2 - Draft Minutes - Planning Board - December 4, 2008 i CITY Oh' BOULDER . PLANNING BOARD MINUTES December 4, 2008 ]777 Broadway, Council Chambers A pernzanent set of these minutes and a tape recording (maintained for a period of seven years) are retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043). Minutes and streaming audio are also available on the web at: http://www.bou}dercolorado.~ov/ PLANNING BOARll MEMBERS PKLSENT: KC Becker Bill Holicky Willa Jo}u~son bllse .IOnCS Andrew Shoemaker Phil Shull, Chair Adrian Soplaer S1'A I~ F PRES LNT: David Gchr, Assistant City Attorney Karl Guiler, Planner II Susan I-Ionse, Administrative Specialist II Michelle Mahan, 'Transportation >?ngineer I Ruth McI-Ieyser, Executive Director of Comm~lnity Planning Ch1is Meschuk, Planner I Martha Roskowski, GO Boulder Manager Randall Rutsch, Senior Transportation Planner Susan Richstone, Long Range Planning Manager 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair, P. Shull, declared a quorum at 6 p.m. and the following business was conducted. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES No minutes were scheduled for approval. The board agreed to amend the Oct. 2 minutes (Harper Hollow agenda item} to clarify the board's intent for the city to work with t}~e applicant to establish slightly adjusted criteria for qualiZication wider HUD limits. 3. PUBLIC PAR'1'1CIPA'TION Nathan Knelhy, 2125 Upland Avc., Boulder, speaking on behalf of the owners of the Crestview East Annexation project, recommended that the land use pattern remain as adopted in the North Boulder Subcomrnunity Plan. 4. DISCUSSION OF DISPOSITIONS, PLANNING BOARD CALL-UPS There was no board discussion. l 5. ACTION ITEMS A. Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on amendments to the Transportation Master Plan ('1']VIP) to reflect the H'as"Tracks [,oral Optimization (1{LO) process. Case Manager: Chris Meschuk Staff' Presentation C. Meschuk, It. Rutsch and M. Roskowski presented the item to the board. Public hearing No one Gom the public addressuf the board. Board Discussion A. Sopher suggested that a timeline be inc]uded in the master plan document. B. IIolicl:y suggested that the plan include a prioritised list of projects that arc more likely to be funded in the near future for planning purposes. E. Junes agreed with the'['MP investment priorities. Motion On a motion by V1'. Johnson seconded I+,. Jones by, the Planning Board recommended 7-0 all in savor that Cit_ Council adopt the 'Transportation Master Plan Update, inciudint; the FLO process and the complete streets package. The Planning Guard approved (7-p, all in favor) the updated Transportation Master flan summary for inclusion in the 13VC}'. B. Ilolickv offered a friendly amendment for staff to identify a toLuriority project list to ~~uide council discussion in undcrstandint; what the community needs arc and what fundi~ will be used for those projects. K. Becker accented B. llolicky's friendly amendment. W. Johnson suggested that the friendly amendment could instead identify what the prioritization process would be. R. Rutsch stated if a list was produced it may change over time and create a tension of wanting to be specific vs. needing to respond to the community needs. B. Ilolicky withdrew his fricndl~amendmcnt. A. Sopher said the master plan should contain a comprehensive outline of all transportation related projects and funding sources. I le also suggested that the plan include a timeline and explanation of how the projects relate to one another. P. Shull offered a friendly amendment to include in the master plan an inter,rated timeline and timdint~ chart or exhibit showier; all cityprojects with all presumed funding sources. W. Johnson and K. 6ccker accepted the friendly amcndmcnt as an addendum to the master plan. k'INAL MOTION On a motion by W. Johnson seconded F,..Iones bv, the Planning Board recommended (7-0, all in favor) that City Council adopt the'I'ransportation Master Plan Update, includinK the FL(> process and the complete streets parka ~e and approve the updated Transportation :Vlastcr flan summary for inclusion in the 13VC'P, with the amcndmcnt to incluelc an intc,~rated timeline and funding chart or exhibit showinc; all citZt~rojccts with all presumed funding sources in the Master Plan. B. Public hearing and consideration of a the following items related to the Boulder Mobile Manor redevelopment project located at 2637 Valmont Ituad - a 204,429 square foot (4.69 acre) property within the RH-4, High Density Residential zoning district. 1. Consideration of an ordinance to permit usable open space (for the purposes of permitting the proposed density) and parking within the public rights-of- ways to be included in the site coning calculations. The ordinance is requested as a result of the reyuirec} dedication of public rights-of--way through the property connection Valmont Road with Arnett Road, and, 2. Site IZevirw, Preliminary Plat, and Ilse Review applications (shown respectively) #LUR2008-00007, #[,UK2008-00008, and #I.U1t2008-00009, to redevelop the existing mobile home park of 66 mobile home units with 79 new fixed-foundation homes (attached'and detached), two mixed-use buildings, and a aimrrrunity building on the site. The proposal includes a height modification to pern~it 39:5 foot tall structures along Valmont, setback modifications predominantly within the development, and a parking reduction of 2°/<,. The tlse Review entails approximately 8,423 square feet of office/commercial space on the ground f]oors of the new buildings along Valmont. Applicant/Property Owner: Boulder I~orrsing Partners Case Manager: Karl Guiler, AICP Planner II Staff Presentation It. Mclleyser and K. Guiler presented the item to the board. P. Shull, W. Johnson and B. Holicky recused themselves. A. Sopher agreed to serve as Chair for this agenda item. Applicants /BHP Boulder dousing Partners Cindy Brown and Petc Weber presented the item to the board. Public llearing Phil I,awrencc, 1127 Cranbrook CL, Boulder, Commissioner on the Boulder Housing Partners, spoke in support. C'lyda Stafford, 3120 h;astwood Ct., Boulder, spoke in opposition. Angela McCormick, ?855 Tr' St., Boulder, Commissioner on the I3ouldcr l lousing Partners, spoke in support. I.ouisc Chaiola, 3341 Cripple Creek frail, Boulder, spoke in support. 1?lizabeth Vasatka, 3292 Palu Pkwy, Boulder, with the city of Boulder Environmental Affairs, spoke in support. Board Discussion E. Jones said the placement of the community center is less than ideal and seems disconnected. She further stated if the community center was slid either way it would connect the plain and playground and prevent shading thus making it more usable. A. Shoemaker supported rotating and shifting the community center to the north and having the plaza. and playground take a more central lvcation. K. Becker said the play area would be more enjoyable if it was not adjacent to parking spaces. E. Jones suggested making the play area less shaded and the site more contignrous. A. Sopher agreed. A. Sopher said a kitchen in the community center would be very useful to the community. A. Shoemaker did not feel it necessary to limit the hours of operation for the coffee shop. However, he expressed his concerns over the overlapping parking area between commercial and residential. A. Sopher stated he was concerned about the right in, right out entry way from Valmont Street. (-le said it seems more feasible for a left turn into the development rather than a Ictt turn out. A. Shoemaker supported allowing the restaurant use t~ be open past 6 p.1n. L..Iones proposed changing condition 3 (b) iii to modify the location of the community center to connect the plaza and playground area and shading. Motion nn a motion by A. Shoemaker seconded by i;. Jones, the Planning Board approved (4-0 li. Ilolicl:y, W. Johnson and P. Shull recused) the site review use review and prelunu)al-y plat aU)lications Ia?R2008-00007, LUR2008-00008 cool LUR2008-00009 respcctively incort)oratinb tl~le staff memorandum, and attached site review and use review criteria check list as finding of tact subject to the conditivns of approval below- the conditions of approval use review thereby beinr; nuxiifie(l in section ~i(c) as follows; Non-residential uses, other than the restauuant, shall be closccl from 6:00 PM to 8:00 AM Moltda~tlu•ou~h Friday, with exception that personal service uses must close fi-vm 8:00 PM throe ~hg 8OU AM, and restaurant use shall close by 1 I :00 I'M. Restrictions do not apply to any police annex on the site. "I`he Restaurant shall be closed from the hours of 1 ] :00 ('M to 6:00 AM. All(1, the COI)Cl1t101)s Of appl'OVaI In llle Slte 1'CV1CW thefel)y bClllt; ITlodlf IC(I 111 ti(;C11011 ~(b) bx add111' (Il1) as follOWS; 5111 ('t the IOcat1011 of the community center to create of~timal solar access in the dcsi~;n, an(1 shift the location Ol file COtnlllunlty C(:ntel' t0 allow the plaza area and the play ground to be adjacent to one another. "fhc ~)arkinr; areas adjacent to this area rray be modified as part of this_site larp? momodification. Motion On a motion by A. Shoemaker seconded E. Jones by the Plannmr; 130111-d I'CCC)I11mC11(led (4-0 E3. Holicky, W. Johnson and P. Shull recused) to City Council adoption of the ordinance in Attachment J to permit usable i>pen space fi)r the purposes of preventing the proposed densit~alicl parking in the public rights-of=way to be included in the site zoning calculations. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: SITE REVIEW l . This approval shall be contingent upon the adoption of an ordinance ny the City Council that gn-ants authority to the Planning Board to grant an open space and parking reduction for the Property. In the event that such an ordinance is not passed by the City Council, the Applicant shall amend the application so that the development plans comply with all requirements of the Boulder Revised Code of 1981 and the City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards. Additional conditivns not presently identified may be required as a result of any subsequent 4 anrendmcnt pruress. 2. The Applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that the development shall be in compliance with all approved plans entitled Boulder Mobile Manor dated September I5, 2008 and on file in the City of Boulder Planning Department, except as may be modified by this approval. 3. Prior to a building permit application, the Applicant shall submit a Technical Document Review application for the following items, subject to the approval of the City Manager: a. Final architectural plans, including materials and colors, to insure compliance with the intent of this approval and compatibility with the surrounding area. b. Final site plan that includes the following revisions: i) A minimum sight triangle dirncrision of 13' by 15' shall be met for all access driveways. Changes reduii-ed by thc•sitc triangle modifications shall not include any modification to the rear walls of any buildings depicted on Sheet SD-1 of the approved plans. ii) Additional off-street parking spaces, meeting the parking requirements of Section 9-9-6, B.R.C. 198 ] ,provided within the area designated as "possible future connection to adjacent property" on Sheet SD-l . iii) Shift the location of the conununity center to create optimal solar access in the design, and shift the location of the community center to allow the plaza area and the play ground to be adjacent to arlc another. The parking areas adjacent to this area may he modified as part of this site plan modification. c. Final utility plans meeting the city of Boulder Design and Construction Standards (DCS). If the results of the flow testing and water modeling indicate that the 6" diameter water pipe in Fremont Avenue does not meet the City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards, then the Applicant will be required to increase the size the existing pipe from the proposed point of connection to the water main crnmection in Folsom Street to the west to meet the City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards. d. Final storm water plan and report meeting the City of Boulder Design and ConsU-uction Standards (1X'S). c. 1~inal transportation engineerin}~ plans in acu~rdancc ~ti~ith the City crl~lir~uldcr Design and Construction Standards for all transportation improvements. ~'he engineering plans must include, but arc not limited to street plan and profile drawings, cross-sectional drawings, detail drawings, a signage and striping plan in conformance with Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) standards, a geotechnical soils report, and a pavement design report. f. A detailed parking plan showing the arrangement, locations, dimensions, and type of~parking stalls (including any areas of the site far bicycle parking or i reserved for deferred parking) to insure compliance with this approval and the City's Parking Design Standards. g. A detailed landscape plan, including size, quantity, and type of plants existing and proposed; type and quality ofnon-living landscaping materials; any site grading proposed; and any izrigation system proposed, to insure compliance with this approval and the City's landscaping requirements. Removal of trees must receive prior approval of the Planning Department. Removal of~ any tree in City right-of--way must also receive prior approval of the City Forester. h. A detailed lighting plan showing location, size, and intensity of illumination units, showing compliance with Section 9-9-16, B.R.C. 1981. i. A sign program to insure compliance with the izitent of this approval and the requirements of Section 9-9-21, B.R.C. 1941, including, but not limited to, signage setting forth the requirement that 25 ott=street parking spaces shall be reserved for commercial uses between 5:00 a.m. an<l 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. j. A detailed shadow analysis to insure compliance with the City's solar access requirements of Chapter 9-9-17, B.:f2.C. 1981. k. Building elevations for the trash enclosure, including materials, to insure compliance with this approval and compatibility with the surrounding area. 1. Fence plans and elevations, including height, materials, and colors, to insure compliance with this approval and compatibility with the surrounding area. m. A revised preliminary plat and final plat in accordance with Chapter 9-12, "Subdivision," B.R.C. 1981 and the City of Boulder Design and Construction .Standards, including, without limitation, the location and dimensions of all existing public improvements to confirm that all curbs and sidewalks are located with iii the public right of way. 4. Prior to application for a building perniit, the Applicant shall submit a financial guarantee, in a form acceptable to the nirector of Public Works, for the initial operation of the R"I'll EcoPass program for the benefit of all residents within the development in an amount to cover progz•am operations for no less than three years after the issuance of the certificate of occupancy. I-Iowever, if the RTD EcoPass residential program is not available for the project, then this financial guarantee shall not be reyzaired. 5. If the KTD EcoPass residential program is not available for the project, the Applicant shall submit a Technical Document Review application for a revised 'Transportation Demand Management plan which provides, when practical and benef vial, a significant shift away from single-occupant vehicle use to alternate modes must be submitted, subject to the approval of the City Manager. 6. Pursuant to Section 9-2-12(a), "Three Ycar Rule," B.R.C. 1981, the following 6 phasing plan is approved: a) Phase 1 shah commence upon final approval and shall expire upon the earlier of the issuance of the first building permit or three years after final approval. Prior to 'hechnical Document Review, the Applicant shall submit a revised phasing plan (Sheet SD-4) showing two phases consistent with this condition. During Phase 1, the Applicant shall submit and obtain city approval of all '['echnical Document Review docurncnts Cor the development. b) Phase 2 shall commence upon tlae expiration of P}rase 1 and expires three years thereafter. CONDI'I'IUNS OF APPROVAL: USI?, RF,VIEW } . The Applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that the development shall be in compliance with all approved plans entitled: C3oulder Mobile Manor dated September 15, 2UO8 ~rnd written statement dated January 16,`2008, on file in the City of Boulder Planning llepar-tment, except as may be modified by this approval. 2. The Applicant shall not expand or modify the approved use, except pursuant to Subsection 9-2-15(h), B.R.C. I>9}. 3. "Phis approval is limited to professional and technical offices, personal service uses, a restaurant, and police annex, subject to the following restrictions: a. Non-residential uses shall not exceed 8,423 square feet. h. Restaurant use shall be limited to 24 interior seats and no more than 1,200 square feet_ Exterior seating shall not exceed six scats. c. Non-residential uses, other than the restaurant, shall be closed from 6:00 PM to 8:00 AM, Monday through Friday, with exception that personal service uses must close from 8:00 PM through 8:00 AM, and the restaurant use shall close by ] 1:00 PM. Restrictions do not apply to any police annex on the site. "1'he restaurant shall be closed from the hours of 1 l :0U PM to 6:00 AM. d. Twenty-five (25) off-street parking spaces shall be resez-ved for the non- residential uses between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday. 4. "I'he initial tenant of the restaurant space, and any subsequent tenants, shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Director. The puzpose of such review shall be to infornr such user of this space that it will be required to operate the restaurant in compliance with the terms of this approval. The entire board reconvened. P. Shull resumed his role as Chair. G. MATI'rRS FROM'l'HE PLANNINGU BOARD, PLANNING DIRECTOR, AND CITY ATTORNh;Y 7 - R. Mclleyser gave the board an urdate nn the Crestview East annexation project. - R. Mclleyser reviewed the Planning Board calendar. Y. Shrill discussed the revision of the letter to council. A. Sopher discussed the necessity to modify the street standards to include the possibility of one-way streets. A. Sopher discussed protocol with call-up items. ' Mution On a motion by B. llolicl:~~, seconded by P. Shull the Planning; Board granted (6-0 A. Shoemaker not votin.;) A. Shoemaker, a lonnal leave oi~ absence from the city ol~ Boulder Plar~nini; Bc~ard_until March_24, 2000. 7. Dh:BRIEi'lAGENDA CHECK S. ADJOURNMENT' The Planning Board adjourned the meeting at 1 1:08 p:m. APPROVED BY Board Chair DATE i