2 - Draft Minutes - Planning Board - March 5, 2009 CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING BOARD ACTION MINUTES March 5, 2009 1777 Broadway, Council Chambers A permanent set of these minutes and a tape recording (maintained for a period of seven years) are retained in Central Records (telephone: 3Q3-441-3043). Minutes and streaming audio are also available on the web at: kltt~l/www.bouldercolorado.kov/ PLANNING BOARD MEMBIa',RS PRESF~NT: KC Becker Bill Holicky E11sC Jones .Phil Shull Adrian Sopher, Chair PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT': Andrew Shoemaker t ' Willa Jolu~son STAFF PRESENT: Charles Pc:rro, Planner I1 David Gellr, Assistant City Attorney Ruth McHeyser, Acting Planning Director Paula Weber, Administrative Specialist III 1. CALL, TO ORDER Chair, A. Sopher, declared a quon~m at 6:OSp.m. and the following business was conducted. " 2. APPROVAL OF MINU'T'ES No minutes were sclledulecl for approval. 3. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 4. DISCUSSION OF DISPOSITIONS, PLANNING BOARD CALL-L1PS Call-up items: Elmer's "I'womile Creek Construction Planning Boarcl did not call item up. Power 1498 King St. Floodplain Development Planning Board did not call item up. _5. ACTION I'CENIS A. Public hearing and consideration of: 1) Annexation and Initial Toning, LUR2003-00013, LUR2003-00037 0l' property located at 5880 and 6032 Butte Mill Rd. with a proposed initial Toning designation of Industrial General (ICT); 1 2) Concept Flan Review and Comment, LUR2008-00486, for redevelopment of the property located at 6032 Butte Mill Rd. including 1>co-Cycle /Center for ><-Iard to Recycle Materials /Center for Resource Conservation recycling processing facility as well as Boulder Special 'Transit headquarters. Applicants: Western Disposal Services, Inc. / Oz Architecture Owner: Western Disposal Services, Inc. Applicant/owner Presentation Cary Horton President of Western Disposal, Nancy Blackwood, architect, Brian Bowen, Dan Mach, and Spencer Villwock presented to the board. Staff Presentation C. Ferro presented the item to the board. Planning Board asked clarifying questions Fiiblic 1learing ` Lenny Kottke 4840 Pearl St. (pooled tune with Rich Johnson) and spoke in support of special transit. Kich .lohnson 4840 Pearl St. (pooled time with Lenny Kottke) in support of special transit. Kati Pressman, 703 Silver Lake Ave. #B spoke in support of special transit. I_,eRoy Lawson, 1013 Berkeley St., Lon~,nnont spoke in support of special transit. Dan Mauch 5030 Pearl St. spoke in support of the Eco Cycle/Westez-n Disposal site and gave details on the use of facility. Spencer Villwock, 1735 Pine Street, Apt. 1 spoke in support of the Westeriz Disposal site. Board Discussion Review of the concept plan on each site associated with the 6032 Butte Mill Road: EcoCycle/CHaRM Planning Board summarized that they would like significant publicly accessible open space at the southwest corner of the site with the size to be determined by the applicant. If there is any way to have their green roof building roll out of landscape as opposed to out of parking lot coming from the high end of the site towards the west, it would serve the applicant well visually. If there is any way. to not do the loop road given what is being talked about now and that might mean reconsidering the location of the administrative building associated with the open space that Planning Board is talking about. Boulder Special Transit Planning Board summarised that their priority is insuring adequate screening for the maintenance building and service buildings. Make sure that there is adequate open space for employees to eai their lunch outside. Do what can be done to make the service; building roof as discrete as possible. Take into account the use of materials such as concrete to reduce the heat island affect particularly adjacent to the terrace on the administrative building. Look at additional shading for the southwest facing plaza. Maintain the level of windows on the rendering. These are not conditions of azlrzexation, they are concept review comments. 2 Motion: On a Illollon Jones, seconded h~- K. Recker, the Plannlnl; Board I'eC0111111ended (4-U W. .Iohnson, A. Shoemaker and P. Shull absent) aUproval of the proposed annexation at)t~lication LL?K20U3-00013 and LUR2U03-000;7 subject to the following conditions of approval. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: City manager is authorized to amend set backs for buildings and parking areas for the purposes of creating usable open spaces for the employees and visitors of the site. The applicant shalt be required to create a significant and contiguous open space on the proposed noI-thern lot that are usable to visitors and employees of the site on the southwest portion of the proposed lot. 6. MA`T'TERS FROM THE PLANNING BOARD;~PLANNING DIRECTOR, AND CI'T'Y A'I`TORNEY Update on C,olnpatible Development. Discussion on Boulder Transit Village Study Session., Review of possible Planning Board retreat dates. 7. llEBRIEF/AGENDA CIIECK 8. ADJOURNMEN`C , `I'hc Planning Board adjoun)ed the meeting at 9:U1 p.m. nPPROVED BY Board Chair DA".I'E 3