4 - Call Up: 1047 Pearl St. Use Review Amendment (LUR2008-00004) to amend LUR2008-00099 MI~,MOIZANDt1N( Call-Up Item TO: Planning Board F~oM: Jessica Vaughn, Planner I Dn1~E: l~ebruary 5, 2009 SUt;.t>i:c°r: Call Up Item: 1047 Yearl Street Usc Review Amendment Usc Review Amendment (Application # LUR2009-00004): Rcyuest to amend previous Usc Review (Application # I_,UR2008-00099). This Use Review Amendment amends the closing tune on Monday through Thursday from 1 U p.m. to 1 1 p.m. and the allowed seating from 113 scats (73 interior seats and 40 patio seats) to 153 seats (1 13 interior seats and 4U patio seats). This approval is subject to call-up on or before February 2(l, 2009. Attached is the disposition of approval for a Usc Review Amendment (#I,UR2009- 00004) amending the existing use review approval (#LUR2008-00099) for the restaurant use at 1047 Pearl Street; specifically to amend the closing time Monday through Thursday from 10 p.m. to 1 I p.m., and the allowed seating from 1 13 seats ("13 interior scats and 40 patio seats) to 153 scats (l 13 interior scats and 40 patio seats). H;xistin~ Conditions: The existing Ilse Review (#LUR2008-00099) was approved on veccmber ] 2, 2008, to allow fora 3,799 square foot restaurant with a total of 1 13 seats (73 inside seats and 40 outside patio seats), and with the following hours of operation: 10 a.m. to l0 p.m. Monday through 'T'hursday; 8 a.m. tc~ 12 a.m. on Friday and Saturday; and 8 a.m. to I 0 p.m. on Sunday. The property is within the n'I'-2 (Downtown 2) cone district, which is dclined as: ..a transition area between the downtown and the .~•urrounding residential areas where a wide range of retail, ~~/Jice, residential and public rises are permitted. A balance of new development wish the muintenancc~ and renovation of existing buildings is anticipated, and where development and redevelopment is consistent with the established Irl.SIO!"rC and urban design character is encouraged (Section S-2(~)(-3)(~))~ Adjacent to the property are the IZMX-1 (Itesidcnlial Mixed-1), C)"I -4 (Towntown-4), and D"I'-5 (Downtown-5) zone districts to the north, cast and south respectively and additional D"f-2 (Downtown-?-) zoning adjacent to the west. The surrounding restaurant uses to the west include Juanita's, The Kitchen, 7, and Tahoma; Mapleton 'Terrace Condos (multi-family) to the north; Prairie Mountain Publishing, I.LP (offices) to the south; and retail and restaurants (Old Chicago and Billabong) to the east. "The hours of operation of~the establistunents immediately adjacent to 1047 Pearl range frorn 8 a.m. to 2 a.nr., depending on the day of the week. Proposal: The proposed Use Review Amendment extends the closing time on Monday through "Thursday from 10 p.rn. to I I p.m., and increases the allowed seating from 1 13 scats (73 interior seats and 40 patio seats) to 153 seats (1 13 interior seats and 40 patio scats). Public Comment and Process: Upon receipt of the Use Review Amendment application, staff mailed notices to all property owners within (i00 feet of the subject property. On January 18, 2009 additional notices were sent to all property owners within 600 feet of the subject property for the neighborhood rnccting. On January 28, 2009, the applicant held a neighborhood meeting to solicit feedback and input from the neighboring residents regarding the proposed changes to the permitted restaurant use and amended management plan. There was only one person in attendance at the meeting. No additional communications were received from the residents of the surrounding neighborhood. (.'onclusion: staff finds that the proposed Use Review Amendment meets the relevant criteria pursuant to 9-2-1 S, "Use Review," L;.R.C. 1981. "phis proposal was approved by Planning and Development Services staff on January 31, ?_009 grid the decision may be called up before Planning Board on or before February 20, 2009. There is one Planning Board meeting within the; l4-day call up period, February 19, 2009. Questions about the project or decision should be directed to Jessica Vaughn at (303) X41-4161 or vauf;hnj~~houldercolorado.I;ov. CITY OF BOULDER ,~~~~~r Planning and Development Services 1739 Broadway, Third Floor P.U. Box 791, boulder, CO 80306-0191 phone 303-441-1880 fax 303.441-3241 web boulderplandevelop.net CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF DISPOSITION You are hereby advised that Uie following action was taken by the Planning Department based on the standards and criteria of the I-and Use Regulations as set forth in Chapter 9-2, B.R.C. 1981, as applied to the proposed devc;lopment. DECISION. APPROVED with conditions PROJECT NAME: 1047 Pearl Street Use Review Amendment DESCRIPTION: USE REVIEW AMENDMENT: Request to amend the previous use review approval (LUR2008-00099) for 113 seats (73 inside and 40 outside) to 153 seats (113 inside and 40 outside); and the hours of operation from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Thursday to 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. Monday through Thursday. This request extends the hours of operation on Monday through Thursday only for one additional hour and corrects a clerical error in the proposed number of seats. LOCATION: 1047 PEARL STREET COOR: N03W06 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 12, Block 97, Subdivision BOULDER O T EAST 8~ WEST 8• NORTH City of Boulder, County of Boulder, Colorado APPLICANT: Peter Carey OWNER 1047 PEARL LLC APPLICATION. Use Review Amendment, LUR2009-00004 ZONING: DT-2 (Downtown 2) CASE MANAGER: Jessica Vaughn VESTED PROPERTY RIGI-Il NO; the owner has waived the opportunity to create such right under Section 9-2-19, B.R.C. 1981. FOR CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, SEE THE FOLLOWING PAGES OF THIS DISPOSITION. Approved On: D .te ~ By: ~ Ruth Mc,Heys 'r, Executive Director of Community Planning This decision may be appealed to the Planning E3oard by filing an appeal letter with the Planning Department within two weeks of the decision date. If no such appeal is filed, the decision shall be deerned final fourteen days after Ihc: date above mentioned. Appeal to Planning Board expires: February ZO.7.009 IN ORDER FOR A BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TO BE PROCESSED FOR THIS PROJECT, A SIGNED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AND SIGNED PLANS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT WITH DISPOSITION CONDITIONS AS APPROVED ATTACHED, IF THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT IS NOT SIGNED WITHIN NINETY (90) DAYS OF TI-IC FINAL Address: 1047 PEARL STREET DECISION DATE, THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL AUTOMATICALLY EXPIRES. Pursuant to Section 9-2-12 of the Land Use Regulations {Boulder Revised Code, 1981), the applicant must begin and substantially complete the approved development within three years from the date of final approval. Failure to "substantially complete" {as defined in Section 9-2-12) the development within three years shall cause this development approval to expire. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The Applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that the development shall be in compliance with all approved plans dated November 24, 2008 and the management plan dated January 8, 2009 on file in the City of Boulder Planning Department. Further, the Applicant shall ensure that the restaurant is operated in compliance with the following restrictions: a. The restaurant shall be closed during the following hours: 11 p.m. through 10 a.m. Monday through Thursday . 12 a.m. through 8:00 a.m. Friday and Saturday; and 10 p.m. through 8 a.m. on Sunday. b. Restaurant use shall be limited to 153 seats and no more than 3,799 square feet. Exterior seating shall not exceed 40 seats. 2. The Applicant shall not expand or modify the approved use, except pursuant to Subsection 9-4- 9(g), B.R.C. 1981. 3. The outdoor seating area, as shown on the approved plans, that projects into the public right-of-way must be approved as a revocable right-of-way lease puruuant to 8-6-G, B.R.C 1981. T-liis use review approval shall not be construed as an approval of such encroacl~rnent. Address: 1047 PEARL STREET . 1047 Pearl Street PRIAlARYCDNTACI IUWII yGSNIIC.I/Uf pUllJlI1R7 D1llICJI IfJ(.AL DFSCRIPIiDN FOB 1617 PFJ1RL C.1FE7DLVi67lSTt07R)SFlC fAS1E GBFATAC CARE9Dt4GX3TDDX)SII,C fFBpPAR}}Qyq®y/p ~A~OP LOf 1; BGOC[BI~OBIGUULSDWN OP N39XB8(11DIYAT 710 FF;AAlQWSTRE3~7 N39XBAOADpA( 1301 GFNTONALYD ' ~ USE REVIEW ~ SO1fSD ~ '°t40i Si~D smFE,oa MIOIOf$GOUMY OF'R0U131~b1A1E OFCOF4RAD0 COLORA00 BJ.mI BomnF3z CO/OBAD031U01 PX 30189.0777 cnPnRADD IQi6! x,100 PARGELB: CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO ~ ~'.;;sB 417MAG7!BRAD/OROfffi1P F~AL~Ni1~SS6 B~OOIDFRBI7FIE(A'ROFD~OIDF$COOUN11'OEOBO DF$ ~ mwwean . ~~,yl,p,~,~ swEOrcosoaADO,ACOO~u+cron~BECOPDmeur ' COMAC7`. PETER CARLY CON7AC7`1+67F8CARE7 fF®F%lF. DFSCmBFLAS FOU.OWE +'Fn*arr[wnwwt ' PROjDC[UESCBIDDON: C0111~GAfafEFFW ~OF SIIm f.0T 1$81,(X.'[ BFIISE OFEI6TIIiC RFS'fA08AM 1N AN }1fl14X' BDDDINC 87.016QNAL10W11 OF[gQFDF$'RlF?ICE AIANCTHE NOIIIN lJltE OPS7VD IATA DISTANCE OP33 F'EETtiI if1E SUFOEAB! OF WOBl PO~DIf OFBDI$>dIDir,, l1~ICE 6LWDIAFm PARAN37.1'0111E _ WFSTLDFE OFSU1m lA1fADlbTANCE OF 10 FEET, fi@ICE F71.S74FG 1BAW 1}.VF3.RFSTAURANT 3646ff ~ l;` FASTAFR1P71RAllFE1'OTIas NORDIIJF¢OFSAID LOTA CONY9l7P.m7WG M>0a47ff STORAGE SO SFA147G Yy, D6T14HCE OF3FE~11; 1Fi}7X~IVO811IAND PAHAI!}I,T07HE 1040&' F'O8 A7ITTAL HEbTAURAHT OF3,B88 ff A W6TF1F?E OFSAm F.Ol'AD67ANf.'E OF f0 FE£1; 71D771CE PBOVB)E IOeFI S[A~S AS SROWN. PROVmEFffSP t~ ~-r"" WFSTALONG fF1EN0ID81dFE OF Sl1R1 LOTAD6TANCE OF3 RF37400FS5 AS SROWN. PROVmE NEW OiRD006 1. }YET' TO fNE POINT OP BEGRIIiING. SFAfflIGJS SHOWN. ~ y ~ ~I Fj .a !~QkE'AESTORFC FND(YAND FACADE AS SNOWN CODE SPIDIAHY: t - : Jr~l :r.~ i t rl I~nll ~q: INI}JOIA'110NAL 800DING CODE. (U~7AOS IDTIFON OCCOPAtlCT; A18FET'AUAANF C~~`;~ 0~ ~ ~ tpil 52( ~ ~ coisixucnonlfPC:rrPEVe dices F315RNG NA.SONIR SID]t, WDlI WUOD R7~tIilOR , l A i t 1 P NON SE9ABATm USES ,NE.; SSE DR~~ ~1I~SF1fETINDEX ~1~ Sr~RF°'D ~ ••S:" 1(.vYjN S7QZTANDSrtEPUN ,o,v;-. , ay.;G- ,:1;" ~t:. C U1lm OSE BE ~ y ~ ~ ~:t. ~1 PROPOSFDFIGORI'lANS I i 1, I. ' ^ " 1 7 A{{?~J SDV11TL1LVAP10M 1 LAND L~SUMMARY: A7~3FASTF]LS'A11UN5 PARCEE U633032100i ~.+tsi4 ~ V~IJVIrYIrt'~ PARCfSNIFA 3,800 SF RR. CIACS RFSI'AUF;ANiS BUdf 1888 v.~-r, SQOARE FOOTAGE. SUMMARY: i~e.y ^ i ~ LOWFOFIEYEI, 1,03950UARE t1ET -y~ c"'yi>~ MART IF.YYFE 2,701 SOUA10: FELT OC g O / - U?PkB LEVf3, jlRC1._ 2,331 SQUAREf]Ef r U TOTAL B,13350UABE F7Tf .C Q PAno soUARE!'OOTACE bVMMARY: ~p ` i ~ ~ ~ I~SIAFEf_ '{IO S(~UAREfF£T O ~ TOTAL 103501IAREF}ET ~ PIANNIN6 & DEVEIOPMEr;1 - - - w o SERVICES w x a~PRti~~~EO 1, ~ ~ o FINAL LAND USE D~~V~'G~G I ~ 1oa~R ARE N ° ~ _ ~ w a 12 ! ~ w AND USE R VIE',', : ~ ~ R . ~ w ~ _ - - U a~ w y , ~ a_~1~~,_,~ ~ u ~ ~ ~,1 ~ ~ ALLEY ~ ~ r~ ~~n I o I I I _ ~ a •"~h._. ~ `J'am ~ ~J~/ - - - _ O 1047 PEARL ~ ~ ~ 11 STREET - [I ~u_~7.~~~]lr.:Il.__,l~Qlf~: ~ i _ REVISION DATE ~ f>~ e ~ USE REVIEW 10.15.08_ L, - - - -l_ _ "f REVISED 11.24_08 u ~ ~ r ~ ~ c 1. X04-1 p~5r~r _ ~ ~ ~ NTH STREET u sp Ao au 2 s~rMpRpvF~~urgA,y ~/~//-~}~~\~\F COVERSHEET lF= fP ~ I - A0.1 J RFSTAURANf COMPARISON T016iAVEkN %IOPOSIDNEW C1WiGE wamw n9umwt ~arNwrt Id! ~caazmn ns~n roan naus urmoQ<amr, san uvte sws tmu vxon Inwrs mxus nzus rm mwsw wr~oKr taaauN.~mt nreyr w.~oaw~u IIOnN1WNnlt~11 MwroNN YNIroNN 19d ~;anning and Nmisxmtawua NwrouN ~aronN pW;N1W r . OOIi nMrou1N I~Vrro NN 1U;tbM M1fi86f10UJ1'f$ I ~~,J~J1NG ~ - l ~ ~ _ I I _ J srui lI ~ =CDT=- - '="'T - ~ B~~ I _ - - ~ y ~ ~0 _ a sFwn stNR s _ T I I rl 1 ~ . .111 ~ PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ~ ~ ~,l ~ ~ l SERVICES _ _ RPPROVED - LOWER LEVEL INAI LAND USE DRAWL"'" z SEATING PLAN } W LAND US REVI W P11AN~~ ~ W x o • ~a a o ~ , r~ oa w _ _ _z~: _ - ~ ~ ~ yl I eranmM T i ~i i _ ~,ti~ ~ ~ "`YYI 'l~ II STARS ~r~ i - I- `~rv-~!•~ ~ IC ~ ~ O ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . I _ I ~ .I~ ~ I I~ I I t ° SVSt 1 , ~ i It ~ ~ i .~I ~ . ~ F -.I- I ~ crx-,~ir, ~ ~ W ~ I li I I / I' nl i ~li WM ~ ~ I ~ ~ I r~ I I~. ? 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K'~+~ v s~15 A2.1 U4'= I'-0' la[nrttiaasurs I I tI'~ fr ( IO YAi5 TOfN. /nOE 1 I__ I i L I I J7 1 I 1 I I~_ I_ ~ nurt~ecnrax asuramoe . ~ ~ e»w.nTOrK RGMEDfR • R2.1 Boulder - Department of Psanning and C1ty of pevelopment Service FINAL LAND USE DRAW~N~ ~ ~ ~ „ ~ x C. OF E~~( ~i'~~ ~ y' PLANNING 8~ DE'rELOP~YiENT F,. a SERVICES _ ~ APPR(IVED ANAL EAN4 USE DRA4yING E21 ~ ~ N~ ~:~~wx~ U USE RE.V E1N ~ ~,hiAGER DRTE ~ u, 0 r= M O 0 1 EXISTING SOUTH ELEVATION PI-IOTO W A4.2 ua•= r~o• N a O - ~ ~ O U - - _ ~ ~ a W i ~ ~r i rfr iif }ila~u ~~Ti4 i ir`~ i ir.; cri c ~`.~.1~ i - i i ~ ~ ~r~5'~i i c ~ r'i ' ~ i r .i ,'-5 0 y _ r.., ~ ~ ~ ~r riY~~i i GTI ,fir A ~1 - ~ _ ~ ~ i r i~~ f~ ~ 1~' W Ili- ~ ~ ~ I I I ii _ I ~~ru ~ ~I i _ it ~ s _ _ - - _ y - _ ~ e ~ ~ , ~ des ~ z,;~ ~'~I ~ sl ~ ~ ` ' REVISION DATE-_ ~~-T~ i r _ f I ~ ~ - r''_-'_'1 USE REVIEW 10.15.08 _ _ _ I REVISED 1124.08 ~t-- = ~ I - - _ _ _ _ $flUTH - _ ElEVAT1QNS 2 PROPOSED SOUTH ELEVATION 3 ENTRY ELEVATION A4.2 V4"= r~o• ~ A42 u4'= r-0' A4,2 2,~~ S 4i: f C s y ~ ~ a ~r~, - W~ O Wx _ i EXISTING EAST I;LI;VA'I'ION-PHOTO ~ ~ o A4.3 un•= I:~. _ r> ~ gar o~c ~ ~ a~~ ~ ~ _ o~~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I ~ ~ ?-a szr'-'r=Y'kr~ U' rr ...Yr' i i z r i c r ~r-- ~ f z rrt -~r 4~ r 'it 'n~ ` r rri r r a .r>?~i irri S i i 1 a f ~r t ~ r r r i r t' .,r_ r _ i Yr ~ ~ rid 'r r ti r rtr rt iir-rai~ r -.r ' [r. i r r rx rc. rii `7{ 1 fr r ~ i .r r i [ 1ri.. i ~ r t i i~ r 1r r~ i r it r rrir r i rr r`~ r r tr: ~ f i r ti ~ r i; r ~~^III ~ rr n 1~ ~ ~ r r X r ti.. 5 r ~ i , 5 ~ _ hi ~ ~ t 1 r +~i r- r F~t r ~-4r? r 3.r,- r r ~ y~ i - i i i rt t i I. 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F I ~ I r r r rr 2 i : ~ - ~ r f ~ i~ ~ I, t ~ ~ ~ ~ PlA ING -V~~-0Wd€ ~ r ~r: ~ _ , r. t . ~ ~ r rr ri. i ~rt~J r r~ ~ t i ~ ~ ~ ~ - r ? rr 1 , , ~`r ,;'.rr ~ ~ , ii ~ 1 ~ r' i r~~r-rc f rc `S rr 4-r _f r ri 4 r' i J ~ ~ ~ . _ ?~r.r SE - - r'i, r 2~.[ z ~ i' r i- ii- ~ .z'. 7 ~.,1 ~r Y r ~ rr~r` r ?r rL -Zr r .'r` z Y c t r Y t r i-- - P Q - ~ r, i ~ ~ rl.- 'ri t t r r i r i ~-ri It r r r i ~ at ~r ~,ri r~-~-4i 4r-r~r-s-rt-`r rJ 4 ~ - i...c-~~~ ~I 11 ~:1 ~rJ i~i~ .t_' r r r:.. r ~i ~ ~ 4r`'r.: Y rt _r. = r rr r ty r--rY.,.z r, J r 2.X~~ - - i 1 t~-~--r--` Y_, r _ v ~ t _ t ~ r.i `-i .rte r, ` ~,~ST~I~+ .:t`zt4 J`i-r c rv~ ~ i r ii ~Y ri y-,ti _ z. ,._!r-~.-?=-',z t ~I IIIU - - ~ AN 2 PROPOSED rAST ELEVA IO 7~r// ,,~9, LAND USE RE N ~ r DAZE 1047 Pearl Proposed Management Plan RE: 1041 Pearl LUR2008-00099 Use Review 01.08.09 Hours of Operation: Monday thru Thursday 10 am to 11 pm Friday and Saturday 8 am to 12 am Sunday 8 am to 10 pm Restaurant Size: 3799 square feet including dining room, kitchen, and storage 113 Seats inside 40 seats outside Restaurant Characteristics: Affordable yet elegant food with a focus on locally grown products. The design is for an open kitchen to evoke a local neighborhood gathering place. There will be a private dining area in the existing basement for small groups and a small baron ttie main floor with the emphasis on dining, good food and the local community. the exterior of the building will be restored to the original 1898 facade but the original use of the building as an undertaker will be left to history. Number of Employees: Full time: approximately 20 Part time: approximately 20 Parking: As part of the downtown parking district we have no direct parking requirements, however, we will still do everything we can to be a good neighbor, we would like to ;support our patrons in walking or riding their bikes to see us, and will make every effort to encourage those who visit us from further away to park at the local garages and to take the Hop and Skip bus. These will be highlighted on our wets site and will be included in the information we share with our patrons when they wsit us. Our employees will also have eco-passes so that they can ride the bus to work and not add to the parking on Pearl Street. ~.''r - Dep~ rtmcr.t of Planning and Trash and Recycling: Trash pickup every day Cr;wr,;npment Services Bottles will be emptied before 10 pm r-; ~~yL ~,~y~D USE DRAVVIf~IG Deliveries: No deliveries after 4:30 pm E h _ r~ 9 7 No deliveries before 7:00 am All deliveries to occur at side loading zone or in alley Noise: Bottles will be emptied before 10 pm _ Outdoor seating to be concentrated near Pearl Street ~ All RTU's, MUA's and exhaust fans wll be roof mounted ~ C) . There will be no outdoor speakers or outdoor music provide. \ /i \ PLaNIVIWC & UEVEIOPnIEfr'T See attached leher from owner below. SEfYiCES ~ p~NruvEu i Iwa~ ~aivU USE Ui~aV~`ING ~ ` 3 ~ 1~3 ~nrdu usf I1E Itti~ ~I;~:aGEIZ UaTE I nt::' To Whom it May Concern: My name is Bradford Heap and I am writing in regard to the renovation that we are currently proposing for 1047 Pearl Street. This location is at the corner of 11m and Pearl and has been the home to Tom's Tavern for the past 48 years. As a native of Boulder it is exciting to be paR of that history and it is my intention to continue in the same spirit of -tom's business. We are proposing a neighborhood restaurant that is friendly, open and affordable. f have owned and operated several restaurants in Boulder (or the past 15 years; these establishments have focused on locally grown product and respecting community and neighborhoods. As the former owner of The Chautauqua Qining Hall, we worked with neighbors and park visitors to maintain the quality of their experience and homes. At Full Moon Grill our focus was on consistently providing excellent food. My current restaurant in Niwo1, Colterra, places its' emphasis of our own gardens and outdoor patio that contribute to the charm and character of historic Niwot. It is with this background that we come to Peart Street, anxious to be a good neighbor and add to the character of the west end of Pearl. In order to bring Tom's up to today's standards by adding 2 handicapped accessible bathrooms and a kitchen that can prepare a variety of dishes, (Tom's kitchen had a fryer, microwave and flat grill) we are moving the kitchen and bathrooms into the small retail space on the north side of the building. We are also utilizing the basement to add private dining space, this will add 50 seats to the existing restaurant. Our emphasis will be on the neighborhood and being a gathering place, we would like to support our patrons in walking or riding their bikes to see us, (we will install a bike rack) and will make every effort to encourage those who visit us from further away to park at the local garages and to take the Nop and Skip bus. These wilt be highlighted on our web site and will be included in the information we share tivith our patrons when tf~ey visit us. As our emphasis is on food rather than liquor our hours will reflect that and we,will close at midnight. I lowever we will recycle bottles before 10 p.m. in consideration of the neighborhood. Our employees will have eco-passes so that they can ride the bus to work and not add to the parking on Pearl Street. We are excited and anxious to bring renewed life to this beautiful building, we uncovered an amazing tin ceiling that has tong been hidden, and to honor the long line of gathering places that have been a part of its history. Thank you for your concerns and questions, they mirror ours, and it is nice to be a part of a village that cares about sustainabiliry, community and conscious commerce. ~ We are walking forward with intentional mind set and looking forward to being a new page in the historic record of Boulder. Sincerely, Bradford Heap and Team and r B L ~y~ a~~`e~, of Q\a~ . OeP t Se`v~~'es 1NG ~ ~ ~\d - RP` '1~ PLANi~'iN~~ N Dt'~~ r•. o\ 80 dove\oP vs~ 0 ~ i~ IUF~~Y~(Nl -,3di~ l~l~lU U5E :;;tAv1'ING t ~n i:;i. R~`d;. ~~-;~R DATE . to z