2 - Draft Minutes - Planning Board - April 2, 2009 Draft CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING BOARD ACTION MINUTES April 2, 2009 1777 Broadway, Council Chambers A permanent set of these minutes and a tape recording (maintained for a period of seven years) arc retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043). Minutes and streaming audio are also available on the web at: littLi://www.bOLI]dercoloi-ado.gov/ BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: KC Becker Bill Holicky Elise Jones Willa Johnson Andrew Shoemaker Adrian Sopher Mary Young PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: None S'T'AFF PRESENT: Charles Ferro, Planner II David Gehr, Assistant City Attorney Karl Guiler, Planner 11 Haine McLaughlin, Senior Planner Susan Richstone, Long Range Planning Manager Robert Ray, Housing Division Manager Paula Weber, Administrative Specialist III I. CALL TO ORDER Chair, P. Shull, declared a quorum at 6:08 p.m. and the following business was conducted: 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES {ir ~t unotilrn by E. Jones, secomIcd by B. lloliclcv. the Planning Board approved (0-0. At 'dung recustd) the Novemher 13. 2008 Maiming Board n]rr]utc s as anrcnclecl. Approval of March 19, 2009 minutes, A. Sopher requested that these minutes be left for discussion during matters. 3. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Bobby Noyes, 2439 10°i Street, Boulder Mountain Bike Alliance, spoke in support of the Valmont Bike Park program. Elizabeth Allen, Boulder, CO spoke in opposition of The Nitro Club. 4. DISCUSSION OF DISPOSITIONS, PLANNING BOARD CALL-UPS No items were scheduled for discussion. 1 5. ACTION ITEMS A. Consideration of a recommendation to City Council on land use options for the approximately five-acre parcel adjacent to Orchard Grove Mobile Home Park. Staff Presentation S. Richstone, E. McLaughlin presented the item to the board. Public Hearing (ringer Zukowski, 3003 Valmont 020, spoke in support of securing the live acre parcel as part of Orchard Grove Mobile Home Park and the rezoning to MH. Sam Alsehuler, 3003 Valmont Rd. 1/219, (pooled time with Lilly Duhame and Michael Dray) spoke in support of rezoning to MH. Lilly Duhame, 3003 Valmont Rd. 4219 spoke in support of rezoning to ME. Michael Dray, 3003 Valmont Rd. #65 spoke in support of rezoning to MI--1. Kit Basom, 3003 Valmont Rd. #53, (pooled time with Jeanne Dolan and Larry Dolan) spoke in support of rezoning to MI 1. Jeanne Dolan, 2003 Valmont Rd. #248, spoke in support of rezoning to MH. Larry Dolan, 3003 Valmont Rd. #248, spoke in support of rezoning to MH. Richard Carey, 3003 Valmont Rd. 11218, spoke in support of rezoning Urbanitats. Mark Robbins, P.O. Box 1024, spoke in support of rezoning to MH. Richard C. Williams, 3003 Valmont Rd. #78, (pooled time with Chuck Slagh and Loretta Ciliacek) spoke in support of rezoning to MU. Chuck Slagh, 3003 Valmont Rd. 11128, spoke in support of rezoning to MH. Loretta Cihacek, 3003 Valmont Rd. #157, spoke,in support of rezoning to MI 1. Gretchen Williams, 3003 Valmont Rd. #78, spoke in support of rezoning to M11 and having Orchard Grove becoming one of the first transition neighborhoods. Ava Goodheart, 3003 Valmont Rd. 11102, spoke in support of rezoning to MH and having Orchard Grove becoming one of the first transition neighborhoods, keeping the five acre and 27 acre lots together. Elizabeth Allen, Boulder, CO, spoke in support of rezoning to Mli. Rita Bowman, Boulder CO, spoke in support of rezoning to MH. John Maret, Boulder, CO, spoke in support of keeping the five acre park being preserved. Board Discussion Motion On a motion l}y li. Becker, seconded by F-Iones, the Planning Board re.conimends (7-0) tip Uity C OUnCil that a 1.: ild Use Change be considered during the Comprehensive Ilan update. The ]and use ChangC should consider the uni(tue nature 01'111C opcll and undcvclopod property beyond the options currently myjcwed by staff inclUdln~, but not llnllte(I tO, MH or open sl)acc designation and include the possibility ofopen space through a complete or partial purchase of the property. B. Public hearing and consideration of Concept Plan LUR2009-00007, Table Mesa Housing (currently titled The Armory), located at 4640'Fable Mesa Drive and 555 Tantra Drive. 'the applicant is proposing redevelopment of the existing dormant Army Reserve Training site with a variety of residential housing types (e.g., row houses, duplexes, single farmly homes and affordable units) totaling 43 units on 212,437 square feet, or 4.87 acres (includes both properties). The proposal would ultimately require a rezoning frorn RL-1 (low density residential) to RM-1 (medium density residential). Applicant: Peter Stainton Property Owner: U.S. Department of the Army Staff Presentation K. Guiler presented the item to the board. Applicant/Owner Presentation Phil McEvoy, Railton McEvoy Architects and Brice Brown, Rowe foundation presented the item to the board. Public Hearing Dave Cole, 610 South 46"' Street, spoke to allow adequate time for the project to be well thought out. Ile referenced an email that was sent to Planning Board members. He is strongly opposed to any change in zoning. Jaqueline Trump Burch 620 South 46`x' Street, had concenis about the project and gave input on what she thought would work for the project. She was opposed to a change in zoning. Lewis Wackler, 550 South 46°i Street, thought this plan is better than previous plans. He said it is a little too maximized and would like to keep it at RI.-1 _ He was concerned about pollution in the garden area- Ika Brazda, 555 Tantra Drive spoke in support of the project. Laurie Kaufman, 2640 Thornbird Place, spoke in support of the project. Jonathan Hondorf, Boulder, CO, said there have been improvements made to the project but thought there need to be more changes. Ile said there should be more low income housing and spoke to the relationship of the school to this site. Mike Wilson, 2550 Stanford Avenue spoke in support of this project. Alice Swanson, 1971 Blue Mountain Road, Longmont, CO spoke in support of this project. Barney Morgan, 4211 Piedra Place, 303-247-1942, spoke in support of this project. Letter from Lili Adeli (read by Kathe) 621 Tantra Drive, Boulder read a letter in support of this project. Bryce Brown, 4595 14't' Street #201 spoke in support of this project. Board Discussion W. Johnson summarized K. Becker's comments as follows: K. Becker was unable to stay for the discussion and voiced her concerns/thoughts on the item. Connection with the school, only if the school wants it. Lots on the west side are fine. Private streets are fine. Sidewalks should be compatible with the existing neighborhood. The specifics of the zoning transition is unknown but some RM-l zoning is alright. Support RL-1 on the west. 3 Land Use/'Zoning Change The board had severe reservations about a rezone but there might be a portion of the site that would meet criteria 5 and/or 6 to permit some medium density residential. There is an issue associated with the use no longer being the armory. The underlying question is zoning, not site plan. 'phis should come at the time of the Comprehensive Plan update. The board is open on the timing. Site Plan Open space commons/community garden should be internal to the site. The board generally liked the proposed transition between the project site and properties to the west. Care and attention to the backyards and how the interface between existing and proposed single family homes would work. Support doubling up the driveways to reduce pavement in general. Access The board preferred that there be a safety valve on Table Mesa or a more accessible, usable right in/right out, and supported refining the access to Tantra. School access The board does support the connection within the site and encouraged working with one of the landowners to the south of the site to make that happen. Streets/ street widths/ private streets Agreement that narrow streets would be good. Either coming up with a city street standard for narrow streets or private streets are acceptable solutions. Parking The board liked parking on one side of the circulation drive,,and was open to unbundled parking and supportive of minimizing asphalt on this site associated with parking. Environmental/ Mature trees There are mature trees on the site and everything that can be done to preserve the trees should be done. Affordable Housing To the extent possible the board supported at least 20% affordable housing on site and suggested including single farrrily homes if possible. Architectural Character A. Shoemaker and E. Jones liked the roof choice. B. Holicky said the general form is good but suggested adding variety as the units get developed. M. Young felt there is a bulkiness and massiveness that could be mitigated particularly in the duplexes. She said the row houses are really long and if they could be broken up into four sections instead of two, that would be good. A. Sopher did not feel the length of the row houses is a problem. It is more a matter of how the row houses tie into the entire organization which might be changing anyway. 6. MATTERS FROM THE PLANNING BOARD, PLANNING DIRECTOR, AND CITY ATTORNEY On a motion by E.. Jones seconded b A. So her, the Planning) Board a roved 5-2 M. Young" A. Shoernalcer abstained? the Novembcr 13. 2008 Planning, Board minutes as amended. 4 March 19, 2009 Minutes were discussed. The following amendments were made. Promote flexibility especially for single family owners. Be specific and deliberate in our desire for in stability vs. change. 't'here was a general support ofthe staff memo and the next step identified. More analysis is needed. Generally observed that Univerity Hill and Coss Grove are different than the other two zone districts. Rezoning might be more appropriate in those other two areas. The way the zone is set up, it would not encourage change at all in the smaller lot sizes. Land Use and Alcohol Group update Planning Board retreat discussion of what topics are to be discussed. 7. DEBRIEFIAGENDA CHECK 8. ADJOURNMENT The Planning Board adjourned the meeting at 1 1:37 p.m. APPROVED BY: Board Chair DATF