2 - Draft Minutes - Planning Board - November 13, 2008 CITY OF BOULDER
November 13, 2008
1777 Broadway, Council Chambers
A permanent set of these minutes and a tape recording (maintained for a period of seven years)
are retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043). Minutes and streaming audio are also
available on the web at: http://www.bouldercolorado.gov/
KC Becker
Bill ~-Iolicky
Elise Jones
Willa Johnson, Chair
Andrew Shoemaker
Phil Shull
Adrian Sopher
David Gehr, Assistant City Attorney
Micki Kaplan, Transportation Project Manager
Ruth McHeyser, Executive Director of Community Planning
Elaine McLaughlin, Senior Planner
Robert Ray, Land Use Review Manager
Jessica Vaughn, Planner I
Paula Weber, Administrative Specialist III
Charlie Zucker, Senior Urban Designer
Chair, P. Shull, declared a quorum at 6:07 p.m. and the following business was
P. Shull asked the Planning Board to not take action in accepting the October 2, 2008
Planning Board minutes tonight. He would like to review the audio from October 2.
No one from the public addressed the board.
Call up item: 1600 Mariposa Ave. The board did not call-up this item.
A. Public hearing and consideration of Concept Plan Review and Comment
application #LUR2008-00085 Boulder Transit Village (BTU) -Regional
Transportation Department (RTD) Bus Rapid Transit Facility and Park -n- Ride.
The proposal is for an 11.2-acre Transit Oriented Development that includes immediate
plans for construction of a 3.23 acre bus transit facility as well as future mixed
use/residential development. Only the 3.23 acre bus transit facility is anticipated to
move forward at this time, residential development will proceed in a seven- to 10-year
time frame.
Case Manager: Elaine McLaughlin
Applicant/Property Owner: RTD and City of Boulder: Housing & Human Services
and Transportation Divisions.
Staff Presentation
E. McLaughlin presented the item to the board.
Applicant Presentation
M. Kaplan presented the item to the board.
Public Hearing
John Spitzer, 2323 20`x' Street, was concerned about parking.
Board Discussion
P. Shull said the public art needs to be sensible and functional. He also expressed concerns that
the Historic Depot was being slighted.
A. Shoemaker had concerns with the pedestrian and Depot interfaces and with the amount of
E. Jones said we have to think outside of the box. She said it is important to create a place, not
just a bus tun around. She also was concerned about the location of the Depot.
B. Holicky said it is Pla~u~ing Board's role to protect the civic realm. He suggested stacking the
'and having buildings on Pearl Street and Boulder Junction Place. He added that if we are
going to "do urban," the site must be an urban site.
W. Johnson said we need to think of how to get away from all of the turns. She further stated
that the proposal feels very sub-urban.
West side and housing
B. Holicky said the pocket park on Junction Place does not work and needs to be moved to the
west. He said it is important to emphasize the streets and the connections. He would like to see a
stronger northern east/west connection.
A. Shoemaker agreed with B. Holicky about the pocket park. He further stated that the residents
of this project could have a hard time accessing the bus area.
E. Jones said it makes sense to move the park to the residential area. She said the park should
also be accessible by the bike path up to the west by Goose Creek.
P. Shull said the pedestrian pathways to this facility need to be safe, intelligent and well thought
out. V~ithout knowing when the project to the west will be developed, he suggested that a screen
or wall be considered to block the view.
A. Sopher asked staff to address the issue of underground parking and the associated costs.
M. Allen said the preference is to not have surface parking. She said the city could look at
underground parking due to the expense.
A. Sopher preferred as much underground parking as possible.
M. Allen said due to the high water table, it might not be possible to go farther than one level
A. Sopher would like to see the pocket park more internal in the housing area. He was less
concerned about the east/west connection of Spruce Street in terms of access to the Park-n-Ride
facility and access to the bus turn around. He further stated that the mid block connection at Pearl
Parkway could be more of a pedestrian connection.
W. Johnson summarized the board's comments as follows:
• The board was interested in the park being more integrated into the housing.
• Flexibility from the board on street widths, pedestrian verses auto, maintaining the
connections plan in some format and an interest to explore the intersections as proposed.
• The board did not provide a lot of comments to the housing options.
• The board preferred underground parking.
Urban Corridors
P. Shull would like to see the future parking structure have a wrap, noting that RTD does not
usually work that way. He was concerned about the connection at the south end of the parking lot
and the south access con~iection to the parking structure.
A. Sopher said the alternate entrance is useful.
B. Houck}~ said to reach the board's vision of Junction Place, it is important to have buildings
for people +o walk around and have something to do. He said if the Depot is to be vibrant, there
needs to be something going on around it.
A. Sopher said the bus area and the parking garage are the two large elements of this RTD site,
which are not working side by side.
B. Holicky preferred placing the parking garage and the bus loop on top of each other.
K. Becker said the site seems to be driven by property ownership. She was concerned that the
site was not integrated. She suggested that the city and RTD work together to have the site and
the parking integrated with housing. She also supported buildings on Pearl Street.
E. Jones agreed that buildings on Pearl Street would make the internal space of Junction Place
livelier. She asked for additional data as to how many people from the north and east will use
this facility to park and commute from.
W. Johnson suggested minimizing the amount of turns. If Spruce Street is to be maintained as a
street, she would like to see Spruce Street line up with access into the RTD portion of the site.
She also supported framing both sides of Junction Place with buildings. She also supported the
shared access of the Depot.
W. Johnson summarized that attention to the corridors is important and there is a desire to make
them more urban.
B. Holicky said less parking is alright. He further stated that one of the potential results in
having less parking in the beginning is financial pressure to have a garage.
K. Becker did not want auto oriented transit. She supported a more integrated Transit Oriented
Development (TOD) with a bus transit facility. She said there are more opportunities for creative
business ventures here.
P. Shull did not think the Kiss-n-Ride concept was done well. He added that the lot being used
as a cut tlu-ough or exit should be minimized. He said if the Depot is to be used for event
purposes, more parking will need to be provided. He said if there will be a maintenance facility
in the future, a discussion needs to occur about the buses and the fact that they are typically
running when they are stopped.
W. Johnson agreed that the Kiss-n-Ride does not work well. She said parking is needed,
especially short term parking. She asked that the applicant to bring an example of a wrap at time
of Site Review, including an explanation of how it would be accommodated for the parking
A. Sopher asked if it is viable to have the bus turn around facility underground with some form
of parking in the future. If viable, he suggested that it be wrapped with accessible
office/commercial spaces that front onto Pearl Parkway and Junction Place.
P. Shull said the parking should not drive the loop configuration.
A. Sopher said the depot is in a weird spot and it is not connected to anything. He said the Depot
needs to have a com~ection to something, possibly the bus station.
P. Shull said the while the Depot is an interesting architectural icon, it will not serve a purpose
and that is a terrible waste.
E. Jones said the Depot could be used as a destination or meeting space. She added that the
Depot, quite frankly, needs to be moved.
B. Holicky said the Depot could be used as a viable structure in the center of the bus loop. He
further stated that if the Depot was used as a place for people to come in and out of while waiting
for the bus, that it would free up some land on the south side along Pearl Street and on the west
side along Junction Place.
A. Shoemaker said the Depot is in the wrong spot and faces the wrong direction. He said the
Depot should face the bus turnaround.
K Becker would like to see the Depot more integrated and serve a purpose.
W. Johnson summarized that the Depot is isolated and the board does not understand how it will
work with the site and would like for that to be made clear.
Pedestrian interface/connections
A. Shoemaker said from a pedestrian standpoint, with the volume of buses, the
interface/connections are very dangerous. He was concerned with the connection to the island
and the fact that t}lere are too many street crossings.
E. Jones did not mind people boarding in the center of the loop as long as there are clear
markings across it.
A. Sopher found it awkward that it is center loaded to all of the buses.
W. Johnson suggested a stronger comlection between Pearl and the bus facility. She also
suggested that the green dotted line (on the map) come down toward the bus facility.
A. Sopher added that the board had talked about it being street side as opposed to rail side.
Character/Public Art and the Sus Shelters
B. Holicky said at site plan he will look for tree placement.
P. Shull said character is important and careful consideration needs to take place as to what is
approved at this site.
E. Jones said the city needs to figure out what the theme is for the site and make it a more
interesting place.
1'. Shull said the art integrated at Pearl Street is interesting but riot zany. He said the art can be
sensible and serve social and recreational purposes.
B. Holicky said it is important not lose this opportunity to connect to Pearl Street. He said if
there is a place for big public art, it is the corner at Pearl.
A. Sopher wanted a more urban area where buildings come up to the street and there is
continuity of street life and streetscape.
W. Johnson said the shelter should be a little more sheltering with more refuge.
A. Shoemaker said a lot of issues could be resolved if the turnaround was underground.
W. Johnson summarized the board's comments as follows:
• There are more opportunities here to be thoughtful and creative, as well as functional and
• The terminus on Pearl has support from the board.
• The users experience with parking and shelters are priorities.
R. McHeyser presented the Summary of the Planning Board Tour.
R. Ray checked in with the board on the content and layout of the staff reports.
K. Becker said that she is continually impressed with staff memos..
P. Shull said that smaller plans or plans on CD's would be acceptable and preferred. He
also questioned the requirement for the model at concept plan.
D. Gehr presented the Planning Board Leave of Absence Request.
A. Shoemaker said that he will be gone from January 1 through March (back before the
last meeting in March)
W. Johnson asked Planning Board if there were any objections to voting on the Leave of
Absence on December 41~`. There were no objections.
B. Holicky updated the board on Pops and Scrapes and Compatible Development.
P. Shull spoke about the Letter to Council.
The Plaru~ing Board adjourned the meeting at 10:29 p.m.
Board Chair