2 - Draft Minutes - Planning Board - October 16, 2008 CI~'Y OF BOULDER
Octohcr 16, 2008
1777 Broadway, Council Chambers
A permanent set of these minutes and a tape recording (maintained f<~r a period of seven years)
are retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043). Minutes and streaming audio are also
available on the web at: http://www.houldcrcolorado.gov/
KC Becker
Bill ilolicky
Llisc Jones
Andrew Shoemaker
Adrian Sopher
Phil Shull, Chair
Willa Johnson
Charles Ferro, Planner II
llavid Ge1u-, Assistant City Attorney
Susan Honse, Administrative Specialist 11
Robert Ray, Land Use Review Manager
Jessica Vaughn, Planner I
Paula Weber, Administrative Specialist 111
Chair, A. Shoemaker, declared a quorum at 6:08 p.ln. and the following business was
On a motion by E. Jones, seconded by A. Sopher. the Planning Board aptn-oved (5 -0. P. Shull
and W. ,Johnson absent) the August 21, 2UO~s Planning Board minutes as amended.
On a motion by E. Jones ,seconded by A. Sopher, the Plallnlll~; 130ard apprOVC(I (5- P. Shull
and W. Johnson absent) the September 4, 2008 Planning 13oard minutes as amended.
There was no public participation.
Walgreens Drug Store, located at 2870 28'h Street, near the southeast intersection of 28'h
Street and Valmont Road.
No action was taken by Planning Board.
A. Public hearing and consideration of Use Review #LUR2008-00071 to allow
Abo's Pizza to operate a 65 seat, 3,010 square foot restaurant from 11 a.m. to
2:30 a.m. daily at 1124 13t~' Street. No outdoor seating has been requested.
Applicant: Bar Mar, LL.C
Owner: Gary Cook
Appellant: University Hill Ncighbor•hood Association /William Marine
Staff Presentation
C. Ferro presented the item to the board.
Applicant/Owner Presentation
Richard Lopez, 4450 Arapahoe Ave. Suite 100 presented the item to the board.
Barb I tunting, owner of Abo's Pizza, presented the item to the board.
A. Shoemaker asked R. Lopez to respond to the options presented to the Planning Board: 1) to
approve the staff recommendation, 2) to deny the staff recommendation ar 3) to change the time
that the restaurant would close.
R. Lopez said that the first two options are valid, but said the third option would be open to
appeal .
Public hearing
Seth Brigham, l 580 7`~' Street, Apt., spoke in support of Abo's Pizza liquor license.
Kevin Hataling, 1099 Marine Street, #9, spoke in support of the staff recommendation.
.lane Bliss Stoyva, 1004 Lincoln Pl. spoke in opposition of the staff recommendation.
Prieilla Corielle, 970 1 1 `h Street, Boulder spoke ira opposition of the staff recommendation.
Mark Galband, 507 College Ave., spoke in support of the staff recommendation.
Kurt Fuhrrnan, 1 111 Cascade, spoke in opposition of the staff recommendation.
Crary R. Cook, P.O. I3ox 9392, Denver, CO spoke in support of the staff recommendation.
.Jay f~:pstein, 1149 13 Street, spoke in support of the slat#~recotnmendation.
Carmen Epsten, 2820 Miff Street, spoke in support of the staff recommendation.
Bill Shrum, 1 OSS 8`h.Street, spoke in support of the staff recommendation.
Andy Schneidkraut, 370 S. 42"`~ Street spoke in support of the staff recommendation.
.Terse Andrew Kornblum, 1205 College Ave. spoke in support of the staff recommendation.
Michael Anderegg, 2635 Mapleton Ave. 62 spoke in support of the staff recommendation.
Mike Clear, 255 Dahlia Drive, spoke in suppol•t of the staff recommendation.
Eric .Heiser, 679 S. Recd Court, spoke in support of the staff recommendation.
Karen Sperry, 1916 Spruce Street, spoke in support of the staff recommendation.
Board lliscussion
E. Jones said the question was whether or not the proposal meets the rationale of reducing and
minimizing adverse affects. She said the task is to minimize the impacts; provide far economic
prosperity on the Hill and provide services to people on the Bill. She said the board can not solve
the problem of alcohol consumption and crime on the Hill on the back of a use review far Abo's
Pizza. She further stated if there is going to be this type of use, it should beat this location.
A. Shoemaker agreed that the Planning~Boards hands are tied. He said the question is about hard
liquor, not beer and pizza. He stated it would be different if the board had the ability to have
Abo's sewe pizra until 2:30 a.m. and cut off liquor service at an earlier time.. Ile added that he
was not bothered by the music issue.
B. Holicky asked i f the property is sold would it require a new use review.
C. Ferro said if the property is sold, there is a secondary review process subject to review and
approval of the Planning Director. If the business changes hands or the property is sold, he said
there is some discretion as to whether or not tlae city takes it back through use review.
B. Holicky asked if subsequent users would they be bound to the original Management Plan.
C. Ferro replied, yes.
K. Recker said this is a complex issue with a lot of balancing. She believed the impacts would
have a negative impact on the neighborhood.
B. Holicky said this location is a good location for this type of use. He stated that the only basis
to deny the. proposal is in considering how the project impacts the surrounding neighborhood. I-Ic
added that there are businesses in this area that are allowed to stay open until ?_:30 a.m. He said
the answer to alcohol problems is education and not supply.
A. Sopher was not concerned about Abo's as an operator. He said the uncertainty is about the
cumulative allect of late night establishments in this neighborhood. 1Ie said the nature of a use
review is intended to address the impacts of establishments on neighborhoods.
B. Ilolicky asked because the board was leaning toward a split decision, if there was an option of
continuing the hearing when the other two board members could be present.
D. Gehr said that it is possible to continue this hearing to a later date to have the vote of the
absent members.
R. Lopez requested that the continuation of the hearing be scheduled as soon as possible.
C)n a motion by B. I-loliclcy, seconded by L. Jones, (~-0, P. Shull and ~V. Johnson absent) the
Planning Board recommended to continue. the approval of the Use Review #LUR2008-00071 to
allow Abo's Pizza to operate a GS seat, 3,010 square floor restaurant ti-orn 1 1 a.m. l0 2:30 a.m.
daily at l 124 13°i Street. (No outdoor seating has been requested) to the October 29 2008
Planning Board meeting.
13. Public hearing; and consideration of Technical Document Review application #
TEC2008-00017, Jenny Park II Subdivision Final Plat for the subdivision of one lot
into two lots: 7,390 sf Lot 1 and 16,226 sf Lot 2. The proposed lot configuration is a
flag lot configuration. The site is located at 1520 Kaimia Avenue and is within the
RL-1 (Residential Low-1) zone district.
Applicant: Chad Fletemeyer
Owner: Bruce Douglass
Appellant: Kobin Byers, 1530 Kaimia Avenue
Staff Presentation
Jessica Vaughn presented the item to the board.
Appellant Presentation
Robin Byers, 1530 Kaimia Ave., presented her case to the board.
Applicant/Owner Presentation
Chad-Fletemeyer, presented the item to the board.
Public Hearing
Jessie Friedman, 1500 Kalmia Avenue, Boulder, spoke in opposition of the staff
Bob Feiwig, 1530 Kalmia Avenue, Boulder, spoke in opposition of the staff recozrzmendation.
Jim Fletemeyer, 1540 Cress Court, Boulder, spvke in support of the staff recommendation.
Board Discussion
K. Ilolicky suggested adding a condition that the southern 36 feet of the lot be reserved for
possible future right of way. He said this will allow the tlu•ee or four lots to the west of this lot to
potentially develop Jeanine Place in the future.
D. Gehr said the requirement would need to apply to tl~ze subdivision standards.
B. llolicky said since there is no lot with a double frontage standard it might not be a good idea.
K. Becker did not want to create a Ilag lot or allow for fuhzre flag lots down the road. She stated
that this one gnulge lot leads to bad planning and is unfortunate for the residents of this
B. Holicky said there are no grounds to deny this application. 1Ie added that future property
owners could get access to Outlot B. If that occurs, he suggested that the applicant keep in mind
that when the house is sited that there could be some financial opportunity due to the easement
over the back 36 feet.
A. Sopher asked if that would be viable because of the flag lot with frontage.
D. Gehr said it might not be viable, but it could allow for negotiations between the applicant and
the property owner.
A. Sopher said it could make the situation worse because the applicant could then design the
subdivision and structure to face the street.
K. Becker added that it gives the applicant the opportunity to try for eminent domain.
A. Shoemaker said if the applicant moves ahead with the flag lot configuration then City
Council will not condemn.
P. Gehr said if City Council autlzor-ires condemnation, then staff would have to work with the
applicant to see if it were a viable optivn.
E..Jones asked if the applicant is willing to pursue this option.
R. Holieky said that once that parcel has access in a different ma~mez•, the owner of Outlot B
might be willing to explore options.
Mr. Fletemeyer said the goal is to work within the bounds of what is available. He said if the
city goes forward with eminent domain, it would give them the opportunity to work with the
Outlol B landowner with a little bit of leverage. He welcomed the opportunity to explore
workizag with the city through eminent domain.
A. Sopher said if a future street should go through, that would be a public street. He asked about
the siting of the house, specifically how to pz-ovide for the possibility o1~a future street and
whether the strip should be purchased.
D. Gehr replied, if that does happen, the applicant would have to come back to re-subdivide the
praperty to make it work.
On a motion by K. 6eckei•, seconded by E. Jones, the Planning Board approved (5-0, P. Shull
and W. Johnson absent) "I~HC2005-00017, .lenl)y Park 11 Sub(livision final Plat (car the:
subdivision of one lot into two lots: 7 3c)0 sf Lot 1 and 1 C 226 sf I~ot 2 locatc(l at 1520 Kalmia
Avenue, adopting the staff memorandum dated October 16, 200 as tin(linzs of fact.
Un a motion by K. Becher, seconded by L. Jones the Planning_Board recommended (5-0 P.
Shull an(I W. Johnson absent) that C'Ity COL1nCII (lli"ect Statl~t0 Study the Opll(tll O(,ellllnellt
domain of out-lot B with the pul-1)ose ot~ exten(ling ,lennine Place in order to prevent future IIaQ-
lot subdivisions in line with the North Boulder Sub-communityplan.
R. Ray discussed the joint Planning Board and City Council bus tour.
The Planning Board recommended that City Council cancel the tour in order to have a longer
'The Planning Board adjourned the meeting at 10:16 p.m.
Board Chair