University of Colorado Law Review Symposium Elevate 2009 Climate Change and the New Frontiers of Urban Development 1 ra
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University of Colorado Law Review Symposium
Climate Change and the New Frontiers of Urban Development
Thursday, February 26tH
CU Real Estate Council Annual Conference, Westin Hotel, llenvcr, CO
3:OU-3: I SPM Introduction
Dennis Ahlburg, Dean, University of Colorado Leedr .School of Busutess, Boulder, CO
Nestor .Davidson, Associate Professor, lJniver:rity of Colorado School of I aw, Boulder, CO
William Shutkin, Chair in Sustainable Dcvelopn:ent; Director, /rritiative fur Sustainable
Development, heeds School of Business, university of Colorado, Boulder, CO
3:15-4:15PM Developing for Sustainability Part 1: Strategies in Real Estate, Land Use and Economic
Li acarbon-constrained world, the appeal of urbanism -from density to mass transit to green
design -will likely grow, a stark reversal frotYt the past half-century of human settlement in
the U.S. How do we ensure that what some are calling the "Century of the City" emhraces not
only climate-friendly urban development, but strategies that support affordable, equitable
cities, where social diversity can thrive and economic opportunities from green-collar to
white are plentiful? What qualities will come to define a "resilient" city in the years to come?
What innovations arc starting to make this vision of Sustainability a reality today`?
Witl Bradshaw, Co-Founder and President, Green Coast Enterprises, New Orleans, 1?1
Madeleine Fraser Cook, Director, Green Developnzertt Center, Local Initiatives Support
Corporation, b'oston, MA
Susan Powers, Principal, Urban Ventures, Denver, CO
Baye Wilson, Foutrdc:rarrd Executive Director, Lincoln Park Coas7 Cultural District,
Newark, NJ
Moderator: Chuck Petry, Co-Founder, Perry-Kose LLC, Denver. CO
4:15-4:30PM Q&A
4:30-Ci:30PM Reception -Westin Hotel
6:30-7:30PM Dinner -Westin Hole}
7:30-8:3UPM Evening Keynote
A World Mude By Harul: A Reading
Jim Kunstler, Author, A World Mcrde By Hund; The Long Ftnergency; The City irr Mind:
Notes on the Urban Condition
Brian Muller, Assistant Professor of Planning and Design, University cif Colorado College
of'Architec•ture and Planning, Denver, CO
Writer and social critic Jim Kunstlec• will read from his acclaimed new novel, A World Made
By Hund, a timely imagining of a once and future civilization loosed from its industrial
moorings and the trap of consurnerisnr. rafter the reading, CCJ planning professor Brian
Muller will offer his insights about Kunstler's unique vision of a post-oil society, with
reference to real-world strategies that attempt to move us beyond the auto- and electronics-
Friday, February 27tt,
University of Colorado Law School, Wolf I~uilding
7:45 ~':?OAM Continental Breakfast
8:30-8:4SAM Welcome and Overview of Symposium, Day 'Two
llavid Getches, Dean, University of Colorado Lurv School, Boulder, CO
Nestor Davidson, Associate Professor, University of Colorado School of Law, Boulder, CD
William Shutkin, Chair in Sustainable Developnteru; Director, lnitiative•for Sustainable
Development, Leeds School ~l~Brzs•iness, l.htiversity of Colorado, Boulder, CO
8:45-9:1 SAM Morning Keynote
"A City for All: Designing for Human Conservation"
Teddy Cruz, Associate Professor, Deparrnzeru of Visual Arts, University of
California, San Diego
Teddy G-u1. designs settlert~ents where the poor and the privileged, newcomers and natives,
are able to live side-by-each, believing that through the skillful juxtaposition of inam~res and
cultures, a more tolerant, }ust and dynamic social order can emerge. For the new Ame?-ican
city, to he shaped by the influx of new immigrants as much as by density and mixed-use,
Cruz's mash-up approach might well prove prescient.
9:1.5-9:30AM Break
9:30-10:30AM Developing I'or Sustainability II: Strategies in Real F,state, Land Use and Economic
How can cities, the sotu-ce of most greenhouse gas production in the U.S., reduce CO' by the
amount necessary to at least lower GHG to 1990 levels by 2012, the target set in the Kyoto
accord? What are some development pathways to carbon-neutral cities that simultaneously
advance social and economic goals such as affordability and job creation'? What innovations
are developers at local, regional, state and national levels taking from concept to leading the
Pat Condon, Jcrmes Taylor Chair in Landscapes and Livable Environments, University of
British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia
Melissa Knol, Director of Sustcrinahility and IlousinK Initiatives, 'F'orest City .Stapleton,
Denver, CO
Grant McCargo, President, Urban Villages, Uertver, C'O
'Trish Miller, Associate Director, Green Cvmmttnities Initiative, Enterprise Cwnnzunity
Partners, Columbia, MD
Moderator: Richard Foy, Founding Partner, Communication Arts, Boulder, C'O
10:30-I 1:00AMQ&A
11:00-1 1:1 SAMBreak
] 1:15-12:15PM Regulating for Sustainability I: Strategies in Policy and Regulation
As important as the strategies of developers, social enu'epreneurs, and other private actors are
to building sustainable cities, public policy remains a critical ]ever for change at scale. What
do these policies and regulatory sn'uctures look like and wlzere are they being successfully
applied? How can policymakers and the private sector best leverage their mutual resources,
collaborative potential and expertise to create the conditions for sustainabiiity?
Sara Bronin, A sroriate Professor, University of Connecticut .School of Law, Storrs, C"I'
Andrew Berman, Assvciute Professor of Law and Director, Center•for Real Frtate Studies,
New Yvrk Law Sclrovl, New Yvrk, NY
Armando Carbonell, Cltuir, Department ~f Planning and Urban Fv»n, Lincoln Institute of
Land Policy, Cambridge, MA
Judy Layzer, Associate Professor, Department of Urban Studies and Plaruzing, MI7;
Cambridge, MA
Moderator: Bill Becker, Director, Presidential Climate Action Project, Sdzoo! of Prehlic
Affan',r, University of Cvloradq Denver, CO
12:15-12:45PM Q&A
12:45-1:15PM Lunch
1: ] 5- I :45PM Afternoon Keynote
"F,nergy and the Urban future"
Witold Rybezynski, Martin & Margy Me)~erson Professor of UrhanLsnz, School of Design
acrd Professor, Wharton School, University of Perutsylvaniu
Author of best-sellers like home: The History of an Idea, A Clearing in the Distance:
Frederick Law Olrnsterl and America in the 19`" Century and, most recently, The Last
Harvest: From Cornfield to New 'T'own, Real F'state Development from George Washington ro
the Builders of the Twenty-First Century, and Why We Live in Houses Arryway, Witold
Ryl,rcynski is an expansive thinker, straddling the border between design and development,
history and current events, the personal and the public- Professor Rybczynski will bring his
synoptic view to the matter oC urban development: Where has it been and where is it headed
in the post-carbon age?
1:45-2:OOPM Break
2:00-3:(~PM Regulating for sustainability II: Strategies in Policy and Regulation
Regulatory structures at the local, regional and national levels can both create the conditions
for innovation and stand as a roadblock to change. In light of the potential to constrain or
facilitate sustainability, what are the best tools for policymakers to be entrepreneurial, nimble
and forward looking? How is land use and development policy evolving to reflect not only a
changing climate but a changing society?
Chris Duerkson, Marutging Director, Clarion Associates; Co-Founder, Rocky Nlvuntain Land
Use lnstiu.tte, Denver, CO
Matthew Kiefer, Director, Goulstat iii Storrs, Bvston, Mil
~~riella Rosenberg Maron, Deputy Dir-cetor, Mayor's Office o/~Lorrg Terra Planning artd
sustainability, Cirt~ cf New York, NY
Pahicia Saikin, Rawnond and Ella .Smith Di.ctrngttished Professor of Laav, Associate Dean,
Director, Govcrrurtertt L,ctrv Center, Albany School
Moderator: David Wood, Director, ht.rtilute for Responsible Investrrrcrrt, Boston College
Carroll School of Management, Chestnut Hill, MA
3:00-3:30PM Q&A
3:30-3:45PM Break
3:45-4:45PM Concluding Roundtabie: Elevating i'or Urban sustainability "I'he Nexl Frontier
This concluding roundtable brings together innovative thinkers and practitioners to reflect on
lessons learned from the Symposium and how to evolve strategies for urban development that
place sustainability at the heart of markets, rules and planning.
Scott Bernstein, Foturder arrd President, Canter for Neigltborltood Technology, Chicago, IL
Marilyn Hamilton, Atrrltor, Integral City: Evolutionary Intelligences for the Human Hive
Stephen Kellen, Parnter, I:nvir•orunerual Capital Partners; Tweech~ Orchvay Professvr of
Social Ecology, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, New
Haven, CT
Michelle Wyman, Executive Director, ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability,
Oaklcnrd, CA
Moderator: John Cleveland, Co-Foturder and Vice President, Innovation Nettia~ork fbr
(.'vmnnutities, Tatrtworth, NII
4:45-S:15PNi Q&A
S: 15-5:30}'M Closing Re?narlcs
Williartt Shutkin, Chair in Suslninahle Development; I)1rc~c•wr, Initiative for Sustctinuble
Development, Leeds School ol~Business, thtivercity gf•Colorado, Boulder, CO
5:30-7:OOPM Reception