does not change the existing density, or add additional units to the site. Additionally, if the density of existing residential development within a three hundred-foot area surrounding the site is at or exceeds the density permitted in the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan, then the maximum density permitted on the site shall not exceed the lesser of: Y (i) The density permitted in the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan, or, The Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan delineates the density as a very low density residential land use to be 2 or less units per acre. Although the existing development exceeds the density of the Comp. Plan, the proposed development does not change the existing density, or add additional units to the site- Y (ii) The maximum number of units that could be placed on the site without waiving or varying any of the requirements of Chapter 9-8, "Intensity Standards," B.R.G. 1981. The site is an existing non-standard lot in that it does not meet the required minimum lot area of 30,000 square feet for the RR-2 zone district intensity module. The proposed development does not require waivers or variances for Intensity Standards because it does not change the existing density, or add additional units to the site. NIA (C) The proposed development's success in meeting the broad range of BVCP policies considers the economic feasibility of implementation techniques require to meet other site review criteria. The development consists of a single-family residence expansion. The economic feasibility is not an issue. (2) Site Design: Projects should preserve and enhance the community's unique sense of place through creative design that respects historic character, relationship to the natural environment, and its physical setting. Projects should utilize site design techniques which enhance the quality of the project. In determining whether this Subsection is met, the approving agency will consider the following factors: NIA (A) Open Space: Open space, including, without limitation, parks, recreation areas, and playgrounds: The development consists of a single-family residence expansion within the RR-2, Rural Residential 2 zone district. There are no open space requirements within this zone district. N/A (i) Useable open space is arranged to be accessible and functional; NIA (ii) Private open space is provided for each detached residential unit: NIA (iii) The project provides for the preservation of or mitigation of adverse impacts to natural features, including, without limitation, healthy long-lived trees, significant plant communities, ground and surface water, wetlands, riparian areas, drainage areas, and species on the federal Endangered Species List, "Species of Special Concern in Boulder County" designated by Boulder County, or prairie dogs (Cynomys ludiovicianus) which is a species of local concern, and their habitat; N/A (iv) The open space provides a relief to the density, both within the project and from surrounding development; NIA (v) Open space designed for active recreational purposes is of a size that it will be functionally useable and located in a safe and convenient proximity to the uses to which it is meant to serve; NIA (vi) The open space provides a buffer to protect sensitive environmental features and natural areas: and N/A (vii) If possible, open space is linked to an area- or city-wide system. N/A (B) Open Space in Mixed Use Developments (Developments that contain a mix of residential and non-residential uses) This is a single-family residential development consisting of one 95,077 sf lot. N/A (i) The open space provides for a balance of private and shared areas for the residential uses and common open space that is available for use by both the residential and non-residential uses that will meet the needs of the anticipated residents, occupants, tenants, and visitors of the property; and N/A (ii) The open space provides active areas and passive areas that will meet the needs of the anticipated residents, occupants, tenants, and visitors of the property and are compatible with the surrounding area or an adopted plan for the area. N/A (C) Landscaping This is a single-family residential development consisting of one 15,077 sf lot. There are no landscaping requirements for single-family residences. NIA (i) The project provides for aesthetic enhancement and a variety of plant and hard surface materials, and the selection of materials provides for a variety of colors and contrasts and the preservation or use of local native vegetation where appropriate; NIA (ii) Landscape design attempts to avoid, minimize, or mitigate impacts to important native species, plant communities of special concern, threatened and endangered species and habitat by integrating the existing natural environment into the project; /9 NIA (iii) The project provides significant amounts of plant material sized in excess of the landscaping requirements of Section 9-9-10, "Landscaping and Screening Standards" and Section 9-9-11, "Streetscape Design Standards," B.R.C_ 1981; and NIA (iv) The setbacks, yards, and useable open space along public rights-of-way are landscaped to provide attractive streetscapes, to enhance architectural features, and to contribute to the development of an attractive site plan. NIA (D) Circulation: Circulation, including, without limitation, the transportation system that serves the property, whether public or private and whether constructed by the developer or not: This is a single-family residential development consisting of one 15,077 sf lot. Access is not being altered with this proposal. NIA (i) High speeds are discouraged or a physical separation between streets and the project is provided; NIA (ii) Potential conflicts with vehicles are minimized; NIA (iii) Safe and convenient connections accessible to the public within the project and between the project and existing and proposed transportation systems are provided, including, without limitation, streets, bikeways, pedestrianways and trails; NIA (iv) Alternatives to the automobile are promoted by incorporating site design techniques, land use patterns, and supporting infrastructure that supports and encourages walking, biking, and other alternatives to the single-occupant vehicle; NIA (v) Where practical and beneficial, a significant shift away from single-occupant vehicle use to alternate modes is promoted through the use of travel demand management techniques; NIA (vi) On-site facilities for external linkage are provided with other modes of transportation, where applicable; NIA (vii) The amount of land devoted to the street system is minimized; and NIA (viii) The project is designed for the types of traffic expected, including, without limitation, automobiles, bicycles, and pedestrians, and provides safety, separation from living areas, and control of noise and exhaust. NIA (E) Parking This is a single-family residential development consisting of one 15,077 sf lot. Access is not changing, however a third garage bay is being added and the existing driveway is being expanded. The applicant has agreed to minimize the pavement area and to possibly incorporate a landscape median in the new driveway to do so. The site will now support three off-street parking spaces. NIA (i) The project incorporates into the design of parking areas measures to provide safety, convenience, and separation of pedestrian movements from vehicular movements; ~5- N/A (ii) The design of parking areas makes efficient use of the land and uses the minimum amount of land necessary to meet the parking needs of the project; NiA (iii) Parking areas and lighting are designed to reduce the visual impact on the project, adjacent properties, and adjacent streets; and N/A (iv) Parking areas utilize landscaping materials to provide shade in excess of the requirements in Subsection 9-9-6(d), "Parking Area Design Standards," and Section 9-9- 12, "Parking Lot Landscaping Standards," B.R.C. 1981. Y (F) Building Design, Livability, and Relationship to the Existing or Proposed Surrounding Area Y (i) The building height, mass, scale, orientation, and configuration are compatible with the existing character of the area or the character established by an adopted plan for the area, The houses within the Edwards Subdivision (1037, 1041, 1043, 1045, and 1085 Kalmia Avenue) were all designed by the same developer (Markel Homes) and architect (Jeremiah Whitney) in the 1980's. The same firm has designed the many alterations and expansions to the homes as well. All of the homes within the Edwards Subdivision have been designed with similar programs, massing, detailing and use of materials, and presents a cohesive character with the exception of 1045 Kalmia, which is the original farm house built in 1950. The five homes immediately adjacent to 1037 Kalmia (1014, 1035, 1041, 1043, 1045 Kalmia Avenue) range in size from 3,169 square feet to 5,419 square feet. The majority of those homes range from 3,169 square feet to 3,660 square feet, and average approximately 3,448 square feet in size. See Table 1 below. Table I: Specifications of Existing Residences Adjacent to and Tnclu_ding 1037 Kalmia Avenue Shared Adjacency Residence Height of Address [,of Size (SF) w/ 1037 Kalmia Size (SF) Existing Information Source _ Residence 1014 Kalmia 13,054 South across Kalmia 3,504 None found N/A 1035 Kalmia 41,184 West 3.169_ None found N/A 1037 Kalmia 15,077 NIA 4,143 37.7'_ Surveyor's Certificate City of Boulder Building 1041 Kalmia 15,832 North 5,419 32.5' Permit records (PM'r2008- 03874) Northeast across 3 Architect's plans of record 1043 Kalmia 16,911 Almond Court '660 34 dated 2/25103 1045 Kalmia 14,993 Fast across 3,460 None found N/A Almond Court The proposed addition is comprised of 866 square feet, including a third garage-bay (280 square feet) with second story living space above (280 square feet) and a second story study space (306 square feet). The total square footage of the existing residence (4,143 square feet), including addition will be 4,729 square feet not including the 760 square foot garage. The addition will extend the existing residence approximately 22' to the north as the roofline steps down from 37.7' to 35' to 28.3' above the proposed study. Y (ii) The height of buildings is in general proportion to the height of existing buildings and the proposed or projected heights of approved buildings or approved plans for the immediate area; Since the homes within the Edwards Subdivision were all designed with similar characteristics with no exception to height, the proposed height of the addition and existing structure at 1037 Kalmia will not be out of place. Homes that are directly adjacent to 1037 Kalmia, specifically 1041 Kalmia and 1043 Kalmia Avenue, are 32.5' and 34' in height respectively. The permitted height for the RR-2 zone district is 35'. The majority of homes surrounding 1037 Kalmia Avenue appear to be compatible in height, however no documentation was found delineating building heights. The proposed addition is comprised of a third garage bay with second story above and a study further to the north, all of which will extend the existing residence 22' to the north. The height of the third garage-bay is 35' and the height of the study addition 28.3'. Given the height of the existing residence, 37.7', the roofline of the proposed addition will appear to be stepping down as it moves to the north. Y (iii) The orientation of buildings minimizes shadows on and blocking of views from adjacent properties; The orientation of the existing building is fixed, facing east. The proposed addition conforms to the existing orientation and will extend the existing residence to the north. Since the tallest portion of the roofline is that of the existing residence (37.7) the addition will step down as it moves north, minimizing the impacts of shadows to the west. No views are blocked by the addition that would not otherwise be blocked by existing mature trees. The proposed addition is in compliance with solar requirements. Y (iv) If the character of the area is identifiable, the project is made compatible by the appropriate use of color, materials, landscaping, signs, and lighting; The colors and materials used in the addition will be essentially the same as those on the existing home, which are compatible with those used throughout Almond Court. N/A (v) Buildings present an attractive streetscape, incorporate architectural and site design elements appropriate to a pedestrian scale, and provide for the safety and convenience of pedestrians; There will be no changes made to the existing streetscape. N/A (vi) To the extent practical, the project provides public amenities and planned public facilities; There are no public amenities associated with this addition. NIA (vii) For residential projects, the project assists the community in producing a variety of housing types, such as multi-family, townhouses, and detached single-family units as well as mixed lot sizes, number of bedrooms, and sizes of units; This is an addition to an existing single-family residence. N/A (viii) For residential projects, noise is minimized between units, between buildings, and from either on-site or off-site external sources through spacing, landscaping, and building materials; 17 This is an addition to an existing single-family residence. The RR-2 zone district permits ample spacing between units. NIA (ix) A lighting plan is provided which augments security, energy conservation, safety, and aesthetics; This is an addition to an existing single-family residence; a lighting plan is not required. NIA (x) The project incorporates the natural environment into the design and avoids, minimizes, or mitigates impacts to natural systems; This is an addition to an existing single-family residence. NIA (xi) Cut and fill are minimized on the site, the design of buildings conforms to the natural contours of the land, and the site design minimizes erosion, slope instability, landslide, mudflow or subsidence, and minimizes the potential threat to property caused by geological hazards. This is an addition to an existing single-family residence; there is no cut and fill associated with this project. NIA (G) Solar Siting and Construction: For the purpose of ensuring the maximum potential for utilization of solar energy in the city, all applicants for residential site reviews shall place streets, lots, open spaces, and buildings so as to maximize the potential for the use of solar energy in accordance with the following solar siting criteria. This development consists of an existing single-family residence. The proposal consists of adding approximately 866 square foot addition. The addition will be an extension to the existing residence northwards on the site. The addition is in compliance with solar regulations and there are no landscaping requirements for single-family residences. NIA (i) Placement of Open Space and Streets: Open space areas are located wherever practical to protect buildings from shading by other buildings within the development or from buildings on adjacent properties. Topography and other natural features and constraints may justify deviations from this criterion. NIA (ii) Lot Layout and Building Siting. Lots are oriented and buildings are sited in a way which maximizes the solar potential of each principal building. Lots are designed to facilitate siting a structure which is unshaded by other nearby structures. Wherever practical, buildings are sited close to the north lot line to increase yard space to the south for better owner control of shading. NIA (iii) Building Form: The shapes of buildings are designed to maximize utilization of solar energy. Buildings shall meet the solar qqccess protection and solar siting requirements of Section 9-9-17, "Solar Access," B.R_C. 1981. N/A (iv) Landscaping: The shading effects of proposed landscaping on adjacent buildings are minimized.