2 - Draft Minutes - Planning Board - November 6, 2008 CITY OI' BOULllER 1'i_,ANNING BOARD ACT[UN MINUTES November G, 2008 1777 Broadway, Council C'hambcrs A pennancnt set of these minutes and a tape recording (maintained for a period of seven years) are retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043). Minutes and streaming audio are also available on the web at: http://www.houldercolorado.~ov/ PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS PRESF,N'1': KC Becker Bill llolicky Elise Jones Wllla JO}717ti011 Phil Shull, Chair Adrian Sopher PLANNING BUARD MI?MBERS ABSENT: Andrew Shoemaker STAFF PRESENT: David (_~chr, Assistant City Attorney Karl Guiler, A[CP Manner II Katie Knapp, Civil Engineer I1 Ruth McHcyser, Executive Director of Community Planning Robert Ray, Land Use Review Manager Paula Weber, Administrative Specialist 111 Miry /1nn ~'~~eideman, Aclmillititrative Service Manager 1. (':11,1,'1'0 ORU1!:R ('hair, Y. Shutt, declared a quorum at 6:05 p.m. and the f~llluwing business was conducted. 2. APPRUVAI, Oh MINUTES No minutes were scheduled for approval. 3. PtJBLIC PAR'I'[Cil'A'1'lON N~, unc (i~oln the public addressed tl7c board. 4. UISCUtiSION 0H' DISY0ti1"1'IUNS, PLA~1NIi\G BOARD CALL,-t!I'S (='all-up items: Broadway Reconstruction Floodplain Dcvelcaptnent Permit (Lt%LZ200R- 00090). Item was nc~t called up by lhc. Planning Board. 1 ACTION I'T'EMS A. Consideration of a Planning Board recommendation to City Council of an ordinance amending Sections t 0-3-10 and I 0-3-I 1, B.R.C. 1981, to eliminate the need fur new rental license inspections when a change occurs from the ownership of rental housing units by one or more individuals to ownership by a Limited liability company under specified conditions and setting forth related details. Case Manager: Mary Ann Weideman, Administrative Services Manager M. Weideman presented the item to the board. Public Hearing Sheila Morton, Building Rental Housing Association P.O. Box 17606, Boulder, spoke in support of the staff recommendation. Board Discussion There was no board discussion on this item. Motion On a motion by W. Johnson, seconded by A. Sopher, the Plannm« Board recommended (6-0- A. Shoemaker absent) that City Council approve an ordinance anlerldlll;; Sections 10-3-10 and 10-3-I 1, I3.R.C. 1981, to eliminate the, need for new rental license inspcetions when a change occurs from the ownership of rental housing units bZonc. or nwrc individuals to ownership by a 1111111CC1 llablllty COlnpally Undel' Sl?eCilled Cc)IIdItIOnS and setting fol-th related details incorporatinr~ the staff~menu)randum dated November 6 2007 as findinrs of tact B. Public hearing and consideration of the following items related to the Boulder Mobile Manor redevelopment project located at 2637 Valmont Road - a 204,429 square foot (4.69 acre) property within the RH-4, High Density Residential zoning district: l . Consideration of an ordinance to permit useable, open space (for the pwposes of permitting the proposed density) and parking within the public rights-ot=way to be included in the site Toning calculations. Tl1e ordinance is requested as a result of the required dedication of public rights-of--way through the property connecting Valmont Road with A1~1ett Road; and, 2. Site Review, Preliminary Plat, and Usc Review applications (shown respectively) #LUR2008-00007, #LUR2008-00008, and #LUR2008-00009, to redevelop the existing mobile home park of 66 mobile home units with 79 new f xed-foundation homes (attached and detached}, two mixed-use buildings, and a community building on the site. The proposal includes a height modification to permit 39.5 foot tall structures along . Valmont, setback modifications predominantly within the development, and a parking reduction of 2%. "I~he Use Review entails approximately 8,423 square feet of office/commercial space on the ground flool;s of the new buildings along Valmont. Applicant/Property Owner: Boulder Housing Partners Case Manager: Karl Guiler, AICP Planner II Motion On a motion by E. Jones, seconded by A. Sopher the 1'lannint; 13oard I'CCOln111Calded (()-O A. Shoemaker absent) that I3ou_ Idcr Mobile Manor redevelopment_project be continued to Deccnzber 4, 2008. C. Continuation of Site Review application #Lt1R2008-00012, 1580 Canyon. The proposal is for a new four-story, 54-foot tall, mixed-use building of 27,942 square feet, which would include 14 residential units, on-street retail space facing Canyon, and 18 ot3=street parking spaces within a subterranean parking stnzcture and on the gz-ade level of the structure. The development is proposed on a corner lot of approximately 1 1,122 square teet zoned Downtown Five (DT-S}. Modifications are required to pez-rzlit the height above 3S-feet, an additional story above three-stozies, and a U -foot rear yard setback, where 15 feet is the code standard. The applicant also requests vested rights pursuant to Section 9-2-19, B.R.C. 198] . Applicant/Property Owner: Brian C. Joseph Case Manager: Karl Guiler, AICP t'lanner II Staff Presentation K. Guiler presented the item to the board. Applicant/Owner Presentation Brian Joseph presented the item to the board. Public Hearing No one from the public addressed tlzc board. Board Discussion N. Shull said with the west side parking z-emoved, the space is rrzuch better. E. Jones was happy to see a non flat roof and added that she liked the curved roof. She also recognised the improvements to the front and the corner. P. Shull was concealed about t1)c south set back, the twenty foot front set back, parking (specifically for retail traffic), quality of open space, the east elevation, the west elevation, and the f~~urth floor. W. Johnson was concerned about the corner at 16th and Canyon. She liked the recessed third floor originally shown in the concept plan and was concerned that it has since been changed in the site review plans. P. Shull said the 20 foot setback is appropriate. He added that having more room on Canyon is healthy. A. Sopher questioned the commercial use for this property. Ne said parking will be an issue with any commercial space. . A. Sopher said the planting of trees is essential on Canyon. P. Shull was concerned about spill over parking. K. Becker said her concern with parking is the effect to the surrounding neighborhood. W. Johnson said the zones are set up to make parking a little uncomfortable. She agreed that Canyon can set a psychological barrier if you are going to park in a structure downtown. P. Shull said the garage door seems out of scale for this area and suggested that glazing or wood could make it more attractive. B. Ilolicky suggested that an aluminum lighted door, glass panels, or metal panels, would give more of a pedestrian rhythm. 3 Mr. Davis said they would explore that option. He asked if there was any leeway for the door to be smaller. He said it is feasible for the garage to be much smaller given the limited use and control}ed nature of the garage. B. Holicky suggested a condition to reduce the sire of the garage door or drive to 18 or 20 feet wide and design the door dif1erenily with inset glass or aluminum panels. A. Sopher agreed. P. Shull suggested that this should not be a coiling door, but rather a high speed door. Mr. llavis agreed. B. I-Iolicky suggested that the applicant cgnsider using another color to break up the mass of the east elevation. A. Sopher said that they }lave done a good job with the west elevation. E. Jones said the west wall is not attractive. A. Sopher said the project is limited due to the zero lot line. W. Johnson agreed with E. Jones. She suggested adding a condition to have the second and third floor step back three feet so that windows could be added. She added that if it is a five foot setback to the middle panel then there would still be some variation. P. Shull said because it is on a zero lot line, it does not mean that there can't be a window, it is just a very expensive window. Mr. Davis said that with zero to three there can not be any windows. B. Holicky said if the masses were more integrated, the project would work better. E..Iones said it would make the building a lot nicer to have the views to the west. B. Ilolicky agreed with E..Iones. A. Sopher said the reason the south side looks better is because the windows, trellises, and handrails make it zaaore human. W. Johnson agreed with A. Sopher's and B. Holicky's comments that the architecture could be more integrated on the south and north facades. She saw the fenestration working well there. She said the issue of having more tight is a good reason to have an alley or light there and said a znid block hreak could he a nice amenity as well. K. Becker agreed with W. Johnson. P. Shull said there is merit in A. Sopher and B. Holicky's suggestions for some integration of both brick and stucco at the outside skin and lighter stucco at the setback poz-tion. He also supported more human elements with trellises, balconies and windows to create an oft~set and more interesting elevation. K. Becker liked the curved feattare of the forth floor but questioned if there should be a fourth floor. E. Jones questioned whether the project could be this big and provide a nice transition to the adjacent neighborhood. She noted that this project would set a precedent for large, four story buildings on the south side of Canyon as well, and she was not sure that's what the community wants or envisions for dais area. K. Becker said the church across Canyon is less compe}ling than the buildings that are next to it. A. Sopher said the architects have done a lot to step down the building in a fairly considerate way to the neighbors to the east. W. Johnson was pleased with the chaaages and the increased subtlety of the fourth floor. Shc suggested refining the corner of l 6`h and Canyon to make it more elegant. She added that this block is appropriate for the fourth floor with a couple of contingencies. B. Holicky said the transition from } 6`h Street to the north seems reasonable. He understood the concern of blocking the views, but did not think that was a reason to deny the project. P. Shull said the form is fairly innovative and added that the safe bet is to stay at three floors. 4 A. Sopher said i f the method of articulation of the roof at the: upper right image of the northwest . corner view came~down and broke that mass it would create a more transparent and delicate feeling of the western side. W. Johnson said the entire western side needs to have windows. She also agreed with A. Sopher's colrnnents about the roof. P. Shull said glazing would be an amenity for the developers and buyers. He said if the board placed a condition to push those walls back, we do not know what we would get. W. Johnson said she would propose that it be a square foot reduction. P. Shull understood that it could be an affordable reduction in square footage of about 600 s.f. B. Holiclcy was not tlu-i}led with the reduction in square footage. He was concerned that getting ri,~i of the three Ceef could significantly change the building. He added tl~~at there are plenty of buildings with litt}e or no windows that are considered to be great architecture. He prefeT7-ed giving the applicant direction and letting the applicant decide on the best design. He suggested that the app}icani work with the Planning Director to add fenestration, detailing or visual interest to the west elevation. le9r. Davis said the applicant would be comfortable working with staff to make the changes that are needed to make the Planning Hoard comfortable. He said the suggestions made by the Plaiv~ing Board, as a whole, are acceptable. However, he said the applicant may not be willing to reduce the square footage. He added that there is a real limitation on the percentage of window space that is a}lowable. W. Johnson asked if there is advice firom other board members about the two story element of the corner of l 6`~' and Canyon being harsh. A. Sopher said the corner has a tot to do with the height of the three-story brick mass. He said there seems to be an erosion of the mass on the second floor, which calls into question the mass at the ground floor. W. Johnson asked about the size of the mechanical units. Mr. Davis said the units are modest and that they are difficult to see them from the street for quite a ways, as they arc currently modeled. B. lloticky asked if the model is the unit, not the screen. Mr. Davis said the model is the unit and not the screen. K. Becker asked how tall the units will be above the fourth floor. Mr. Davis replied, up to the five foot height. B. Ilolicky prefen-ed not having a screen. F. Jvnes suggested that staff will work with the applicant to come up with a solution with the least visual impact. K. Becker asked if the Planning Board could require a green roof. K. CGuiler said if the board could find that the green roof satisfies the site review criteria, then the board could require it, otherwise it is not a requirement. W. Johnson suggested adding a condition of some modest artwork on the site. E. Jones said there .needs to be a good pedestrian scale. D. Gehr noted that the comprehensive plan states that tl~e city can encourage public and private projects to have an art focus and incorporate public art. Y. Shull summarized concerns of the board: 1. On the cast elevation, the PlaTming Board advised the applicant to work on the garage door to narrow it to its functional limit to no more than twenty feet, with a commercial store front quality panelized garage door. 2. On the west elevation, the Planning Board advised the app}leant to work on the west elevation from top to bottom, review integration of materials, adding visual interest on the entire west elevation and leaving the details up to the Planning Director. 5 3. "l lie Plaru~ing Board encouraged the applicant to incorporate modest public art jn the northern • open space. - . 4. "1'fae Planning Board advised the applicant to incorporate education about parking facilities in all of their advertising, and be mindful in the way which they advertise the parking. B. Ilolicky said this is a well designed building and that part of that is the fourth floor. I Ie said the fourth floor is exceptionally interesting. He noted that if other people develop a fourth floor in the same zone, on the same side of Canyon, should look to this quality of design as an example. Motion On a motion by P. Shull, seconded by ,)ohnson, the I'lanninf; Board approved (4-2 E. .loner and K. Becker ot~t~oscd and A. Shoemaker was absent) Site Review at~plication tJl.Ult2OOti-OOU12, for the property located at I SKO (_'anyon, incorporating; the statt~ memorandum and site review criteria checklist dated November 6 2UU~ as findings of fact, subject to the followinb conditions of approval: l)nder condition 2 a) add: "I'he final architectural plans shall be revised to include: i. A reduction in width to 20 feet or Icss for the bara~e door on the cast elevation. "I'he r;ara~;c door shall have a paneliied commercial storefront unlit . ii. Revised elevation of the west side of the buildingthat adds fenestration and architectural features that add visual interest to that elevation. Under condition c) add: "I~o the extent practical the applicant shall provide some: form ofpublic art. Add a new condition 5: The Applicant shall dcvelo and implement aparkin ~ manag_ement and alucational plan that is intended to inform occupants and visitors of tlic parkin,I; and alternative mode o--ptioris that arc available to the site. G. MATTERS FROM THE PLANNING BOARD, PLANNLNG UIRFCTOR, AND Cl'TY A'1'TOl2NF.Y "1'he board discussed plans for a holiday party for the Planning Board members. R. Ray gave the board an updated on the Nitro project. "I he board reviewed the calendar noting that A. Sopher will chair the December 4 ?nccting and that I?. Jones and B. llolicky will be absent on November 20. 7. DEBRII?F/AC:h:1\I)A CHE('ti 8. ADJOURNMENT The Planning Board adjourned the meeting at 9:4t) p.m. ' APPROVED BY Board Chair UA'I'E 7