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4 - Call Up: 4195 N 47th St - Technical Document Review (TEC2004-00020) - Final Plat - Northfield Commons/Votja Farms/Northfield Village
MEMORANDUM Call-Up Item To: Planning Board FROM. Jessica Vaughn, Planner I i~nT~,: January 8, 2009 SUBJECT: Call Up Rein: 4195 N 47"' Street TECHMCAL llOCUMEN'T KEVICW: Final Plat for the subdivision of one 15.69-acre tract into C 1 lets for the purpose of developing single- family and multi-#arnily residences. This approval is subject to call-up on or before January 22, 2009. Attached is the disposition for the conditional approval of a Final Plat for subdivision to allow the subdivision ot~one existing 15.69-acre parcel, residentially zoned (RMX-2), into 61 lots; 34 single-family (34 units), 27 multi-family (104 units) and 8 outk>ts. The new lots are proposed to range in size from 4,342 square feet to 8,437 square feet for single-fancily lots; 6,300 square foot duplex lots; to 20,688 square foot 8-plex multi- family lots. There are 12 duplex lots, 10 fow--plex lots and 5 eight-plcx lots proposed. l3ack~round: On January 8; 2004, Planning Board issued a disposition for approval with conditions of the Site Review for Northfield Commons and Votja Farms, which is now known as Northfield Village. This Site Review approval was for a residential development of 141 dwelling units (37 single-family and 104 multi-family units) on 17.32 acres, located at 4195 N. 47`'' Street. The original approval was based on a conceptual site plan (see Attachment 3, City of Boulder Planning Board Notice of Disposition and Conceptzzal Site Plan) and the condition that final teclurical documents consistent with this approval be approved by the City. Since the original approval, approximately 2.37 acres have been Iost to right-of--way dedication and 3single-family residential units have been eliminated. Staf#~ finds that the proposed hinal Plat is consistent with the original approval and its conditions. Existing Conditions: `I'hc site is Toned RMX-2, Residential Mixed-2, which is defined as, "Medium density residential areas which have a mix of densities from low density to high density and where complementary uses may be permitted" (Section 9-5-2(c)(1)(E)). The properties adjacent to the south; which are part of the Four Mile Creek subdivision are zoned RL-2 (Residential Low-2). The RL-2 zone district is defined as, "Medium. density residential areas primarily used for small-lot residential development; including, without limitation, duplexes, triplexes, or townhouses, where each unit generally has direct access at ground level" (Section 9-5-2 (c)(1)(B}. 1'he densities located at the southern boundary of the proposed final plat and the existing northern property lines of Four Mile Creek are consistent with one another: Four Mile Creek with 14single-family dwellings and Northfield Village with 15single-family dwellings and an outlot. Properties adjacent to the north, east and west are not within city limits. 'T'hey are under county jurisdiction and are within Planning Areas IIA (west and north) and III (east). Planning Area IIA is de#ined as an area where annexation into the City can be considered consistent with Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan policies. Additionally, Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan land use designation, Low Density Residential, is consistent with the existing development of Four Mile Creek and the proposed final plat. Planning Area III is de#ined as the remaining area in the Boulder Valley that is divided into two subareas; Rural Preservation and Planning Reserve areas. The parcels adjacent to the east are within the Rural Preservation subarea and are designated by Boulder Cotu~ty as open space, acquired with a natural ecosystem overlay. Conclusion: Staff finds that this application meets tl~e Final Plat for Subdivision criteria set forth in Section 9-12-8(b) and the lot standard criteria set forth in Section 9-1?-12(a)(I), "Standards for Lots and Public Improvements," B.R.C., 1981. This proposal was approved by Planning and Development Services staff on January 5, 2009, and the decision znay be called up before Planning Board on or before January 22, 2009. There is one Planning Board meeting within the 14-day call up period on January 22, 2009. Questions about the project or decision should be directed to Jessica Vaughn at (303) 441-4161 or vaughnj~a7bouldercolorado.gov. Attachments: A: City of Boulder Planning Department Notice of Disposition B: Northfield Village Subdivision Final Plat C: City of Boulder Planning Board Notice of Disposition and Conceptual Site Plan 2 AT'TACI•iMENT A CITY OF BOULDER Planning and Development Services 1739 Broadway, Third Floor P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306-0791 phone 303-441-1880 fax 303-441-3241 web boulderplandevelop.net CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF DISPOSITION You are hereby advised that the following action was taken by the Planning Department based on the standards and criteria of the Land Use Regulations as set forth in Chapter 9-12, B.R.C. 1981, as applied to the proposed development. DECISION: APPROVED with conditions PROJECT NAME: NORTHFIELD VILLAGE f/kla VOJTA FARMS DESCRIPTION: TECHNICAL DOCUMENT REVIEW: Final plat and final construction documents for the Northfield Village f/k/a Vojta Farms development. LOCATION: 4195 N 47TH STREET COOR: N07W03 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See attached Exhibit A APPLICANT: COAST TO COAST DEVELOPMENT OWNER: North Boulder Residential Development, LLC, and MGK Development Corporation APPLICATION: TEC2004-00020 Utility Plan, Transportation, SubdivisionlFinal Plat, Storrnwater Plan, Final Landscaping, Final Site Plan ZONING: RMX-2 (Residential Mixed-2) CASE MANAGER: Jessica Vaughn THIS IS NOT A SITE SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN APPROVAL AND NO VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT IS CREATED BY THIS APPROVAL. Approved On: ~ ~ Date l _ h McHeyser, Executiv iredor of Community Planning and Development This decision may be appealed to the Planning Board by filing an appeal fetter with the Planning Department within two weeks of the decision date. If no such appeal is filed, the decision shall be deemed final fourteen days after the date above mentioned. Appeal to Planning Board expires: January 16. 2009 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The subdivision is approved subject to the terms of the Subdivision Agreement. Address: 4195 N 47TH STREET 3 07/21/20084:35:)GPMjS)G CommitmcntNo: ?44-11021SG19-0~2-ItD6 Attached Legal Description The North of the Northeast of the Southeast % of Section 17, Township I North, Range 70 West of the 6th P.M., GXCEPT The North .248.22 Feet of the West 178 Feet of the Northeast'/, of the Southeast of Section 17, Township I North, Range 70 West of the 6th P. M., EXCEPT A parcel of land in the North %z of the Northeast of the Southcast of Section 17, Township 1 North ,Range 70 West of the 6th P.M., described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of the Northeast Sout}east of Section 17; Thence South 00° 18'30" East, 466.90 Feet along the West Line of the Northeast'/, Southeast'/. of said Section 17 to the true point of beginning; Thence South 00°18'30" East, 196.61 Feet along the West line of the Northeast'/, Southeast'/, ofsaid Section 17 to the Southwest corner of North Northeast Southeast ofsaid Sec[ion 17; Thence North 89°40'20" East, 198.00 Feet along the South line of the North 1/2 Northeast'/. Southeast'/, ofsaid Section 17; Thence North 00° 18'30" West, 663.64 Feet Parallel to the West line of iheNortheast'/, Southeast ofsaid Section 17 to a point on the North line of the Northeast'/. Southeast'/, of said Section 17; Thence South 89°38' West, 10.00 Feet along the North line of the Northeast'/, Southeast ofsaid Section 17; Thence South 00° 18'30" East, 466.90 Feet parallel to the West line of the Northeast'/, Southeast'/, ofsaid Section 17; Thence South 89°38' West, 188.00 Fect parallel to the North line of the Northeast'/, Southeast'/, ofsaid Scction 17, to the true point of beginning, EXCEPT Part of the North of the Northeast'/, of the Southeast of Section 17, Township 1 North, Range 70 West of the 6th P.M_, in the County of Boulder, State of Colorado, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the West line ofsaid North %z of the Northeast of the Southeast'/. which point is 248.22 Feet South of the Northwest corner ofsaid North of the Northeast'/, of the Southeast'/, Thence South along said West line, 218.68 Feet; Thence East parallel with the North line of said North '/Z of the Northeast of the Southeast , a distance of 188.00 Fcet; Thence North p~~raliel with the West line of said North %z of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast'/. , a distance of 466.90 Feet to the Tlorth line of said North''/s of the Northeast'/, of the Southeast'/, ;Thence West along said North line, 10.00 Feet; Thence South parallel with the Wcst line ofsaid North '/z of the Northeast'/, of the Southeast'h ; a distance of 248.22 Feet; Thence West parailel with the North line of said North %Z of the Northeast of the Southeast'/~ a distance of 178.00 Feet to the place of beginning except part of the Northwest'/, of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 17, Township 1 North, Range 70 West of the 6th P_M., in the County of Boulder, State of Colorado, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line ofsaid Northwest'/, of Southeast which point is 248.22 Feet South of the Northeast corner of said Northwest'/, of the Southeast'/ ; Ihence South 00° 18'30" East along the Easterly line of said Northwest'/, of the Southeast'/, a distance of 218.68 Feet; Thence South 89°38'00" West, 19.32 Feet; Thence North 00°45'00" West, 218.69; Thence North 89°38'00" East, 21.01 Feet to the place of beginning, except any portion lying with lay Road and County Road No. 53, and except those portions conveyed in instrument recorded April 23, 2004 at Reception No. 257'832 and Reception No. 2579833, County of Boulder, State of Colorado- I ATTACHMENT B FINAL PLAT sHe~r t or 2 NORTHFIELD VILLAGE SUBDIVISION A SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN THE NEi/4 OF THE SEt/4 OF SECTION 17, T1N, R70W OF THE 6TH P.M., CITY OF BOULDER, COUNTY OF BOULDER, STATE OF COLORADO T07AL AREA = 15.690 ACRES - SHEET t OF 2 FORMERLY KNOY4N AS VOJTA FARM UEll1GAl14Y 1HE IINIXASGNEJ CO NRMfR piMi 10 711 CI IY q PqA LYH fCN IS USE, - hlE USE q Alf. P,;W If igiiNF, AYO 'ill 119 q ul WNICI'Al1Y UAM U, ' ~ P[7M1TD0, MD/di IRANCII§U UIIUIY 1'HOYUFHE', IMOST I'UR7I LWS q SNU ~ ~ 1!ICW All NEN BY MESE P9[5[N b' REN PHq'E iiiY Ui 9GNAIIU AS 'U n.11Y EASEYEN7' W INE ACCOMPAVI7NG A wr.r 'J, PIAI I(1N DrE CIIVSTRUCn04, IVSTAl1ATI0N, OPFRATCN, VNNTl,MCE, AE7AR ' 71U1 NORTH BWIDm NESWITN. OE4Elq'MENT, Ll4 A CWDRA00 I1NIi'F? M? AEPU.CAIFN7 FCA ALL STANCIS, IAC!UOWG WiIWT UYIDAO DLC CiNEA.VTY OF D'E (gtEGgN AILPIIf4,T MD III CDilf. 1WIS WUNNS, 7 d - Ilu}IIIY WMVMY, AND NGK OEN£OP4pi1 fd7PglAI'.ON, A CggiA00 POLES, UHOCH(AW4O CN115, GA: PRIWk S, WA IiX NI411HES, SMIfART _ CdiPOFtAI{ON (KING T!E OWNERS q FIAT RCAi. PFq'IRIY §NAIED IV BW:DEH gW57i IINf S. SINII I LIp111, NLYW TS, N`GRA41S, OAU4A(F DITCHES MD _ SITE CWH1Y, COLp1AL0 0.V0 BEING A PART Of 1HE NEI/4 OF 1HE SEI/1 OF SECTION 17, JiAXS ANp ALL N'I'URIFNANpS 7NE3CT0, li BVNG IXP.R6AY JhGER5TOQ7 Dam's oor;sn;r PH, R70W Of DI( 6711 P.LL, d1Y CE BOJIDER, O7UNTY Of BWUKF, STATE Q M'0 AGNEED BY ME UND[A9GAW DIA7 NI EXIN.N9S MD COSTS W P9. ~I - I ~ ~ CD. WA90. OCSplUEO AS CYIIS14~C11W ANU 1NSIk IAgUN d 5101 UIIiI DFS MC 9NNCE5 !illul NF E} F i0.'_UWS: G;IRAN7'SD N+U PNO i(Yi BY IIIE AIBUINUEN pt A9NAVCFAIi1i15 MtiE BY ME UNOER$NiIiLD WES HEREBY CCNSFNT '0 T'E PU1Th'C OF SAID PTD'mTV AS -76 ~ t'~[ SUDJINC!H INIJt3ptE PMMlI AAE APPADVED BY 7HE qIY OF BWWER, SNONN NEAECN, ~ NIU SND SUM) SHNL NOT BE PAlll BY DIE. ptt d fN1UIDI N, MO RIAI AVY \ ~,I pI°'(: ~ S CDMNI NLI4G AI nll I I/1 Cgi4(N q SAID SECilpi 17, FROM MNlpl rNC $IICN ITE115 SO CgI5I911L1FU ;R WS'klfU AU7 Ag7PIlU UY 1N1 C1Y Ji YY`-- ~ pN1FR q SAJ 9CIION 17 BEARS SB9'J9'CO'W, TdH7 Bp.lUEA WAI.I OfCJ11i 1111 Stti PNWFH IY (lF SND IJTY FXCEYI Allh I;FAIS W'CTE$ fARGO BA1N(. FLA. - ~ Ij S00'I:i JO'C IU'+U hLL' ALp4G DIE EAST UVC 0( Mf SCI// Of $A'A OWHfO BY 4UNICI'N1Y UANED, CPE9AIED MO/OR FAMCHISE] UlYJ7Y w~~A ~ StC"W 17 TO 1ME SW AI[A51 COFN(R q RF: N09 RI 10.$0 fCE7 Of THE ~'HONCF HS HA)/UH UWESI COYYUNICAnONS, YMICN IlpS NH:N CPVS7RUCDD DY: SEI// OF $A-0 SELDpI 17; T1PNQ SB9'J9'00'W, M).:4 FFFi ALpVC 1Xf INSIALED SNNL AE4Ah 1111 VACVEPTY MO NNNIINANp. RESSON9UIUfY AUMOWI[? REPAESFIITADK ME SWM lME Q :liC 408111 /0.50 ffEl q DIC SEI/4 q SND SECRON OF ME OW4EA OF 111E PIA3LIC IInLIfY ANU SHALL NU7 JEGCAIE THE PROPERTY ® 17 TO MC WE41 UNE q RIE USI IU.50 FEE[ CF 1NE $EI/t Of SND OF 111E pl' Of B W:UUI. N 9 caa n ANO THE 1817E Pn t of eEOHxwr.. THE '..NUm9pIE? DO FleDlm :AMT i0 ME O1Y O< AWWCR MAI PCR'ION Cf SAO RCN. 1'ROPIAtt UE§GNARO AS 'W 801 A' qI 1NF NCINIiY MAP INENCE 500'15'10'1. 621.08 FtFi KONG 111E WEST IENE OF ME EAST ACCCIIPMIINC RAT AS A 'IN+NNAGF EASLYCtir AS CESCRIBEU ABUVE, ACK.YOMfJ^~ldL,41 NO SCNF +0.50 FEtt q 1xE SE1p Of SNU SECnON 17 TO 7HE a'rouDl lWE Os ME 'I,nutr [a47JtNY AS OESGRIBED ABONE AND 'PEIKSTPoAN ACCESS NIj2 Of ME NCI/1 q :NE SEI/1 Ci $AK $EDnON I7; EA9Wf N7' AS Uf S(AF1FD ADOYL li BONG E%PRES§.Y UN7EASTq"A t'IAi fHE NAN IFVANCE 5ND WiIOT A SHALL 0. "11L RI SPON§BIt11Y p MC ) THENCE $B9'4Fb7'W. 1DDSI5 FfFT ui4D T•IE §%l 111 IINI q THE 10/2 SUBO1NOm MO MEH, NNCN d7NlFYFO ID 111(. IIOMi:O1MERS A$$OCIADON, $TA7E OF OF 111E NE'/1 Oi' TIf 9'/4 q 5N0 9CRLW 1i IU Rlt IA51 LHt q CYiEA7FD FDR D'f §1B(NN90V, li 91AL' BECWE Mt YN.'i1FNMCE )S4 DIAL TAAC7 q' IA4L` q:NNNU 10 f:t ItA1D E COLQASUNE MD DE_Uii'S N. 9CSPON951LI fY q SAU M(MIEDMIEAS ASSOCYAn ON, I7$ $UCCE55CR5 AIiD CWNTY 01 ) CdCLA`ANt A] UEY:N BEU 111 WFARMTY GEED FECORCED Ilh f1lY SlJ AS A$§GNS, ANU SMALL NOT BCLOMF D;E PR(PCAtt OR NAWiFNM'ti RE§'W SBIVIY OF TIC tl'Y x UCIG UfR DIE fgiEGONM, WSIRUNWT WA$ ApUIOW~DCE7 BEFORE NE THIS NECtP1i0V 40. 781817 q ME RfCdT75 p DCAI, DIR Cf%INIY, t9(ORN:O, OAY Of IOC_. RY TKNff INp°i9'17'W, 625 JB VIF 1 uU1,G Ir•E FRS( Ullt LY MAT RACi D{f I;NpI ASICNED UO fUXIHER :AMT '0 ME OlY Cf BWIDOi DIRT AS OF WALS fARGO BANK, N.A Cf LAND A$ OFSpaDED W SNU FllY 5]7 AS gFCf,PTUN N0. ]8]93.7 TO Ff7RnON q SAU Nf11 1'NOPEA`Y JE§ONAIEL` A$ 'b.11LOT D' CN ME HC';S iNf SWIH I,NE q DIE rvOAM fO.YJ Til q DIE SEI// a SAh7 $FC1gN nGCWPM "LNG P,AT AS A :IRNNAp fASfNFN1' A$ OESCMBm ARb4t YARK$$ NY NNA AHD SEAL 17 NID 'U11Utt EAVNFNT' Ati I:CSLPoFlFi) Ai1044.. IT BTtHO f7NR'e$AY YY CONMIS§ON EAPOtL LHUEASiODO INAi II•I YN4I[NMCE L4 SA;C WILOI B SHALL BE D1E 1. BCAftINGS AAE BASED ON ME NCkM UNE D< 7HC XI/1 OF S[C1N1N i). DlfNti NB9'!9'00'E, 10%.U FFEI ALONG ME SWM UNE a< 7HC Ff§'ON9fAU it q 1111 SUBgNCm AND MEW, WIEH CONVE~FD TO DIE T7N, R70W a TrK BTI PY., A5 DEARRNIG N89'39'00'E (ASSUY[D NLA DI 10 SO Ffj:I Of THE SEI/4 OF SND SEC710N 17 i0 IHC INUt~f HWtOWNEAS ASYOUAnON, CREATED i DR MC SUBDN§ON, I7 9w1 YEFIDIM) HX BEGONE A{E NNNIFNMCF 0.E§'011'.JB'JIY CF SND IrWEDWNfRS h01AVY I'U9UC' A'i,OCIADq+, I1S SUCpSSE4tS Ma ASSIGNS, MD SNAIL h'Di 3ECONE °:IE 2. JNFXFY BARREll. k CO. RFSJED UPON 7111E CONMINENT N0. Mfn = IS 650 ACN.S, MORE OR LESS. I'Ng4Riv MNNIENMCE RESP04991J1Y a 1HE piY CF UWWEA. 254-H0211105-047-DaB, 1591m BY f1R5T AMERICAN nlll: INSURANCE COVOMY, WTi AN pTECDVC' URIC q MAY 27. 2UOtl FOR P11 Mf UNDI.9§(k,CO UC FUHINfA CAANT 10 7HE piY fF BWIDm MAT NFOEiYAllg1 REGMa14G THE LEGAL DESCRIPAON, EASEV9NiS, LEGAL OCS(A.PTCN PREPARED BY: P(NIIDN U SAU AEN. PHOPEAtt OE9GNEp hS 'W-,01 D' 04 DIC SLMN.TLN''' OmIRKAD. MO AtN15-(Y-WASS. Nmf Al9EH$ ACCWI'M:LNG PUT AS A 'JDIITY : hSTY C.V i' AS DfSCNiEiCO A:IOVE, OAEYEL BN79tll k CO 'PWESIAIAN ACCESS fA§NINE' A<i CI SCMAEU ADOtk MU 'W:Y.UpICY J. IRIS PRq'tX IT UES PoINN 11000 2dVE X AREAS DEIERNINm TO RE /BI(; PCARI f.ASi pfltlL jIN ACCCSS fASFN(1I i' AS L'ES:HIBtU ABUAti BEING ''](PFE$SLY llNLEAST000 I, MAMLIY E SEL7ER5, A W.T AEp S'ERED PFOr551q, N. LANG SIIRYCYpi W19,DE ME SOO-YfA9 FIOWP,NN, hS 910WN ON 8000 W:NN/Np: HALE BWlq R, CO 8UJ01-2/75 i11A7 DIE NNNDNANCE SAJ W7lOT D 91N 1. PF 111E ACSPCIIn?AI TTY Di IN MC $U7E CF CCXORA00, IIENFBY CCR111Y IIN7 1116 YIAI d N'JRI`lf:tlll NAP, BWLDfF CW N1Y, Ld.rnADO MD INGM21'fX2A1FD AiiEAS, NAY NUMBER (1OJ) 441-A}t9 THE >UBLYVUFF A40 MEN, Wr1FN CgiN KD lO DIL IIOMFOWhI NS NLIACF §1R7'.N9gi IItUIY ANO CCHHIC7IY Nfi'NtSL41S THE Nt WLfS OF A C9017CUfU F, CWNLWIIY - PMFT NU4Bm OBG07J 0415 F, EPFECTHE ASS0.1Allq;, fR(ATi TI fqt 111E SUULYV9CN. II S4NL E'_CWE ME $URN7 YME: U4CEH YY ON'_CI R,5PON9BIIJ'Y, 9h'FAN§OV ANO CHEC%IKC, DALE JJNE 7. 1995 71115 IS SUUJECT 7C pIMGF. MAINII'.IANT AE 4'(N19BIV IY OF 5N0 HONEOAN FRS A$$OtlAjgH, 115 MD M15 PU` HAS gEE]I PREPARED N Af.CfAtIAHCE N1111 Cd.(Nt,NO STATE TAW, IIAN CP.L:ZO SNO PROPERTY iC Bi UIO pli, 9JRbEYTD, $UBDIVDED AND PIA1T? S'JCRSSFAtS MN ASSCAS, AND 91A11. h'OT PFCdIC MC PROPmTY OR t, $LT ~5 HIAAAS W il' ALVNfi'UN CA75 YMKi L• b.B- k CO. PLS 2815' Ai ALL V•i]Jt INE NAPE OF 'NORMFlCW NIUL( §IODINSgi', A §If:C.IN§ON Ih illF q1Y YNN1E11MCf FE:PgI9gII l1Y 0. All. p1Y ti BWLpFIi. CORNETTS UNLtS3 UIHERWiST: NOIFD. q BWIOEq, fdIVTT (f Bdll.^.EN, $lAR q CgONADO. MD 9~ INESF. PRESTNTS OOPS IIRi[IIY CRN11, N itF, IU IHt d1Y 0. BWWFN, Fqt ITS USE AND ME USE ME UNDERS'CWED W NR7•FR (SiA',' 10 INE tl1Y (F UWWFR fOR ITS 5. 1H ACCOADA4Ci. 1M1E1 CR$ i}AIFI05; NODCC: ACCOgUINC IO COLCHAW LAW q Mt I'V9VC it41tVE1(, 1HbE PpgDCN$ (A SNC AfN PH(WFRI" DC9CAAITD A$ USE MO MF U§ Cf 11F I"JIIUC FUAi NH, 1HAT CORDON OF 5ND REAL YW MUST CCNYiHCE ANY IFCAL ACDON BAST) U'ON ANY DETECT W MI$ '_pIGNEW LANE', 'LIHN797E PLACE', '.WNJq.IIAIi I`UCE', 'Wt SIC IITF Gdlli'i , PROPERTY CFSGAATCD AS'W iLU' H' OY INT. ACCW VANtI N.", PCAi AS A SLHNT.Y WHIN M9E£ 17AR$ MTEfl YW FlA51 DISCONA SU;AI CifTCT. IN NO EvET1T NAY ANY ACnd4 BASED VPgi ANY DLFI C,1 IN PI$ SUN1tiY AE 'SON!-RiI f.WRT' ANU 'C.If:DV CWNI' A47 'AUF Y'. PWESINIPN ACCESS EASEYFNT f!N PNfST4M MO DIC'!pE 14^w11 S$ NID EGRESS PV9'0.SES NA fOR D'f CpISDiUC IICN, IHS1A1A71dV, q'fRA DUN, COI/NEN Lf? YORE MAN IW 1FM5 TROY IIIE UAIE q THE CT.RDFlCA:ION DIE UNOC4§4TE0 OO NRIHER GRANT, IN fFj, TO DK CJtt Of OgAffR MAT YAINIFNNI(S, RfPAR ANU NFJ'IAI:i MFNi Of PE:IESIHIA4 ANU BILYCf _ SHOWN HEREON. fAClll'i S. I I BEING F%PHESSLY LWOC9Si0W A4O AGYTTI DY DIC YADIEW E $CL?FFS POH710N CF SND PEAL PRCPCRTY OC§CWA7ED AS 'WRO( F.' d4 All UNUFN§p,W '4Ai I,l EXP(N i'S AM lYKii INY(%NU IN CU\51HIICII:k! q G'1_CAUO IJCLNSEn PAOEF.S9(WN LAND SURNY017 NO 1]715 6. fOR A?D110NN. 1NFgiNADON ANU LN:VcI WMENi $fANUAAUS IiEASE REFER ACCWPMYAG PIAi; 111E SAM{. NA`" HL PUI f0 USC BY DK p1Y q 9CUl?FR fOR 5ND IUPROKIImTS ¢'N. DI I'AD FUN BY THE GI", BUI SHAll BECWE CAF%Fl. pARFL).l k CO. IO Dff OE§pi p;K7F1NIE5 $1811 i M'D ACp SS I'JHPCSL$ 1M'tN IIIE p1Y, 'N 175 SQE AMD N3SOlJlE 7HE PROPm:Y AND NNNIENNIC! NE`Sb1931JIY CF "hE SUUINVOCR, Nip IXIiO 7HIN SIRETi J SCNt 11'JN, CEItHM HES `Apl IU BE IH INE PJBJC INiERC$T M(N, 1WIEh' I:G4lkYED '0 7FK NCNEONN FRS ASSf41AntW, LRfAliO hCN illl BbJWER, CO tlUJ01-2620 7. ME ]CHINO D+' AIF I.O1S 6 RM%-2 51BGINSgI, 17 SHAll BCCgNf nIF W:PCN§INIIIY q III; IILWFONNFI, (707) N2_/739 ME UVJER9FACD DO RIAl11IR CRAW IC INi: p7Y OF OgADtiL Fqi 115 USE ANO ASSOpADON, I1S 91,^.Gfs+02S MU nSS+LRS, M] 91NL NCl BEGONE iME B. PNI i'ANII7 UY: UAFML BARAE3E k CO. A•F Uif (K n+F r'UO.IC ID'tEN.'t, THAI rLN DqI a $NO HEAL PROPmTY PROPERTY dZ NN4'!NMp NE40N9B DIY J THE 711' ~ 9WICm IT 1900 76TH STREET 0!9CNA'iU A5 'ENi12LTNCY AC'LTSS EASEAIfNI' ON ME ACCOM~MYNC PUT fOA pUHG IVNIbkN FX~'HSS',Y UNOEASCA%; NIO ACAFTO DY DI( UNUEN9[hTD Bq.l:7LR, CO BO:NX FYFXp11CY N:N10.E INGRESS AND EGRESS PIIAPOSES MA7 ANY MO A1L NAIVTNAHGT W'D 0' M §IALL E f11E (103) 117-113tl RCS°ON¢91UTY CF PIE SLUINNUEJi A47 '~W, WAQI CONNEYm TO THE MF UV]m9CNIU OO IUNIHFN piMl IU THE p1Y D< BW,DER, fqi ITS USE MD IIONCOhNIFS AS"}RYAII(ri, LAEAIEC FON 7HE SVBDIV§ON, IT SHAEL BF.CONE N'l`dVYN.$ D•I USF JF IHf YUBJC FOREVER, MOSC Pgi7HY15 q' SAO RfA1 PH(IPmtt INi Yu4ItEIMCE PESPCM§UIU:Y q' SAO 11WfOWn(HS ASSOpA110N, Il$ Ci 9CNA'C? AS 'PEVE5IPoM ACCESS EASENENY ON INE ACCpIPAN1ING P.Ai AS SUCC£SSOP,S hhD A59CN S, AYO SNNI NOI BEf:(i41. INL PRCPFATY Ofl t0.5EMFT115 FOR f40E$iRIM ANO GCYCFL WptE'~ AND [pRES$ PURPOSES Mu4T7IA4CF Ai ^v W97111fY q' 111E 0fY Of B W WEN, n'F u4Dm§GNW CO IUNRIfii GRMi Ia ME ptt OF SWWm, FOR I/5 USE ANO D:REC7gi q PLAHNYIG I ai RD APVAUVU LF 'NCRTHi1RD NLUGC SV901NSN7N' AND DK DfDICADONS INE USE q DIC pUBUG FOHEhE4, (HOSE PpiDtNS CF SA'0 REAL PROPmtt u,0 CWC IIWS YM qI AYRY MER[iD iHrS_DAY q 200 Ci9WA'FIJ AS 'C(MIYON ACCESS EASFYEHT' CN ME AfgpAPMNVf. PUr AS _ EASEMENTS FOR INptC55 MD ECACSS ON.ii MD ACROSS MOSF'. pptllD45 q SAID OFKCiOA a NBl1L' WUPoIS AND UnUnES RfN FRDPITIV, u5 SIIONN Hi12FW, FOEi 7HE BNEFlT CF 1NE LOTS ARUrn4C SNO NOAT1 BORDm pE§OEN IIAI OEMIOPNENT, LLC, A Cp,gtuJO UIIIID UABIUIY DpIPANY I ASI MiNiS I UEL\G EYI'It:SAY LN1E95TOW TIIAr AIC MNN7(N ANCE Cf D'[ CUMMOiI ACCESS USFYEN iS Mll 6f 1HF Ai §'CN.vf1411V OF P'i :AIBDMOm. MD BM ]HEN, WREN CCfiN;TED i0 DIE IICMI OAI,I AS ASSOCADON pitADD 'GN DIC .FfFREY' M. Ep1IAF, VINAO(R OWCSF COPPgiARpl SU901N90N, 17 91,11. BIfXWf iN( NF.9`CNSlbhltt OF ME 1{OMEOW.IFfl$ ~ ASSOCADOV, I fS S.CgSSO45 AND AS9piS, A',0 C4AlL N07 BECp2 lHE MGK OENIOPMERT CORFORATON. A COLgiA00 COAPCRARON d IWq'iT1Y U2 NNNIFN0.4Lf RCS°CNSIDFIIY q 1111 C1Y .T Ddi Dm RY: PUOIIC $mNC1 CCYPANY OF CWORADO 7HE V40EF90{~ QO NARiEA giAH1 IU RK CI':Y OF tld.W~. VOH ITS YIp1AFE YAW(EL PAESIOFNI u:.E MD nu u¢ b THE PUBLIC FOPc'tEiE MDSE PpinONS CT 5ND REAL PROPEA7Y IN §GNAl1U AS 'SIOEWN.K EASFYfHr' ON TIE ACCp/PMIiNG PUT fqi ply MANAGER'S Cm IBICAT 97!WNN PUHPUSES 7dX7{V fIL IIfJ!k N1S r o ME UVOEA:JpI~C 00 TUN IIIfX tAA47 70 7HE C7 b BG.WFR, MDSI PgInONS W X1INESS Mli(ALOi, INE SA'D pfY OF BWNFA IIAS CAUSED ITS SEAL i0 & OF SNO REAL vgpv H-Y Lt vu4AIW As 'C4NNACL EA.5E11EN:' W iH! $1AtE p' COLgiA00) HFItEUNTO AEFl%EB BY ITS drr YANAGCR MI5 _ DAY p 700_ S ACGg1PMANG I'<AI AS USFYQITS FCN S7RUGNRES 10 CONTNN BTdtll HU.4~ CFF FROM 71'1 SIIflUIN10H MO (OR CONS~UCDCH, PISINLADON, OPEAADCN, NANlf NA4p, REPAIR A4D Hf11 Ad YI hI p 1111(1 I'!S, IN71lINNG WMWi VNIDNG CpIN1Y q' 80UWm) Al1E5T: IHt pTtHALTY OF PH fCiti gV'IG; CI.KHIS, UNWIAOf DIIClIES A',0 DRAMS, DK FOAEGgNO WSTAIMFNT WA$ Ap(NOWlDGCO 3U'WE NE T9$ FLUW L'ONTRp 14PRUYrLW IS AND A11 AYVVH ItNINILS I'1F11EIU, Il DF1NC DAY OF 200_ BY ,(FTDCY V CCNEAT A$ NA4AGm q NptTl EXFRESJ.Y 114C:IiSIWO u10 AmE© B7 ME UhDF1iSCNW MAI ul FXI't LASES flpXOFR AE90fNDA1 DEYCLOPMQIi, LLC, A COidRA00 11MIDD UAUAITY COYPMY. tl7Y f1FAK 7 RENAIF a DIE p1Y YA4A(Y'R AND C05 i.`: IN`tULND IN THE CON579UCAdI AHD IN57Ali1NG ME CHNNACk gflECiOA a R4M•CE ANO RECORD IVFROKNI NI$ 0.\D ODI.~A 9101 LTLIIIfF M'D STANCES, 91NL BE WMANIFED ANTI I'NO f0A OY Mf SUBOINOIA OR AFJ4Np)If NiS NuX. nY 111E SIOD;NDQi WInvESS MY HARD AND Otil(TU 5[AL IH WF3 diE Wtlpl Mi APPHOhFD BY IIIE GIY q B(7JWfR, ANO SUpI 9JMS §IALL MY C04W$§OH LXPIRFS NOT 9E PND 0Y IIIE C11Y OF BWWEA, C0.diA00, MU fNAI MY IIW SO CQVSTiIlCIfO DA INSTALLED WHEN ACLEO7FD B~ 7HE pTY OF BWWE4, CULCAADO, 9iu. IM f,UYE IME FROPEP."! b ME CITY b AWlDE9, EXCEPT FOft THE _ b III R.9 nON PUh7S 1MIICN ENA.L RENNN P4 PRq't7iTY hND NANTEhMCE NOTARY W7WC (LI20( YND.F1SpbYR~$_CdRll[1611E kl 9'CN9WJ'Y DS ME S73B1NDER A'!7 PI[h, 1YICN CO4 VEIT,D TO MC hIWCO',~R3 ASSOC1AfCN, CREAIEC ECR A{E SU9DI'ACd+, li 9W I fIfCANS DK YMImMLF H19'OH§BIJ'Y Or SND N:NICONNE95 A40pAlID4, I7S 9JI:CF.SSptS AND A59CNS SPATE OF C0.0RAC0) $lAT OF CpmACO ) AND S4ALL NOT A(f(W[ DI( PgfPFR'Y CYi MAh IFHMCf NF9'gr913111TY IN IITF ) ~ CITY q DW,O[A. CWNIY OF BWWEF) COUNTY q' BOIIIDm 1 ' ME FOREGOING WSiRUMCNI WAS ApU10'YEDGEO 8k70RE NE IH5 I NERFI3Y CFR11fY RIAI ToS WS7RUMFN'E WAS fBED IN YY OfTICf Ai DAY OF _ 100._ BY Wpla0. NARKEL AS PgC§DmT a 4GK O'ClOCtf _Y„ 1H6 _ OAT Oi . AD., 20C_ AHU RfxLOPNENf C0.9POAADU4, A CWMApO CORPORATION. S RfGOROED W PLAN fXE ~ v( WINE}S YY NANO AJip OFTIdAI SEAL RECEPl1pN j. TEES: 3 NY COIN S§ON F%i RES OIYVIY pFHK AND HCLOROFH iroiuir PDIRx n - ~ 860-25 FlNAL PLAT SHEET 2 of 2 NORTHFIELD VILLAGE SUBDIVISION • A SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN THE NE1/4 OF THE SEi/4 OF SEC110N 17, T1N, R70W OF THE 6TH P.M., CITY OF BOULDER, COUNTY OF BOULDER, STATE OF COLORADO TOTAL AREA = 15.690 ACRES -SHEET 2 OF 2 FORMERLY KNOWN A5 VOJTA FARM a s' w• CENTER SEC. 17 wmo is .nm' n - - - - - ry NW COR NEt/4 - - SE1/4 SEC. 17 F1 4 COR SEC. 17 1AOr sl rR raxml s JAY ROAD - 7xu~f769l6'ET ~ T1N, R70W 6TH P.W. Ivl ar { - _ - sp•»w•r oi!d"_'-.-- _ - - - v no'~s.+hr eoA~ sns'.}vo9'~ _ _ us a i,J"s+cs - u x"n l 8 N89'39'00'E 1096.14' ma:• w.w war wm' Nar " a.c w+, wm.~ sll• wp wm Irm am w um „m lu. irir»•io': I r 2 y 4 5 I;, ' 6 " I 7 i tl 9 r 10 11 12 13 r 14 ~ W 1101 F g I saG rf. B' 8' 8 IS'~~ em se~• avG SC tmsf ;y y' 7..JEO SC ~7 ..wau ~7 (ao sA C'J (,xu rr ~-7~ +.~w s/ 's7 ~ A~sr i p (msrg'3 (>N SJ.~~ x•7 ua sf'~ iw ov.BE :.8 _ i0 70 0 SO 100 Ia. °f fib ~ g r C ~ @ ~ ~ Hr_'~ i-~-~ ~i ,m,.~ ~ 8 ~ 1j ~ ~ ~ Y ~ ~ g' X18 ~ i aa"xro .Dart 18' ~ ~ ~ ~ 57 - oru•,rt ~ ~ ~ ~ r 1 , 7 I [A~QSCr II alun ;~uwW"uA`ss sa} ~ `_.'`.'~+~1 .'L l.ux'r nosy .-,Ir rr'- r.w'T ar SCALE: 1'=50' F.m"r", v ' I. I - - wOS' M ~ L I...__~ ' S1N. ..YW -_YOY p YON 3afC uar _ ' _ I4 i I r 49.IY r~ a ---W7LOTE SUNNYSTOfPUCf ~,~NO~n' 18 xD1E'WRDrf6 p'O fi+5/ +1'n1VS JNJr' - . - x oro® er nr an ~-Aa - _ _ - a,a - - - " ,gyp. - - - - .Y~„ ; ~R~ j B 61 'g wx n ra bass vo~ ti u"e sans atw9~ .l.n.sY I (aa' T k ?b Aw.ar I 4~ ~ ~ 1- 1 ;~8~,'7n ~ _ e u + J"-i I . q ' b~ K" 4tN: : '1 7°'°-e-. _ _ »li' a>.ao'u~ t mrva Mttcs ~ smw• ` WIY F ~ Am LuMr »Ir alrc i i ' W U';kYlN' / FAQYx ; IwUIUf ~ UAUIY I UStUlxl U4YW1 I ~7' ~ Al I N~ --"Jr;~l-- GnFnrow y1 a0.or ornlsnn us "JwmAWI a oramw w_A to n.t 18 ~ , usru; ' S6 56 ' .u y ~ Nil (AWI~I n ~ a GAM mwua FA9iWNl I (,Y54/ - 'M bl I. 41 I~ ~ R 51 $ 6,W Sf 4.M1Sf ar x' ~ axes,. nl '2 J,w sr. ?zw sr. p s„*+sr R •g _ ~g y ~ _-•_7Ja~ __"i?t lnsa'1! I p mvlnw nrc. mFln - Mg1Y00t ~ s L+ A EA4YMr1RRSilOU' 1 Ir 10' I ~I -_I__ M 16315 UAMMI pa ~e t rl .a..-I ~ _ _ _ _ - ; ~ r .__„Ay r.~ i a/r»bW !s'wbYA ' SM'w' r : aM1m O 0.R"AON 1U0. FPNNQ We }tlfe 16 Ig ~ p »sar filar ,S I 9F0'M nose I $ ~ wass 1 ' i w J, . ~ EASFIa"1 [ ul4tt FAtarar I (sa+.s, ~ ~ I'-'s' ,v.K pro war nar ~ ..:Jm yr a,4 ,w mnnJ~m, r~ ~ amur c ~ Jrcs~rrca mwt ra 1w araibOY I ~ 37 I 42 rlwnvl~ixr •'Ln sL i 47 ~ Iw9'w'mt waN b~ Ai ~;8 uais~usFnxl.. = avnnro ualn. xnFSmwa w 2iv mJr' V a.AV sr 8; ~ rrw sf 6' rJ„ s/ ~ ~ g 52 I r I-- 58 ~ 8 ~ I 60 io oum+rc was woar I ~ Y~ ,8 K,, 0 cnosr. $ A IR' o amr F T7 i xiJ,e sJ. I;~ R' I nw sJ Jam area on a aauASl p a m sr. i nwrrl uz~ul S. .~aM1•.xtt"un ; ~ Y i aerr J anal waA RM A.m ' ~ iiF - ~ I 0 ~ ' serxsrorA v8'Ironr xl ~ IDYnbiM1l ~I~ g F~1 I;~ ~~7 ic~nr1 a amro uruGa}xan Ra vw e.~". "4". I ~>s ~ OF naN I gJar ~ V wseN g~ sa~z'm+ M8 WTIOTA ~u us,~~ 1 w awa uaA O9u sva 1L_ b ~ I I ~ I M ~ p' w.7m 5J - -lia' (OWftl ,aaA i~ M aMrN RfSINUILaFSS LOA tW 3 BI . ~i r Aww ~ F 5gOJ1 I „°Dj ~ 38 I e 4J n 4i I 48 caella rsswFxr. i !i..~.__."'..._.__I. _r,~ iN . ' p~y t 1:1 gE aX0 Sr. g; ~ +iR 1,IK SJ 8 ~ ~ $j I.9q sf $ Unln U1V("I Rq ~ xY »11S' ^ 53 ~ vmarsxr ,ass. !i f :e W R; 0 I $ e.%w s, $ cwJUn, _ 'oo ~ 18 01 R' ~ R I ? ..ate ~.:qs~-- uvv cl ~ 1 ~ J~ ~ 3 8; I y i,~sa~on ~ e' ~;.,.-o-u'N' m LAtlO~XI~ Y TA& F )i' UNn p' Lr,Ib1Y q Lrllbl4 91Nwbr'r ""Sar f,Y~IMr ~ ' (Aw~nr - p. •Jlp' Wm' / J / Yel1Yx' p- m•»b9'a 5 d _ : ssrr awxa'xt rc - ACR AGt. PfRCEN1 70TA1 ~ ~ Wass e's+war I_- I par ~ %':t~ . Ae9•w.}N( »m ~ LOTS 1-61 9.767 628 I 48 4C~ 'i'D ROW 4.U5 268 R»'a'pt pro' gg' 39 44 I rue RI am~9r ki iR 'mss/ I8 I i zro sc ~ I u l.tar V ~S 'aieJ~'.' ~ ~ OPEN SPACE 1.IA6 12S gzBIWTLOTHrxiJSA, a.aar t^~ ~'0(tTLOTG $ nrwsr I ~ ~ arso zJ ~ ~ sxa.f » TOTAL 15.690 1007. R~.'» i $ SI 18 i$ ~ Iror+ ' ' s'.ror+ ' s rwyrw ~ 'Z~ I rF I$j ~ 81 ' I a I A ~~,~t•4. Awb eh rsa sf R I ( war SsJar• _ I~ nsoan .s.. 1.9 R tnTt A-rar x^yK. ``,J.•? I+i lan _._.__-i:,.._ 'e• S8 a J,I--. 50 e 7 N pa yraar c r ~ ~ °clrrrr h..~ ruw•rwt ~ y~ x, asa a 4i ~ i ~ ~ d our r^; am - p~Y I 1_ I L _ z0 ~ - u J 9 9nv RI n• (Anu ' S w Ui v° '1. o-eaY ~ r ~aA R r;; ~.rn»'»bn 1'+k r. rwiJV• W7101'.C _ nY u s rJ" u n . . pfi_o0~. ~.1' S9"~;.. dnf - _ - _ _wea> - _ _ - ~ - 1arM~~S i .;+~,A~. ( T wsS AAe ' I " ' ~ f 4 t~ 'M. Mf'utR SYG pM~Y f+. 1 tUpr ^ ~ a SPRUGY'DAIEPUCf ,sL`~' iM Y »Ar _ ~ _ ^ "!y I~n~~ .'wr Bt' y nx• er.~: _ naa ia7f' uis' 13v_ el 1•~}s.. aowt ra'mbpn iuu ) 3 _l 21 ai9'Ilblt !Sq I.xn' 1 ~n oX 'ar- ~ 8 p" S ~ J2 0~8 3J ~4,, r...:, , i=J WiLOTB - $ sMJ3sr 'g 24 . g 25 . g 26 g 27 " $ 28 8 29 . g JO ~ $ 31 a ssli s,: s' ~ ,I;r sr R 22 sss,v ry szn sr $ sua sr. ~ irr. sr ssv sf 9 ] S smsr 8 s,GJ ,v. 8 avs sr_ AA $ A.lb a (S Q n [ ! W115 U41S111 0 ~ ~1: 3 e iR{ iy112 'u9 UNn.AIIL[NI ..S w u v ~ ~ y S ,a ~ ~ ~ ~ _ x ~ I lxl _ _ _ _ r 1} IAV Y_. . -1. 11 m a11f n ~ e+ 11»' e~U' alb' 11x' m pY' p' mx' p1' ° 1A a S89'41'0TW 1095.45' I I 1~ ~ - ~ I I I ~a,n U•J~, ~t~AR ~:~s=.,~~1. FOUR N0.E CRFiF: SUBO^ilSION "'"'s"r "'O''" Ip a o»Im ,ao ruluwm er .1 I nc ro+) Ill / SE COR NE1/4 / SE1/1 SEC. 17 0 S// p,ol sl a la.w'~I -t~- SW CIXi. NEt/4 ' a, SEt/4 SEC. 17 _ L-n •11 la nxwi R ~ SE COR. SEC. 17 _ ra+o r uuv. ry rJprm 'al II;Owi"wC w . M}aaANl TAX I - ~ 660-25A n ATTACHMENT' C 1l11111~111lII~111 2623672 ~ Paae 8 of 13 Il~lllllll~llll • Boulder County Clerk, CO RG 09~02l200q 08.49q R 66.00 tl 0.00 CITY OF BOULDER ~~,~~yr Planning and Development Services _ 1739 Broadway, Third Floor P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306-0791 phone 303-441-1880 fax 303-441-3241 web boulderplandevelop.net CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING BOARD NOTICE OF DISPOSITION You are hereby advised that on January 8, 2004 the following action was taken by the Planning Board based on the standards and criteria of the Land Use Regulations as set forth in Chapter 9- 4, B.R.C. 1981, as applied to the proposed development. DECISION: Approved, with conditions PROJECT NAME: Northfield Commons Vojta Farm and Calvary Bible Ghurch Site Review DESCRIPTION: Site review for the Northfield Commons development, consisting of 190 dwelling units and an expansion of the Calvary Bibfe Evangelical Church, and the Vojta Farm development, consisting of 138 dwelling units, including the following request: LUR2003-00033: Site review for: • Northfield Commons: a residential development of 190 units on 20.99 acres located at 3035 Kalmia, 3245 Kalmia and 3345 Ka?mia • Calvary Bibfe Church: an expansion of the church facilities including an expansion of the sanctuary of the existing church, a 25,000 square foot youth center, and a 15,000 square-foot church office building on 8.86 acres located at 3245 Kalmia Avenue • Vojta Farm: a residential development of 138 dwelling units on 17.32 acres Located at 4195 47th Street. LOCATION: The Northfield Commons and Calvary Church developments are generally located north of Kalmia, south of Palo Parkway, west of the Pleasant View Soccer Fields and east of 28`" Street at 3035 Kalmia, 3245 Kalmia and 3345 Kalmia. The Vojta Farm development located of the southwest corner of Jay Road and 47th Street at 4195 47th Street COOR: N07W03 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See Attachment A APPLICANT: COAST TO COAST DEVELOPMENT, Jeff Eckert, President MARKEL HOMES, Michael Markel, President CALVARY BIBLE CHURCH, Patrick Flaherty, Executive Director ~ 2623672 IIIkllllllklllllllllllllllllll 09902(2004 08:488 I flllll Ilkll 111kk1 IIII kl1 Boulder County Clerk, CO RG R 68.00 D 0.00 OWNER: NORMAN 8 ALVENA VOJTA CALVARY BIBLE EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH MICHAEL MARKEL, GARY CALDERON, J. KIRK HENDRtCKS KALMIA 10 ACRE PARTNERSHIP LTD APPLICATION: Site Review ZONING: Low Density Residential-Developing (LR-D) (residential development) Mixed Density Residential-Developing (MXR-E) (church development) CASE MANAGER: Don Durso VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT: YES: the applicants are requesting five year vested rights for this proposal under the requirements of Section 9-4-12, BRC 1981. REQUESTED VARIANCES FROM THE LAND USE CODE: 1. Side yard setback from an interior side lot line of a minimum 4' on each side and a combined side yard setback of 10' for single family units and duplex units, where 1' for every 2' of building height is required. 2. Side yard setback adjacent to a street of a minimum of 5' for single family units, where 1' for every 2' of building height is required. 3. Front yard setback for parking of a minimum of 15' for eightplex units, where 20' is required. 4. Rear yard setback for all principal uses: SINGLE FAMILY UNITS: a. A minimum of 8' for single family units with rear loaded garages for units on an alley where 20' required (except for single family units exterior to the Vojta Farms development wilt meet 20' rear yard setback). b. A minimum of 10' for the first floor and 14' for the second floor for single family units with front loaded garages where 20' required. DUPLEX UNITS a. A minimum of 8'for the first floor and 12' for the second floor for duplex units with rear loaded garages on an alley where 20' required. b. A minimum of 12'for the first floor and 16' for the second floor for duplex units with front loaded garages where 20' required. c. A minimum of 0' for duplexes with rear loaded garages on an access lane where 20' required. FOURPLEX UNITS: a. A minimum of 8' for all fourplex units with rear loaded garages on an alley where 20' required. b. A minimum of 0' for all fourplex units on 2n access lane where 20' required. EIGHTPLEX UNITS: a. A minimum of 8' for all eightplex units. 5. A minimum of 5' for side yard porches or decks adjacent to a side street for single family, duplex and fourplex units. 6. A minimum of 8' for side yard porches or decks adjacent to a side street for eightplex units. 7. Front and side yard porches allowed on all unit types in compliance with 9-3.2-15, where only allowed on singe family units per code. 8. Two car tandem parking spaces in garage shall be counted as two spaces. This decision may be called up before the City Council on or before February 7, 2004. tf no Gall- up occurs, the decision is deemed final thirty days after the Planning Board's decision. • ' ` 2623672 l 11111111111 111111 1111 IIIII 1111111 !1111 111 111111141 1111 09;02;04 me:.aA • Boulder County Clerk, CO AG R 88.00 •0 0.00 IN ORDER FOR A BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TO BE PROCESSED FOR THIS PROJECT, A SIGNED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AND SIGNED MYLAR PLANS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT WITH DISPOSITION CONDITIONS AS APPROVED SHOWN ON THE MYLAR PLANS, IF THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT IS NOT SIGNED WITHIN SIXTY (60) DAYS OF THE FINAL DECISION DATE, THE PLANNING BOARD APPROVAL AUTOMATICALLY EXPIRES. Pursuant to Section 9-4-8 of the Land Use Regulations (Boulder Revised Code, 1981), the applicant must begin and substantially complete the approved development within five years from the date of final approval (subject to approval of a vested rights ordinance). Failure to "substantially complete" (as defined in Section 9-4-8}the development within five years shall cause this development approval to expire. At its public hearing on January 8, 2004 the Planning Board approved the request with conditions and with the following motion: On a motion by M. Cowles, seconded by S. Mole, the Planning Board approved (7-O) Site Review LUR2003-00033 incorporating the January 8, 2004 staff memorandum as findings of the board, and subject to the following amended conditions of approval: On a friendly amendment by E. Jones, accepted by M. Cowles, the Planning Board deleted condition 2.b.i. On a motion by T. Krueger, seconded by M. Cowles, the Planning Board added (5-2, S. Mole and B. Pommer opposed) a new condition 2.b.i as follows: an alley behind the duplexes on the eastern property line of the Northfield Commons boundary, if practicable, with an eight foot rear yard setback for structures, provided that it does not result in a loss of a dwelling unit. If not practicable, then the plan as shown in the developer's plan dated January 8, 2004 shall be approved. On a friendly amendment by J. Spitzer, accepted by M. Cowles, the Planning Board added the following condition 2.e.: Final architectural design guidelines, subject to the review and comment of the Downtown Design Advisory Board, including the architectural intent, quality, and building materials. The design guidelines will be used for the review of the final architectural plans as part of the building permit review process. On a motion by M. Cowles, seconded by T. Krueger, the Planning Board added (7-0) the following condition 9: The Applicant shall establish abicycle/pedestrian connection on the west side of the Vojta Farm property in alignment with the Barbados street alignment. On a motion by M. Cowles, seconded by T. Krueger, the Planning Board added (6-1, B. Pommer} the following condition 10: If feasible, the Applicant shall align the southernmost east-west street in the Northfield Commons property to align with the east-west street in Sale Lake. On a friendly amendment by E. Jones, accepted by M. Cowles, the Planning Board deleted (7-0) condition 2.b.ii. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. 1. The Applicant shalt be responsible for ensuring that the development shall be in compliance with all approved plans dated January 8, 2004 on file in the City of Boulder Planning Department. 2. Prior to building permit application for any structure, the Applicant shall submit Technical Document Review applications for the following items, which shall be sublect to the review and approval of the City of Boulder Planning and Development Services Division: ' iiC ii II I l` 2623672 ` `fl y`Illl ~~11~~~ ~ ~fl I~~~~ 111 i1~~ 09/02/2004 08c46R I I1~111 ~II~~ IIIIII Boulder County Clerk. c0 FG R 66 00 D 0.00 a. A subdivision application, in accordance with Chapter 9-5, B.R.C. 1981. The Applicant, at the time of subdivision, shall dedicate to the City, at no cost, all fight-of-way and easements that are necessary to serve the property and that are shown on the approved plan to the City. b. A Finat Site Plan which shows the following: i. an alley behind the duplexes on the eastern property tine of Northfield Commons boundary, if practicable, with an eight foot rear yard setback for structures, provided that it does not result ir. a loss of a dwelling unit. If not practicable, then the plan as shown in the developer's plan dated .fan. 8, 2004 shall be approved. ' ii. a bicycle/pedestrian connection on the Vojta Farm property in alignment with the Barbados street alignment as it exists in the Four Mile Creek Subdivision. iii. an alignment of the southernmost east-west street in the Northfield Commons property to align with the east-west street in Sale Lake if feasible. c. Final Engineering Plans for all transportation, utility, and stormwater improvements that meet all requirements of the City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards (DCS) and B.R.C. 1981. Final engineering plans shall include: i. A plan for reconstructing the north side of Kalmia Avenue along the frontage of this site to current City of Boulder residential street collector standards, including curb and gutter, detached sidewalk, and a landscaped streetscape area. ' ;i. A plan for constructing a 12 foot wide concrete multiuse path consistent with criteria in the City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards connecting from the southern east-west aligned street within the Vojta Farms development to Nassau Place within the St. Petersburg right-of-way. iii. A plan for reconstructing the south half of Palo Parkway along the frontage of the site to the current City of [3oulder Residential Collector street standards. d. A detailed landscape plan, including size, quantity, and type of plants existing and proposed; type and quality of non-living landscaping materials; any site grading proposed; and any irrigation system proposed, to insure compliance with this approval and the City's landscaping requirements. Removal of trees must receive prior approval of the Planning Department. Removal of any tree in City right-of-way must also receive prior approval of the City Forester. e. Final architectural design guidelines, subject to the review and comment of the Downtown Design Advisory Board, including the architectural intent, quality, and building materials. The design guidelines will be used for the review of the final architectural plans as part of the building permit review process. ~3. All Technical Document Reviews will be separate applications for each of the two sites with separate application fees, including final plat, engineering, final site plan, and landscaping. 4. Prior to issuance of a building permit application for any structure, final architectural plans, including materials and colors, shall be submitted for the review and approval of the Planning and Development Services Division to ensure compliance with the intent of this approval. The architectural intent shown on the approved plans or in the written statement is acceptable, but is primarily intended to indicate an acceptable quality of development. Planning staff will review plans to assure a comparable level of quality, but architectural style may vary. 5. Due to existing groundwater conditions, no subsurface building construction (basements, etc.) ~ f IIIIII III ~I~I ?623672 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 09!0212004 09.4BA • Boulder County Clerk, CO AG R 98.00 D 0.00 will be permitted within the developments unless the applicant can demonstrate that such construction can occur without any adverse affects to neighboring properties that use a well as a primary domestic water source. This condition shall not apply to underground utility installation or building foundations for floor area constructed substantially at or above the finished grade. 6. The Applicant is responsible for obtaining approvals for any relocations or modifications to irrigation ditches or laterals from the impacted ditch company prior to or as a part of a subdivision approval. 7. The establishment of a vested property right pursuant to Section 9-4-12, B.R.C. 1981, shalt not preclude the application of city ordinances or regulations which are general in nature and are applicable to all property subject to land use regulation. 8. No structure including steps, porches, overhangs, window wells and eaves are allowed to project into any easement or right-of-way. g. The Applicant shall convey drainage in an historical manner and which does not adversely affect adjacent properties. Approved By: i- r , L' Peter Pollock, Planning Director DOWNING THORPE DAMES 0~ ~NCr~ ,ac~~s a ~ _ C a 'r l hf~Y PG~tJ`/NCLUGt~ 'QI V~ /N ~i `j5 $t4PlAIC/!'PtL o k~rZ, ~'N~ 2. f~olrr~ /Spy, ~{y~ ~NL 0 ®p~x ~ GJv~ ~ O 2 ~ ~~s . Q . ~ 1 o e ~ ~ CeI¢lv~. ~ o ~P. O~ ~ ~ ~ 5/Nale ~irWl~~/ 37 Gy W ~u~T p~~` ~ l~ ~ ~ _ ~~t~v uN~ - iy~/ ~ ~ °m W~ ~ - ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ° vo~~ CMS sr~ oa n v3 coast - - la 91053.1 Coast "Cr Markel ~o~